Polymer Nanoparticles For Smart Drug Delivery: Devasier Bennet and Sanghyo Kim
Polymer Nanoparticles For Smart Drug Delivery: Devasier Bennet and Sanghyo Kim
Polymer Nanoparticles For Smart Drug Delivery: Devasier Bennet and Sanghyo Kim
1. Introduction
In the recent decades, polymers are widely used as biomaterials due to their favorable
properties such as good biocompatibility, easy design and preparation, a variety of structures
and interesting bio-mimetic character. Especially in the field of smart drug delivery, polymer
played a significant role because it can deliver therapeutic agents directly into the intended
site of action, with superior efficacy. The ideal requirements for designing nano-particulate
delivery system are to effectively be controlled particle size, surface character; enhance
permeation, flexibility, solubility and release of therapeutically active agents in order to attain
the target and specific activity at a predetermined rate and time. The smart drug delivery
systems have been successfully made by the advances in polymer science in the bio-nano
technology field. Recently, these advances have been found in various medical applications
for nano-scale structures in smart drug delivery. The smart drug delivery systems should
possess some important feature such as pre-scheduled rate, self controlled, targeted, predetermined time and monitor the delivery. The smart drug delivery system enhances the
polymer nanoparticle better stage to their therapy regimen. They are drug carriers of natural,
semi-synthetic, and synthetic polymeric nature at the nano-scale to micro-scale range. The
polymeric particles are collectively named as spheres and capsules. The most of the polymeric
nanoparticles with surfactants offer stability of various forms of active drugs and have useful
to smart release properties. There are numerous biological applications have been reported for
the nano-scale to micro-scale sized particles, such as site-targeted, controlled, and enhanced
bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs [1-4]. Due to the nanoparticles size the drugs have been
targeting into various applications, such as, various cancers targeting has been shown to be
promising [5]. Moreover, polymeric particles proved their effectiveness in stabilizing and
protecting the drug molecules such as proteins, peptides, or DNA molecules from various
environmental hazards degradation [2-4, 6, 7]. So these polymers are affording the potential
for various protein and gene delivery. Numerous methods had been available to fabricate
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nanoparticles; it depends on the physical and chemical properties of polymer and active
ingredients. Most of the formulation techniques involve different mechanisms such as using
organic solvents, temperature, ultra-sonication and mechanical agitation which can degrade
the pharmaceutical active ingredients. So the nano-particulate system can be developed to
consider the formulation methodology should not damage the active pharmaceutical ingre
dients. There are numerous biodegradable and biocompatible polymers with different
physicochemical characters are offered to prepare smart nanoparticles, those polymeric nanocarriers can be natural or semi-synthetic or synthetic. Those nanoparticles can enhance the
systemic circulation half-life and minimize unwanted internalization and prevents the
denaturation of the therapeutically active moiety and could use to deliver the target agents.
Several polymer systems are approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for
human use. It is the belief that when inventions in fabrication can catch up with those in
materials, design and development of drug delivery system can enter a new generation of
enhancing clinical healthcare.
The most recent advances in the uses of carriers for sustained and targeted delivery, micro and
nano fabricated self-regulated devices [8], bio-recognizable systems; micro-needles for
transdermal drug delivery have shown the flexibility and enhanced permeability of these
polymeric materials. Ultimately the goal in smart drug delivery is the emergence of a micro
and nano-fabricated therapeutic drug release device with the capacity to enough hold and
release of various active agents on demand. In modern system the micro-electro-mechanical
systems give a distinctive possibility to produce micro-fabricated biomedical devices for
different intentions, from implantable systems to lab-on-a-chip systems. The constant and
prolonged drug release micro-fabricated systems have the several benefits, such as many active
ingredients could be stored in an nano form within the system and sustainably released, the
drug release is initiated by the dissolution and disintegration of outer membrane barrier by
an mechanical/electric stimuli, the most potential drugs could be released more specifically
with this technique, the complex drug release system such as simultaneous stable and
periodically could be attained for local therapy by the micro-fabricated system; it can be
achieved in high or low dose of drugs at the targeted site and increase the stability of drugs
by the membrane barrier for preventing water diffusion into the reservoirs [9]. Owing to the
advanced scientific sophistication of the controlled drug release system that has been achieved
till now, or that are in dynamic progress, this delivery model can be categorized into various
classes. The controlled drug delivery systems can be categorize four main mode of drug
delivery, such as (1) rate-programmed drug delivery, where drug diffusion from the system
has follow a specific release rate profile, (ii) activation-modulated drug delivery, where the
drug release is induced by various factors such as physical, chemical electrical or biochemical
modules, (iii) feedback-regulated drug delivery, where the rate of release is determined by
biochemical substance (triggering agent) concentrations, it is dependent on the concentration
exhibit in the target and (iv) site-targeting drug delivery systems, this is a complex process
that consists of multiple steps of diffusion rate and partitioning for the rate of drug release is
regulated by the specic targeting moiety, solubilizer and drug moiety. This chapter will brief
discussion on recent innovative nano-fabrication methods for novel drug delivery system.
