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Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

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Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology

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Comparative effects of high intensity interval training versus moderate

intensity continuous training on quality of life in patients with heart
failure: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Anderson Zampier Ulbrich a,, Vitor Giatte Angarten a, Almir Schmitt Netto a, Sabrina Weiss Sties a,
Daiana Cristine Bndchen a, Loureno Sampaio de Mara a, Vronique A. Cornelissen b, Tales de Carvalho a

Center of Cardiology and Exercise Medicine, Center of Health Science, and Sports CEFID, Santa Catarina State University UDESC, Brazil
Research Group of Cardiovascular and Respiratory Rehabilitation, Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 16 September 2015
Received in revised form 17 November 2015
Accepted 22 November 2015
Available online 23 November 2015
Heart failure
Intensity training
Life style
Health status

a b s t r a c t
Purpose: To compare the effect of high intensity interval training (HIIT) and moderate intensity continuous
training (MICT) on physical tness and quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF).
Methods: Twenty-two male CHF patients (LVEF b 45%, mean age 53.8 8 yr) were studied before and after
12 weeks of supervised aerobic training for 60 min, three times a week. Patients were randomly (1:1) to MICT
(n = 10) and HIIT (n = 12). Both training programs involved treadmill exercise. The group MICT at 75%
of peak heart rate (HR) and HIIT at 95% of peak HR. Outcome measurements included an assessment of QoL
(Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire (MLHFQ) and SF-36), measurements of 6-min walk test
(6MWT) and peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak).
Results: Exercise was associated with a signicant increased of 6MWT in 19.4% and 23.1% from MCIT and HIIT,
respectively (p b 0.001), but not between-group differences. It was observed an improvement in VO2 peak by
11.2% in the HIIT group and 8.3% in the MCIT group, with between-group differences (p b 0.01). Quality of life
improved signicantly and in all domains in both groups (p-value time-effect). All patients showed signicant
improvements in all domains from baseline, it was observed in both groups (p b 0.05), with between-group
differences for functional capacity (SF-36). No changes were observed in pain (SF-36) for both groups.
Conclusion: Both training programs were equally effective in improving QoL and functional capacity in
CHF patients.
Trial registration: (http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/): RBR-6hk9p6; registered on 15 May 2013.
2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction
Up to ve million Americans over 20 years old have chronic heart
failure (CHF). Projections show that by 2030, the prevalence of CHF
will increase with 25% from 2013 [1]. CHF is a complex chronic condition
that results from any structural or functional impairment of ventricular
lling or ejection of blood [2]. One of the major central characteristics
of this condition is an imbalance of the cardiovascular system caused
by complex hemodynamic, anatomical, functional and biological
progressively worsening, thus creating a vicious cycle [3,4].
As a result, most heart failure patients experience symptoms as
shortness of breath and fatigue, which interfere with daily activities

All authors take responsibility for all aspects of the reliability and freedom from bias of
the data presented and their discussed interpretation.
Corresponding author at: Pascoal Simone Street, 358 Coqueiros, Florianopolis,
SC 88080-350, Brazil.
E-mail address: anderon_u@hotmail.com (A.Z. Ulbrich).

and often have a tremendous impact on the quality of life (QoL) [5,6].
The quality of life is much lower compared to healthy individuals and
other diseases [7]. Current guidelines for the treatment and management of heart failure rmly recommend regular physical activity and
structured exercise training [8]. The major benets of this multidisciplinary approach include an enhancement in peripheral blood circulation [9], as well as in skeletal muscle and functional capacity [1013],
early return to routine, increased aerobic conditioning and signicant
benets in social life [14,15]. Moreover, exercise training, as an important adjuvant part of this rehabilitation program, has been shown to improve endothelial function and oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscle
[16,17], increase of peak oxygen consumption [16,18,19] and maximal
aerobic power and reduce neurohumoral exacerbation [12,15].
However, despite its proven effectiveness, the search for better
exercise modalities that t patients' taste better and are more likely to
improve adherence and hence clinical outcomes in heart failure patients
is still ongoing. As such, recent data have already shown that high intensity interval training is superior to moderate continuous training for

