Revelation 9 11

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Revelation 9:11

The Numerological
Trail of the Beast
of the Global Ruling Elite
"The Hidden Hand"
( 1001 Facts Surrounding 9-11-01 )
Eric Rainbowlt, Austin, Texas

REVELATION 9:11 : " And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew
tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. " ( KJV ) ( both names mean "Destroyer")
America, why can't you remember,
what *really* happened that one September?

And since then, why can't you see;

the removal of constitutional liberty?

Why can't you feel;

what politicians should never steal?

Why can't you hear;

televised lies said with a sneer?

Why can't you taste;

the bitterness of wars started in haste?

Why can't you smell;

dirty rats in our government from hell?

Why can't you sense;

what's really being planned behind their fence?

Why can't you know;

that you will later reap what you now allow to grow?

Call on Our Father and make your pact;

so we can quickly unify and together now act.

n u · m e r · o l · o · g y ( from )
n. The study of the occult meanings of numbers and their supposed influence on human life.
adj. Hidden from view; concealed.


* First, open an internet browser and using a search engine, type in the word " illuminati ".
* Second, tour at least ten websites devoted to the exposure of the occult illuminati . ( There are several hundred research portals
in existence as of 2005. ) Would you think Bush and his clan in government are not aware of the wealthiest and most powerful
individuals in the world?

" The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. " - J. Edgar
Hoover, Former FBI director (1924-1972). He is remembered for fighting gangsterism in the Prohibition era (1919-1933)

" I claim... the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western World as the prelude for shepherding mankind into a
sheep's pen run as a prelude to One World tyranny. " - A.K. Chesterton, The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power

" Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our country. Our minds are molded, our tastes are formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. " - Walter
Bernays, Propaganda - 1928

" We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you
will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's
actors. . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.' " - A statement of a Bush administration senior advisor
Dear Eric:

You're certainly on to something here. The Illuminati do, indeed, put a lot of stock on symbols, rituals, numbers, etc., all of
which they endow with supernatural (occult) significance. Astrology and the New Moon are also key in their ordering of events.

All God's Best,

Texe Marrs, January 11th, 2005

Table of Contents:

* Introduction
* Chapter 1: The Conspiracy Behind the Stage
* Chapter 2: Introduction to the Illuminati's Numerological Ritual in Staging World Events
* Chapter 3: The Illuminati Families and their Network of Control
* Chapter 4: The Occult Numerology Intentionally Used in Creating World "History"
* Summary
* Discussion of Bible Prophecy ( Daniel/Revelation )
* Afterword
* Short History of Gun Control
* Existing Executive Orders awaiting activation under Matrial Law
* About the Mark of the Beast
* Illuminati Calendar Dates of Global Events / Intrigue / Collaboration ( 1900-2005 )
* Final Notes - ( The Police -"Useful Idiots" to the illuminati bankers? )


This knowledge is presented at a time when tens of thousands of protesters are chanting in various cities across America:
" Bush is killing by the hour - what do we do? Fight the Power! ", " George Bush - you can't hide! We charge you with
genocide! ", " No Blood for Oil, US off of Iraqi Soil! ", " Bush/Cheney what do you say - how many kids have you
killed today? ", " Rich man's war - Poor man's blood! ", " Occupation is a crime, from Iraq to Palestine... ", " No
Justice, No Peace! US out of the Middle East! ", " Our Civil Rights are under attack! What do we do? Stand up! Fight
back! ", " Hey hey, ho ho, your illegal wars have to go! "

Dear Friends around the world, if you are easily bothered by what could be realized as startling information, then it probably
would be best if you pass this report up. With the truth presented here being stranger than any work of fiction, the result may be
that the reader never views the nightly "news" or current establishment "history" books the same way again. Instead, those who
come to understand this may be more inclined to paste 'peel & stick' arrows on their televisions with the words "liar-->" or
"teleprompt reader-->" on them, or perhaps shoot plastic darts with suction cup tips and the word "repent" written on the side and
see if they can peg "Peter Jennings" or "Walter Cronkite" or "Barbara Walters" squarely in the center of their foreheads as they
attempt to coax the remainder of the herd into continued bloodshed and United Nations world governance. The paper recycling
industry might undergo an unexpected boon as people throw their old college "history" books or { Rockefeller group published }
"Encyclopedia 'Brittanicas'" or "Warren Buffet" investment advice books in large waste buckets for roadside pickup.

On September 11th, 2001 two great symbols of American power were attacked in a way that was spectacular to say the least.
Whether you are young or old, black or white, male or female, images from that day will undoubtedly stay with you forever. But
despite the almost universal familiarity of this event, few people understand its staggering, unprecedented importance. As
indelible a memory as 9/11 may have cast, its true significance is literally out of this world.

REVELATION 9:11 : " And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew
tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. " ( KJV ) ( both names mean "Destroyer".)

The numerology exposed in the remainder of this report is absolutely mindblowing. It is a wonder to this researcher that this
has not been seen before by those working outside the realm of the evident Conspiracy. Clearly The Father in heaven has wished
it to *now* be seen and detailed in report(s) such as this with His Blessing and by His Will.

The occult illuminati are real. They even have a network of devil worshipping websites: &

This report will shine light on this startling fact. America has been run like a corporation since the illuminati international
bankers hijacked the American people's money supply in 1913 with the deceptive Federal Reserve Act. Their money scam has
made them into an international clan of powerful multi-trillionaire families. This is how they control the world.

Bush Jr. is only a mid-level manager. His assignment is to lie to the world's people and set up the police state in America. The
Bush administration allows for and helps terrorism to occur around the world, including onto America, on behalf of an
international corporation run generationally by a roundtable of devil worsphipping financial overlords. These dark overlords are
planning more horrible events, possibly nuclear explosions in America and other places in the world to coax and force the world
into a world governance operated by them; while most people remain continuously deceived. When the next set of larger events
occur; then likely most people will begin to care and knowledge-filled reports like this will get read and distributed in various
means at a greater rate by greater numbers.

The people of this world are under the influence/spell of a satanically engineered 'historical' timeline . This is shocking, almost
unbelievable, but true. This report proves that fact. The evidence here highly suggests the next series of horrible events to be
witnessed this year and possibly the next have already been planned out . The dates and times to which will occur will have
an occult numerological significance to the devil worshipping elite . For recent photos of some of the more prominent or
famous players in this widespread Conspiracy against civilization and mankind see:

At the beginning of the year 2005, most people of the whole world are under a strong devilish delusion. They only have varying
headstrong opinions on how the world is being operated, from mainstream views dictated by the illuminati/CIA controlled
establishment mass media ( truly a constant stream of manipulative lies ), to those who understand the historically conspiratorial
details of what this report will disclose to those who will open their mind to this new revelation in knowledge.

This report exposes a current revolution being engineered and deceptively taking place over recent years to overthrow the
once constitutionally framed Republic of the United States of America and force a world government run by
multi-trillionaire elites, big business, and political fascism on the people of the whole world. If your mind is open to
possibly seeing an unconventional high level view of our world history, then I ask that you research the facts stated in this report
yourself. If you would be sufficiently convinced something as what is stated could be actually occurring, then do things to help
inform all others for the sake of truth, life, liberty and the pursuit of justice for all in the world .

" Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power. " - Benito
Mussolini, Former Italian Dictator

" I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result
of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the
country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few
hands and the Republic is DESTROYED. " - President Abraham Lincoln, 1865

If you care to know why the world often goes to hell again every generation or two, the reason is accurately explained here. And
do you care to know what that statement on the back of every American Dollar "Annuit Coeptis Novus Ordo Seclorum" really
means? It basically means the end of the world as you have grown to know it all your life. It translates from Latin into
"Announcing the Conquest of the Secular New World " ( That means a world without sincere recognition of the *true* God
the Father! ) How patently obvious the scheme of the ruling elite truly is! The American money system, the " Federal Reserve "
was designed by the wealthiest and most powerful of this world as the largest of financial scams known to mankind. Sadly, the
name itself was crafted as a lie. This is a private affair , the bank that prints the paper American money is *not* 'Federal', and
there is *no* 'Reserve'. What a huge financial problem the USA is now left to face! Yes, indeed, these facts are hard to reckon
with; but group denial will get us nowhere new.