Also, highlights some of these new technologies and consider their possibility ongoing clinical
Figure 1. General methods of preparation of polymeric nanoparticles and their principle involved in the mechanisms
Also, many approaches have been developed for the drug particle size reduction (in
crease in the surface) to the nanometer size range. For size-reduction, high pressure
homogenization or wet bead milling is frequently used technique to produce reduced size
nanoparticle [39-43]. Among these the high-pressure homogenization has been shown to be
effective methods to produce size reduction particle. Moreover, its need sophisticated
equipment to resist increasing pressures and temperature. Then, in order to obtain dried
polymeric nanoparticle formulations researchers used various drying techniques such as
atmospheric freeze drying, spray freeze drying, vacuum freeze drying, and lyophilisation.
The uniformity of spray-dried nanoparticle is better than a freeze-dried nanoparticle.
Moreover the lyophilisation and spray-drying are used to prepare the nanoparticle [44, 45],
these nanoparticles easily tends to aggregates. Also the polymeric nanoparticles have also
been synthesized by supercritical fluid techniques [46-52]. This method can get a dry
product without any solution, also no need additional drying stages, but the supercritical
fluid can swell some of the polymers and act as a softener, extender, and lubricant, which
lead to aggregation. Moreover, this method is not easy to get the mono-dispersed multicomponent particles because of different kinetics [52]. Nanoparticles prepared by spraydrying technique are one-step based on the conversion of a droplet to a dry particle by
evaporation [53-55]. These one-step techniques have been revealed that the nanoparticle
could be prepared without any problems [56-58], and the drug content in the particles is
almost high [59], but produce an amorphous residual structure. In all above technique
induce some unwanted noxious factors, as well as the organic solvents used in the
preparations are increasing the risk of pharmaceutical application, also the increased
processing time leads to microbial contamination [60, 61, 62]. Understanding the all risk
factors, recently the modern instrument provides a promising and viable platform for the
preparation polymeric nanoparticles.
patients could improve their lifestyle by the early course of smart therapeutic intervention.
This smart intervention can be attained by developing high sensitivity and reliable smart drug
The rapid advancement in the above direction has been made with the initiation and
development of more advanced alternative nanofabrication techniques to produce struc
tures in various nano-scales level of controlled manners. Drug loaded polymeric nanosystems can provide controlled release of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs over a
long period of time while minimizing unwanted side effects in the body. This involves the
synthesis of various novel biocompatible polymers with well-defined nanometers to a few
micro-meters structures using several modern techniques such as microelectromechanical
systems [71] microfluidic systems [72-76], electrodropping system [77], microneedle based
system [78-81], advanced high pressure homogenization, interfacial emulsion polymeriza
tion and combined systems. Figure 2 described the few modern techniques for polymeric
nanoparticles preparation with various concepts. The physiochemical characters of
polymeric nanoparticles have to be optimized based on the specific application. Various
methods can be used to produce various nano-particulate systems with various polymers.
The multifunctional polymeric nanoparticles developments such as environment-respon
sive micelles, colloids, nano hydrogel, core-shell nanoparticles, nano-spheres and coreshell nano-spheres with layer-by-layer assembly for single/dual or multi drug release have
been achieved so far. In order to get the desired properties, the mechanism of formula
tion method plays a vital role. Thus, it is extremely beneficial to have synthesis mecha
nism at hand to approach multi-functional polymeric nanoparticles with exact
physiochemical properties for a specific application.
Figure 2. Schematic diagrams represent the advanced techniques of preparation of polymeric nanoparticles
The smart delivery systems of target bio-molecules have been concentrated of recent
researches for various interventions. Particularly, various proteins, peptide, growth factors
and cytokine therapy for various diseases play a vital role in regulating cellular respons
es, and thus the design of multi-functional polymeric particles delivery vehicles are closely
associated with the regulation of multiple cellular events, likewise a wide variety of target
bio-molecules have been investigated in numerous literature reports [82, 83]. Also numer
ous of delivery vehicles have been studied and reported recently, this chapter will cover
same viewpoint and their brief discussion will be covered without attempting to all the
work that has been done in this field. Various concepts are utilized in the design of delivery
vehicles that are capable of ferrying multiple active ingredients in a self-controlled manner,
with different release profile kinetics. The distinctive self-assembly of multifaceted nano
structures from an easy colloidal system has been of interest to design a material with
distinctive characters for the use of drug delivery vehicles. The inter-and intra-molecular
linkage via van der Waals interaction leads to dense-packed self-assembly periodic
nanostructures. These structures could be colloidal particle or clusters, based on the
assembly [84, 85]. The natural or semi-synthetic polymer-based self-assembled nanostruc
tures have inherent capacity of the nano-carrier for delivering many kinds of active
ingredients, because of good biocompatibility and degradation/resorption properties [86].