2405-5875/ 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

eliciting improvements in peak VO2 and systolic heart failure in CHF

patients [20]. However, less is known about the effect of this emerging
exercise intensity on the quality of life of these patients. The study
presented three components of the denition of quality of life self reports by patients with heart failure, the being: performing physical
and social activities; maintaining happiness, and; engaging in fullling
relationships [21]. Based on these reports [21] and the effects of highintensity exercise found in the meta-analysis [22], the hypothesis of
our study is to show greater increases in scores for quality of life of
patients with HF submitted to HIIT compared to MCIT, also already
shown in a recent study [23]. Therefore, the aim of this pilot study
was to assess the potentials of HIIT to improve quality of life and
physical tness in patients with chronic heart failure.

2. Methods
2.1. Study design and population
A randomized controlled double-blind trial was performed to
evaluate the effect of HIIT vs MICT on quality of life and physical tness
in CHF patients. Patients were recruited at the Divisions of Cardiology of
the public and private hospitals of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina State,
Brazil. Eligibility criteria were that participants should be: 1) male;
2) aged 40 yr or older; 3) with a resting left ventricular ejection fraction
under 40%; 4) peak oxygen uptake under 20 mlkgmin; 5) classied as
New York Heart Association class (NYHA) IIIII who were clinically
stable and on optimal medical therapy for at least 30 days. In addition,
they should be free of physical or mental disabilities, which could
limit physical training. Patients were excluded if they presented with
unstable angina pectoris, uncompensated heart failure, primary pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary infections or active pulmonary thromboembolism, myocardial infarction in the past 4 weeks and complex
ventricular arrhythmias.
After obtaining written informed consent patients were randomized
to HIIT or MICT. The randomization code was generated by means of a
simple allotment to select random permuted blocks (Fig. 1).
The study was accomplished according to the World Medical
1975 Declaration of Helsinki on ethics in medical research [24]
and was approved by the local Research Ethics Committee of the
University of the State of Santa Catarina. The design and results

of the study are registered in Clinical trials: RBR-6hk9p6 (http://

2.2. Measurements
All measurements were performed at baseline and after the
12-week intervention period, i.e. two days after the last training session,
by blinded investigators. Assessments were done at the same time of
day for each individual patient.
2.2.1. 6-min walk test (6MWT)
The 6MWT was used to assess functional capacity [25]. After
informing the patients about the aim of the 6MWT, all patients
performed two 6MWT's with a 30 min rest period in between. Each
patient was instructed to cover the longest distance as possible in
6 min. They were told to walk continuously, however at their limits
they could slow down or stop, if necessary. The test was performed
by a blinded exercise physiologist who encouraged all patients in
a standardized fashion [26,27]. Outcome measure was the total
walking distance covered in 6 min. The Borg Score (0 to 10 scale)
was assessed at the end of the 6MWT [28].
2.2.2. Cardiopulmonary exercise test
Subsequently a maximal graded cardiopulmonary exercise test to
evaluate their exercise capacity by measuring VO2 (mlkg1min1),
until evolutional exhaustion was performed according to ESC guidelines
[29] on a treadmill (Centurion 200 Micromed; Braslia, DF, Brazil)
using a ramp protocol individually adjusted to last 8 to 12 min after
warm-up [30]. During the test, heart rate, a ve-lead electrocardiogram
(Elite Micromed; Braslia, DF Brazil) and respiratory gas exchange
measurements which was performed by using breath by breath analysis
(Metalyser 3B Cortex Biophysik; Leipzig, Germany) were recorded
continuously. Blood pressure was measured by auscultatory method
[31] every 2-min, at the peak exercise and recovery. A leveling off of
oxygen uptake despite increased workload and a respiratory exchange
ratio higher than 1.05 were used as criteria for maximal oxygen uptake
[32]. VO2 peak was dene at the highest level of oxygen uptake achieved
during the last 30 s. Maximal Heart Rate (HR) at the end of the test
was set as the patients' maximum HR. Oxygen uptake in milliliters
per kilogram per minute at a xed submaximal work load dened

Fig. 1. Flow of study participants through the Trial.

