Sleep Research Book

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European Sleep Research Society

1972 2012
40th Anniversary of the ESRS
Editor: Claudio L. Bassetti
Co-Editors: Brigitte Knobl, Hartmut Schulz

European Sleep Research Society

1972 2012
40th Anniversary of the ESRS
Editor: Claudio L. Bassetti
Co-Editors: Brigitte Knobl, Hartmut Schulz

Claudio L. Bassetti
Brigitte Knobl, Hartmut Schulz

Publisher and Layout

Wecom Gesellschaft fr Kommunikation mbH & Co. KG
Hildesheim / Germany

European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Regensburg, Bern, 2012

For amendments there can be given no limit or warranty by editor and publisher.

Table of Contents
Presidential Foreword .

The Future of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine in Europe: A Need for Academic Multidisciplinary Sleep Centres
C. L. Bassetti, D.-J. Dijk, Z. Dogas, P. Levy, L. L. Nobili, P. Peigneux, T. Pollmcher, D. Riemann and D. J. Skene . . . . .

Future Perspectives

Historical Review of the ESRS

General History of the ESRS
H. Schulz, P. Salzarulo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Presidents of the ESRS (1972 2012)

T. Pollmcher . . . . . . . . .


ESRS Congresses
M. Billiard . .


History of the Journal of Sleep Research (JSR)

J. Horne, P. Lavie, D.-J. Dijk . . . . . .


Pictures of the Past and Present of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine in Europe
J. Horne, H. Schulz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Past Present Future

Sleep and Neuroscience
R. Amici, A. Borbly, P. L. Parmeggiani, P. Peigneux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Sleep and Neurology
C. L. Bassetti, L. Ferini-Strambi, J. Santamaria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Psychiatric Sleep Research
T. Pollmcher . . . .
Sleep and Psychology
D. Riemann, C. Espie .

































Sleep and Sleep Disordered Breathing

P. Levy, J. Hedner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sleep and Chronobiology

A. Wirz-Justice, D. Skene, D.-J. Dijk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Sleep and Animal Research
I. Tobler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Dream Research
M. Schredl, S. Schwartz .


Sleep and Genetics

P. Franken, M. Tafti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Sleep Through the Life Span: The First and the Last Steps
P. Salzarulo . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Childhood Sleep Medicine

O. Bruni . . . . . .


Sleep and Memory

P. Maquet, P. Peigneux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Sleep Medicine: Accreditation and Certification
D. Pevernagie, T. Penzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Table of Contents
Sleep and Work
T. kerstedt, G. Kecklund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Epidemiological Sleep Research in Europe
M. Partinen . . . . . . . . . .



The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Manasseina, Pavlov and the Russian School
V. M. Kovalzon . . . . . . . . .

Von Economo and the Hypothalamus

R. Khatami, C. Baumann, C. L. Bassetti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Henri Piron, the Pioneer of 20th Century Sleep Research
C. Gottesmann . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Michel Jouvet and the Lyon School

P.-H. Luppi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


W. R. Hess and the Swiss School

C. W. Hess . . . . . . .


Frdric Bremer 1892 1982: His Cerveau Isol and Encphale Isol Preparations
M. Kerkhofs, D. Pevernagie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Giuseppe Moruzzi: An European School of Neurophysiology in the University of Pisa

C. Batini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


R. Jung, W. Kuhlo, J. H. Peter and the German School

T. Penzel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Elio Lugaresi and the Italian School
F. Cirignotta . . . . . . .


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The National Sleep Societies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Index of Authors .

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 125

Presidential Foreword
The farther backward you can look,
the farther forward you are likely to
Winston Churchill
At the bi-annual meeting of the European Sleep Research Society
in Paris the society will celebrate its 40th anniversary. I thought
that this would be a good occasion to look back at our history, as
we did in 1997 on the occasion of our 25th anniversary. The initial
plan to just update the first book was soon replaced by the idea
of offering a more detailed reflection on the history, present and
future of the ESRS and more generally of sleep research and sleep
The book is structured into four parts. The first part offers a review
of the history of the ESRS, its congresses, presidents and journal.
The second part is composed of 15 mini-reviews on the past,
present and future of specific areas of sleep medicine and sleep
research. The third part is devoted to nine founders and their
schools of sleep research in Europe. In the fourth final part
the 29 European National Sleep Societies present themselves in
terms of history, structure and activities. The contents of the book
are rounded up by a contribution by the ESRS board and the
Chief Editor of JSR on future perspectives of sleep research and
sleep medicine in Europe and by a historical photo collection.
This book has turned out to be a great team effort with contributions
from 72 authors, including six ESRS presidents, three chief editors
of the Journal of Sleep Research, and 29 presidents of European
National Sleep Societies.
Two people have had a fundamental role in the production
of the book. Hartmut Schulz has been involved in the review
process and proofreading of all the chapters. Brigitte Knobl
has coordinated the entire editorial management of the book
including the communication between authors and editors,
as well as the review and production processes. Without their
careful, patient and efficient work this book would not have been
Special thanks also goes to Jim Horne (review process), Ludger
Grote (coordination of the contributions of the National Sleep
Societies), Thomas Pollmcher and Lino Nobili. Anna WirzJustice and Peter Achermann were kind enough to send several
pictures of ESRS members and events they had collected over
the years.
It is my hope that reading (and looking at) this book will not only
bring back pleasant memories to those whom have lived (parts)
of this history but also sharpen the look of those who will make
the future of our Society and the field of sleep research and sleep

Claudio Bassetti
Bern, Switzerland
August 2012

Future Perspectives
The Future of Sleep Research
and Sleep Medicine in Europe:
A Need for Academic
Multidisciplinary Sleep Centres
Claudio L. Bassetti1, Derk-Jan Dijk2, Zoran Dogas3,
Patrick Levy4, Luigi Lino Nobili5, Philippe Peigneux6,
Thomas Pollmcher7, Dieter Riemann8 and Debra J. Skene9
ESRS Board and JSR Editor 2010 2012
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bern,
Switzerland and Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland, Lugano
Surrey Sleep Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XP, UK
Department of Neuroscience, University of Split, School of
Medicine, Split, Croatia
Laboratoire dExploration Fonctionnelle Cardio-Respiratoire,
CHU, Grenoble, France
Centre of Sleep Medicine, Department of Neuroscience,
Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging, Research
Unit, Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Cyclotron
Research Centre, Universit de Lige (ULg), Belgium
Klinikum Ingolstadt, Center of Mental Health, Ingolstadt,
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg,
University Medical Center, Germany
Centre for Chronobiology, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK
The European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) embraces sleep
research and sleep medicine in Europe in its mission. The history
of the society (and its journal), the scientific and teaching contents
of the bi-annual meetings, the activities and composition of the
ESRS board and its bodies reflect a strong commitment to the
entire field of sleep. Within this framework and on the occasion
of the 40th birthday of the society it is important to reflect how
sleep research and sleep medicine could be further developed in
Europe and, more specifically, the strategic and institutional steps
that may be needed to achieve this goal.
Basic (animal and human) sleep research activities in the sleep
field started and developed in Europe under the remit of academic
centres/universities. Similarly, most clinical and research activities
in the field of sleep medicine were also initiated by academic
institutions, usually medical faculties. The use of similar, EEGcentred neurophysiological methods made communication and
interaction within the entire sleep field relatively straightforward
until the 19 sixties and seventies.
Over the last few decades, profound changes in the sleep field
have taken place. On the one hand, basic sleep research has
diversified using new research approaches (e.g. neuroimaging,
neurochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, chronobiology) and
tools. On the other hand, sleep medicine has developed within
traditional medicine (e.g. pulmonology, neurology, psychiatry,
pediatrics) and non-medicine (e.g. psychology) specialties and
spread in many European countries to non-academic hospitals
and clinicians in private practice. As a result the sleep field has
expanded but also fragmented into multiple areas with specific
activities and expertise.

Today, only in a few (mostly academic) European centres do

basic sleep research and multidisciplinary sleep medicine
activities co-exist and interact under the same roof. Is this coexistence useful? Or should we rather accept an atomization
(fragmentation) of the sleep field (as can be seen in research and
clinical practice in general) and consider such multidisciplinary
academic sleep centres as relicts of the past without any
usefulness (and therefore justification) for the future?
Here we advocate that such centres are of great importance
for the future development of both sleep research and sleep
medicine, for the following reasons:
1. Although basic sleep research is well advanced in many areas,
its translation into clinical reality, however, remains limited to
some of them (e.g. chronobiology, cognitive neurosciences,
2. The evolution of sleep medicine (like any other medical
specialty) requires regular and direct contact with sleep
research, in order to allow a rapid and effective translation
of knowledge (well illustrated by the discovery of the
hypocretin neuronal system then within a few years of its role
in physiology and narcolepsy).
3. Conversely, basic sleep researchers should be aware of
and consider in their agenda the key-questions arising in
the clinical arena (e.g. the role of the thalamus in sleep
physiology was also triggered by the description of fatal
familial insomnia).
4. Multiple sleep-wake disturbances quite frequently co-exist
in a single patient (e.g. insomnia and/or daytime sleepiness
with sleep-associated breathing disturbances), making
a multidisciplinary clinical and research approach most
adequate and effective.
5. The creation of a critical mass of interacting sleep researchers
and clinicians is essential for educational (e.g. for the creation
of master/PhD programs), political/academic, and last but
not least financial (e.g. acquisition of competitive grants)
The sleep field because of its strong inter- and multidisciplinarity
nature and the above-mentioned points represents an ideal
example of modern medicine and biology and as such merits
appropriate academic recognition. We believe that in order to
guarantee the further development and growth of sleep research
and sleep medicine, it will be necessary to create formal structures
in which sleep research and sleep medicine can interact and
develop in a comprehensive way.
Following the recognition of sleep medicine as an independent
medical speciality* in 2005 by the accreditation council on
graduate medical education, in 2006 the American National
Academy of Sciences recognized sleep disorders and sleep
deprivation as an unmet public health problem and
recommended the creation of interdisciplinary academic
sleep programs. At that time (2006) only the Universities of
Philadelphia (1991) and Harvard (2001) had already established
comprehensive academic interdisciplinary sleep centers.
Based in the University of Pennsylvania Department of Medicine,
the University of Philadelphia divisions membership reflects
the multidisciplinary nature of sleep medicine and research
( The Division of Sleep Medicine
provides high quality care serving patients with the whole range
of sleep disorders. In providing care, the division ensures that
findings from our research and that of others is transferred into
practice. Our fellows come from many different disciplines, and

Future Perspectives
receive training in all aspects of sleep medicine. Since 2006 five
additional centers (Emory University, Northwestern University,
Stanford University, University of Pittsburgh, University of
Wisconsin) have been created (A. Pack, personal communication,
August 2012).
Comparable initiatives in Europe are not yet completely achieved,
although there is some progress in various and complementary
forms. For instance, the Surrey Sleep Research Centre
( is currently
primarily focused on multidisciplinary and translational sleep
research ranging from genetic studies to informatics, whereas
the Freiburg University Center for Sleep Research and Sleep
Medicine (
develops an integrated clinical sleep medicine approach
with research emphasis in the fields of psychiatric sleep and
insomnia. Although similar initiatives also exist in other European
Universities (e.g. Bern, Lyon, Milano, Split, Zurich), we still need
a clear and well-defined academic anchoring for sleep medicine,
sleep research and education of future sleep professionals.
In this respect, we believe that the following steps should be
considered in the institutionalization of sleep at European
1. Medicine, psychological and biological sciences faculties
(and wherever possible other faculties e.g. sociology, arts and
literature, economics ) should ideally be involved.
2. Within faculties sleep centres should embrace both preclinical
(e.g. physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology,
genetics, neuroscience ...) and clinical departments.
3. Within the clinical realm, the sleep centre should involve
researchers and clinicians from as many specialties as possible
including pulmonology, psychiatry and psychotherapy,
psychology, neurology, paediatrics, ENT, nursing and possibly
others (such as dental medicine, sports and nutritional
4. Given the current economic climate in Europe it seems
unlikely that governing bodies of universities and faculties
will be likely to invest substantial sums of money to
institutionalize such sleep centres. Nevertheless, as a first
step, clinicians and researchers at a European university
should create workgroups/teams to promote joint educational
and dissemination activities to raise awareness and attention
to the sleep field. This can be manifested in the creation of
Masters programs, and in series of seminars and lectures
aiming at students in different fields, as well as to the general
5. In a next step the governing structures of the universities
and faculties should be asked to grant the formation of
multidisciplinary academic sleep centres, suggesting a formal
structure for participants involved. A first practical step could
be the establishment of joint websites and coordinated efforts
to channel the flow of patients in the different out- and
inpatient departments. Working closer together in research
may also encourage application for interdisciplinary research
grants, including those at EU level. Of particular importance
is also the development of educational modules and curricula
(e.g. master/PhD programs) for medical and non-medical
students (e.g. postgraduates, nurses, technologists).
6. The European Sleep Research Society as a roof European sleep
society may be of significant help as a partner in this process.
ESRS initiates and supports both the European educational
activities in sleep, and the European sleep networks. It is also
dedicated to set the European standards for education and

certification of both medical and non-medical sleep experts,

as well as for accreditation of sleep medicine centres. ESRS
is currently in the process of publishing a catalogue of
knowledge and skills for sleep specialists (medical, nonmedical, and technologists) that could be used as a basis
for the development of a standard European education
curriculum in sleep.
7. It is unlikely that this kind of proposed development will take
place at many universities throughout Europe within the next
few years. However, we believe (and hope) that at least in
countries where sleep medicine and sleep research are very
active such sleep centres can be created and possibly develop
into independent interdisciplinary divisions, departments or
institutes within single universities.
In conclusion, academic multidisciplinary sleep centres are
probably one if not the most crucial factor that will contribute to
the future of the sleep field in Europe. This will be made possible
only if all ESRS members actively engage and interact above
disciplinary boundaries to develop novel, both sleep research,
sleep medicine, and education-dedicated structures within our

Historical Review of the ESRS

General History of the ESRS
Hartmut Schulz1 and Piero Salzarulo 2
Department of Educational Science and Psychology,
Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Department of Psychology, University of Florence,
Florence, Italy


Around the middle of the 20th century research on sleep and
wakefulness was impelled by two key findings, (i) the role of the
reticular formation for the activation of the brain (Moruzzi and
Magoun) and (ii) the recognition of rapid eye movement sleep
(Aserinsky, Kleitman, Dement) or paradoxical sleep (Jouvet).
These events stimulated an unprecedented amount of research
activities in the following years (Gottesmann, 2001) and led
in the early sixties to the foundation of the Association for the
Psychophysiological Study of Sleep (APSS) in the US, with annual
meetings. Ten years after its first meeting, the APSS organised an
international congress in Bruges, Belgium, June 19 24, 1971.
Only three months later another International Symposium,
under the title The Nature of Sleep, was organised by Dr. Uro
J. Jovanovic in Wrzburg, Germany, September 23 26, 1971.
At the end of this meeting After thorough discussion among the
European participants of the symposium it was decided to found
a European Society for Sleep Research. A preliminary committee
was formed to organise the Society and plan the next congress.
Those elected to the committee were Walter Baust, Dsseldorf,
Claude Gottesmann, Nice, Uro J. Jovanovic , Wrzburg. Werner
P. Koella (chairman) Basel, Ian Oswald, Edinburgh, and Liviu
Popoviciu (co-chairman), Tirgu-Mures. (Jovanovic , 1972, p. vi).
This was the birth of the decision to establish a European based
sleep research society to bring together researchers from the
different European countries and from abroad.
Obviously the time was ripe to install formally a forum for
scientific exchange between sleep researchers. Before, sleep
as a topic was mainly presented in physiological and clinical
(neurological and psychiatric) meetings. The envisaged society
should give exposure to several aspects of sleep research and
make known the field of sleep outside the people being personally
involved as researchers. Thus, Prof. Werner P. Koella (Basel) and
his team prepared and organised the Founding Congress of a
scientific society, wholly devoted to all aspects of sleep.
The First European Congress of Sleep Research was held in
Basel, Switzerland, October 3 6, 1972. The late Professor
W. R. Hess, the most eminent Swiss Sleep Researcher, agreed
to act as the Honorary President of this First Sleep Congress.
Unfortunately, due to some ailments of old age, he could not
attend. The Local (Organizing) Committee included Drs K. Akert
(Zurich), A. Borbly (Zurich), G. Dumermuth (Zurich), F. Gniers
(Brugg), W. Haefeli (Basel), H. Heimann (Zurich), P. Levin, (Basel,
Secretary), D. M. Loew (Basel), M. Monnier (Basel), D. SchneiderHelmert (Brugg), D. Scollo-Lavizzari (Basel), G. Stille (Bern), and
R. Tissot (Geneva). As Prof. Koella remembers Way over 300
researchers, professors, students and other persons interested in
sleep, from all over Europe (including the countries behind the
Iron Curtain) but also from the Americas and the Near and the Far
East attended our Congress. They all agreed: it was an excellent
show, and a good and promising start into the life of ESRS. The
Scientific Program of this and the following congresses had a
similar structure of Symposia with invited speakers, and Free
Communications, dealing with various themes connected to
the physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and psychology, as

well as the various clinical aspects of sleep. The gathering with

the most far-reaching results was evidently the Business Meeting
at which about 200 of the Congress visitors participated in the
founding of the now official European Sleep Research Society
(ESRS). The main purpose of the newly formed Society, according
to the by-laws, should be ... to promote research on sleep and
related areas, to improve the care for patients with sleep disorders
and to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding sleep
research, ( 2.1). The Founding Committee guided the assembly
through the various businesses, and Prof. Koella was elected
as the first President of the ESRS. In addition to the officers, a
Scientific and Publication Committee under the chairmanship
of W. Baust was established. This Founding Meeting of the ESRS
was terminated with the signing up of 199 Founding Members
to the new Society. Some months after the Meeting and the
Congress a 525-page book SLEEP , edited by W. P. Koella
and P. Levin, appeared, that contained all the Symposia and the
Free Communications presented at the Basel Congress. As fixed
in the bylaws of the ESRS ( 13) Scientific conferences of the
society shall normally take place every second year. This rule
has been followed without any interruption. Thus, the ESRS has
held twenty congresses in the 40 years of its existence.
Purpose and structure of the ESRS
The ESRS was founded in 1972 to promote the research on sleep
and related areas in Europe, to improve the care for patients with
sleep disorders and to facilitate the dissemination of information
regarding sleep research. ( 2.1 of the original bylaws). The
main instrument of the new society to serve this purpose was
the organization of bi-annual congresses to present and discuss
all aspects of sleep and the publication of congress proceedings.
The bodies responsible for these activities were the ESRS Board
and the Scientific Committee. The Board of the society consisted
of five persons (President, Vice President, Secretary, AssistantSecretary and Treasurer). Board members were elected for two
terms, i.e., four years. While in the early years of the Society the
local organiser of the European Sleep Congress became Vice
President for the next two years, in 1996 it was decided that the
Assembly should also vote for the position of Vice President during
the business meeting. The major task of the Scientific Committee
was to support the Board in the preparation of the scientific
program and to evaluate submitted abstracts and thus to secure the
quality of the scientific program of the society meetings.
This limited formal structure of the ESRS, which worked well
in the early years of the ESRS turned out to be insufficient to
cover the increasing requirements of the ever growing sleep
community in Europe. Especially the rapid development of
clinical sleep research and patient care on the national level
necessitated activities on the European level to coordinate the
exchange of experience in training, accreditation procedures and
establishment of quality control, and to harmonize procedures
within Europe. Thus, step by step, the structure of the society
was enlarged. For this reason ad hoc committees were appointed
by the Board in 1997/98, a Clinical Committee (chaired by Jean
Krieger), an Educational Committee (chaired by Piero Salzarulo),
a Development Committee (chaired by Yvonne Navelet) and
finally a Committee on Sleep and Society (chaired by Torbjrn
kerstedt), the latter with the aim to coordinate the increasing
number of National Sleep Foundations. Additional efforts were
needed to enable the ESRS to act as the sole representative for all
aspects of sleep research in the European level to interact with
the science and health authorities of the EU.

Historical Review of the ESRS

Although the ESRS, from the beginning, covered all aspects of
sleep science (animal, human, basic, clinical and applied),
the policy of the society had to be adapted with the increasing
importance of sleep medicine in Europe. For this reason in 2004
the Board was proposing to change the bylaws to emphasize
that the ESRS will engage more than presently in medical aspects
of sleep. The respective changes of the bylaws were accepted by
the Assembly during the congress in Prague, while at the same
occasion the Assembly decided not to change the traditional
name of the society. In retrospect Irene Tobler, then Past President
summarized the result in the January 2005 Newsletter: Although
ESRS has always strived to maintain a balance between basic and
clinical aspects of sleep in its congress programs, the explicit
inclusion of sleep medicine was important to enhance the
attractiveness of the society for the many National sleep societies
in Europe. They should feel represented by the ESRS, and make
use of our society to promote their interests. Without excellent
basic research performed at all levels, clinical aspects shall
be unable to make substantial progress. Every effort should be
made by colleagues involved in sleep to promote basic research.
The close interaction between clinicians and scientists of many
disciplines is necessary to bring our field forward. A close
cooperation between the National Sleep Societies and the ESRS
was recognized as mutually interesting for both sides to enhance
the visibility of sleep science at the level of the European Union.
The ESRS bylaws were amended appropriately and state now in
2.3 that The society will coordinate the activities of the National
European Sleep Societies, and represent basic and clinical sleep
research as well as sleep medicine in Europe. These activities
were implemented by a Steering Committee, chaired by Jrgen
Fischer. From these activities evolved later the Sleep Medicine
Committee (SMC) to cope with the needs and demands of sleep
medicine in Europe. Current and foreseen tasks of the SMC are (a)
standards of practice papers and guidelines for clinical service, (b)
certification of sleep medicine professionals, and (c) accreditation
of sleep medicine centres. In order to advance these tasks the
committee works with the ESRS Board and with representatives
from the national sleep societies in Europe. The representatives
from the national sleep societies are formally represented by
delegates forming the Executive Committee of the Assembly of
National Sleep Societies (ANSS). In 2006 an important change in
the bylaws allowed the integration of the National Sleep Societies
and their almost 5000 members as associated members of the
ESRS. Finally, in 2006 a major amendment to the bylaws fixed
procedures on the installation and dissolution of temporary or
permanent committees. At the same time, the number of officers
of the Board was raised. At present there are two Vice Presidents,
one for basic, the other for clinical topics, and a Board member
co-opted from the Association of National Sleep Societies (ANSS).
Finally, three Advisory Members belong to the Board, namely
the organizer of the previous ESRS meeting and two membersat-large, the chief editor of the Journal of Sleep Research and a
member from a non-European sleep research society.

2010 the organization of the ESRS meetings has been given to the
professional congress organizer (PCO) Congrex.

Sleep medicine as a sub-speciality, which is under development

on a national level (see chapter on the National Sleep Societies),
has gained excellent representation within the ESRS to shape and
represent sleep medicine on a European level.

Pisa Award: The award was created in 1994 due to the initiative
of Prof. Luigi Murri, Pisa. The recipient of the award is selected
by a committee (chaired by Prof. Murri) in which take part the
president of the ESRS as well as the presidents of the Societ
italiana di ricerca sul sonno and of the Associazione italiana di
medicina del sonno. The name of the recipient is announced at
the ESRS congress and he or she gives a lecture in Pisa.

ESRS meetings
The biannual ESRS meetings took place since 1972, prepared by
the local organizers in close cooperation with the ESRS President
and Board. Since 2008 the Scientific Committee is actively
involved in planning and finalizing the meeting. Finally, since

Prizes and awards

To promote excellence and to attract young researchers, the ESRS
awards different prizes and grants. In addition, the President of
the ESRS is member of the selection committee of the prestigious
Pisa Award. The European Sleep Science Award has been created
by the European Sleep Research Society to recognize members
who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of sleep
research. The recipient shall, during their career, have contributed
to discoveries that significantly advanced the field. The award will
be presented every two years at the Societys scientific meeting.
The choice of the awardee is made by the ESRS board together
with the Scientific Committee. The European Sleep Science
Award 2010 was granted to Michel Jouvet for his contributions to
the definition of the fundamental principles of the field of sleep
research and sleep medicine. (Table 1).
Name of the Prize,
Award, or Grant


Prize/Award Winner

W. R. Hess Prize


Scott Campbell (San Diego, CA)

and Jrgen Zulley (Munich)

Pisa Award


Michael Jouvet (Lyon)


Elio Lugaresi (Bologna)


Alexander Borbly (Zurich)


David Parkes (London)


Torbjrn kerstedt (Stockholm)


Peretz Lavie (Haifa)


Giulio Tononi (Madison, WI)


Irene Tobler (Zurich)


Claudio Bassetti (Bern)


Research grant for young


ESRS Sanofi-Synthlabo
European Sleep Research

Helgi Kristbjarnsons Awards Since


Poster prices

ESRS Sleep Science Award

Michel Jouvet (Lyon)


W. R. Hess Prize: The price, which was bestowed by Prof. W. P.

Koella was conferred only once. The two recipients gave a Hess
Price lecture on Napping as a biological rhythm: disentrainment
of the human sleep/wake system during the opening ceremony
of the 8th ESRS congress.

ESRS Sanofi-Aventis Research Grants: The grant for young

scientists was first conferred during the 10th ESRS congress. The

Historical Review of the ESRS

first recipient was Pierre Maquet. Up to 4 research grants are
given per congress.
Helgi Kristbjarnsons Awards: Since 2004 the Icelandic Society
of Sleep Medicine gives five Helgi Kristbjarnson awards the 5
best abstracts submitted to the ESRS congresses.
Publications and media of the ESRS
Beginning with the 1972 Founding Congress, proceedings were
published for each of the next 10 congresses in hard cover
book format. When Werner Koella implemented and edited the
Proceedings, he had a twofold aim in mind, as he stated in the
preface of the first volume: first to offer to all of the participants
a complete set of all the information disseminated during the
Congress and, second, to make available to all those interested
in sleep research, a selection of the latest advances in the field.
Such structured and permanent information was important for
the formation of the new society, and greatly contributed to make
sleep visible as a new and fascinating research topic. The typical
format of contributions to the Proceedings were short papers,
based either on symposia contributions or free communications.
While Werner Koella was Editor-in-Chief of the first eight
proceedings, Jim Horne was charged to edit the next volumes of
the series. The last Proceedings volume was published in 1990,
containing selected contributions from the 10th ESRS Congress
in Strasbourg. At that time a discussion on the suitability of the
format of the Proceedings was initiated by Alex Borbly, President
of the ESRS. The result of this discussion was that limitations of
the Proceedings, such as bi-annual appearance, limited length of
contributions became evident, and, in addition, the increasing
number of contributions to the ESRS meetings required a more
flexible type of publication format that would better serve the
growing needs of the European sleep community. This becomes
evident, when one compares the number of participants of the
ESRS meeting which rose from well over 200 in the 1st meeting to
1200 in the 14th (Madrid) and 1550 in the 20th (Lisbon) meeting.
Thus it was decided to stop publication of congress proceedings
and to found instead the Journal of Sleep Research (JSR) as
the major publication organ of the ESRS. The first issue of JSR
appeared in 1992, twenty years after the foundation of the ESRS
and eight years after the journal Sleep.
The ESRS Newsletter became the main vehicle for informing
the membership about the activity of the Board and all ongoing
activities within the ESRS between the meetings. In 2002
the Newsletter was produced electronically. The electronic
Newsletter was the first step to use the new media of the digital
era for timely and efficient communication within the ESRS. This
first step was followed by the installation of a professional ESRS
Web site ( with current information and an
archive of the previous Newsletters and other information. A final
step was reached in 2012, when the Journal of Sleep Research
went fully electronic. The full use of the new media by the ESRS
will deeply influence the style of communication within the
network of sleep scientists in Europe.
The relationship between the ESRS and other sleep societies
The ESRS as a continental society of sleep researchers has a
position between other continental societies on the one hand
and national or local societies on the other. With this in mind,
different activities were initiated in the early nineties to promote
relationships between the ESRS and other sleep societies. During
his presidency Pier Luigi Parmeggiani took the initiative, together
with colleagues from the APSS, for the foundation of the World

Federation of Sleep Research Societies (WFSRS, now World

Federation of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies,
WFSRSMS, or World Sleep Federation, WSF) with the aim to
establish exchange between continental societies and to enable
international congresses with a balanced contribution of sleep
researchers from different continents.
The ESRS has a formalized collaboration with the European
Respiratory Society (ERS) in form of an international meeting
on Sleep and breathing. The initiative was started by Claudio
Bassetti and Patrick Levy. The first meeting, which was held in
Prague 2011, was attended by almost 1.000 people. The second
meeting is planned for Berlin in 2013.
Committees and networks of the ESRS
In 1996 the Clinical Committee published a consensus statement
in the ESRS Newsletter, specifying its structure and purpose:
The Clinical Committee of the European Sleep Research
Society, composed of delegates of each National Sleep Research
Society, was appointed by the ESRS in order to harmonise the
education in sleep physiology and pathology of sleep medicine
across European countries and across medical and ancillary
disciplines. The Clinical Committee was later transformed into
the Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC) which copes with the
needs and demands of sleep medicine in Europe. The SMC acts
as the major link between the ESRS Board and the representatives
of the national sleep societies, which are formally represented by
delegates forming the Executive Committee of the Assembly of
National Sleep Societies (ANSS).
Research Networking Committee. The purpose of the committee
is to coordinate European sleep research by establishing a
database of ESRS Sleep Research Laboratories and Travel Awards
to enable exchange of relevant information, technologies,
research results and human resources.
European Sleep disorders networks. In recent years the ESRS
has supported the establishment of patient oriented research
by establishing three clinical networks, namely for narcolepsy,
sleep apnea, and insomnia. The purpose of these networks is to
promote research on the diseases and to improve medical care
in the respective field. The networks received in 2010 and this
year time slots in the ESRS meeting. The initiative was started by
Claudio Bassetti and Dieter Riemann.
Training programs of the ESRS
Training of young scientists from different fields on topics of
basic and clinical sleep research is one of the major tasks of the
ESRS. For this purpose in 1996 the ESRS initiated the European
Network of Sleep Laboratories (ENSTL) which enabled young
scientists or advanced students to visit experienced laboratories
to learn new techniques and methodologies. In 2010 this
network was replaced by the ESRS Sleep Research Laboratories
( This database was established
to enhance visibility of sleep researchers and their laboratories
and promote exchange between researchers. Travel grants
are currently awarded annually by the ESRS to allow young
researchers to visit any of the ESRS Sleep Research Laboratories.
Sleep training courses were offered by the ESRS for the first
time in connection with the 1998 Congress in Madrid, and this
later became a tradition. From 2003 on the ESRS sponsored
teaching courses for young clinical or experimental researchers

Historical Review of the ESRS

independent from the bi-annual congresses. The first course was
held 7 9 November 2003 in Munich.
The most visible and high-impact training activity of the ESRS was
the 4-year (20072010) Program Training in Sleep Research
and Sleep Medicine which was fully funded by the European
Union within the Marie Curie Actions. The Program was
finalized thanks to Thomas Pollmcher, Tarja Porkka Heiskanen,
and Irene Tobler, and was coordinated by Roberto Amici with the
fundamental support of Debra J. Skene and Maria Wiechmann.
The Program allowed 168 young trainees from 36 countries to
receive both theoretical and practical training on sleep thanks
to 4 teaching courses, that were held in Bertinoro (Italy), and
the activity of 11 practical training sites around Europe. Fortythree keynote speakers and more than fifty trainers were involved
in the project, which culminated in the unforgettable Final
Symposium that was held at Kloster Seeon; Bavaria, July 2010.
ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research
The Forum, which was initiated by Irene Tobler, Tarja PorkkaHeiskanen, Theresa Sagales, Teresa Paiva, Myriam Kerkhofs and
Eveline de Bruin got the status of a working group within the ESRS
during the business meeting in Istanbul 2000. Since that time the
Forum has established regular meetings at the ESRS congresses.
Gottesmann, C. The golden age of rapid eye movement sleep
discoveries. 1. Lucretius--1964. Prog. Neurobiol., 2001, 65: 211287.
Jovanovic, U. J. (ed) The Nature of Sleep Die Natur des Schlafes
La Nature de Sommeil. G. Fischer, Stuttgart, 1972.


Historical Review of the ESRS

The Presidents of the ESRS
(1972 2012)
Thomas Pollmcher
Klinikum Ingolstadt, Center of Mental Health,
Krumenauerstr. 25, D80992 Ingolstadt, Germany
Werner P. Koella, deceased in 2008, was the
founding president of the ESRS and served as
president from 1972 1976. In the 1940s he
studied neurophysiology in Zurich with the later
Nobel prize laureat Walter R. Hess. From 1951
to 1968 he was for several years as a Major with
the US army and later headed a NIH founded
research unit at Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.
After 1968 he hold the position of s scientist expert at CibaGeigy, Basel and was actively teaching neurophysiology at the
University of Bern until his retirement in 1982.
Werner P. Koella was the driving force behind the establishment
of the European Sleep Research Society. He even invested his
own money into the society, created the Hess price; and for many
years he edited the ESRS congress proceedings.
Pierre Passouant (second ESRS president
1976 1980), deceased in 1983, was
Professor of Experimental Medicine
and created in 1947 the EEG and EMG
laboratories at the St. Charles Hospital in
Montpellier, where he and his coworkers
performed polysomnographic recordings
since 1958. His main areas of research were
epilepsy and narcolepsy.
Pierre Passouant co-organized the third and fourth ESRS
congress in Trgu-Mures (Romania) and in Amsterdam (The
Netherlands). Deciding to have a congress in one of the most
austere Eastern countries was not without practical and political
risks. Communications between Montpellier and Trgu-Mures to
evaluate the quality of the facilities were quite slow and some
members were opposed to have a congress in a communist
country and refused to participate. As for the Amsterdam Congress
it was organized at the last minute after the late withdrawal, for
health problems, of the local organizer in Birmingham, however,
it became a great success.
Ian Oswald (third ESRS president 1980
1984), deceased in 2012, was Professor of
Psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh.
Although the prominent topic of his own
research was the pharmacology of sleep,
he was interested and published in many
other areas, such as the restorative functions
of sleep and endocrine sleep regulation.
In 1963 he was awarded the Gaskell Gold Medal in Clinical
Psychiatry of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association, and
was a Foundation Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
He co-organized the fifth and sixth ESRS congresses in Zurich
(Switzerland) and Munich (Germany).

Pier Luigi Parmeggiani (fourth ESRS

president 1984 1988) is Professor Emeritus
of Physiology at the Medical Faculty of the
University of Bologna. He received the
Distinguished Scientist Award of the Sleep
Research Society of U.S.A. and the Gold
Medal for Science and Culture of the Italian
Republic. His major research topics were
the regulation of body temperature, circulation and respiration
in sleep, and the physiology of the limbic system and the
Pier Luigi Parmeggiani co-organized the eighth ESRS Congress
in Szeged (Hungary), where the W.R. Hess Prize was awarded
to Scott Campbell and Jrgen Zulley. The scientific committee
was restructured, enlarged and received a chairman. He also
organized the ninth ESRS congress in Jerusalem (Israel). The
preparation of the congress in Israel was particular difficult due
to considerable concerns in view of the intifada at that time.
Alexander Borbly (fifth ESRS president
1988 1992) is Professor emeritus of
Pharmacology at the University of Zurich.
After postdoctoral training in biosignal
analysis at MIT (Cambridge, Mass.) he
established an animal and human sleep lab
in Zurich, focusing on sleep regulation and
its modeling. For his research he received
numerous awards including two honorary doctorates.
During Alexander Borblys presidentship the 10th ESRS Congress
was held in Strasbourg in 1990, and two years later the 20th
birthday of the Society was celebrated during the 11th ESRS
Congress in Helsinki. The Young Scientists Symposium was
initiated at the 1990 congress and has since become an important
part of ESRS congresses. A first meeting with the chairpersons of
the National and Regional Sleep Research Societies in Europe
was convened. In 1990 the Board and Scientific Committee of
the ESRS approved the foundation of a new journal, the Journal of
Sleep Research, and Jim Horne was appointed as the first editor.
The first issue of the new journal appeared in March 1992.
Torbjrn kerstedt (sixth ESRS president
1992 1996) is Professor of Behavioral
Medicine and director of the Stress Research
Institute, Stockholm University (affiliated to
the Karolinska Institute). His major research
activities are related to stress and work
hours, sleep regulation, and sleepiness in
He co-organized the 12th and 13th ESRS congresses in 1994
(Firenze) and 1996 (Brussels). One major event during Torbjrn
kerstedts presidency was the launching of the Journal of Sleep
Research, which had, of course been prepared by the previous
board. When he was president, an extensive revision of the ESRS
bylaws, leading to more membership participation in the board
elections, was performed, and the first European countries started
to found national sleep societies.


Historical Review of the ESRS

Michel Billiard (seventh ESRS president 1996
2000) is Professor emeritus of Neurology at the
University of Montpellier. Before, he was head
of the department of Neurology at the Gui de
Chauliac Hospital. He developed the earlier
small sleep unit in Montpellier to a large sleep
disorders center. His major scientific interests
are hypersomnias of central origin.
Michel Billiard co-organized the 14th ESRS congress in Madrid
and the 15th ESRS congress in Istanbul (2000). During his
presidency ESRS went online with the first home page of the
Society (March 1997). At the occasion of the 25th Anniversary a
booklet ESRS 1972 1997 was compiled. The ESRS was officially
registered as a non-profit organization according to German
law in Regensburg and teaching sessions were for the first time
implemented during the congress in Istanbul.
Irene Tobler (eighth ESRS president 2000
2004) is Professor emeritus of Zoology at
the University of Zurich. She headed there
the Section Animal Sleep of the Institute of
Pharmacology. She graduated in Biology and
joined the laboratory of Alexander Borbly
in 1975. Her major research topic is sleep
regulation in animals. Her main interest is
comparative behavior and physiology of
sleep as well as phylogeny of sleep, studying sleep in more than
20 species. These included invertebrates such as cockroaches and
scorpions, in which she identified a mammalian-like homeostatic
aspect of sleep regulation. During Irene Toblers presidency the
16th and 17th ESRS Congress were held in Iceland and in Prague.
The 17th congress was the first where ESRS could profit from
the revenues enabling the board to carry administrative costs
and support teaching and education. During a meeting with
the presidents of the National Societies and the ESRS board in
Mallorca in 2004 a steering committee was founded to initiate
the process of integrating National Sleep Societies into ESRS. A
first program for young sleep scientists was made possible by an
unrestricted educational grant from industry, resulting in three
highly successful courses.
Thomas Pollmcher (ninth ESRS president
2004 2008) is Professor of Psychiatry at
the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
and Director of the Center of Mental Health,
Klinikum Ingolstadt, Germany. He had his
university and medical training in Freiburg
and Munich, and he headed the human
sleep research group at the Max Planck
Institute of Psychiatry until he moved to Ingolstadt in 2004. His
major research topics are sleep in psychiatric disorders, and
metabolic and immunological aspects of sleep.
Thomas Pollmcher co-organized the 18th and the 19th ESRS
congress in Innsbruck and Glasgow. He designed the new bylaws
including the Assembly of National Sleep Societies as in integral
body into ESRS and he headed a big EU funded educational
Marie Curie program providing intensive one-week teaching
courses to 160 students Europe wide during 4 years.


Claudio Bassetti (tenth ESRS president, 2008

2012) is Professor of Neurology and Director of
the Department of Neurology at the University
Hospital in Bern, Switzerland. In the past, he
headed the sleep center in Bern (19922001),
and established clinical and experimental sleep
laboratories in the neurology departments of
Zrich (20012009) and Lugano (2009 2012).
He is current president of the Swiss Neurological Society and
president-elect of the European Neurological Society (ENS).
His major research topics are sleep in neurological disorders,
narcolepsy, and stroke.
He was awarded the 2010 Pisa Sleep Award.
Claudio Bassetti co-organized the 20th and the 21th ESRS congress
in Lisbon and Paris, where the ESRS Sleep Research Award was
given for the first two times. He professionalized the organization
of the society, fostered the development of ESRS sleep medicine
curricula and certifications, supported the activities of continental
research networks, enhanced the involvement of the scientific
committee in the organization of the ESRS meeting, strengthened
the links with other professional Societies (co-organizing the first
two meetings with the European Respiratory Society), and edited
the ESRS 40th anniversary book.

Historical Review of the ESRS

ESRS Congresses
Michel Billiard
Department of Neurology, Gui de Chauliac Hospital,
Montpellier, France
The history of European Congresses of Sleep Research goes back to a
sleep symposium in Wrzburg (Germany), 1971, where a founding
Committee including Drs. Baust, Gottesmann, Jovanovic, Koella
(chairman), Oswald and Popoviciu was established.
One year later the 1st European Congress of Sleep Research
took place in Basel (Oct 3 6, 1972) under the chairmanship
of Prof. Werner P. Koella. Over 300 researchers, clinicians and
other persons interested in sleep, from all over Europe, including
countries behind the iron curtain, North and Latin America, Near
and Far East attended the Congress, and it was a great success.
On October 4th, at the Business Meeting, the European Sleep
research Society (ESRS) was founded and agreed that the ESRS
shall organize a Scientific Congress every other year. From 1972
on, a congress was organized every other year without exception.
The preparation of the Congress
The initial meetings were entirely under the responsibility of the
local organizer communicating with the President. Subsequently,
step by step, the scientific organization of the Congress was
transferred to the board and the scientific committee.
Preparation of the congresses happened to be more than
problematic in some cases. The 4th Congress in Tirgu-Mures
(Romania), the first one to be held in an eastern country, had
to face logistic and political issues. On the logistic side it was
difficult to evaluate the facilities that would be available for the
scientific sessions and the accomodation for delegates. On the
political side some members were opposed to have a Congress in
a communist country and refused to attend. Of note, Michel Jouvet
was quite critical of the regime at the opening ceremony and a
team conducted by J. L. Valatx, from Lyon, asked and obtained
permission to visit political prisoners during the Congress.
The next Congress, initially decided to be held in Birmingham,
was a nightmare for Pierre Passouant. For many months he
received no answers to his letters, until eventually the local
organizer threw in the sponge and announced he was not able
to organize the Congress. As an emergency measure, Pierre
Passouant contacted Piet Visser from Amsterdam, who after a
weeks reflection, very elegantly accepted the challenge.
Another issue concerned the preparation of the 9th Congress in
Jerusalem. About a year before the planned time of the Congress,
letters were sent to members of the Society suggesting a change
to the Congress venue, because of the political situation in Israel.
Nevertheless, it went ahead as planned, and with weeks of
insomnia for the local organizer.
Twelve years later the same scenario occurred for the Istanbul
Congress. A petition was submitted to the Board of the Society,
requesting a postal ballot over postponing the congress due to
violations of human rights in Turkey. Again, the Congress was
able to go ahead as planned, but only after weeks of turmoil for
the President and the local organizers.
Starting with the 20th Meeting in Lisbon the organization of the
bi-annual meeting has been coordinated by the PCO of the
society (Congrex).
The Congress
The opening ceremony and the guest lectures
Each congress starts with an opening ceremony attended by local
political and scientific authorities. I must mention that the 16th

Congress in Reykjavik was opened by the President of Iceland,

lafur Ragnar Grimsson and the 17th Congress in Prague by the
Mayor of Prague, Pavel Bm, M.D. Usually, guest lectures by
famous local people are also organized and Id like to cite two
of them: Dream and Reality by Prof Ilkka Niiniluoto, Professor
of theoretical philosophy at the University of Helsinki. The other
was a history of a diverse collection of lullabies by Cihat Askin,
a Turkish violinist with an unusually rich and varied background,
who then interpreted some lullabies with the help of two other
Starting in Lisbon the opening ceremony has included, in addition
to the traditional young investigators symposium, also the award
ceremony for the ESRS Sleep Research Prize.
The scientific program
The program of the 1st Congress in Basel included 5 symposia
with invited speakers. Since then, various features have been
progressively added to the programme. The first one was a
special lecture at the Tirgu-Mures Congress (1978), followed by
what have been special lectures or state of the art lectures in later
A second initiative was the introduction of a Young Scientist
Symposium taking place after the opening ceremony, in which
five new blood researchers who have recently finished or are
about to finish their doctorate, present their data. The first was
organized in Strasbourg (1990).Then came Teaching Courses in
Istanbul (2000), clinical case presentations and video sessions in
Prague (2004), debate sessions in Innsbruck (2006) and meet the
professor sessions in Lisbon (2010).
Another successful initiative was the introduction of satellite
symposia including the European Society of Sleep Technologists
(ESST) since the Helsinki Congress, the European (Pediatric) Sleep
Club and the ESRS Forum for Women in Sleep Research since the
Madrid Congress.
Meetings of the National Sleep Societies began at the Florence
Congress (1994) with a further stimulus to these by Irene Tobler,
starting in 2000.
Finally, the Lisbon Congress was the occasion of four European
Sleep Network Sessions (on sleep apnea, narcolepsy, insomnia
and restless legs syndrome).
Business meeting
This is a key time of each Congress. It includes the acceptance of
the Minutes of the previous Business Meeting, the reports of the
President, Secretary, Assistant-Secretary, Vice-President (Basic),
Vice President (Clinical), Treasurer, the report of the Assembly
of National Sleep Societies, the report of the Journal of Sleep
Researchs editor, the election of the members of the Board of
officers, the election of the Scientific Committee, and voting for
the location of the next conference but one (i.e. four years ahead).
Social programs
It is absolutely impossible to cite all the great time we had in the
different Congresses. Let me recall: the semi-formal banquet on
a large river-boat in Basel, the memorable mechoui prepared
on the lawn of an old mansion along the river Lez in Montpellier,
the boat trip on the Amsterdam canals to the Institute Maison
Descartes, the candle light dinner with music in the main
building of the University of Zurich, the superb walk in the Alps
at the Munich Congress, the Csarda-party in a traditional inn, on
the bank of the river Tisza in Szeged, the sound and light show
at the Tower of David in Jerusalems old city, the evening wine
tour in Alsacian villages, the banquet at Castillo de Verrazzano,
a XV century castle in the famous Chianti region at the Florence

Historical Review of the ESRS

Congress, the welcome receptions at the Comic Strip Museum
in Brussels, at the Railway Museum in Madrid and in the Esma
Sultan Mansion on the Bosphorus in Istanbul, the adventurous
rafting on a river with an optional 10 meter high jump in the
water in Iceland, the party in the Pantheon of the National
Museum of Prague, one of the most celebrated secular halls of
the Czech architecture, the opening ceremony led by the Scottish
folk-rock band Skerryvore at a ceilidh on the former Renfrew
Ferry in Glasgow and the welcome reception with a traditional
show of the group of dance from the North of Portugal in Lisbon.
One of the main non-scientific events of ESRS Congresses has
been the soccer match between Italy and the rest of the world,

initially inspired from the soccer match which took place at the
International APSS Congress in Bologna (1983). The very first
was scheduled during the Munich Congress (1984), but due to
heavy rain it had to be cancelled. Eventually, it took place in
Szeged (1986) where one of the players arms was broken. At
the Helsinki Congress Alexander Borbly made a spectacular
save as a goal keeper, but broke two fingers. In Prague the usual
Italy against the rest of the world was replaced by a NorthSouth contest and in Lisbon by Portugal against the rest of the
Below is a summary of ESRS Congresses from the very beginning
in Basel to the last one in Lisbon. Now, we begin the journey
of the next 10 years of the ESRS Congresses when the 50th
anniversary of the Society will be celebrated bon voyage!