In the sonication methods (Figure 2a), the self-assembled nanoparticle was achieved by
probe sonication, the process has been done by cavitation, nucleation and reversible locking
concept, the formed nanostructure have more flexibility in the nature [87]. In this selfassembled and core-shell particulate delivery systems, including water-soluble polymeric
drug compounds conjugates [88], block polymeric micelles [89-93], long-circulating
polymeric micelles [94, 95], nano encapsulations [96, 97], and core-shell nano-spheres [98,
99] have been synthesized by in situ two-step semi-batch emulsion polymerization
technique (Figure 2b), as vehicle to target suitable dose of drugs in an accurate and
controlled manner. Also the core-shell nano-spheres have been achieved for pH-respon
sive controlled release, and delivery of hydrophobic anticancer agents for acidic tumor
tissues [100]. Recently Choi DH, et al have optimized electrodropping system to produce
a homogeneous biocompatible core shell capsules for angiogenesis in dual delivery system
[77], and they particularly focused on regenerative medicine. This electro-dropping system
can overcome from the particle aggregation and drug encapsulation efficiency (Figure 2d).
Coming to the micro-fluidics, the recent science and advanced technology of manipulat
ing micro/nano-scale volumes in micro-fluidic channels have significant impact on the
various applications. Advances and inventions in micro-fluidics are awaited to enhance the
preparation of polymer nanoparticles and shifting to clinical evaluation [101] most of the
micro-fluidic systems for synthesis, polymer nanoparticles are still under development and
they have the widest possible to develop because they are highly reproducible, easily
modifiable and can be incorporated with other techniques [102]. Recently, various microfluidic systems provide rapid mixing without any stimulator, such as stirring or electric
force; have been originated [103]. Among these various systems the flow-focusing [104],
droplet mixers [105] are widely utilized and it enables micro-mixing within the micro
channel [106]. The flow focusing squeezes the solvent stream between two anti-solvent
streams, resulting in a rapid solvent exchange via diffusion take place (Figure 2c). The
effectuation of these rapid mixing methods for the development of nanoparticles in
continuous flow; the micro-fluidic system has been achieved the continuous flow, narrow
sized, mono dispersed with high drug entrapment and better batch-to-batch uniformity in
compared with conventional methods [107].
the cross-linking ratio of the polymer network. The rate controlled release profile exists in
many kind therapeutic formulations such as intrauterine devices [118], ocular insert [119,
120], some transdermal therapeutic system [109], polymer matrix, sub-dermal [121] and
subcutaneous implantation [122-125].
Figure 3. Schematic diagrams represent the rate controlled drug delivery systems of topical applications
delivery system, the release of active agents from the systems is activated by some physical,
chemical, electrical, environmental condition or biochemical processes and/or facilitated by an
energy supplied externally. The release profile has been controlled by the input energy. Based
on the activation/stimulation process applied or energy type used, this activation-modulated
controlled drug delivery system can be categorized into the various classes which are given
in the Table 1. These stimuli-responsive materials show changes in the physicochemical
character during the environmental condition changes. These changing properties can be fully
utilized in smart delivery system, which certainly similar to the biological response behavior.
Different types of body organs, different tissues and various types of cellular compartments
might have great differences in every stimulus with great response. So that all the important
cases considered in this chapter, deal with various environmental responsive smart delivery
systems. Any specific behavioral changes in the system lead to a phase transition, these
transitions will be key factors for the stimuli-responsive drug delivery system and some
selected examples of applications are described in the Figure 4. The preclinical and clinical
studies have demonstrated that drug-loaded polymeric nanoparticles has been well tolerated,
extended systemic circulation, higher accumulation in the tumor sites through enhanced
permeability and retention effect, minimized side effects and adverse effect, and/or higher
bioavailability [153-155]. And most of the drug delivery systems are based on biodegradable
polymer [156, 157]. Most of the environment-sensitive polymeric nano-particulate systems are
leading to degradation and or disintegration by the internal or external local environmental
stimulus such as pH, glucose, low oxygen content, ions, redox potential, and lysosomal
enzymes; and then temperature, magnetic field, electric, ultrasound, and light respectively
(Table 1).