A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

work economy. Before each test, the equipment was calibrated

according to the manufacturer's instructions.
It used the procedures of the Statement on Cardiopulmonary
Exercise testing ATS/ACCP [33] for evaluation of the changes in VE/Vo2,
VE/VCO2, respiratory exchange ratio (RER) and expired PCO2 with
changes in VO2 associated with the work rate, ventilatory threshold
(VT) was identied as the VO2 point the transition of VE/VO2 from falling
to rising phases occurred before the transition of VE/VCO2 from falling to
rising phases, and that of expired PCO2 from increasing and the leveling
off to decreasing occurred. The VO2 point at which the latter two transitions occurred was dened as the respiratory compensation point
(RCP). First and second ventilatory thresholds were recorded as an indication of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds, respectively. Anaerobic
threshold was dened as 1) the point where the ventilatory equivalent
for O2 (VE/VO2) was minimally followed by a progressive increase;
2) the point after which the respiratory gas exchange ratio consistently
exceeded the resting respiratory gas exchange ratio; and 3) the VO2
after which a nonlinear increase in minute ventilation occurred relative
to VO2.
Finally, subjective feelings of exhaustion were assessed at the end of
the test by means of the 10-point Borg scale rating [34].
2.2.3. Echocardiography
All patients were examined at rest in the left lateral supine position
with a Vivid E portable (GE Vingmed Ultrasound, Horten, Norway)
scanner with B-mode ultrasound at a frame rate of 50 Hz. Left ventricle
chamber dimensions were evaluated using standard procedures
according to the recommendations of the American Society of
Echocardiography [35]. Left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) was
calculated from 2-dimensional apical images according to Simpson's
method [36].
2.2.4. Quality of Life (QoL)
Self-reported data on perceived QoL were collected by means of two
questionnaires: the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire
(MLHFQ) [37] and the generic SF-36 health status survey (SF-36) [38].
MLHFQ is a disease-specic measure of quality of life in CHF patients,
which assesses patient perception of the degree to which CHF and its
treatment inuences physical symptoms, physical and social functions
and psychological components of living. The total score is the sum of
the all items and the possible total score ranges from zero to 105. Higher
scores reect worse quality of life. This questionnaire has been shown to
be valid. [39]. In addition, we used the Brazilian version of the 36-item
Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) [38]. This generic instrument
consists of 36 questions divided into the following domains: physical
functioning, role-physical, pain, general health perception (ve items),
vitality (four items), social functioning (two items), role-emotional
(three items), and mental health (ve items). Each dimension is
individually analyzed and the scores of the eight components may
range from 0 to 100 to a nal score. Low scores indicate poor QoL. The
range of 020 represents a very bad QoL, 2040 represents a bad QoL,
4060 moderate, 6080 good and optimal 80100 [40].
2.2.5. Exercise training
All patients were exercising in the morning, three times a week for
12 weeks under individual supervision of an exercise physiologist. The
exercise protocol training was adapted of Wisloff et al. [41]. Exercise
training involved uphill treadmill walking or running (Embrex, Brusque,
Santa Catarina Brazil; model: 570-Pro). Both MICT and HIIT started
with a 710-min warm-up period at an intensity corresponding to
70% of peak heart rate (HR). Subsequently, patients randomized to the
MICT group continued to walk continuously for an additional 30 min
at an intensity of 75% of peak HR (corresponding to this rst ventilatory
threshold), without breathing heavily; the adapted perceptual scale of
physical effort was set to be equivalent from moderate to somewhat
hard [28]. Patients randomized to the HIIT group walked with intervals