President of the ESRS

Chairman of the organizing


Number of


Basel, Switzerland

Oct 3 6, 1972

Werner P. Koella

approx. 300


Rome, Italy

Apr 8 11, 1974

Werner P. Koella

Mario Bertini


Montpellier, France

Sep 6 10, 1976

Werner P. Koella

Pierre Passouant

approx. 300

Tirgu-Mures, Romania

Sep 11 15, 1978

Pierre Passouant



The Netherlands

Sep 2 5, 1980

Pierre Passouant

Piet Visser

approx. 300


Zurich, Switzerland

Mar 23 26, 1982

Ian Oswald

Alexander Borbly


Munich, Germany

Sep 6 9 1984

Ian Oswald

Eckart Rther


Szeged, Hungary

Sep 1 5, 1986

Pier-Luigi Parmeggiani

Ferenc Obal


Jerusalem, Israel

Sep 5 9, 1988

Pier-Luigi Parmeggiani

Peretz Lavie



Strasbourg, France

May 20 25, 1990

Alexander Borbly

Daniel Kurtz



Helsinki, Finland

Jul 5 10, 1992

Alexander Borbly

Markku Partinen

approx. 700


Florence, Italy

May 22 27, 1994

Torbjrn kerstedt

Piero Salzarulo



Brussels, Belgium

Jun 16 21, 1996

Torbjrn kerstedt

Myriam Kerkhofs



Madrid, Spain

Sep 9 12, 1998

Michel Billiard

Antonio Vela-Bueno

approx. 1200


Istanbul, Turkey

Sep 12 16, 2000

Michel Billiard

Erbil Gozukirmizi
Hakan Kaynak

approx. 800


Reykjavik, Iceland

Jun 3 7, 2002

Irene Tobler

Thorarinn Gislason



Prague, Czech Republic

Oct 5 9, 2004

Irene Tobler

Sona Nevsimalova

approx. 1300


Innsbruck, Austria

Sep 12 16, 2006

Thomas Pollmcher

Birgit Hgl
Werner Poewe

approx. 1200


Glasgow, Scotland

Sep 9 13, 2008

Thomas Pollmcher

Colin Espie



Lisbon, Portugal

Sep 14 18, 2010

Claudio Bassetti

Teresa Paiva



Paris, France

Sep 4 8, 2012

Claudio Bassetti

Jean-Louis Ppin

yet unknown








Historical Review of the ESRS

History of the Journal of Sleep
Research (JSR)
Jim Horne1, Peretz Lavie2 and Derk-Jan Dijk3
Loughborough University UK
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
University of Surrey UK

Jim Horne: 1990 2008 Under the ESRS presidency of Alexander

Borbly, the Journal of Sleep Research officially came into being
at an ESRS Board meeting, held early December 1990. Until
then, the only official publications for Society were the biannual
books (SLEEP 1976 onwards) containing selected papers from
ESRS conferences. The idea for establishing the Journal had been
around for some time beforehand, and a survey of ESRS members
(who would be expected to subscribe) had been positive.
However, following news that the journal Sleep was expanding
into Europe and wanting to recruit Alexander B. as European
Editor, Alex called a meeting, in Zurich, on 17th November
with representatives of national sleep societies, to discuss the
establishment of our Journal. An account of this meeting in
the December 1990 ESRS Newsletter, describes the 6 h session
as animated and amicable, eventually resulting in a ratio of
3:1 majority vote to immediately go ahead with the Journal. Its
emphasis was to be on basic and experimental research, so as not
to compete too directly with the journal Sleep but, nevertheless,
ours had to be an international journal reaching the USA, for
example, and with vigorous peer review. Jim Horne, then the
current editor of the SLEEP books, was invited to be Editor-inChief of JSR, with the following invited (and appointed) as
Associate Editors able to cover a wide spectrum of expertise, and
to be responsible for handling submitted papers in their specialist
areas: Joelle Adrien, Torbjorn kerstedt, Alexander Borbly,
David Parkes, Pier Luigi Parmeggiani, Markku Partinen, Hartmut
Schulz, Irene Tobler and Rudi VandenHoofdakker. Michel
Jouvet agreed to be Honorary Editor, and an Advisory Board was
established with representatives from many countries within and
beyond Europe. The SLEEP books would discontinue.
A publisher had to be found who would allow the ESRS to retain
the Journals copyright, as thus make the Society the Journals
owner. However, this proved difficult as the norm was for the
publisher to retain copyright. A publisher who originally agreed,
suddenly changed their mind, and now wanting sole rights.
Luckily, Blackwells Science soon stepped in and agreed to our
terms, and the contract was signed on 3rd April 1991. They have
remained with us, although, having more recently been taken
over by Wiley International to form Wiley-Blackwell.
That year (1991) the Editor and Associate Editors worked closely
as a team on many aspects of the Journals foundation. Our first
Editorial Board meeting was in Amsterdam, on 29th April 1991,
where we finalised specifications for the types of manuscripts
instructions to authors, the design and colour of JSRs cover, and
the logo. In fact, we spent more time deliberating over JSRs logo
than anything else on that day, as everyone had their own ideas.
Eventually, we decided on a woodcut by Camille Flammarion
(1882) as shown, which is a copy of an earlier original by the Durer
school. In a rather light-hearted manner, we thought it symbolised
the struggling sleep researcher, dressed in a night-shirt, slippers
and bed-hat, making a breakthrough in the understanding of the
influence of daylight and darkness (sun and moon) on circadian
(wheel-like) aspects of sleep (there is a sort of hypnogram being

grasped). If one looks closely at the upper left side of the picture,
there is even something that distinctly resembles the discharge
pattern of burst cells in REM sleep. On the other hand, one might
think, as Drer did, that it depicts Der neue Mensch durchbricht
die begrenzte Welt des ptolemischen Universums und erblickt
neue Wunder (the new man breaks through the limited world of
the ptolemaic universe and perceives new wonders).

Together with the ESRS Board, difficult decisions had to be

made, especially the need for a compulsory inclusion of JSRs
subscription into ESRS membership dues. A call for papers went
out with the June 1991 ESRS newsletter, which was soon followed
by an agreeably surprising and very encouraging response,
that enabled an impressive portfolio of excellent papers to be
accepted (the very first paper accepted was by Bunnel et al.);
quite sufficient for the 1992 launch. Issue 1 appeared that March,
and followed by the quarterly issues. The first supplement soon
followed, in June 1992, comprising the abstracts of the ESRS
Helsinki Congress.
To encourage ESRS members to take up an initial subscription to
JSR, we made this painless by combining it within a discounted
early registration for the Helsinki Congress, and obtained
459 early subscriptions, which was excellent. Thereafter the
subscription was added to the annual dues; a manoeuvre that
seemed not to deter ESRS membership.
The next milestone was to be listed in Current Contents (January
1994) and, more importantly, in what was then Index Medicus,
when we were listed there in March 1995, which was almost a
record for a new journal, given their strict criteria. Pre-publication
electronic versions of JSR became available in 2004. In 2005, our
publishers requested that we went over to an entirely electronic
MSS submission and management system, handled by Manuscript
Central. But this had many teething problems. Even when these
were sorted out, this sophisticated and rather complex system
did not result in any real improvement of the handling of MSS,
compared with our own well developed, more flexible and
simpler electronic system, which had worked very well! New
Associate Editors came in as others retired, and we welcomed
Claudio Bassetti, Chris Gillin and John Stradling. Sadly Chris died
in 2003, and was irreplaceable. Jim retired as Editor in 2008,
when Peretz Lavie took over.

Historical Review of the ESRS

2008 2010: Peretz Lavie succeeded Jim Horne as the chief
editor of JSR. He assumed his position on January 2008 starting
his editorial responsibility with the first issue of Volume 17.
The journals standing at that time was one of the top 10
behavioural science journals and one of the top 25 physiology
journals. However, the competition to win the heart of sleep
researchers has grown fast during that period with no less than
six journals dedicated exclusively to sleep and sleep disorders.
In 2007, the five sleep journals listed on the Web of Knowledge
published 354 papers, but the term sleep appeared in the title
of additional 1200 (!) papers published in a variety of other
journals. To accommodate the growing scope of sleep research
and to allow a better representation of the broad spectrum of
sleep research, Lavie increased the number of associate editors
to 16. He also made some changes in the journals appearance
and in the guidelines to authors aimed at improving the journal
and making it more attractive to readers and submitters alike. In
addition, to shorten the lag time between a papers acceptance
and publication, he instituted online early publications that were
available as soon as they were ready, rather than having to wait
for the next scheduled print issue. However, Lavies period as
Editor in Chief lasted only 2 years. On March 2010 (Vol. 19,
issue 1, p. 2) in his editorial Farewell from the chief editor
he announced his resignation from the position of Chief editor
because of his election to the very demanding position of the
president of the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, and he
passed the editorial responsibilities to Derk-Jan Dijk.
Derk-Jan Dijk: 2010 : The expectations of authors and the ESRS
membership have evolved considerably since the 1990s and
JSR has attempted to keep up with these expectations. Derk-Jan
appointed Patrick Levy, Colin Espie, Mehdi Tafti, Pierre-Herv
Luppi, Pierre Maquet, Nathaniel Marshall and Torbjorn kerstedt,
as Deputy Editors. Current Associate Editors are Claudio Bassetti,
Tom deBoer, Michael Bonnet, Jan Born, Christian Cajochen, Jan
Hedner, Luigi deGennaro, Damien Leger, Thomas Pollmacher,
Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, Renata Riha, Avid Sadeh, Debra Skene,
Karine Spiegel, and Luci Wiggs. The Deputy and Associate Editors
reflect the very broad range of research areas covered in the
articles published in JSR. The large editorial board also reflects
the changing landscape of sleep research. Many members of ESRS
are active in sleep medicine in Europe and abroad and many
research articles related to sleep medicine are submitted to JSR.
JSR is the journal of the ESRS and the publications in JSR should
reflect the research activities of the society. This continues to
include basic animal, basic human and sleep medicine research.
The expectations of authors have changed considerably as well.
Who wants to wait three months for a referee report? Is it efficient
use of the time of our reviewers if it is very clear that the quality
of a manuscript is well below the threshold for JSR? The Deputy
Editors play an important role in speeding up the decision
process and together with the Editor handle the majority of
submissions without involvement of Reviewers, whose time and
efforts devoted to JSR are gratefully acknowledged. Throughout
many years of JSR Inga Whitehouse and Brigitte Knobl have been
key contributors to the professional service of JSR to its Authors,
Reviewers and Editorial Board.
The publishing process itself has changed. Is there still a need for
a printed version of the Journal? As of 2012, JSR is published online only. This led to a considerable reduction of the publishing
cost and also makes it possible to publish colour figures without
additional costs. Issues are still compiled and announced to the

ESRS membership and subscribers via email. Sleep research

remains a popular area for publishers and the competition
among Sleep Journals is considerable and healthy. The sleep
researcher can chose from many sleep journals. Impact factors
are a main driver of submission behaviour. The impact factor
of JSR is healthy with a current 5-year impact factor of 3.7 but
many ESRS members may first submit to a higher impact journal
and wait and see. Other changes are on the horizon. Many
funding organisations of research now expect their research
to be accessible for free to anyone in the world. Open Access
journals are on the rise. Authors have to pay for this open access
and also JSR offers authors to buy open access. How the Open
Access movement will change the sleep journals and publishing
behaviour of our members, remains to be seen.
These changes will, however, not fundamentally affect the nature
of JSR. It is a journal of the European Sleep Research Society. It
reaches out to sleep scientists all over the world, but will also
keep at distinctive European touch. JSR is and will remain our
home ground.

Historical Review of the ESRS

Pictures of the Past and Present of
Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine
in Europe
Jim Horne1 and Hartmut Schulz2
Sleep Research Centre, Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 3TU, UK
Department of Educational Science and Psychology,
Free University Berlin, Berlin, Germany


It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, and following

a call to senior members of the ESRS for photographic and
other visual memorabilia that give a flavour of sleep research in
Europe over the last 40 years, we received a variety of fascinating
material, and would like to thank all the contributors.

Figure 1. Mario Bertini

in his sleep laboratory in
1974. On the occasion
of the 2nd Sleep Research
Congress that he had
organized in Rome at that
time, he was interviewed
and photographed by a
popular magazine.

We begin by reflecting the dramatic advancement in measurement
technology, starting with a press cutting (Fig. 1) from 1974
showing the solitary researcher (Mario Bertini) surrounded by
the sophisticated equipment of the day, with him pointing rather

forlornly at the impending reams of paper being disgorged from

his polygraph, that will confront him next morning. Contrast
this with todays brain imaging facilities seen in the pastiche
provided by Pierre Maquet and his colleagues (Fig. 2), showing:
(A) intense activity in limbic and paralimbic areas during REM
sleep; (B) combined EEG and fMRI in nonREM slow waves and
spindles; (C) areas recruited during motor learning that are also
active during post-learning REM sleep, and brain areas linked
to topographical memory (including the hippocampus) again
active during subsequent NREM sleep; (D) the influence of nonclassical photoreception on regional brain activity, during night
and day; (E) individual vulnerability to sleep loss predicted by
the PER3 VNTR polymorphism; and finally (E), individual larkowl differences in the recruitment of hypothalamic and midbrain
areas that maintain evening alertness.
Other developments, in microelectronics, enable portable EEG
recordings in the field, to be seen in the example from Torbjrn
kerstedts laboratory (Fig. 3), of compressed EEG spectra
obtained from sleepy train drivers. The increase in alpha/theta
power is related to subjective sleepiness and failure to stop at a
red light.

Figure 3. This figure describes the intrusions of

alpha and theta activity in a train driver who had an
outbound drive during the day, followed by a break
and then by a return drive during the night (22:33 h
03:24 h, shown here). The increase in alpha/
theta power is related to subjective sleepiness and
failure to stop at a red light. The rest of the groups
showed similar changes indicative of sleepiness.
This is probably the first study of EEG indicators
of sleepiness during normal work conditions. The
asterisk indicates failure to stop at red light. The
letters indicate stations = lvsj, S = Stockholm,
N = Nykping, L = Linkping, M = Mjlby, T = Trans
(Lars Torsvall and Torbjrn kerstedt, 1987).

The understanding of the interactions between sleep and circadian
rhythms in both animals and humans has evolved from a simple
concept (Fig. 4) inspired by Alex Borbly and colleagues, which
has developed into their sophisticated, interactive Two process
Model, whereby its sleep component (Process S) focuses on the
exponential nature of slow wave EEG activity. Anna Wirz-Justice
has supplied a photo (Fig. 5) taken in a restaurant around 1980,
Figure 2. We applied functional neuroimaging in normal volunteers to better
understand human sleep and sleep/wakefulness regulation. A. Using positron
emission tomography (PET) and radiolabeled water, we reported the functional
neuroanatomy of REM sleep, characterized by an intense activity in limbic and
paralimbic areas. B. Using simultaneous EEG and functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), Manuel Schabus and Thanh Dang-Vu showed that NREM sleep
was also associated with consistent brain activity, synchronized by slow waves and
spindles. C. Philippe Peigneux observed that brain areas recruited during motor
learning were also active during post-learning REM sleep (first row). Similarly,
brain areas engaged in topographical memory, including the hippocampus, were
again active during subsequent NREM sleep, in proportion to the overnight gain
in spatial performance (second row). D. Fabien Perrin, Gilles Vandewalle and
Derk-Jan Dijk explored the influence of non-classical photoreception on regional
brain function, both during night time and daytime. E. Gilles Vandewalle and
Derk-Jan Dijk capitalized on the individual vulnerability to sleep loss predicted
by the PER3 VNTR polymorphism to characterize the influence of circadian, sleep
homeostasis and their interaction on cognitive responses. F. Christina Schmidt,
Christian Cajochen and Philippe Peigneux resorted to individual differences in
diurnal preference to show that evening and morning chronotypes do not recruit
hypothalamic and midbrain areas to the same extent to maintain alertness in the
evening, due to the interaction between circadian and homeostatic factors. (Pierre


Historical Review of the ESRS

of a piece of torn paper tablecloth (complete with wine-glass
stains), showing the first draft of her paper (with Alex) attempting
to apply the Model to the improvement of depressive symptoms
after a nights sleep deprivation. Thirty years later, and somewhat
poignantly, she notes, we still dont understand this rapid clinical

Figure 4. This early version of the two-process model (Borbly in Koukkou et

al. (eds) Functional states of the brain: their determinants. Elsevier, Amsterdam,
1980) was derived from experiments in the rat. Sleep deprivation experiments
showed that a compensatory increase of slow wave sleep occurs. Slow wave
sleep in the rat was quantified by signal analysis of nonREM sleep. The circadian
facet of sleep was derived from experiments under constant darkness or constant
light. Based on human sleep deprivation experiments the time course of the
two processes was subsequently adapted: Exponential functions were used to
approximate the time course of slow-wave activity and a sine wave was used
for the circadian process. Moreover, their mode of interaction was specified.
(Alex Borbly)

Figure 6. Picking a single picture that represent almost four decades of research
in sleep and dreams is a formidable task. The picture I finally selected is that of
four young volunteers ready to start a 48 hour 713 sleep-waking paradigm.
Using this paradigm under different experimental conditions allowed us to
demonstrate that there is a bimodal distribution of sleepiness across the 24 h:
a major nocturnal and a secondary mid-afternoon sleepiness peak. These
were separated by a zone of very low sleep propensity (the forbidden zone
for sleep) centered at around 20.00 22.00 h. The onset of the nocturnal high
sleep propensity period was found to be a discrete event occurring as an all or
none phenomenon which we termed the sleep gate. Its timing was a stable
individual trait, phase locked with the onset of nocturnal melatonin secretion.
The schematic 24 h sleep propensity cycle is depicted below the picture. The
7/13 paradigm was used in our laboratory during a 15 year period, from 1980
to 1995. (Peretz Lavie)

Figure 5. This piece of torn paper tablecloth with wine-glass stains from
a restaurant sometime around 1980, documents the first draft of a paper
attempting to apply the two-process model of sleep regulation to understand
why depressive symptoms improve after a nights sleep deprivation. The model
has served as a template for conceptualising abnormalities in the circadian
pacemaker (amplitude, phase, period) as well as in the sleep homeostat. Thirty
years later, we still dont understand the phenomenon of rapid clinical response,
and the S-deficiency hypothesis has not yet been refuted. (Anna Wirz-Justice)

Peretz Lavies picture (Fig. 6) from the early 1980s shows four
volunteers ready to start a 48 hour, 7 13h sleep-waking paradigm,
that led his group to describe the circadian forbidden zone for
sleep, seen at around 20 22h, followed by the sleep gate. With
colleagues he saw the gate as a stable individual trait, phase locked
with the onset of nocturnal melatonin secretion. Their schematic
24h sleep propensity cycle is seen below the picture.

Basic Research
Irene Toblers pastiche (Fig. 7) of her groups studies of usedependent sleep EEGs, replicates in animals earlier human
studies by her colleagues, whereby unilateral hand stimulation
led to localised sleep EEG changes in the following nights sleep.
In her rats, seen here, whiskers were removed from one side of
an animals snout, leaving those whiskers on the other side to
experience a variety of waking novel stimulation. The brain slice
image shows more neural activity in the contralateral side during
wakefulness. Subsequently, there is greater sleep EEG activity
from the associated, localised cortical barrel fields sensitive to
the stimulation of the remaining whiskers.
Over many years Pier Luigi Parmeggianis laboratory has been
measuring in his cats thermoregulation in (mostly REM) sleep.
At low environmental temperatures, shivering is evident in neck

Historical Review of the ESRS

muscle EMGs during NREM sleep, but absent in REM. On the other
hand, at high temperatures panting is seen in NREM but absent in
REM. These sleep state differences, seen in Fig. 8, have led the
group to describe REM as poikilostatic in terms of its poorer
ability to thermoregulate, contrasting with the usual homeostatic
regulation during the states of NREM sleep and wakefulness.
Over the last 10 years or so, Tarja Porkka-Heiskanens laboratory has
investigated, in the animal basal forebrain, the roles of adenosine
and nitric oxide for sleep regulation. Their having developed delicate
microdialysis techniques, these investigators have shown, as in
Fig. 9, increasing concentrations of both substances in rats during
sleep deprivation, that decline rapidly during recovery sleep. Such
contrasting changes seem to reflect alterations in energy balance.
Figure 8. Shivering and panting during sleep. At low environmental temperature
(6C), shivering is evident in the neck muscle electromyogram during NREM sleep
and absent during the subsequent REM sleep episode. At high environmental
temperature (36C), panting is present during NREM sleep and absent during
the subsequent REM sleep episode. Ta, environmental temperature; EHG,
electrohippocampogram; EEG, electroencephalogram; EMG, electromyogram;
Resp, breathing movements. (Modified from Parmeggiani, P. L., and Rabini, C.
Brain Res., 1967, 6:789-791.). For the first time, this study demonstrated an
interruption of the temperature regulation during sleep and provided a good
reason to explore from the viewpoint of Cannons principle of homeostasis
the regulation not only of temperature but also of respiration and circulation,
physiological functions that are also involved in temperature regulation. On
the basis of the experimental results, NREM sleep and REM sleep consistently
deserve the general designations of homeostatic (due to integrated
physiological functions) and poikilostatic (due to disintegrated physiological
functions), respectively. Homeostasis and poikilostasis are physiological states
resulting from intrinsic changes in the functional organization of the central
nervous system. (For a recent overview of the experimental contributions
underlying this conclusion, see: P. L. Parmeggiani. Systemic Homeostasis and
Poikilostasis in Sleep: Is REM Sleep a Physiological Paradox? Imperial College
Press, 2011). (Pier Luigi Parmeggiani)

Figure 7. Unilateral whisker stimulation in mice and rats. Alexander Borbly had
tested the hypothesis of use-dependent sleep in a unilateral hand stimulation
experiment in 1994 (Kattler et al., J. Sleep Res., 1994). Searching for an animal
model to pursue this avenue, I had discussed with Professor Henri van der Loos
from the University of Lausanne the usefulness of his mouse whisker model; the
exquisite representation of every whisker in the barrel field of the contralateral
hemisphere looked promising to perhaps capture EEG changes in this area with
cortical EEG electrodes. Vlad Vyazovskiy, working on his Ph.D. in my laboratory,
learnt in Lausanne to carefully cut whiskers of mice. He proceeded to cut
whiskers on only one side of rats or mice in the early morning (see top left),
placed the animals in an enriched environment where they used the remaining
whiskers for several hours by investigating the new toys (top right). One group
of rats was sacrificed to determine 2-deoxyglucose (DG2) uptake as a marker
of neuronal activation of the region (bottom right shows the higher DG2 uptake
in the stimulated area) and another group, with EEG electrodes implanted on
the cortex over both barrel fields was allowed to sleep. At the bottom left the
EEG power differences between the left and right electrodes, which as predicted
were significantly higher over the stimulated cortex compared to the ipsilateral,
unstimulated cortex (*p <0.05, n=12 rats) are illustrated. These experiments
were the first demonstration of a use-dependent effect on EEG activity over a
predicted area in an animal model (Vyazovskiy et al, J. Sleep Res., 2000; Eur. J.
Neurosci., 2004), later confirmed in a rat handedness model (Vyazovskiy et
al., J. Neurophysiol., 2008).
First demonstration of a use-dependent effect on sleep EEG activity over a
predicted area in an animal model. Unilateral whisker stimulation in mice and
rats, which were subsequently allowed to play in an enriched environment, led
to higher deoxyglucose uptake as well as to higher amount of EEG slow waves
(0.75 6 Hz band) in the stimulated hemisphere. (Irene Tobler)

Figure 9. Adenosine and nitric oxide concentrations increase in the basal

forebrain of rats during three hour sleep deprivation and decline rapidly during
recovery sleep. The figure summarizes a research project of almost ten years. It
started at Harvard Medical School in Dr. Robert W. MacCarleys laboratory year
1996. In collaboration with Dr. Robert Strecker we improved the HPLC-based
adenosine assay to be able to measure adenosine from in vivo microdialysate
samples. Within a year we completed a series of experiments where cats
were sleep deprived and adenosine was measured from different brain areas.
As we had predicted, adenosine levels increased during the deprivation and
declined in recovery sleep. Surprisingly, this effect was found only in the basal
forebrain and to a lesser extent in the cortex. To find out why, I continued in vivo
microdialysis studies with rats after my return to Helsinki, now assisted by Dr.
Anna Kalinchuk. Within two years she managed to identify another molecule
in the basal forebrain, nitric oxide (NO) that behaved similarly as adenosine in
sleep deprivation. Also this finding provided us with a surprise: the increase in
NO was induced by inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), which is expressed
as response to immunological challenge. Our interpretation of these data is
that sleep deprivation disturbs brain energy balance, particularly in the basal
forebrain, and alarms the defense mechanisms. A. Adenosine concentration.
B. Nitrite and nitrate (NO2- + NO3-) as indicator of NO. Black bar: baseline,
grey bar: sleep deprivation, white bar: recovery sleep. Samples were collected
using in vivo microdialysis and measured using high performance liquid
chromatography with UV detection. The work was performed by Dr. Anna
Kalinchuk and Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen. (Tarja Stenberg)


Historical Review of the ESRS

More recently, serotonergic status within the embryonic or
neonatal brain has been shown by Jolle Adrien and colleagues,
to have long term effects on sleep patterns in mice, especially for
REM sleep, as illustrated in Fig. 10. Although the potential wider
long term behavioural implications for these animals remains to
be fully established, these findings do point to possible concerns
for drug treatments in pregnant women with mood disorders.

Figure 10. Long term effects of serotonin impairment during infancy.

Sleep patterns at adult age depend on the serotonergic status during early
development. This was shown in mice using treatment with a serotonin
reuptake inhibitor (SRI) during 15 days after birth or during 21 days in utero.
Such exposure to SRI induces life-long alterations of sleep patterns, i.e., an
enhancement of Rapid Eye Movement sleep, eventually associated with
increased anxiety. This effect is accounted for, at least in part, by the serotonin
impact at 5-HT1A receptors since the association of a 5-HT1A receptor blocker to
the SRI prevents the deleterious action of the SRI alone on sleep patterns. These
results might contribute to assessing the risks-benefits balance of treatments in
depressed pregnant women and to find novel management of antenatal mood
disorders (Popa et al. J Neurosci 2008, 28: 3546-3554). (Jolle Adrien)

Figure 11. Cirignotta and I started working on the topic in the early 1970s: we
are at the centre of the photo with our backs to the equipment that allowed us
to identify this strange new type of epileptic seizures. On the left in the photo
are Prof. P. Montagna (who died prematurely last year) responsible for the ward
our patients were admitted to, and Prof. P. Tinuper an epilepsy expert in charge
of the electroencephalography laboratory. Both colleagues worked closely with
me and Cirignotta from the outset making a major contribution to our work. On
the right of the photo are Dr. F. Provini and Dr. G. Plazzi who joined the sleep
research laboratory a few years later.
Research into the semeiological aspects of nocturnal seizures linked to
synchronized sleep (spindles and delta sleep) and the identification of their
peculiar clinical and electrophysiological features was made possible by
concomitant polygraphic and audiovisual recording. This technique allowed us
to distinguish two types of epileptic seizures linked to slow sleep: paroxysmal
arousals, seizures lasting less than 10 15 in which a sudden awakening is
associated with dystonic posturing and/or dyskinetic movements of a body
segment; nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia in which the seizures become more
complex and with dystonic posturing accompanied by choreo-ballic and
rhythmic movements of the arms (e.g. rhythmic hand clapping) and legs, (and
rocking coitus-like movements of the trunk and pelvis). These disorders were
flanked by complex behaviour like whistling, swearing, pleading, shouting
threats or crying for mercy. We also documented that irrespective of their
duration these seizures are accompanied by a major autonomic component
affecting the cardiocirculatory and respiratory systems. (Elio Lugaresi)

Sleep Medicine
Sleep Medicine is a young and developing field that hardly
existed when the ESRS was founded. In 1970s, Elio Lugaresi and
Fabio Cirignotta (Fig. 11 centre picture) and colleagues began
working on strange and unrecognized types of epileptic seizure
linked to a sudden awakening from slow wave sleep. These were
eventually identified as paroxysmal, sudden awakenings usually
lasting less than 15 seconds and accompanied by dystonia and/or
dyskinetic movements of part of the body. A more complex form
was named as nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, characterised by
more dramatic rhythmic movements (e.g. hand clapping) and
complex, often emotional behaviours (e.g. whistling, swearing).
These epilepsies are now known to centre on prefrontal
corticolimbic areas and systems.
Whereas heavy snoring was largely dismissed as a credible
sleep disorder even thirty years ago, obstructive sleep apnoea
(OSA) is now by far the most common sleep disorder causing
excessive daytime sleepiness, and is largely associated with
obesity. More to the point, John Stradlings group in Oxford, UK,
clearly established that a fat neck was the more likely culprit,
here, as can be seen in Fig. 12.
Who knows what the next 40 years will hold for sleep research,
and how many of our younger researchers will then look back
and marvel at the findings of todays pioneers?


Figure 12. Neck size as a predictor of OSA. Over twenty years ago, our group at
Oxford had suspected that neck circumference might be a more useful indicator
of OSA than was the commonly used body mass index (BMI) and, in 1992,
we were able to demonstrate this. The graph, of linear regressions, from our
paper#, shows the relation between height corrected neck circumference and
number of dips of more than 4 % in arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) per hour,
for two groups of patients diagnosed with OSA. One group (n = 150) was used
retrospectively to identify independent predictors of dip rate, where collar size
was indeed shown to be a better predictor (r2 = 0.35) than BMI (r2 = 0.28). The
second, independent, prospective group (n = 85) was then used to test further
this collar size predictor, and the other findings were confirmed (r2 = 0.38). The
graph shows the very similar outcomes for both groups (John Stradling). #Davies
RJ, et al 1992, Neck circumference and other clinical features in the diagnosis
of the obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Thorax 47:101-105.

Past Present Future

Sleep and Neuroscience
Roberto Amici1, Alexander A. Borbly 2,
Pier Luigi Parmeggiani1 and PhilippePeigneux3
Dept. Human and General Physiology, Alma Mater
Studiorum-University of Bologna, Italy
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zrich,
UR2NF Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging
Research Unit, Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and
Cyclotron Research Centre, Universit de Liege (ULg), Belgium
Neuroscience can be defined as the scientific study of the nervous
system in health and disease and most of the research achievements
regarding sleep pertain to this vast field. Thus, the task of selecting
the major contributions to Sleep and Neuroscience from the past
forty years for the ESRS anniversary book is a great challenge. In the
present chapter, several topics related to Basic Neuroscience will
be addressed, leaving to others the duty of dealing with Clinical
Neuroscience. Also, the aspects concerning sleep and cognition
will be covered elsewhere in this book. Finally, although plenty of
fundamental observations have been made in the past forty years
by European and non-European ESRS members who have been
active outside Europe, we will concentrate on outcomes from
laboratories established within Europe.
According to these premises, three major research approaches will
be addressed from among those which have allowed European
basic sleep researchers to provide original experimental and
theoretical contributions since the founding of ESRS. The first,
which may be placed in the field of the reductionistic approach
to scientific investigation, concerns the study of sleep-related
brain areas and brain mechanisms underlying sleep occurrence.
The second, which may be addressed as integrative, explores
the complexity of the brain regulation of physiological functions
during sleep at a behavioural level. Last but not least, the
phenomenologic approach, which has quantitatively and
theoretically addressed the question of the regulatory processes
underlying sleep occurrence, will be considered.
Sleep-related brain areas and sleep mechanisms
Although the question of sleep-related brain areas and sleep
mechanisms was first clearly addressed regarding humans suffering
from Spanish Flu by VonEconomo at the beginning of the previous
century, the study of sleep mechanisms is grounded in animal
research. In the years between the two world wars, Frdric Bremers
and Walter Rudolf Hesss experiments set the basis for two different
conceptual approaches to the problem of sleep generation. These
considered sleep as either the passive result of a decrease in the
wake sensory inputs to the brain or a complex behaviour which is
actively promoted by specific brain areas, respectively.
However, the milestone of the modern approach to this research
field may be considered the book Neurophysiology and
Neurochemistry of Sleep and Wakefulness in which, in 1972,
Michel Jouvet and Giuseppe Moruzzi extensively and brilliantly
reviewed the available knowledge about the neurochemical
and neurophysiological brain mechanisms underlying sleep
occurrence. Moruzzis conclusion that the wake-sleeping cycle
is present in an isolated cerebrum buried the passive theory of
sleep, while Jouvets comment that any theory of sleep could
not be explained by classical electrophysiological mechanisms
(a comment which was explicitly based on the concept of
hypnotoxin introduced by Henri Piron at the beginning of
the century) was a bell announcing a new era in the molecular
approach to sleep regulation.

On one hand, Moruzzis baton was passed on to several

generations of sleep researchers, who have provided a
fundamental contribution to the understanding of the
mechanisms of the thalamo-cortical dialogue during slow wave
sleep, the modulation of cortical excitability and connectivity in
the different wake-sleep states, and the generation and spreading
of slow waves across the cerebral cortex.
On the other hand, starting from Jouvets hypothesis as to
the existence of a specific paradoxical sleep stage whose
executive neurophysiological mechanisms were identified at the
rhomboencephalic level, research on REM sleep mechanisms
eventually led to a highly detailed definition of the network
underlying REM sleep generation at the pontine level. Also,
the anatomical and functional relationship of this network
with the periaqueductal gray and the lateral hypothalamus
has been shown. These achievements have been paralleled
by a progressive abandonment of the original hypothesis of a
monoaminergic/cholinergic control of REM sleep onset, due
to a body of evidence supporting a glutamatergic/GABAergic
control. The recent development of the optogenetic approach to
nervous function, which permits a fine and specific manipulation
of the activity of different central nervous areas in freely-moving
animals, is expected to lead, in the next few years, to a further
clarification of the sleep-related network, possibly in terms of the
functional relationship between the brainstem and diencephalic/
telencephalic areas.
The study of the brain mechanisms of normal sleep in humans
has been precluded for a long time, mainly due to inherent
limitations of electrophysiological recordings at the scalp level
that did not permit direct recording of deep cerebral activity in
healthy sleeping subjects. However, in the past two decades, the
development and availability of novel functional brain imaging
techniques have renewed the field, allowing sleep researchers to
record markers of neural activity during human sleep in a noninvasive manner.
Early positron emission tomography (PET) studies showed a
marked reduction in global brain glucose consumption during
slow wave sleep but not REM sleep. However, subsequent
functional PET studies using oxygen-labelled markers revealed
that cerebral blood flow variations could be investigated at the
regional level, yielding evidence for dedicated networks of key
brain structures which were differentially involved or disengaged
during sleep stages (Fig. 1). Still, the PET contribution was
somehow limited by poor temporal resolution, about one minute,
and therefore mostly showed evidence of sustained, continuous
cerebral activity during sleep.

Figure 1. Positron emission tomography studies disclosing the functional neuro

anatomical networks subtending REM (left) and non-REM (right) sleep stages in
healthy sleeping humans (Maquet et al. Nature 1996, The Journal of Neuroscience

Taking a further step, functional magnetic resonance imaging

(fMRI) refined temporal resolution to the scale of the second, still
far beyond the neural transmission timescale but enough to allow
researchers to challenge the neural correlates of transient sleep
events, for instance rapid eye movements (and underlying ponto23

Past Present Future

geniculo-occipital activity bursts) and sleep spindles. EEG-fMRI
recordings also revealed increased, positive regional responses in
key brain areas during the depolarizing phase of slow waves and
delta activity, further showing that decreases in cerebral activity
during slow wave sleep, as measured by PET, actually reflect
increased synchronization of thalamic and cortical ensembles.
Finally, progress in high-density EEG (hEEG) and magneto
encephalography (MEG) techniques now permits their exquisite
temporal resolution to be merged with a markedly improved
reconstruction of the neural sources of the signal, which, in
combination with the other techniques, opens large avenues for
novel investigations. For a few results, MEG further evidenced
at the millisecond scale the sequence of brainstem then cortical
activity eventually leading to rapid eye movements in man,
and MEG-hEEG combination evidences interplay between
synchronous and asynchronous activities underlying sleep
spindles organization. Furthermore, one definite feature of these
neurophysiological techniques is that they allow a thorough
investigation of spontaneous and induced oscillation patterns
in the brain that can be seen both as the emerging features of
underlying regional cerebral patterns (e.g., slow waves and
corticocortical information transmission using hEEG), but also as
functional activities underlying higher-order cognitive functions
during sleep (see other chapters).
Brain regulation of physiological functions during sleep
The study of the systemic neural regulation of physiological
functions during sleep in mammals, which started in the late
1960s, has shown evidence of a striking operative dichotomy
between non-REM sleep and REM sleep. Regarding Cannons
principle of physiological homeostasis, it was found that during
sleep this principle applies only to systemic physiological
regulation in non-REM sleep. REM sleep is characterized by
instability or lack of regulation of physiological functions, a
functional condition which can be termed poikilostasis.
The first experimental evidence pointing to a basic functional
difference between non-REM sleep and REM sleep was
obtained studying thermoregulation during sleep. In addition to
thermoregulation, the regulation of circulation and respiration also
clearly showed this sleep-dependent physiological dichotomy.
On this basis, the functional phenomena characterizing the
two sleep states appear to be a result of mechanisms revealing
opposite operational paradigms, homeostatic and poikilostatic,
of systemic physiological regulation.
The teleological significance of this striking regulatory dichotomy
is still unclear. However, non-REM sleep and REM sleep may be
considered the result of a sequence of synergistic and antagonistic
interactions between the control mechanisms of the homeostasis
of the brain and that of the homeostasis of the body, respectively.
In non-REM sleep, the homeostasis of telencephalic structures
may take place without affecting the control of body homeostasis,
since the latter is essentially carried out by structures of the
brainstem still under diencephalic regulation. In non-REM sleep,
therefore, telencephalic homeostasis and the control of body
homeostasis are processes occurring concomitantly in different
brain structures. In REM sleep, brain homeostasis may concern
diencephalic and brainstem structures. This would explain why,
during REM sleep, the control of diencephalic and brainstem
homeostasis and that of body homeostasis, which involve the
same brain structures, are reciprocally exclusive.
In response to deviations from the range of neutrality, the
control of body homeostasis initially prevails over that of
neuronal homeostasis, bringing about a cumulative sleep debt
to be paid later on. Particularly, REM sleep is depressed as a

result of its inherent antagonism of homeostatic regulation. In

addition, according to the intrinsic complexity of the interaction
of mechanisms underlying brain and body homeostasis, the
occurrence of the ultradian sleep stages is also influenced by the
circadian and seasonal changes in environmental variables. In
conclusion, a clear-cut operative dichotomy in the regulation of
body and brain homeostasis characterizes the ultradian evolution
of sleep stages.
Recent data have shown that the release of antidiuretic hormone
under the delivery of a central osmotic challenge does not
change during REM sleep compared to non-REM sleep and
wakefulness. This may suggest that the operational paradigm
which defines REM sleep is inherent in thermal and autonomic
regulations. However, future studies are expected to clarify
whether this apparent state-independency is a specific feature of
osmoregulation (a phylogenetically old regulation) or whether it
is common to all neuro-endocrine hypothalamic responses.
Regulatory processes underlying sleep occurrence
A further achievement of the European basic sleep researchers
in the past 40 years has been the identification and definition, in
quantitative terms, of the role of the homeostatic and circadian
physiological processes in regulating sleep occurrence. In
a way, the concept of homeostasis was already present in the
view of Claparde, professor of psychology in Geneva, who
wrote in 1905: By rendering an animal unresponsive, sleep
prevents it from reaching the stage of exhaustion. A precursor
of the circadian facet of sleep regulation was Hesss concept
of ergotropic and trophotropic systems. During sleep, the
trophotropic system, whose functions include restitution and
anabolism, predominates. Hesss concept is congruent with the
present notion of the circadian system, although he was not yet
aware of its endogenous rhythmic aspect.

Figure 2. A homeostatic (Process S; top)

and a circadian process (Process C;
middle) contribute to sleep propensity.
They complement each other during
sleep. In the two-process model
(bottom) the intersection of S with an
inverse of C defines sleep termination.

In the two-process model of sleep regulation, a sleep-wake

dependent hourglass process interacts with a sleep-wake
independent circadian process and thereby determines the
timing of sleep. EEG slow-wave activity (i.e. power in the
1.04.5 Hz band) has proved to be an excellent marker of the
homeostatic process both in human and non-human mammals
(Fig. 2). The model has served as a useful guiding principle for
numerous experiments. In an elaboration of the model by Tononi
and Cirelli the salient homeostatic processes are located at the
synaptic level.

Past Present Future

Three recent developments are noteworthy: (1) The rising sleep
pressure in the course of the waking episodes is evident in the
human waking EEG. Thus theta activity has been shown to be a
marker of sleep homeostasis whose rise rate is correlated with
the initial level of slow-wave activity in subsequent sleep. (2)
The EEG marker of sleep intensity has been shown to have a
regional facet in humans and animals. Activation of a specific
cortical area during waking induces enhanced regional slow
waves during sleep. (3) Rest in invertebrates has been shown to
have regulatory properties that are similar to sleep in vertebrates.
Hence invertebrate models can be used for studying genetic and
molecular processes involved in sleep regulation.
Concluding remarks
The complexity of the relationship between sleep and brain
functions is still overwhelming. However, it may be reasonable
to hope not only for a progressive development but also for a
stronger integration of the three different approaches addressed.
The apparent dichotomy between the need for homeostasis of
the cerebral cortex during non-REM sleep, which leaves body
homeostasis untouched, and, possibly, that for homeostasis
of diencephalic and brainstem areas during REM sleep, which
deeply interferes with body homeostasis, should be resolved.
Clarification is required, in terms of the activity of the neuronal
network underlying brain activity and the brain-body relationship
during sleep, and in terms of a unitary model of non-REM and
REM sleep regulation satisfactorily fitting data from human and
animal studies. Will this keep us busy for the next forty years?
Borbly, A. A. A two process model of sleep regulation. Hum.
Neurobiol., 1982, 1: 195-204.
Hess, W. R. Der Schlaf. Klin. Wochenschr., 1933, 12: 129-134.
Jouvet, M. and Moruzzi G. Neurophysiology and neurochemistry
of sleep and wakefulness. Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry
and Experimental Pharmacology. Springer-Verlag, BerlinHeidelberg, 1972.
Luppi, M., Martelli, D., Amici, R. et al. Hypothalamic
osmoregulation is maintained across the wake-sleep cycle in the
rat. J. Sleep Res., 2010, 19: 394-399.
Luppi, P. H., Clement, O., Sapin, E. et al. Brainstem mechanisms
of paradoxical (REM) sleep generation. Pflugers Arch., 2012,
463: 43-52.
Maquet, P., Peters, J., Aerts, J. et al. Functional neuroanatomy of
human rapid-eye-movement sleep and dreaming. Nature, 1996,
383: 163-166.
Parmeggiani, P. L. Systemic homeostasis and poikilostasis: is REM
sleep a physiological paradox? Imperial College Press, London,
Tononi, G. and Cirelli, C. Sleep function and sleep homeostasis.
Sleep Med. Rev. 2006, 10: 49-62.
Vyazovskiy, V., Borbly, A. A. and Tobler, I. Unilateral vibrissae
stimulation during waking induces interhemispheric EEG
asymmetry during subsequent sleep in the rat. J. Sleep Res.,
2000, 9: 367-371.



Past Present Future

Sleep and Neurology
Claudio L. Bassetti1, Joan Santamaria2 and Luigi Ferini-Strambi3
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bern, Switzerland
Department of Neurology, University of Barcelona, Spain
Department of Neurology, University Vita-Salute, Milano, Italy


The origins (1600 1950s)

The neurology of sleep started in Europe with the clinical
descriptions of Restless legs syndrome (Willis 1672, Wittmaak
1861), sleep paralysis (van Diemerbrock, 1664, depicted by the
painter Fssli in 1781 (Figure 1), disturbed sleep breathing and
snoring after stroke (Cheyne 1818, Broadbent 1877), hypnagogic
and hypnopompic hallucinations (Baillarger 1846, Maury 1848,
Meyer 1903), narcolepsy (Westphal 1877, Glineau 1880),
severe hypersomnias in the context of infections and focal lesions
of the brain (Mauthner 1890, Freund 1913, Trmner 19249), periodic hypersomnias (Kleine 1925, Levin 1929), organic
insomnia (Morvan, 1890), violent/homicidal sleepwalking
(Yellowlees 1878), sleep drunkenness (Gudden 1905), and dream
changes/hallucinations following brain damage (Charcot 1883,
Lhermitte 1922, Grunstein 1924). Modern neurological sleep
research was started by the reports of hypersomnia and insomnia
with hypothalamic lesions in the context of influenza epidemics
(von Economo, 1916 1922), the introduction of the EEG by
Berger in the late 1920es, and the works on the neurophysiology of
sleep-wake functions made by Hess, Bremer, Moruzzi and Jouvet.

Following the first description of sleep onset REM episodes by

Vogel (1960), European researchers (Lammers and Bassettis
groups) were the first, in collaboration with Mignots group at
Stanford, to report an hypocretin/orexin deficiency in human
narcolepsy and other neurological conditions. Contributions
from European researchers have been crucial also in expanding
the knowledge in the fields of epidemiology (Hublin), genetics
(Tafti), neuropathology (Peyron), metabolic functions (Pollmcher,
Lammers) and treatment of narcolepsy in both adults and children.
Sleepwalking and REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)
The demonstration of sleepwalking as a slow wave parasomnia
(Gastaut and Broughton 1965, a dissociated arousal disorder (as
assessed by neuroimaging, Bassetti 2000 (Figure 2), and a disease
with strong genetic determinants (Lecendreux 2003) were made
in Europe.

Figure 2. The highest increases of regional

cerebral blood flow (in red) during
sleepwalking compared with quiet stage 3
to 4 NREM sleep are found in the anterior
cerebellum/vermis (A), and in the posterior
cingulate cortex (B). In relation to data
from normal volunteers during wakefulness
(n = 24), large areas of frontal and parietal
association cortices (C, D in yellow) remain
deactivated during sleepwalking. (With
permission from Bassetti et al., Lancet

The recognition that RBD is a predictor of subsequent

development of neurodegenerative diseases is one of the clinically
most relevant discovery in sleep medicine in the last decades.
Although the first description of this parasomnia and of its role
were made by Schenck et al. in the US, several neurological
teams in Europe (including those of Iranzo and Santamaria in
Barcelona, Arnulf in Paris, Hgl in Innsbruck, Ferini-Strambi in
Milano and Plazzi in Bologna) made significant contributions to
the current knowledge of clinical presentation and associations
(with synucleinopathies such as dementia with Lewy bodies and
multiple system atrophy), PSG, videographic and neuroimaging
characterization, and impact of new biomarkers such as
dopamine transporter imaging in the assessment of RBD and the
underlying neurodegenerative process (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Representation of sleep paralysis and hallucinations (nightmare) by the

Swiss-British painter Heinz Johann Fssli in his famous painting Nachtmahr

The major achievements (1950s today)

Idiopathic hypersomnia, narcolepsy, hypocretin deficiency
The clinical description and neurophysiological characterization
of idiopathic hypersomnia were made by Bedrich Roth in a series
of papers over 30 years (1950s 1980s).

Figure 3. Serial DAT-SPECT scans in patients with REM behavior disorders (with
permission from Iranzo et al, Lancet Neurol 2011)


Past Present Future

Fatal familial (thalamic) insomnia (FFI)
This new form of prionopathy with selective thalamic damage
was described in Bologna emphasizing the role of this brain
region in sleep-wake regulation (Lugaresi 1986), as demonstrated
by cases of insomnia and hypersomnia observed after thalamic
stroke (Castaigne 1967, Bassetti 1992). For the association of
a severe insomnia with severe distortion of NREM sleep, REM
sleep without atonia, and motor restlessness the term of agrypnia
excitata was coined, a syndrome that has since been observed in
the course of paraneoplastic brain disorders (Morvans disease),
other prionopathies, and delirium tremens.
Restless legs syndrome (RLS) and periodic leg movements of
sleep (PLMS)
Following the seminal papers of Ekbom on clinical features of
RLS (1944 1960) European researchers were fundamental in
reporting the association with nocturnal myoclonus/PLMS
(Symonds 1953, Coccagna and Lugaresi 1965) (Figure 4), the
frequency of RLS in pregnancy and neurological disorders, the
treatment response to levodopa (Akpinar 1982) and dopamine
agonists (Trenkwalder, Ferini-Strambi, Oertel, Kohnen), and
genetic markers of the disease (Winkelmann 2007).

The future
REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and neurodegeneration
Patients with idiopathic RBD are at risk of developing Parkinsons
disease and dementia with Lewy bodies, particularly if
abnormalities in dopamine transporter imaging, transcranial
sonography, olfaction, and color vision are found. The reliable
identification of high risk patients with idiopathic RBD is of
particular clinical interest and may become a specific target for
testing neuroprotective agents. Further research is needed also for
the treatment of RBD. Clonazepam may decrease the occurrence
of sleep-related injury caused by RBD, but may represent a
problem in patients with dementia, gait disorders, or concomitant
sleep disordered breathing.

Figure 4. Distribution of PLMS per hour of sleep in controls, patients with

narcolepsy/cataplexy and RLS (with permission from Ferri et al., Sleep 2006)

Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and sleep fragmentation and

the course of dementia, stroke and other neurological disorders
Considering the suggested role of sleep in neuroplasticity and
learning processes it is to be expected that sleep may promote
recovery from brain damage and conversely, sleep disorders may
affect the evolution of neurological disorders.
Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and dementia have been recently
linked. Some researches suggested common underlying neural
mechanisms relating hypoxia and mild cognitive impairment. It
has been demonstrated that neurocognitive deficits associated
with SDB, mainly involving memory, attention, and executive
functioning (associated with decreased hippocampal gray matter),
partially improve after treatment with CPAP. The hippocampus
is one of the main and most consistently reported brain regions
among the neural correlates of mild cognitive impairment. Large
trials with CPAP treatment in elderly participants with SDB
should be performed in order to verify the possible prevention of
cognitive decline.
The high prevalence of SBD in stroke and other neurological patients
(e.g. those with epileptic, neuromuscular, and neurodegenerative
disorders) and the potential beneficial effect of CPAP have been
reported. Further research is needed to both clarify the most effective
timing and duration of CPAP treatment and to identify the subgroup
of patients that may benefit the most from this intervention.
Finally, recent animal studies suggested a detrimental role of
sleep deprivation/fragmentation in amyloid accumulation (and
pathogenesis of Alzheimers disease) and acute focal ischemia
progression (and stroke recovery).

Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) and stroke

Following the world-wide first polysomnographic characterization
of sleep apnea by the neurologists Kuhlo and Jung (1965)
in Germany and Gastaut and Tassinari (1965) in France, the
importance of sleep disordered breathing as a risk factor for stroke
and a condition influencing its short- and long-term evolution
was first demonstrated by European neurologists (Koskenvuo
1985, Bassetti 1996-2012, Iranzo and Santamaria 2002, Parra
2000 2011).

Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE) and parasomnias

NFLE is due to a dysfunction in the thalamocortical circuit involved
in the arousal mechanism. Genetic and neurostransmitter studies
suggest that the cholinergic system (and possibly also other
pathways) may underlie both NFLE and parasomnias and unify
their pathogenesis. As a consequence, their differential remains a
challenge. Extensive stereo-EEG evaluations during sleep, as well
as genetic studies, may improve our knowledge and contribute to
the development of new diagnostic algorithms and more effective
treatments for these conditions.

Nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy (NFLE)

Several European and Extra-european teams have established
our todays understanding of the clinical, neurophysiological
and genetic characteristics and determinants of NFLE and other
nocturnal hypermotor seizures. The contribution of the Bologna
and Milano neurological Sleep Schools was fundamental in this
field and continues today with systematic intracranial studies and
neurosurgical interventions by the team of Nobili.


Restless legs syndrome (RLS)

A question that needs to be addressed is whether RLS has
components of a developmental disorder as suggested by so-far
identified predisposing genes. The exact role of dopaminergic and
opioid transmission and iron metabolism in the pathophysiology
of RLS remains to be established. Finally, further research is needed
to improve the sensitivity and specificity of RLS diagnosis. Longterm natural evolution of RLS, as well efficacy and tolerability
of alternative drugs to the current first line treatments for RLS,
should be explored.

Past Present Future

Autoimmune disorders and sleep-wake disturbances
Several reports in the last few decades have stressed the
existence not only of narcolepsy syndromes but also of
insomnia, hypersomnia, RBD, RLS, and epilepsy syndromes,
in parts resembling to the encephalitis lethargica described by
von Economo, in the context of autoimmune disorders (multiple
sclerosis, paraneoplastic syndromes,). Future studies will
establish the frequency, clinical spectrum, pathophysiological
and treatment implications of these fascinating new conditions.
Bassetti, C., Vella, S., Donati, F., Wielepp, P. and Weder, B. SPECT
during sleepwalking. Lancet, 2000, 356: 484-485. [Pubmed:]
Canessa, N., Castronovo, V., Cappa, S. F. et al. Obstructive sleep
apnea: brain structural changes and neurocognitive function
before and after treatment. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.,
2011, 183: 1419-1426. [Pubmed:
Iranzo, A., Valldeoriola, F., Lomea, F. et al. Serial dopamine
transporter imaging of nigrostriatal function in patients with
idiopathic rapid-eye-movement sleep behaviour disorder: a
prospective study. Lancet Neurol., 2011, 10: 797-805. [Pubmed:]
Terzaghi, M., Sartori, I., Mai, R. et al. Coupling of minor motor
events and epileptiform discharges with arousal fluctuations in
NFLE. Epilepsia, 2008, 49: 670-676. [Pubmed: http://www.ncbi.]
Winkelmann, J., Schormair, B., Lichtner, P. et al. Genomewide association study of restless legs syndrome identifies
common variants in three genomic regions. Nat. Genet.,
2007, 39: 1000-1006. [Pubmed:



Past Present Future

Psychiatric Sleep Research
Thomas Pollmcher
Center for Mental Health, Klinikum Ingolstadt, Germany
Since the times of Emil Kraepelin, who conceptualized mental
disorders as diseases of the brain in the late 19th century, European
psychiatry has been at the forefront of searching for biological
markers. One early milestone in these attempts was the discovery
of the EEG by the German psychiatrist Hans Berger in 1929
which also became the starting point for modern sleep research.
From the very beginning psychiatrists were particularly interested
in the EEG during sleep, not only because sleep disturbances
are present in most psychiatric disorders, but also because the
opportunity to observe the sleeping brain would potentially help
to unravel the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders.
In 1972, the year when ESRS was founded, David Kupfer in
Pittsburgh published one of the most influential papers in
psychiatric sleep research which ever appeared: Interval between
onset of sleep and rapid eye movement sleep as an indicator of
depression. This Lancet paper, which has been cited more than
1200 times, claimed that shortened REM sleep latency, indicative
of increased REM pressure, would be a specific biomarker of
major depression. Many European groups followed this track
since then. A challenge test, the so-called cholinergic REM sleep
induction test (CRIT), was developed by the group of Berger which
increased the sensitivity of reduced REM latency as a biomarker
of depression. This test used the potential of orally applicable
cholinergic drugs (e.g. RS86) to provoke REM sleep. In the 1990s
the group of Holsboer and Krieg showed that this test induced
reduced REM latency even in healthy relatives of depressive
patients who later became depressed themselves. However,
Berger and colleagues and other European groups showed that
REM sleep abnormalities were far less specific for depression
than initially assumed. But still today, sleep abnormalities are
among the most robust neurobiological findings in depression.
Numerous European groups performed pharmacological sleep
studies in animals and in humans showing, concordant with
the supposed monaminergic/cholinergic imbalance model of
depression, a very strong REM suppressive effect of most, but
not all antidepressants (Adrien, Berger, Jouvet, Jovanovic, Steiger,
A further area of intensive investigations by European psychiatrists
was the effect of sleep deprivation starting in the early 1970s with
the work of Pflug and Tlle. Numerous other groups entered this
field (e.g. van den Hoofdakker, Matussek, Passouant, Wiegand)
elaborating on the peculiarities of this effect with respect to
the duration, timing and specificity (NREM vs. REM) of sleep
deprivation, the question which patients profit and the striking
relapse-inducing effects of even short naps.
The 2-process model of sleep regulation proposed by Daan
and Borbly in the 1980s prepared the scene for investigating
and conceptualizing interactions between sleep and circadian
rhythms also in psychiatric patients. Phase advance of the
endogenous clock was presumed as one possible mechanism
underlying the antidepressant effect of sleep deprivation and the
chronobiology of psychiatric disorders has been another major
topic of European sleep research groups (e.g. Benedetti, Berger
& Riemann, Wirz-Justice, Souetre, Schulz, van den Hoofdakker,
von Zerssen). Among the topics of this research area were
changes in circadian rhythms in depression in general and in
winter depression in particular, the therapeutic effects of light
therapy and therapeutic approaches combining sleep deprivation
with phase advance (e.g. Berger).

Most classical hypnotics were discovered in Europe, and the

pharmacology of sleep was another important topic of European
sleep research. Not only were the clinical effects of hypnotics
in patients studied in detail by many groups (e.g. Gaillard,
Hindmarch, Rther, Oswald), but also effects on the sleep EEG
were evaluated and more sophisticated automated analyses
beyond visual sleep scoring were developed (e.g. Borbly,
Gaillard, Gottesmann, Dummermuth, Schulz). More recently
European groups have also played a major role in developing
cognitive behavioural treatment approaches in insomnia and
in studies investigating long-term negative consequences of
insomnia on mental and physical health (e.g. Espie, Lger,
Riemann, Pollmcher).
Although the last 50 years have challenged the specificity of
polysomnographic features for individual mental disorders,
disturbed sleep remains one of the most important and promising
targets of research and treatment approaches in psychiatric
Adrien, J. Neurobiological bases for the relation between sleep
and depression. Sleep Med. Rev., 2002, 6: 341-351.
Espie, C. A. Understanding insomnia through cognitive modelling.
Sleep Med., 2007, 8 Suppl 4: S3-S8.
Kupfer, D. J. and Foster, F. G. Interval between onset of sleep and
rapid-eye-movement sleep as an indicator of depression. Lancet,
1972, 2: 684-686.
Modell, S. and Lauer, C. J. Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: an
endophenotype for depression. Curr. Psychiatry Rep., 2007, 9:
Oswald, I. Drug research and human sleep. Prog. Drug Res.,
1978, 22: 355-372.
Pflug, B. and Tlle, R. Disturbance of the 24-hour rhythm in
endogenous depression and the treatment of endogenous
depression by sleep deprivation. Int. Pharmacopsychiatry, 1971,
6: 187-196.
Riemann, D., Berger, M. and Voderholzer, U. Sleep and
depression results from psychobiological studies: an overview.
Biol. Psychol., 2001, 57: 67-103.
Wirz-Justice, A. Chronobiology and psychiatry. Sleep Med. Rev.,
2007, 11: 423-427.



Past Present Future

Sleep and Psychology
Dieter Riemann1 and Colin Espie2
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Freiburg
University Medical Center, Germany
Sleep Research Laboratory, Glasgow University, Glasgow, UK
From the inception of the ESRS in 1972, with its first conference in
Basel in Switzerland, psychologists and psychology as a discipline
were an integral part of the societys endeavours. On the one
hand, classical psychological topics like dreaming, insomnia,
neuropsychology and the field of sleep in mental disorders
constituted an important line of research within the scope of the
ESRS. Within the field of dreaming, especially an Italian research
group led by Mario Bertini has to mentioned. In the early days
of the society, the topic of insomnia was dealt with by P.Visser
from Amsterdam. Other clinicians and researchers with a
background in psychology who contributed to the initial stages of
the development of the ESRS among many others, were Hartmut
Schulz (Germany), Inge Strauch (Germany/ Switzerland), Jim Horne
(UK), Torbjrn kerstedt (Sweden), Jrgen Zulley (Germany), Alain
Besset (France) and Anton Coenen (The Netherlands).
The activities of psychology/ psychologists was and is also strongly
reflected by symposia and workshops at the ESRS meetings.
In 1980 (Amsterdam) for example, a symposium chaired by
P.Visser and D. Schneider-Helmert dealt with the topic of sleep
and emotional stress. The Zrich meeting saw a symposium
on information processing during sleep (chairs: D. Lehmann /
M. Bertini). In Munich 1984, M. Billiard chaired a symposium
on Chronic Insomnia with distinguished guests from the US, and
I. Strauch organized a workshop on the non-pharmacological
treatment of sleep disorders. The meeting of 1986 in Szeged
hosted another symposium on sleep and information processing
(chairs: M. Bosinelli / P. Salzarulo). In 1988 H. Schulz organized a
symposium on Narcolepsy and L. Murri chaired a symposium on
sleep and dreaming. This exemplary list reflects the importance
and activities in the field of psychology for the ESRS.
Researchers trained in the field of psychology did not restrict
themselves to classical psychological aspects of sleep research.
P. Lavie from Haifa for example excelled in the field of sleep
and breathing disorders and sleep genetics. Jim Horne, a
UK based psychologist, became the first editor in chief of the
societys journal, the Journal of Sleep Research. Throughout the
40 years of the existence of the society, input from clinicians
and researchers from psychology has never wavered. Indeed,
at present psychologists as individuals are active in the fields of
basic sleep research and in clinical sleep research, especially in
the fields of sleep and mental disorders and insomnia. Likewise,
the field of sleep and learning has attracted many psychologists
who are now also extremely active in neuropsychology and
neuroimaging. Testimony to this contemporary activity, is the
work of the European Insomnia Network (EIN; established in
2009). Although too numerous to mention by name, the great
majority of members of the EIN are psychologists by profession.
It is clear then that psychology has always been and remains a
major basic discipline for sleep research as well as an important
force within clinical sleep medicine. It will be our task for the
future to further strengthen its role within the ESRS on the one
hand but also, on the other hand, to disseminate sleep-related
knowledge within the feld of psychology and related areas.

As core activities the following areas are suggested:

Methodology: As many academic psychologists usually have
a strong background in statistics and in the development
of psychometric instruments, their expertise is needed for
the development of statistical methods, scales and sleep
questionnaires but also for devising adequate designs for sleep
research. Many biologists and physicians who are active in the
sleep field have no training in these areas and therefore can only
profit from integrating psychological knowledge from these areas.
The areas of cognition, vigilance and performance in the sleep
field also have benefitted largely in the past by the input from
psychological researchers in Europe. These topics per se can be
considered domains of psychology and it will be an important
task for the future to attract the brightest heads in the field to
engage actively in the area of sleep research and become
members of our multidisciplinary community.
Sleep and mental disorders and insomnia: clinical psychologists
trained in behavioral techniques have an important obligation in
this field as is known hypnotic medications are afflicted with a
variety of serious problems with respect to long-term treatment of
insomnia. Cognitive-behavioral treatment of insomnia (CBT-I), a
domain of clinical psychology, is known to be very effective and
offers sustained benefits. Thus it is up to clinical psychologists
to campaign for insomnia therapy towards establishing CBT-I at
different levels of the health care systems in Europe. Indeed, this
not only applies to therapy of insomnia but also to other sleep
disorders where psychological expertise is needed. For example,
cognitive-behavioural approaches to the management of obesity
and motivational/ adherence therapies for patients with sleep
apnea; integration of behavioural and light therapies for circadian
rhythm disorders; and novel psychological approaches for the
management of parasomnias. Just as input from psychology has
proven to be extremely important for the understanding and
treament of insomnia, the growing emphasis upon Behavioural
Sleep Medicine more broadly should provide evidence-based
methods to improve sleep health across disorders. The challenges
associated with fulfilling this vision should not be underestimated.
Nevertheless, the emergence of stepped care approaches to
service delivery and internet-based delivery of therapies will help
to reach more patients. It will also be important for academic
psychologists to include the topic of sleep in psychology curricula
within their universities at both undergraduate and postgraduate
training levels.
The area of sleep and learning (information processing) has
generated some of the most highly cited publications in recent
years and also is viewed with much attention from outside the
sleep field. This field is very attractive for psychologists with a
strong interest in cognitive/ clinical neurosciences. A combination
with neuropsychology and neuroimaging, therefore, seems very
promising and synergistic. This importance is reflected in the fact
that psychologists have been able to establish research-oriented
sleep laboratories at their universities.
In summary, psychology and psychologists have been involved in
the ESRS since its starting days. Several key aspects of expertise in
psychology, highly relevant to sleep research and sleep medicine
have been identified. In the future a bi-directional approach is
suggested as the main strategy. That is, we need to attract more
psychologists to join the sleep field; but also the dissemination
of sleep-related knowledge into the field of psychology needs to
be enhanced. Furthermore, given the interdisciplinary nature of
sleep research and sleep medicine both psychology as a scientific
discipline and psychologists, either research-oriented or working
as clinicians, are an integral part of this effort.



Past Present Future

Sleep and Sleep Disordered Breathing
Jan Hedner 1 and Patrick Levy 2
Department of Sleep Medicine, Internal Medicine, Sahlgrenska
University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
Laboratoire dExploration Fonctionnelle Cardio-Respiratoire,
CHU, Grenoble, 38043 France
How did it start?
The earliest reports on disturbed breathing during sleep came
from Kuhlo in Germany and Gastaut in France. However, the
modern history of sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in Europe,
started in Bologna, Italy, by Lugaresi and coworkers with their
seminal work on snoring and hypertension (Lugaresi et al.,
1980). A series of meetings starting with the Sleep Disorders
Conference in Bologna, gathered researchers from a large part
of the world, and it was established that SDB may represent a
public concern. However, it was not until the introduction of
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy in the early
1980s that sleep diagnostic units were established on a larger
scale in Europe. Colin Sullivan in Sydney had published on
CPAP in 1981 (Sullivan et al., 1981) but no-one, not even in
their wildest dreams, could have anticipated how this technology
would alter the SDB arena. The number of patients treated not
only by CPAP but also with upper airway surgery, grew steadily in
many European countries, although, the recognition of SDB was
far from being well established. Centers in the forefront of the
early development in Europe were those in: Strasbourg headed
by Daniel Kurtz and Jean Krieger, Edinburgh by Neil Douglas
and Marburg by Jrg Hermann Peter and Thomas Podszus. The
volume of research papers in the area grew steadily, and seminal
meetings that brought more researchers and clinicians into the
field, were the Symposium on Sleep and Health Risk, held in
Marburg in 1989, and the ESRS meetings in Strasbourg in 1990,
and Helsinki in 1992.
Major achievements
The early publications on SDB prevalence, by Thorarinn
Gislason, in Uppsala, suggested that obstructive sleep apnea
(OSA) may be prevalent in 1.3 % of the adult population. Similar
and higher numbers were subsequently reported from the USA,
from many areas of Europe, and from Israel. It became evident
that far higher proportions of the population may suffer from
the breathing disorder without apparent daytime sleepiness.
As a consequence, intense research activities aiming to better
understand this prevalent condition were initiated by several
European laboratories. The European contributions to research in
SDB thereby ended up to include many groups of researchers
and clinicians having various interests in medicine, including
epidemiology, pathophysiology and comorbidity, especially the
consequences, including daytime sleepiness and cardiovascular
Sleepiness, the most obvious effect of SDB, was soon targeted
for investigation by the Edinburgh and Oxford groups. Moreover,
the prevalence and risk of traffic accidents in relation to SDB was
explored by groups in Grenoble, Bordeaux, Burgos, Stockholm,
Helsinki and Antwerp. Several of these researchers have also
worked intensively on regulatory issues related to SDB and
driving within the European arena.
A close association between SDB and cardiovascular (CV)
disease had soon been recognized by the sleep community, but
less well accepted among cardiologists and hypertension experts.
Fortuitously, it might have been this critical attitude (Wright etal.,
1997) that further inspired sleep researchers to associate sleep

apnoea with cardiovascular medicine. Subsequent work, with

contributions from several European laboratories, finally led to
the recognition of SDB as a treatable cause of hypertension, that
was first confirmed in the 2003 JNC7 report (Chobanian etal.,
2003). Subsequently, this work has widened the claims with
other forms of CV disease, metabolic disorders, even early CVrelated death.
Experimental work linking SDB with CV disease included
the findings of elevated sympathetic activity and reduced
endothelial function in patients with SDB, as shown by the
Gothenburg group, and the attenuated baroreflex function that
was reported by researchers in Palermo and Milan. Further work
in animal and human hypoxic models, provided evidence that
blood pressure elevation was related to exposure to intermittent
hypoxia, as found by the group in Grenoble. Oxidative stress
markers identified in SDB, were reversed by CPAP or modified
by Vitamin C, as shown by the Giessen group. Extensive work
on oxidative stress mechanisms was subsequently performed
by Lavie, in Haifa, followed by groups in Dublin and Grenoble,
who demonstrated the importance of inflammatory mechanisms
for having a potential role in the development of CV disease in
OSA. These core labs, as well as many others, have substantially
contributed to the understanding of these complex associations.
Unfortunately, the limited space of this review makes it impossible
to mention all contributors.
The Wright report, mentioned above (Wright etal., 1997), pointed
to the lack of prospective randomized controlled studies on SDB,
which soon alerted others in the field to undertake these studies,
especially those groups in Oxford, Marburg and Edinburgh. Most
importantly, these trials demonstrated the effectiveness of CPAP
for SDB. Subsequently, in 1997, Marin and coworkers (Marin
etal., 2005) published their important observational study on the
efficacy of CPAP, which further stimulated development of the
In parallel with these studies there has been an increasing focus on
the occurrence of central apneas and Cheyne-Stokes respiration
(CSR) associated with cardiac failure. It had been suggested
that the prevalence of CSR in cardiac patients was very high,
although subsequent investigations have adjusted these numbers
somewhat downward. There remains the controversy about the
optimal method for positive pressure treatment or even oxygen
therapy. Although such intervention often leads to considerable
functional and subjective improvement in patients with CSR, it
remains to be seen whether treatment leads to improved survival.
Considerable contributions in this area have come from the
groups in Gttingen, Hagen and Regensburg.
We have now entered the era of large scale research initiatives in
SDB. This development has to a large part been driven by genetic
research, here. The relevant protocols are underway in several
European countries, notably in Iceland, with collaborative
projects in Edinburgh. Together with detailed phenotypic
classifications, we look forward to further sub-classifications
of the SDB condition. Other successful large scale research
initiatives include those run by the Spanish network on sleep
apnoea research. All these efforts have led to new insights, for
instance, into hypertension in symptomatic and asymptomatic
forms of SDB as well as the recently reported, but unexpected,
association between SDB and cancer from Spain.
Over time there has been an increasing awareness of the close
interaction between SDB and metabolic disorders. It was soon
recognized that obesity is apparent in up to two thirds of a typical
SDB cohort. Moreover, and only by careful statistical analysis,
it was established that sleep apnoea is an important risk factor,
independent of obesity, for the development of hypertension in

Past Present Future

patients with OSA. However, there appears to be links to other
forms of vascular disease (e.g. stroke, congestive heart failure)
as well as diabetes and metabolic disorders. These associations
are undergoing further exploration within the large protocols.
Contributions on the organizational front, from the ESRS activities,
together with the ever improving structure of the national sleep
societies, continues to foster and enable many further scientific
and clinical explorations of SDB, throughout Europe.
European sleep medicine has also taken initiatives to develop
and apply simplified polygraphy techniques (cardiorespiratory
portable recordings) and thereby to offer diagnostic investigations
to larger groups of patients. Many centers currently offer
considerable ambulatory services for diagnosis and treatment of

Figure 1. Number of yearly publications with the search term sleep apnea during
30 years from 1980 2010.

Where do we go?
The history of SDB has certainly been exciting and eventful.
However, there is more to come. Highlights we look forward to
include results from the first large scale randomized intervention
with CSR the Serve-HF study, with expected recruitment
completed in 2012. This may help focus the importance of
treatment in a specific form of SDB. Other work demonstrating
the cost-effectiveness of CPAP therapy in SDB, will help to
further establish large scale treatment programmes for European
patients having such a chronic and disabling disorder. Large
scale initiatives will rely on the introduction and acceptance
of new, simplified diagnostic techniques that address important
components of the SDB condition. Clearly, this needs to be based
on an improved diagnostic process.
European research into SDB also needs to be cross fertilizing.
Researchers must exchange ideas, and all new initiatives are
based on interactions between them. One such initiative is the
Europeans Sleep Apnea Database (ESADA), currently engaging
27 laboratories across Europe. Over 12,500 patients are already
registered in the database, with similar initiatives being generated
by the Spanish network.
The history of SDB in Europe has been rather short in many
respects, but this new area of medicine is providing a fascinating
insight into a previously hidden disorder with a considerable
negative consequence on health. In witnessing this evolution
during its first 30 years, it has filled us with confidence that we
will have some fascinating decades of sleep medicine ahead of

Chobanian, A. V., Bakris, G. L., Black, H. R. et al. Seventh report
of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. Hypertension,
2003, 42: 1206-1252.
Lugaresi, E., Cirignotta, F., Coccagna, G. and Piana, C.Some
epidemiological data on snoring and cardiocirculatory
disturbances. Sleep, 1980, 3: 221-224.
Marin, J. M., Carrizo, S. J., Vicente, E. and Agusti, A. G. Long-term
cardiovascular outcomes in men with obstructive sleep apnoeahypopnoea with or without treatment with continuous positive
airway pressure: an observational study. Lancet, 2005, 365:
Sullivan, C. E., Issa, F. G., Berthon-Jones, M. and Eves, L. Reversal
of obstructive sleep apnoea by continuous positive airway
pressure applied through the nares. Lancet, 1981, 1: 862-865.
Wright, J., Johns, R., Watt, I., Melville, A. and Sheldon, T. Health
effects of obstructive sleep apnoea and the effectiveness of
continuous positive airways pressure: a systematic review of the
research evidence. BMJ, 1997, 314: 851-860.

Past Present Future

Sleep and Chronobiology
Anna Wirz-Justice1, Debra J. Skene2 and Derk-Jan Dijk3
Centre for Chronobiology, Psychiatric Clinics, University of
Basel, CH-4012 Basel, Switzerland
Centre for Chronobiology, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK
Surrey Sleep Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medical
Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XP, UK


Sleep and chronobiology as research disciplines grew up in
separate universes. Sleep EEG and single overnight recordings
were the preferred tools and approaches in sleep research,
while actograms, temperature curves and long-term recording
under free-running temporal isolation conditions the goldstandard approaches in chronobiology. One would think that
the circadian rest-activity cycle might have struck a chord with
those seeking to understand the secrets of sleep, but no, they
developed on independent tracks. Perhaps it was the introduction
of EEG recordings in a circadian context that really marked the
first, somewhat secretive, encounter of the two fields. Jrgen
Zulleys description of the changes in the distribution of REM
sleep under free-running conditions was a first demonstration of
the circadian modulation of sleep structure. Torbjrn kerstedt
and Matts Gillbergs demonstration of how sleep duration in a
simulated shift work context depended not only on the duration
of wakefulness, but also on circadian timing, signalled another
crucial interaction between the two fields.
The year 1980 was the moment when the courtship appeared
in public, leading to the marriage of circadian and homeostatic
concepts for sleep regulation. For the first time, a circadian
symposium was included at the APSS in Mexico City; for the
first time, sleep researchers were invited to a symposium on
circadian rhythms in Ringberg, Germany organised by the doyen
of the circadian field, Jrgen Aschoff. Here, Charmane Eastman
showed how she could simulate much of the free-running and
desynchronised human data gathered in the temporally isolated
Andechs bunker with only one circadian oscillator, and Alex
Borbly presented his first diagram of the two-process model
incorporating a single circadian oscillator (Process C) that
interacted with a homeostatic process of rising sleep pressure
(Process S). Their talks inspired Serge Daan to develop the model
further (Fig. 1), together with Domien Beersma and Alex Borbly,
focussing on spectral analysis of the EEG, in particular slow wave
activity (SWA) as a marker for sleep pressure (Daan et al., 1984).
Soon after the marriage, the partners tested whether they could
live independently from each other. Irene Tobler and Gerard
Groos performed the trial separation. It turned out thatlesioning
the circadian pacemaker did not abolish sleep homeostasis,
although it did, of course, mess up the timing of sleep. Next,
the model was exported across the Atlantic. In spite of an initial
resistance to the two-process model by US researchers, analyses
of experiments such as forced desynchrony protocols were based
on its predictions and have contributed major insights into sleep
regulation. Since that time, chronobiology has been integrated
into sleep research worldwide.

Figure 1. In the library of the Max-Planck-Institute for Behavioural Physiology in

Erling-Andechs, Serge Daan (left) draws his ideas of how the two-process model
of sleep regulation could be developed, the morning after Alex Borbly presented
his data at the Ringberg symposium, with Gerard Groos as vigilant listener (1980).
(Photo: A. Wirz-Justice).

Major Achievements
1. The 2-process model
The two-process model has inspired an important body of
research over the last 25 years, and has elegantly predicted a
great deal of phenomena observed in both sleeping and waking,
e.g. the negative and positive rebound of SWA after naps and
sleep deprivation, respectively, and the build-up of theta activity
in the EEG during wakefulness. The forced desynchrony protocol,
introduced by Nathaniel Kleitman, used by Rtger Wever
in Andechs, and refined by Charles Czeisler, proved to be a
major tool in extricating the relative contributions of circadian
and homeostatic processes to physiological and psychological
phenomena, ranging from the different sleep stages to performance
measures and mood (Dijk and Czeisler, 1995). The model has
evolved to include use-dependent local sleep, as initially
proposed by James Krueger and Ferenc Obl in our own Journal
of Sleep Research, leading to the synaptic homeostasis hypothesis
of Giulio Tononi and Chiara Cirelli. Particular strengths of the
model are its simplicity, close relationship with both sleep and
circadian physiology, and strategies to manipulate its constituent
processes rather than just a collection of mathematical equations.
2. Multiple clocks and the molecular clockwork
Genetic determinants of sleep and the sleep EEG have long
been described, but the discovery of clock genes revealed the
ubiquitous presence of circadian clocks in every cell of the body.
Studies on clock gene polymorphisms and sleep were stimulated
by the finding of a PER2 mutation in familial advanced sleep
phase disorder. In addition to using knockout mutant mice to
understand the role of a given clock gene in the generation or
expression of circadian rhythms, investigation of the sleep EEG
revealed surprising changes, first in the studies of Paul Franken
and Mehdi Tafti in mice, and later in humans. For example,
investigation of individuals with different PER3 isoforms at the
University of Surrey showed that clock genes were not just the
wheels driving the circadian system, but had wide-reaching
effects on sleep, performance, tiredness, mood etc. Furthermore,
the demonstration of homeostatic regulation in invertebrate
rest has opened the way to novel genetic studies of sleep in
3. Melanopsin as a circadian photopigment
Relatively recently, the identification of melanopsin-containing,
intrinsically-photosensitive retinal ganglion cells by Russell
Foster and others, and Debra Skenes groups description of a
human action spectrum for melatonin suppression identifying
short wavelength blue light as the most effective light wavelength

Past Present Future

(Thapan et al., 2001), has had enormous impact on the field.
Monochromatic light has proved an elegant tool for dissecting
out non-visual photic functions, though the precise interactions
of the melanopsin system with rods and cones has yet to be fully
4. Light as the primary zeitgeber
The discovery by Al Lewy in 1980 that bright light could suppress
melatonin secretion in humans initiated the investigation of
lights multitudinous effects on physiology, psychology, and gene
expression, as well as its successful therapeutic application in
Seasonal Affective Disorder. Light therapy has evolved further
(Wirz-Justice et al., 2009), showing efficacy in non-seasonal
major depression, depression during pregnancy and in old age,
improving sleep disturbances and maintaining cognitive function
in Alzheimers disease. In sleep medicine, light, appropriately
timed, is indicated for circadian rhythm sleep disorders, such as
advanced and delayed sleep phase. There is enormous potential
for the use of light as an entraining agent for a variety of sleep
disorders in particular secondary to other illnesses, whether
psychiatric (e.g. in schizophrenia or borderline personality
disorder), medical (e.g. in transplant patients, cancer), or just for
better entrainment in everyday work or school life (social jet
lag, shift work). In addition, sleep deprivation (wake therapy)
and/or sleep phase advance are powerful non-pharmacological
treatments for major depression that work within hours, and
can be combined with light therapy to maintain response (WirzJustice et al., 2009).
5. Melatonin
The pineal hormone, melatonin, rhythmically produced at
night, has advanced chronobiology and sleep research, first, by
being a reliable marker of circadian phase and second, for its
chronobiotic properties (Arendt and Skene, 2005). Josephine
Arendts group has provided a large body of evidence showing
that, given exogenously, melatonin is capable of phase shifting
the many circadian rhythms driven by the central clock.
Appropriately timed, melatonin can thus correct circadian
misalignment observed, e.g. in jet lag, shift work, and delayed
sleep phase insomnia (Arendt and Skene, 2005). For non-24 h
sleep-wake disorder, predominantly suffered by totally blind
people, melatonin is the treatment of choice to entrain their
free-running circadian rhythms, including the sleep-wake cycle.
Melatonin also has transient sleep-inducing properties, likely via
its acute distal vasodilatory and core temperature lowering effect.
The Future
The marriage of sleep and chronobiology has led to integration
not just of concepts, but also methodologies, and we expect this to
continue in the future. In addition, new non-invasive ambulatory
monitoring and biosensor technologies will make it possible for
research to take place in real life situations. What is the circadian
phase of our shift workers and sleep disorder patients? How
much sleep do older people/ mothers/ shift workers really get
and when? What can we do to improve what is often a poor
relationship between external and internal biological time? The
combination of melatonin and light (administered approximately
12 h apart) to phase shift and stabilise circadian rhythms and
sleep holds promise for the treatment of a variety of entrainmentrelated disorders.
The answer to the ancient question why do we sleep? may soon
be approaching. The marriage of sleep and circadian rhythms
and the observed profound influence of light on circadian and
sleep physiology, and brain function in general, imply that our

manipulation of light exposure with artificial light may lead us to

new fundamental as well as applied knowledge. The recognition
of how important sleep and circadian clocks are for health and
well-being is growing e.g. as related to metabolism (and thus
to some of the ills of civilisation obesity, diabetes, metabolic
syndrome). Advances in genetics will help us to appreciate the
importance of inter-individual differences in sleep and circadian
phenotypes. In addition, research into the development of new
lighting tools will help minimise sleep and circadian disruption.
Europe is well placed to lead this research in chronobiology and
Arendt, J. and Skene, D. J. Melatonin as a chronobiotic. Sleep
Med. Rev., 2005, 9: 25-39.
Daan, S., Beersma, D. G. and Borbly, A. A. Timing of human
sleep: recovery process gated by a circadian pacemaker.
Am.J.Physiol., 1984, 246: R161-R183.
Dijk, D. J. and Czeisler, C. A. Contribution of the circadian
pacemaker and the sleep homeostat to sleep propensity, sleep
structure, electroencephalographic slow waves, and sleep
spindle activity in humans. J. Neurosci., 1995, 15: 3526-3538.
Thapan, K., Arendt, J. and Skene, D. J. An action spectrum for
melatonin suppression: evidence for a novel non-rod, non-cone
photoreceptor system in humans. J. Physiol., 2001, 535: 261267.
Wirz-Justice, A., Benedetti, F. and Terman, M. Chronotherapeutics
for Affective Disorders. A Clinicians Manual for Light and Wake
Therapy. Karger, Basel, 2009.

Past Present Future

Sleep and Animal Research
Irene Tobler
Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich,
Past: How did it start?
Three approaches characterized sleep investigations in animals.
After the discovery of paradoxical sleep (REM sleep) in cats
by Michel Jouvet in the 60ies many groups investigated the
occurrence of this state in different mammals, thereby initiating
the comparative approach to sleep. In the 70ies the group of Yves
Ruckebusch of the Toulouse Veterinary School manipulated sleep
in large herbivores, and in 1977 Lev Mukhametov published
that dolphins exhibit unihemispheric sleep. This remarkable feat
was later identified in several other aquatic mammals by Jerry
Siegel, Oleg Lyamin and co-workers (reviewed by Lyamin et al.,
2008). The phylogenetic approach exemplified by Truett Allisons
report on the lack of REM sleep in the anteater (echidna), an
early mammalian species, in 1972 (later revoked by Jerry Siegel
in 1996 by intracerebral recordings) was pursued mainly in birds
(Rattenborg and co-workers in Seewiesen) and in some reptiles
(notably by William Flanigan in Allan Rechtschaffens group).
Subsequent studies compared species occurrence of vigilance
states and total sleep duration (Zepelin and Rechtschaffen, 1974;
Campbell and Tobler, 1984), leading to much speculation on the
functions of sleep (e.g. Siegel, 2005). The general consensus is
that all animals so far investigated do sleep (Cirelli and Tononi,
2008). The third approach used animals as models to understand
sleep mechanisms. The first continuous, long-term recordings by
telemetry in the rat were published by Alexander Borbly in the
late 70ies. He introduced new methods of EEG signal analysis
(e.g. spectral analysis) to complement vigilance state scoring.
Such methods are now in common use in animals and humans.
In 1994 genetically modified mice were introduced to sleep
research: sleep and circadian differences were reported in prion
protein knockout mice compared to wild-type controls (Tobler
et al., 1994). The comparative and phylogenetic approaches
resurged by expanding the EEG/EMG definition of sleep to
emphasize behaviour by Henry Piron in 1913 and William
Flanigan in 1974 and especially sleep homeostasis (Tobler,
1982), enabling the identification of sleep in invertebrates such
as cockroaches, scorpions, and later in bees and Drosophila.
Present: Major achievements
The phylogeny of sleep progressed by defining sleep in many
further mammalian species, many of which were recorded by Jerry
Siegel and his group and most notably, invertebrates. Drosophila
became an excellent model organism to dissect the molecular
mechanisms of sleep (e.g. Cirelli et al., 2011). Rats and mice used
as models to unravel sleep mechanisms have elucidated regional
and use-dependent aspects of the sleep EEG, their response to
prior waking activity and susceptibility to pharmacological
manipulations. Recent studies combined EEG and neuronal
multi-unit activity (MUA) activity to show the relation between
neuronal up and down states after sleep deprivation and EEG
slow waves (Vyazovskiy et al., 2011). The interaction between
the two processes, homeostatic and circadian was addressed
with an animal model combining rat EEG and MUA recordings
in the SCN; a constant routine design separated the contribution
of the two processes (Deboer et al., 2008; 2011).

Future: Where to go?

The rich diversity of animals with an abundance of ecological
niches has not been explored sufficiently by sleep researchers
(present numbers in Fig. 1). Moreover, existing data sets need
to be reconsidered by using modern methods of recordings
and analysis. Strict laboratory settings can lead to remarkably
different results than recordings in the same species in the field
(e.g. sleep duration recorded in sloths in the field using telemetry
by Rattenborg et al., 1998). Hibernation and torpor have several
similarities with the effects of sleep deprivation (e.g the increase
of EEG slow-wave activity as a function of the previous duration
of hibernation or torpor, and its subsequent dissipation during
sleep following these states), which still remains unresolved.
Our understanding of sleep will profit by investigating effects
on sleep of waking activities which demand different efforts. For
example animals foraging, i.e. having to work for food rather
than the standard ad lib feeding situation or comparison of
sleep of lactating mothers having varying amounts of pups will
reveal the flexibility of sleep adaptations. Birds are excellent
models because they molt, and the amount of eggs in a nest
can be manipulated to modify the metabolic effort invested
into searching for sufficient food, and lastly, birds migrate, an
unsolved challenge to the need for sleep. Phylogeny of sleep
will reveal the minimal requirements for a species to exhibit
sleep. In model organisms (rats or mice) the functional meaning
of high EEG slow-wave activity (or other EEG variables) must be
elucidated by including performance tests after sleep disruption
or after different spontaneous activities.

Figure 1.

Selected References
Bushey, D., Tononi, G. and Cirelli, C. Sleep and synaptic
homeostasis: structural evidence in Drosophila. Science, 2011,
332: 1576-1581.
Campbell, S. S. and Tobler, I. Animal sleep: a review of sleep
duration across phylogeny. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 1984, 8:
Cirelli, C. and Tononi, G. Is sleep essential? PLoS. Biol., 2008, 6:
Tobler, I. Phylogeny of sleep regulation. In: M. H. Kryger, T.Roth
and W. C. Dement (Eds.) Principles and practice of sleep medicine
(5th edition). Elsevier/Saunders, Philadelphia, 2011: 112-123.
Tobler, I. Evolution of the sleep process: A phylogenetic approach.
Exp. Brain Res., 1984, Suppl. 8: 207-226.
Vyazovskiy, V. V., Cirelli, C. and Tononi, G. Electrophysiological
correlates of sleep homeostasis in freely behaving rats. Prog.
Brain Res., 2011, 193: 17-38.



Past Present Future

Dream Research
Michael Schredl1 and Sophie Schwartz2
Central Institute of Mental Health, J5, 68159 Mannheim,
Geneva Center for Neuroscience, University of Geneva,
Geneva, Switzerland; Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
(NCCR), Switzerland

1) How did it start?

Following the discovery of REM sleep by Eugene Aserinsky and
Nathaniel Kleitman, published in 1953, studies on dreaming
started to be carried out in sleep laboratories. Two of the founding
committee members of the ESRS, Walter Baust (Dsseldorf,
Germany) and Uros J. Jovanovic (Wrzburg, Germany) studied
the relationship between physiological parameters like heart or
respiratory rate and dream content, e.g., whether emotionally
intense dreams are correlated with higher autonomic arousal,
and presented their findings at the first ESRS conferences. Within
this context, Michel Jouvets (Lyon, France) work with cats that
enact their dreams during REM sleep (by applying experimental
lesions to the brain stem areas responsible for the muscle atonia
during REM sleep) should be appreciated. Moreover, while
Michel Jouvet contributed to the definition of the distinctive
neurophysiological features of REM sleep (which he called
paradoxical sleep), he was also fascinated by dreaming and
proposed that dreaming corresponds to a rehearsal of instinctual,
genetically-programmed behaviours that would preserve the
individuals inherited psychological traits. Complementing these
early psychophysiological studies, research looking at cognitive
and psychological processes in dreams also emerged within the
ESRS. Researchers like Marino Bosinelli (Bologna, Italy), Piero
Salzarulo (Bologna, and Paris, France), Carlo Cipolli (Bologna,
Italy), and Inge Strauch (Zurich, Switzerland) were particularly
interested in dream content and memory processes. Beside dream
researchers from Europe two distinguished US researchers, David
Foulkes and Milton Kramer presented their dream research at
the first ERSR conferences. As the number of dream researchers
increased over the years (see Major achievements), European
dream research has evolved into a stronger position within the
scientific community. In 2008, Daniel Erlacher and Michael
Schredl set up an open access journal (International Journal of
Dream Research, hosted by the library of the
Heidelberg University to reflect both the growing interest and
research activities in this domain in Europe.

Inge Strauch and Allan Hobson at the sleep laboratory opening at the Central
Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, 1987. (Photo: D. Riemann)

2) Major achievement
Basics of dream research. Research in Europe has addressed a
large variety of topics ranging from the definition of dreaming
and methodological tools to the psychophysiology of dreaming
and clinical aspects such as nightmare treatment. One of the
basic questions is whether dreaming, defined as subjective
experience during sleep, is always present during sleep. This
seems plausible for REM sleep because of the high recall rates
from awakenings out of this stage of sleep, while it is less
certain for NREM awakenings. Slow wave sleep dreaming has
been studied by Corrado Cavallero (Bologna, Italy), who clearly
showed that NREM dreaming can be found quite often. Followup studies (e.g., Lutz Wittmann, Landau/Germany) showed that
brain activation measured by EEG is correlated with dream
report length but not dream recall frequency supporting the
idea of continuous experiencing during sleep. Dream recall
is the prerequisite to the experimental study of dreams and
dream research in general, so it is important to identify factors
explaining the large inter-individual differences and the intraindividual fluctuations in dream recall. Most of this work has
been done by Michael Schredl (Mannheim, Germany) showing
that factors like personality (openness to experience), creativity,
frequency of nocturnal awakenings, and attitude towards dreams
are related to home dream frequency. Nevertheless the major
part of the variance remains still unexplained. The most plausible
explanation is that dream recall is very sensitive to motivation
and attentional factors, i.e., simple encouragements can increase
dream recall dramatically. European researchers like Inge Strauch
(Zurich, Switzerland), Sophie Schwartz (Geneva, Switzerland),
and Michael Schredl (Mannheim, Germany) advanced the
method of dream content analysis and applied it to large dream
samples. One of the findings was that dreams obtained in the
lab or by keeping a dream diary are not as bizarre as is often
thought, based on retrospective questionnaires or interviews
(outstanding dreams reported long after they had occurred, for
example), while dreams do almost never represent true replicates
of waking life events. The work of Silvio Scarone (Milan, Italy)
also suggested that cognitive bizarreness might be a shared
feature of both dreaming and psychotic mentation.
Psychophysiology of dreaming. The ground-breaking studies
of Pierre Maquet (Lige, Belgium) using positron emission
tomography showed that brain activity patterns during REM
sleep were different compared with those of slow-wave sleep
and to waking state. Areas processing emotional information
(amygdala) were more active whereas lateral prefrontal areas
(associated with planning, reflecting, etc.) were less activated.
Although dream content was not reported in these studies, their
findings encouraged other researchers to study the interaction
between dreamed activities and brain activation patterns or
peripheral physiological parameters. Daniel Erlacher (Bern,
Switzerland), for example, showed that knee-bends done in the
dream are associated with increased heart and respiratory rates.
Lucid dreaming (dreams with more reflective activity because
the dreamer knows while dreaming that s/he is dreaming)
is correlated with an increase in prefrontal activation, as
demonstrated in an EEG study by Ursula Voss (Bonn, Germany).
Most recently, Martin Dresler and his group (Munich, Germany)
monitored two lucid dreamers in the MRI scanner and reported
that dreamed hand clenching is related to motor cortex activation
even though the study was a pilot encountering various
problems because of fragmented REM sleep due to scanner
noise and restricted sleeping position. Yet, these studies clearly
indicate that the generation of various dreams with their specific

Past Present Future

features relies on the activation of many distinct brain networks.
Sophie Schwartz (Geneva, Switzerland) pointed out that specific
dream characteristics provide unique and valuable information
about cognitive and affective processes occurring during sleep.
She showed that some bizarre but common features in normal
dreams present striking similarities with neuropsychological
symptoms observed in brain-damaged patients when awake,
suggesting commonalities in functional brain organization. By
providing specific predictions about likely patterns of cerebral
activity during sleep, dream studies open up a new road for
the interpretation of future brain maps of human sleep while
shedding light on the varieties of conscious brain states.
Continuity of waking and dreaming. In order to approach the
question of dream function several researchers thought it is
necessary to study what kind of waking life experiences are
reflected in dreams. The so-called continuity hypothesis, which
postulates that waking life experiences (actions, thoughts, etc.) are
reflected in dreams, has been supported by numerous studies. The
group of Dieter Riemann and Mathias Berger (Freiburg, Germany),
for example, showed that dreams of depressed patients or dreams
of patients with eating disorders clearly reflect the patients
psychopathological symptoms during waking. Studies indicating
that sport students dream more often about sports compared to
psychology students also support the continuity between waking
and dreaming. Similarly, Salzarulo and colleagues (Bologna, and
Paris, France) have shown that musicians experience music in their
dreams more frequently than non-musicians. Another question
pertaining to the continuity hypothesis is whether specific wakinglife events are immediately incorporated into dreams (day residue)
or after a delay (dream lag effect). Mark Blagrove (Swansea, United
Kingdom) demonstrated a dream-lag effect for REM (but not N2
dreams) whereby waking-life elements were represented in dreams
not immediately but after a delay of about 5 7 days.
Nightmare treatment. In addition to studying fundamental
aspects of nightmares like threats (Antti Revonsuo, Katja Valli,
Turku, Finland) or factors affecting nightmare frequency like
gender, stress, neuroticism, sex role orientation (Michael Schredl,
Mannheim, Germany), two research groups focused on nightmare
treatment. Because nightmares (defined as distressing REM dreams
which often awaken the dreamer) severely affects sleep quality,
these studies combine dream research with sleep medicine. The
group of Reinhard Pietrowsky (Dsseldorf, Germany) developed
an 8-session intervention based on the Imagery Rehearsal
Therapy and showed that this technique is effective for patients
with idiopathic nightmares, with posttraumatic nightmares
and even for depressed patient with co-morbid nightmares. In
order to help a larger group of patients (i.e. stepped care), Victor
Spoormaker and Jaap Lancee (Utrecht, Netherlands) developed
a self-help program which was effective even when presented
over the internet.
To summarize, taking together the efforts in studying the
interaction between dreaming and physiology, dreaming and
waking, lucid dreaming, and nightmare, European dream
researchers have been highly influential in the field.
3) Where to go?
Since the discovery of REM sleep, the function of dreaming was
somehow confused with the function of REM sleep. Yet, whether
dreaming fulfils any important physiological or psychological
function (be it during REM or NREM sleep) remains an open
question. In view of the recent findings regarding memory
consolidation during sleep, one wonders whether dreaming is

related to memory consolidation. Although the Italian research

group led by Carlo Cipolli and Piero Salzarulo (Bologna, Italy)
provided some evidence that memory processes are reflected in
dreams, it is yet not clearly established whether dreaming about
a given task practiced during the day can enhance performance
after a full-night sleep.
Recent technological developments (e.g. combined EEG-MRI
technology) provide detailed measures of brain activity of sleeping
persons and thus open the possibility to study the interaction
between neurophysiological processes and dream content in a
more precise and thorough way, which is a promising area for
future research. Another interesting option is to study, in patients
with sleep disorders, the effect of altered sleep physiology on
dream content. Initial studies indicate that patients with insomnia
or narcolepsy clearly show different dream recall and dream
content compared with healthy controls (Michael Schredl,
Mannheim, Germany). Another interesting field concerns enacted
dreams in parasomnias, such as in sleepwalkers or in patients
with REM-sleep behaviour disorder (Isabelle Arnulf, Paris, France;
Sophie Schwartz, Geneva, Switzerland). Or to study dream
elements which may depart from waking life experiences such
as, for example, walking dreams in paraplegics (Isabelle Arnulf,
Paris, France) or the visual content in dreams of blind persons
(Teresa Paiva, Lisbon, Portugal).
Another promising area of research is lucid dreaming because
this type of dreaming can apparently be used by skilled persons
to enhance performance in waking life comparable with the
effects of imagining training practice on sports performance. The
research done by Daniel Erlacher (Bern, Switzerland) collecting
anecdotal data from athletes, together with pilot studies indicate
that lucid dreaming could be an important technique to improve
Although the effect of waking life on dreaming has been widely
investigated, studying the effect of dreams on waking life has been
relatively neglected. We should thus not only consider the negative
effects of nightmares on waking life (impairing concentration,
affecting daytime mood, etc.), but also the positive effects like
creative impulses or insights. The effective use of dreams in therapy
has also been demonstrated but research in this area is still in its
To summarize, the integration of dream research as part of
a broader agenda for the understanding of brain and mental
functioning seems a very promising field for the future.
We thank the ESRS steering committee for their invitation to
contribute to the 40th Anniversary Book. We would like to
apologize to any researcher whose work on dreaming may have
been omitted from this short review.
Blagrove, M., Fouquet, N. C., Henley-Einion, J. A. et al. Assessing
the dream-lag effect for REM and NREM stage 2 dreams. PLoS.
One., 2011, 6: e26708.
Cavallero C., Cicogna P., Natale V., Occhionero M. and Zito A.
Slow wave sleep dreaming. Sleep. 1992, 15: 562- 566.
Erlacher, D. and Schredl, M. Practicing a motor task in a lucid
dream enhances subsequent performance: A pilot study. Sport
Psychologist, 2010, 24: 157-67.
Schredl, M. Dreams in patients with sleep disorders. Sleep Med.
Rev., 2009, 13: 215-221.
Schwartz, S. and Maquet, P. Sleep imaging and the neuropsychological assessment of dreams. Trends Cogn. Sci., 2002,
6: 23-30.