" I have unwittingly ruined my country. " - Woodrow Wilson, unwittingly said soon after signing the deceptive Federal
Reserve Act into law over the Christmas holiday in 1913.

" A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation and
all of our activities are in the hands of a FEW men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely
CONTROLLED and dominated governments in the world no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by
conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of SMALL groups of dominant men. " -
Woodrow Wilson, "Campaign Speeches", 1912
The following report is not groundless information based on speculative ideas. The following paragraphs describe the general
unmistakable facts surrounding a global revolution being run by shadowy elite international bankers that has the stated objective
to enslave every man, woman, and child ( yes, even yourself! ) permanently under the dictates of a one world 'hitlerian-stlye'
tyranny as fast as they can; where all forms of checks and balances preventing abuses of power against the People have been totally
removed. This may be similar to Berlin Germany 1939 in all American neighborhoods in 2005/6! Perhaps this can be thought of
as "King George's Revenge!".

Unfortunately for many, this is real and you will see the next act of it unfold in front of your very eyes, wherever you may be, as
there is no escaping from witnessing it. Please complete the reading of this report as We will all be safer with increased
knowledge of how this nightmarish and prophetic plan has achieved its roots.

In simplest terms, this is a mounting global movement of the rich and powerful against the poor and the weak. History has
reflected that society seems to never learn from it. At this hour, most people of the world are poor and in large credit debt ( by the
banker's design ), they are intentionally "misinformed", and worse they are spiritually "fragmented"; yet slim minorities now
clearly have amassed immense wealth through Machiavellian political control and deceptively large-scale financial trickery. This
trend has been only continuing and the gap has been only widening.

Interestingly, if you add up the surpluses of all the nations and add up their debts, the whole world nation-state is massively in
debt! But to who? The answer is elite international banking magnates of a mostly European based blue-blood aristocracy
managing a worldwide monarchy of 'leaders' they continuously implant while only casting the 'perception of democracy' to the
People! What ever happened to our concept of a Republic where perpetual inalienable rights are granted to all and government is
held in check? Our bloodthirsty hidden governors have ( long-ago ) managed to create a 'system' where they profit endlessly off
the backs of the underclass, the common people; performed with most not even knowing about it .

The American Government has been quietly replaced by a land of dark occultic powers controlling masses of clueless people who
are stumbling blindly behind a faulty leadership ( of either the 2 primary parties ) into a predictable morass of serfdom and slavery
quite equal or greater than the days of the Babylonian empire or that of ancient Rome.

Spiritually, there is a discernable spectrum across our society from light, that what wishes itself to be known to others, unto
spiritual darkness, that what wishes to stay hidden from exposure. From a spiritual view, one end of the spectrum are found those
who deeply know the truth prescribed in the gospels and biblical prophecy, who love the truth of Jesus Christ and strive to serve
Him in their daily lives by obeying the Father. On the other end of the spectrum are found those who deeply hate the serving of
others, in their sin they only wish to ultimately serve themselves, and their dark master, known as: Satan, Lucifer, the devil.
These are the illuminati; however, the illuminati have developed a temporary advantage for themselves, they control the world's
money and credit system.

One end of the spectrum serves spiritual life; the other end of the spectrum serves spiritual death. They have been deriving a
strong yet 'temporary' power from the devil to perform their diabolical, yet prophetic, deeds. There are a great many who know
themselves to be flucuating somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, constantly being sucked like gravity toward the darkness by
selfishness; each by his/her own accord.

Back to the larger societal problem at hand: as millions of people have of late become have become aware, it is no secret or
'theory' anymore that handfuls of unelected and clandestine international bankers have been ruling the planetscape deceptively in
the true form of a global aristocracy , shrouded in complete secrecy by the establishment mass media , and they are now actively
engineering a 3rd World War to usher in their vision for a " New World Order" global governance.

This report was written because this one person felt that if The People are being lied to through their televisions year in and out,
they at least deserve to be warned that they are being deceived ; how and why and the magnitude of it - and what will only happen
if everyone now just decides to do little in advance in an attempt to avoid the absolutely horrible consequences that would then
assuredely occur later if little is done now.

" Banking is conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to
create money and control credit, and with the flick of a pen they will create enough money to buy it back again. Take this great
power away from the bankers and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a
better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your slavery, let them
continue to create money and to control credit. " - Sir Joseph Stamp, Banker

Perhaps most people will discredit any notion that they have been deceived and will read no farther into this. As
capitalists-to-the-max themselves, they deeply relate and sympathize with the establishment and power elite and willingly lay their
complete trust in them; often to the extent their compliance resembles an act of worship. There are many who see eye to eye with
the global regime. In their starkly selfish sinful nature, they ardently only wish to turn a blind eye to the mounting tyranny and
state-sponsored political terrorism actively being played out on their neighbors.

Selfish minds are very willing to be led, by selfish ministers, as they naturally see eye to eye. Having similar experiences, they
will naturally understand each other. And a carnal church will naturally be pleased with a carnal minister. And a carnal minister
will not see the defects of a carnal church. And thus they will be able to walk together, because they are agreed.

Yes, there is a important distinction between a person who clearly sees the great evil mounting in this world, deeply wishing to
warn others of it, and one who would delight in disregarding it repetitively until the next Monday night football game, shopping
spree to the mall, or political convention. That is, until massive terrorism is unleashed on our global society by the global
regime, and middle-class Americans also find themselves living under martial law/big brother/foreign occupation conditions
themselves; where hopefully soon after, more souls of The People will be drawn towards the light rather than cling onto or try to
hide in the spiritual darkness of how this world is being controlled by these conspiring and shadowy men.

This researcher believes the word of Jesus Christ depicts this distinction best: " The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine
eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light; but if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore
the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness. No man can serve two masters. . . Ye cannot serve The Father and
money. " ( Matthew 6:22-24 )

Each person soon will have to choose between serving Our Father's Will vs. the will of "the system" - as one cannot serve both as
clearly they are opposite in nature. Many will likely take the prophecized "mark of the beast" and lose their souls eternally, and
some will hold to their testimony of Jesus unto their physical, yet not spiritual, deaths as has already been written in the

However, how many there are, who have such great confidence in their own opinions, who are ready to hazard their souls upon the
truth of them, who have made up their minds on the most important and solemn subjects; while under the influence of selfishness
have entered the Christian church hugging the establishment's delusions, following the guidance and instruction of those who are
perhaps as much under the dominion of an evil eye, as they are themselves, and whose mind is as full of darkness as their own?
And thus they go on, unsuspectingly, while Christ has assured them in the most solemn manner, that if their eye is evil, their
whole body is full of darkness. Still they believe it not. They have the highest confidence in their own opinions, and in the safety
of their state; and thus rush on, with a kind of mad assurance, to the depths of hell.

" But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son
cleanseth us from all sin. " ( 1 John 1:7 ) For further reading on this, here is a recommened article:

Simply we must allow in the light of truth as a People and discover the horrible plans the global elite have had in mind ( in
advance of their continued murderous actions ).

Common sense states that we should not decide to repetively *procrastinate* group efforts of mass education until more
devestating attacks are engineered and multiple nations succumb to living under martial-law style military dictatorships through
various decrees of 'executive orders' or the activation of previously signed EOs now dangerously laying in wait; many of the most
damaging signed while the current president's father held the office. If so, information such as this will become strongly censored
by the establishment. In other words, the internet may be completely disabled by the elite and subsequently 'filtered' for
so-called, alhtough false, "national security" reasons. (Please see Executive Order listing below.)

Ephesians 5:11-16 : " And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them . For it is a
shame even to speak of those things in secret which are done of them. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the
light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and
Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days
are evil. "

" If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would be a revolution before morning.
" - Andrew Jackson

The wealthy ruling class is now obviously attempting to set the stage for a dramatically larger and more damaging world war that
has already begun in Afghanistan and Iraq and other places. They are the devilish excecutive roundtable of global political
terrorism, the most devestating type of terrorism against The People that there is.

" Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death. " - Adolf Hitler
It has been widely discovered by hundreds of researchers, if not many thousands, that September 11th, 2001 was an act of
premeditated global political terrorism .