These activations grew to achieve smart, targeted drug release in a particular time (spatial and
temporal control release) [158-160]. At this place we describe a few examples. Particularly, the
acidic pH levels in the body vary according to the different body environments (site and the
organ) such as tumor cells and tissues (pH 6.5-7.2), endosomes (pH 5.0-6.5), lysosomes (pH
4.5-5.0) and entire GI tract with different pH value as comparatively varied with normal
physiological (pH of 7.4) conditions in blood and tissues. So, the pH-responsive nano system
have been considered and formulated to release the active agents in pH sensitive targets such
as cancer site or endo/lysosomal regions [161,162]. The cytosol and cell nuclei have surrounded
with elevated redox potential (in reducing glutathione) it higher than normal body fluids and
it have been developed for intracellular release of various active bio-molecules [163-165].
Additionally, the cancerous tissues are extremely low in oxygen content (hypoxia) with higher
glutathione levels compared to normal tissues [166]. This has been targeted with hypoxiaresponsive polymeric nanoparticles. These internal stimuli-responsive nanoparticles have
their own benefit of self-regulated drug delivery and effective target in clinical therapeutics.
Also the external activated nanoparticles provide their own advantages such as high repro
ducible nature, also remote controlled delivery possible, then the release profile can be
pulsatile delivered (means that switched on and off) possible [167]. On the other hand, the
various light-responsive polymeric nanoparticles system has been developed for activating
antitumor drug release [168]. Also numerous of temperature-sensitive multi-functionalized
polymeric and copolymers nanoparticles have been formulated based on thermally-respon
sive release [169, 170]. Magnetically guided nano-carriers have been developed for the remote
controlled cancer therapy and diagnosis [171, 172]; also the core-shell nanoparticles have
demonstrated for improved tumor accumulation and antitumor therapeutic efficacy in various
Based on
Osmotic pressure
Electric-sensitive capsule
Salt concentration
A mechanical
Physical stimuli
Vapor pressure
Enzymatic-activated, biodegradation
Based on
Two different
Functionalization of pyrene-quaternized segments form a lightresponsive shell and the unquaternized segments form a
temperature/pH-responsive core
Table 1. Overview of various stimuli responsive nano-carriers for smart drug delivery systems with mode of drug
release applications
Figure 4. Schematic diagrams represent the activation-modulated drug delivery systems, which the polymeric nano
particle activated by various stimuli such as physical, chemical, biochemical, environment, and/or a combination of
two or more.
site targeting, site-specic, and rapid/sustained release, and we sure that dual and multiple
stimuli responsive smart nano-particulate system going to be a good future in cancer therapy.
pH & Thermo
pH & redox
P(NIPAAm-co-DMAAm-co-UA) nanoparticles
P(NIPAAm-co-AA)-b-PCL nanoparticles
PLA-g-P(NIPAAm-co-MAA) nanoparticles
P(NIPAAm-co-DMAAm)-b-PCL/PLA micelles
PEG-SS-PDEA polymersomes
DS-g-PEG/cRGD nanoparticles
PMAA-based nanogels
mPEG-PAsp(MEA)-PAsp(DIP) micelles
mPEG-b-PMAA-b-PGMA-Fe3O4 nanoparticles
Fe3O4-capped MSNs
MCM-TAA-Fe3O4-capped MSNs
T & redox
Double pH
pH & diols
Multi- stimuli
EO-PAA-PNIPAAm polymersomes
PPC-Hyd-DOX-DA nanoparticles
T & magnetic
T & enzyme
DNA-capped MSNs
and MVC12
Table 2. Overview of dual and multi-stimuli responsive materials for nano-carriers of various smart drug delivery
and rate of release has been changed accordingly. Many researchers have been developed a
membrane to bypass the rumen but it allows the polymeric system to release the drug in the
stomach via gastric retention mechanism [206]. Because of the polymer membrane it is
impermeable to the rumen pH 7, but the swells and release at pH 4, which is the fourth stomach.
Several studies have been performed on various polymers holding weakly acidic or basic
functional groups in the polymeric backbone [207-112]. This polymeric system can swell or deswell by changing the pH of the environments. By this way the drug will release from a matrix
or device, which is developed by pH dependent polymers and this system can provides
controlled release rates.
