Purposeful Living Series 1 PDF
Purposeful Living Series 1 PDF
Purposeful Living Series 1 PDF
Please read each session in advance. If you cannot attend a session, plan
for a way to interact with the content. In preparing for each session, you
will encounter discussion questions.
At some point in our faith journey, we wake up to the fact that God has
already been at work in our lives, preparing us and realigning us toward a
way of life and service that befits who we really are. Discover how your life
experiences, strengths and acquired skills can help you determine where
God is calling you to serve in His Kingdom.
Many thanks to those who have helped in advising, teaching, and facilitating these materials
(Members of the Purposeful Living team, Randy Bray, Dennis Folden, Sid Gordon, Diane Haskins,
Diane Hicks, Mark Hicks, Jennifer Rhoads, Richard Schloerb, Julia Apple-Smith, Ron Smith, and Stu
Special thanks to Diane Hicks for final editing.
If any misquotes or wrong use of the materials is discovered, the mistake is mine. Please contact me
so corrections can be made. Larry.lang@hopewdm.org