Grant Wardlaw, an expert on terrorism, in his book Political Terrorism: Theory, Tactics, and Countermeasures defined 'political
terrorism' as:

" The use, or threat of use, of violence by an individual or a group, whether acting for or in opposition to established authority,
when such action is designed to create extreme anxiety and/or fear inducing effects in a target group larger than the immediate
victims for the purpose of coercing that group into acceding to the political demands of the perpetrators. "

Aside from the litany of unctuous lies that The People have been told to legitimize this war in the minds of the middle-class,
there are solutions to the world's problems that they are not willing to tell us about, notably inexhaustible energy breakthroughs
such as: ( Greater than Fire! 1200+ MPG! )

and UFO-grade lifting ( anti-gravitic ) technologies that defy gravity and would eventually allow the common person to travel in
'levitating vehicles' to any point in the world - quickly. What could be a more horrifying picture for the secretive and hidden
ruling elite to imagine than that? Surely, sharing a bottle of their finest wines at their private palacial estates with a common
person is unquestionable by their incredibly selfish and elitist standards.

Chapter 1: The Conspiracy Behind the Stage

In 1976, Taylor Caldwell demonstrated in her summary of the Iron Mountain Report, the military genius of plans by
Rothschild, Albert Pike and the World Revolutionary Movement, she wrote: " There will be no peace in the tormented world,
only a PROGRAMMED and SYSTEMATIC series of wars and calamities -- until the PLOTTERS have gained their objective: an
exhausted world, willing to submit to a planned Marxist economy, and total and meek enslavement -- in the name of peace. " (
Taylor Caldwell, Ceremony of the Innocent, p.289, Fawcett Books 1976; Leonard C. Lewin, Report From Iron Mountain
On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace, 1967; Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand, 1985 )

This major dilemma is barely perceivable for those in the middle-class to clearly understand because we have all been taught all
our lives, through their influence, that our world works in a much different way than it is actually does. In other words: there is a
BIG reason for everyone worldwide to understand *what is really going on* geo-politically, flown above our heads, albeit the
greater truths presented here are somewhat difficult to see at first.

Yet upon the discovery of the facts stated below, why would any family or group of freedom-loving people continue to go ahead
blindly trusting their 'federal' government on what they are now being told in the media; after so much has already been disclosed
over the many years about the worsening character of their 'leaders' (of either party), perhaps better said 'dealers' and the true nature
of this global aristocracy / plutocracy? Worsening governments never have corrected themselves; it is the People's responsibility,
obligation, and right to fix things as clearly outlined in the American Constitution. However, today's world is indeed a more
'sophisticated' world than it was in 1776.

" The world's power structures have always 'divided to conquer' and have always 'kept divided to keep conquered.' As a
consequence the power structure has so divided humanity--not only into special function categories but into religious and language
and color categories--that individual humans are now helplessly inarticulate in the face of the present crisis. They consider their
political representation to be completely corrupted therefore they feel almost utterly helpless. " - R. Buckminster Fuller (1981)
Critical Path

And it is the intent of this report to provide this alarming fact to people of every location, culture, language, and political
"opinion" - that at the top most levels of this world a hidden *world government*, a "hidden hand ", is now already formed by
an exclusive roundtable of ultra wealthy unelected elitist individuals. These 'elitists' just haven't publicly and officially announced
themselves; yet their acts of meddling have become more obvious.

These shadowy figures are not nice people. Research on multiple fronts has shown these powerful yet mysterious individuals
secretly deal in black magic occult practices and worship false gods including the devil itself, popularly known as the
"anti-christ", "Satan", " Lucifer", "The Great Architect", or " The Bearer of Light".

Why? It may be because The Bible ( any translation ) makes it clear that a camel would have an easier time passing through the
eye of a needle than for the average multi-billionaire to enter the gates of heaven. So, perhaps they have consciously chosen in
advance of any judgement they would ultimately each rather extend and grow their rein on earth and after their deaths - in a " lake
of fire" - than serve others as angels on earth or later in the heavenly realm of God Our Father's eternal kingdom. This may all
come as a shock to the reader, you, however it is not the intention of this report to cause fear or disbelief through the hundreds of
unmistakable facts presented in this report.

The name " Lucifer" is currently chosen by the United Nations in reference to the "One World" or "New World Order" religion
they now have in mind for all the world's people. After the coming third world war, the plan is if a survivor of the war accepts the
pledge of their soul to Lucifer, the ruling class of the new world government may allow the average 'king of queen of Sheba' to
live longer into their earthly life; that is, as long as that person is considered attractive or profitable by the establishment elite to
have around. However, by doing so, one would choose to offer up their eternal soul as 'payment' or as a 'right to continue living
tax'. Believe it or not, this is actual policy that has been drafted in this past decade by the United Nations' Planetary committee.

A member of the United Nations' staff, David Spangler stated: " No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will
make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation "; stated while
serving as director of The Planetary Initiative of the United Nations. This is a factual and true quotation. Basically they will like
you more if you worship the same false god that the ruling elite have chosen to believe in.

John, an apostle of Jesus Christ stated in his gospel text: " the whole world is under the control of the evil one. " ( I John 5:19
NIV ). Well, was John wrong? Does his gospel contain an error? Let's use this statement as the basis for our continued
examination here.

The presence of Lucifer is already a part of all our daily lives around the world. The devil's image can be found on our paper
money and many trademark logos of large corporations; the "all seeing eye" on top of the pyramid on the dollar ( if you look
close at this eye on the dollar, you will notice it is not a human eye - but a scaley lizard eye! ), AOL's logo, or the CBS
('See-BS') logo are just three examples. See how the illuminati 'all seeing eye' symbol is being used on such sites such as:

Even the movie company logos express their purpose and allegiance. From the Statue of Liberty-like Columbia logo to the
Sphinx from Hollywood Pictures, the pyramid from Trimark, the Paramount logo with its " 22" (5 pointed) stars, and obviously
the constellation from Orion Pictures, the intent is clear.

Not surprisingly Bill Gates has shown to be a practicing occultist as well. If you relook at the Microsoft logo, you perhaps can
easily see that it is a "7"x"7" array of dots leading up to an " 11" overlayed by a "13" next to another " 3" that forms a "33" ( May
"22nd" 1990 - Windows 3.0 is released by Microsoft. March "18th" 1992 - Microsoft ships Windows 3.1. October " 13th" 1995 -
Microsoft releases the Windows 95 operating system. )

The significance of these numbers will be detailed in a few more paragraphs below.

At your local mall, take a closer second look at the logo for the "Watch World" store or on the movie posters for "National
Treasure" ( the real Conspiracy fictionalized through Hollywood with the headline " The clues are right in front of your eyes ."!!! )
Most everyone knows that Hollywood is not reality - and that's exactly why they made this film - to confuse most everyone!

Recognized practices of devil worship include: polytheism, paganism, witchcraft, ritual abuse, and ritual blood sacrifice - either
animal or human, yet preferably human. Primarily for these reasons worship of the devil is often described as an "occult" activity.
The world 'occult' literally means 'hidden'. Occult practices are conducted at the home/closet level, group level, national level, and
world level. The great masses of people worldwide, the mainstream, have never accepted devil worship as completely normal.
Most people feel in their soul it is basically wrong.

It is known by those who worship the devil, that they are often rewarded in some way, usually financial, for their misconduct and
disobedience against God The Father, and His Laws. In others words, those who lie, cheat, steal, and murder often do so usually
to gain material advantage.