The bio-erosion controlled drug delivery system comprises of a drug-encapsulated bioerodible scaffolds developed from biocompatible polymers (poly (vinyl methyl ether)), and
were layered using immobilized urease. In a neutral pH the polymer erodes gradually, but in
existing with urea, urea is metabolized by the system containing urea to form ammonia, it
leads to increase the pH in the surrounding area, this increased pH degrade the polymer
scaffolds then the drugs has been released [213], and some polymers require high pH to
The bio-responsive controlled drug delivery system, glucose-triggered insulin delivery has
developed [214], the insulin is encapsulated within biocompatible polymer hydrogel scaffold
comprising abundant NR2 functional groups present in the normal state. So in this state
scaffolds are un-swollen and thus impermeable to insulin molecules. Enzymatically oxidized
glucose is to form gluconic acid, this triggers the NR2 groups to form NR2 H+, it leads to
swollen and insulin molecules deliver through the polymer membrane, and the amount of
delivery has been controlled by glucose penetrating concentration.
The reversible and competitive binding mechanism also has been reported to insulin delivery.
This mechanism role is to activate and to regulate the release of drug in the target; also it
depends upon the glucose level present in the systemic circulation. Insulin-sugar-lectin
complex has been prepared and entrapped into the semi-permeable polymeric membrane to
achieve controlled release. The diffused blood glucose has competitively bound to particular
binding sites, then activates the complex to release insulin derivatives, and the release acted
based on the concentration of glucose presented in the systemic circulation. By this way the
self-controlled drug delivery has been achieved. A further improvement on insulin delivery,
they used glycosylated insulin-concanavalin A complex and entrapped inside polymeric
membrane and the release has been achieved by self-regulated mechanism, depends on the
glucose concentration permeate into the system [215]. Again in the development of selfregulating insulin delivery has achieved by enzymatically controlled implantable glucosedependent insulin delivery systems [216]. Followed by various researches developed the
different kinds of glucose-responsive insulin delivery [217-223]. Also the molecular imprinting
technology developed system able to identify the specic compounds on the cell surface, and
this can be appropriate for further developing and targeting the delivery system to specic
tissues or cells. Recently, the pH-Sensitive polymer multi-functionalized with block copolymeric nanoparticles have been developed for the triggered release of paclitaxel within a
tumor microenvironment which the polymer acted as a feedback-regulated drug delivery
carrier [224], and this carrier have a reversed swelling behavior. Most recently, the feedback
controlled drug delivery system has been developed for cerebral cortical disorders with a
feedback controlled mechanism. Drugs have been delivered via subdural/subarachnoid space,
then diffuse into neocortical tissue and this diffusion can be controlled by electrophysiological
feedback, the cerebral cortical area is exposed to the drug, and they were optimized for the
drug concentration, delivery, frequency of delivery [225]. Moreover, the molecular imprinting
technology has a huge possibility for producing acceptable dosage forms in the feedbackregulated drug delivery systems. The application of molecular imprinting enables the design
of new systems and also in polymer based device fabrications. The advances in the preparation
of molecular imprinting as spherical uniform particles [226] and scaffolds [227] can increase
the field application potentiality of several polymers in drug delivery system. Moreover, these
imprinted delivery systems have not yet touched in clinical therapeutics.
4.4. Site-targeting drug delivery systems
The recent advances in the smart delivery systems with site-targeting drug release. A site
targeted drug delivery systems are complex of multiple steps of diffusion and partitioning.
Nowadays the site targeted drug delivery systems involve deep investigation as they are very
eager to overcome the modern medical application [228]. A well-designed multi-functional
ized polymeric carrier for site-targeted drug delivery in the interventions of various diseases
such as colon disease, kidney/renal disease, nasal disease and genitourinary disease has been
reported recently [229-234]. A variety of both natural and synthetic water-soluble polymers
have been used for biomedical applications. These polymers have been used routinely in biopharmaceutics because of the effectiveness in controlled drug release. The traditional formu
lations are not significantly efficient at targeting molecules, thus the new and smart drug
delivery systems are being studied to overcome the problem. The goal of the smart drug
delivery systems is to allow a localized drug delivery, at the same time; it does not affect the
healthy tissues and no unwanted effects. The drugs composed of micro-or nano-sized
particulate system, which is able to spread through the systemic circulation, and transport
through various body organs and body areas such as arteries, veins, and capillaries and even
cross membrane barriers. The nanoparticle transport and targeting tissue are the complex
process, so the transportation and communication have been viewed by the molecular
communication paradigm. This transport of drug-loaded particles in the human body has been
viewed, where the nanoparticle has transported this information is conveyed by signaling
molecule. This communication system provides a clear reading of particle diffusion, distribu
tion, disintegration over time throughout the biological system, which provides the impor
tance to the invention of a smart particulate delivery system. Initially, the kinetic Monte Carlo
method [235, 236], have been used computer simulation to solve the communication system.