of 3-min at intensity equivalent to ~ 95% of peak heart rate (at least

10% above of respiratory compensation point). Each interval was
interspersed by active recovery of 3-min, walking at 70% of peak HR.
The adapted perceptual scale of physical effort was set to be equivalent
to hard and very hard [28]. On average, patients randomized to HIIT
would perform 46 intervals. All training sessions for both MCT and
HIIT ended with a 5-min cool-down period at 50% of VO2 peak. This
represented a total exercise time for both groups of 60-min (10 min of
warm-up; 40 min of MICT or HIIT and 10 min of cool down). All patients
exercised using a heart rate monitoring device (Polar Electro, Kempele,
Finland; model: RS800CX) and the velocity and inclination of the
treadmill were adjusted constantly to ensure that each training session
was carried out at the assigned intensity throughout the study period.
In addition, the adapted Borg 0-to-10 scale was used to assess the
subjective feelings of perceived exertion during and after each training
session [28].
Patients were instructed to immediately stop physical training
if they experienced chest pain or any other symptoms and were
asked to refrain from any extra exercise beyond the study period. No
symptoms were reported before, during or after training sessions.
2.2.6. Statistical analysis
Baseline characteristics of the study population are presented as
number (percentages) for categorical variables and as means standard
deviation (SD) for continuous variables. Normality of the data was
checked by means of the KolmogorovSmirnov test. Both intragroup
and intergroup comparisons were performed using two-way repeatedmeasures analysis of variance followed by the Tukey's post hoc test,
with report time, group and interaction effect. The differences in categorical data were assessed by the Chi-squared test (2). To verify the
percentage differences between the beginning and the end of 12 weeks
of intervention, the Delta variation (%) was used. All analyses were
performed using SPSS for Windows (version 18.0; SPSS, Chicago, IL).
All p values were 2-sided. A p-value (two-sided) 0.05 was considered
statistically signicant.
3. Results
A ow chart of the trial is shown in Fig. 1. After checking the
medical records of the 367 cardiac patients at our department, 201
were excluded for not meeting the eligibility criteria. Of the remaining;
117 refused to participate, 19 incomplete screening packages and three
no physician approval by doctor. In the end, 27 CHF patients could be
randomized to MCIT (n = 12; mean age 54.0 9.9) or HIIT (n = 15;
mean age 53.2 7.0). Five patients dropped out during the study
due to: not completing a minimum of 80% of the exercise sessions
(one HIIT and two MCIT), lost interest (one HIIT) and clinical decompensation unrelated to the exercise training (one MCIT). Therefore, our
analyses are based on data from the remaining 22 CHF patients. There
were no adverse events related to exercise training reported during
the study.
Table 1 shows the baseline and demographic characteristics of the
included patients. At baseline, there were no signicant differences
between both intervention groups. CHF patients ranged in age from
41 to 71 years (mean age 54.08 7.5 years). Most patients were public
hospital, classied in the lower and middle class, and were functioning
in NYHA II. The mean left LVEF was 33.99 7.7%, average VO2 peak
averaged 20.46 4.2 mlkg 1 min 1. Medication remained
unchanged during the study.
As can be seen in Table 2, both groups showed a signicant
improvement on hemodynamics, in functional capacity and two
score questionnaires' of QoL.
Patients reported that a diversity of factors affected their QOL.
Further signicant favorable effects were seen on all dimensions
of QoL assessed by the specic (MLHFQ; Fig. 2) and general (SF-36;
Fig. 3) questionnaires following MICT and HIIT. Patients reported in


A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

Table 1
Baseline descriptive characteristics of CHF patients.
(n = 10)

(n = 12)


Age (years)
Weight (kg)
Height (cm)
BMI (kg/m2)

54.02 9.9
81.03 19.9
170.73 17.1
27.47 4.6

53.15 7.0
85.4 17.1
169.3 8.8
29.73 5.4



Resting SBP (mm Hg)
Resting DBP (mm Hg)
Resting HR (beats/min)

113.63 14.3
73.9 9.3
88.25 24.9

130.00 25.5
79.3 12.8
84.80 24.19



Functional class (NYHA) n(%)a


11 (50%)
1 (4.5%)

10 (45.5%)



CHF etiology n(%)a


8 (36.4%)
4 (18.2%)

7 (31.8%)
3 (13.6%)



Socioeconomic status n(%)a

SUS patients n(%)a

1 (4.5%)
6 (27.6%)
5 (22.7%)
11 (50%)

0 (0%)
5 (22.7%)
5 (22.7%)
7 (31.8%)





Ethnic characteristics n(%)a


9 (40.9%)

8 (36.4%)



Concomitant diseases n(%)

Current smoking?