Our politicians may know this best as they do most of these acts over and over again each day to varying degrees. Each of them
may or may not be directly involved with actual devil worship. Those who attend the "Bohemian Grove" ritual each year in
northern California certainly are, but most in the hallways of our congresses intentionally turn a blind eye to these types of
activities. Worst of all, congresspersons consciously turn a blind eye to the 'hidden elite' often described as the 'illuminati' that
operate ( from the shadows ) the world's banking monopolies, industrial empires, corporate conglomerates, most national
governments, our mass televised and print media, terror groups (al-cia-da), Hollywood and anything else that operates as a
corporation, yes, even our churches. They are the executive roundtable of Lucifer's corporate empire, and each passing day the
whole world itself is being operated more and more like 'one corporation'.
Chapter 2: Introduction to the Illuminati's Numerological Ritual in Staging World Events

The tell-tale signature or footprint of the devil's hijacking of our history has not been previously seen by the great many of us or
pointed out as time and events have passed us by. One of the principle 'occult' practices of devil worship is the practice of using
certain numbers associated with as many aspects of a ritual event as possible. These numbers are considered the most magical or
powerful of numbers:

( 3,6,7,9,"11"(or multiples of 11),13,14(2x7),18(3x6),19,21(3x7),27(3x3x3),39,93(666) )

"3" represents (or mocks) the Trinity of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. " 6" is the number biblically assigned to 'the beast' in
mankind, or the incarnation of the devil itself. " 7" is the number associated with the Divine presence of God, The Father. As the
number of notes on a musical scale, colors of the rainbow, and days of the week, the number 7 serves as an undeniable signature
of Our Father's hand upon creation. There are 7 seals and 7 angels with 7 trumpets in Revelation 6-8. There are 7 characteristics
of wisdom in James 3:17. Most significantly, it was on the 7th day that Our Father rested after creating the heavens and the
Earth. Thus, the number 7 also indicates the end of a cycle. " 9" represents 3 threes and an upside-down 6. The number 9 was
sacred to Pythagoreans and thus Freemasonry, because it represented the perfect square (9) of the perfect number (3). Nine
interestingly enough, is also the number of Satan, in Satanism. " 11" is considered to be the most magical of numbers: it
represents the 11 horns of the final beast that arises in biblical prophecy ( Daniel 7:7-8/Revelation 17:12 ), it mocks the final "11"
disciples ( Judas Iscariot had already perished by the time of the Ascension ), Genesis "11" is the story of the "Tower of Babel",
and to astrologers "11" marks the Age of Aquarius "; the number 11 is the Aquarian number since Aquarius is the 11th sign of
the zodiac. "13" represents disobedience to The Father, the 12 disciples (including Judas) + Jesus. And 13 is actually the number
of full moons in a 365-day calendar year and is obviously not something the illuminati invented or discovered, yet illuminati
witches do celebrate the number profusely. So sacred it is to them, that most buildings are not built with a 13th floor, except
perhaps where they have their personal offices. " 18" is the summation of the number of the beast, 6+6+6, or 3 times 6. " 19"
represents "salvation" in the illuminati's numerology, again due to certain biblical references. "21" is ( "3"x"7" - often associated
with events appearing as admissions or good deeds; as if impersonating God The Father into the event. ), " 27" is 3 times 3 times
3 or 9 times 3. "39"('13'x'3') and "93" is used as a synonym for the number of the beast as 3 9's or 999; it is viewed as the
number of the beast, just upside down. Believe it or not, this is what the people who worship black magic believe in and use in
their practice of devil worship. You can ask others familiar with this, or find this information posted in many places across the

In Chatper 4 below, how the devil's elect have applied ritual numerology will be outlined. The devil worshipping patterning of
events is also outlined in the included appendecies: 1900-2005. You will likely be shocked to find out how many events have
been associated with this occult numerology. WW II was basically entirely played out on occult dates. Adolph Hitler followed
these numbers in dates of attacks like drawing with a t-square, as instructed by his illuminati masters, with little doubt.

Chapter 3: The Illuminati Families and their Network of Control

A group of devil worshipping elitists whose family names are intentionally hidden from mainstream view operate our whole
world through their financial dominance. The European Rothschild family is known to actually leave an empty chair and place
setting at their master dining table in case the devil cares to drop in to share in the meal being served. This strange behavior
explains why Satanism is an officially accepted religion even in our armed services as well.

However, upper-crest establishment families such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, DuPonts, Freemans, Reynolds',
Kennedys, Krupps, Onassis', Merovingians, Bundys, Warburgs, Russells, Lis, Mellons, Carnegies, Dukes, Astors,
Dorrances, Stillmans, Bakers, Paynes, Cullmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinwarts, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims,
Milners, Drexels, Winthops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys, Bushes, Kerrys, and Haknesses and a handful of other
multi-billionaire families simply cannot go passing themselves off to the public as devil worshippers...; so many take on
religious 'fronts'. The Rothschilds pass themselves off as Jewish; The Rockefellers Roman Catholic, and the list goes on...
However, the evidence has shown that they are the world's leading devil worshippers acting as if they believe they are
self-privileged to operate, in their view, a giant worldwide orwellian sub-human 'animal farm'.

Just from one family angle of influence: most people in the United States are being more enslaved to serving the Rockefeller
dynasty in their lives and daily jobs. Most American gasoline stations, the Red Cross, The Encyclopedia Britannica, Time, Life,
Chase Manhattan/Chemical Bank, and Fortune Magazine are just a few of their ever expanding holdings and interests.
Courtesy of Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz ( ) :

{ In my latest book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare (released June, 2001) Chapter 18 is titled,
"Public Health Politics, Eugenics, and Population Control." Here I detail the Rockefeller family's and their foundation's
association with the population control industry. They are currently moving to eradicate half of the planet's current population,
including America's civilian population as well. According to the Rockefeller-directed Population Council of the City of New
York, and its affiliate the Negative Population Growth, Inc. of New Jersey, the U.S. population requires culling to 125 or 150
million people. That's about half its present number. And that, in a nutshell, is what "America's New War" on terrorism-leading
to WWIII-is really about. Global population control and reduction through managed chaos. Using the standard Machiavellian
practice of creating urgent problems, then costly solutions, America has been railroaded into what promises to be a long and
deadly war against people including those previously, and likely still, on the payroll of a secret government and the CIA.

Now you might comprehend, if you have "the eyes" to read the above text, and the discernment necessary to perceive the truth it
relays, why I found it nauseating that Americans so readily gave their blood and money to the Rockefeller's Red Cross. If you are
among the millions who made that mistake, chalk it up to simple deception. But for heaven's sake, don't do it again! Please
donate directly to the families who have been victimized. That way your contribution might do more than aiding and abetting the
enemy. }

Timothy said it best when he coined the phrase " the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. " ( I Tim 6:10 NIV ). Who
controls the flow of money literally controls the whole world. The wealthiest family in the world, the "House of Rothschild",
once produced the family's most revered and diabolical banking monopolist. His name was Nathaniel Rothschild. He once
publicly stated: " Allow me to control a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its laws. "

Well, today the "{Banking} House of Rothschild" out of Europe, along with their financial conspirator friends of the West, The
Rockefellers, are two of the principal partners in printing the familiar green and black American money - right out of thin air. JD
Rockefeller, the grandfather of the Western hemisphere's wealthiest family dynasty once publicly stated, in his view, "
Competition is sin. " These two interests are not alone however, there are a dozen or so other private partners who own and
control the Federal Reserve . To put things is better perspective: each illuminati family involved in the ownership of the Federal
Reserve is much more wealthy than the entire Bush family dynasty for example. In small terms, they are literally the bank
holding most of the colored paper money of the world-wide monopoly board. This is still true today. To them, money is power,
but at the same time power is more valuable to them than money.

" We shall precipitate an ECONOMIC CRISIS, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all
the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, a universal economic crisis whereby we shall
throw upon the street whole mobs of workers! " - Protocol 3 of the Learned Elders of Zion

Yes - "The Fed" is basically a private bank that determines national monetary policy for the United States of America. This is
well known among concerned economists. ( please see: ) No, today's paper and electronic
money is not backed by any sort of Reserve, such as gold or silver bullion. Yes, Fort Knox is guarded today just so no inquiring
citizen can look in and confirm that there is no gold stored there anymore. No, it isn't 'Federal' since Congress only 'borrows'
money when they determine they need to spend more and they don't vote on such things as the 'interest rate'. That is, the
American government and people are not furnished with freshly minted money by a national treasury at nominal cost. Recipients
of Federal Reserve 'notes' (literally: loans) have to pay interest on it, as on a loan, to the private international interests who own
the Federal Reserve that prints the money out of thin air. It costs "The Fed" the same to print a 100 dollar bill as it does to print a
1 dollar bill. However, they know if they print up too many dollars, the value of the money in circulation goes down, then
inflation increases, and people tend to take notice more - so they tend not to go hog wild in printing it up.

" The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys it creates out of nothing. " - William Paterson, co-founder w/Nathan
Rothschild of the Bank of England, c1694.