Lately, researchers developed an analytical approach based on the abstraction of targeted
particulate delivery systems as a communication mechanism. This information is passed
between sender and receiver by intracellular and intercellular signalling [237]. Different kinds
of molecular communication have been analyzed so far, which involve passive or active
transport of molecules [238, 239]). The smart site targeted delivery system takes an advantage
of the systemic circulation for the distribution of active drug particle from where its ingested
to the systemic circulation to a targeted site. Basically, the delivery systems have been made
with purpose and intention to control the rate of release from the systems, but the transport
of nanoparticle to the target site still needs more control. Preferably, the route of administration
and nanoparticle transport should also be strong enough controlled.
In this section also provides a few examples of site-targeted drug delivery systems, The ideal
example is that the kidney site-targeted drug delivery systems, it acted as a smart delivery to
enhance drug efficacy and safety in the therapeutics of kidney diseases. By this smart drug
delivery treatment provides that reduces inflammation and reduce the formation of excess
fibrous to proximal tubular cells, it can protect systemic infection and renal tubular inflam
mations. So targeting the renal proximal tubular cells is the novel and efficient routes to cure
kidney disease [240-244]. Kidney-targeted drug delivery system can overcome from the
various obstacles such as kidney transplantation, ureteral obstruction, diabetes, and other
some important kidney disease. Figure 6 shows the kidney drug delivery of nano-particulate
systems. Among all drug carriers the macromolecular carriers are extremely powerful
targeting the kidney, because of the selective accumulation in the kidneys. Macromolecular
carriers with prodrugs play crucial roles in targeting drugs to particular target cells in the
kidney. The molecular weight and electric charge of polymers is one of the crucial role for
effective renal clearance [245, 246], thus the active polymeric system can uptake and exists in
the renal cells [247]. Especially the multi-functionalized polymeric nanoparticles showed
higher uptake in glomerular mesangial cells [248, 249]. For nasal site-targeting specificity, the
multi-functional particulate system design is the main role for site-targeting. So, design and
preparation method has to be controlled according to the needs, the materials should be with
quality of properties such as biocompatible, biodegradable, modifiable, mucoadhesive,
antimicrobial, tumor or particular cell recognition, and maintain the drug release. In the
example, N,N,N-Trimethyl chitosan nanoparticles achieved controlled intra nasal delivery to
treat various diseases including hepatitis B and allergic rhinitis [250]. Also the amine func
tionalized chitosan has been shown their eminent characters such as biocompatible, enhanced
solubility, strength, porosity, absorption efficacy, chemical tolerance, non-immunogenic and
non-antigenic properties, and it has been used for various nasal delivery.
Figure 6. Schematic diagrams represent the site-targeting specificity particulate drug delivery systems
safety of the drugs, and when it should be reached. Described all above application strategies
have a significant interest in targeting drugs into specic regions [257, 258].
Figure 7. Requirements of several factors for simultaneous consideration to design a polymeric nanoparticle for the
smart drug delivery system
provide some examples of various nanoparticles with different functionalization and different
therapeutic uses based on the target, shown in Table 3. Therefore, the multi-functionalized
nanoparticle over comes from the drawbacks of conventional therapy. In the latest study
provided that more than 26 nanoparticle based therapeutic system have been approved for
clinical treatment and several nanoparticles are under consideration [281]. In order to achieve
the efficient nano-particulate system based therapeutics the nanoparticle synthesis and
functionalization methods have to consider very carefully. Although several surface modified
methods for various bio-applications have been reported previously, in this section highlight
particular examples where this type of functionalization has been used.
Amino/acid group
Sterically stabilized
Folate targeted
Solid tumors
Lipid conjugated
Various cancers
Lipid conjugated
Lung carcinoma
Polymer-lipid hybrid
Lipid conjugated
Solid cancer
Serum protein
PAMAM dendrimers
Folic acid
Epithelial cancer
Albumin bound
Various cancers
Brain tumor
PCL-b-trimethylene carbonatePEG
Poly(DEAP-Lys)-b-PEG -b-PLLA
pH sensitive tumor
Anti cancer
Prostate- cancer
PEG or PE particles
Brain- gene
Anti cancer
Cancer therapy
Anti cancer
Cancer therapy
Anti cancer
Prostate cancer
RGD peptides
Vasculature cancer
Anti cancer
Retinoic acid
MP lipid A
Anti cancer
Dentritic cells
Table 3. Examples of various nanoparticles with different functionalization and therapeutic uses based on the target
specific targeted delivery. For targeting brain delivery system the nanoparticles has been
functionalized for specific or nonspecific binding mechanisms [303]. The fabrication and
functionalization science has merged with software oriented technology for the development
of controlled and targeted nanoparticle loaded micro-device system [304]. The recent trends
in novel polymer and block co-polymer synthesis methods like radical polymerization and
click chemistry has been provide well-desired multi functionality polymeric structures
[305-312]. This is the potential method to fabricate the desired molecular weight polymer with
well-defined characteristic features. This unique method of polymer synthesis gives the
successful nano formulation for potential bio-application. The functionalized nanoparticles
have been synthesized with potential biochemical moieties. Then these multi-functionalized
nanoparticles have been examined for desired physicochemical property and biocompatibility.