Past Present Future

Sleep and Genetics
Paul Franken and Mehdi Tafti
Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne,
1015Lausanne, Switzerland
How did it start?
The earliest publications documenting that genetic factors
contribute to sleep go back almost 80 years [for review see Andretic
et al. (2008)]. These early studies concern solely the analyses
of sleep in twins and, by contrasting the concordance within
monozygotic twin pairs to that of dizygotic twin pairs, allowed for
the estimation of heritability; i.e., the fraction of total phenotypic
variance that can be attributed to additive genetic factors. For sleep
heritabilities in the 0.40.6 range have been reported, indicating
that genetic factors account for about half of the phenotypic
variance. Later twin studies, quantifying the contribution of various
frequency components to the sleep EEG reported heritabilities of
0.9 and higher demonstrating that for EEG traits genetic factors
importantly outweigh environmental influences. With these
strikingly high heritabilities, EEG traits qualify as the most heritable
traits in humans and suggest that they are amenable to genetic
Despite the numerous reports illustrating the genetic contributions
to sleep and the EEG, until recently remarkably little progress has
been made in identifying the responsible gene variants. Other than
Vogel and colleagues, who identified a locus for a waking EEG trait
concerning alpha activity, family-based linkage studies on (nonpathological) EEG traits are lacking. In contrast, in the circadian
field, successful examples of linkage studies exist such as for the
circadian disorder familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (FASPS)
which was found to be associated with alterations in several of the
known circadian clock genes. Despite this lack of progress in the
genetics of sleep, reverse genetic studies in which the effects of
known allelic variants for candidate genes on sleep and the EEG
were tested, demonstrate that single genes and in some cases a
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) can indeed profoundly
affect these phenotypes [for review see Landolt (2011)].
Genetic studies of sleep using the mouse as a model species were
pioneered by Valatx in the early 1970s. Valatxs group recorded
sleep in hundreds of inbred, recombinant inbred (RI), and hybrid
mice. He and others documented that many aspects of sleep and the
EEG are under strong genetic control confirming the observations
made in humans. Only with the development of statistical tools
needed to map loci contributing to quantitative traits (quantitative
trait loci or QTL) by Lander, Botstein and colleagues, these data
could be used to identify genomic region affecting sleep. Almost
20 years after Valatxs group collected sleep data in a panel of RI
mice, we used these data to perform the first QTL analysis of sleep.
We have adopted the QTL approach in our laboratory and were
successful in mapping significant QTLs and their underlying gene
variants, for various aspect of sleep (see below).
Besides QTL analyses another unbiased, forward genetic approach
utilized in mice is mutagenesis; i.e., the technique of randomly
inducing point mutations and screening large cohorts of mice to
map and identify those mutated genes affecting a trait of interest.
The feasibility of this approach in the mouse was demonstrated
first by the isolation of the canonical circadian gene Clock by
Takahashi and colleagues. While mutagenesis studies for sleeprelated phenotypes in mice are under way, mutagenesis screens in
the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster by Cirelli and colleagues have
already yielded first results, and in some cases, the genes identified
could be confirmed in mice. Both approaches have advantages
and disadvantages; while mutagenesis will be more successful for

fully penetrant dominant or recessive mutations, the QTL approach

is more powerful in detecting natural allelic variations controlling
complex traits to which epistasis and modifier genes contribute.
One of the reasons to use a model species in sleep research is,
of course, the availability of genetic tools to activate or inactivate
genes of interest (reverse genetics) or to study the effects of a human
polymorphism or mutation in a model system. Use of these model
animals also allows for the study of the molecular consequences
of sleep loss in relevant tissues (molecular genetics). Besides
mouse and fruit fly, species like the zebra fish Danio rerio and the
roundworm C. elegans are now being used in sleep research.
Major Achievements
Using QTL analysis we were able to successfully map the genes
underlying three EEG traits in mice [reviewed in Andretic et al.
(2008)]. After an initial assessment of the phenotypic variance in
a set of inbred mouse strains we noted large genotype differences
in the dominant frequency of EEG theta (69 Hz) oscillations
during REM sleep as well as in the prevalence of EEG delta
(14 Hz) oscillations during non-REM sleep EEG. The segregation
of the first EEG trait was followed in an extensive panel of interand backcrosses between two strains that differed for theta peak
frequency. A single QTL was identified on chromosome 5 and
subsequent fine mapping and functional analysis revealed a
mutation in Acads (short-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase)
responsible for slowing down theta oscillations during sleep.
The second trait was mapped in a panel of RI strains of mice
derived from two inbred strains differing for EEG delta power. A
QTL on chromosome 14 was found and through a combination
of forward, molecular, and reverse genetic approaches, Rarb
(Retinoic acid receptor beta) was identified as the underlying
gene, thus implicating retinoic acid signaling in modulating
cortical synchrony during non-REM sleep.
The third example from our laboratories concerns the homeostatic
regulation of sleep (Fig. 1). Comparisons of the sleep-wake
dependent dynamics of EEG delta power in a panel of inbred
mouse strains, for the first time, demonstrated that the sleep
homeostatic process is under genetic control and with it came
the promise to identify molecules that modulate the rate at which
sleep need increases during wakefulness. QTL analysis in a panel
of RI strains yielded a significant locus on chromosome 13. Based
on in silico and transcriptome analyses, Homer1a was identified
as a credible candidate gene. These examples demonstrate that
QTL analysis can be successful in identifying novel genes and
signaling pathways underlying normal sleep and EEG traits.
While reverse genetics approaches are usually applied to test
specific and known molecular pathways, sometimes unexpected
novel insights can be obtained. Knock-out, transcription, and
DNA-binding studies in the mouse suggest that circadian clock
genes not only are implicated in circadian rhythm generation
but also play a role in sleep homeostasis [reviewed in Franken
and Dijk (2009)]. Work of Shaw, Dijk and their colleagues found
that the same pathway affected sleep homeostasis in the fruit fly
and human, respectively, making this one of the few conserved
molecular pathways implicated in sleep homeostasis and suggests
that clock genes besides measuring time-of-day, can be used to
track time-spent awake.
Although we here focused on the genetics of physiological
sleep and EEG traits, in a review on the genetics of sleep the
breakthrough findings concerning the sleep disorder narcolepsy
should be mentioned [reviewed in Sehgal and Mignot (2011)].
Mignot, Yanagisawa and colleagues using the dog and the mouse
as a model, respectively, discovered that the hypocretin (orexin)
signaling pathway is implicated in narcolepsy. Subsequent studies

Past Present Future

Figure 1. Multi-level approach leading to the identification of Homer1a as a core molecular correlate of sleep homeostasis. (A) Comparison of the rebound in EEG
delta power after a 6h sleep deprivation revealed that the rate at which this homeostatically regulated variable increases varied among inbred mouse strains (AKR/J = AK;
129 = 129P2/OlaHsd; C57BL/6J = B6; Balb/cByJ = C; DBA/2J = D2; C57BR/cdJ = BR). (B) This trait was mapped in a panel of 25 BXD RI strains derived from B6 and D2 and
(C) a significant locus on chromosome 13 (Dps1) was identified (LRS=likelihood ratio statistic). (D) In silico analysis of SNPs in the BXD RI lines and their parentals B6 (right)
and D2 (left), identified a distinct haplotype region that narrowed down Dps1 to an 11Mb QTL harboring Homer1 at 94.1 Mbp. (E) Whole brain transcriptome profiling of
the effects of the factors genotype (inbred strains AK, B6, and D2) and sleep deprivation identified Homer1a as the transcript for which the interaction of the two factors was
significant the most. Values in Venn-diagrams refer to the number of transcripts significantly affected. (F) Subsequent qPCR analyses confirmed that the dynamics of the wakedependent increase in Homer1a expression in the brain varied according to genotype matching the strain distribution pattern of the rebound in EEG delta power. HOMER1
is a postsynaptic scaffolding protein implicated in learning and memory, axonal path finding, drug addiction, epileptogenesis, complex motor tasks, depression, and chronic
pain. The activity induced short splice variant Homer1a acts as a dominant negative disrupting the multimeric tethers formed by the long Homer1b/c isoforms thereby affecting
postsynaptic signaling. Original data published in Franken et al. J. Neurosci. 2001; Maret et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2007; Mackiewicz et al. Physiol. Genomics 2008.

revealed a function for this pathway in behavioural state stability.

Nevertheless, polymorphisms in the genes encoding hypocretin
or its receptors do not seem to play a role in the aetiology
of human narcolepsy. Instead, supported by genome-wide
association (GWA) studies in large case-control populations,
evidence points to an autoimmune attack targeting hypocretin
neurons [see (Hor et al., 2010) and references therein]. Besides for
case-control studies, GWA studies can also be applied to identify
SNPs associated with quantitative traits such as variations in the
various aspects of physiological sleep and the EEG in the normal
population. Several of these studies are currently ongoing.
Where to go?
In the last century the aim and hope was to identify causal
linkage between single traits and single gene variants (i.e., a
1-to-1 relation as in Mendelian genetics) or, as for complex traits,
linkage between single traits and sets of gene variants (i.e., 1-to44

many). The examples above exemplify that such approaches can

be successful. It has, however, become increasingly clear that,
in order to gain insight into the mechanisms and pathways, this
view can no longer be maintained necessitating the search for
causal interactions among sets of traits, networks of genes and
their transcripts and products, and networks of developmental/
environmental / epigenetic factors (i.e., many-to-many-to-many).
This multi-level approach has been referred to as systems
genetics. As we are just beginning to appreciate this complexity
of genotype-phenotype associations, likewise, systems genetics
approaches are just beginning to be implemented. For sleep we
made a first attempt towards utilizing such an approach (Fig. 1).
As illustrated above, progress in genetics heavily depended and,
in all likelihood, will remain depending on the development
of computational and statistical tools needed to quantify and
interpret results and relationships, on the development of widely
assessable genetic reference populations (i.e., genetically stable

Past Present Future

mouse lines in which patterns of recombination of two or more
parental genomes have been characterized), and, importantly,
on genomics technologies enabling us to genotype individuals,
sequence genomes and exomes, and profiling changes in mRNA
and protein abundance. Progress will also depend on cleverly
exploiting the strengths of each of the available model species
in parallel, and on the combined use of the various genetic
approaches (forward, reverse, and molecular).
Andretic, R., Franken, P. and Tafti, M. Genetics of sleep. Annu.
Rev. Genet., 2008, 42: 361-88.
Franken, P. and Dijk, D. J. Circadian clock genes and sleep
homeostasis. Eur. J. Neurosci., 2009, 29: 1820-1829.
Hor, H., Kutalik, Z., Dauvilliers, Y. et al. Genome-wide association
study identifies new HLA class II haplotypes strongly protective
against narcolepsy. Nat. Genet., 2010, 42: 786-789.
Landolt, H. P. Genetic determination of sleep EEG profiles in
healthy humans. Prog. Brain Res., 2011, 193: 51-61.
Sehgal, A. and Mignot, E. Genetics of sleep and sleep disorders.
Cell, 2011, 146: 194-207.



Past Present Future

Sleep Through the Life Span:
The First and the Last Steps
Piero Salzarulo
Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
When we think of the life span we become aware of the important
concept of age-related change: Indeed, Feinberg, highlighted age
as the most powerful factor that affects sleep pattern changes.
European researchers, as well those from other countries, have
been particularly interested in this area, and original studies
investigating physiological, pathological and psychological
aspects have been conducted in both animals and in humans.
Pioneering work focusing on early development, was completed
in the first half of the last century, primarily in Germany, England,
Russia and Italy (see Schulz and Salzarulo, 2011 for an extensive
review), and France largely contributed in the late 1950s and
1960s with both animal and human research.

Photo 1. Colette Dreyfus-Brisac

The crucial experiments with animals were conducted in Lyon

by Danielle Jouvet, followed by Jolle Adrien in Paris, both
illustrating the early steps of sleep construction, prodromic
to paradoxical sleep (called seismic sleep), and interspecies
differences (precocious vs. altricial).
In humans, Colette Dreyfus-Brisac in Paris and Heinz Prechtl
in Groningen (see pictures) described sleep patterns before and
after birth, emphasizing respectively the maturation of the EEG,
the neurovegetative system and the concept of state. Their work
remains a primary reference for sleep studies in the earliest stages
of life.
These studies were further advanced by pupils of Dreyfus-Brisac
(Nicole Monod and then Lilia Curzi-Dascalova) with important
clinical implications, in particular for brain damaged infants and
near miss infants. This last topic has been further developed in
the 1980s by Andr Kahn in Brussels, by Marie-Jo Challamel
in Lyon and by Yvonne Navelet in Paris, while in Amiens, Bach
and colleagues studied the maturation of temperature control.
In Germany Hellbrgge conduced physiological investigations
in infants. In Israel A. Scher and A. Sadeh studied psycological
Study of the development of sleep states through the first year
of life and its relationship to nutrition has been, among other
things, a major interest of Salzarulo and his colleagues. More
recently some labs in Germany and the Netherlands have begun
to approach the relation between sleep and cognition in children.

The importance of this focus on development led to the creation

of the European pediatric sleep club instigated by Andr Kahn,
with meetings attended by researchers from several countries
(Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Israel, England, Switzerland,
Czech Republic, Sweden, as well as USA!).
At the beginning of this millennium, several research groups
focused on the awakening process. This has been a crucial time
both for exploring underlying physiological mechanisms and for
the clinical domains, mainly respiratory and psychiatric. Meetings
were organized in many countries to debate methodologies
of recording, criteria to define concepts and scoring systems,
the role of environmental influences, in particular parental
behaviour, and various pathologies, notably respiratory (for an
extensive review see Salzarulo and Ficca, 2002).
It should be acknowledged that those developments were given
prominence in ESRS symposia (Tirgu Mures 1978, Munich 1984,
Jerusalem 1988, Florence 1994, Glasgow 2008, Lisbon 2010)
and lectures (Corner, Amsterdam 1980; Prechtl, Florence 1994),
as well as in oral and written communications.
Late life sleep was a topic which received attention at first in
the clinical context. Some studies had been performed in the
early 1960s in Paris (Lairy) and Montpellier (Passouant), showing
the main modifications of EEG activity in advanced age and in
dementia. Ren Spiegel in Basel further developed this subject
in the 1970s.
Less research conducted in Europe during the following years;
however, there has been a renewal of interest in the last few
decades in several countries. Some research groups (Florence;
Guilford) have been interested in EEG changes (like slow waves
activity) and more generally in the deconstruction process of sleep
architecture in normal elderly subjects and its relation to circadian
rhythms. (behavioural and physiological). Interesting approaches
have been initiated recently in France and Belgium (Rauchs),
Germany (Hornung), Netherlands (van Someren), Italy (Salzarulo,
Ficca), exploring the relation between physiological parameters,
behaviour and cognition. In the clinical domain, Alzheimer and
Parkinson diseases, in particular are being investigated by groups
working in Amsterdam (van Someren), Paris (Arnulf), and Florence
(Salzarulo and Giganti). Aging, mainly its pathological aspects,
was also a topic of some symposia in the recent ESRS congresses.
Future research should study the normal population, which
is indispensible to understanding observations made in the
pathological domain. It is also important to establish stronger
connections between groups working on early development
and late life in order to understand similarities and differences
between the processes of construction and deconstruction of
sleep. Joint symposia at ESRS congresses and collaborative
research projects would be a good way forward.

Photo 2. Heinz Prechtl (right) and Piero Salzarulo


Past Present Future

Waking-sleeping and sleep-waking transitions are of great
importance. Further investigations here would be helpful for both
basic and clinical research. Future research should also ascertain
the contribution of the chronic dysfunction of CNS activity during
sleep to the progressive decrease of cognitive resources with
aging, that we see in pathological conditions. Finally, sleep and
rhythms in the environmental context of nursing homes for the
elderly merit both psychophysiological and sociomedical study.
I am grateful to Martine Lvy who kindly provided the photo of
her mother Dr C. Dreyfus-Brisac.
Dreyfus-Brisac, C., Fischgold, H., Samson D., Sainte-Anne
Dargassies, S., Ziegler, T., Monod, N. and Blanc, C. Veille,
sommeil, et ractivit sensorielle chez le prmatur et le
nouveau-n., EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 1956, suppl 6:418-440.
Hornung, O. P., Danker-Hopfe, H. and Heuser, I. Age-related
changes in sleep and memory: commonalities and
interrelationships. Exp. Gerontol., 2005, 40: 279-285.
Prechtl, H. F. The behavioural states of the newborn infant (a
review). Brain Res., 1974, 76: 185-212.
Salzarulo P. and Ficca G. (eds), Awakening and sleep-wake cycle
across development. Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2002: 281.
Schulz H. and Salzarulo P. Forerunners of REM sleep. Sleep Med.
Rev., 2012, 16: 95-108.


Past Present Future

Childhood Sleep Medicine
Oliviero Bruni
Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Neurology and
Psychiatry, Sapienza University, Via dei Sabelli 108 00185,
Rome, Italy
How did it start
The pediatric sleep medicine inside the European Sleep Research
Society (ESRS) paralleled the development of the society and
since the beginning took active part in the growth of the sleep
field in Europe. A very small group of pediatricians, child
neurologists, psychiatrists and psychologists interested in sleep
during development began to join in informal meetings during
the early European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) congresses.
The first studies were mainly leaded by the French researchers
following the pioneering work of C. Dreyfus-Brisac (Rouen) and
N. Monod (Paris). Various pediatric basic sleep scientists like
L.Curzi-Dascalova (Paris), M. Mirmiran (Amsterdam) and K.Paul
and J. Dittrichova (Prague), Piero Salzarulo and Igino Fagioli
(Florence), Andr Kahn (Bruxelles) worked together to start the
European research of infant sleep.
Several other enthusiastic persons joined this initial group and
began to investigate on this new field of research. I mention here
just a few of them: Yvonne Navelet (Paris), Marie Jo Challamel
(Lyon), Christian Guilleminault (Paris/Stanford), Marie Franoise
Vecchierini (Paris), Claude Gaultier (Paris), Gregory Stores
(Oxford), Rosa Peraita-Adrados (Madrid), Sona Nevsimalova
(Prague); Miriam Katz Salomon (Stockholm), Christian Poets
(Tuebingen) but many other scientists also contributed. All
together these scientists made the history of the pediatric sleep
science in the last decades.
After the preliminary informal meetings, this group of scientists
subsequently constituted the European Pediatric Sleep Club
(EPSC), as part of the ESRS, aimed at consolidating the area of
pediatric sleep, to bring together clinicians and researchers from
different continents and from different disciplines. The EPSC had
his own meeting every year since the first one in 1991 in Paris
and joins the ESRS Congress every two years.
The EPSC meetings were held in Paris (1991), Helsinki (1992),
Prague (1993), Firenze (1994), Messina (1995), Brussels
(1996), Lyon (1997), Madrid (1998), Dresden (1999), Istanbul
(2000), Bled (2001), Reykjavik (2002), Rome (2003), Prague
(2004). Following the efforts of Andr Kahn from the EPSC, the
International Pediatric Sleep Association (IPSA) has been created
in 2005.

Figure 1. Soccer match, 12th ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 1994.

Figure 2. Soccer match, 13th ESRS Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 1996.

There are several specific areas of pediatric sleep medicine that

received strong input from European researchers in the last 40
At the beginning there were different, active groups in Europe
publishing on the early development of the sleep-cycle, sleep
EEG and sleep behaviour in infants. The main contributors in
this area were Monod, Dreyfus-Brisac, Prechtl, etc. and research
into neonatal sleep has developed tremendously. The studies
by the Italian group of Salzarulo and Fagioli shed light on sleep
organization and sleep states during development. The French
group (Curzi Dascalova, Challamel, Monod) worked on the
definition of the features of sleep EEG in newborns and respiratory
and cardiovascular parameters in newborns and infancy; also
the French research contributed to the characterization of sleep
apnea, parasomnias and narcolepsy (together with Nevsimalova
from Prague). From Belgium, Prof. Andr Kahn and his group
made important advancements in clarifying the mechanisms of
the sudden infant death syndrome and of infant sleep apnea. The
German group made a big effort to characterize the features of
sleep EEG during development, as well as the characterization of
infant sleep apnea.
Major achievements
In an attempt to quantify the growth of pediatric sleep medicine
from the constitution of the ESRS, we observed an exponential
growth of pediatric sleep papers from 1972. Searching Medline
for sleep and all children (0-18 years) we found: 2,292 papers
from 1972 to 1980; 3,373 papers from 1981 to 1990; 5,771
papers from 1991 to 2000, and 10,512 papers from 2001 to
The huge growth in rate of publications reflects the enormous
progress of knowledge in the pediatric sleep medicine field in the
last 40 years, that it is not easy to synthetize (Bruni, 2010).
Sleep duration
Children in modern societies are not getting enough sleep and
their total sleep time has been declining.
The notion that children are sleeping less than they used to is
widespread both in the scientific literature and the popular
media. A recent study identified a secular decline of 0.75 min per
year in childrens sleep duration over the last 100 years and the
greatest rate of decline in sleep occurred for older children, boys
and on schooldays. This secular decline, variously ascribed to
electrification, increased use of technology, and modern lifestyle,
is believed to have resulted in many children not getting enough

Past Present Future

sleep and being chronically sleep deprived. Although there is a
lack of consensus regarding what constitutes adequate sleep
and whether children are in need of more sleep, the results of this
study suggest that short sleep duration is associated with multiple
social, physical and mental health deficits such as impaired
cognitive abilities and motor skills, mood disorders, obesity,
accidents, and poorer overall health (Matricciani et al., 2011).
Insomnia in childhood is a highly prevalent disorder but no sleep
medications are approved by the Food and Drug Administration
for the pediatric age. Several reports showed that the prescription
of hypnotic/sedative medications is a common practice of
general pediatricians and child psychiatrists and that melatonin is
becoming a widely used approach for treating insomnia, mainly
to decrease sleep latency.
Sleep Disordered Breathing
In the last years several papers and original investigations
highlighted the importance of childhood obstructive sleep apnea
as a multisystemic disorder that independently increases the risk
for neurocognitive deficits, reduced academic performance, and
cardiovascular and metabolic morbidities. The development of
neuropsychological deficits and cardiovascular morbidity is not
present in all children with OSA and it has been demonstrated that
endothelial dysfunction was highly predictive of neurocognitive
status. Further, the role of genetic markers in predicting OSA
vulnerability has been elucidated.
The impact of OSA on metabolism and the cardiovascular function
has also been demonstrated: OSA severity correlated with both
lower adiponectin and increased urinary catecholamines, with
inflammation markers (i.e. C-reactive protein) and with alterations
in autonomic cardiovascular parameters (Gozal et al., 2010).
Finally, the strict correlation between obesity and sleepdisordered breathing (SDB) has been elucidated showing that
obesity may be an independent risk factor for the metabolic
syndrome, mediated by inflammation, and that weight loss is
effective in treating obese children with SDB (Van Hoorenbeeck
et al., 2012).
Recent research on childhood narcolepsy allowed to better
characterize the clinical aspects of the childhood narcolepsy
phenotype: childhood cataplexy often appears abruptly
as emotionally triggered episodes (e.g. watching cartoons,
tickling), spontaneous falls to the ground (e.g. while walking,
running, eating), generalized hypotonia, with prominent facial
involvement, resulting in the so-called cataplectic facies
characterized by hypotonia, ptosis, and tongue protrusion, or
unsteady gait at neurological examination. Additionally, other
typical features of childhood narcolepsy, such as precocious
puberty and obesity, have been recognized. New data have shown
a robust seasonality of disease onset in children and associations
with Streptococcus pyogenes, and influenza A H1N1-infection
and H1N1-vaccination (Plazzi et al., 2011).
Where to go
The trend of childhood sleep research in the last decades has
demonstrated that almost all sleep disorders have negative
impact on childhood health; not only OSA, insomnia but also
other sleep disturbances such as restless legs syndrome and
periodic limb movement disorder have negative influences on
behavioural, cardiovascular and quality of life aspects.
The pediatric sleep medicine is a growing field of research with

great possibilities of expansion. The new developments will

be based on the technological advancement that will allow
to arrange improved diagnostic equipment with new tools
and methods of analysis. Future studies will also use more
comprehensive genome-wide approaches based on microarrays
or next-generation sequencing to identify epigenomic profiles
associated with specific phenotypes in pediatric sleep disorders.
This approach will allow a better understanding of individual
risk factors for adverse consequences of sleep disturbance and
therefore find the individualized treatment to reduce long-term
neurocognitive, cardiovascular and metabolic consequences.
Bruni, O. (Ed). Sleep medicine: advances in pediatric sleep
medicine. 11(7). Chokroverty, S. (Editor in-Chief). Amsterdam,
The Netherlands: Elsevier B. V.; 2010.
Gozal, D., Kheirandish-Gozal, L., Bhattacharjee, R. and Spruyt,
K. Neurocognitive and endothelial dysfunction in children with
obstructive sleep apnea. Pediatrics, 2010, 126: e1161-e1167.
Matricciani, L., Olds, T. and Petkov, J. In search of lost sleep:
Secular trends in the sleep time of school-aged children and
adolescents. Sleep Med. Rev., 2012, 16: 203-211.
Plazzi, G., Pizza, F., Palaia, V. et al. Complex movement disorders
at disease onset in childhood narcolepsy with cataplexy. Brain,
2011, 134: 3480-3492.
Van Hoorenbeeck K., Franckx, H., Debode, P. et al. Weight loss
and sleep-disordered breathing in childhood obesity: effects on
inflammation and uric acid. Obesity, 2012, 20: 172-177.

Past Present Future

Sleep and Memory
Pierre Maquet1 and Philippe Peigneux1,2
CRC Cyclotron Research Centre, Universit de Lige (ULg),
UR2NF Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging
Research Unit, Universit Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium
That sleep is implicated in memory processing has been
suspected for a long time, but the complete recognition of its
positive effect on consolidation of novel learning was obtained
in the past 20 years only, to the extent that sleep is good for
memory now transpires into popular wisdom. In this ESRS 40th
Anniversary book, we mostly focus on contributions made by
European sleep researchers, although it obviously resulted from a
worldwide research effort.
Already in 1867, Hervey deSaintDenys reported in his book
Les Rves et les Moyens de les Diriger a series of ingenious
experiments showing that experienced events are incorporated
into our dreams (thus in our sleep), in which they can be
combined to create original associations between memory
images of the past. Sigmund Freud (1900) and Otto Ptzl
(1917) likewise observed that even subliminal, non-consciously
perceived stimuli at wake could be incorporated in sleep and
dreams. At the same time, Ebbinghaus (1885) observed that
nonsense syllables learned just before going to bed were more
likely to be remembered the following day than when a similar
time period of wakefulness occurred in between learning and
recall. This result, replicated later on by Heine (1914) then by
American scientists, was interpreted as reflecting the passive role
of sleep, protecting memories against interference, inhibition, or
obliteration by novel information.
However, in the late fifties, the common conception of sleep
as a state of cognitive non-being in which the resting brain is
disconnected was falsified by the discovery of paradoxical sleep
by the French neurobiologist Michel Jouvet. Sleep is actually
composed of two distinct stages, namely telencephalic (slow wave
sleep) and rhombencephalic (paradoxical, also known as Rapid
Eye Movement [REM] sleep). Based on behavioural observations
and EEG recordings, paradoxical sleep was soon associated
with dream mentation and high-order cognitive processes such
as ongoing treatment of elaborated external stimuli, revival
of experiences and last, but not least, consolidation of new
information in memory both in man (e.g. Empson and Clarke,
1970) and animal (e.g. Hennevin and Leconte, 1971). However,
the period was also characterized by simultaneous publication of
discrepant results in studies apparently using similar experimental
designs and tasks in similar species, paradoxically casting doubts
on the functional impact of sleep on memory.
Continued research efforts clarified the issue in demonstrating
that sleep-related memory processes also involve non-REM
(NREM) sleep, which was shown to be an equally active state
of the brain but in a different operating mode (see the Sleep
and Neuroscience chapter in this book). A further contribution
of European sleep researchers was the demonstration that these
distinct sleep stages might have distinct memory-related functions
(e.g. Plihal and Born, 1997), or even that particular sequences
of sleep states reflect the succession of brain processing events
supporting memory consolidation (e.g. Giuditta, 1984). In all
cases it was firmly established that sleep on the first post-training
night is an important step in memory consolidation, still not in
an exclusive manner, as memory post-processing also occurs
during wakefulness. More recently, European researchers took
advantage of novel neuroimaging techniques to demonstrate in

man the persistence during sleep stages of neuronal activities

associated with recent learning, and its relationship with overnight
performance improvement. Some of these results supported the
possibility of a systems-level memory consolidation, during
which sequences of newly learned activity patterns are replayed
during sleep thereby promoting the integration of new memories
into long-term stores. Other results suggested a use-dependent
process, akin to sleep homeostasis proposed by Alexander
Borbly (1982), by which synaptic efficiency locally enhanced
by learning during wakefulness would be homeostatically
downscaled during NREM sleep.

Figure. Systems-level and Use-dependent Memory Consolidation in Man. Left

panel: Learning-dependent reactivation of hippocampal activity during slow wave
sleep as measured by H2150 PET following declarative spatial learning in a virtual
maze, correlated with overnight improvement in performance (adapted from
Peigneux et al., 2004, Neuron). Right panel: Locally increased slow wave activity
over right parietal EEG sensors after practice on a motor adaptation rotation task,
correlated with overnight sleep-dependent changes in performance (adapted from
Huber et al., 2004, Nature).

influence of neurotransmitter imbalance across sleep stages.
Neurophysiological studies have emphasized the role of
slow wave activity in the consolidation of recent information
in declarative memory, in showing that rhythmic electrical
stimulation during NREM sleep in the frequency range of slow
oscillations boosts even further memory performance on the
next day. Finally, numerous studies consistently reported the
involvement of sleep spindles in the consolidation of various
memory materials.
In parallel with the continued identification and understanding of
the brain mechanisms supporting the action of sleep on memory
processes, recent development and exciting perspectives in
which European sleep researchers can further contribute are
developmental issues and sleep pathologies in relation with
memory consolidation. Indeed, studies have evidenced that
sleep-dependent learning effects are not systematically found in
developing children and normal ageing, which might be partially
explained by changes in sleep architecture at least in ageing. On
the other hand, sleep alterations are observed in pathologies of
ageing (e.g. Alzheimers disease) which may contribute to the
often-reported associated memory decline. Sleep disorders may
also offer us novel windows on memory consolidation processes.
For instance, a study recently evidenced the post-training replay
of a motor sequence of hand movements during a sleepwalking
episode, suggesting reprocessing of this recently learned
information during sleep. More generally speaking, pathologies
in which normal brain activity is disrupted during sleep, such as
interictal epileptic activity, may also participate in an impairment

Past Present Future

of memory consolidation and accelerated forgetting over the
long term. Altogether, there is still a long way to go before we
thoroughly comprehend the way sleep and memory interact and
how enduring memories are stored and preserved all along our
Borbly, A. A. A two process model of sleep regulation. Hum.
Neurobiol., 1982, 1: 195-204.
Empson, J. A. and Clarke, P. R. Rapid eye movements and
remembering. Nature, 1970, 227: 287-288.
Giuditta, A. A sequential hypothesis for the function of sleep.
In: W. P. Koella, E. Rther and H. Schulz (Eds) Sleep 84. Gustav
Fischer Verlag, New York, 1984: 222-224.
Hennevin, E. and Leconte, P. [The function of paradoxical sleep:
facts and theories]. Anne Psychol., 1971, 71: 489-519.
Huber, R., Ghilardi, M. F., Massimini, M. and Tononi, G. Local
sleep and learning. Nature, 2004, 430: 78-81.
Peigneux, P., Laureys, S., Fuchs, S. et al. Are spatial memories
strengthened in the human hippocampus during slow wave
sleep? Neuron, 2004, 44: 535-545.
Plihal, W. and Born, J. (Effects of early and late nocturnal sleep
on declarative and procedural memory. J. Cogn. Neurosci., 1997,
9, 534-547.


Past Present Future

Sleep Medicine:
Accreditation and Certification
Dirk Pevernagie1,2 and Thomas Penzel3
Sleep Medicine Centre, Kempenhaeghe Foundation,
P.O. box 61, 5590 AB HEEZE, The Netherlands
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of
Internal Medicine, University of Gent, De Pintelaan 185,
9000Gent, Belgium
Interdisciplinary Sleep Medicine Center, Charit Universitts
medizin Berlin, Charitplatz 1, 10117 Berlin, Germany
The ESRS has fostered clinical sleep science and sleep medicine
right from the beginning. Concerns over standards of practice,
quality of clinical sleep monitoring and educational resources
in the different European countries, have given way to the
development of specific task forces within the society.
A clinical committee, appointed by the ESRS, met for the first
time on May 24, 1994 in Florence, in the presence of delegates
of national sleep societies (NSS) from Europe. The only point on
the agenda was the subject: is there a need for sleep medicine
in Europe?. The basic question was, indeed, whether prevailing
opinions would support an evolution towards this new specialty
in medicine. Overall, the feeling was that the foundation of this
new clinical field would be desirable, but the feasibility was
deemed doubtful. In any case, it was considered that the pathway
to this goal should lead through the national organisations, and
that by no means the decision could be made at the level of
the European health authorities. In order to make an inventory
of ongoing activities in the various European countries, it was
decided to construct a database collecting information on
different aspects of sleep medicine. Subsequently, a questionnaire
was sent to all known NSS in Europe. The result was a very
heterogeneous picture, with disparate figures on sleep medicine
practice, financing by health care insurance, and means for
education. Therefore, the committee decided to try and establish
a set of knowledge items, required for practitioners to qualify in
sleep medicine.
A meeting of the clinical committee in Strasbourg on March 31,
1995 resulted in an elaborate remit with detailed recommendations
regarding specialty titles, educational aspects, contents of
theoretical knowledge and practical training, examination
procedures, networking, as well as requirements for professional
qualification and for the accreditation of sleep centres. From
this broad scope of plans, two major objectives were distilled
at a meeting in Brussels on June 19, 1996: recommendations
for accreditation of sleep centres and recommendations for
educational procedures at different levels. The recommendations
for accreditation of sleep centres were published in the ESRS
Newsletter of July 1997. The members of the clinical committee
went on with their pioneering work until the ESRS decided to
reconsider the committee structure of the society and to further
corroborate the relationships with the European NSS.
In April 2004, the board of the ESRS had organised a congre
gation with the NSS in Mallorca. The delegates of the NSS
unanimously expressed a desire for a coordinated endeavour
to further develop sleep medicine in Europe at an international
level. The need for published guidelines on accreditation
of sleep medicine centres and on certification of sleep
professionals was stressed. As a consequence of this event,
a steering committee of five individuals was appointed, four
of them being president of a NSS at that time. This committee
was mandated to materialise the relationship between the ESRS

and the NSS, and to start preparing the requested guidelines.

In 2006, the European guidelines for the accreditation of Sleep
Medicine Centres were published (Pevernagie et al., 2006). In
2008, a change of the bylaws was performed to enable the NSS
to become associate members of the ESRS and to include sleep
medicine as a key objective of the ESRS. Consequently, the
Assembly of NSS (ANSS), representing the different European
NSS, was founded as a formal body of the ESRS. The steering
committee was renamed the executive committee of the ANSS
(EC-ANSS). The new bylaws also stipulated that one of the
members of the EC-ANSS is to be co-opted as a full member of
the ESRS board. Under the impetus of the EC-ANSS, two more
papers were published: European guidelines for the certification
of professionals in sleep medicine: report of the task force of
the ESRS (Pevernagie et al., 2009), and Standard procedures for
adults in accredited sleep medicine centres in Europe (Fischer
et al., 2011). Each of the three publications was drafted with the
consensus of all NSS involved, and with the endorsement of the
ESRS board.
Since the ESRS is an organisation that hosts both sleep research
and sleep medicine, several activities have been developed in
the last few years to foster the development of clinical sleep
medicine. The sleep medicine committee (SMC) was founded in
2010 to take care of sleep medicine affairs within the society.
This committee is directly linked to the ESRS board and interacts
closely with the EC-ANSS. The SMC will continue with the work
on papers as initiated by the EC-ANSS. The next consensus papers
will be a catalogue of knowledge and skills for sleep medicine,
an update of the accreditation guidelines, and an outcome
evaluation guide for sleep medicine.
The main goals of the SMC are to implement the accreditation
of sleep centres and certification of sleep professionals in Europe
as specified in the published papers. The certification of sleep
professionals in Europe will take place by examinations under
the auspices of the SMC. Four certifications are planned. A
certification for physicians, for psychologists, for scientists, and
for technologists. All will be called somnologist with the addition
of the specific type. In 2012 a first round of examinations for sleep
specialists is scheduled. For this first round all grandfathers and
grandmothers of sleep medicine with at least 10 years practice
and strong engagement for sleep medicine in the past are eligible.
While it is planned to create European somnologist certification,
the accreditation of sleep medicine centers in Europe is not
the exclusive responsibility of the ESRS. This process resides
inherently under the rights of national health authorities and
NSS. Currently it is envisaged to check accreditation procedures
in some countries against the published recommendations, and
if applicable endorse these national accreditations. For those
countries where there are no national accreditations in place the
SMC will help the NSS to either create a national accreditation or
will organise site visits with sleep centre accreditation if the NSS
requests for this action.
In addition to the accreditation and certification, the SMC will
support the development of educational material for future
somnologists in Europe through educational courses and
written material such as text books. The future concept and the
implementation of this high level and interdisciplinary education
in sleep medicine, covering all involved fields, will be developed
under the auspices of the ESRS board. This way, the ESRS will
commit to accomplish its goals with respect to establishing sleep
medicine as a particular medical field in Europe.


Past Present Future

Fischer, J., Dogas, Z., Bassetti, C. L. et al. Standard procedures for
adults in accredited sleep medicine centres in Europe. J. Sleep
Res., 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2011.00987.x.
Pevernagie, D., Stanley, N., Berg, S., Krieger, J. and Fischer J.
European guidelines for the accreditation of Sleep Medicine
Centres. J. Sleep Res., 2006, 15: 231-238.
Pevernagie, D., Stanley, N., Berg, S. et al. European guidelines for
the certification of professionals in sleep medicine: report of the
task force of the European Sleep Research Society. J. Sleep Res.,
2009, 18: 136-141.


Past Present Future

Sleep and Work
Torbjrn kerstedt and Gran Kecklund
Stress Research Institute, Stockholm University, Department of
Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
Occupational sleep medicine is a new area of sleep medicine
(Belenky and kerstedt, 2011). Research in this area has mainly
focused on the effects of the psychosocial work environment,
work hours, or the physical work environment, or, reversely, on
the effects of short or impaired sleep on performance and safety
during work.
There are two particularly well-researched areas. Firstly, a number
of cross sectional studies has shown that the psychosocial work
environment, usually stress, is associated with self-reports of
poor sleep (kerstedt et al., 2011a). A far lesser number of studies
have shown that stress at one point in time, or even a change in
stress over time, affects sleep. Results of high or increased stress
lead to shortened or impaired quality of sleep. Whereas stress
measured in terms of work demands (high work pace, difficult
tasks) can have a modest effect, stress measured as stress/worries
at bedtime, or as not being able to turn off thoughts of work, has
stronger effects. Social support, the buffer against stress effects is
also related to sleep quality. There have also been a few studies
of polysomnography (PSG home recordings) in relation to work
stress, which point to reduced sleep efficiency, more wakefulness
after sleep onset, and an increased latency to stage 3 sleep. There
clearly is a need for more real-life studies of work stress and
PSG, as we know next to nothing about the relationship between
stress and sleep duration (in real life studies), especially in terms
of small day-to-day variations in stress that may be related to
impaired sleep, and subsequent daily functioning. Moreover,
there seem to be no studies (subjective or objective) of different
types of sleep and different kinds of stressors, such as, high
work demands, threats of being laid off, mobbing, too little to
do, etc. A very interesting possibility is that stress or high work
load during the day is a promoter of good sleep due to mediation
by increased brain usage during the day; maybe stress could
be a countermeasure to insomnia (provided that stress/worries
are not brought to bed)? Furthermore, is good sleep an adequate
protection against stress related diseases, and do the latter require
disturbed sleep to become established?
The second major area of work / sleep research is work hours;
mainly, the timing of work (kerstedt et al., 2011b). Monks
often divide the 24 hour day into 8 hours for work, 8 hours for
contemplation / worship, and 8 hours for sleep. King Alfred of
Wessex adopted the same view in the ninth century. The first
treatise of night work was probably that of Ramazzini (1700),
pointing out the plights of bakers and other night workers. The
first PSG study, by Foret and Lantin (1972), of train drivers sleep
as a function of the time of going to bed, is now a classic. It
demonstrated that the later the driver went to bed (after 2300 h),
the shorter was sleep (up to a noon bedtime). About 7 later studies
have confirmed this and added new knowledge. Interestingly, none
of the PSG studies have demonstrated disturbed or fragmented
sleep but, rather, a shortening by 1.5 2 hours after the night
shift (2200 h 0600 h). The reason for this is the sleep truncating
effect of the morning circadian rise. Sleep before morning shifts
are similarly truncated, but the cause, here, is the alarm clock
and the difficulty (of circadian origin) to phase advance bedtime.
It appears that as the start of the working day is advanced, sleep
duration will be reduced by around 50 minutes for each hour of
advance. In contrast to the rather few real-life studies of PSG and
shift work, there is a vast number of simulated (laboratory) studies.

While these do provide information, the artificial setting of sleep

and work limits their usefulness in understanding the sleep of
shift workers. Also available is a large number of questionnaire
or diary studies of sleep and work timing. They essentially yield
results similar to the PSG studies, but one peculiarity is that shift
workers do not seem to complain about sleep in relation to shift
work. They may admit to not getting enough sleep, but insomnia
items, such as difficulties falling asleep, repeated awakenings,
disturbed sleep, etc. seldom differ from ratings of day workers.
These ratings do, however, differ immensely from those of
insomniacs. These observations lead us to think that sleep is not
a main problem in shift work, but rather sleepiness (see below).
Indeed, the new diagnosis shift work sleep disorder has now
dropped sleep, since it is now obvious that the active ingredient
is fatigue/sleepiness, or non-restorative sleep.
The total number of work hours, or overtime, has not been the
topic of much sleep research and the results are weak. Often,
workers engaged in overtime show fewer problems, due to
self-selection (overtime in modern society is often voluntary
and carried out at home by individuals with interesting and
independent work tasks). However, a shortening of the working
day to 6 h (30 h working week) across two years, was shown by
(kerstedt et al., in prep) to produce a clear improvement of sleep
and alertness in the experimental group (400 participants and 400
in the control group). Recently, there have also been indications
that commuting time is related to sleep duration, which seems
logical. In addition, there appears to be a phase advance of the
commute in order to avoid congested roads leading to larger
cities. On the other hand, overtime is associated with better sleep
than no overtime, and fulltime sleep with better sleep than is
part-time work. Selection processes are strongly involved here.
An area of work and sleep research that has received little
attention, is the effect of the physical work environment. Working
under uncomfortable environments seems weakly related to
reduced sleep quality. Heavy physical work load show similar,
weak links. Other factors such as exposure to noise or solvents,
vibrations, dust, cold, heat, at work etc., do not appear to have
been investigated. Several of the factors mentioned seem to have
the potential for affecting sleep. One might also include socioeconomic group, where there, again, is limited evidence.
A final area to be considered, here, is the effect of insufficient
sleep or extended time awake on alertness and performance, or
safety at work. In the Royal Navy (UK) falling asleep on watch
could be punishable by death in the old days. A considerable
number of field and questionnaire studies in the 1970s showed
increased sleepiness or fatigue during the night shift, as well as
a disproportionate number of reports of falling asleep at work.
This has later been demonstrated also in PSG studies, showing
that train drivers, truck drivers, paper mill workers and physicians
show evidence of actual sleep during work. Experimental studies
of late night driving show dangerous levels of sleepiness. There is
also ample evidence from questionnaire or interview studies that
many road crashes are heralded by increased levels of sleepiness.
Studies of road crashes also confirm the excessive risk of having a
crash during night driving. The link between accidents and night
work is less evident outside of driving, but industrial work has
been associated with somewhat higher levels, and a few studies
have shown spectacular decreases in patient safety due to oncall work of physicians and the associated sleep loss. The main
reason for the effects on sleepiness and accidents may be the
impact of work during the circadian trough. The extended time
awake in connection with night work (up to 24 hours) is likely
to be another contributor, but this has not been formally tested
in real life studies. Another factor may be truncated prior sleep.

Past Present Future

However, apart from not being formally tested, it seems unlikely
that 5.5 6 h of sleep terminated at 1300 h (yielding 17 hours of
time awake before the end of the night shift) would be a major
contributor to night shift sleepiness. However, studies linking
sleep loss due to work stress, with sleepiness and accidents, seem
to be lacking, as are studies of the importance of good sleep for
healthy aging and delayed retirement.
In summary, work stress and work hours have been well studied
in relation to sleep, but only in limited terms with respect to the
physical work environment, and how this can lead to insomnia.
Finally, we know next to nothing about the impact of day-to-day
variations in sleep duration and sleep quality on productivity and
kerstedt, T., Perski, A. and Kecklund, G. Sleep, stress and
burnout. In: M. H. Kryger, T. Roth and W. C. Dement (Eds),
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine. Elsevier Saunders, St.
Louis, MO, 2011a: 1723.
kerstedt, T., Philip, P., Capelli, A. and Kecklund, G. Sleep loss
and accidents Work hours, life style, and sleep pathology. Prog.
Brain Res., 2011b, 190: 169-188.
Belenky, G. and kerstedt, T. Occupational Sleep Medicine,
Introduction. In: M. H. Kryger, T. Roth and W. C. Dement (Eds),
Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine, 5th edn. Elsevier
Saunders, St. Louis, MO, 2011: 734-737.
Foret, J. and Lantin, G. The sleep of train drivers: An example
of the effects of irregular work schedules on sleep. In: W. P.
Colquhoun (Ed), Aspects of Human Efficiency. Diurnal Rhythm
and Loss of Sleep. The English Universities Press Ltd, London,
1972: 273-281.
Ramazzini, B. De Morbis Artificum Diatriba. Mutinae: Typis
Antonii Capponi,1700.


Past Present Future

Epidemiological Sleep Research
in Europe
Markku Partinen
Helsinki Sleep Clinic, Vitalmed Research Centre,
Helsinki, Finland
Epidemiological sleep research, or sleep epidemiology, may
be defined as a discipline of how to study the occurrence of
phenomena of interest in the field of sleep. Thus, it delineates
major principles of study design and data analysis in research into
the frequency of occurrence of sleeping habits, sleep disorders
and related phenomena in human populations, whether in the
community or in different clinical settings.
The oldest epidemiological sleep studies are from the end of the
18th century. Clement Dukes from England studied the need of
sleep of young children. Other well-known early studies are those
by Hertel from Denmark, Bernhard from Germany, and Claparde
from France. About 80 to 100 years ago, young children were
sleeping 10.5 13.5 hours, 15-year-olds 910hours, and adults
between 7 hours 25 minutes and 8 hours 23 minutes. These
figures do not differ significantly from those of the present day.
Epidemiological studies about sleeping habits have been done in
Europe since 1960. In these studies the average length of sleep
varies between 7 and 8 hours. In Scotland 2446 subjects aged
over 15 were inquired. Of the older subjects in the age group
6574 years, 18 percent complained of waking up before 5a.m.
The percentage decreased to 12 % after age of 75. Disturbed
sleep was complained by less than 10 % of men aged 1564. In
the age group 6574 disturbed sleep was a complaint in 25 %
of men. In women the respective percentage was 43 % (McGhie
et al., 1962). Since 1970s the length of sleep has remained
quite constant. In a large Finnish meta-analytic study (Kronholm
et al., 2008) the self-reported sleeping time has decreased by
about 18min during 33 years. At the same time symptoms of
insomnia have increased especially in the employed middleaged population.
By the time of the first European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
congress in 1972 altogether 45 publications were found using the
PubMed using the following Mesh terms: (Epidemiology[Mesh]
OR prevalence OR incidence) AND (Sleep Disorders[Mesh]
OR Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm[Mesh] OR Snoring
OR Sleep Apnea Syndromes[Mesh] OR Sleep Apnea,
Obstructive[Mesh] OR Sleep Apnea, Central[Mesh] OR
insomnia OR parasomnia) and limiting the publications into
original human studies. The number of such publications
increased slowly in the 1970s (10 to 21 publications per year)
and started to grow with greater speed at the end of 1980s. In
1990 110 studies were published and the figure increased to over
300 in 2001. Starting from 2008 more than 1000 epidemiological
original articles on sleep have been published each year.
In 1980 Elio Lugaresi and his collaborators published the first
results of the San Marino epidemiological population based
survey in the journal Sleep. It was the first large population based
study on snoring. Also other sleep disorders were surveyed.
The Neurological Clinic of Bologna, Italy, continues to be one
of the great schools in clinical and clinical-epidemiological
sleep research. Professor Lugaresi and Giorgio Coccagna were
among the first persons together with Henri Gastaut to describe
obstructive sleep apnea, which they called hypersomnia with
periodic breathing. Also the first International symposium The
Rimini Symposium on Hypersomnia and Periodic Breathing
was organized by Lugaresi in 1972. The term sleep apnea was

introduced later, in 1975, by Christian Guilleminault, soon after he

had moved from France to work with William Dement at Stanford,
USA. Lugaresi has been a pioneer in studying hemodynamic
changes during sleep apnea, and various movement disorders
related to sleep. The description of the Fatal Familial Insomnia
is a good example of the clinical-epidemiological skills of Elio
In France the early epidemiological studies have been conducted
mainly in Montpellier. Pierre Passouant (Photo 1) was an excellent
neurologist and the teacher of Michel Billiard. Passouant
organized the First International Symposium on Narcolepsy in La
Grande Motte in 1975. He can be considered as one of the big
men and true pioneers in developing the field of clinical sleep
medicine, including epidemiological understanding, together
with William Dement, Christian Guilleminault, Yasuo Hishikawa,
Yutaka Honda, Werner Koella, Elio Lugaresi and Ian Oswald. The
latter can be remembered well from his several studies on various
aspects of sleep disorders, including treatment of insomnia, the
restorative effects of sleep, and role of nutrition on sleep. The
debate between Kristine Adam and Ian Oswald on one side, and
Jim Horne on the other side was a hot topic in the 1980s.