In order to print more dollars though 'at cost' & 'bearing interest', they retrieve much of it back in every year through an
unconstitutional federal income tax enforced by the IRS who reserves the right to seize your property - while subverting the 4th
amendment. The money from the IRS is not received into the federal treasury as one would naturally presume, it simply goes to
make giant *interest payments* on the ever growing national debt ! That's how they steal your money for free - it is made to
almost appear legitimate! (Another way they *steal* your money is through a hidden tax known as 'inflation'.) All that federal tax
money literally is paid direct to the Fed's creditors for all intents and purposes! The IRS was set up through the unratified 16th
amendment shortly after the installation of the Federal Reserve. This is America's ugly financial truth . In short, it is a
large-scale scam on the American People. The Congress, House and Senate, have been well paid off over the decades and
completely compromised to never even mention the topic of "monetary reform".
See recent Forbes: World is on Brink of Ruin:

Nathaniel Rothschild, his family, and their private banking houses throughout Europe got their way with America, a hefty grip
right on her purse-strings despite the redcoats being sent back to England during the Revolutionary War by Washington's army (
and wasn't that one freemason made to look great! ). ( see: )

" I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminati. It was not my intention to doubt the
doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary no one is more
satisfied of this fact than I am. " - George Washington, The Writings of George Washington

But the real catch is that the big wigs out of Europe, these shadowy illuminati ruling elite, terminally hijacked our money supply
( for the third successful attempt in American history ) in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve system. Now the USA is
literally bankrupt - by design. See, they had to 'trick' the American people into allowing them to install their private bank over
America around the turn of the century. They succeeded not only in that, but in setting the stage for World War I, The Great
Depression of 1929, World War II, the highs and lows of the stock market over the decades, the Korean and Vietnam wars, both
middle eastern wars, and now the final act of the 'illuminati' elite's diabolical plot to rule the whole world, World War III . The
object of World War III is the destruction of America and liberty and maximal UN world governance.

" War is caused by elites acting in what they take to be their own interests, institutional violence promulgated by ruling groups
for personal gain. " - The Nation magazine, May 15, 2000, p20

The financial overlords of our country and basically the rest of the world are not your Jesus loving pacifist and benevolent kings
who try their best to keep The Father's Commandments at all cost. No, they are actually secretive power mongering ruthless
tyrants with a perpetual bloodlust for more wealth and power, and they all know warfare is the quickest route to huge profits and
maximizing their power over the whole world.

The future for America involves the total and declared bankruptcy of the government and a greater depression than the one of 1929
to occur onto the American people. The United Nations is being set up for America to fall under their Luciferian version of a
globalized government: where life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice will not be valued as it has been allowed in early American
history. Bill Clinton is currently attempting to 'slide himself into' the role of the new Secretary General of the UN. This is the
man who oversaw the Waco Texas massacre during his presidency. This is true and currently the fate of our children's lives if not
stopped and uprooted.

" The truth of the matter is that you do have those standby provisions, and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby you
could, in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest Americans and hold them in detention [death]
camps. " - U.S. Representative Henry Gonzalez, August 29, 1994

" The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than
a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. " - Abraham Lincoln, Attaining an Early and Clear
Glimpse of the New World Order

Once the dust settles from world wars, like lizards , the elitists often lie still over many years with a watchful eye over most
everything from atop their ivory towers; still, and not arousing, but actually diminishing suspicion amongst their prey, The
People, over time. Sometimes they congregate at the highly secretive international banking "Bilderberg" meetings. They send
their establishment political and military minions from their many puppet governments to " Tri-Lateral Commission"
conventions. Non-elected officials in the various 'shadow governments', such as war-criminal "Henry Kissinger", rank higher than
the elected officials who attend these secretive meetings. They make sure the populous never becomes aware of their diabolical
plans by making it a requirement of major press organizations to join their " Council of Foreign Relations (CFR)". They often
select presidents who have been trained in the art of ruthless deception and warfare through secretive societies they have set up,
notably "Skull & Bones ". Tax breaks for the rich establishment chairpersons controlling each media outfit ( print or televised )
and nothing short of death threats are used to control the entire enslaved press. Historian's for hire adulterate true history to
obscure any involvement of the elite in the world's happenings within the covers of university level history books; making wars
themselves appear to be accidental, and not profitable acts of criminal financial conspiracy for the principle benefit of the hidden
ruling class.

" Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. " - George Orwell, author of '1984'

This is why the world's wealthiest family, The Rothschilds, never makes public a political 'opinion' about anything apparently
going on in the world. They just keep operating the strings and pullies of the world's financial system from behind the curtain
like wizards of oz ; racking up hundreds of millions more each day; allowing themselves to simultaneously pose as the world's
largest "philanthropists!". Who wants to follow the yellow brick trail all the way to the very end? This is how the world has been
operated. This is factual and true as unbeleivable as it may seem because of what we have been 'taught' all our lives.

“ The few who understand the system , will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no
opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the
tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical
[Injurious] to their best interests. ” - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué to New York June 25, 1863

" The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. " - J. Edgar
Hoover, Former FBI director, and Rockefeller puppy.

" You will be a great leader who will bring order out of chaos . " - Newt Gingrich's horoscope as printed into Fortune
Magazine, one of the most duplicitous of US Senators.

The Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao" means "Order from Chaos". Lucifer is rightly called the "Author of Confusion." Bush Jr.
in his inaugural address on 1/20/05 (a key astrological transistion date) made reference to the "Author of Liberty". He was really
talking about his god, Lucifer/Satan. The address was chock full of lies and manipulations of words and meanings.

" Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the (U.S) media. " - Noam Chomsky, Political Educator, Author

" We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors
have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us
to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now
more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and
world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. " - David Rockefeller,
Baden-Baden, Germany 1991, Master Conspiring Globalist (true quotation)

" One of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now moving rapidly toward its goal is the use of mind control as
a major means of obtaining the consent of the people who will be subjects of the New World Order. " - From The National
Educator, K.M. Heaton

" In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National
sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all. " - Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in
Time Magazine, July 20th, 1992.

( There are 100's of other quotes that all allude to the same global happening yet it would at least triple the size of this report to
include a 1/10th of them. Our country's founding fathers said so much as well to warn us of how our Republic might eventually
be corrupted - only from within! )

" If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within. " - President James Madison

The detailed story and hundreds of others quotes are included in: "The UNtruth of the World " at

Now, getting back to the topic of devil worship and how it is being used to control all our lives. A congenial and harmless man
who grew up on a farm in the middle of America, Fritz Springmeier, became an avid fan of history throughout his youth.
However, he eventually learned how things were actually being manipulated behind the scenes of what is presented to the vast
populations of the world. This alarmed and deeply disturbed him as a man who had developed a deep love of the truth as a devout
believer in Jesus Christ. So Fritz decided to unmask the financial conspiracy running the world and he published a book after 15
years of intense research that had its final revision come out shortly after September 11th, 2001. He entitled his expose of the
world's ruling elite " The Bloodlines of the Illuminati " Revision II.

In this book, he detailed the " 13" key families, many listed above who basically get together around a roundtable when they do
and set the agenda for how the world is being operated as of today. They decide when the populations will be terrorized or put in a
state of shock or fear. They decide what will happen next as well. However, since the so-called illuminati families did not like
Fritz reporting on them, and as these families control the world, they had the FBI frame him as a bank robber and now he is
serving a life sentence in a federal prison. View the local news report that intentionally damages Fritz:

He was raided on an occult date, Feb " 9th". He was given " 9" years. He was sentenced on Nov "13th". A total illuminati
frame-up by the numerical signatures used!
Poor Fritz gets put in jail for just trying to tell the people of America and the world the ugly truth. However, his faith is
unwavering and a wonderful reward is most likely in his eternal future as a lover of the truth and believer in the gospels. In his
book he exposes not only the individuals and families ultimately responsible for the world's greatest atrocities, but also their
worship of the devil and ongoing satanic ritual abuse. Fritz details the banking intrigue that has gotten the world into the world
wars, etc. His book is over 600 pages of highly researched unmistakable facts. Many excerpts from his books can be found on the
internet for downloadable reading as well.

