Chord Changing Techniques
Chord Changing Techniques
Chord Changing Techniques
Chord changing can be one of the most challenging aspects of beginner guitar. At first it seems
almost impossible to go from one chord to another in time while strumming. We all go through these
challenges when learning guitar and it just takes practice and patience.
If you regularly practice the chord changing techniques and principles in the coming lessons you will
soon be tackling the most challenging of changes.
You will find some chord changes to be easier than others. With practice, the easier changes will
become automatic. You wont even have to be thinking about them consciously. You will soon be
amazed that your fingers will just fall into place.
As taught in previous lessons, a good practice device is to fret a chord and practice lifting your fingers
off the fret board slightly while keeping the fret fingers in the same chord shape. Then place your
fingers back on the fret board in the same chord position. Pick all the notes of the chord individually
and then strum the chord, this will ensure that all notes ring clean and your fingers have not shifted.
Good fret hand technique, as taught in previous lessons, is vital in order to get proficient at chord
changing. Many of the chord change practice exercises that is outlined in the coming lessons, you will
see over and over again in many popular songs. So getting these changes down now with good
technique will ensure an easier road when beginning to play songs.
When changing chords you always want to utilize the following techniques.
1. Practice the chord change mechanics by switching with only one strum per chord to get used
to the finger movements and to check that all notes of both chords are ringing true. Go back
and forth between the two chords till fluid. Practice back and forth, back and forth.
2. Try to move your fingers all at once, not one at a time.
3. Keep your fingers close to the fretboard at all times in a nice tight cluster. Dont have your
fingers flying out of position. Keep the fingers in close and tight.
4. Look for shared fingers, clusters, and slides as explained below.
5. Keep that pinky finger attached to the side of the third finger.
Key Practice: Once you have the chord change mechanics down for a given change, try it while
strumming. Start off very slow and count in time counting quarter notes One Two Three Four
change then repeat. When you have the change solid with quarter notes then practice the change
with a strum pattern. Take your time, the speed of the change will come. At first practice chord
changes two at a time. Then start putting those two-chord changes together to make three and four
chord changes and will be playing songs!
0 0
2 1
3 2 0
2 3
Switching from C to Am only requires the movement of the 3rd finger from the 3rd fret of the A string to
the A note on the 2nd fret of the G-string. If needed, nudge your second finger over just a bit to make a
little room for the 3rd finger within that second fret. Leave the first and second fingers in place from the
C chord as you move to the Am chord. Practice this change back and forth until its fluid.
Cadd9 to D change When completing this change leave your third finger down on the 3rd fret of the
B string. That note is shared between both chords. Then at the same time move your first and 2nd
fingers together picking them slightly off the fretboard to finger the D chord. Go back and forth
between these two chords until fluid. Then while strumming, quarter and eighth notes.
D to G change Utilize the shared finger principle when executing this change by leaving your 3rd
finger on the D note, 3rd fret B strings. Then all together move your first and second fingers up to
finger the G chord while moving your pinky onto the G note, 3rd fret high E string. Keep practicing this
movement back and forth, back and forth, and it will become very fluid over time.
G to Cadd9 to D - Put the above changes back to back into a three-chord change and you will have
the beginning of many popular songs! After the D chord go back to the G chord and keep rolling
through the three changes.
G to Em change When changing from G to Em utilize shared fingers by leaving your first finger on
the B note, 2nd fret A string. Then take your second finger from the low E string and slide it under your
first finger on the E note, 2nd fret D string. Lift off the 3rd and 4th fingers to complete the change.
Em to C change - Concentrate on the shared finger, leaving the 2nd finger on the E note on the D
string 2nd fret, and pivot your 1st and 3rd fingers around that note to form the C chord. Move your 1st
finger to the C note on the B string 1st fret, and your 3rd finger to the C note on the A string 3rd fret.
Practice pivoting the first and third fingers together around that shared 2nd finger.
Dm to G change - Leave your third finger on the D note 3rd fret, B string when changing to the G
chord. Move your first and second fingers at the same time up to the G chord position while leaving
your third finger in the same place and then adding your pinky to the 3rd fret of the high E string.
To illustrate the cluster principle lets examine changing chords from E to Am.
E to Am change Changing from E to Am or Am to E is a fairly simple chord change to execute
because the chord shapes are exactly the same and are played with the exact same fingerings.
Check the illustration below and notice how the chord shapes are identical, just played on different
To execute the change from E to Am, concentrate on leaving your fingers in the exact same cluster
as you lift off the E chord and just slide the whole shape down one string. As you move the chord
shape down on the strings, your fingers should not come apart at all. They need to remain in that tight
grouping or cluster.
Its a quick lift off and put back maneuver. As always do not allow your fingers to come far off the fret
board, just slide them right along the strings. Keep them close in and formed in the same shape and
that pinky attached hitching a ride on that third finger. Practice the move back and forth, back and
1 0
2 3
A to D change To execute this change leave your third finger on the B string 2nd fret and just slide it
over from the 2nd fret to the 3rd fret when making the change. Dont take the 3rd finger off the
fretboard, just slide it down a half step.
At the same time you are sliding, move the 1st and 2nd fingers down to the D chord keeping the
fingers close to the fretboard and in a tight cluster.
Keep your other fingers close to the fretboard and clustered together coming off the A chord and lift
them slightly off the strings to get to the D chord. Practice that slide maneuver back and forth.
E to D change To execute this change you will use that first finger to slide into the next chord.
Leave the 1st finger on the G# note, G-string 1st fret and as you start the change to the D slide the 1st
finger up one fret, (a half step). At the same time you are sliding, slightly lift the 2nd and 3rd fingers
from and the A and D strings and fret the D and F# notes on the B and high E strings to form the D
chord. Keep your hand together and clustered. Practice this motion and soon the slide will be a very
fluid movement that will make chord changes faster and easier.
A to D minor change This change will incorporate both shared fingers and the slide principle.
These chords share the A note on the G string 2nd fret so leave your 2nd finger down on that A note.
Slide your third finger from the 2nd fret of the B string to the third fret of the B string. The last part of
the change is to be done at the same time you are sliding on the B string. Move your first finger from
the E note, 2nd fret D string, to the F note, 1st fret, high E string. Remember, like with the other
changes, you want to train your fingers to execute these moves together at the same time. It takes
practice, but stay positive, keep working on it and it will come!