Photo 1. Pierre Passouant
(Photo by M. Partinen).

Photo 2. Jrg Hermann Peter

(Photo courtesy of the family).

After the San Marino studies the first population based

epidemiological studies on the prevalence of snoring and sleep
apnea were published in the late 1980s in Finland (Telakivi et
al.), Germany (Jrg Hermann Peter (Photo 2), Thomas Podszus
and collaborators), Israel (Peretz Lavie et al.), Sweden (Thorarinn
Gislason et al.) and Denmark (Poul Jennum et al.). The prevalence
figures varied, depending of the gender and age, between one
and six percent which agreed with the results of the Wisconsin
population based study that was published in 1993 by Terry
Young and her collaborators. European epidemiological studies
were an important part of the background for the Madison
studies. Many questions in the Wisconsin surveys were based on
the questions that had been used in the Nordic surveys which
allows good comparisons. At about the same time, in 1989 the
first two prospective studies on mortality of sleep apnea were
published by He et al. and Partinen et al., both on patients in USA.
Since that time thousands of studies on sleep apnea have been
published, and sleep apnea is now recognized as an important
disease. The Italians (the Bologna School, and Luigi Ferini-Strambi
and Salvatore Smirne in Milano) have been pioneers in studying
cardiovascular consequences of sleep apnea. The first paper on
insulin resistance in patients with sleep apnea was published in
JSR (Tiihonen et al., J. Sleep Res. 1993). It was published at a
time when only few people were interested to study relationships
between sleep apnea, obesity and glucose metabolism. Other
European names in the early history of epidemiology of sleep
apnea in Europe include Heikki Palomki (stroke), John Stradling

Past Present Future

(neck circumference, risk factors, hypertension) and Neil Douglas
(RCTs, cognition etc.) and Claudio Bassetti (stroke) among many
others. Talking about history of cardiovascular studies on sleep
apnea in Europe one cannot forget Marburg. Jrg Hermann Peter
was a pioneer in that field and he organized several important
meetings on the topic before he passed away in January 2010.
Some of the studies that originated in Marburg, are now continued
in Gothenburg, Sweden, by Ludger Grote and Jan Hedner.
We must recognize the Russian (at that time USSR) and Czech
sleep researchers. One of the great names pioneering sleep
research was one of the leading neurologists of USSR, professor
Alexander Vein. I remember him well from the stimulating
discussions that we had during the ESRS congresses and other
meetings were we met. He passed away in 2003. Another
pioneering Russian person is professor of Psychiatry, Vadim
Rotenberg. He moved to Israel in 1990 and he continues to
publish. He is known from his theories about sleep deprivation,
the search theory, and depression. One of the pioneers in the
area of narcolepsy and hypersomnias has been Professor Bedrich
Roth (Photo 3) from Prague. He was born in 1919 and he passed
away in 1989. He published his first monograph on narcolepsy in
1957. His blue book on hypersomnias with epidemiological data
remains as a classic. Sona Nevsimalova and Karel onka are two
of his talented students.

Photo 3. Sona Nevsimalova and Bedrich Roth (Photo by M. Partinen).

Insomnia is the most common sleep disorder. It is very important,

and more difficult to treat than sleep apnea. Socio-economically
insomnia is even more expensive than sleep apnea. Europeans
have published many important epidemiological studies on
insomnia. The Swedish (Jerker Hetta, Gunnar Boman and many
others), British (Kevin Morgan and others) and Norwegian (Reidun
Ursin, Bjrn Bjorvatn and others) have been active together
with Finnish, French and German researchers. Sleepiness is an
important issue in occupational medicine and in traffic. In these
areas one must remember the studies by Pierre Philip from France
and Torbjrn kerstedt from Sweden. As for epidemiological
studies on narcolepsy many Europeans have been involved in
pioneering studies, including Yves Dauvilliers from Montpellier,
Christer Hublin from Finland, and the Swiss colleagues.
The first International meeting on epidemiology of sleep/wake
disorders was organized in Milano Marittima, Italy, in May
1982 (Photo 4). The proceedings of the excellent meeting were
published in the book Sleep/Wake Disorders: Natural History,
Epidemiology, and Long-Term Evolution, edited by Christian
Guilleminault and Elio Lugaresi. The first ESRS symposium on
Epidemiology of Sleep Disorders was organized in 1986 during
the 8th ESRS congress in Szeged, Hungary. Markku Partinen

acted as the chairperson, and the speakers were Michel Billiard

(Montpellier), Raymond Cluydts (Brussels), Markku Koskenvuo
(Helsinki), Naomi Richman (London), and Bedrich Roth (Prague).

Photo 4. Milano Marittima 1982. Bill Dement and Elio Lugaresi in the middle.

There are many European colleagues who have conducted

epidemiological studies in different areas. The list of researchers
would be too long, and I have listed only some people that
have been important in the history of sleep medicine during its
development mainly in the 1980s to 1990s. Many of the grand
old researchers have died. Fortunately many others are still
active. Happily there are also clear signs that more and more
young students, physicians, psychologists and epidemiologists
are interested in sleep and epidemiological studies have a
lot to give to increase our understanding of the many facets of
sleep. Sleep epidemiology is a rapidly growing field of research.
Modern epidemiological methods are used and the studies have
changed from simple descriptive studies to well-planned casecontrol studies and to prospective studies, and to multivariate
analytic studies of different associations and risk factors. The
European Sleep Research Society has played a very important
part in this field.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Manasseina, Pavlov and the
Russian School
Vladimir M. Kovalzon
Severtsov Institute Ecology/Evolution, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Next year well celebrate the 170th anniversary of the birth of
Maria Mikhailovna Manasseina-Korkunova (1843 1903),
also known as Marie von Manassein and Marie de Manacine,
a pioneer experimental somnologist. Manasseina published
articles in Russian, French and German, and she is sometimes
mistakenly referred to as a French or German male scientist.
Maria Manasseina worked as a physiologist in St. Petersburg
from 1872, performing studies in dog puppies with prolonged
deprivation of sleep using forced walking and handling. She
came to the conclusion that the main effects originate in the
brain itself and are very different from that associated with 20
25 days of starvation. Manasseina concluded that sleep is more
important for an organism than food, and rejected the strange
opinion regarding sleep as a useless, stupid and even noxious
habit. In 1892, Manasseina published a sizeable hardcover
volume entitled Sleep as one third of human life, or physiology,
pathology, hygiene and psychology of sleep. Its revised and
significantly expanded version was later published in English
(1897) and Swedish. According to Manasseina, scientists who
regarded sleep as a cessation or diastole of cerebral activity
are mistaken, for during sleep the brain as a whole does not
sleep at all, it does not stay idle entirely, but only those parts
of it which constitute an anatomic substrate of consciousness
are under the process of sleeping. Sleep is a time for the rest
of our consciousness, she wrote. This book on sleep was the
best known of all Manasseinas works and positive reviews were
published in Philosophical Reviews and Science in 1898.

French scientist H. Piron, independently made the first attempts

to explore the accumulation of sleep substances (hypnotoxins)
in a sleep-deprived organism and their transmission to nondeprived animals (donor-recipient transfusions). Being influenced
by Manasseinas work, both researchers referred to her book
and followed Manasseinas method of sleep deprivation in
their experiments, also on dogs (see Kovalzon, 2009, for the
It is well known that the great Pavlov was very much interested
in sleep problems, considering sleep as the key to his theory of
higher nervous activity. Everyone knows his definition of sleep as a
spreading cortical inhibition. After the discovery of paradoxical
(REM, dreaming) sleep, it seemed that Pavlovian theory had
become hopelessly obsolete in this respect. Indeed, the idea of
the creation of the physiology of dreaming could not come to
his mind. However, if we take into account slow wave (NREM,
orthodoxic) sleep, sleep in general, and recall some recent
discoveries, such as the strong activation of inhibitory neurons
and the release of their mediators GABA, galanin, adenosine,
starting in local hypothalamic areas and gradually spreading
through the neocortex; or the extreme hyperpolarization of
thalamo-cortical neuronal network which, being alternated with
brief depolarization periods, predominates during this state, we
can hardly come to the conclusion that this fully intuitive idea of
Ivan Pavlov about sleep was completely wrong.

Photo 1. Maria Manasseina (1860ties) and her original book

Manasseina presented her results at the International Congress of

Medicine in Rome (1894). Her works had a tremendous impact
on sleep science. In 1896 two American psychologists, G. T. V.
Patrick and J. A. Gilbert, clearly inspired by Manasseinas pioneer
work, performed the first study of sleep deprivation in humans,
and in 1898 three Italian investigators, L. Daddi, G. Tarozzi and
C. Agostini, also inspired by her studies, performed more detailed
investigation of sleep deprivation in dogs. Later, at the beginning
of the 20th century, the Japanese scientist K. Ishimori and the

Photo 2. Ivan Pavlov (1849 1936)

At the end of his long life, in 1935, Pavlov wrote: It is clear

that our diurnal working is nothing but a sum of irritations that is
the cause of a correspondent sum of exhaustion and when this
sum of exhaustion comes to the end it induces automatically, by
internal humoral way, the inhibitory state followed by sleep. This
formulation could be regarded as prophetic it actually sounds
quite contemporary.
Russian-originated scientists and their ideas have certainly played
an important role in history of sleep science. It would be sufficient
to remember that Nathaniel Kleitman (1895 1999) was born in,
and graduated from a secondary school in, Kishinev, Russia (now
in the Republic of Moldova). Russian was his native language,
and it was a paper of the Russian authors M. P. Denisova and
N. L. Figurin Periodic events in children sleep (1926) which
became the starting point for the revolutionary discovery of REM
sleep in 1953 (Dement, 2001).
Despite the great detriment caused to Russian physiology by
the victory of dogmatics (approved by Stalin) at the so-called
Pavlovian session in 1950, during the post-Stalin period
(60ties 80ties) basic studies of the mechanisms of sleep59

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

wake regulation were performed in the Soviet Union on a large
scale in dozens of laboratories. Several names are particularly
noteworthy: Nikolay Grashchenkov (died 1966) who organized
the Laboratory of Nervous and Humoral Regulations at the USSR
Academy of Sciences in Moscow; his disciples Aleksandr Vein
(died 2003), the founder of sleep medicine and human sleep
physiology in Russia, and Lev Latash (died 2002, in the U.S.A.);
the living authority Aleksandr Shepovalnikov, the author of the
first Russian monograph Activity of the sleeping brain (1971)
who is actively working as before at the Sechenov Institute of
Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russian Academy of
Sciences, St. Petersburg; three other sleep researchers from the
latter city: a known specialist in sleep evolution Ida Karmanova
(died 2005) from the same Institute, who published two books in
English (Karmanova, 1982; Karmanova, Oganesyan, 1999) and a
book of poetry Maski sna (Masks of sleep), 1991; the late Natalia
Moiseeva, a specialist in human sleep EEG from the Institute of
Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences; the late
Nikolay Demin, specialist in sleep biochemistry, from the Pavlov
Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences; Aleksandr Kogan
(died 1989), the chief of the physiology school in Rostov-onDon; three latter researchers were the authors of an early Russian
monograph on sleep (Demin et al., 1978); and Tengiz Oniani (died
2012), the chief of the Georgian sleep school, Tbilisi. The first allnight human sleep recording in Russia was performed in 1968
at the above-mentioned Grashchenkov lab by Nikolay Yakhno
(1st Moscow Medical University), Lev Sumskiy (Sklifosovskiy
Institute of Emergency Medicine, Moscow) and Vadim Rotenberg
(the retired senior lecturer of Tel-Aviv University, Israel) using an
old Alvar electroencephalograph. Several international scientific
conferences on sleep took place in Leningrad and Tbilisi, and
several world known sleep researchers were invited, including
Michel Jouvet, Ian Oswald, Ismet Karacan, Wilse Webb and Allan
Hobson. As the most important contribution, the discovery of unihemispheric slow wave sleep in dolphins by a group of researchers
from Severtsov Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow,
led by Lev Mukhametov should be mentioned, which took place
at the beginning of the 1970s. A 35 year experience of the study
of dolphin sleep was recently reviewed by Oleg Lyamin et al.
During the 1990s, after the breakdown of the USSR and a
disastrous decline in basic science support in Russia, the greater
part of fundamental sleep research was discontinued. However,
during the 2000s research gradually revived in several labs in
Moscow, St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don. A new lab for the
study of neurobiology of wakefulness and sleep was established
at the Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. This is led by Vladimir
Dorokhov, Ph. D., and recently joined the ESRS Consortium of
Sleep Labs. The professional organization for somnologists, the
somnology section of Pavlovian physiological society (Russian
Somnological Society) was founded in 2007, and is led by
Vladimir Kovalzon (Severtsov Institute Ecology/Evolution, Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow), Vladimir Dorokhov (Institute
Higher Nervous Activity/Neurophysiology, Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow) and Yevgeniy Verbitskiy (Southern Scientific
Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don). This
organization unites mostly experimental and basic human sleep
researchers and manages International workshops e.g. sleep
as a window to the world of wakefulness (supported by IBRO)
every second, odd-numbered year. The 6th workshop successfully
took place in October 68, 2011, in Moscow with participation
of 65 students from 7 European countries. Also, sleep medicine
is greatly developing, several dozens of clinical centers were

created, including more than 20 centers in Moscow, the most

important of them led by Alexandr Kalinkin, Mikhail Poluektov,
Roman Buzunov, Gennadiy Kovrov and Mikhail Agaltzov The
National Society of Pediatric Sleep Specialists was founded
in 2007, and the National Society on Somnology and Sleep
Medicine was founded in 2010, both founded and led by Yakov
Levin (the 1st State Medical University, Moscow), and units mostly
medical doctors. After the sudden death of Prof. Levin on March,
31, 2012, both societies are now chaired by Mikhail Poluektov,
M.D. These latter organizations now support conferences entitled
Actual problems of somnology in the even-numbered years,
which were started by Prof. A. Vein in 1998. The 8th Conference
will take place in Moscow, November 2223, 2012. Integration
of all the societies into the Russian Sleep Federation is now under
discussion among the members. A state-of-the-art review of basic
somnology was recently presented in Russian (Kovalzon, 2011).
So despite all the historical difficulties, Russian somnology is
alive and developing in the second decade of the 21st century.

Photo 3. A group of Russian somnologists at the last ESRS Congress in Lisbon, 2010.
From left to right: Igor Timofeev (Laval, Qubec), Vladimir Dorokhov (Moscow),
Ivan Pigarev (Moscow), Roman Yasenkov (Leiden), Vladimir Kovalzon (Moscow).

Dement, W. C. Remembering Nathaniel Kleitman. Arch. Ital.
Biol., 2001, 139: 11-17.
Demin, N. N., Kogan, A. B., Moiseeva, N. I. Neurophysiology
and neurochemistry of sleep. Nauka Press, Leningrad, 1978. (In
Karmanova, I. G. Evolution of sleep: Stages of the formation of the
wakefulness-sleep cycle in vertebrates. (Transl. from Russian by
A. I. Koryushkin and O. P. Uchastkin, with editorial assistance by
Werner P. Koella). Karger, Basel, 1982.
Karmanova, I. G., Oganesyan, G. A. Sleep: evolution and
disorders. (Transl. from Russian by L. N. Smirnova), Univ. Press of
America, Lanham, New York, Oxford, 1999.
Kovalzon, V. M. Basics of somnology. BINOM-Laboratory of
Knowledge, Moscow, 2011. (In Russian)
Kovalzon, V. M. Some notes on the biography of Maria
Manasseina. J. Hist. Neurosci., 2009, 18: 312-319.
Lyamin, O. I., Manger, P. R., Ridgway, S. H., Mukhametov, L. M.
and Siegel, J. M. Cetacean sleep: an unusual form of mammalian
sleep. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 2008, 32: 1451-1484.
Shepovalnikov, A. N. Activity of the sleeping brain. Nauka Press,
Leningrad, 1971. (In Russian)

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Von Economo and the Hypothalamus
Ramin Khatami1, Christian R. Baumann2 and Claudio L. Bassetti3
Center of Sleep Medicine, Clinic Barmelweid, Barmelweid
Neurology Department, University Hospital Zurich,
Neurology Department, Inselspital, University Hospital Berne,


Towards the end of the 19th century two novel ideas appeared
in the field of sleep research. The first idea conceptualized sleep
as an active process, originally proposed by Purkinje (1846) and
Trmner (1912). The second idea was to localize distinct areas as
active sleep and wake centers in the brain as suggested by
observations from diseases with focal brain damages (including
encephalitis, stroke). In this context Constantin vonEconomo
introduced his novel concept of localized sleep and wake
centers in the hypothalamus into sleep in 1916, an idea that was
first brought up by Mauthner 1890 and Trmner 1912.

Figure 1. Portrait of Constantin von

Economo (Vienna, late 1920) printed
with permission from Triarhou LC,
Constantin von Economo (1876
1931), J Neurol 2007 254:550551

Constantin von Economo was born 1876 in Braila, Romania as

the fifth child of aristocratic Greek parents. He started to study
engineering but changed to medicine soon and was well trained at
the best European Universities for Medicine (Strasbourg, Munich,
Berlin, Trieste, Vienna). His broad education in physiology,
neurology, psychiatry and comparative neuroanatomy set the
ground for outstanding contributions to various research fields.
Besides his well known discovery of encephalitis lethargica,
he published the clinical spectrum and the neuroanatomical
hallmark of substantia nigra lesions in post-encephalitis Parkinson.
Furthermore, his knowledge in mechanical engineering enabled
him to develop novel neuromorphologic techniques that provided
new insights into the cytoarchitecture of the human cortex. Until
today von Economo`s studies on encephalitis lethargica are
regarded as the most influential work of European sleep research.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for the discovery of
encephalitis lethargica three times but he died suddenly in 1931
at the early age of 55 from cerebral infarction.
Constantin von Economo came across his pioneering discovery
of localized sleep and wake centers in the brain during his
studies on encephalitis lethargica (EL) that involved Europe in a
first small epidemic in 1916. At that time von Economo worked
as a military doctor at the Vienna General Hospital where he
faced patients with unusual clinical presentations consisting of
acute fever followed by a variety of neurological symptoms. As a

gifted clinician he was able to recognize that severe somnolence

together with oculomotor signs was the linking core feature in all
of these patients. It took him only seven cases and five months
to discover a novel form of encephalitis and to conclude that
lesions rostrally from the nucleus of the third cranial nerve in
the transitional parts of mesencephalon to diencephalon caused
a severe form of sleepiness (es handelt sich, wenn ich so
sagen darf, um eine Art von Schlafkrankheit) (v. Economo,
1917; Triarhou, 2006). Based on further clinical observations he
subsequently described the full clinical spectrum of a new form
of encephalitis, encompassing a somnolent-ophthalmoplegic,
a hyperkinetic and an amyostatic-akinetic form. Von Economo
was not only an excellent clinician but also an outstanding
neuroanatomist and neuroscientist with a unique capacity to
link clinical observations with neuropathological findings. This
clinical-neuropathological approach allowed him not only
to conclude on the post-infectious etiology and differential
diagnosis of encephalitis lethargica, but also to postulate a dual
model of brain`s sleep and wake regulation. In a first series of
studies on brains of patients who died during the acute stage of
EL von Economo described neuroanatomical features that were
essentially different from already known purulent or hemorrhagic
type of encephalitis. Numerous infectious foci were scattered
throughout the deep grey matter of the brain at various stages of
neuronal loss but in the absence of profound necrosis. The most
affected areas were substantia reticularis, thalamus, basal ganglia,
the cerebral aqueduct and the infundibular area, an area that
encompasses various hypothalamic nuclei. Similar to the clinical
picture these rather diverse neuropathological features were
neither uniform nor pathognomonic for EL. Again it is the merit of
von Economo to recognize that focal infiltration of grey substance
of the brainstem and diencephalon was a consistent core pattern
in patients suffering from the somnolent-ophthalmoplegic form of
EL. It is exactly this finding that led him to conclude that a sleep
regulation center (Schlafsteuerungszentrum) definitely exists,
closely localized to the centers that regulate temperature, blood
pressure and water and salt (von Economo, 1925). Remarkably the
very few patients not affected by prominent sleep need remained
free of any grey matter involvement. Patients who survived the
acute stages of EL presented an extraordinary consistent clinical
picture. They either remained hypersomnolent or converted
into a state of severe insomnia. Based on the histopathological
findings of these prototypes von Economo extended his concept
of a sleep-regulation center, distinguishing two distinct areas,
one rostral diencephalic-mesencephalic part responsible for
sleep (sleep part; Schlafteil) and its posterior counterpart
responsible for waking (von Economo, 1926).
Figure 2. von Economo`s drawing
of sleep and wake centers in
the upper brainstem. The anterior
sleep part (horizontal lines) and
posterior waking part (diagonal
lines) are centered in a doted area
at the diencephalic-mesencephalic
junction. Abbreviations: Aq, aqueduct;
Hy, hypophysis; J, infundibulum; O,
optic chiasm; Th, optical thalamus;
V3, third ventricle; V4, fourth
ventricle. Reprint with permission
from Triarhou L. C. 2006 (original
drawing in von Economo C, Die
Pathologie des Schlafes, in: Bethe A.,
Bergmann G. V., Embden G., Ellinger
A. (Eds.), Handbuch der Normalen
und Pathologischen Physiologie, Bd.
17: Correlationen III, Verlag von Julius
Springer, Berlin, 1926, pp. 591610).


The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

In 1919, three years after his seminal deductions of a localized
sleep center von Economo demonstrated the critical role of
substantia nigra lesions for parkinsonism derived from studies
of two amyostatic-akinetic encephalitis cases. In the same year
Tretiakoff independently described nigral degeneration as the
neuropathological hallmark of Parkinsons disease (Triarhou,
Von Economo`s conclusions on localized sleep and wake centers
survived for nearly a century now. The validity of his concepts
has been ultimately confirmed by WR Hess who demonstrated
the active role of the thalamus and hypothalamus in sleep wake
regulation. The hypothalamus is now a well established key
structure harboring the relay neurons that control sleep and wake
by hormonal and autonomic downstream signals. Many nuclei
and sub-nuclei in the preoptic (e.g. VLPO), median and posterior
area of hypothalamus has subsequently been demonstrated
to mediate exactly the sleep or wake promoting functions as
predicted by von Economo. Modern sleep medicine has widely
adopted von Economo`s ideas and attributed dysfunctions of
sleep and wake centers as a major cause of sleep-wake disorders.
The attention has been focused on the hypothalamus to explain
some sleep disorders as focal brain disorders. This notion has
been impressively confirmed by the discovery that narcolepsycataplexy is caused by a deficiency of the hypothalamic
hypocretin/orexin system.
The exact infectious agent of EL has never been identified and is
still a matter of debate for current cases with the EL phenotype.
The worldwide epidemic of EL of 1916 to 1927 coincided with the
influenza pandemic in 1918 and it was speculated that influenza
virus was the causative agent. Von Economo himself doubted
this hypothesis and recent postmortem investigations appear to
confirm his doubts as they failed to find virus RNA in archived EL
brains (McCall, 2001). Since the 1926 epidemics, only sporadic
cases of EL have been described, the largest case series reported
by Dale and colleagues (Dale, 2004). EL phenotype in his cases
followed pharyngitis, and the majority of these patients had high
antistreptolysin titers, CSF pleocytosis and intrathecal positive
oligoclonal bands, suggestive for an autoimmune reaction. Dale
et al. proposed that sporadic EL was one form of poststreptococcal
autoimmune disorders (PAD), similar to the pathogenesis of
Sydenham chorea. Elevated antibodies reactive against neurons
of the basal ganglia (ABGA) in most of these patients appear to
support this assumption.
Meanwhile, von Economo`s concept of circumscribed sleep
and wake centers has been extended and refined to widespread
sleep and wake networks with complex reciprocal interactions.
However the essential idea of localizing sleep and wake
functions will survive and it has major implications for modern
sleep medicine providing advances for new therapeutic options.
McCall, S., Henry, J. M., Reid, A. H. and Taubenberger, J. K.
Influenza RNA not detected in archival brain tissues from acute
encephalitis lethargica cases or in postencephalitic Parkinson
cases. J. Neuropathol. Exp. Neurol., 2001, 60: 696-704.
Dale, R. C., Church, A. J., Surtees, R. A. et al. Encephalitis
lethargica syndrome: 20 new cases and evidence of basal ganglia
autoimmunity. Brain, 2004, 127: 21-33.
Triarhou, L. C. The percipient observations of Constantin von
Economo on encephalitis lethargic and sleep disruption and their
lasting impact on contemporary sleep research. Brain Res. Bull.,
2006, 69: 244-258.


von Economo, C. Die Pathologie des Schlafes. In: A. Bethe, G. V.

Bergmann, G. Embden and A. Ellinger (Eds). Handbuch der
Normalen und Pathologischen Physiologie. Bd. 17; Correlationen
III, Verlag von Julius Springer, Berlin. 1926: 591-610.
von Economo, C. Encephalitis lethargica. Wien. klin. Wochen
schr., 1917, 30: 581-585.
von Economo, C. ber den Schlaf. (Berichte aus den
wissenschaftlichen Vereinen, Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien),
Wien. med. Wochenschr., 1925, 75: 873-876.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Henri Piron, the Pioneer of
20th Century Sleep Research
Claude Gottesmann
Universit de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
During the past century, only two researchers published worldfamous, encyclopedic works devoted to sleep. The first was
Henri Piron, who published his doctoral (PhD) thesis in 1912,
entitled Le problme physiologique du sommeil (Masson Ed.,
Paris, published in book form in 1913). Although this work has
often been quoted, it remains almost completely untranslated.
In addition to summarising his own results, Piron provided an
exhaustive overview of the then-existing sleep literature (1229
references), a feat for those days. The second researcher was
Nathaniel Kleitman, whose two major editions of Sleep and
Wakefulness (published in 1939 and 1965) contained 1434 and
4337 references, respectively.
Henri Piron (Fig. 1) was born in Paris in 1881. He studied at the
Sorbonne, and although his first degrees (a licence and then
an agrgration) were in philosophy, he soon fought against the
idea that psychology, his main interest, should be subordinated
to philosophy. As early as 1907, at the age of 26, and as the
founder of French experimental psychology, he claimed that
psychology should be the science of behaviour, and that it should
be integrated into the biological sciences. Accordingly, when he
obtained a rostrum at the Collge de France at the age of 42, he
used as an epigraph the statement of Johannes Mller: Nemo
psychologus nisi physiologus: One is not a psychologist who is
not also a physiologist.

Figure 1. Henri Piron (Photo courtesy

of Presses Universitaires de France).

Although Piron had many successive and/or simultaneous

interests in his career, his first interest was sleep, which he studied
from invertebrates to vertebrates (rest-activity cycle) and in
mammals up to Man (the species!). Although his main experiments
were performed on dogs, his earliest research concerned man
and was primarily devoted to the adaptive properties of body
temperature cycles. In particular, these experiments examined the
modalities of the progressive appearance of inverted temperature
rhythms in night-time workers (Toulouse and Piron, 1907).
Piron began to study the effects of sleep deprivation in 1907.
He worked on dogs which were subjected to complete sleep
deprivation for up to 6 days; they were kept awake during the
daytime by tying them to the wall using a very short leash that
prevented them from lying down, and at night by stimulation and

walking. He first looked for histological disturbances in the brain.

Among several structures studied, only the large pyramidal cells
of the prefrontal cortex showed significant abnormalities, and
these were reversed after sleep recovery.
Piron wrote, I have provisionally left aside the question of
the mechanism of sleep, focusing exclusively on its causes
and under what circumstances it is possible to experimentally
produce a sleep state (p 308) (Piron, 1907b). I asked if it was
possible to transfer the imperative need for sleep from an animal
in which the imperative need has been established by sleep
deprivation to another, normal animal (p 343) (Piron, 1907a).
To do this, he took cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum samples
from defibrinated and centrifuged blood obtained from deprived
dogs, and injected them into non-deprived control dogs. He
wrote about the possible synthesis of hypnotoxic factors, whose
nature we cannot presume to anticipate in any way (p 342).
The first results, reported in 1907, were disappointing. After
transferring defibrinated blood either into the femoral artery or
intravenously, Piron wrote: I was unable to obtain evidence
for the existenceof a hypnotoxic substance capable of clearly
reproducing the need for sleep which can be so clearly evident
in sleep-deprived animals.
He succeeded, however, in 1910, when he intracerebroventricularly
injected homogenized cerebral hemisphere extracts, serum, and
CSF into non-deprived dogs (after first removing the same volume
of CSF from the recipient animals). In these three animals,
extremely accentuated sleep phenomena were observed (p
1108) (Legendre and Piron, 1910). This research also confirmed
the existence of disturbances in pyramidal cells of the prefrontal
cortex in deprived animals. The control experiments (injection of
extracts from non-deprived animals into non-deprived animals)
mainly induced photophobia, although slight drowsiness was
also observed. Finally, two different experiments from 1910
showed that neither osmotic factors, nor CO2, promoted the
appearance of sleep.
In 1911 and 1912, Legendre and Piron tried to define the
characteristics of the sleep factor. At 37C, CSF and serum
induced sleepiness, as they did when they were heated to 55C.
In contrast, after heating to 65C, they no longer had any effect.
After being treated for one hour with bubbling oxygen, the factor
also lost its activity, whereas the extract maintained its power
after being maintained in the dark at 15C for 28 days. When
dried out with alcohol and dissolved in physiological water, the
extract induced inertia but no clear-cut sleepiness. This toxin
is soluble in water, insoluble in alcohol, destroyed by heating
to 65C or by prolonged oxidation, and is non-dialysable; all of
these are features that do not allow one to hope for its isolation at
the moment (p 304) (Legendre and Piron, 1912).
Despite the early date of Legendre and Pirons work, and even
though their contemporary K. Ishimori published similar results
in Japanese in 1909, these experiments were not replicated
until the 1970s, when J. R. Pappenheimers group identified the
FactorS, which is active even when transferred to other species.
With respect to the importance of the sleep factor for sleep
induction, Piron favoured the notion of an anticipation process,
stating: It is not because we are intoxicated, or exhausted, that
we sleep, but rather that we sleep in order to avoid these states
(p 442) (Thesis).
At the end of the research leading to his thesis, Piron gave
a definition of sleep that is still valuable today: Sleep is a
periodically necessary state, with a periodicity that is relatively
independent of exterior circumstances, and which is characterised
by the suspension of the sensory-motor relations that unite the
individual with his environment... (p 3) (Thesis).

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

After leading a highly active intellectual life devoted to sensory
processes and to applied psychology, and after having published
numerous books on these and other topics, and having been
honoured by national and international institutions, Henri Piron
died in 1964.
Legendre, R. and Piron, H. Des rsultats histophysiologiques de
linjection intra-occipito-atlantodienne de liquides insomniques.
C. R. Soc. Biol., 1910, 68: 1108-1109.
Legendre, R. and Piron, H. Insolubilit dans lalcool et
solubilit dans leau de lhypnotoxine engendre par une veille
prolonge. C. R. Soc. Biol., 1912, 722: 302-304.
Piron, H. Comment se pose exprimentalement le problme des
facteurs de sommeil. C. R. Soc. Biol., 1907a: 62: 342-344.
Piron, H. Ltude exprimentale des facteurs de sommeil normal.
La mthode. C. R. Soc. Biol., 1907b, 62: 307-309.
Toulouse, E. and Piron, H. Le mcanisme de linversion chez
lHomme. Du rythme nycthmral de la temprature. J. Physiol.
Path. Gn., 1907, 425-440.


The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Michel Jouvet and the Lyon School
Pierre-Herv Luppi
INSERM, U1028; CNRS, UMR5292; Lyon Neuroscience
Research Center, Team Physiopathologie des rseaux
neuronaux du cycle veille-sommeil, F-69372 Lyon, France;
University of Lyon, F-69000 Lyon, France
Michel Jouvet was born in 1925 in Lons-le-Saunier, France. After the
Second World War, he was admitted as a resident in neurosurgery
in 1951. In 1953, he started neurophysiological research in the
department of physiology of the Lyons Medical School. He
borrowed a 4 channels Alvar EEG machine to record the cortical
EEG of cats. Professor Paul Dell, a distinguished neurophysiologist
working in Paris taught him how to cut the brain stem of a cat to
realize the cerveau isol preparation of Frdric Bremer, the wellknown physiologist from Brussels. Finally, he was so interested in
experimental neurophysiology that he decided to go in September
1954 for one year in Professor Magouns laboratory in Long Beach
(USA). There, he developed a method to record EEG in chronically
implanted cats. At the end of 1957, he decided together with
Franois Michel, a young intern to study the mechanisms of
habituation of cortical arousal in chronic decorticated cats, in cats
with large lesion of the reticular formation, or in mesencephalic or
pontine cats. As a next step, they decided to record the neck muscle
activity (EMG) to obtain some objective motor reaction which
could habituate easily in mesencephalic cats. They also implanted
electrodes in or very near the oculomotor (VI) nuclei. During 3
to 6 hours EEG recordings, they were surprised to see, every 30
to 40 minutes, a periodic appearance of spindle-like activity
in the pons, which coincided with the total disappearance of the
EMG of the neck. These curious episodes lasted about 6 minutes
and occurred periodically every 50 minutes. They were faced
with some kind of hindbrain (rhombencephalic) sleep which
contrasted with slow-wave sleep (SWS) (Jouvet and Michel, 1959)
(Fig. 1). Very quickly they started similar polygraphic recording
in intact cats. They were surprised to see that the cortical activity
was similar to that seen during waking but that the threshold for
arousal was much increased. This was a paradoxical finding. At
this time, W. C. Dement had just published his classical paper
on REM sleep (Dement, 1958). Michel Jouvets results clearly
indicated that REM sleep was a third vigilance state very different
from W and SWS. Since PS still existed in pontile cats, it could
be described as rhombencephalic sleep, whereas slow-wave sleep
could be described as telencephalic sleep. Michel Jouvets results
also indicated that dreaming was triggered by a structure located
in the lower brainstem.

Figure 1. Michel Jouvet
presenting one of his
cats in 1965

Figure 2. Michel
Jouvet in his office at
Rockefeller University
in Lyon in 1962

Figure 3. Michel Jouvet

teaching on the
mechanisms responsible
for sleep at the Loyola
University in Chicago
in 1969

The hypothesis that slow wave sleep depends upon the cortex
and paradoxical sleep depends upon the rhombencephalon is
still valid today. PS is also found in animals without eyes (as the
mole) and in birds which do not move their eyes (as the owl).
This is why he believed that the term of REM sleep is probably
not the best to describe this strange state of sleep which function
is still unknown.
Then, the growing laboratory of Michel Jouvet (Fig. 2) started to
delimit the structures responsible for the triggering of paradoxical
sleep by local coagulation of the pontine reticular formation.
Together with his collaborators, he observed that the lesions
destroying the dorsolateral part of the pontine tegmentum could
abolish selectively paradoxical sleep (PS) without altering SWS.
They further showed that smaller lesions of this area induced a
state of PS without muscle atonia (Jouvet, 1962). Later, in 1979,
he described with Jean-Pierre Sastre, the oneiric behaviours
expressed by cats, indicating that cats also dream. In 1986, REM
sleep behaviour disorder was discovered in humans and it was
proposed that these patients might have a lesion of the pontine
generator of atonia discovered by Michel Jouvet. It was also
shown at that time that atropine, a cholinergic antagonist had a
potent and selective suppressor effect, and eserine a facilitatory
effect on PS when given in pontine cats, introducing the notion
that cholinergic mechanisms play a key role in PS generation.

Figure 4. A oneiric drawing of Michel Jouvet

in 1948 before his discovery of paradoxical

The next major contribution of Michel Jouvets laboratory has been

the introduction of the monoaminergic theory of sleep and waking
first published in 1972 (Fig. 3). In 1999, Michel Jouvet resumed
his 40 years of research on serotonin writing that it was similar
to a popular love story. First, the encounter of a mysterious
monoamine without a face, then the honeymoon, followed by
a divorce and later by reconciliation. After the mapping of the
monoamines in 1964 by Dalhstrom and Fuxe, Michel Jouvet
and co-workers demonstrated by lesions and pharmacological
approaches that the monoamines play a key role in sleep. Serotonin
(5-HT) was first believed to be a true neuromodulator of sleep
because the destruction of 5-HT neurons of the raphe system or the
inhibition of 5-HT synthesis with p-chlorophenylalanine induced
a severe insomnia which could be reversed by restoring 5-HT
synthesis. However the demonstration that the electrical activity
of 5-HT perikarya and the release of 5-HT are increased during
waking and decreased during sleep was in direct contradiction
with this hypothesis. More recent experiments suggest that the
release of 5-HT during waking may initiate a cascade of genomic
events in some hypnogenic neurons located in the lateral preoptic
area. Thus, when 5-HT is released during waking, it leads to
a homeostatic regulation of slow-wave sleep (Fort et al., 2009).
Today, the role of serotonin in sleep is still mysterious(Fig. 4)

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Another major contribution of Michel Jouvet is the study of the
phylogeny of sleep. Together with a young medical student,
Daniele Mounier, who became his first wife in 1961, he failed
to find any evidence of paradoxical sleep in the tortoise and
concluded that probably reptiles in general were capable only
of light sleep. Among birds, however, he saw a beginning of
paradoxical sleep, albeit very brief. In the mammalian order,
all the animals that have been studied, from the mouse to the
chimpanzee, spend a substantial portion of their sleeping time
in paradoxical sleep (Jouvet-Mounier et al., 1970). He also was
a pioneer in the study of the ontogeny of sleep. He found out
that ontogeny does not follow phylogeny. In the mammals (cat
or man) light sleep does not occur until the nervous system has
acquired a certain amount of maturity. A new-born kitten in its
first days of life spends half of its time in the waking state and half
in paradoxical sleep, going directly from one state into the other,
whereas in the adult cat there is almost invariably a transitional
period of light sleep (Fig. 5).

Figure 5. A drawing of one of his dream by

Michel Jouvet named le Jongleiur de notre

I always recall Michel Jouvet saying that the best way for a
physiologist to lose his reputation is to advocate a function for
paradoxical sleep! He also often said that there are as many
hypotheses on the function of paradoxical sleep as researchers
working on it. He nevertheless did not resist to emit his own
hypothesis. His theory was based on the fact that homozygous
twins separated at birth and reared in different environments
still retain identical psychological idiosyncratic reactions. He
proposed that the function of paradoxical sleep is to maintain
an identical psychological profile. He made the hypothesis that
the patterns of ponto-geniculo-occipital (PGO) activity would be
responsible for this function, together with the theta activity of
the hippocampus and fast cortical EEG. This programming would
activate all the brain including the pyramidal motor system while
movements would be suppressed by the system controlling muscle
atonia (Jouvet, 1975). Michel Jouvet also maintained during his
entire career a clinical activity. Together with Hlne Bastuji he
discovered the waking effect of modafinil and in 1983 for the first
time used it to treat idiopathic hypersomnia and narcolepsy with
modafinil (Bastuji and Jouvet, 1986) (Fig. 6). After Michel Jouvet
retired in 1998, two laboratories headed by Jian-Sheng Lin and
Pierre-Herv Luppi were created in Lyon. They are following the
path of Michel Jouvet and are identifying more and more deeply
the mechanisms controlling the sleep-waking cycle and that of
the function of sleep.


Figure 6. A drawing of one

of his dream by Michel
Jouvet named The anatomy
class from Rembrandt. It
looks like he was dreaming
that his cats were killing

Bastuji, H. and Jouvet, M. [Treatment of hypersomnia with
modafinil]. Presse Med., 1986, 15: 1330-1331.
Dement, W. C. The occurrence of low voltage, fast, electro
encephalogram patterns during behavioral sleep in the cat.
Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1958, 10: 291-296.
Fort, P., Bassetti, C. L. and Luppi, P. H. Alternating vigilance states:
new insights regarding neuronal networks and mechanisms. Eur.
J. Neurosci., 2009, 29: 1741-1753.
Jouvet, M. [Research on the neural structures and responsible
mechanisms in different phases of physiological sleep]. Arch. Ital.
Biol., 1962, 100: 125-206.
Jouvet, M. The function of dreaming: a neurophysiologists point
of view. In: M. S. Gazzaniga and C. Blakemore (Eds), Handbook
of Psychobiology. Academic Press, New York, 1975: 499 527.
Jouvet, M. and Michel, F. [Electromyographic correlations of
sleep in the chronic decorticate & mesencephalic cat]. C. R.
Seances Soc. Biol. Fil., 1959, 153: 422-425.
Jouvet-Mounier, D., Astic, L. and Lacote, D. Ontogenesis of the
states of sleep in rat, cat, and guinea pig during the first postnatal
month. Dev. Psychobiol., 1970, 2: 216-239.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

W. R. Hess and the Swiss School
Christian W. Hess
Bern, Switzerland
With his novel concept on sleep regulation which he presented
in 1924 (Hess, 1924) and later his diencephalic stimulation
experiments using depth electrodes in awake and freely moving
cats, Walter R. Hess ushered in a new era of sleep research and
laid the foundation for a Swiss sleep research tradition which is
still continuing. Starting from a keen interest in the central control
of the autonomic (vegetative) system, to which he attributed a
leading role in regulating sleep, he challenged the then prevailing
doctrine of sleep as a basically passive phenomenon. According
to E.Trmners idea at the beginning of the 20th century the central
sleep organ was confined to prevent sensory stimuli from reaching
the conscious perception (Hess, 1924). N. Kleitman too held
that sleep was due to inactivity of the central nervous system as
a consequence of reduced peripheral input (Thorpy, 2001), and
F. Bremer in 1935 gave experimental support to the so called
deafferentiation theory stating that shutting off the afferent inputs
to the cortex was the essential mechanism of sleep (Thorpy, 2001).
Conversely, Hess postulated that sleep was a well-coordinated
active process rather than the mere absence of wakefulness. As
such, sleep was put by him in contrast to the passive state of general
anaesthesia (Hess, 1924). He was inspired by observations during
sleep such as the sophisticated mechanism of selective elevation
of sensory thresholds (letting through certain meaningful signals to
reach cortical level), or the gentle tonic action of the orbicularis
oculi muscle of sleep associated eye closure as active phenomenon
(Hess, 1944). He was also impressed by the Encephalitis cases of
C. von Economo, who later reported, apart from the many patients
with long lasting somnolence, also cases with insomnia that turned
out to present with more rostral hypothalamic lesions (see Khatami
et al. in this issue). These cases corroborated the existence of an
active sleep centre in the diencephalon. For Hess a centre was
a neural apparatus which regulates a physiological function, i.e.
a neural network rather than just a solitary cluster of neurones
(Akert, 1981).

Figure 1. Walter R. Hess (18811973).

(Photo courtesy of the family).