Figure 8. Schematic diagrams represent the various functionalizations of the nano-engines for smart drug delivery
systems, which the pre-regulated nanoparticle recognizes the tumor cells not the healthy.
are multiple barriers involve in the anatomical and physiological system to lack the drug
efficiency, including enzymatic degradation in the stomach, absorption across the intestinal
epithelium, hepatic clearance, and accumulation in non-targeted tissues. These barriers also
involve a range of complexities from the tissue to the organelle level along with the time that
mismatch the drug potency in vivo. Collectively, these conditions challenge the active
utilization of potent therapeutic molecules for disease treatment or prevention. Extensive
research has been carried out in the field of drug delivery to overcome these challenges and
thus to contribute a significant role in the overall drug-development process. After the
evolution of nanotechnology and vast increment in knowledge about the human body,
advances have been achieved in the drug delivery field as targeted delivery and sustained/
controlled delivery system. By tuning the kinetic properties of therapeutics, the potentiality
could be secured until it reaching the targeted organ and this factor is considered to be the
most important in the field of pharmacology. Progresses in the nanomaterials development
have been fruitful to fulfil the goals of drug delivery. Pharmacologically, the drug delivery is
better explained based on the routes of drug administrations. Development of alternative drug
delivery methods is crucially important to overcome the challenges experienced throughout
the history of medicine. Scientists have been working on the creation of the smart drug delivery
system and such approaches could provide an easy route of administration, ensuring patient
compliance, decreasing toxicity, improving bioavailability and achieving precise therapeutic
targeting. Creation of smart drug carrier as delivery systems and the discovery of new
pharmacological compounds will potentially advance disease diagnosis and treatment beyond
expectation. A variety of novel drug delivery systems have been developed using various
nanomaterials during the last decade and several of them are already marketed. Nanotech
nology manipulates the multiple properties including the size and other physical characteris
tics and thus achieves both controlled and targeted delivery of drugs. The bio-adaptability and
multi-functional properties of smart delivery system minimize the undesirable properties of
drugs in various routes of administration, including oral, rectal, nasal, ocular, topical route
such as transdermal, and dermal, parenteral route such as intravenous/intravascular, intra
muscular, subcutaneous, intradermal/intracutaneous, intraperitoneal and intrathecal. Figure
9 depicts the tremendous applications of new nanomaterials for the development of various
routes of administration and targeting for therapeutics such as transdermal vaccine delivery,
intranasal vaccine delivery and lung targeted delivery. Nasal mucosa offers numerous benefits
as a target tissue for drug delivery, particularly for brain targeting because drug penetration
through the BBB is favored by lipophilicity.
In particular, the non-invasive intranasal delivery offers large interests in the targeted route
of administration. Nasal delivery helps drugs to bypass the blood-brain barrier and hence acts
as an excellent platform for brain targeting. The intranasal drug delivery several approaches
should be considered, attending, specifically, to the nature of pathological condition (acute or
chronic) and intended effects of drug treatment (local, systemic or at CNS). Local delivery,
nasal vaccines, systemic delivery and CNS delivery through nasal route is the prime route for
drug administration to treat the various diseases. So the nasal vaccination is a promising
alternative to the classic parenteral route because the nasal mucosa possesses abundant nasal
associated lymphoid tissue (NALT), dentritic cells, large surface area, and low proteolytic
Figure 9. Schematic diagrams represent the recent developments of various significance routes of administration and
targeting strategies
enzymes that serve as a primary defense system against pathogens. It can exhibit high drug
concentration, permeation, no first-pass effect and compliance administration without
enzymatic destruction. Moreover, antigens encapsulated nanoparticles ensure enhanced
uptake and controlled release of antigens from the nasal vasculature membrane with strong
immunogenicity and improved systemic therapeutic responses. Also, the bio-nanotechnology
applied to the parenteral administrations techniques such as microneedles, jet-injections,
ultrasound, iontophoresis, and electrophoresis. Theses systems extend painless, patientfriendly alternatives to injections for the delivery of molecule [313-317]. Drug administration
using microneedles for the transdermal delivery routes have been reported elsewhere
[318-320]. Microneedles are arrays of micrometer-sized shallow needles that penetrate only
into the superficial layers of skin, thereby eliminating the pain associated with standard
hypodermic needles [321]. Microneedles have been made from a variety of materials and in
particular the polymers have been shown to be effective. They have also been produced in
solid and as well as in hollow forms. Solid microneedles are used to render skin permeable,
whereas hollow microneedles actively deliver drugs into the skin at a controlled rate. In
contrast, jet injectors deliver a high-velocity liquid jet stream into the skin, delivering drugs
into various skin layers, depending on the jet parameters [322]. Jet injectors have a long history,
particularly in the delivery of vaccines, insulin, and growth hormone. Ultrasound enhances
skin permeability by cavitation, which temporarily disrupts skin structure [323]. Iontophoresis
and electroporation use electric fields to alter the skin structure and/or provide additional
driving force for drug penetration through the skin [324]. These new routes of administration
of therapeutics with improved responses have been achieved by high drug concentration in
target, permeation, no first-pass effect, high bioavailability and compliance administration
without enzymatic destruction [325, 326].