Actually, all this is 'hidden in plain view' while the 'Sheeple' are kept generally fat, comfortable, and unalarmed - for the time
being prior to their full blown world war. All a truth seeker has to do is go type in the search phrase " New World Order " into an
internet search engine or search for the large array of books now covering the topic at bookstores such as A new
well layed out site out of the UK is entitled " " - the domain name was named after one of their
actual annual devil worshipping rituals.

" Out of this modern civilization economic royalists carved new dynasties. New kingdoms were built upon concentration of
control over material things. Through new uses of corporations, banks and securities, new machinery of industry and agriculture,
of labor and capital - all undreamed of by the founding fathers - the whole structure of modern life was impressed into this royal
service. These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America. What they really complain of is
that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American instit utions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In
vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand
for. " - Franklin Delano Roosevelt speech in Philadelphia on June 27, 1936

" The rules of the world economy serve the interests of the multinational companies; they do not serve the interests of the vast
majority of the people on this planet. " - The Progressive magazine, January 2000, p10

Chapter 4: The Occult Numerology intentionally used in creating world "history"

So, how is the devil disguising itself today within today's world events?

Again, as noted above, numerology is often used as the fingerprint of their dastardly deeds that are performed with ritualistic

First, two important dates to recognize:

On " 11"/"18"/1118 the Templars were recognized in the city of Clermont. 1+1+1+8 = "11". The authors of Holy Blood Holy
Grail provided the definitive evidence that there were "9" original founding Templars and they originally banded together in
"1111" and taking no new members for " 9" years.

The Satan worshipping Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati of Bavaria on May "1st"(5+1="6"), 1776.

To begin with a recent example most of us in this generation can remember:

A ritual sacrifice to the devil was called for in the mid-1990's under then US president Clinton, a descendent of the Collin's
family illuminati bloodline. His Attorney General, Janet Reno, who on March " 11th" 1993 was confirmed by the United States
Senate and sworn-in the next day, followed the date prescribed by her satanic overlords and ordered the blood sacrifice of the entire
Davidian church of WACO Texas in a fiery maelstrom on April "19th", 1993.

The " 19th" was used again in the subsequent Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, which killed even more innocent men, women,
and children in America's heartland. Apparently during these events, 'salvation' of their devilish system was deemed most
important, by not letting America continue to get progressively prosperous, happy, or free.

As stated above, the discovered numbers that our hidden rulers are often using within dates of events themselves are:

( 3,6,7,9,"11"(including multiples such as 22, 33, etc),13,14(2x7),18(3x6),19,21(3x7),27(3x3x3),39,93(666) )

On June 2nd, 1997 a jury convicted Timothy McVeigh on " 11" felony counts. On June "13th", 1997 the jury condemns McVeigh
to die by lethal injection. December "11th", 2000 McVeigh asked US District court Judge Richard Matsh to stop his appeals
process and schedule his execution to take place before the summer's end (in an apparent hurry to die). January " 11th", 2000
McVeigh lets pass the deadline for changing his decision. May " 11th" Attorney General John Ashcroft delays McVeigh's
execution until June "11th", 2001. McVeigh is supposedly executed on June "11th", 2001 at "7" a.m. By the numerics used, this
is now known to obviously have been an illuminati mind control operation from the very beginning to the theatrical finale.
However, the use of occult numerology in dates of global events that have created much fear or suspense, their starting or finale
dates, goes back hundreds of years.

For brevity, let us just examine more of the number-coded timeline of illuminati intrigue from the finale of World War I.

The powers-that-were then decided, out of Germany ( where the war actually started from! ), the best time the declare the official
end of World War I was on November 11th, 1918 at 11am or "11"/"11"/18 at " 11"am. Here the number "11" is highly celebrated.

"22"(2x11) years later, on February "27th"(3x3x3), 19" 33"(3x11) ( 2/27/33 and 2+2+7="11" ) Hitler had his secret police burn the
Reichstag building, the German people's congressional building, to the ground into a pile of smoldering ashes. To the German
people back then, this was quite similar to the attacks of 9/11 that the whole world witnessed in 2001. Sparing little time the
Austrian born Rothschild grandson Adolph Hitler elevated himself from Chancellor, subsequently declared himself Fuhrer, and
federalized the German states into a "Homeland" national police state prior to his ultimate invasion of Poland and the beginning
of World War II in 19"39"(13x3). ( The United States would be drawn into the war on December " 7th" 1941, three months after
the groundbreaking ceremonies of the Pentagon ( unbelievably: shaped as the core of a satanic pentagram symbol! ) ) Today, a
similar scenario to this is being repeated on a much larger scale.

The following outlines the biggest of financial scams that has been built into the United States of America:

" The Congress shall have power coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of
Weights and Measures. " 1787 - The Constitution of the United States - Section 8

That is precisely what the congress did in 1792. The dollar was fixed by law at 24.75 grains or 0.05156 troy oz. of gold. In 1837,
the coinage was reworked and the dollar was defined at 25.8 grains of gold "nine-tenths fine". That gives $20.67 dollars to one
troy oz. of gold. That was the dollar's "fixed value" for 96 years from 1837 to 1933.

On March " 6th", 1933 using a wartime statute passed in 1917, Franklin Roosevelt issued a proclamation closing every bank in
the U.S. for four days. The banks were closed from March " 6th" to March "9th". On March "9th", 1933 day one of "The Hundred
Days", the president called a special session of the congress. In a few hours, with minimal if any debate, the congress passed the
Gold Confiscation Act act of 1933: " to provide relief in the existing national emergency in banking, and for other purposes ".

April " 3rd", 1933 president Roosevelt, acting under the sweeping authority passed to him by congress on March " 9th", created
Executive Order 6102 (6+1+0+2="9") which invoked his authority to make it unlawful to own or hold gold coins, gold
bullion, or gold certificates. The export of gold for purposes of payment was also outlawed, except under license from the
treasury. ( Absolutely no kidding! Look all this up yourself! )

Amazingly, under the Fed's heavy hand in depressing the American economy ( by continuously constricting the paper money
supply after the crash of 1929 by hundreds of billions ), the American people *complied* with FDR's executive order and it was
not legal for Amercans to own gold again until 1972! The following year, all the confiscated gold was taken to Fort Knox under
much propaganda/fanfare. Then, secretly, all that gold started being siphoned right back to the European Central banks. There
hasn't been an audit conducted at Fort Knox since 1957 under Eisenhower! America was robbed of her gold in plain sight. This is

Following that, in 1935, Rothschild puppet Franklin Delano Roosevelt commissioned the "The Great Seal" to be placed on the
back of the US paper dollar. This is the illuminati's pyramid symbol. There are " 13" stacks of bricks on the 'all seeing eye'
pyramid. The official national seal of the United States contains "13" arrows, " 13" letters, " 13" laurel leaves, " 13" berries, " 13"
stars above the eagle in the form of a hexagram, "13" stripes on the shield. The " 9" tail feathers indicate the "9" additional degrees
of the York Rite of Freemasonry. Then the American eagle with 32 feathers on one wing and "33" on the other. There are "33"
steps on the side of the pyramid representing the "33" degrees of Freemasonry.

Many presidents have been either 32nd degree or 33rd degree freemasons. For instance, Franklin D. Roosevelt was a 32nd degree
freemason in the Scottish Rite and the 32nd President of the United States. He was followed by Harry S. Truman, a " 33rd" degree
freemason also from the Scottish Rite and the " 33rd" President of the United States. { FDR's depressive era "New Deal" packages
to the People were actually Christmas paper wrapped increased socialist control over the People for the principal benefit of his
elite masters elsewhere around the world. } We must remember the words of the infamous illuminist and communist Franklin D.
Roosevelt who said, “ In politics nothing is by accident; if it happens, you can be sure we planned it that way. "

Many witches consider the number " 13" as the most powerful number in witchcraft, and our nation has the mark of " 13" put on it
everywhere. The first election in North America was held on Friday the " 13th" so George Washington became
Commander-in-Chief on a Friday the "13th". Construction also began on the White House in Washington, D.C., on a Friday the
"13th". Our country started with " 13" colonies, and the original flag had " 13" stripes and "13" stars in a circle.

The corner-stone of the Capitol building was laid ( October "13th", 1792 ) by President Washington, who also officiated at the
laying of the corner-stone of the north wing of the Capitol ( September "18th", 1793 ).