In addition, Hess had the visionary concept of an autonomic

nervous system which modulates higher brain areas such as the
cortex and which in this way would regulate readiness i.e. would
silence the psychic functions during sleep (Hess, 1924). However,
the suspected ascending ultrafine, unmyelinated fibres needed
to convey this autonomic modulation escaped the microscopic

techniques available at the time. Aiming at these postulated but

invisible thin fibres, Hess subsequently developed his unique
depth stimulating technique (see below). In 1949 Moruzzi and
Magoun published their seminal paper on the ascending reticular
activating system (Thorpy, 2001). Although these authors initially
interpreted their findings as speaking in favour of sleep as a
passive phenomenon, it conformed well to Hesss concept about
wakefulness and sleep. And later it turned out that the cortex
indeed received ascending input carrying modulating transmitters
which influence the impulse traffic within cortical grey matter
(Akert, 1999).
An experimental breakthrough came in the late 1920s and
1930s, with his stimulation studies in freely moving cats with
electrodes located at precisely defined anatomical sites, enabling
to explore systematically the autonomic neuronal networks
of the diencephalon and adjacent regions (Akert, 1999). In
order to appraise Hesss stimulation experiment, his special
stimulation technique must be considered. With the intention
to target the small, thinly myelinated and unmyelinated fibres of
the autonomic system of the periventricular grey, he developed
a special low frequency (412 Hz), damped stimulus form
which he labeled interrupted direct-current (DC) stimulation:
Rather than brief (< 0.5 ms) square-wave impulses, Hess used
stimuli of long duration, typically 12.5 or 25 ms, with ramp-like,
attenuated upward and downward slopes (Akert, 1981). The
trains of stimulation lasted 30 seconds or one minute and bipolar
or monopolar stimulation was used. He finally achieved to be
effective at minimal threshold and with minimal current spread,
thereby avoiding or minimizing stimulating effects on thickly
myelinated fibres that might obscure the effects on the autonomic
system. Subsequently, he went to great effort to precisely localize
the anatomical site of stimulation. Using electro-coagulation by
the stimulation electrodes, he produced small lesions and the
degenerated nerve fibres emanating from the microcoagulated
stimulation points could be traced (Akert, 1981, 1999).
The experiments were carried out under strictly standardized
conditions, and great care was taken to make the animals feel
at ease and in a normal excitatory state. For instance, before
starting an experimental session, Hess would feed the cats to
create a confiding atmosphere, which he considered particularly
important when stimulus induced sleep was a possibility.
Typical stimulus induced sleep, which Hess accepted to be like
physiological sleep, occurred after the (sometimes repeated)
stimulation train, and the cat first looked for a suitable sleeping
place, and then curled up comfortably before falling asleep.
Furthermore, like in physiological sleep, the cat could readily
be re-awakened at any time by e.g. the smell of fresh meat,
to easily fall back into sleep again when left undisturbed,
indicating even the presence of a physiological sleep inertia
phenomenon. Positive stimulus sites were less circumscribed
than those of other autonomic effects revealing a relatively
widespread region extending from the medial thalamus
towards the caudate nucleus (Hess, 1944). Sleep-like behaviour
without the full set of physiological sleep was found in
adjacent areas. Hess assumed that in his hypnogenic zone
the stimuli excited a hierarchically upstream sleep network of
the trophotropic component of the autonomic system. The
fact that by enhancing stimulus intensity, opposite effects (i.e.
arousal) were usually achieved at the same sites (Hess 1944),
was not surprising, because other co-localized networks with
opposite (ergotropic) functions were expected to be situated
in the medial thalamus (midline nuclei / intralaminar system
of the central grey). For this reason, insomnia could not be
expected from lesions at these thalamic sites.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Figure 2. Original figure (Hess, 1944) depicting the region of the cat
diencephalon from which the best sleep effects were obtained (diagonal
hatching). Sagittal section 2 mm lateral to the midsagittal plane. C.c. corpus
callosum; C.f. fornix; Cb cerebellum; Th. thalamus; C.a. anterior commissure;
V.dA. mammillothalamic tract (Vicq dAzyr): Tr. M. tract of Meynert; Tr. O. optic

Hesss findings with regard to sleep were controversial from

the very beginning. Because of the widespread localization of
the hypnogenic zone, and in view of the variable, sometimes
rather long latencies between the stimulus train and actual
sleep, it was criticized that Hesss cats fell asleep spontaneously
(Akert, 1999). Also, the findings were not replicated with other
than Hesss stimulation technique. Only by using identical
methodology, particularly the damped low intensity, low
frequency stimulus trains, the findings were later replicated and
supplemented by EEG recordings with typical sleep patterns
by Konrad Akert together with Werner Koella and Hesss son
as electroencephalographer (Akert et al., 1952). The relatively
circumscribed sleep-active neurones of the ventrolateral preoptic
nucleus of the hypothalamus were only discovered in the 1990s
by Koyama and Hayaishi (Koyama and Hayaishi, 1994) and Sherin
et al. (Bassetti and Valko, 2006), the destruction of which caused
long lasting insomnia. Recent observations in patients have,
however, brought up again a likely role of the medial thalamus
in sleep, where networks with opposite effects are postulated
(Tinuper et al., 1989, Bassetti and Valko, 2006).
Sleep was just one aspect of the autonomic nervous system Hess
was interested in. The convergence of visceral, olfactory, and
gustatory inputs to the diencephalon and the strong autonomic
and extrapyramidal motor output seemed to predispose this
brain region for regulatory mechanisms of motivational and
instinctive behaviour. The representation of the autonomic
functions in the hypothalamus that Hess discovered, placed
these functions in two anatomical zones: the trophotropic
(parasympathetic) components, also comprising sleep, were
found to be located in the antero-lateral hypothalamus, while
the ergotropic (sympathetic) components were found in the
posterior, ventromedial hypothalamus and perifornical region
(Akert, 1999). Stimulation in the posterior hypothalamus led to
intense excitement, sometimes with defence-like performance
as if in a state of anxiety or rage. Bilateral lesions in this region
induced apathy, adynamic states, and sleep-like behaviour, but
not the complete set of characteristics of physiological sleep
(Akert, 1981). On the other hand, stimulation in the anterior
trophotropic region of the hypothalamus resulted in fall of
blood pressure, slowing of respiration and pupillary constriction.
Furthermore, hunger, thirst, defecation, or micturition could also
be provoked by stimulation of anterior sites of the hypothalamus

(Akert 1981). In 1949 Hess was awarded the Nobel Prize for
the discovery of the functional organization of diencephalon as a
coordinating centre of visceral function.
Hesss physiological concept of sleep has laid the foundations and
provided the basis for a sleep research tradition in Switzerland,
first carried on by his immediate disciples Konrad Akert (later as
first chairman of the Brain Research Institute Zrich), Werner P.
Koella, Marcel Monnier (both later at the University of Basel),
and by his son Rudolf Max as clinical electroencephalographer
at the University of Zrich carrying out night recordings in
normal and abnormal human sleep in the 1960s. In 1976 the
psychologist Inge Strauch obtained a chair in Zrich to establish
a human sleep laboratory to pursue her research on dreams.
Around the same time Alexander Borbly launched a sleep
laboratory which developed into a very fruitful sleep research
group at the Pharmacological Institute of the University of
Zrich. Borbly is best known for the influential two process
model of sleep regulation he presented in 1982. In Basel the
sleep tradition was importantly continued by the chronobiologist
Anna Wirz-Justice and her research group. Jean-Michel Gaillard
established in the 1970s a clinical polysomnographic laboratory
at the Psychiatric University Department of Geneva, as did Hesss
grandson Christian W. in the 1980s at the Neurological University
Department of Bern. In this latter laboratory, which expanded
to an interdisciplinary unit together with the pneumologists,
Claudio Bassetti performed his seminal studies in thalamic stroke
patients before moving to Zrich, where he launched a clinical
and experimental sleep research group in 2001.
Akert, K. Biological Order and Brain Organization. Selected
Works of W. R. Hess. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New
York, 1981.
Akert, K. Walter Rudolf Hess (18811973) and his contribution
to neuroscience. J. Hist. Neurosci., 1999, 8: 248-263.
Akert, K., Koella, W. P. and Hess, R., Jr. Sleep produced by
electrical stimulation of the thalamus. Am. J. Physiol., 1952, 168:
Bassetti, C. L. and Valko, P. Poststroke hypersomnia. Sleep Med.
Clin., 2006, 1: 139-155.
Koyama, Y. and Hayaishi, O. Firing of neurons in the preoptic/
anterior hypothalamic areas in rat: its possible involvement in
slow wave sleep and paradoxical sleep. Neurosci. Res., 1994,
19: 31-38.
Hess, W. R. Das Schlafsyndrom als Folge dienzephaler Reizung.
Helv. Physiol. Pharmacol. Acta., 1944, 2: 305-344.
Hess W. R. ber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen psychischen
und vegetativen Funktionen. Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat.,
1924/1925, 15: 260-277; 16: 36-55.
Thorpy M. J. History of Sleep and Man. In: M. J. Thorpy and
J.Yager (eds). The Encyclopedia of Sleep and Sleep Disorders. 2nd
edn. Facts On File, Inc., New York, 2001: ix-xxx.
Tinuper P., Montagna, P., Medori, R. et al. The thalamus
participates in the regulation of the sleep-waking cycle. A
clinico-pathological study in fatal familial thalamic degeneration.
Electroencephal. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1989; 73: 117-123.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Frdric Bremer 1892 1982:
His Cerveau Isol and Encphale
Isol Preparations
Myriam Kerkhofs1 and Dirk Pevernagie2
Sleep Laboratory CHU de Charleroi Vesale Hospital Universit
Libre de Bruxelles, Rue de Goze 706, 6110 Montigny-le-Tilleul,
Sleep Medicine Centre Kempenhaeghe Foundation,
Sterkselseweg 65, 5590 AB Heeze, The Netherlands &
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of
Internal Medicine, University of Gent, De Pintelaan 185,
9000 Gent, Belgium


was characterized by a regular rhythm of 6 10 Hz and high

synchronous potential waves. Bremer attributed this finding of
the cerveau isol to the deafferentation of the telencephalon,
which deprived the brain from the flow of sensory impulses
(Fig. 2). In order to test this hypothesis, he performed a control
experiment in which he made the transection at a lower level,
just above the junction of the brainstem with the spinal cord, in
which more sensory pathways were left intact. Bremer named
this preparation the encphale isol (Fig. 3). In contrast to the
cerveau isol preparation, the encphale isol cat showed an
alternation between sleep and wakefulness similar to a normal
cat (Bremer, 1935, 1937).

In 1919, after brilliant medical studies at the Universit Libre de

Bruxelles, Frdric Bremer (Fig. 1) started his training in neurology
at the Hospital de la Salptrire in Paris in the department
of Pierre Marie. Being appointed a fellow of the American
Educational Foundation, he spent a year at Harvard University in
the Laboratory of H. Cushing and had the opportunity to visit the
laboratories of W. B. Cannon and A. Forbes. Before getting back
to Belgium, he spent some time in the laboratory of Sir Charles
Sherrington at Oxford. Being a fellow from the Universit Libre
de Bruxelles since 1924, Frdric Bremer was a popular teacher
and became Professor of General Pathology in 1934.

Figure 2. The cerveau

isol (reprinted from the
Bull. Acad. R. Med. Belg.,
1937, 4: 68-86, with

Figure 1. Frdric Bremer (reprinted

with permission from "Archives et
Bibliothques de l'Universit Libre de

He published his first scientific paper with P. Bailey from the

laboratory of H. Cushing, concerning the cause of diabetes
insipidus. In this paper they showed that a small lesion of the
hypothalamus could induce diabetes insipidus. Interestingly,
these lesions were also shown to induce sleepiness and adiposity.
The investigation of the physiology of the cerebellum and of the
control of muscular tone was among the first topics of research of
Frdric Bremer at the Universit Libre de Bruxelles. Could these
experiments have led him to sleep research? This is possible but
not entirely clear. The findings of von Economo in 1929 on the
existence of sleep centres near the hypothalamus could also have
influenced him to pursue a thread in sleep research (Kerkhofs and
Lavie, 2000).
The main findings of Frdric Bremer are related to his famous
Cerveau isol and Encphale isol preparations in the cat,
performed in 1935. In the first experiment he performed a
mesencephalic transection behind the nuclei of the third nerve
with surprising results. Indeed, this transection induced a state
identical to natural sleep which persisted indefinitely. The EEG

Figure 3. The encphale

isol (reprinted from the
Bull. Acad. R. Med. Belg.,
1937, 4: 68-86, with

F. Bremer concluded that sleep in mammals resulted from a
decrease in cortical tone which is maintained by the flux of sensory
information to the brain. Thus, his view on sleep as a passive
condition was in line with the very old conceptions of sleep.
A new interpretation of Bremers findings came from the discovery
of the reticular formation by Morruzzi and Magoun in 1949.
Bremer himself immediately understood the importance of this
discovery and started a series of experiments with the encphale

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

isol preparation in order to investigate the relations between the
cortex and the reticular formation. He subsequently suggested
that sleep could be explained by antagonistic influences of the
arousal and hypnogenic systems.
Bremer made also pioneering experiments related to the impact
of light on the hypnogenic structure, always using his encphale
isol preparation (Bremer 1976, 1979).
The views of Frdric Bremer on sleep regulation evolved in
parallel of all scientific progresses such as the discovery of REM
sleep, the influence of neurotransmitters on sleep and sleep
stages. His insights were recapitulated in several reviews and his
work was quoted by many researchers after him. Frdric Bremer,
being a bright thinker and a citizen of the world, made seminal
contributions in the exploration of the mysteries of sleep.
Bremer, F. Cerveau isol et Physiologie du Sommeil C. R. Soc.
Biol., 1935, 118: 1235-1241.
Bremer, F. Lactivit crbrale au cours du sommeil et de la
narcose. Contribution ltude du mcanisme du sommeil. Bull.
Acad. R. Med. Belg., 1937, 4: 68-86.
Bremer, F. Hypothalamic potentials evoked by stimulation of the
optic chiasma. Brain Res., 1979, 177: 593-597.
Bremer, F. Photic responses of the basal preoptic area in the cat.
Brain Res., 1976, 115: 145-149.
Kerkhofs, M. and Lavie, P. Frederic Bremer 1892-1982: a pioneer
in sleep research. Sleep Med. Rev., 2000, 4: 505-514.


The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Giuseppe Moruzzi: An European
School of Neurophysiology in the
University of Pisa
C. Batini
Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS, Paris, France
The renown Italian scientist Giuseppe Moruzzi (Fig. 1) marked
the extraordinary advancement of neurophysiology in the last
century. The international scientific community, the International
Society for the History of Neurosciences and the University of
Pisa recently commemorated the centenary of his birth (see
Batini, 2011)
Moruzzi started his training in science with A. Pensa, a pupil
of C. Golgi, then with M. Camis, a pupil of C. Sherrington.
He was introduced to neurophysiology in the tradition of
the classic physiology of L. Luciani and of C. Sherringhton.
With F. Bremer, in Brussels, he acquired the new methods of
electroencephalography (EEG) and of Bremers cerveau isol and
encephale isol sleep-wake preparations. The following year he
completed his training in electrophysiology at Cambridge with
E. D. Adrian studying single unit recording in the central nervous
system. All together, Moruzzi received an exquisite European
training in neurophysiology. Not only did he learn classical and
new research methods, but he was also confronted by strong
scientific personalities from whom he acquired clarity of thinking,
imagination, creativity and, most important, saper vedere.

Figure 1. Portrait of Giuseppe Moruzzi

(Carmagnola, 1910 Pisa 1986), taken
at the first Nobel Symposium organized
by R. Granit in Stockholm, June 1956.
(Photo courtesy of the family).

Research into sleep-wake cycles (see Moruzzi, 1972) was his

major scientific interest. In Italy during the difficult years of the
war, he published his first article on sleep mechanisms in the
pigeon scerebrato. Three years later, invited by the University
of Chicago, he worked with H. W. Magoun who recently had
discovered the descending facilitatory and inhibitory functions
of the reticular formation, the large brain stem structure which,
at the time, was essentially neglected by neurophysiologists.
Moruzzi had observed cerebellar inhibition of the motor cortex
neurons, leading Moruzzi and Magoun, together, to the idea
that the cerebellar motor inhibition could be mediated by
the reticular formation. As a first methodological step, they
assessed the effect of reticular stimulation on cortical EEG
activity, and had by chance (as stated by Magoun) discovered
the presence in the brain of a system of ascending reticular
relay, whose direct stimulation activates or desynchronizes
the EEG, which they called the activating reticular system
(ARS). The passive sleep theory (see Moruzzi 1964) advocated

by Bremer (i.e. wakefulness is maintained by sensory afferents,

and sleep by the absence of wakefulness) was in keeping
with contemporary knowledge that only the specific sensory
pathways reach the cortex. For Moruzzi and Magoun the theory
of deafferentation could now be shifted to the ARS, provided
that the specific sensory systems could impinge upon the ARS.
However, they hesitated in considering that sleep mechanisms
were only passive since, as was shown in a companion paper,
Magoun and coworkers could not induce sleep by sectioning
the specific sensory pathways. Needless to say, this finding with
the ARS in relation to sleep precipitated a considerable number
of neurophysiological studies, further promoted by Moruzzi,
and leading to a greater understanding of sleep-wakefulness
mechanisms. The ARS functions were also investigated
by psychologists and clinicians particularly interested in
habituation, perception, consciousness, anesthesia, coma or
A few years later, in 1957, a symposium was held in Parma
involving experimentalist and clinicians, whereby a general
agreement was reached over two functions of the ARS: a tonic
activity maintaining wakefulness, facilitated by converging
sensory inputs, and a phasic activity evoking the arousal reaction.
The symposium discussed a second important advancement
in sleep research, published by Moruzzi and his school only
few days before, and stated by F. Visintini to be una delle pi
importanti novit del nostro convegno. In trying to assess
both the extent of the ARS responsible for wakefulness and the
effectiveness of sensory inputs to the ARS, it was found that a pretrigeminal midpontine brain stem transection produced (again
unexpectedly) a persistent pattern of wakefulness. This led to the
idea of sleep as an active process arising in the posterior part of
the pontine reticular formation. This idea, previously defended
by the eminent scientists, C. von Economo, I. P. Pavlov and W. R.
Hess, has been substantiated further by data collected over the
following years, and mostly endorsed by Moruzzi (see Moruzzi,
1972). Moreover, and as predicted by Visintini, the discovery has
also helped clinicians understand the locked-in syndrome (see
Berlucchi in Batini, 2011).
Having now consolidated the theory of sleep as an active
process, Moruzzi turned his interest toward the unsolved
problem of the need for sleep, and elaborated the theory of
sleep as an instinct (Moruzzi 1969). In this last period of his
scientific activity his reasoning was mostly theoretical, but
backed by some experimental findings and, here, we would like
to mention two innovative concepts. First, to explain sleep as
restoration he introduced the idea of a slow plastic process at
the synaptic junctions: we sleep merely (or mainly) in order
to permit recovery of those synapses which are able to learn.
This hypothesis has been a precursor for the numerous recent
studies on synaptic plasticity that are supposed to explain
memory and learning. Second, he introduced the notion that
instinctive behaviour does not necessarily need motor activities,
as it can also be a resting state. The work with his associated (see
Musumeci et al. in Batini, 2011), traced the relationship between
reticular activity and instinctive behaviours. Finally, to synthesize
his work on sleep-wake research, from the discovery of the ARS
to sleep as an instinct, he developed a unified theory of reticular
function, where the latters degree of activation or deactivation
permits the expression of the various behaviours, from those
requiring higher levels of reticular activity for consciousness,
down to drowsiness and sleep, and finally to coma with absence
of consciousness. Figure 2 illustrates this theory. We should add,
that earlier in his investigations, Moruzzi was involved in the
controversial debate on the role of the thalamus-hypothalamus

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

in sleep-wake regulation. His position (Moruzzi, 1972) was that
the brain-stem reticular system, with its complex and skilled
activation-deactivation ability, is the principal regulator.

activities associated with the awake midpontine preparation

(see Berlucchi in Batini 2011) has remarked, he was my
teacher. Moruzzi also actively promoted European meetings on
Neurosciences, namely, the 1958 symposium held in Moscow,
that enabled scientific communication between western and
eastern countries at the time of the cold war. He organized the
first IBRO meeting in Pisa, on Brain mechanisms, attended
by international researchers (24 out of the 36 were European).
Finally, the European dimension of Moruzzi remained quite
apparent after his retirement and exemplified by the decision of
the European Neuroscience Association Council to instigate a
Moruzzi Lecture.
Moruzzi was a humanist. His winsome personality attracted the
attention of scientists, clinicians and students, as well as writers
and journalists. For a detailed description of il Professore we
refer the reader to the recent collection of articles on Portraits of
a scientist (Meulders et al., 2010). Moruzzi was indeed a man
of great quality who firmly believed in justice. His early school
education and family shaped his interest very much towards the
humanities. This trait was reflected by his approach to integrated
physiology that tries to understand the living being as a whole. As
his son Paolo Moruzzi said (cf Meulders et al., 2010), The link
he had provided in his spirit between humanistic and scientific
culture made possible the opening of an interrelationship which
was reinforced by the reading of the great works in both fields, so
as to remove the boundaries between science and poetry.

Figure 2. Graphic representation of the unified theory of the reticular formation

(from Moruzzi, 1969). (By courtesy of Archives Italiennes de Biologie).

The European dimension of Moruzzi and his highly ranked

school in Italy is reflected by several landmarks. The interest
raised by the discovery of the ARS met the post-war climate, to
build a new science in a new Europe. Invited to remain in USA,
at that time the leading scientific nation of the western world, he
returned to Italy and was appointed to the University of Pisa. As
a young Professor of Physiology, his courses (see Ghelarducci
in Meulders et al., 2010) were always logically constructed and
informative (as were his publications) and attracted many Italian
students, some of whom became clinicians or emigrated, whilst
others continued to work in neurosciences and teach at different
Italian Universities. Subsequently, and in pursuing Moruzzis
teachings, their innovative and rigorous investigations were
highly regarded. For example, as with those by G. Berlucchi,
that led him to postulate, for the first time, the existence of a
hypothalamic clock responsible for the timing and the alternation
of sleep-wakefulness (see Bentivoglio in Batini, 2011). Later,
when Moruzzi became head of the Institute of Physiology, he
attracted many foreign scientists, particularly from eastern and
western European countries; all being interested in following
his approach to sleep-wake problems. B. Zernicki, from Poland,
the principal investigator behind the understanding of cognitive

Batini, C., (ed.) From electric fish to human brain: an historical
overview of european neuroscience from the University of Pisa.
Arch. Ital. Biol., 149, suppl. 4: 2011: 235.
Meulders, M., Piccolino M. Wade N. J. (Eds.) Giuseppe Moruzzi:
Ritratti di uno scienziato; Portraits of a scientist. ETS Pisa, 2010:
Moruzzi, G. Sleep and instinctive behavior. Arch. Ital. Biol.,
1969, 107: 175-216.
Moruzzi, G. The historical development of the deafferentation
hypothesis of sleep. Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1964, 108: 19-28.
Moruzzi, G. The sleep-waking cycle. Ergeb. Physiol., 1972, 64:

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

R. Jung, W. Kuhlo, J. H. Peter
and the German School
Thomas Penzel
Interdisciplinary Sleep Medicine Center, Charit
Universittsmedizin Berlin, Charitplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Sleep research and medicine has a long tradition in Germany
with roots in physiology, neurology, psychiatry, and experimental
psychology. The development of electroencephalography (EEG)
by Hans Berger, head of the Psychiatric University Clinic in Jena
became a cornerstone for the physiological measurement of
sleep as polysomnography.
Sleep medicine in Germany became more popular and spread
out in several universities with the worldwide recognition of
sleep disordered breathing in the 1980s.
In Germany Richard Jung (see Photo 1) and Wolfgang Kuhlo in
the Department of Neurology at the University in Freiburg were
the first who published in 1965 a case report Neurophysiological
Studies of Abnormal Night Sleep and the Pickwickian Syndrome
in a patient where they reported on sleep disordered breathing
and introduced the treatment of tracheostomy for this particular
patient. There was no follow up to this description with a larger
group of patients, even if W. Kuhlo reported some years later that
he has seen a number of similar patients thereafter.

Wichert, were Eckhard Fuchs, Ulrich Khler, Willi Brutigam,

Thomas Podszus, Thomas Penzel, Jrgen Mayer and Heinrich
Becker. The sleep lab got some rooms for offices and daytime
investigations and was forced to do ambulatory studies initially
because there were no dedicated beds for the sleep center.
For the portable sleep studies the Marburger Koffer, a four
channel recording unit with ECG, oxygen partial pressure, and
two belts of respiratory inductive plethysmography was created.
The first digital sleep recordings were implemented in 1983
with an Apple IIe computer recording already 16 channels in a
temporarily available recording room. Only in 1984 sleep lab
rooms were devoted for night and daytime use. Soon after that
Hartmut Schneider, Ludger Grote, Ricardo Stoohs, Klaus Ehlenz,
Wulf Pankow, Regina Conradt, Werner Cassel, Thomas Ploch,
Jrg Heitmann joined the group. Walter Hochban and Friedhart
Raschke worked at different departments in the medical faculty
but closely together with the sleep lab. Many of these moved to
different places in Germany and worldwide and continued with
sleep research at their new places.

Photo 2. The third Marburg Symposium was dedicated to Cardiocirculatory function

during sleep. It took place from 31 August to 2 September 1994. This photo shows
the organizers from left to right: Thomas Podszus, Jrg Hermann Peter, Peter von
Wichert, Thomas Penzel.

Photo 1. Richard Jung

In the early 1980s a few groups in Germany started to

investigate sleep disordered breathing when monitoring
patients with EEG and respiration during sleep in parallel.
The initial groups were set up in Marburg by J. H. Peter in the
department of internal medicine and in Freiburg by Matthys
in the department of pneumology. In Freiburg the people who
started to set up the sleep laboratory were Jrgen Fischer, Dieter
Khler and Karl-Heinz Rhle. All three moved to other towns
in Germany, became head of hospitals and continued with
widely recognized sleep centers in their particular hospitals.
They continued research in sleep medicine and promoted
many activities in this field.
In Marburg Jrg Hermann Peter set up a large interdisciplinary
group with many people involved. The very first recording of
patients were done in 1981 at night using the heart catheter
laboratory and the expertise of Hermann Peter from earlier
vigilance investigations achieved in neurophysiology. At that
time sleep apnea was regarded as a rare phenomenon. The first
people in the sleep lab built up with some support by the head of
the department of internal medicine and pneumology, Peter von

In 1985 one of the first portable digital sleep apnea recorders

was created in Marburg. This was the MESAM with a recording
of heart rate and snoring only and was further developed to the
MESAM IV recording heart rate, snoring, oxygen saturation and
body position. With that device reimbursement for portable sleep
studies started at an early point of time in Germany. The MESAM
developed further to the Polymesam and the Micromesam (today
known as Apnealink).
Hermann Peter had worked in Psychology, Medical Statistics
and Physiology before. In Physiology he studied vigilance
problems in monotonous situations such as train and car driving
during the night and cardiac consequences of the stress fighting
against sleepiness. With this knowledge he was well prepared
to study sleep disordered breathing. From early on he linked
technology, physiology, neurology and pneumology to this new
field of research. With his efforts the traditional, neurological and
psychiatric sleep research field existing in Germany with groups
in Munich with Hartmut Schulz, Eckart Rther and in Mannheim
(which moved to Freiburg after a few years) Mathias Berger,
Dieter Riemann, and Treysa with Meier-Ewert and Geert Mayer
came together to hold joint meetings.
In the very beginning the investigations on respiratory issues
during sleep were not regarded as core sleep disorders in

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Germany. As such the first meetings were subgroup meetings of
the German Pneumology Society. A group of researcher devoted
to sleep disordered breathing Working Group on nocturnal
circulatory and respiratory disorders (AGNAK) met in Marburg in
1984. With that meeting a series of conferences of this particular
subgroup continued and still takes place every year. The first joint
meeting with the traditional sleep centers and the pneumological
sleep centers was labelled AKS (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Klinischer
Schlafzentren) and was an assembly of delegates from 15
clinically working sleep researchers in 1987. The aim of this
meeting and the succeeding conferences was to join research and
clinical efforts in this small but growing field of sleep medicine.
Out of this interdisciplinary initiative the German Sleep Society
(DGSM) was found in 1992.
In addition the work group meeting in Marburg in 1984 was
perceived as a very stimulating gathering and triggered a series of
international conferences on various aspects of sleep disordered
breathing in Marburg in 1986, 1990, 1994 (see Photo2).
With these international cutting edge symposia the group in
Marburg received international recognition. Many well-known
international researchers were invited to attend these symposia in
Marburg. New ideas spread through these symposia in the field
of sleep and breathing in Germany, Europe and worldwide.
In 1984 the ESRS congress was held in Munich by E. Rther and
H. Schulz. In 1997 the World Congress on Sleep Apnea was held
in Marburg by J. H. Peter (see Photo 3) and in 1999 the World
Federation of Sleep Research Societies had its third congress in
Dresden, organized by H. Schulz.

Photo 3. The World Congress for Sleep Apnea took place in Marburg Germany
from 17 to 20 September 1997. This major international event attracted about 1000
participants to Marburg.

A sleep lab accreditation was started in Germany in 1992 by the

DGSM to show quality of sleep services. In 1997 a certification
of sleep physicians, scientists and technicians by the German
Sleep Society was initiated. A curriculum was developed and
courses were started to teach all aspects of sleep physiology and
sleep medicine. The courses initially consisted of six one week
modules and were compressed later to four weeks. Educational
material was compiled for these courses and for the certification
examinations. In 2003 this certification was finally adopted by the
chamber of physicians with the creation of a formal subspecialty
sleep medicine to which physicians with a completed speciality
in pneumology, internal medicine, neurology, psychiatry, ENT
medicine, and pediatrics are eligible. The German Sleep Society
has its own journal Somnologie since 1997, has more than
2200 members and runs annual congresses with an attendance
of 2000 participants. The German Sleep Society remains to be

truly interdisciplinary and is well linked to other German medical

societies based on the developments described.
Peter H., Penzel T. and Peter J. H. Enzyklopdie der Schlafmedizin.
Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg, 2007.
Pollmcher T. Psychiatric Sleep Research. In: C. L. Bassetti (ed.),
B.Knobl and H. Schulz (co-eds.) European Sleep Research
Society (1972 2012). 40th Anniversary of the ESRS. Regensburg,
Bern, 2012: 31.
Schulz H. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Schlafforschung
in Berlin. Ein historischer Streifzug Teil 1. Somnologie, 2010, 14:
Schulz H. Die geschichtliche Entwicklung der Schlafforschung
in Berlin. Ein historischer Streifzug Teil 2. Somnologie, 2010, 14:
Schulz H., Geisler P., Rodenbeck A. (eds.) Kompendium
Schlafmedizin fr Ausbildung, Klinik und Praxis. ecomed
Medizin, Landsberg 2012.

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Elio Lugaresi and the Italian School
Fabio Cirignotta
University of Bologna, Italy
In the late 1960s, during a period spent in Henry Gastauts
laboratory in Marseilles, Elio Lugaresi saw the first nocturnal
polysomnographic recordings of patients with Pickwickian
syndrome. It was then that he first grasped that a new frontier in
medicine was about to unfold. On his return to Bologna, Lugaresi
set up a research team at the Neurology Clinic with the help of
Giorgio Coccagna, and in the time span of a few years laid the
foundations for the development of sleep medicine worldwide.
The Italian sleep research was burgeoning in the wake of the
fame achieved by the Pisa school of physiology led by Giuseppe
Moruzzi. Together with Horace Magoun, Moruzzi had published
his historical experiments on the brain stem reticular formation
in 1949 (Moruzzi and Magoun, 1949) and with his pupil Ottavio
Pompeiano subsequently went on to pursue research into motor
control during sleep. Bologna proved a propitious location for
sleep research. Lugaresis work benefited from ongoing exchange
with the physiology school run by Pier Luigi Parmeggiani which
with Carlo Franzini was making headway with experimental
studies on heat regulation during sleep, and with the psychology
school where Marino Bosinelli was undertaking pioneering
research into the analysis of cognitive processes during sleep,
subsequently continued by Carlo Cipolli.
Lugaresis group was the first to document the major fluctuations
in pulmonary and systemic arterial pressure during obstructive
apnoeas and to highlight the close physiopathogenetic
connections between snoring and obstructive apnoeas. The
international congress held in Rimini in 1972, attended by
world experts on breathing disorders during sleep, and the
congress proceedings published in the French journal Bulletin
de Physiopathologie Respiratoire marked a major milestone in
clinical sleep research (Lugaresi et al., 1972). This period also
saw the first studies on restless legs syndrome and periodic limb
movements at the Neurology Institute, followed by research
spanning the whole clinical field of sleep disorders.

Photo 1. Elio Lugaresi, Fabio Cirignotta, Magda Mantovani and Giorgio Coccagna

One of the most promising fields of research proved to be the

epidemiological studies on insomnia, parasomnia and snoring
culminating in an international workshop held in Milano

Marittima in 1982. On this occasion leading experts in the new

field of sleep medicine presented their findings subsequently
published in a seminal book on the epidemiology and natural
history of sleep disorders (Guilleminault and Lugaresi, 1983).
Another field investigated by the Bologna group was that of
nocturnal seizures with the identification of nocturnal paroxysmal
dystonia and the subsequent nosographic classification of
nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy. Lastly, and this was probably the
most exciting finding, Lugaresi and his co-workers, first his pupil
Pasquale Montagna, discovered a new prion disease, the Fatal
Familial Insomnia, characterized by loss of sleep associated
with motor and autonomic activation, due to a degeneration of
thalamo-limbic structures (Lugaresi et al., 1986). The discovery
of this novel disease proved an important source of valuable
information on the pathophysiology of sleep.

Photo 2. Elio Lugaresi and

Pasquale Montagna.

Lugaresi had opened a new frontier to clinicians and was soon

followed by other Italian neurology schools, namely in Milan
with Salvatore Smirne who embarked on research into the
pathophysiology of obstructive apnoeas and with Luigi Ferini
Strambi went on to set up a world famous research pole on
sleep at the San Raffaele Institute. Other neurological groups
included the Pisa school with Muratorio and Murri who were
the first to analyse sleep disorders in neurological diseases, the
Genoa school with Rosadini and Ferrillo who applied spectral
analysis of sleep to clinical questions, and the Parma group with
Terzano and Parrino whose identification of the cyclic alternating
pattern (CAP) made a key contribution to the knowledge of sleep
microstructure (Terzano et al., 1985); the south of Italy was
represented by the groups of Di Perri in Messina and Puca in Bari.
Among the pneumologists who shared Lugaresis intuitive grasp
of the importance of clinical sleep research was Giovanni
Bonsignore who set up a research pole in his respiratory
pathophysiology laboratory of the National Research Council
in Palermo in the 1970s. This pole played an important role in
promoting sleep research among pulmonologists and led to
the development of many centres of excellence in the study of
breathing disorders during sleep all over Italy.
The development of clinical studies on sleep disorders was
flanked by ongoing basic research. In addition to the groups in
Bologna, Mario Bertinis school in Rome focused on experimental
studies on dreaming, Piero Salzarulo and Igino Fagioli made key
contributions to our understanding of sleep ontogenesis, and
Mauro Mancias group in Milan renowned for their research on
thalamo-cortical activity and the relations between sleep and the
immune system.
The rest of the story is recent history. The teachings of early pioneers
in sleep medicine have inspired a legion of sleep researchers who
have maintained the high standards of a great scientific tradition.
The list is long, but I would like to cite just some of the fields in
which Italian research continues to be at the forefront. Studies
on frequency oscillations of the corticothalamic circuits, cortical
excitability, and local sleep have opened new horizons for

The Founders of European Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

basic and clinical research. Likewise, quantitative analysis of
the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) and the spatial distribution
of A1 slow arousals have disclosed interesting correlations
between CAP periodism and frontal cognitive processes. Major
results have also been obtained in studies on sleep homeostasis
and clinical psychophysiology, and Italian researchers belong to
leading international working groups on restless legs syndrome,
narcolepsy, nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy, the autonomic system
during sleep and sleep-related breathing disorders.
Guilleminault C. and Lugaresi E. (eds), Sleep/Wake Disorders:
Natural History, Epidemiology and Long-Term Evolution, Raven
Press, New York, 1983.
Lugaresi, E., Coccagna, G. and Mantovani, M. Pathophysiological,
clinical and nosographic considerations regarding hypersomnia
with periodic breathing. Bull. Physiopathol. Respir. (Nancy.),
1972, 8: 1249-1256.
Lugaresi, E., Medori, R., Montagna, P. et al. Fatal familial
insomnia and dysautonomia with selective degeneration of
thalamic nuclei. N. Engl. J. Med., 1986, 315: 997-1003.
Moruzzi, G. and Magoun, H. W. Brain stem reticular formation
and activation of the EEG. Electroencephal. Clin. Neurophysiol.,
1949,1: 455-473.
Terzano, M. G., Mancia, D., Salati, M. R., Costani, G., Decembrino,
A. and Parrino, L. The cyclic alternating pattern as a physiologic
component of normal NREM sleep. Sleep, 1985, 8: 137-145.


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Michel Jouvet

Adrian Morrison

Werner P. Koella (13.04.1917 13.01.2008)

Pisa Sleep Award to Michel Jouvet

Alexander Borbly, Luigi Murri, Michel Jouvet,
Ottavio Pompeiano, Piero Salzarulo

Pier Luigi Parmeggiani and Michel Jouvet.

Background: Olga Petre-Quadens, Gerald Vogel, Allan Hobson (Tbilisi 1986)
Conference Neurobiology of Sleep-Wakefulness Cycle (T. Oniani, organizer)

David Parkes, Anthony Nicholson

Ken Hume, Jim Horne, Wilse B. Webb (Mexico, 1980)

Lena and Peretz Lavie, back: Markku Partinen (Jerusalem 1988)


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Roger Broughton dancing with Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen (Jerusalem 1988)

Shojiro Inou, Dag Stenberg (9th ESRS Congress, Jerusalem 1988)

Alex Borbly, Teresa Paiva (Jerusalem 1988)

Dietrich Lehmann, Jean-Michel Gaillard (Jerusalem 1988)

ESRS Board 1994. Axel Steiger, Irene

Tobler, Alain Muzet, Torbjrn kerstedt
Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, Dag Stenberg,
Maria Pompeiano, Chiara Cirelli
(12thESRS Congress, Florence 1994)

Piero Salzarulo (Eurosleep '94 Firenze)

Anna Wirz-Justice, Torbjrn kerstedt,

Irene Tobler, Alexander Borbly, 1994

Rosa Peraita-Adrados, Secretary of the

14th ESRS Congress, Madrid 1998

Antonio Vela-Bueno, President of the

14th ESRS Congress Madrid 1998

Ference Obl Jr., Damien Davenne,

James Krueger

Daniel Kurtz, Hartmut Schulz

(Jerusalem 1988)
Igino Fagioli (1953 2003)


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Myriam Kerkhofs, Odile Benoit, Paul Linkowski, Erik Soutre. 8th ESRS congress,
Szeged 1986

Paul Linkowski, Anna Wirz-Justice (8th ESRS Congress, Szeged 1986)

Villa di Monte. Poster session in the Tuskany pinewoods, 1983 (organized by

Anna Wirz-Justice). Mathias Berger, Jrgen Zulley, Rudi van den Hoofdakker,
Hartmut Schulz, Chris Gillin, Simon Elsenga, Daniel Kripke, Robert McCarley

Villa di Monte. Poster session in the Tuskany pinewoods, 1983.

Rudi van den Hoofdakker, Hartmut Schulz, Chris Gillin.
At the poster: Jrgen Zulley, Simon Elsenga.

Thomas Pollmcher, Hartmut Schulz (First ESRS Training Course, Munich, 2003)

Jrgen Fischer, 2004

Geert Mayer, Ludger Grote, 2004

Birgit Hgl, Diego Garcia-Borreguero,

Poul Jennum
(18th ESRS Congress, Innsbruck 2006)

Birgit Hgl, Thorarinn Gislason

(18th ESRS Congress, Innsbruck 2006)

Thomas Pollmcher, Claudio Bassetti,

Derk-Jan Dijk
(18th ESRS Congress, Innsbruck 2006)

Roberto Amici, Philippe Peigneux


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Claudio Bassetti talking with Colin Espie

(19th ESRS Congress, Glasgow 2008)
Workshop on polyphasic and ultrashort
sleep (Gargonza, 1988)
(Paul Naitoh, Peretz Lavie, Robert
G. Angus, Charles Czeisler, Michel
Billiard, Menno Gerkema, Wilse B.
Webb, Claudio Stampi (organizer), Scott
Campbell, (unknown person), Pier Luigi
Parmeggiani, Hartmut Schulz, David
Dinges, Roger Broughton)

The referees. Football match,

20th ESRS Congress, Lisbon 2010

ESRS-EU-Marie-Curie Football Team, 20th ESRS Congress, Lisbon 2010

Ultradian rhythms workshop,

Seewiesen, 1984 (Post congress
meeting, 7th ESRS congress)
First row: D. Kripke, A. Borbly,
E. Knobil, R. Lydic, H. A. Baghdoyan,
R. W. McCarley, R. Broughton,
F. Kimura, S. Honma, C. Gordon,
S. Inou.
Second row: M. Gerkema, K. Stephan,
G. Dirlich, M. A. Corner, S. Daan,
I. Tobler, H. Schulz (organizer),
S. Honma, C. Pollak, W. Ehrenstein
Third row: P. Lavie, T. Kobayashi,
J. Aschoff, S. Campbell, M. B. Sterman,
J. Zulley, C. Wildgruber, P. Naitoh,
D. Beersma

Scott Campbell, W. R. Hess price winner from 1986 (together with subject for PSG

Jrgen Zulley recording sleep of a freerunning subject (Andechs, bunker)

Serge Daan and Gerard Groos, sketch of the 2-process model

Alex Borbly lecturing on the 2-process model, ca. 1982


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Sleep models meeting, Zurich 1991

Paul Franken, Bo Gao, Anna Wirz-Justice, Domien Beersma, Daniel Brunner,
Peter Achermann, Andrew Belyavin, Roger Broughton, Peretz Lavie, Irene Tobler,
Bob McCarley, Beth Klerman, Alex Borbly, Derk-Jan Dijk, Jrgen Zulley,
Janet Mullington, Mitsuyuki Nakao, Marike Lancel, Jim Horne, Steve Massaquoi,
(unknown woman), (unknown person), Christian Cajochen, Beat Geering,
Dick Kronauer, Serge Daan, (unknown person), Daniel Aeschbach, Charles Czeisler,
(unknown person)

2nd ESRS Training Course, Ingolstadt 2004. Andreas Schuld lecturing.

2nd ESRS Training Course, Ingolstadt 2004. Antonio Vela-Bueno singing.

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program, Participants 2007

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program, 2009, lecture hall.

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program, Zurich 2008.

The teachers: Myriam Kerkhofs, Debra Skene,
Irene Tobler, Peter Achermann

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program, 2009, round of teachers.

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program Cup Winners

Cup winner 2007

Roberto Amici with cup winner 2009

Roberto Amici with cup winner 2010

ESRS EU Marie Curie Program. The

team behind: Rozi Andretic-Waldowski,
Maria Wiechmann, Debra Skene


40 Years ESRS: A Historical Photo Collection

Thomas Pollmcher, Claudio Bassetti,

Dieter Riemann,
ESRS-EU Marie Curie Program 2010

ESRS Marie Curie Program 2007 2010. Final symposium, Kloster Seeon, 2010

Maria Wiechmann at ESRS booth, Lisbon 2010

Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, Dancing Queen, Seeon, 2010

Helen Driver and Derk-Jan Dijk

(9th ESRS Congress, Jerusalem 1988)


Lab tour in Dag Stenbergs sleep laboratory at the Helsinki University during the 11th ESRS Congress, Helsinki 1992.
Dag Stenberg (middle with glass). To the right : Anton Coenen, Jidong Fang, Peter Alfldi and Zoltan Lekes.
To the left of Dag Stenberg: Levente Kapas, Ferenc Obl and a unknown person. The three people from back: Jolle Adrien,
Christine Dugovic and a male unknown person.

The National Sleep Societies


sterreichische Gesellschaft fr Schlafmedizin /

Austrian Sleep Research Association

Current President: Dr. Wolfgang Mallin

Foundation year



Number of members

200 members (Dec. 2011)

Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

physicians: 164 (neurology, psychiatry, pulmonology, internal medicine, ENT, pediatrics, dentistry);
researchers: 7; nurses: 7; technicians: 17; others: 5

Historical perspective
of the society

The ASRA was founded following an international meeting in Nice / France in October 1991. The first
national meeting took place in 1992 with invited speakers from Germany (J. H. Peter, T. Podszus). Since
then annual meetings have taken place across the country. The highlight was to host the ESRS meeting
2006 in Innsbruck.
Since the foundation there have been 7 presidents (named in chronological order):
Zeitlhofer J., 1991 1995
Bolitschek J., 1996 1998
Saletu B., 1998 2002
Popovic R., 2002 2006
Hgl B., 2006 2010
Kerbl R., 2010 2012
Mallin W. 2012

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

(in alphabetical order) Univ. Prof. Dr. Birgit HGL (Innsbruck), Univ. Prof. Dr. Bernd SALETU (Vienna),
Univ. Prof. DDr. Josef ZEITLHOFER (Vienna)

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Currently there are 31 ASRA-certified sleep labs in Austria

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

3 (one at the Medical University of Innsbruck and two at the Medical University of Vienna)

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

According to the guidelines of the ESRS and the DGSM with slight national modifications

Educational programs

Education for sleep technicians, nurses and doctors during the annual scientific meetings

Present activities,
working groups, task

Working group of the ASRA for specialisation in sleep medicine since 2008.
Activity of members of the ASRA in international societies and working groups of the ESRS / ANSS,
WASM, ERS (HERMES Sleep), IRLSSG, IRBDSG, COST B 26 and others.


The National Sleep Societies


Belgian Association for Sleep research

and Sleep medicine

Current President: Prof. Dr. Robert Poirrier

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Pneumologists 32,1%, Neurologists 10,8%, Psychiatrists 4,6%, ENT surgeons 4,3%, Pediatricians2,3%,
Family practitioners 3,4 %, Psychologists 6,8%, Dentistry 2,3%, Physiotherapists 2,0%, Nurses 10,3%,
Technologists 6,0 %, Biologists 1,1%, Others 14,0%

Historical perspective
of the society

The BASS is the oldest member of the great family of National Sleep Societies in Europe and was
founded in 1982 by Prof Georges Franck (neurologist, Lige), Prof Roger Matthys (psychiatrist, Antwerp),
Prof Julien Mendlewicz (psychiatrist, Brussels) and Prof Jean Wilmotte (psychiatrist, Charleroi). The
BASS adopted English as the official society language right from the start. The society has a past that is
hallmarked with exciting activities and remarkable achievements. Since its foundation the association
has been organising scientific meetings twice a year. Some of these meetings were organised jointly
with other Belgian scientific societies and foreign sleep societies, involving colleagues from the
Netherlands and Luxemburg. One major event in the history of BASS was the organisation in Brussels
in 1996 of the 13th congress of the European Sleep Research Society: 823 sleep researchers attended
the congress from June 16 21. BASS has promoted research through the organisation of invitationonly lectures, free communications, and, for the past twelve years, the presentation of the Belgian Sleep
Research Award, which is currently named after the late Andr Kahn. This prize amounts to 4,000
and is awarded to the winner of the scientific contest at the autumn meeting. At the same time the VAPA
Sleep Apnea Research Award (500 ) is offered to the best contribution on sleep disordered breathing
and is created by the Flemish association for sleep apnea patients. Sleep and society is another very
important point of interest. Since 2001, each year on March 21, BASS sponsors the National Sleep Day
to enhance awareness for sleep and its diseases in Belgium. The Belgian Sleep Medicine Course (BSMC)
was one of the latest successful projects of the association. This course in English language covers all
major aspects of sleep physiology and pathology and is endorsed by most Belgian universities. Since
2007, this course is organised jointly with the Dutch and British Sleep Societies as the International
Sleep Medicine Course (ISMC). Participants are offered the chance to test their scientific knowledge in
a sleep examination, which consists of 50 multiple-choice questions and covers both theoretical and
practical aspects of sleep medicine. The number of members is still growing, currently more than 300.
In 2007 a jubilee book was published to celebrate its 25th birthday.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Founding members:
G. Franck; R. Matthys; J. Mendlewicz; J. Wilmotte
1982 1984: G. Franck
1984 1986: J. Mendlewicz
1986 1992: A. Kahn
1992 1996: J. De Roeck
1996 2000: M. Kerkhofs
2000 2008: D. Pevernagie
2008 2012: R. Poirrier


The National Sleep Societies

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

72 centres are officially authorised to prescribe CPAP therapy (CPAP convention centres).
Another 28 centres perform sleep studies without a license to offer CPAP.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

8 centres of excellence publish regularly in peer-reviewed scientific journals:

University of Antwerp (UA-UZA):
Free University of Brussels (ULB):
Free University of Brussels (VUB):
University of Ghent (Ug):
University of Leuven (KUL Leuven):
University of Lige (Ulg):
Universit Catholique Louvain (UCL Brussels):
Hpital Andr Vsale (Charleroi):

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

No SMC accreditation procedure;

Professionals in sleep medicine receive a certificate of appropriate knowledge when they succeed the
ISMC exam
Postgraduate inter-university course in French language comes with a certificate

Educational programs

Sleep course of the Lowlands (Netherlands and Flanders)
Postgraduate inter-university course in French language

Present activities,
working groups, task

The following activities are managed by subcommittees:

- Secretariat
- Treasury
- Accreditation
- Education
- European Affairs
- Sleep & Society
- Press & Communication


The National Sleep Societies


Bulgarian Society of Sleep Medicine

Current President: Dr. Slavcho Slavchev

Foundation year

2002, officially registered 2008



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Neurologists 25 %, Pneumologists 15%, Neurophysiologists 20%, Neuropsychologists 5%, ENT 5%,

Psychologists 10 %, Cardiologists 10%, Biomedical Engineers 5%, IT specialists 5%.
Professors 3, Assoc. Prof. 8, PhD 12, DSci 3, MD 29

Historical perspective
of the society

The Bulgarian Society of Sleep Medicine was founded in 2002, but the official registration took place in
First experimental and clinical sleep studies in Bulgaria were performed in early 1960s.
Main topics at present: Sleep disordered breathing (SBD) and cognitive impairment, Sleep in neurology;
SBD and cardiovascular co-morbidity, Sleep at high altitude, EDS, Drowsy driving. Metabolic
disturbances and OSA, Sumo sports and sleep, Insomnia.
The aim of the society is to educate and disseminate the knowledge of sleep by organizing courses and

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Alexander Alexiev, Bozhidar Dimitrov, Ivan Stajkov, Milena Nikolova, Milena Milanova, Pencho Kolev,
Plamen Kotzev, Petar Petrov, Philip Alexiev, Slavcho Slavchev, Zahari Zahariev

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

University Hospitals:
Sofia: St. Naum-1, St. Anna-1, Alexandrovska-1, Military Medical Academy-1, Academy of Science-1,
National Sports Academy-1
Plovdiv St. Georgi-2,
Varna St. Marina-1
Pleven-1, Russe-1, Burgass-1
Private: Sofia: MANA, Tokuda, Hill Clinic, Plovdiv ENT-1

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Sofia St. Naum, Alexandrovska, MANA, Institute of Population & Human Studies at the Bulgarian
Academy of Science, Sofia State University, Department of Cognitive Psychology

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

In process. A process for accreditation of sleep centers and sleep specialists is in preparation in
accordance with the European standards. The Grandfathering process is not completed yet.


The National Sleep Societies

Educational programs

International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology, 5 days educational course in Sleep Medicine,
Sofia 2002
European Neurology 2 days, Educational course in Sleep Medicine, Sofia 2008
Philips/Respironics 2 days, Educational course in Sleep Medicine, Sofia 2010
Neurological Congress 2006, 2011, Sleep Seminars
Cardiological Congress 2007, 2010, Sleep medicine Seminars
One day Sleep medicine course in Shumen, 2011
Three months course in neurology with an examination in Sleep medicine 2010, Sofia
Three months course in Psychophysiology and Sleep
Three months course in Psychology, Sleep and Health

Present activities,
working groups, task

Drowsy driving and OSA: an initiative for prevention of traffic accidents in cooperation with the
Bulgarian Red Cross, National Traffic Police, Bulgarian Auto Union, Sleep and Health Foundation,
Dr.Slavcho Slavchev
Cognitive impairments and OSA: Prof. B. Dimitrov, P. Petrov
Metabolic disturbances and OSA: M. Milanova
CBT of insomnia: Assoc. Prof. E. Christova-Slavcheva
Public relation and media: Board of the Society


At present there is no reimbursement in sleep medicine.


The National Sleep Societies


Hrvatsko somnoloko drutvo-Drutvo za medicinu spavanja Hrvatskoga lije c nickog zbora

Croatian Somnological Society-Society for Sleep Medicine of
the Croatian Medical Association

Current President: Prof. Dr. Zoran Dogas

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Basic biomedicine and health research, neurologists, psychiatrists, ENT surgeons, pulmonologists,
psychologists, dental medicine, etc.
We also offer associate memberships for students and technicians.