7 (31.8%)
6 (27.3%)

1 (4.5%)
4 (18.2%)
5 (22.7%)
3 (13.6%)

5 (22.7%)
8 (36.4%)
2 (9.1%)
2 (9.1%)
7 (31.8%)
3 (13.6%)
5 (22.7%)



Medication drugs during

follow-up n(%)a
ACE inhibitors
LVEF (%)
VO2 peak (mlkg1min1)
6MWT (m)

11 (50%)
10 (45.5%)
7 (38.8%)
11 (50%)
3 (13.6%)
9 (40.9%)
2 (9.1%)
4 (18.2%)
32.8 7.7
18.39 4.3
447.4 60.3

8 (36.4%)
10 (45.5%)
5 (22.7%)
9 (40.9%)
3 (13.6%)
5 (22.7%)
1 (4.5%)
7 (31.8%)
35.40 6.7
21.41 4.1
456.6 36.3



Values are reported as mean SD.

Abbreviations: HIIT: high-interval intensity training; MICT: moderate-intensity continuous
training; BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood
pressure; HR: heart rate; NYHA: New York Heart Association; CHF: chronic heart
failure; SUS: Brazil's Unied Health System; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction;
VO2 peak: peak of oxygen consumption; 6MWT: six minute walk test; CAD: coronary
artery disease; ACE inhibitors: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.
Chi-square test.
p b 0.05.

start intervention that a variety of factors affected their QoL. Some

of these factors improved in both groups, such as physical symptoms
(increased ~80%), general health (increased ~55%) and other changes,
with exception to the eld of pain (SF-36) that has not changed.
No signicant differences between both groups could be observed for
any of the domains (p-value for all N0.05).
4. Discussion
The results of this randomized trial demonstrate that 12 weeks of
high exercise training three times per week was as effective as moderate intensity continuous training for improving QoL in stable CHF
patients. This research conrms the benecial effects of exercise training in the management of heart failure [2,5,14,42,43], and shows that

both programs can be used to improve QoL in this patients' population.

However, a recent position statement of the Heart Failure Association
and the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and
Rehabilitation recommends regular physical activity and structured exercise training in the cardiac rehabilitation programmers'. However, this
recommendation is still poorly implemented in daily clinical practice
outside specialized centers for CHF [8].
A recent review demonstrated that there is strong epidemiological
evidence on the benecial effects of regular exercise and can overcome
those of common drugs when one considers that the exercise is the real
polypill that combines preventive, multi-systemic effects with a little
adverse consequences and at lower cost [44], such evidences can be
observed in the present study. The authors add that the identication
of exercise adaptations is helping to improve our understanding of the
pathophysiology of chronic diseases, especially the CHF, which could
help to investigate new approaches and therapeutic targets [44]. It
should be emphasized that CHF is a chronic and progressive syndrome,
in which lower QoL is associated to high rates of hospital readmission
and mortality [45,46], and in this study there were no complications.
Fletcher et al. [47] described that aerobic exercise is clearly benecial
in lowering mortality compared to a sedentary lifestyle. In current
statements of CHF there is a suggestion of three different training modalities (continuous endurance, interval endurance, resistance/strength,
and respiratory) in stable CHF patients. These training modalities have
been proposed with different combinations (different intensities),
according to exercise capacity and clinical characteristics [8]. In this
case, we proposed to test a hypothesis in this study, which high intensity exercise has higher impact at higher increases in QoL when compared
with moderate intensity. Unfortunately it was not conrmed for all
domains, except for the physical domain of the SF-36 that relationship
to VO2 peak.
The distance in 6MWT and VO2 peak increased in both groups after
12 weeks of training, the improvement was signicantly superior in
the HIIT (p = 0.025). In our study we found a signicant increase
intragroup, HIIT and MCIT, respectively of 11.2% and 8.3% of VO2 peak,
23.1% and 19.4% in the 6MWT, and improvement in classes of functional
capacity, according to Weber [48]. However the two groups were not
associated with regard to the total amount of work performed, this
study points out high aerobic intensity as a key factor for increasing
functional capacity in this group. We highlight the Bittner et al. [26]
study, which had already demonstrated that the 6MWT distance
traveled is inversely related to mortality in patients with CHF who
walked less than 300 m had high risk of death. Nevertheless, in this
same study, the distances on the 6MWT were assigned superiors' both
groups after intervention. In a meta-analysis, Piepoli et al. [49] also
described that exercise training signicantly reduced mortality in 35%
in interventions, mainly above 28 weeks. However, in our study we
found signicant differences in a shorter protocol, but with higher
intensity than the reported from Piepoli et al. [49]. The effects of higher
versus others (moderate and low) exercise intensity with regard to
increase capacity functional have been demonstrated in earlier studies
of systematic reviews [5054].
Haykowsky et al. [53] complement that high intensity leads to significantly larger increases in VO2 peak compared with moderate intensity
(mean difference 2.14 mlkg 1min 1). The increase in VO2 peak
observed in this study can be explained according to systematic review
that report the improvements in oxygen uptake resulting from highintensity exercise were achieved through increases in maximal cardiac
output [55]. The study Wislff et al. [41] was the rst study to demonstrate the superior effects of high-intensity exercise. The major nding
was that high-intensity was superior to moderate-intensity in patients
with post-infarction heart failure with regard to reversal of left ventricular remodeling, aerobic capacity, endothelial function, and QoL [41].
Preliminary studies [56,57] have shown that aerobic exercise
improves scores MLWHFQ in CHF patients, but higher than changes
have been reported due to the exercise of high intensity interval [41,58],