8. Conclusion
The uses of bio-nanotechnology in therapeutics a number of unexpected inventions have been
done recently on polymer based nanometers, which have great attention in the field of smart
drug delivery applications. The biomaterials including protein based polymers, polysacchar
ide based polymers, natural or synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers, various biomaterials and
combination of polymer have utilized to prepare various kinds of nano-formulations towards
the smart drug delivery applications. Several polymeric nanoparticle-based therapeutic
systems have been established for the treatment of various diseases. Several nanoparticle based
drug delivery systems have been approved in clinical trials, some of them in under pre-clinical
trial levels, this nanoparticle based system can provide the increased half-life, high biocom
patibility, and minimum immunogenicity, site targeting and overcome the membrane barriers.
Also the last era, major and new identifications have been drastically established in the smart
material that alter its own structure and function in response to the environment. This
performance has been used for the fabrication smart drug delivery systems, Smart polymer
matrices release drugs by environment responses this system have been successfully achieved.
In parallel the new method of bottom-up and top-down nanofabrication technologies provided
precisely controlled size and shaped nano-particulate delivery system. Simultaneously,
various advanced significant routes of targeting have developed and successfully achieved to
the site of action. At present, the field of microfluidics for synthesis, micro-needle for trans
dermal and site targeted delivery is still in its infancy. So the pharmaceutical industry has to
bring these products into industry-led investigation and the improvement in this would
possibly to quicken their progress.
9. Future perspectives
Although there are considerable amount researches have been done in the field of drug
delivery so far. In the polymeric nanoparticle based drug therapy has to be enhanced by
incorporating by the combination therapies, Smart delivery has been achieved successful
ly in the case of cancer, but need to be concentrating more on other pathologies, also
numerous challenges remain. From the material viewpoint, most of the smart delivery
systems mechanism do well in vitro studies but flops the in vivo studies. So the research
has to be re-considering to come up with simple, straightforward, efficient and reasona
bly accurate preparations with broadly applicable strategies, the pharmacologically active
agent targeting to pathological sites, for the development of smart drug delivery systems.
In technology vice the research has to focus into the fusion technologies. Although several
specific specialized technologies have been shown to in polymer synthesis, functionaliza
tion, analysis, in vitro and in vivo study in the field of polymer science, the combinations
of two or more techniques are often more effective than single technologies like a combina
tion of controlled radical polymerization with click chemistry. The fusion technologies can
fulfil the various existing drawbacks of some individual technologies, and this has the high
potentiality, synergistic enhancement in safest nanoparticle based drug delivery. Consider
merging and adopting two or more right technologies for getting a high-throughput
technology by selecting the right combinations is a fruitful area for research that is still
largely unexplored. This new understanding must be incorporated into the future of newer
polymeric based nanoparticle synthesis development and evaluation of smart drug delivery.
Also the next generation of polymeric nanoparticle based delivery systems with drugs like
growth factors, hormones, antibodies, genes, peptides, etc.; should also enhance the
efficiency and minimize the unwanted effects.
This work was supported by the R&D Program for Society of the National Research Founda
tion(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (2013M3C8A3078806 and
Author details
Devasier Bennet1 and Sanghyo Kim1,2*
*Address all correspondence to: samkim@gachon.ac.kr
1 Department of Bionanotechnology, Gachon University, Bokjeong-Dong, Sujeong-Gu,
Seongnam-Si, Republic of Korea
2 Graduate Gachon Medical Research Institute, Gil Medical Center, Inchon, Republic of Korea
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