Resilience Series - Keeping Things in Perspective - English
Resilience Series - Keeping Things in Perspective - English
Resilience Series - Keeping Things in Perspective - English
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Participants realise that their inner dialogue can be a powerful
and positive tool. They discover techniques to steer their inner
dialogue. They can explain how their inner dialogue and
emotions brought them up the ladder of inference in a specific
situation, using a visual of their choice.
On the flip chart, show the quotes stated below. This will be
the starting point for explaining to the audience the goals and
deliverables listed previously.
One of my stakeholders is late for a meeting. While I am
waiting without having anything to do, I start thinking about
previous experiences with this person. Actually, it is not the
first time that he is late. Nor is he the only person that
happens to be late frequently. These people in department X
are all the same.
environment people
know seems to work
best (eg, workrelated or a day-today situation
everyone will
Explain to the audience that the activity you will take them
through might seem odd to most of them. Ask them to follow
the instructions and be open to the impact the exercise might
Sit back in your chair and take a relaxed position. For this
activity, I will ask you to close your eyes. You will need to keep
your eyes closed for a rather long time. Please do keep them
closed until I tell you to open them again. Now close your eyes
and keep them closed until I ask you to open them again.
Ask the participants to listen carefully. Ask whether their
internal voice talking to them at the moment? Ask them to
raise their hand if this is the case. Count how many people
have raised their hand and communicate this to the audience.
Ask the participants who wants to volunteer and tell the
audience what exactly is it the internal voice told him / her.
Was it a positive or negative voice? Do the participants see
the internal voice as a negative influence or as a positive tool?
to concentrate better
on their internal voice.
Let us now try to play with this internal voice. How does it
sound at this moment? Maybe it sounds like your own voice.
Maybe it sounds like to voice of someone you know. Or maybe
it is the voice of a complete stranger. Who wants to share his
experience with his internal voice with the audience?
Recall the personal example you used previously. Explain to
the audience how your internal voice sounded you.
I asked you to think about how you internal voice sounds at
this moment, because indeed, this voice may change over
time or according to your mood. Can you try and change the
way your internal voice talks? Can you make it shout or
whisper? Raise your hand if your internal voice changed.
Communicate to the audience how many people raised their
If you notice that very few people raise their hand, encourage
them to not only concentrate on the situation they are in now,
but to also think about occasions in the past where their
internal voice might have influenced their judgement or
In case all raised their hand: Tell the participants how this
shows that the internal voice is fairly easy to manipulate. Tell
them we will go even further in exploring.
In case only part of the audience raised their hand: Tell the
participants that it is very true that some internal voices are
easier to catch than others. Explain that, in some cases, you
might not even literally hear a voice, but just feel strong
emotions. Let us practice some more.
Communicate the number of people to the audience and then
ask them to open their eyes again.
In case all managed to locate their internal voice:
See how easy it is to manipulate the internal dialogue and to
prevent it from taking you to wrong conclusions. We will
practice this further and if you continue to do so after this
session, you will see how easy it is to influence this voice.
In case only part of the audience managed to locate
their internal voice: Explain how this shows again that some
voices are easier to get hold on than others. We will further try
to catch the voice and if you continue trying even after this
session, you will see that you will succeed to catch it and
influence it. To manipulate your internal dialogue, it is not
necessary to be able to manipulate all sub-modalities. Just the
awareness that the dialogue takes place or the strong
emotions are there will allow you to slow it down. This will
allow you to create more options for yourself in how to react to
a situation.
Stress that all people have an internal voice and that they can
learn to hear it.
Explain that you take the example of the ladder because it
works for you. For many people, other visuals will work better.
Think for example of a plane that is circling up in the air. Think
of someone riding forward on a bike, going quicker and quiker
as he gets more agitated.
Did it reveal any surprises?
Will you have to change the goal based on the testing
Are you happy with your goal or if not, can you see some
Do you think clarifying goals would be useful in the team and
Ask the participants to make pairs and share their example
with a peer. Discuss in pairs how you could have avoided
climbing up the ladder or prevented the plane from taking off
in that particular situation. Encourage the participants to
discuss what they can do to prevent their internal dialogue
from taking a negative direction. Can they ask it questions to
challenge it? In order to give the participants guidance, show
the examples for questions (printed or written on the
flipchart). Give them 5 minutes to discuss and then ask for 2
3 volunteers to share their example with the group. Ask how
they visualised the situation and how they challenged their
internal voice or prevented strong emotions from taking the
lead. Ask who can share an example of a situation that was
clearly influenced by his mood.
Stress the fact that your inner dialogue can also positively
influence uncomfortable situations. Come back to the example
you shared at the beginning and now also tell the ending of
the story explaining how your internal voice made you
successful in the situation.
Example: When my stakeholder finally arrived, more than 15
minutes late and did not even apologise, I told myself I had 2
options: I could show him how angry I was, giving the meeting
a bad start and putting the desired outcome at risk.
Alternatively, I could think logically and bear in mind the long
term benefit.
Therefore, I kicked off the meeting with some small talk asking
my stakeholder how he was doing and whether anything
unexpected had happened. Before going into the business we
had to discuss, I kindly requested to give me a call if he would
be late another time. As if only then he realised how late it
actually was, he apologised for the inconvenience and we had
a good discussion afterwards.
Based on the outcome of your example, make it clear to the
audience that they have a choice in whether or not they go
with the direction their internal voice steers them into. It is
possible to influence self-talk!
Recall the quotes that were used for opening the session. Ask
one or two participants what their view on the quotes is after
having attended the session.
You can steer them by asking whether they feel that their
feeling about an event or situation can highly influence their
view and actions. Also, test whether they see the influence of
their internal voice as positive or negative.
For many of you, just this session has already helped to
become aware of your internal voice and even to locate is. For
all of you, I have the following recommendation: if you
continue practicing on playing with your internal voice, you
will all be able to control it at some point. Over time, this will
Thank everyone for their participation. Refer to the materials
for reinforcement that are listed below.
(ACTION) Please register all the participants.
After you have delivered the module to the team, make sure
that you register all the participants - its easy!
For you
It is a record of your activity as a facilitator in delivering
modules, to demonstrate the work you have done.
If participating in the resilience survey is part of your GPA or
IDP, it provides evidence you have done this work.
For the program
Helps us understand the global reach of the resilience program
what countries is it being delivered in, how frequently are
modules run.
It allows us to refocus modules that are not used or less
effective and learn from those that really work.
Facilitator Hints and