FR Heinz Kulueke
FR Heinz Kulueke
FR Heinz Kulueke
Heinz Kulueke
Who is Fr. Heinz Kulueke, SVD?
A mystic who thinks a lot about Nothing, Fr. Heinz Kulueke, SVD, is however not
someone who does nothing. This German priest-philosopher brings lofty ideas
about God down to the streets, helping waifs and prostituted women. Assigned
with many important positions in USC and the SVD, he never allows desk job to
hinder his apostolate. Fr. Heinz is an ex-officio member of the USC Board of
Trustees from June 2005 to May 2008. He is the Provincial Superior of SVD
Southern Province since January 2005, and was its Vice Provincial Superior for
eight years. Fr. Kulueke formerly served as Vice President for Academic Affairs
of the University of San Carlos.
Where did he study?
He has undergone studies in Philosophy and Theology at St. Augustine Mission
Seminary and various universities in Bonn, Frankfurt and Munich, and has an
M.A. in Philosophy from the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., as
well as a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.
Heinz Journey with the poor and the marginalized
Since 1989, Father Heinz and his staff are helping scavengers, street children,
women in red-light districts and impoverished fishermen. With their work they
particularly focus on children, providing nourishment and medical support, but
also education. In 1999, Father Heinz founded the NGO JPIC-IDC to help the
poor in Cebu; scavengers, street children and young girls in red-light districts in
particular. Today more than 40 people are working for JPIC in these different
In 2010, seventeen D&F Fellows from 13 countries came to Cebu to start
building a safe home for a community of garbage dump scavangers. After the
end of the project Father Heiz reflected: What impresses people in our
garbage dumping site communities is to see the Fellows in action. This is also
what the people in Cebus garbage dumps surely will remember: newly made
friends, young people from around the globe who have shown that they care by
the way they have lived, worked and journeyed with those at the margins,
giving desperate people hope that something can be done.