See, this devilish conspiracy against America goes back to its creation. That's why the establishment talking heads and so many
others argue that there is *no conspiracy* at work at all, which is the mother of all the conspiratorial lies. They are all still
working together within the conspiracy, so why would one of them adamantly admit to there being a conspiracy and risk his
fortunes or his head? To this end, they each still persist.

There are numerous other such examples. Quite obviously the signature number of our nation and of witchcraft, which existed
long before our nation, is "13". According to witchcraft tradition, nearly half of the people who came to North
America ( research indicates near 50% ) on the ship the “Mayflower” were witches fleeing from Scotland.
( Please reference: )

The 33rd degree Grand Lodge of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is located exactly "13" blocks north of the White House above
an upside down pentagram outlined by the road layout which rests on the White House. { And is it really a coincidence that the
Statue of Liberty is "22" stories tall? ( or 111’1” ) Could it just be a coincidence that the Statue was built upon an eleven-pointed
fort? No. }

This is inscribed on the plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty:

" At this site on August 5, 1884, the cornerstone of the pedestal of the statue of ‘Liberty Enlightening the World’ was laid with
ceremony by William A. Brodie, Grand master of masons in the state of new york. grand lodge members, REPRESENTATIVES
of the united states and French governments, army and navy officers, members of foreign legations, and distinguished citizens
were present. this plaque is dedicated by the masons of new york in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of that historic
event. " ( Note: 8/5/84 : 8+5 = " 13" )

Here is just one more set of "13" references: Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said the following on the program 'Face the
Nation' “ Yes, 13 is my favorite number; I am the 13th person to hold this office; my first appearance was before the 13th
Congressional hearing, and 13 is my favorite day of the month. "

On "September 11th", 1941 the groundbreaking ceremonies of the Pentagon ( modeled after the inside of a satanic five pointed
star symbol ) were held. " The Masons set up shop in D.C. and set up their criminal enterprise there from the beginning. They
figured they would stick around until the people ran them out. THEY....ARE....STILL....THERE! " - anonymous posting found
on a numerology website. Therefore on the morning of the 60th anniversary of the Pentagon, the WTC happened to be destroyed .
Just a coincidence? Hardly.

The occult numerical date signatures during WW II are much too lenthy to be listed here - but you can scroll through through
them in the appendix listings 1938-1945 below.

* Every large Nazi attack or major atrocity occured on the illuminati's coveted occult numbered dates .
The Allies also principally responded on occult dates.

In fact, the great bulk of the battle history of WW II all occured on the occult numbered dates ; every large operation included. The
most notable series of Nazi excecutions have occured on occult dates; particularly February "11th"'s (2+11="13"). Please see for
yourself. All the dates and events listed in this text and the indexes of dates supplied below are accurate.

On June "27th", 1950 The UN started the Korean War.

So, skipping to the next major world event:

On 10/"22"(11x2)/1962 JFK delivered a speech about the closest nuclear confrontation ( although staged for this fear inducing
effect ) ever to occur between the East and West, The Cuban Missile Crisis; which began on 10/14(2x7)/62, and it was scripted to
last " 13" days, ending on 10/" 27"/62. These are the unmistakable facts about the little imprisoned island known as 'Earth' in

Later that year, December " 11th", 1962 was a day of the formation in West Germany of the coalition government of Christian
Democrats, Christian Socialists, and Free Democrats. 1 month and " 11" days later on January " 22"nd, 1963 - the Elysee treaty
between France and Germany was signed. 1 month later on February "11"th, 1963, CIA Domestic Operations Division was
created. On August 5th ( 8+5=" 13" ), 1963 The US, UK, and USSR sign a nuclear test ban treaty. There are all examples of
obvious devil worshipping illuminati control signature dates .

Exactly 1 year and 1 month after the "missile crisis", due to it being sensed by his masters that JFK had ambitions to defect
against the ruling elite and expose them: abolish the Federal Reserve and IRS, withdraw American troops from Vietnam ( and
other 'no-nos' to the elite ), an assassination plot to remove him succeeded on "11"/"22"(2x11)/1963. ( 5 bullets were found from
different guns. ) This also occurred in the middle of the Masonically architected Dealy Plaza which happens to be right on the
"33rd"(3x11) longitudinal parallel.

" The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I
must inform the citizen of this plight. " - President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a speech made to Columbia University on
Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his assassination.

LBJ succeeded him ( coincidentally ) as the "36th" president. Immediately troops being flown back from Vietnam were sent right
back. On July " 27th", 1964 5000 more troops are sent to Vietnam to bring total sent to "21",000 ("7"x"3"000) On August " 7th"
1964 US congress passes Gulf of Tonkin resolution giving broad wartime powers to LBJ. Later the following month in another
part of the world, on August " 19th", 1964 at the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt, "66"(6x11) ex-SS personnel receive life sentences,
15 others smaller ones.

JFK's ambition for America to go to the moon as a joint US/USSR mission was theatrically presented to the American people
later that decade in the " 7th" month, named "Apollo 11". Negotiations for a joint effort were immediately disbanded after
Kennedy's assassination. It was more important for the illuminati ruling elite that each half of the world compete in a "Cold War"
setting rather than cooperate together on joint space missions. Heck, attempting to go to the moon together might have made the
East and West all friends, and that wouldn't help the illuminati remain in power.

At the time of the launch, the countdown clock was abruptly halted at T-minus " 9" hours, and an " 11" hour hold was inserted -
holding the whole world in simultaneous suspense an extra " 11" hours. It was announced the Apollo " 11" spacecraft reached Earth
parking orbit after " 11" minutes. Apollo " 7" and "13" were the other two notable Apollo missions due to their occult numerical
significance. Coincidence? No, NASA has followed the occult number sequence without much deviation in almost *all* their
mission numbers and launch dates, providing rocket and mission names of roman demigods, and the biggest of mission numbers
have mostly been "7", " 9", "11", "13".

About the same time as the Apollo program, the World Trade Center was conceived in the early 1960s by the Downtown-Lower
Manhattan Development Association to revitalize the seedy radio row dominated by electronic stores. Chase Manhattan Bank
chairman David *Rockefeller*, founder of the development association, and his brother, New York governor Nelson Rockefeller,
pushed hard for the project, insisting it would benefit the entire city.

On August 5th, 1966 (8+5=" 13") groundbreaking ceremonies were held for the construction of two 110 (that is "11" times 10)
story skyscrapers in lower Manhattan. 88,000 (or 8 times " 11" thousand) windows were used in the construction. Each tower was
designed to be four hundred and " 11" meters tall.

Skipping ahead about 5 years...

On "September 11th", 1971, the USSR's Nikita Khrushchev died a mysterious death. He became the soviet party leader on
September " 7"th, 1953. He became Premier of the Soviet Union on March "27"th, 1958. In 1964 he was removed from power on
October " 14th"(7x2), 1964 and spent "7" years at his home under house arrest, prior to his death, or apparent 'assassination'
attributed to the timing of his death. So, the WTC center atrocity also occurred on the 30th anniversary on the death of the
famous Soviet premier !

As should also be noted, the future commander in chief of the world's largest military, "George W. Bush" who basically quit the
Air Force Reserves by often not showing up (AWOL) to many of his duties received a full honorable discharge on On November
"21st", 1974. ( an illuminati gift to his CIA daddy little doubt. )

On February "9th" (2+9='11'), 1984 - Yur Andrpov dies -The Soviet General Secretary, under suspicious circumstaces.

The FCC announced nationwide " 911" emergency telephone service on, yep, "September 11th, 1987". Since then, all "3" digit
phone numbers have had an "11" in them.

11/8/88 (11+8='19'), former CIA chief and vice-president George Bush ( CFR/Tri-lateralist/Freemason ) was implanted as
The next biggest political event the whole world took notice of was the collapsing of the wall set up between East and West
Germany. On "11/9"/1989 the Berlin Wall was opened and passage was allowed for the first time after "6:3"0pm that evening.
This of course was big "news" in the world.