Historical perspective
of the society

The first whole-night EEG and polygraph recordings was performed by Prof. Vera Drrigl in early 1970s
in Zagreb, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce at the Service for EEG and Clinical Psychophysiology.
The first Center for Sleep Disorders in Croatia was established by Prof. Vera Drrigl in 1981 at the
Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce in Zagreb.
The Croatian Somnological Society was founded in 1994 as a section of the Croatian Medical
Association and Prim. Dr. Danilo Hodoba was elected the first president.
The first Sleep Laboratory in Southern Croatia was founded in 2001 in Split as a joint project of the
University of Split, School of Medicine and University Hospital Split. The founders were Prof. Zoran
Dogas, head of the Department of Neuroscience and Prof. Goran Racic, head of the ENT Department.
The two major sleep laboratories in Zagreb and Split became Sleep Medicine Centers at the general
assembly meeting of the Croatian Somnological Society-Society for Sleep Medicine of the Croatian
Medical Association in 2010.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Prof. Vera Drrigl, the first whole-night EEG and polygraph recordings in early 1970s; established the
first Center for Sleep Disorders in Croatia in 1981.
Danilo Hodoba, the founder and the first president of the Society; head of the Department for Clinical
Psychophysiology, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce.
Pavao Krmpotic, director of the Sleep Medicine Center, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce.
Prof. Goran Racic, co-founder of the Sleep Medicine Center in Split; Head of the ENT Department,
University Hospital Split.
Prof. Zoran Dogas, co-founder and the director of the Sleep Medicine Center in Split; founder of the
basic neuroscience animal lab in respiratory control, head of the Neuroscience Department, University
of Split, School of Medicine.
Dr. Branko Sever, founder of the Sleep Lab at the Clinic for Pulmology Jordanovac of the University
Hospital in Zagreb in 2003.
Prof. Dr. Biserka Resic, founder of the pediatric sleep lab at the University Hospital Split.
Dr. Vukmir Vlasic, founder of the pediatric sleep lab at the Childrens Hospital Srebrnjak in Zagreb.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

In 2010, first 2 officially accredited Sleep Medicine Centres according to ESRS guidelines:
- Sleep Medicine Center, Psychiatric Hospital Vrapce, Zagreb, Croatia
- Sleep Medicine Center in Split, University Hospital Split and University of Split, School of Medicine,
Split, Croatia (

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Department of Neuroscience, Laboratory for Basic Neuroscience and Laboratory for Clinical
Neuroscience with Sleep Medicine Center,
University of Split, School of Medicine, Split, Croatia


The National Sleep Societies

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

ACC procedure started in 2010 with 2 accredited full SMCs (in Zagreb and Split) according to ESRS
guidelines as published in 2006, and 4 certified somnologists (Hodoba, Krmpotic, Racic, and Dogas)
according to ESRS guidelines published in 2009.

Educational programs

Since 2003, University of Split and University of Zagreb: elective graduate and postgraduate courses for
MDs (Sleep medicine, Sleep apnea);
Regular annual or bi-annual CME courses (Sleep medicine, Sleep disordered breathing, Basic
polysomnography, and Advanced polysomnography);
Occasional International basic and advanced courses on sleep medicine and sleep disordered

Present activities,
working groups, task

Presently active task forces:

Task force for the reimbursement guidelines of the Croatian Department for Health Insurance,
Task force of the Croatian Somnological Society for accreditation/certification procedure,
Sleep technicians/nurses section of the Croatian Somnological Society,
Task force for collaboration with the Croatian Ministry of Health in creating and adopting the legal
documents on accreditation of sleep medicine centers, certification of sleep professionals, and
education of sleep experts.
Croatian Somnological Society is very active in collaboration with the patient group Apnea.


Croatian Somnological Society Society for Sleep Medicine of the Croatian Medical Association is
using the official journal of the Croatian Medical Association named Lijecnicki vjesnik, which was
founded in 1877.
The Society is supporting and actively participating in the Brain Awareness Week, World Sleep Day, and
Narcolepsy Day, which take place every year in March.


The National Sleep Societies


Cesk spolecnost pro vzkum

spnku a spnkovou medicnu
Czech Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Society

Current President: Prof. Dr. Karel onka

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Neurology: 60, Respiratory medicine: 40, ENT: 24, Psychiatry + Psychology: 15, Internal medicine +
cardiology: 4, Pharmacology 2, GP: 1, Neurophysiology: 3, Technicians: 28.

Historical perspective
of the society

Despite the fact that Bedrich Roth started to examine sleep in Prague in 1951, the real development of
Czech sleep medicine began after the change of regime in the 1990s. Since 1991, Prague neurologists
have held annual meetings devoted to sleep disorders. Later, one of these meetings was attended
by other specialists, and in 2001, M. Morn, S. Nevmalov, P. Rambousek, P. Smolk, K. onka,
M. Trefn, and J. Vyskocilov founded the Czech Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine.
Dr.K.onka, elected President of the Society, has been serving in this position to this day.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research: Bedrich Roth, Jaroslava Dittrichov, Sona Nevmalov, Karel onka

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

11, the list is on Society website:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The accreditation process inspired by ESRS rules started in 2005. The process is completely managed by
the Society and the status of an accredited Sleep Centre is recognized by health insurance companies
but not by the state authorities.

Educational programs

Since 2006, the Society has been organising biennial theoretical courses in sleep medicine followed by
theoretical and practical examinations.

Present activities,
working groups, task

In cooperation with Slovak colleagues, the Society organizes annual Czech and Slovak Sleep Congresses.
The Society collaborates with other medical societies in the discussion with state health care authorities
and health insurance agencies.
Working groups: Ventilation in sleep, Cardiology and sleep



The Society was the local organiser of the successful 17th ESRS Congress held in Prague in October2004
(with Sona Nevmalov chairing the local organising committee). With ESRS support, the Society
organised an International Symposium on Narcolepsy and Hypersomnia in 2009 to mark the unattained
90th birthday of Bedrich Roth. The Society tries to promote research by awarding the best publications of
the year and by supporting presenters in ESRS or WASM or APSS congresses.

The National Sleep Societies


Dansk Svnmedicinsk Selskab

Danish Society for Sleep Medicine
Current President: Prof. Dr. Poul Jennum

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Mostly M.D. in the specialities: clinical neurophysiology, neurology, ear-nose-throat, and pulmonology.
Other members are psychologists, masters, PhDs.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in 1996 by a group of physicians.

The society has held 1 3 national meetings per year and meetings with related societies. Activities
include creation of sleep diagnoses for the national patient registry, creating of diagnose related groups
for all sleep procedures, guideline programs, accreditation, and national meetings.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Members of the board:

Pia Wrtzen Norup, Poul Jennum (chairmen)
Niels Rasmussen, Ole Nrregaard, Jrgen Alving, Michael Laub, Klaus Martiny, Marielle Zoetmulder,
Stine Knudsen, Birgitte Bang, Lene Ruge Mller, Michael Felding, Mary Doreen Atkins, Gordon
Wildschidtz, Jan Ovesen, Sren Berg

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Danish Center for Sleep Medicine, Glostrup Hospital
Respiratory Center West, rhus University Hospital
Respiratory Center East, Glostrup Hospital, Copenhagen
Scansleep, Copenhagen

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

There are several active groups working within the sleep field.
The National Sleep Center is:
ScanSleep is active in research and education

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Denmark participated in the grandparenting process of sleep medicine professionals organized by the
Nordic NOSMAC organization in 2010.

Educational programs

National sleep courses

Pre- and postgraduate education
Sleep scoring programs

Present activities,
working groups, task

Health Technology Assessment (2006, 2007) and revision in 2012

Representation in the National Health Board


Nordic Sleep Congress held in 2003, to be organized in 2013


The National Sleep Societies


Eesti Unemeditsiini Selts

Estonian Sleep Medicine Association
Current President: Dr. Erve Sru

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

13 % Oto-rhino-laryngologists, 13% Cardiologists, 10% Pulmonologists, 10% PhDs, 8% Dentists,

8 %Psychiatrists, 8 % Neurologists, 30% Miscellaneous (Psychologists, Nurses, Technicians, etc.)

Historical perspective
of the society

In 1996, the first sleep disorders centre was founded in Psychiatry Clinic of Tartu University Hospital.
Dr. Tuuliki Hion was the first MD to work for this centre followed by Dr. Marlit Veldi (1997 2003).
The full spectrum of sleep disorders was diagnosed and treated. In 1997, the first polysomnography was
The first treatment with CPAP in Estonia was applied in the Lung Clinic, Tartu University Hospital, on october
1997 by Dr. Erve Sru. Her main interest is the diagnostis and treatment of sleep-disordered breathing.
Professional society: The Estonian Sleep Medicine Association was founded on April 16, 2005, with
Dr.Mae Pindmaa as the first president.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research: Tuuliki Hion, Rain Jgi, Jri Kaik, Mae Pindmaa, Heisl Vaher, Marlit Veldi,
SiljaVirolainen, Erve Sru

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

For a complete list see:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Sleep Disorders Centre, Psychiatry Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, chair Dr. Tuuliki Hion;
Sleep Medicine Centre, Ear Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, chair Dr. Marlit Veldi;
Lung Clinic of Tartu University Hospital, Tartu, chair Dr. Rain Jgi
Department of Pulmonology, North Estonia Medical Centre Foundation, Tallinn, chair Dr. Erve Sru;
Mae Pindmaa Sleep Clinic, Tallinn and Vru, chair Dr. Mae Pindmaa

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

We do not have special studies in universities for a certificate in sleep medicine. We started to regulate
sleep medicine studies and accreditation in our country.

Educational programs

Workshops for continuing education are organized at the society meetings (4 times per year).

Present activities,
working groups, task

We collaborate with other societies for scientific meetings and workshops, keynote lectures, oral
presentations 2 4 times per year. We have workgroups with our Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Insurance. We are the local organizers of the 22th Congress of European Sleep Research Society which
takes place in Tallinn in 2014.


First PhD in sleep: Dr. Marlit Veldi, 2001 (supervisor Dr. Veiko Vasar), Obstructive sleep apnoea:
computerized endopharyngeal myotonometry of the soft palate and lingual musculature, Psychiatry
Clinic of Tartu University Hospital.
First patient`s organization: Estonian Association of Sleep Apnoea Patients, founded 2007.


The National Sleep Societies


Suomen Unitutkimus seura

Finnish Sleep Research Society
Current President: Dr. Salla Lamusuo

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Membership constitutes mostly of professors, PhDs, MDs, physicists, psychologists, biologists and sleep
technicians. Most frequent specialties are: pulmonologists, neurologists, clinical neurophysiologists,
pediatricians, child neurologists, psychiatrists.

Historical perspective
of the society

Finnish Sleep Research Society was founded in 1988 by both sleep clinicians and sleep researchers to
promote sleep research, sleep medicine, psychological therapy, and sleep education. Since then it has
been an active meeting place for different disciplines interested in various aspects of sleep.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Markku Partinen, Joel Hasan, Dag Stenberg, Tarja Porkka-Heiskanen, Christer Hublin, Olli Polo, Tarja
Saaresranta, Sari-Leena Himanen, Tiina Paunio, Tiina Telakivi, Turkka Kirjavainen, Hannu Lauerma, Juha
Markkula, Erkki Kronholm, Mikko Hrm, Soili Kajaste, Pirkko Brander, Raija-Leena Punamki, Pivi
Polo, Juulia Paavonen, Outi Saarenp-Heikkil, Katja valli, Timo Partonen, Mikael Sallinen.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

There are 11 Sleep Medicine Centers with full polysomnography: Helsinki University Central Hospital,
Turku University Hospital, Kuopio University Hospital, Oulu University Hospital, Tampere University
Hospital, Satakunta Central Hospital in Pori, Savonlinna Central Hospital, Vitalmed Sleep Center in
Helsinki, Institute of Occupational Health in Helsinki, Unesta Ltd. In Tampere, Sleep Research Unit of
University of Turku, Oivauni Sleep Clinic in Kuopio.
In addition, there are numerous sleep apnea centers with cardiorespiratory polygraphies in both
municipal and private clinics.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

There are 6 main Sleep Research Centers: Helsinki University, Turku University, Tampere University
Hospital, Unesta Ltd. in Tampere, Vitalmed Sleep Centre in Helsinki, Institute of Occupational Health in
Helsinki, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Finnish Sleep Research Society has special certification/education program for MDs, which constitutes
of clinical education with theoretical and hands on-exam. After completing the program the applicant
can receive the title Special Competence in Sleep Medicine by Finnish Medical Society.
Many Finnish Sleep Clinicians have Nosmac accreditation.
Experienced Sleep Researches can apply for the nomination Expert in Sleep Research granted by the
Finnish Sleep Research Society.

Educational programs

Please, see above.

Present activities,
working groups, task

The society organizes National Sleep Symposia twice a year.

Committees for Special Competence in Sleep Medicine and Expert of Sleep Research plan
educational programs and approve programs of individual applicants.


The National Sleep Societies


Socit Franaise de Recherche et Mdecine du Sommeil

French Sleep Research and Medicine Society
Current President: Prof. Jean-Louis Ppin

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

27 % Pneumologists 27 % Neurologists 13% ENT surgeons 10% Psychiatrists 10% GPs

13 %others

Historical perspective
of the society

The French Sleep Research and Medicine Society (SFRMS) is a scientific non-profit organization,
which brings together clinical and basic science researchers, and healthcare professionals. The society
organizes the accreditation process for sleep centers and provides standards for education. The main
goal is now to facilitate development of sleep medicine as a subspecialty, and to initiate research

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS
and Past presidents

Michel Jouvet, Michel Billiard, Jean Krieger, Odile Benoit, Jolle Adrien, Emmanuel Weitzenblum,
Patrick Lvy, Daniel Kurtz, Alain Besset, Michel Autret, Marie-Jo Challamel, Louis Arbus,
ClaudeGaultier, F Leygonie-Goldenberg, Jean Louis Valatx, Dominique Samson-Dollfus,
JacquesPaty, Alain Muzet, Bruno Claustrat, Dominique Pringuey, Lucile Garma, Pierre Passouant,
Claude Gottesmann, Marie Francoise Vecchierini, Joel Paquereau, Daniel Gieu.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

52 certified centers
For a complete list:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Main centers currently involved in a research network (Groupement de recherche (GDR)):

Pierre Philip / Colette Fabrigoule GENPPHAASS USR CNRS 3413 SANPSY (Sleep, Attention and
NeuroPSYchiatry); Pierre Herv-Luppi Physiopathologie des rseaux neuronaux du cycle veillesommeil.
Rattachement (EPST, INSERM, CNRS): Universit Lyon 1 et CNRS; Isabelle Arnulf Mouvements
et ganglions de la base CRICM-UPMC Paris 6; Inserm UMR_S 975; CNRS UMR 7225; Karim
Benchenane Laboratoire de Physiologie de la Perception et de l'Action, UMR CNRS 7152,
Collge de France; Patrice Bourgin CNRS UPR 3212 INCI / quipe n4: Lumire, rythmes,
homostasie du sommeil et neuropsychiatrie; Imad Ghorayeb CNRS UMR 5293 Institut des maladies
neurodgnratives Physiopathologie des syndromes parkinsoniens; Agns Daurat 5263 CNRS EPHE
Universit Toulouse II; Yves Dauvilliers Pathologies neuropsychiatriques, neurologie, pidmiologie
et clinique (INSERM U888, Pathologies du systme nerveux: recherche pidmiologique et clinique);
Vronique Fabre/Joelle Adrien Sommeil, Neurotransmission: physiologie, anatomie fonctionnelle et
biologie molculaire Rattachement (EPST, INSERM, CNRS): Inserm/Cnrs/Universit Pierre et Marie
Curie Paris 6; JS LIN Karine Spiegel Patricia Franco Physiologie intgre du systme dveil Inserm
U1028/cnrs UMR 5292/ Universit Claude Bernard/HCL; Frederic Gagnadoux "Stress Oxydant et
Pathologies Mtaboliques (SOPAM) INSERM U 694; Claude Gronfier Dpartement chronobiologie
Institut Cellule Souche et Cerveau INSERM U846 69500 Bron; Graldine Rauchs Unit Inserm U923,
Caen Neuropsychologie Cognitive et Neuroanatomie Fonctionnelle de la Mmoire Humaine; Damien
Davenne Mobilits: Attention, Orientation et Chronobiologie, INSERM ERI 27;


The National Sleep Societies

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and
- continued -

Marie-Pia dOrtho INSERM U676 Equipe Contrle respiratoire nonatal et troubles du dveloppement;
Patrick Levy/ Jean-Louis Ppin Unit Inserm 1042, Hypoxie et physiopathologies cardiovasculaire
et respiratoire, Grenoble; Hlne Bastuji Intgration centrale de la douleur chez lHomme Equipe
3, Centre de Neurosciences INSERM 2028 et Universit Lyon; Olivier Rascol Anne Pavy-Le Traon
CIC 9302 + U Inserm 825 Equipe 2: Handicaps neurologiques, stratgies thrapeutiques et plasticit
crbrale; Perrine Ruby Equipe "Dynamique Crbrale et Cognition" INSERM U1028; Jos Medina
CIC Plurithmatique Pierre Drouin INSERM CHU de Nancy; Frdric Roche EA Systme Nerveux
Autonome: Epidmiologie,Ingnierie, Sant rattachement CHU et universit Saint-Etienne; A Quera
Salva CIT 805 (CIC-IT Garches); P Escourrou EA3544, Srotonine et Neuropharmacologie de
lUniversit Paris 11 Facult de Pharmacologie; Christian Straus, Thomas Similowski (ER10 UPMC)
Neurophysiologie respiratoire exprimentale et clinique Universit Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI;
Xavier Drouot EA 4391, Excitabilit Nerveuse et Thrapeutique; Damien Leger Centre du Sommeil et
de la Vigilance Hotel Dieu APHP Universit Paris Descartes; Michel Lecendreux Eric Konofal CIC
9202-pharmacologie Universit Paris VII; Lionel Naccache, Stanislas Dehaene, Ples des Maladies
du Systme Nerveux, Piti-Salptrire, Paris & Equipe "Neuropsychologie & neuroimagerie" au sein
du CRICM UMRS INSERM 975; Christelle Monaca-M. Derambure EA 1046: maladie d'Alzheimer et
pathologies vasculaires; Denis Theunynck, Recherhce Littorale en Activits Corporelles et Sportives, EA

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The accreditation process was implemented according to the European Guidelines, 52 centers are
currently certified

Educational programs

Annual scientific meeting each November (2.400 attendees in 2011).

There is a national postgraduate program for the different specialities involved in sleep medicine and
GPs, including 97 teaching hours. The students should spend at least 84 hours in a sleep lab for clinical
We also have Insomnia courses and different educational workshops in the day preceding the annual
congress of the French sleep society covering the main issues in sleep medicine.
Public activities: Sleep day

Present activities,
working groups, task

We have a main executive committee with sub-committees such as accreditation committee and
scientific committee. Several working groups are organized within the SFRMS around topics such as
Pediatric sleep, chronobiology, Insomnia, hypersomnia, parasomnia and motor disorders.
We provide guidelines for the main diagnosis and follow-up procedures (MSLT, polysomnography, MWT).
The society is supporting research by annual funding (approximately 100,000 Euros) for PhD thesis or
one year post doctoral position.
We try to implement national prospective cohorts and to support multicenter studies
We are working with other specialist bodies to promote sleep as a subspecialty.


The National Sleep Societies


Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Schlafforschung

und Schlafmedizin (DGSM)
German Sleep Society

Current President: Prof. Dr. Geert Mayer

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Internal Medicine (including pneumology) 60%, Psychiatry & Neurology (old specialisation) 13%,
Paediatrics 10 %, Neurologists 6%, Psychiatrists 5%, General medicine 2%, Dentistry 1%,
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 1,5%, Other 1,5%

Historical perspective
of the society

1988 Foundation of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft klinischer Schlafzentren by the first 15 sleep laboratories
1989 Development of accreditation procedures.
1992 Foundation of the German Sleep Society (DGSM)
1992 Standardized accreditation of sleep laboratories
1994 Sleep specialists (somnologists) by the DGSM
2003 National acknowledgement of sleep medicine as sub-speciality
2001 First national treatment guideline (S2) for sleep disorders
2009 First evidence based national treatment guideline (S3) for sleep disorders

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Researchers in the history:

W. Baust, C. Becker-Carus, M. Berger, P. Clarenbach, J. Fischer, U. J. Jovanovic, W. Kuhlo, R. Lund,
K.-H. Meier-Ewert, J.-H. Peter, K.-H. Rhle, E. Rther, Marianne E. Schlfke, H. Schulz, R. Steinberg,
Important sleep physicians:
S. Andreas, M. Arzt, H. Becker, H. Benes, A. Bosse-Henck, H. Danker-Hopfe, I. Eisensehr, J. Ficker,
I. Fietze, P. Geisler, G. Hajak, S. Happe, W. Hochban, B. Hgl, M. Hornyak, S. Kotterba, D. Khler,
C. Lauer, G. Mayer, J. Maurer, W. Oertel, M. Orth, E. Paditz, T. Penzel, T. Podszus, T. Pollmcher,
W.Randerath, F. Raschke, D. Riemann, A.Rodenbeck, T. Schfer, B. Schnhofer, S. Scholle, R. Schulz,
A. Steiger, K. Stiasny-Kolster, B. Stuck, H. Teschler, C. Trenkwalder, U. Voderholzer, T. Wetter,
H.-G. Wee, A. Wiater, M. Wiegand, J. Winkelmann, P. Young

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and


Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

There is no differentiation between Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Centers. Some Sleep Medicine
Centers hold beds for Sleep Research.


The National Sleep Societies

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

- Peer-reviewed quality assurance by a commission of the DGSM. Biannual evaluation on procedures,

outcome, and quality by a standardised manual.
- Revisitation of sleep medicine centers: In case of change of director or person in charge of sleep
medicine center.
- Certification of professionals: Certificate for physicians (by chamber of physicians), non-medical staff
(by DGSM) and technicians (by DGSM)
- Examination of scientists by the DGSM as requested: 0.5 h theoretical, 0.5 h practical examination by
4experts from different sleep fields.

Educational programs

- Teaching courses (basic): 4 h basic courses in national congress, regular courses provided by the local
DGSM groups (general physicians: 4 10 h, introduction into sleep medicine: 30 h, hands-on course: 20 h)
- Teaching courses (advanced): Curriculum sleep medicine 90 h, 4 6 h courses in national congress.
1.5day theory and practice courses for technicians
- Workshops: organised locally
- Training facilities and fellowships at specified sleep medicine centers
- Training of sleep nurses and technologists at specified sleep medicine centers

Present activities,
working groups, task

- S leep symposia within the conferences of the national societies of pneumology, neurophysiology &
imaging, neurology, psychiatry, pediatry, ENT and dental medicine
- Workshops with young scientists
 ublication of national guidelines
 ublication of patient guidelines and patient brochures
 ooperation with patient groups
 egotiation with health authorities on reimbursement issues for sleep medicine.
Task Forces:
Accreditation/quality assurance
Payment of sleep medicine
Medical devices
Certification of Somnologists
a) physicians
b) psychologists/scientists
c) technicians
patient support groups
FAQs, implementation and support of
AASM PSG guidelines


Working Groups:
Alertness Management
Circulation and Sleep
Movement Disorders
Pathophysiology of Breathing
Surgical Methods of Therapy
Training and Education

Symposia/congresses: Annual national meeting

Scientific awards: poster and scientific awards


The National Sleep Societies


Hellenic Sleep Research Society (HSRS)
Current President: Dr. Dimitris Dikeos

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

The subscribed members are 55; 16 members are psychiatrists, 23 pulmonologists, 10 neurologists and
3 internists. Two of our members are psychologists and one member is a bioengineer.

Historical perspective
of the society

HSRS was established in 1995 in Athens. The founding members were 27; 8 of them were psychiatrists,
9 neurologists and 10 pulmonologists. Since its foundation until November 2011, president of the
Society was Constantin R. Soldatos, Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School. In November
2011, Dr. Dimitris Dikeos, Associate Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School was elected
as the new president of the Society and Professor Constantin Soldatos was declared honorary president
of the Society. The Board consists of Emmanouil Vagiakis (Vice President, Pulmonologist), Antigone
Papavasileiou (Secretary, Neurologist), Costas Psarros (Treasurer, Psychiatrist), and the members-atlarge E. Daskalopoulou-Vlachogianni (Pulmonologist), S. Schiza (Pulmonologist), and A. Bonakis
Honorary members of our Society include: Michel Billiard, Professor of Neurology, Thomas Roth,
Professor of Psychology and Anthony Kales Professor of Psychiatry.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Constantin R. Soldatos, Professor of Psychiatry in the Athens Medical School.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

In Greece, there are 33 Sleep Medicine Centres, widely distributed in the country.
For details:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

There are 13 Sleep Research Centres, 6 in Athens, 4 in Thessaloniki, 1 in Crete, 1 in Larisa and 1 in
Alexandroupoli. For more details visit our website

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Currently there is no official accreditation for sleep specialists in Greece. Sleep Centres get a certificate
of approval by a special committee of the Hellenic Thoracic Society.

Educational programs

The Hellenic Sleep Research Society has organised three National Congresses on sleep disorders, as
well as several national educational activities such as seminars, workshops, etc.

Present activities,
working groups, task

The Hellenic Sleep Research Society has officially participated in numerous scientific events organised
by other Societies. Over the last years, on World Sleep Day and on the European Narcolepsy Day,
the Hellenic Sleep Research Society has organised events mainly in public places, and it has actively
participated in press conferences, TV and Radio programs. The main aim of these actions is to better
inform the general public about sleep disorders, their symptoms and about the overall approach to
them. To this end, the Society has also produced and distributed several booklets on sleep disorders.
The Hellenic Sleep Research Society participates in the Assembly of National Sleep Societies of the
European Sleep Research Society.


The National Sleep Societies


Magyar Alvstrsasg
Hungarian Sleep Research Society
Current President: Prof. Dr. Zoltan Szakacs

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Approximately: 35 % Neurologists, 22% Pneumologists,19% specialist in internal medicine,

11 %Psychiatrists, 5 %Psychologis, 4% Pediatricians and 4% Dentists.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in Budapest in 1979. with the aim of organizing sleep medicine in Hungary,
establishing competent Sleep Medicine Centres (SMC), providing the technical, organizational
and personnel requirements for the operation of these centres, preparing advanced professional
recommendations considered to be the basis of quality assurance in the fields of diagnostic and
therapeutic procedures and having such recommendations recognized. Its first president was
Prof.P. Halsz.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research: Pter Halsz, Kves Pter, Pter Rajna, Mrta Novk, Mria Vrszegi, Rbert Bdizs,
Katalin Vrdi Visy and Bla Faludi.
Basic research: Ferenc Obl, Gyrgy Benedek, Gyrgy dm and Lszl Dtri

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers

For a complete list see:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

For a complete list see:

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Following the guidelines of the European Sleep Research Society, the accreditation procedure of
Hungarian sleep research laboratories was started in 2005. The Accreditation Committee established
by the management audits the laboratories every 2 years and judges new applications by rating them
in three categories: fully complies with SMC requirements, complies with SMC requirements with
corrections, failed to comply.
The training of somnologists and sleep technicians were therefore initiated in compliance with the
guidelines issued by the European Sleep Research Society in 2009. A Committee for postgraduate
training in Sleep Medicine was established which organizes training and examinations for medical
specialists. The committee defined the requirements for theoretical and practical knowledge and
elaborated the questions for the theoretical and practical examinations.

Educational programs

Educational workshops are organized at the annual meetings and credit points are provided.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Our domestic activity includes the organizing of annual conferences, forums of further training,
publication of reports and books on theoretical and practical knowledge in sleep medicine. The
research results performed in Hungarian institutes are also published. The annual meeting includes
training courses, a forum for exchange of experiences and the endorsement of co-operation between the
participants of the network (somnologists, medical specialists, family doctors, sleep research technicians
and specialized medical technicians). The highlighted subjects of these conferences are chosen to
match the current fields of importance. Since 1999, further training activities in Sleep Medicine have
been organized by the Semmelweis University of Budapest and conducted for medical specialists in the
Honvdkrhz EK (Military Hospital State Health Centre).

The National Sleep Societies


Hi slenska Svefnrannsknarflag
The Icelandic Sleep Research Society (ISRS)
Current President: Erna Sif Arnardottir

Foundation year



Number of members

19 paying members (>50 in total on post list)

Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

MDs (pulmonology, general practice, ENT, pediatrics, clinical chemistry), psychologists, biologists,
nurses, assistant nurses, biomedical engineers, etc.

Historical perspective
of the society

Started informally in 1987 but was officially founded in 1991 by six founding members;
ThorarinnGislason, Helgi Kristbjarnarson, Bjorg Thorleifsdottir, Sigridur Sigurdardottir,
BryndisBenediktsdottir and Julius Bjornsson.
The aim of the society has been from the beginning to increase awareness of sleep and sleep disorders
among the public and health professionals as well as to increase and support sleep research in Iceland.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Thorarinn Gislason, Helgi Kristbjarnarson, and Bryndis Benediktsdottir.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Dept of Respiratory Medicine and Sleep, Landspitali The National University Hospital of Iceland,
Reykjavik, Iceland.
5 centers around Iceland have type 3 portable monitors for sleep apnea detection.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Dept of Respiratory Medicine and Sleep, Landspitali The National University Hospital of Iceland,
Reykjavik, Iceland.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The Nordic Sleep Medicine Accreditation of the Nordic Sleep Assembly.

Educational programs

As a part of university education of health professions; MDs, psychologists and biomedical engineers.

Present activities,
working groups, task

The ISRS holds educational conferences for its members and others working in sleep research every
Also, the members of the society have been active in emphasizing the importance of sleep and sleep
disorders in the Icelandic media: TV, radio, and newspapers. We are now assembling a taskforce to add
material to our homepage for the Icelandic public.
The ISRS also supports its members to go to international sleep conferences such as the ESRS.


We are a small society but also very active in sleep research and enjoy a research collaboration with
many other countries such as Sweden and the US.


The National Sleep Societies


Irish Sleep Society

Current President: Prof. Richard Costello

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Physicians, Dentists, Scientists, Specialist Nurses

Historical perspective
of the society

The Society was formed in 2004 when the first meeting was attended by 50 people. Shortly after this
meeting, a constitution was drafted and a President was elected. Subsequently, the Society drafted
guidelines for national standards of investigation, management and treatment of the common sleep
disorders. Since that time the Society has had an annual meeting which is usually attended by over
100 delegates, from across the specialties involved in sleep disorders. The meeting consists of expert
presentations from International and National experts and primary research by National experts.

Important sleep
physicians /
researchers in the
history of the NSS

Professor McNicholas who was the President of the Irish Sleep Society is a former president of the
European Respiratory Society. Professor McNicholas has an active research unit, with local and
international collaborators

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

A comprehensive list of sleep centers is available at

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The Society Executive Committee is working on a process for accreditation of sleep centres but no
specific policy has yet been adopted.

Educational programs

There are a number of in-house training programs at the University sleep centers
In addition there are training programs, see enclosed.

Present activities,
working groups, task

The Irish Sleep Society is involved in drafting guidelines for accreditation of Sleep Laboratories in
The Irish Sleep Society is also working with the Department of Health on the possible association of
influenza vaccination and narcolepsy.


The National Sleep Societies


Associazione Italiana di Medicina del Sonno (AIMS)

Italian Sleep Medicine Society
Current President: Prof. Dr. Gian Luigi Gigli

Foundation year



The AIMS activities are detailed in the web site (, which contains main information
for both patients and physicians, links to all the major International sleep scientific societies and
sleep journals, reports from different national Committees, guidelines, recommendations and official
documents produced by the Society, local/national and international forthcoming meetings on sleep.

Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

AIMS has a clear multidisciplinary spirit, with regular members belonging to different medical and
surgical specialties, including neurology, pulmonology, psychiatry, ENT, cardiology, pediatrics, child
neurology, dentistry, and psychology.

Historical perspective
of the society

The Italian Sleep Medicine Association (AIMS) is a scientific multidisciplinary society founded in 1990
by Prof. Elio Lugaresi and other Italian clinical sleep researchers. The first AIMS Congress was held in
Bologna in 1991. The societys goals aim to spread knowledge on sleep medicine, promote research
programs and organize epidemiological surveys in the sleep field.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

The current officers are Gian Luigi Gigli (President), Liborio Parrino (Vice President), Marco Zucconi
(Secretary), and Alberto Braghiroli (Treasurer).
Previous Presidents were Elio Lugaresi (Founder), Salvatore Smirne, Francomichele Puca,
Mario Giovanni Terzano, Fabio Cirignotta, Luigi Ferini-Strambi, and Franco Ferrillo.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

So far, 40 Centers of different levels of complexity (multidisciplinary 26, pulmonary-oriented 13,

pediatric-oriented 1) have been accredited. They are distributed all over the country. (http://www.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

See and Italian Sleep research Society (SIRS)

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Since 1995, AIMS offers a program of accreditation for Sleep Medicine Centers, based on expertise,
appropriate instrumentation and clinical management of sleep disorders, and was preceded by teaching
courses, training in multidisciplinary Sleep Centers and examination for the certification of the Medical
Sleep Expert.

Educational programs

The societys goals aim to spread knowledge on sleep medicine, promote research programs and
organize epidemiological surveys on the sleep field. One of the major projects is continuous medical
education and training courses to develop new Sleep Medicine Centers across the country. In this
perspective, AIMS is ready to start a 2nd-level post-doctoral University Master on Sleep Medicine,
opened to medical doctors.
Since 1997, AIMS organizes yearly a one-week residential Sleep Course for physicians, psychologists
and technicians including formal lessons, clinical practice with sleep scoring, discussion of clinical
cases, practice on diagnostic and therapeutic devices.


The National Sleep Societies

Present activities,
working groups, task

Since 1992, AIMS organizes yearly a national Sleep Congress in different cities, where an accredited
Sleep Center operates regularly. This event leads sleep physicians to share and debate new clinical
and research data, meet experts from other countries and most of all offers the opportunity for young
investigators to present updated results of trials and studies. The elections for the new board and
executive committee of the Society are held every three years, on the occasion of the national Congress.
We have 11 active Committees (Ventilation for Sleep Disordered Breathing, Accreditation of Sleep
Centers, Sleep Expert Examination, Sleep and Gender, Scientific Committee for the Residential Course,
Society Newsletter, Occupational Medicine, Sleepiness and Road Safety, ORL and Maxillo-Facial
Surgery, Cardiology, and Dental Sleep Medicine).


In 2010 SIMSO (Italian Society for Dental Sleep Medicine) has been founded under the endorsement of


The National Sleep Societies


Societ Italiana di Ricerca sul Sonno (SIRS)

Italian Sleep Research Society
Current President: Prof. Dr. Roberto Amici

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Physiologists and psychologists involved in basic sleep research on human subjects and animal models
and in teaching to undergraduate and graduate students at academic Institutions.

Historical perspective
of the society

The Italian Sleep Research Society was founded in 1995 to promote scientific interactions among
laboratories of physiology and psychology committed to basic research on sleep and dreams at different
academic Institutions throughout Italy. The Society has since then worked to foster basic sleep research
with particular attention to training and support of young scientists.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Important sleep researchers in the history of the Italian Sleep Research Society include Mario Bertini,
Marino Bosinelli, Carlo Cipolli, Igino Fagioli, Carlo Franzini, Mauro Mancia, Maurizio Mariotti, Pier
Luigi Parmeggiani, Piero Salzarulo

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

In agreement with its mission focused on basic sleep research, the Society does not include sleep
medicine centers.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Members of the Society direct or contribute to the activities of 12 Centers for Basic Sleep Research:
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of LAquila
Laboratory of Physiological Regulation in the Wake-Sleep Cycle, University of Bologna
PRISM: Laboratory of Physiological Regulation in Sleeping Mice, University of Bologna
Laboratory of Sleep and Dream Psychophysiology, University of Bologna
Laboratory of Sleep Research, University of Florence
Sleep Laboratory, University of Milan (
TMS-EEG Laboratory, University of Milan
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology, University of Naples II
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology, University of Padua (
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology, University of Rome Sapienza (
Unit for the assessment and treatment of sleep disorders, University of Rome Sapienza
Laboratory of Sleep Psychophysiology, University of Trieste

Accreditation /
Certification procedure



The National Sleep Societies

Educational programs


Present activities,
working groups, task

Present activities of the Italian Sleep Research Society include: organization of an Annual Scientific
Meeting; organization of the SIRS Igino Fagioli Yearly National Prize for the best PhD or Medical
Specialization thesis concerning basic sleep research; organization of public events to raise awareness
of sleep research and sleep health among the general population and adolescents in particular.


The Society supports young scientist participating at the Annual Scientific Meeting through travel grants.


The National Sleep Societies


Lithuanian sleep medicine society

Current President: Dr. Vanda Liesiene

Foundation year

In year 2000


Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

MDs (20): neurologists (6), pulmonologists (5), psychiatrists (5), cardiologists (2), otolaryngologists (2),
PhDs (4), DSc (1), Professor (1).

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded to support the development of sleep research and to facilitate the collaboration
of different medical specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders (otolaryngologists,
odontologists, neurologists, psychiatrists).

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Professor of neurology, DSc Vanda Liesiene developed basic sleep research models in animals and
humans related to sleep and vegetative regulation. In clinical research, associations between sleep
macrostructure, insomnia and emotional disorders were established.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Presently, there are 6 sleep medicine centres: Institute of Neuromedicine, Kaunas, Dept. of
Pulmonology, Univ. Hospital Kaunas Medical University, Sapiega Hospital, Vilnius, Dept. of Neurology,
Klaipeda University Hospital, Dept. of Pulmonology, Klaipeda Univ, Hosp., Dept. of Cardiology and
Rehabilitation, Palanga.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Sleep research centre Institute of Psychophysiology and Rehabilitation, Palanga

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The sleep medicine centre in Sapiega Hospital, Vilnius was accredited in the year 2009. Accreditation
was made by the national sleep medicine society according to ESRS guidelines.

Educational programs

Edited book Sleep Medicine, regular lectures for family doctors, sleep training annual courses for
neurologists, educational articles in local journals Seminars of Neurology, Art of treatment, booklets
for patients.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Working groups formed in every centre, development sleep apnea treatment, sleep and odontology,
conference organization.


Sleep day, Narcolepsy day organization, advertisement for population, TV emissions on sleep
disorders problems, popular educational articles about sleep problems in the local press.


The National Sleep Societies


Nederlandse vereniging voor Slaap- en Waak Onderzoek

Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research
Current President: Hans L. Hamburger
Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Basic research, Psychologists Neurologists, Clinical neurophysiologists, ENT, Pulmonologists,

Pharmacologists, and Students

Historical perspective
of the society

1985 Foundation of NSWO, Nederlandse vereniging voor Slaap- en Waak Onderzoek (Dutch Society
for Sleep-Wake Research)
Yearly 2 meetings
Since 1989 yearly report of Sleep-Wake research in the Netherlands
Since 2008 International Sleep Medicine Courses every 3 years
Since 2011 accreditation of Sleep Medical Centres

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

P. Visser, first researcher of sleep systems in animals

A. C. Declerck first Sleep clinician
Rutger Kopland or Rutger (Rudi) P. Hendrik van den Hoofdakker, psychiatrist and writer, who discovered
light therapy to treat depression,
A. Knuistingh Neven, first GP to study sleep, book Modern Sleep Medicine (1999)
A. M. L. Coenen, A. L. van Bemmel, G. S. F. Ruigt, H. A. C. Kamphuisen, G. A. Kerkhof, T. deBoer,
D. Beersma, M. G. Smits, A. W. de Weerd, E. van Someren, G. J. Lammers, S. Overeem, J. Verbraeken,
H. M. J. C. Verbeek, H. L. Hamburger

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

In 2011: 3 official accredited General Sleep Centres, and 80 OSA centers

In 2012: 10 more General Sleep Centres will be accredited according to ESRS rules

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

See above

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Foundation for Accreditation of General Sleep Centres in the Netherlands

according to ESRS guidelines as published in 2006

Educational programs

Since 2008: International Sleep Medicine Course (with B and UK), every 3 years a 4 full day course on
physiology and clinical aspects of sleep/wake.
In Nov 2011 2 parallel courses (basic and advanced) including half day hands-on sessions with 115
trainees from all over Europe, Australia and USA


The National Sleep Societies

Present activities,
working groups, task

Clinical workgroups have been founded by Dentists in Sleep, Pulmonologists in sleep, Neurologists in
Sleep, Psychologists in sleep, Technicians in sleep
Study groups for:
- Alertness Management and Vigilance
- Apnea/OSAS/therapy
- Circulation and Sleep
- Chronobiology
- Diagnostics
- Dream
- Geriatrics
- Insomnia
- Methodology
- Movement Disorders
- Paediatrics
- Surgical Methods of Therapy
- Training and Education


NSWO organizes 2 conferences per year on sleep medicine and sleep basic research
Abundant basic research and clinical studies have been performed and are under way on Narcolepsy,
OSA, Bruxism, Light therapy, RLS, see also above.


The National Sleep Societies


Norsk forening for svnforskning og svn medisin

Norwegian Society for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine

Current President: Michaela D. Gjerstad,


Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Majority of physicians (ENT, GP, neurology, neurophysiology, pediatrics, pulmonology, psychiatry);

psychologists, PhDs and others.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in Bergen in 1997, to establish contacts between sleep researchers and
clinicians, and to provide information about national and international activity within the field of
sleep research and sleep medicine. Since 2006 the society has been working on accreditation of sleep

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Reidun Ursin, Khalil Kayed, Mona Skard Heier, Inger Hilde Nordhus, Trond Bratlid, Bjrn Bjorvatn,
Stle Pallesen, Kre Gautvik, Brge Sivertsen, Fred Holsten, Harriet Akre, Olav Skatvedt,
MagneTvinnereim, Harald Schrader, Trond Sand.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Center for Sleep Disorders, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.
University Hospitals of Troms, Bod, Trondheim, Oslo and Stavanger provide full diagnostic and
treatment of sleep disorders.
54 actors (public and private) providing partly or complete diagnostic and treatment of sleep disorders.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Norwegian Competence Center for Sleep Disorders, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

22 grandmothers and grandfathers were accredited according to the interim regulation of the ESRS.
Accreditation guidelines for Sleep labs, MDs, psychologists, technicians are currently under revision.

Educational programs

Workshops for continuing education are organized at the National Center for Sleep Disorders,
Haukeland University Hospital, and Department of Neurology, University of Trondheim and at the
National Center for ADHD, Tourette and Narcolepsy.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Accreditation guidelines for MDs, psychologists, technicians are currently under revision.
Other main aims:
- To disseminate knowledge about sleep, sleep assessment and sleep disorders.
- To unite professionals from many disciplines in the pursuit of knowledge about sleep.
- To inform members and other interested parties about central conferences and meetings within the
field of sleep research and sleep medicine.
- To promote sleep research.


The National Sleep Societies


Polskie Towarzystwo Bada n nad Snem (PTBS)

Polish Sleep Research Society
Current President: Prof. Wojciech Jernajczyk

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

36 % Pulmonologists, 22 % Laryngologists, 18 % Psychiatrists, 15 % PhDs, 9 % Neurologists

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in Warsaw in 1992. The first president of society was Prof. J. Nare bski. In 2007
the conditions and procedures for the accreditation of sleep centers, and certification for physicians
were formulated.
Altogether, seven National PTBS Congresses were organized.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research: Halina Ekiert, Karolina Jus, Andrzej Jus, Waldemar Szelenberger, Andrzej Kukwa,
Zbigniew Zielinski, Robert Pywaczewski, Adam Wichniak, Wojciech Jernajczyk
Basic research: Juliusz Nare bski, Edyta Jurkowlaniec

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Centers with accreditation


Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Centers with accreditation


Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Accreditation of Sleep Medicine Centers procedure is based on guidelines of the Polish Sleep Research
Society that comply with accreditation guidelines of the European Sleep Research Society with some
exceptions, depending on local customs or regulations.
Certification of professionals in sleep medicine is based on the certification program that complies with
guidelines of the European Sleep Research Society with some exceptions, depending on local customs
or regulations.

Educational programs

The Society organizes educational program on the following topics:

- Polysomnography and Diagnostics
- Sleep medicine for professionals from sleep apnea centers
- Sleep medicine for psychiatrists and neurologists

Present activities,
working groups, task

The following working groups are active in the Polish Sleep Research Society:
- Certification of physicians in Sleep Medicine
- Certification in Sleep Medicine for technicians
- Accreditation of sleep laboratories
- Transfer of the ESRS and AASM guidelines
- Training and Education in Sleep Medicine
- Reimbursement management in sleep medicine


The Society honors polish scientists who have demonstrated excellence in sleep research with the
Prof.Juliusz Nare bski Award


The National Sleep Societies


Associao Portuguesa de Sono

Portuguese Sleep Association
Current President: Marta Gonalves

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Pneumologists: 21,1 %, Psychiatrists: 18,6 %, Neurologists: 12,7 %, Psychologists: 5,9 %,

Pediatricians: 4,6 %, ENT: 4,2 %, Dentistry: 1,3 %, Other Medical specialities: 4,6 %,
Technicians: 21.9 %, Engineers: 2.1 %, Other occupations: 3 %

Historical perspective
of the society

The Portuguese Sleep Association (APS) was created in 21-10-1991 to promote research, awareness and
education relating to the study of sleep and sleep disorders. In order to carry out its goals, the Association
pledges to encourage and implement the assembly of doctors and researchers. Since its creation, the APS
has organized several meetings that significantly contributed to improve Portuguese sleep science. APS has
also been active in promoting awareness campaigns for the general public.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Agostinho Rosa, Antnio Atalaia, Antnio Martins da Silva, Carlos Fernandes, Cristina Brbara,
FilipeArriaga, Joo Carlos Winck, Joaquim Moita, Jos Moutinho dos Santos, Helena Estevo, Maria
Helena Azevedo, Marta Gonalves, Teresa Paiva, Vanda Clemente.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

There are several public and private sleep medicine centers across the country, although none of them
is yet accredited. The process of accreditation should start soon.

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Porto Hospital de Santo Antnio/Centro Hospitalar do Porto, Hospital de S. Joo Oporto Medical
School, Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia, Instituto do sono Centro Clnico e Investigao
Aveiro Department of Education, University of Aveiro
Coimbra Medical School, University of Coimbra; Centro de Medicina de Sono, CHUC
Lisbon Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Molecular Medicine Institute, Lisbon Medical School,
University of Lisbon, CENC Centro de Medicina de Sono.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Sleep Medicine Competency approved by Medical Association in June 2012.

Educational programs

There are no specific curricula for Sleep Medicine in Portugal since Sleep Medicine is not yet
recognized as an isolated medical specialty.
The main sources of education for health care providers include:
- Teaching courses for GPs or other specialities organised locally in connection with sleep medicine centers.
- The APS organizes a course, every two years, concerning different aspects of Sleep Medicine.
- In Oporto University Medical School there is a PhD Clinical Neuroscience, Neuropsychiatry and
Mental Health programme with a specific Sleep Medicine module that started in 2011 2012,
coordinated by Marta Gonalves, MD, MsC.
- In Lisbon University Medical School there were 6 editions of a Master Degree of Sleep Sciences, held
during 2005 2011. During the same period there were also 5 graduations in Sleep Sciences. These
courses were chaired by Teresa Paiva, Md, PhD.


The National Sleep Societies

Present activities,
working groups, task


- Publication of brochures concerning different aspects of sleep science. These brochures are available
as valuable educational tools for the general public, patients and health care providers.
- Awareness campaigns for the general public about sleep. During the last two years the themes were
sleep disorders and sleepiness at the wheel.
- Epidemiologic studies at national level (Insomnia; Drivers sleepiness and countermeasures).
Work groups:
- Sleep Medicine accreditation Work Group.

The National Sleep Societies


Societatea Romana de Somnologie (SRS)

Romanian Sleep Society
Current President: Stefan Dan Mihaicuta,
Foundation year

SRS founded in 2006,

a working group on sleep was initiated in 1976 by Prof. Popoviciu


Number of members


Composition of

80 % Pulmonologists, 5 % Cardiologists, 5 % Neurologists, 5 % ENT, 5 % others.

Separate Association of Technicians with 24 members.

Historical perspective
of the society

Prof Popoviciu was the Chair of Local Committee for 4th ESRS Congress, Tirgu-Mures, Romania,
September 11 15, 1978. Michel Jouvet criticised the communist regime at the opening ceremony, and
a team conducted by J. L. Valatx asked and obtained permission to visit political prisoners during the
Congress. The special lecture given during the Congress was by Michel Jouvet on Paradoxical sleep and
genetic programming of the brain. The congress proceedings were published in Sleep 1978.
The current, independent sleep society was founded in 2006 by Prof. Mihaltan and it started from the
Respiratory Society.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Nathaniel Kleitman (April 26, 1895 Kishinev, Romania August 13, 1999 USA) was Professor
in Physiology at the University of Chicago. He was the author of the important book Sleep and
Wakefulness, published in 1939, he is recognized as the father of American sleep research. Kleitman,
along with his student Eugene Aserinsky, was the first to discover rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and
demonstrate that it was correlated with dreaming and brain activity. Liviu Popoviciu, local chair of 4th
ESRS Congress.
Oskar Sager (1894 1981), neurologist, Arthur Kreindler (1900 1988), neurologist. Mircea Steriade,
a prominent researcher in neuroscience, born in Bucharest, Romania, August 20, 1924, passed away
in Canada April 14, 2006. He was among the first to study the dynamics of the brain during sleep, and
one of his key discoveries was determining the role of thalamic reticular neurons as pacemakers in
producing the sleep spindle rhythm.
Florin Amzica, sleep researcher in Montreal, Canada, discovered important cellular substrates and
laminar profiles of the K-complex in sleep.
Florin Mihaltan, Stefan Mihaicuta, Daniela Boisteanu, Doina Todea, Oana Deleanu

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers

A total of 54 sleep units are in operation in 2012, 7 sleep medicine centers with full spectrum of sleep
disorders, 47 units predominately to diagnose and treat sleep disordered breathing.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Accreditation initiated in 2010, 5 centers are accredited including full polysomnography. In 2011,
competence in somnology acquired after 6 months of training was officially recognized as an area of
specific competence by the National Health Authorities.