A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128


Table 2
Baseline and changes in hemodynamics, functional capacity, and quality of life (MLHFQ and SF-36) after 12 weeks of training.
(n = 10)

(n = 12)


12 weeks follow-up


12 weeks follow-up

Resting SBP (mm Hg)
Resting DBP (mm Hg)
Resting HR (beats/min)
LVEF (%)

113.1 13.7
73.7 8.9
84.7 12.8
32.8 7.7

105.0 12.5
68.7 8.5
71.8 11.6
35.7 11.3



130.0 25.5
79.3 12.8
83.1 19.1
35.4 6.4

111.4 15.5
71.9 8.0
75.4 10.4
39.9 8.8


Functional capacity
VO2 peak (mlkg1min1)
6MWT (m)

18.39 4.3
464.0 60.3

20.23 3.0
557.9 56.9



21.41 4.1
456.6 36.3

24.2 4.6,
596.3 48.5


Physical dimension
Emotional dimension
Reminiscent questions
Total scale score

13.9 6.9
9.4 4.6
15.7 3.9
39.1 12.1

8.4 5.9
4.7 3.6
8.1 5.0

20.8 11.6



12.3 9.9
8.5 7.1
12.8 6.2
33.5 17.4

7.8 6.7
5.1 4.4
6.8 5.0

18.9 14.7


Physical functioning
Bodily pain
General Health
Social functioning
Mental health

54.5 18.6
16.6 22.1
62.1 18.2
5.0 4.7
50.8 20.5
56.2 18.1
61.1 23.0
66.0 25.3

74.1 16.8
78.1 23.9
65.5 15.6
13.2 5.7
70.4 14.5
94.7 9.9
90.6 20.5
81.3 19.1



69.0 18.2
20.0 28.3
53.9 19.9
8.5 6.8
57.5 22.6
67.5 25.1
79.4 18.1
69.8 239

89.5 7.6,
75.0 23.5
57.7 15.6
14.9 3.0
78.5 14.7
90.0 14.9
96.6 10.5
81.2 17.3













SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; HR: heart rate; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; VO2 peak: peak of oxygen uptake; 6MWT: six minutes walk test; MLHFQ:
Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire; SF-36: Long Form 36 Health Survey; WRpeak: limit of tolerance. Footnotes indicate signicant changes. Values in mean SD.
From baseline to 12 weeks (p b 0.05) within groups.
From 12 weeks to 12 weeks (p b 0.05) between groups.

which might explain the major ndings in our study. Morgan et al. [5] also
in a systematic review emphasized the innovation of CHF treatment by
means of primary and secondary interventions, in order to maintain and

improve the clinical conditions associated with QoL of these patients, decreasing dyspnea, fatigue, and palpitations that these patients feel to perform daily activities. So, the exercise is also recognized in full cardiac

Fig. 2. Quality of life (MLHFQ) evaluated by the multiple domain questionnaires both before and after 12 weeks of exercise training. Signicant differences between the moments (before vs
after) (p b 0.05). (p b 0.05) Abbreviations: MICT: moderate-intensity continuous training; HIIT: high-interval intensity training.