Educational programs

Five Sleep Medicine books and courses since 2005, 4 National Conferences including Sleep E-Learning
in 2012: 40 hours online studies followed by a 2 days meeting with lectures, 5 meetings within the
European project FP7 Human Resources.
Competence in sleep medicine: Program for specialists in pneumology, neurology, cardiology, general
practitioners, ENT, internal medicine including 6 months of training and a final examination based on
the ESRS Catalogue of Knowledge and Skills.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Sleep in children (Mihaela Oros), Cardiovascular diseases and Sleep disorders (Dan Mihaicuta, Dan
Lighezan, Oana Deleanu, Florin Mihaltan), Metabolic consequences of OSA (Doina Todea), SAS and
COPD (Daniela Boisteanu), Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (Stefan Dumitrache Rujinski)

The National Sleep Societies


Rossiyskoe obshchestvo somnologov

Russian Society of Somnologists
Current President: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Kovalzon

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

PhD., M.D., M.S. and postgraduate students, neuroscientists, psychophysiologists, neurologists who are
professionally engaged in animal sleep, sleep studies in healthy humans or in clinical sleep research in

Historical perspective
of the society

After the death of Prof. Aleksandr Vein in 2003, the leader of sleep medicine and human sleep
physiology in Russia, the International Somnological Society of the Commonwealth of Independent
States which he had founded and chaired in 1996, expired. At this time, the national laws were
changed and the legislative base of the society did not exist any more. Trying to create a new
professional organization, we established a somnological section at the Pavlovian Physiological Society
of the Russian Academy of Sciences. We named our section the Russian Somnological Society
because at that time there existed no other professional organization for sleep research and sleep
medicine in Russia. Nevertheless, the National Society for Somnology and Sleep Medicine led by Yakov
Levin (the 1st State Medical University, Moscow) which units mostly medical doctors (neurologists,
pneumologists and others), was founded in Moscow in 2010. The latter organization now continue
to supporting the conferences entitled Actual problems of somnology every second year, started by
Prof. A. Vein as early as 1998. The 8th Conference will take place in Moscow, November 22 23, 2012.
After the sudden death of Prof. Levin on March, 31, 2012, the Society is now led by his successor
Mikhail G.Poluektov, M.D. Integration of both Societies into the Russian Sleep Federation is now under
discussion among the members.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Nikolay I. Grashchenkov (died in 1966) organized the Laboratory of Nervous and Humoral Regulations
in the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow;
Aleksandr M. Vein (died in 2003), the founder of sleep medicine and human sleep physiology in Russia,
and Lev Latash (died in 2002 in the U.S.A.);
Aleksandr N. Shepovalnikov, the author of the first Russian monograph Activity of the sleeping brain
(1971) who is actively working as before at the Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and
Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, S.-Petersburg;
Aleksandr B. Kogan (died in 1989), the chief of the physiology school in Rostov-on-Don;
Tengiz N. Oniani (died in 2012), the chief of the Georgian sleep school, Tbilisi.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

About 50 Sleep Medicine Centers in Russia, including more than 20 centers in Moscow, the most
important of them led by: A.L. Kalinkin; M.G. Poluektov;
R.V. Buzunov; G.V. Kovrov;
M.V. Agaltzov

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

7 Sleep Research Centers, among them located at: Sechenov Institute Evolutionary Physiology/
Biochemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), S.-Petersburg (3 labs); Institute Higher Nervous
Activity/Neurophysiology, RAS, Moscow (1 lab); Severtsov Institute Ecology/Evolution, RAS, Moscow
(2groups); Kharkevich Institute Information Transmission, RAS. Moscow (1 group); Sechenov 1st
Moscow State Medical University (4 clinical research groups); Southern Federal University, Rostov-onDon (1 lab), Southern Scientific Center, RAS, Rostov-on-Don (1 lab).

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

At Sechenov 1st Moscow State Medical University, Dept. Nervous Diseases. The procedures of
accreditation of sleep medicine centers and certification of sleep medicine experts are now in the
process of elaboration in accordance to domestic guidelines.


The National Sleep Societies

Educational programs

Sechenov 1st Moscow State Medical University (Dept. Nervous Diseases) sleep medicine education
program for graduated students; Lecture courses and postgraduate students at: Lomonosov Moscow
State University (Psychological and Fundamental Medical Faculties); Southern Federal University,
Postgraduate students also at: Sechenov Institute Evolutionary Physiology/Biochemistry, RAS,
S.-Petersburg; Institute Higher Nervous Activity/Neurophysiology, RAS, Moscow; Southern Scientific
Center, RAS, Rostov-on-Don.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Sechenov Inst. Evolutionary Physiology/Biochemistry, RAS, S.-Petersburg:

- Y.F. Pastukhov and his lab (molecular mechanisms of sleep in mammals and birds);
 .A. Oganessyan and his lab. (phylo- and ontogenetic aspects of sleep-wake regulation, interrelation
between sleep and epilepsy);
- A.N. Shepovalnikov and his group (human EEG in waking, sleeping and altered states of
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don:
- A.A. Burikov and his lab. (sleep-wake neurophysiology in humans and animals).
Southern Scientific Center, RAS, Rostov-on-Don:
- E .V. Verbitskiy and his lab. (sleep and anxiety in humans, sleep in mammals).
Severtsov Inst. Ecology/Evolution, RAS, Moscow:
- L .M. Mukhametov and his group (sleep-wake characteristics in marine mammals);
- V.M. Kovalzon and his group (sleep disturbances in experimental models of important diseases).
Kharkevich Institute Information Transmission, RAS, Moscow:
- I.N. Pigarev (autonomic influences upon animal sleep).
Institute Higher Nervous Activity/Neurophysiology, RAS, Moscow:
- V.B. Dorokhov and his lab (effects of stress and tiredness on human sleep; sleep and memory in
humans and animals).
Sechenov 1st Moscow Medical University:
- S cientific Center, Department of Pathology of the Autonomic Nervous System, directed by
Prof.G.V.Kovrov (Neurology of sleep-wake disorders. Neurophysiological & psychological studies of
sleep and adaptation during international experiments on extended human isolation in a framework of
the Programs MARS-105 & MARS-500, 2008-2011).
- F aculty of Postgraduate Professional Education of the Physicians, Department of Nervous Diseases,
directed by Prof. V.L. Golubev (Sleep disorders).
Moscow Center of Sleep Medicine, directed by Dr. M.G. Poluektov:
- (Studies

and treatment of insomnia, snoring, sleep apnoe, movement disorders during sleep, sleep
disorders in epilepsy, sleep and stress, sleep disorders in children).
Hospital No. 83 of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency, Sleep Disorders Center, directed by
Dr.A.L.Kalinkin (Snoring and other breathing disorders during sleep, insomnia, hypersomnia,
movement disorders during sleep, sleep-related epilepsy, sleep-related headache, sleeptalking).
Clinical Sanatorium Barvikha of the Administration of Affairs of the President of the Russian
Federation, Sleep Medicine Division, directed by Prof. R.V.Buzunov (snoring and sleep apnoe, sleep
and driving, insomnia, restless legs, circadian disturbances, other sleep disorders).
The Center for Prevention Medicine, Somnology lab, directed by Dr. M.V. Agaltzov (the study of sleep in
patients, treatment of snoring and sleep apnoe).


The activity of our society is directed mainly to organizing the International Sleep Workshops Sleep
as a window to the world of wakefulness in Moscow or Rostov-on-Don in the odd years, supported
by IBRO and some Russian foundations. The last, 6th workshop took place in October, 6-8, 2011, in
Moscow. Total amount of registered participants was 65, coming from Belgium, Belorussia, Czech Rep.,
Finland, Germany, Holland, Italy, Canada, Romania, Ukraine, USA and 4 cities of Russia.

The National Sleep Societies


Slovene Sleep Society

Slovenska Skupina za spanje
Current President: Leja Dolenc, MD, PhD

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

40 % Neurologists, 20 % Pneumologists, 10% Pediatricians, 10% Psychiatrists,

10 % Clinical Psychologists, 5% ENT, 5% Neuroradiologists

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in Ljubljana in 2005 with the aim of integrating sleep research and sleep
medicine in different medical fields. Since then, Sleep Medicine and its diagnostic procedures became
recognized by Health Authorities in Slovenia.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Leja Dolenc Groelj, Barbara Gnidovec Straiar, Matja Flear, Jasmina Gabrijelcic, Igor Fajdiga

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and


Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and


Accreditation /
Certification procedure

None at present.

Educational programs

- Sleep Medicine is the part of teaching program at the Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
- Sleep Medicine is included in different postgraduate courses for neurologists, psychiatrists, and
pediatricians (from 1 week to 6 months)
- Continuing education for sleep technologists (6 months)
- Continuing education in sleep medicine for MD (as part of 6 months EEG course)
- Short educational courses are organized for general doctors
- Sleep Medicine is part of the PhD program at the Medical Faculty.

Present activities,
working groups, task

-  Sleep January: Annual Sleep congress with workshops, keynote lectures and oral presentations
organized by Slovene Sleep Society.
- E very years students research award (Presern award)
 roviding guidelines for the assessment of the ability to drive in patients with sleep disorders.
 roviding guidelines for general doctors regarding referrals to sleep centers.


Numerous different activities are organised by the Sleep Society; e.g. World sleep day and European
Narcolepsy day.


The National Sleep Societies


Sociedad Espaola de Sueo (SES)

Spanish Sleep Society (SSS)
Current President: D. Garcia-Borreguero, MD

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

Clinical Neurophysiology (40%), Respiratory (15%), Pediatrics (6%), Neurology (5%), Psychiatry (4%),
Orthodontics (4 %), Basic Research (6%), Other (20%).

Historical perspective
of the society

The SES (initially named AIPS) was founded in 1991 and has organized so far 21 Annual Meetings in
Spain. The celebration of the XIV European Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)
(September 1998, Madrid) and the upcoming 5th World Congress on Sleep Medicine (September 2013,
Valencia) organized by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) and the Spanish Sleep Society
(SES), reflect the international projection of our society and its members.
Our society has become the main reference in Sleep Medicine in Spain and has grown vigourously
over the last years, with the incorporation of different specialties (pediatricians, pulmonologists, general
practitioners, clinical neurophysiologists, neurologists, etc.).

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research (alphabetically): F. Barbe, J. Durn, D. Garcia-Borreguero, A. Iranzo, F. Masa,

J. Montserrat, J. Nieto, R. Peraita, J. Puertas, T. Quera-Salva, J. Tern, T. Sagals, J. Santamaria, A. Vela.
Basic research (alphabetically): M. Barbanoj, I. de Andrs, M. Garzn, J. Gaztelu, F. Reinoso-Suarez,

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and


Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Comit Espaol de Acreditacin en Medicina del Sueo (CEAMS): Multidisciplinary Accreditation

endorsed by the main scientific societies in Spain (Respiratory, Neurology, Psychiatry, Pediatrics) under
the umbrella of the Spanish Sleep Society:
- Accreditation of Sleep Medicine Centers
- Accreditation of Professionals in Sleep Medicine

Educational programs

Master in Neuroscience in Sleep (Universidad Autnoma, Madrid), Master in Sleep Medicine (Pablo
Olavide University, Sevilla),
Advanced multidisciplinary Courses: Burgos, Lleida (Hot-Topics in Sleep Apnea)
Spanish Society of Neurology (Monasterio de los Avellanes, Lleida).


The National Sleep Societies

Present activities,
working groups, task

5th World Congress on Sleep Medicine (Valencia, Sept 28 Oct 3, 2013).

Diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines:
 uidelines in OSA: GrupoEspaol de Sueo. Consenso nacional sobre el sndrome de apneashipopneas del sueo. Arch Bronconeumol, 2005; 41(Suppl 4):1-110 (Spanish).
 uidelines in pediatric OSA: Alonso-lvarez ML et al. Arch Bronconeumol. 2011;47(Suppl 5):2-18
- S tandards and Recommendations for Sleep Units, carried out in the Quality Agency of the spanish
Ministry of Health.
 uidelines for diagnosis and treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome (Spanish Sleep Society and Spanish
Neurological Society).


Journal VIGILIA-SUEO (since 1991)


The National Sleep Societies


Svensk Frening fr Smnforskning och Smnmedicin (SFSS)

Swedish Sleep Society
Current President: Dr. Lena Leissner

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

40 % physicians mainly ENT specialists and Pneumologists and a few Neurologists, Psychiatrists, GPs,
Pediatricians, Gynaecologists and Neurophysiologists.
20 % Nurses, 15 % Dentists, 13% Technicians, 5% Psychologists and 2% Physiotherapists; 5% other.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in 1989. The aim of the society is to promote basic and clinical research as
well as clinical activity concerning sleep and wakefulness. It started with a very small group of people
working in sleep research and the first president was Prof. Jerker Hetta. During the years the society has
grown, not only in members but also in the field of interest. Both sleep research and sleep medicine has
widened and today we are proud of recognizing many different professions coming together sharing
their common interest of sleep.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Torbjrn kerstedt, Jerker Hetta, Eva Svanborg, Jan Hedner, Ludger Grote, Yksel Peker, Jan Ulfberg,
EvaLindberg, Karl Franklin and Sren Berg.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

A total of 11 centers provide full PSG services on a regular basis, additional 25 centers provide mainly
diagnosis and treatment of sleep disordered breathing

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

A total of 15 centers report ongoing research projects at the SFSS webpage, at our annual meetings and
at international congresses.

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The society provides, as part of the Nordic Association of Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine Societies
(NOSMAC), a certificate in Sleep Medicine in accordance with the ESRS certification guidelines. The
candidates must also pass four training courses (sleep physiology, breathing disorders during sleep,
insomnia, para- and hypersomnias) provided by the society. This education is mainly adjusted to
physicians but there is a similar, but less extensive program for other groups. 27 grandfathers/-mothers
have been certified and trained. The accreditation process for sleep centers within the NOSMAC
organization is outlined and this process will start in the very near future.

Educational programs

Besides the courses included in the specialist training program, the society also organizes workshops
and courses at the annual congresses and sometimes also at other specialists joint meetings.

Present activities,
working groups, task

We have an annual congress consisting of one day with courses/workshops and two days of science
with keynote lectures and oral and poster presentations.
During the last years we have built up three sections within the society; the Odontological-, the
Pediatric- and the Behavioral Sleep Medicine to accomplish further development within these groups.
Members of the society take great responsibility in highlighting sleep issues in the scientific and clinical
world but also in the community, among ordinary people, politicians and leaders as well as in schools
and industries by giving lectures, interviews or in other ways sharing expert knowledge.

The National Sleep Societies


Schweizerische Gesellschaft fr Schlafforschung,

Schlafmedizin und Chronobiologie
Socit Suisse de Recherche sur le Sommeil,
de Mdecine du Sommeil et de Chronobiologie
Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology

Current President: Prof. Dr. Peter Achermann

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

44 % Pneumologists, 20 % Neurologists, 10 % PhDs, 7 % Psychiatrists, 4 % Pediatricians, and

15 %various specialties.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in Zurich in 1991 with the aim of integrating sleep research, sleep medicine and
chronobiology. Its first president was Prof. A. Borbly. In 1997, the society received a mandate from the
Ministry of Health to formulate conditions and procedures for the accreditation of sleep centers. Since then,
the society has accredited 30 sleep centers whose services are recognized by health insurance companies.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Clinical research: Michel Gaillard, Christian W. Hess, Konrad Bloch, Mathias Gugger, Johannes Mathis
and Claudio Bassetti.
Basic research: Alexander Borbly, Anna Wirz-Justice, Irene Tobler, Peter Achermann and Mehdi Tafti.

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

For a complete list see:

Number of Sleep
Research Centers

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

Our society provides a certificate in sleep medicine for MDs with a specialization in Pneumology,
Psychiatry or Neurology. In order to receive the certification, MDs must have worked in an accredited
sleep center in Switzerland or abroad for at least 6 months, have diagnosed and worked with a minimal
number of individuals with sleep disorders, and have conducted and assessed a certain number of
polysomnographies, MSLTs, MWTs, actigraphies, respiratory polygraphies and oxymetries. MDs from
other disciplines require an additional 2 years of sleep education.
A similar procedure exists for PhDs and psychologists, but in addition they must pass the examination
of the German Sleep Society for Somnologists.
Sleep centers are accredited if they can assure an interdisciplinary team including at least a
pneumologist, a psychiatrist, and a neurologist. The head of this team must have received a minimum of
two years of training in sleep medicine and received a certificate in sleep medicine. Consultants must
provide an education comparable to the certificate in sleep medicine. In addition, technicians, rooms
and equipment of the sleep laboratory must also meet certain criteria.

Educational programs

Workshops for continuing education are organized at the annual meetings. Credits for continuing
education are also provided.

Present activities,
working groups, task

We have an annual scientific meeting with workshops, keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations.
Approximately every 2nd year we hold the meeting in conjunction with another society. Committees of
experts convene to perform a variety of functions including: awarding certification in sleep medicine,
accreditation and re-accreditation of Sleep Centers, awarding prizes and travel grants, reimbursement
practice of oral appliances, ensuring recognition of our certification by the Swiss Medical Association,
and providing guidelines for the assessment of the ability to drive in patients with sleep disorders.


The National Sleep Societies


Turk Uyku Tbb Dernegi (TUTD)

Turkish Sleep Medicine Society (TSMS)
Current President: Dr. Derya Karadeniz

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

The society has 3 groups of membership as main, complimentary and honoric. The main members
include both academic and clinical specialists. Main members are medical doctors mainly from
neurology, pulmonology, ENT disorders, psychiatry, physiology, cardiology, anesthesiology, internal
medicine and pediatrics. Complimentary members include sleep technicians, psychologists, engineers
or dentists.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was established in 1992 entitled as Sleep Research Society, and later renamed by the
Council of Minister as Turkish Sleep Research Society. In 2007, the name of the society was changed
into Turkish Sleep Medicine Society (TSMS) by the general assembly.
The first scientific meeting of the society was held in 1992, later continued as national congresses.
National congresses were performed once in two years till 2006, and later yearly.
The 15th European Sleep Research Society Congress which was held in Istanbul 12 16 September2000
was hosted by the TSMS.

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Prof. Dr. Ismet Karacan, Prof. Dr. Sevket Akpnar

Past Presidents: Erbil Gzkrmz, Hakan Kaynak, Sadk Ardc, Derya Karadeniz

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and


Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and


Accreditation /
Certification procedure

ESRS accreditation criteria has being used for the certification of sleep centers/laboratories. These
centers/laboratories are being re-supervised every five years and re-accredited as they continue to
perform sleep studies on the basis of international criteria.
TSMS has organized Sleep Medicine Courses of 5 days for medical doctors since 1998. After 2006,
Practical Education and Certification Program in an accredited sleep center by TSMS was added to this
theoretical education. TSMS Qualification Board was established in 2010 to organize an educational
program for sleep medicine, and is still continuing its tasks in collaboration with the Directory Board
of TSMS. Upon completing the Sleep Medicine Courses of 5 days which are held every year and
Certification Program and Practical Education for 6 months a Sleep Medicine Certificate is given to
medical doctors.
A certification program was established in 2010 for sleep technicians who had adequate practical
experience and succeeded the examination following certification program.


The National Sleep Societies

Educational programs

In addition to annually organized National Sleep Medicine Congresses, local scientific meetings have
being organized yearly.
Prof. Dr. Sevket Akpnars Symposium was held in Ankara, on 14th May, 2011 for the first time. It will
continue to be held every year. Since 2011 TSMS has being organized scientific meetings every year on
March 16 to celebrate the World Sleep Day.

Present activities,
working groups, task

Technician Study Group was established in 2008. Educational program for sleep technicians has being
organized yearly together with the National Sleep Medicine Congress.
Basic sciences, Scientific research, Sleep and occupation, Pediatric Sleep and Surgery in Sleep
Medicine study groups were established in 2011.
The Turkish Ministry of Health published regulations on education with certification in 2010. Upon
this, TSMS applied for Sleep Medicine Physicians Certification Program and Sleep Technicians
Certification Program to be approved by the Ministry of Health nationwide.


TSMS published booklets or brochures for medical doctors dealing with sleep medicine or other
TSMS Bulletin is being published twice in a year since 2006.
Educational booklets for the patients and the community have been published, including What is
healthy sleep?, Insomnia, Sleep apnea syndrome, Parasomnias, Restless legs syndrome, and
Excessive daytime sleepiness.
The copyrights for The AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events: Rules,
Terminology and Technical Specifications was bought by TSMS and its Turkish translation was
published in 2008.
In 2010, a book entitled Physiology of Sleep and Its Disorders was published in Turkish to present
basic physiology and disorders of sleep for physicians.
Finally, TSMS has bought the copyrights for International Classification of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) II for
physicians and Essentials of Sleep Technology for sleep technicians.
TSMS conducted a nationwide epidemiological study all over the Turkey with 5000 participants
in 2009, which was sponsored by Cephalon Europe and Gen Medicine. The first phase of the
Epidemiology of Turkish Sleep Disorder Study was completed in 2010 and results were submitted for
publication. The second phase of the study involving polysomnographic investigations is ongoing.


The National Sleep Societies


The British Sleep Society (BSS)

Current President: Prof. Paul Reading

Foundation year



Number of members


Composition of
(degree, specialties,
subspecialties, etc.)

The society has an inclusive approach to all specialists related to sleep medicine and sleep research.
The members include both academic and clinical specialists, particularly neurologists, pulmonologists,
psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, geriatricians as well as neurophysiologists, circadian rhythm
experts, nurses and a large number technologists working in sleep laboratories.

Historical perspective
of the society

The society was founded in 1989 mainly in response to the increase of awareness of obstructive sleep
apneas and their clinical importance. Over the next few years it broadened to include neurological and
physiological interests with strong emphasis on technical aspects and polysomnography. Over the last
10 years special interest groups in, for instance, pediatrics and techniques, such as actigraphy, have
been established so that it now provides a comprehensive resource to clinical, research and technical

Important sleep
physicians / researchers
in the history of the NSS

Past Presidents and Chairmen

1989 1990 N. Douglas and C. Shapiro
1990 1991 I. Hindmarch
1991 1992 J. Stradling
1992 1993 C. D. Hanning
1993 1996 W. McNicholas
1996 1998 C. Idzikowski
1998 2001 P. Calverley
2001 2003 Neil Stanley
2004 2008 Melissa Hack
2008 2011 John Shneerson
Paul Reading

Number of Sleep
Medicine Centers
(link to their titles and

Number of Sleep
Research Centers
(link to their titles and

These include the Respiratory Support & Sleep Centre, Papworth Hospital, Cambridge
Glasgow Sleep Center
University of Surrey
St Thomass Hospital, London
Elvina Hospital, London,
Burden Centre, Bristol,
Tom MacKays Edinburgh
University of Edingborough
Loughborough University,
Russell Fosters Oxford
Mike Hastings in Cambridge regarding circadian rhythms


The National Sleep Societies

Accreditation /
Certification procedure

The Society has formalized an Accreditation procedure for sleep centres providing polysomnography in
harmony with the ESRS recommendations.
The first centre to be approved was the Respiratory Support & Sleep Centre, Papworth Hospital,
Cambridge in 2011.

Educational programs

The Society has for many years ran an Annual Scientific meeting each September which has been held
in Cambridge since 2001. The Society also holds an annual Spring Technologist Conference at different
locations around the country each year. Both of these meetings have proved popular with excellent
feedback. In addition the Society has joined with the Belgian and Dutch Sleep Societies to co-organise
the International Sleep Medicine Course (ISMC) and host this important meeting every 3 years.

Present activities,
working groups, task

The Society has a main Executive Committee with subcommittees such as the Accreditation Committee
and Scientific Meeting Committee
In addition to the Accreditation procedure for sleep medicine centres it has recently developed position
statements such as on the use of Modafinil for conditions other than narcolepsy causing excessive
daytime sleepiness and regarding increasing the awareness and providing treatment for Heavy goods
verhicle (HGV) drivers with obstructive sleep apnoeas.
The societys working with other medical specialist bodies to promote sleep medicine as a medical subspecialty in the UK.


Index of Authors
kerstedt, Torbjrn . . . . . . . . . . 55
Amici, Roberto . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Bassetti, Claudio L. . . . . . . . 7, 27, 61
Batini, Cesira . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Baumann, Christian R. . . . . . . . . 61
Billiard, Michel . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Borbly, Alexander A. . . . . . . . . . 23
Bruni, Oliviero . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Cirignotta, Fabio . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Dijk, Derk-Jan . . . . . . . . . 7, 17, 37
Dogas, Zoran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Espie, Colin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Ferini-Strambi, Luigi . . . . . . . . . 27
Franken, Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Gottesmann, Claude . . . . . . . . . 63
Hedner, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hess, Christian W. . . . . . . . . . . 67
Horne, Jim . . . . . . . . . . . . 17, 19
Kecklund, Gran . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Kerkhofs, Myriam . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Khatami, Ramin . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Kovalzon, Vladimir M. . . . . . . . . 59
Lavie, Peretz . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Levy, Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 35
Luppi, Pierre-Herv . . . . . . . . . . 65
Maquet, Pierre . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Nobili, Luigi Lino . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Parmeggiani, Pier Luigi . . . . . . . . 23
Partinen, Markku . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Peigneux, Philippe . . . . . . . 7, 23, 51
Penzel, Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 53, 73
Pevernagie, Dirk . . . . . . . . . 53, 69
Pollmcher, Thomas . . . . . . 7, 13, 31
Riemann, Dieter . . . . . . . . . . 7, 33
Salzarulo, Piero . . . . . . . . . . 9, 47
Santamaria, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Schredl, Michael . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Schulz, Hartmut . . . . . . . . . . 9, 19
Schwartz, Sophie . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Skene, Debra J. . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 37
Tafti, Mehdi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Tobler, Irene . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Wirz-Justice, Anna . . . . . . . . . . 37



accreditation . . . . 7, 8, 9, 10, 53, 54, 74, 85,
86, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99,
101, 102, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114,
119, 120, 121
Achermann, Peter . . . . 5, 81, 120
activating reticular system . . . . 71
adenosine . . . . 21, 59
Adrian, E.D. . . . . 71
Adrien, Jolle . . . . 17, 22, 31, 47, 82, 94
advanced sleep phase disorder . . . . 37
ageing . . . . seeaging
aging . . . . 47, 48, 51, 56
agrypnia . . . . 28
kerstedt, Torbjrn . . . . 4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17,
18, 19, 33, 37, 55, 58, 78, 119
Akert, Konrad . . . . 9, 67, 68
Akpnar, Sevket . . . . 121, 122
Alzheimers disease . . . . 28, 38, 51
Amici, Roberto . . . . 3, 12, 23, 79, 81, 104
Amzica, Florin . . . . 113
antidepressants . . . . 31
Aschoff, Jrgen . . . . 37, 80
Aserinsky, Eugene . . . . 9, 41, 113
Assembly of National Sleep Societies
(ANSS) . . . . 10, 11, 14, 15, 98
Austria . . . . 83
autoimmune disorders . . . . 29, 62
automated analyses . . . . 31

C. elegans . . . . 43
central apneas . . . . 35
cerebrospinal fluid . . . . 63
certification . . . . 8, 10, 53, 54, 74, 89, 93,
102, 110, 114, 119, 120, 121, 122
cerveau isol . . . . 65, 69, 71
Challamel, Marie-Jo . . . . 47, 49, 94
Cheyne-Stokes respiration . . . . 35
childhood . . . . 49, 50
cholinergic . . . . 23, 28, 31, 65
chronobiology . . . . 3, 7, 31, 37, 38, 95, 97,
108, 120
Cipolli, Carlo . . . . 41, 42, 75, 104
circadian clock . . . . 37, 38, 43, 45
circadian rhythm . . . . 19, 31, 33, 37, 38, 43,
47, 123
circadian system . . . . 24, 37
Cirelli, Chiara . . . . 24, 37, 39, 43, 78
Cirignotta, Fabio . . . . 22, 75, 102
Claparde, E. . . . . 24, 57
clock genes . . . . 37, 43, 45
cognition . . . . 23, 33, 47, 58
cognitive behavioural treatment . . . . 31
CPAP . . . . 28, 35, 36, 85, 92
Croatia . . . . 88
Cushing, H. . . . . 69
cyclic alternating pattern . . . . 75, 76
Czech Republic . . . . 90
Czeisler, Charles A. . . . . 37, 80, 81

Barbe, F. . . . . 117
basal ganglia . . . . 61, 62
Bassetti, Claudio L. . . . . 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11,
14, 16, 17, 18, 27, 28, 58, 61, 68, 79, 80,
82, 120
Batini, Cesira . . . . 4, 71, 72
Baumann, Christian R. . . . . 4, 61
Beersma, Domien . . . . 37, 80, 81, 107
behaviour . . . . 18, 22, 23, 29, 39, 42, 47, 49,
63, 65, 67, 68, 71
Belgium . . . . 84
Berger, Hans . . . . 27, 31, 73
Berger, Mathias . . . . 42, 73, 79, 96
Bertini, Mario . . . . 16, 19, 33, 75, 104
Billiard, Michel . . . . 3, 14, 15, 16, 33, 57, 58,
80, 94, 98
birds . . . . 39, 65, 66, 115
Bjorvatn, B. . . . . 58, 109
blind . . . . 38, 42
body temperature . . . . 13, 63
Bonnet, Michael . . . . 18
Borbly, Alexander A. . . . . 3, 9, 10, 11, 13,
14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 31, 37, 39, 51,
68, 77, 78, 80, 81, 120
Born, Jan . . . . 18, 51
Bosinelli, Marino . . . . 33, 41, 75, 104
brain activation . . . . 41
Bremer, Frdric . . . . 4, 23, 27, 65, 67, 69,
70, 71
Bruni, Oliviero . . . . 3, 49
Bulgaria . . . . 86
business meeting . . . . 9, 12, 15

Cajochen, Christian . . . . 18, 19, 81
cataplexy . . . . 28, 50, 62
cats . . . . 20, 21, 39, 41, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70

Daan, Serge . . . . 31, 37, 80, 81

de Boer, Tom . . . . 18, 107
de Gennaro, Luigi . . . . 18
dementia . . . . 9, 27, 28, 47
Denmark . . . . 91
depression . . . . 31, 38, 44, 58, 107
de Saint Denys, Hervey . . . . 51
Dijk, Derk-Jan . . . . 3, 7, 17, 18, 19, 37, 43,
79, 81, 82
Dogas, Zoran . . . . 3, 7, 88, 89
dogs . . . . 43, 59, 63
dolphins . . . . 39, 60
Douglas, Neil . . . . 35, 58, 123
dream . . . . 3, 15, 27, 41, 42, 51, 65, 66, 97,
104, 108
dream recall . . . . 41, 42
Dreyfus-Brisac, Colette . . . . 47, 48, 49
Drosophila . . . . 37, 39, 43
Dukes, Clement . . . . 57

eating disorders . . . . 42
EEG . . . . 7, 13, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31,
37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51,
60, 65, 66, 68, 69, 71, 73, 76, 88, 104,
115, 116
EEG slow-wave activity . . . . 24, 39
EEG spectra . . . . 19
EEG trait . . . . 43
sleep EEG . . . . 43
Ekbom, K. A. . . . . 28
enacted dreams . . . . 42
encphale isol . . . . 69, 70
encephalitis . . . . 29, 61, 62, 67
encephalitis lethargica . . . . 29, 61, 62
epidemiology . . . . 27, 35, 57, 58, 75, 76, 122

epilepsy . . . . 13, 22, 28, 29, 71, 75, 76, 115

nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy . . . . 28, 75,
ergotropic . . . . 24, 67, 68
ESADA . . . . 36
Espie, Colin . . . . 3, 16, 18, 31, 33, 80
ESRS bylaws . . . . 10, 13
ESRS meetings . . . . 10, 11, 33, 35
ESRS newsletter . . . . 11, 17, 53
Estonia . . . . 92
European Network of Sleep Laboratories
(ENSTL) . . . . 11
European Respiratory Society (ERS) . . . . 11,
14, 101
European Sleep Science Award . . . . 10

Fagioli, Igino . . . . 49, 75, 78, 104, 105
Ferini-Strambi, Luigi . . . . 3, 27, 28, 57, 102
Finland . . . . 93
fMRI . . . . 19, 23, 24
forbidden zone . . . . 20
forced desynchrony . . . . 37
Foulkes, David . . . . 41
France . . . . 94
Franck, Georges . . . . 84
Franken, Paul . . . . 3, 37, 43, 44, 81
Freud, Sigmund . . . . 51
functional brain imaging . . . . 23
functional magnetic resonance imaging . . . .
19, 23
Fssli, Heinz Johann . . . . 27

GABA . . . . 59
Gaillard, Jean-Michel . . . . 31, 68, 78, 120
Garcia-Borreguero, Diego . . . . 79, 117
Gastaut, Henri . . . . 27, 28, 35, 57, 75
Glinau, E. B. . . . . 27
genetics . . . . 7, 8, 27, 33, 38, 43, 44
genome-wide association (GWA) . . . . 44
Germany . . . . 96
Gillin, Christian . . . . 17, 79
glutamatergic . . . . 23
Golgi, C. . . . . 71
Gonalves, Marta . . . . 111
Gottesmann, Claude . . . . 4, 9, 15, 31, 63, 94
Grashchenkov, Nikolay I. . . . . 60, 114
Greece . . . . 98
Grote, Ludger . . . . 5, 58, 73, 79, 119
Gugger, Mathias . . . . 120
Guilleminault, Christian . . . . 49, 57, 58, 75

Halsz, Pter . . . . 99
hallucinations . . . . 27
Hedner, Jan . . . . 3, 18, 35, 58, 119
herbivores . . . . 39
Hess, Christian W. . . . . 67, 120
Hess, Walter Rudolf . . . . 4, 9, 10, 13, 23, 24,
62, 67, 68, 71, 80
hibernation . . . . 39
high-density EEG . . . . 24
Hgl, Birgit . . . . 16, 27, 79, 83, 96
homeostasis . . . . 19, 21, 24, 25, 37, 39, 43,
44, 45, 51, 76
Horne, Jim . . . . 3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 33,
57, 77, 81


Hungary . . . . 99
hypersomnias . . . . 14, 27, 58, 119
hypertension . . . . 35, 58
hypnotics . . . . 31
hypocretin . . . . 7, 27, 43, 44, 62
hypothalamus . . . . 4, 23, 61, 62, 68, 69, 71
hypoxic models . . . . 35

Iceland . . . . 100
infancy . . . . 22, 42, 49
inflammatory mechanisms . . . . 35
influenza . . . . 27, 50, 62, 101
insomnia . . . . 7, 8, 11, 15, 27, 28, 29, 31,
33, 38, 42, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 61, 65, 67,
68, 75, 76, 86, 87, 95, 97, 106, 108, 112,
115, 119, 122
instinctive behaviours . . . . 71
invertebrates . . . . 14, 25, 39, 63
Ireland . . . . 101
Ishimori, K. . . . . 59, 63
Italy . . . . 102, 104

Journal of Sleep Research (JSR) . . . . 3, 5, 7,
10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 33, 37, 57
Jouvet, Michel . . . . 4, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 27,
31, 39, 41, 47, 51, 60, 65, 66, 77, 94, 113
Jovanovic, Uro J.. . . . . 9, 15, 31, 41, 96
Jung, Richard . . . . 4, 28, 73

Kahn, Andr . . . . 47, 49, 84
Karacan, Ismet . . . . 60, 121
Kayed, Khalil . . . . 109
Kecklund, Gran . . . . 4, 55
Kerkhofs, Myriam . . . . 4, 12, 16, 69, 79, 81,
Khatami, Ramin . . . . 4, 61, 67
Kleitman, Nathaniel . . . . 9, 37, 41, 59, 63,
67, 113
Knobl, Brigitte . . . . 2, 5, 18
knock-out . . . . 43
Koella, Werner P. . . . . 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16,
57, 68, 77
Kogan, Aleksandr B. . . . . 60, 114
Kovalzon, Vladimir M. . . . . 4, 59, 60, 114,
Kraepelin, Emil . . . . 31
Kramer, Milton . . . . 41
Krieger, Jean . . . . 9, 35, 94
Krueger, James . . . . 37, 78
Kuhlo, Wolfgang . . . . 4, 28, 35, 73, 96
Kupfer, David J. . . . . 31
Kurtz, Daniel . . . . 16, 35, 78, 94

Lavie, Peretz . . . . 3, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 33,
35, 57, 69, 77, 80, 81
learning . . . . 19, 28, 33, 44, 51, 52, 71, 113
Leger, Damien . . . . 18, 95
Levin, P. . . . . 9
levodopa . . . . 28
Levy, Patrick . . . . 3, 11, 18, 35, 95
Lewy bodies . . . . 27, 28
light . . . . 15, 17, 19, 20, 31, 33, 37, 38, 42,
49, 66, 70, 107, 108
light therapy . . . . 31, 38, 107, 108


Lithuania . . . . 106
local sleep . . . . 37, 75
lucid dreaming . . . . 41, 42
Lugaresi, Elio . . . . 4, 10, 22, 28, 35, 57, 58,
75, 102
Luppi, Pierre-Herv . . . . 4, 18, 65, 66, 94

nitric oxide . . . . 21
Nobili, Luigi Lino . . . . 3, 5, 7, 28
Norway . . . . 109
NREM dreaming . . . . 41
NREM sleep . . . . 19, 21, 27, 28, 42, 51, 76
NSS . . . . seeNaional Sleep Societies

magnetoencephalography . . . . 24
Magoun, Horace W. . . . . 9, 65, 67, 69, 71, 75
mammals . . . . 24, 39, 63, 66, 69, 115
Manasseina-Korkunova, Maria Mikhailovna .
. . . 4, 59
Mancia, Mauro . . . . 75, 104
Maquet, Pierre . . . . 3, 11, 18, 19, 23, 41, 51
Marie Curie program . . . . 12, 14, 71, 81, 82,
94, 95
Marshall, Nathaniel . . . . 18
Mathis, Johannes . . . . 120
McNicholas, W. . . . . 101, 123
Meier-Ewert, K.-H. . . . . 73, 96
melanopsin . . . . 37, 38
melatonin . . . . 20, 37, 38, 50
memory . . . . 3, 19, 28, 41, 42, 44, 48, 51, 52,
71, 115
memory consolidation . . . . 42, 51, 52
mental disorders . . . . 31, 33
MESAM . . . . 73
mesencephalic transection . . . . 69
metabolic disorders . . . . 35, 36
mice . . . . 21, 22, 37, 39, 43, 44, 45, 66
modafinil . . . . 66, 124
molecular processes . . . . 25
Monnier, Marcel . . . . 9, 68
monoaminergic . . . . 23
monoaminergic theory . . . . 65
monoamines . . . . 65
monoamines . . . . 65
Monod, Nicole . . . . 47, 49
Montserrat, J. . . . . 117
mood disorders . . . . 22, 50
Moruzzi, Giuseppe . . . . 4, 9, 23, 27, 67, 71,
72, 75
Morvan . . . . 27, 28
Mukhametov, Lev M. . . . . 39, 60, 115
multiple sclerosis . . . . 29
multi-unit activity . . . . 39
muscle atonia . . . . 41, 65, 66
music . . . . 15, 42

Obl, Ferenc . . . . 37, 82, 99

obesity . . . . 22, 33, 35, 38, 50, 57, 113
oneiric behaviours . . . . 65
Oniani, Tengiz N. . . . . 60, 77, 114
ontogeny . . . . 66
optogenetic . . . . 23
orexin . . . . 27, 43, 62
Oswald, Ian . . . . 9, 13, 15, 16, 31, 57, 60
oxidative stress . . . . 35

nap . . . . 31, 37
narcolepsy . . . . 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28, 29,
33, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 57, 58, 62, 66,
76, 89, 90, 98, 101, 106, 108, 109, 116,
National Sleep Societies . . . . 4, 5, 10, 11, 14,
15, 84, 98
neurochemical . . . . 23
neurology . . . . 3, 7, 8, 14, 15, 27, 49, 61, 69,
73, 74, 75, 83, 86, 87, 90, 91, 96, 97, 98,
102, 106, 109, 113, 115, 117, 120, 121
neurophysiological . . . . 7, 23, 24, 27, 28, 41,
42, 51, 65, 71, 73, 115
neuroscience . . . . 3, 7, 8, 23, 41, 51, 55, 65,
68, 72, 88, 104, 111, 113, 117
newborns . . . . 48, 49
newsletter . . . . 11, 17
nightmare . . . . 15, 27, 41, 42

Paiva, Teresa . . . . 12, 16, 42, 78, 111
paradoxical sleep . . . . 9, 39, 41, 47, 51, 52,
65, 66, 68, 113
parasomnia . . . . 27, 57, 75, 95
Parkes, David . . . . 10, 17, 77
Parkinsons disease . . . . 28, 62
Parmeggiani, Pier Luigi . . . . 3, 11, 13, 16, 17,
20, 21, 23, 75, 77, 80, 104
Partinen, Markku . . . . 4, 16, 17, 57, 58, 77,
Passouant, Pierre . . . . 13, 15, 16, 31, 47, 57,
Pavlov, Ivan . . . . 4, 59, 60, 71
Peigneux, Philippe . . . . 3, 7, 19, 23, 51, 79
Penzel, Thomas . . . . 3, 4, 53, 73, 96
perifornical region . . . . 68
Peter, Jrg Hermann . . . . 4, 35, 57, 58, 73,
74, 83, 96
Pevernagie, Dirk . . . . 3, 4, 53, 69, 84
phylogeny . . . . 14, 39, 66
Piron, Henri . . . . 4, 23, 39, 59, 63, 64
Pisa Award . . . . 10
point mutations . . . . 43
Poland . . . . 110
Pollmcher, Thomas . . . . 3, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14,
16, 27, 31, 79, 82, 96
Polo, Olli . . . . 93
polymorphisms . . . . 37, 44
Pompeiano, Ottavio . . . . 75, 77
pontine tegmentum . . . . 65
ponto-geniculo-occipital . . . . 23, 66
Popoviciu, Liviu . . . . 9, 15, 16, 113
Porkka-Heiskanen, Tarja . . . . 12, 18, 21, 78,
82, 93
Portugal . . . . 111
positron emission tomography . . . . 19, 23, 41
posttraumatic . . . . 42
Ptzl, Otto . . . . 51
Prechtl, Heinz . . . . 47, 49
prefrontal cortex . . . . 63
pregnancy . . . . 22, 28, 38
proceedings . . . . 9, 11, 13, 58, 75, 113
psychiatry . . . . 7, 8, 13, 14, 31, 33, 49, 58,
61, 73, 74, 83, 90, 92, 96, 97, 98, 102,
109, 117, 120, 121
psychology . . . . 3, 7, 8, 9, 19, 24, 33, 38,
42, 47, 59, 63, 64, 73, 75, 86, 87, 90, 98,
102, 104
Purkinje . . . . 61

rats . . . . 20, 21, 25, 39, 66, 68
RBD . . . . 27, 28, 29
Rechtschaffen, Allan . . . . 39
REM . . . . 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27,
28, 31, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 48, 51, 59, 65,
70, 113
REM sleep . . . . 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
27, 28, 31, 37, 39, 41, 42, 43, 48, 59,
65, 70
REM sleep latency . . . . 31
reptiles . . . . 39, 66
Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) . . . . 15, 27, 28,
29, 50, 75, 76, 118, 122
reverse genetics . . . . 43
Riemann, Dieter . . . . 3, 7, 11, 31, 33, 41, 42,
73, 82, 96
Riha, Renata . . . . 18
Romania . . . . 113
Rotenberg, Vadim . . . . 58, 60
Roth, Bedr ich . . . . 27, 58, 90
Russian Federation . . . . 114

Sadeh, Avid . . . . 18, 47
Saletu, Bernd . . . . 83
Salzarulo, Piero . . . . 3, 9, 16, 33, 41, 42, 47,
49, 75, 77, 78, 104
Santamaria, Joan . . . . 3, 27, 28, 117
schizophrenia . . . . 38
school . . . . 4, 7, 17, 21, 38, 39, 50, 57, 59,
60, 65, 67, 71, 72, 73, 75, 88, 98, 111,
Schredl, Michael . . . . 3, 41, 42
Schulz, Hartmut . . . . 2, 3, 5, 9, 17, 19, 33,
73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 96
Schwartz, Sophie . . . . 3, 41, 42
scientific committee . . . . 9, 10, 13, 14, 15,
95, 103
Scollo-Lavizzari, D. . . . . 9
Seasonal Affective Disorder . . . . 38
seizures . . . . 22, 28, 75
serotonin . . . . 22, 65
Shepovalnikov, Aleksandr N. . . . . 60, 114,
Sherrington, Charles . . . . 69, 71
shift workers . . . . 38, 55
single nucleotide polymorphism . . . . 43
Skene, Debra J. . . . . 3, 7, 12, 18, 37, 38, 81
sleep center . . . . 14, 62, 73, 91, 93, 103, 120,
121, 123
sleep centre . . . . 8, 53, 67, 90, 93, 123, 124
sleep deprivation . . . . 7, 20, 21, 28, 31, 37,
38, 39, 44, 58, 59, 63
sleep disordered breathing . . . . 28, 35, 73,
74, 84, 89, 113, 119
sleep drunkenness . . . . 27
sleep duration . . . . 37, 39, 49, 50, 55, 56
sleep EEG . . . . 20, 21, 31, 37, 39, 43, 45, 49,
sleep gate . . . . 20
sleepiness . . . . 7, 13, 19, 20, 22, 35, 55, 56,
58, 61, 63, 69, 73, 103, 112, 122, 124
sleep-like behaviour . . . . 68

sleep medicine . . . . 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12,

14, 18, 19, 22, 27, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42,
49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62,
73, 74, 75, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109,
110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124
Sleep Medicine Committee (SMC) . . . . 11, 53
Sleep Network Sessions . . . . 15
sleep paralysis . . . . 27
sleep regulation . . . . 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 24,
25, 31, 37, 39, 52, 61, 67, 68, 70
sleepwalking . . . . 27, 29, 51
Slovenia . . . . 116
slow-wave activity . . . . 20, 24, 25, 39
Soldatos, Constantin R. . . . . 98
somnologist . . . . 53, 59
Spain . . . . 117
spectral analysis . . . . 37, 39, 75
Spiegel, Karine . . . . 18, 94
Stenberg, Dag . . . . 78, 82, 93
Steriade, Mircea . . . . 113
stimulation . . . . 20, 21, 25, 51, 63, 67, 68,
70, 71
Stradling, John . . . . 17, 22, 57, 123
Strauch, Inge . . . . 33, 41, 68
stress . . . . 13, 33, 35, 42, 55, 56, 73, 94, 115
stroke . . . . 14, 27, 28, 36, 57, 58, 61, 68
substantia nigra . . . . 61, 62
substantia reticularis . . . . 61
sudden infant death syndrome . . . . 49
Sullivan, Colin . . . . 35
Sweden . . . . 119
Switzerland . . . . 120
synucleinopathies . . . . 27

wakefulness . . . . 9, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27,
37, 43, 51, 55, 60, 63, 67, 69, 71, 72, 77,
113, 115, 119
Westphal, C. . . . . 27
Whitehouse, Inga . . . . 18
Wiechmann, Maria . . . . 12, 81, 82
Wiggs, Luci . . . . 18
Willis, T. . . . . 27
Wirz-Justice, Anna . . . . 3, 5, 19, 20, 31, 37,
38, 68, 78, 79, 81, 120
work . . . . 4, 5, 13, 19, 21, 22, 31, 33, 35, 36,
37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49, 53, 55, 56,
57, 59, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 92, 112
work hours . . . . 13, 55, 56
World Sleep Federation (WSF) . . . . 11

Young Scientist Symposium . . . . 15

zebra fish . . . . 43
Zeitlhofer, Josef . . . . 83
Zulley, Jrgen . . . . 10, 13, 33, 37, 79, 80, 81,

Tafti, Mehdi . . . . 3, 18, 27, 37, 43, 120
Terzano, Mario Giovanni . . . . 75, 102
thalamus . . . . 7, 61, 62, 67, 68, 71
The Netherlands . . . . 107
thermoregulation . . . . 20, 24
theta activity . . . . 19, 25, 37, 66
Tobler, Irene . . . . 3, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17,
20, 21, 37, 39, 78, 80, 81, 120
Tononi, Guilio . . . . 10, 24, 37, 39
torpor . . . . 39
traffic accidents . . . . 35, 87
Travel Awards . . . . 11
Trenkwalder, C. . . . . 28, 96
trophotropic . . . . 24, 67, 68
Turkey . . . . 121
twin pairs . . . . 43
two-process model . . . . 20, 24, 37

Valatx, Jean Louis . . . . 15, 43, 94, 113
van den Hoofdakker, Rudi . . . . 17, 31, 79,
Vein, Aleksandr M. . . . . 58, 60, 114
Visser, Piet . . . . 15, 16, 33, 107
VLPO . . . . 62
Vogel, Gerald . . . . 27, 43, 77
von Economo, Constantin . . . . 4, 23, 27, 29,
61, 62, 67, 69, 71


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