A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

Fig. 3. Quality of life (SF-36) evaluated by the multiple domain questionnaires both before and after 12 weeks of exercise training. Signicant differences between the moments (before vs
after) (p b 0.05). (p b 0.05) Abbreviations: MICT: moderate-intensity continuous training; HIIT: high-interval intensity training.

rehabilitation in heart failure [8]. Carvalho et al. [59] ensure that the best
physical, psychological and social conditions, as seen in this study with
increasing CF and QoL and after intervention. Corroborating, Belardinelli
et al. [60] using the MLWHFQ and Gianuzzi et al. [61], the modied Likert
instrument, show an improvement in QoL in CHF patients associated
with exercise capacity and clinical improvement [62]. On the other
hand, studies were able to demonstrate improvement in QoL without
necessarily having an increase in exercise tolerance [63,64], or even a
weak association between these two variables [43,65]. With reduced
physical symptoms through exercise seen in the present study, no such

effect affects the aggravation of this syndrome, which in turn improves

the emotional state which is evidently insecurity, independence, fear,
and sadness [5,64,66,67]. Recent ndings [68] in patients with CHF already belonging to the rehabilitation program situation, demonstrate
having greater functional capacity, and lower QoL scores (good QoL) in
all areas when compared to beginners in rehabilitation programs.
Which may indicate involvement of these questions for the subjects
who didn't participate rehabilitation program.
On the other hand, understanding QoL often reects the discrepancy
between the state of health perception of the patient's at the moment. It

A.Z. Ulbrich et al. / Clinical Trials and Regulatory Science in Cardiology 13 (2016) 2128

was evident in our results the perception of improvement in both

groups, independent of exercise intensity. This in turn conrms the
objective of rehabilitation, full improvement of these patients and the
real benets of the program [69]. We recognize the limitations in our
study. Our study should be interpreted in few or many limitations. The
research was accomplished at only one local, only with men, and was
limited to a relatively mean age of 53 years with CHF patients. The
exercise intensity was based on heart rate acquired by the ergometric
test. The rationale for using heart rate for guiding exercise intensity in
CHF is based on the relatively linear relationship between heart rate
and VO2 peak in exercise training programs [47]. However, an exercise
training prescription based only on heart rate peak has been shown to
overestimate exercise intensity [8,47]. The exercise sessions between
the groups in terms of intensity, time and workload they could be also
considered limiting factors. The results may be generalizable to patients
with CHF. Aging is associated with increasing comorbidities and
worsening heart failure. Another concern could be that the differing distribution of the etiologies among the groups could inuence the results.
5. Conclusion
Summarizing, our results demonstrate that independently of exercise intensity in patients with CHF results in a signicant improvement
in QoL. It also shows that the high intensity of exercise may be an
important factor for improving aerobic capacity, in patients with CHF.
Meanwhile, our data also support the concept that exercise training
must be part of a heart failure treatment plan. However, loopholes regarding optimal training protocol remain unanswered. These ndings
represent a vital implication for rehabilitation programs designated to
CHF patients. Although exercise intervention is an attractive strategy
for enhances of CHF, strategies for maintaining patient compliance to
the training program would be necessary. In view of the prognostic importance of increasing functional capacity and QoL for this patient
group, high intensity exercise may be considered in future rehabilitation
programs. We assume that the differential of the rehabilitation program
be extra-hospital might have substantially contributed to the improvement of social and psychological life, however, more research must be
conducted in order to conrm our ndings.
Conict of interest
All authors meet the criteria for authorship, read and approved the
manuscript, and none of them has any potential conict of interest.
We thank Mirele Porto Quites, Thais Marques, Helena de Oliveira
Braga, Nayara Moreira Rabelo, and Lohana Cardoso, for helping to follow
up the patients during the study. We gratefully acknowledge the
research of medical echocardiographist Jamil Mattar Valente Filho.
Special acknowledgment is given to the Foundation for Research and
Innovation of the State of Santa Catarina (FAPESC) (23 078 / 2010-2)
for having supported and funded this study as part of the research project entitled High intensity exercise and hormone replacement therapy in
patients with heart failure. All authors have read and agreed to the manuscript as written.
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