Notice how any date with two ones and a nine, such a 1/19, 9/11, or 11/9 contain digits themselves that when added together
sum to "11"; a seemingly perfect number to the freemasons and the devil worshipping ruling elite. (1+9+1 = " 11") Many large
events have occurred on 9/11, 11/9, and 1/19 in last 100 years of history. This can be verified by reading the entire encyclopedia (
although edited by the Rockefellers who own the Encyclopedia Britannica printing company ) or reading over the illuminati
calendar dates listed from 1900-2004 listed in the appendices below.
On April "11th", 1990, Mikhail Gorbechev was quoted as saying " We are only beginning to shape the New World Order. " ( He
became the Soviet leader on March "11th", 1985 - exactly "19" years to the day of the Madrid Blast on 3/11/04 ! )

Exactly 5 months after Mikhail's statement and on the " 19th" anniversary of Khrushchev’s assassination, and the 49th (7x7)
anniversary of the Pentagon construction, on September "11th", 1990 George Bush I, as president at that time in a speech he
entitled "Toward a New World" stated: "What is at stake is more that one country [meaning the United States of America], it is a
New World Order, where diverse nations are brought together in common cause to reach the aspirations of mankind..." Yes, he
stated this on " 9/11"/1990!!! This is not just a reality as printed on this computer screen or piece of paper - it is a reality from
every corner of our world! He was reminding the congressional country club of their intrinsic allegiance to the overall plan of soon
forming a *one world government* at the expense and slaughter of billions of innocent freedom loving people around the world -
including Americans !


On 1/"13"/1991 Boris Yeltsin became president of Russia. On 5/" 21"/1991 Indian PM Rajiv Ghandi was assassinated.

" It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their
allegiance. " - Bush I addressing the General Assembly of the U.N., February 1, (2+1=3) 1992

"11"/"3"/1992 Bill Clinton was implanted as US president.

It is important to note the following on the timeline:

The bankruptcy of the USA is officially on record in the United States Congressional Record of March 17th, 1993 (3+1+7="11")
( Vol."33",page H-"13""03") speech by James Traficant Jr of Ohio.

Congressman Jim Traficant is now in federal prison and his family have been threatened while he has been serving his trumped up
sentence. ( A clear warning to others in congress to keep their mouths shut. )

During the Geneva Conventions in Switzerland between 1928 and 1932 the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Portugal were officially declared *bankrupt*. These countries still are officially and legally bankrupt to the international banking
system and will remain so until released by the receivers. Needless to say the illuminati banking tyrants never plan to release
these nations from their financial entrapment.

Jim Traficant stated at the podium in Congress:

" It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March
"9th", 19" 33", 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-"7""19"; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. " 19"2,
73rd Congressional session June 5 (6+5="11"), 19"33" - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The
Gold Clause *dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States* and the official capacities of all United States
Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists in
*name only* .

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the
International Monetary Fund . All United States Offices, Officials, and departments are now operating within a de facto status in
name only under Emergency War Powers . With the Constitutional Republican form of government for the United States now
dissolved, the receivers of the bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of
government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This
act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of
the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R. " 13""9""55" reads in part: " The US Secretary
of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States....... "
The United States has been run as a *corporation* and its judiciary operates under Emergency International Maritime Law.
Nothing new here of course as America was set up as a corporation immediately after the American War of Independence. The
colonists were run by the Virginia Company when the Colonies reverted from an overt dictatorship from the British Crown to a
covert dictatorship of the interests of international bankers, most of whom are from Britain. They only cut themselves away from
America only to secretly place themselves back in again later while America was truly sleeping.

So, on secret documents stuffed somewhere, America has been officially bankrupt since 19"33"!

December " 13th", 2000 - Al Gore conceded and Bush Jr. is implanted as the president by the illuminati.

1994 - H.R. 666 passed by congress allowing illegal search and seizure. 4/" 6"/1996, Both Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi are
killed in a suspicious air crash. 5/1/1997 (5+1=6) (May Day), UK election, youngest ever Prime Minister, Tony Blair wins ( The
"new" labor party , replaced John Smith who died suddenly ).

As the story goes, tragically, *exactly* "11" years to the hour of Bush I's "Toward a New World" speech when his son is now the
president, Flight " 11" impacts the world's largest freestanding structure shaped like an "11" at 8:46am (8+4+6=18).

Flight 175 (1+7+5="13!") collides next at 9:02am (9+2="11"). Also, this flight carried 92 (9+2=11) passengers and crew.

Flight "77" (7x11) is made to appear as if it hit the pentagon, but little is known what actually happened to it and its 65
(6+5=11) passengers; as debris of a Boeing 757 certainly was not found at the Pentagon crash site, initially only a 2 1/2 meter
hole in the side of the building. ( a smaller drone plane named the Globalhawk with a explosive warhead was used the
photographic evidence has shown ).

Flight " 93" is shot out of the air by a military aircraft. The public is told the passengers were 'heroes' for overpowering the
terrorists and crashing the plane into a field in Pennsylvania themselves ( in two big chunks miles apart from each other! ) . Each
of the four flights bore the illuminati's devil worshipping numerical signatures. The also choose to use "19" puppet scapegoat

WTC Building " 7", which mysteriously fell all by itself on the same fateful day, was constructed to be 47 (and 4+7=11) stories
tall. It fell like a rock. It was admitted afterwards that the building had already been pre-wired for demolition and somebody
decided they better press the button and bring it down as well. ( Why would this standalone steel skyscraper fall all by its own
without being hit by anything that same afternoon otherwise? ) ( please see: or Eric Hufschmid's book
"Painful Deceptions". )

Remarkably, 9/ 11/01 was also the United Nation's declared annual "International Day of Peace!" ( Gee wiz, those peace loving
globalists of the UN couldn't have anything to do with it - they just were looking forward to celebrating that day of global peace!
) The United Nations building is " 39" stories tall.

From the Fortune 500 world emerges this 911 fact: Walmart's CEO gets in the action later that day and reports in the press that
Walmart sold a record "88,000" (8x" 11",000) American flags that day! This was reported on CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc... This
author presumes the detail of this statement, the number 88,000, was knowingly put forward, although false.

While the nation recoils in shock, Bush II calls for " 11" days of national mourning and the flag is flown half-staff until September
"22nd"; also the day the world first becomes aware of the "Patriot Act" that starts the shredding of the American Constitution and
Bill of Rights.

Effectively Bush Jr. launched the 'War on Terrorism' on behalf of a *private corporation*! The US Federal Reserve was
manipulated into being in 1913 and dictates over America for the favor of their ultra rich establishment cronies. On some ledger
somewhere, the Unites States (and Britain) is wholly owned by 'illuminati' families and forces in Europe and the US and by the
Jesuit-controlled Vatican!

" By the end of this decade (2000 AD) we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of
nations ... a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is
inevitable. " - Pope John Paul II quoted by Malachi Martin in the book "The Keys of This Blood"

On the afternoon of September 15th, during Bush's visit to the disaster site, he picks Bob the fireman to climb onto the rubble
with his bullhorn. As sickening as it might appear, the president may have chosen him as Bob's hat number was 164 (and
1+6+4="11") to please his devil worshipping overlords watching from afar in Bavaria Germany and elsewhere throughout Europe
and Asia.
"9" days after 9- 11 - The establishment of the Office of Homeland Security took place. Incredibly, after his record strings of
vacations on golf courses, at the ranch and other places, just prior to Sept 11th, Bush Jr. was seemingly looking like he was
finally 'getting a lot done' quickly. It was on the " 13th" day of the "11th" month of November when the U.S. House of
Representatives overwhelmingly approved the bill to establish the Department of Homeland (In)security!!!!!!

Six weeks after the attacks of September 11th, the USA Patriot Act was passed. Many congressman admitted they didn't read it!

On 12-" 13"-2001, "93" days after 9- 11, a Bin-Laden tape about 9-11 is released by the government. Once again, exactly "93" days
after 9- 11-01, the US government released a video tape of Bin-Laden joking and admitting to the attacks of September 11th!

February " 13th" 2002 - Queen Elizabeth II gives former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani an honorary knighthood.

May " 9th", 2002 - In Kaspiysk, Russia, a remote-controlled bomb explodes during a holiday parade killing 43 and injuring at
least ' 13'0.

June " 3rd" ("6/3"), 2002 - The "Party in the Palace" takes place at Buckingham Palace, London for Queen Elizabeth II's Golden
Jubilee celebrations.

September "11th", 2002 - The World Summit on Sustainable Development comes to a close.

October 25th, 2002 - U.S. Senator Paul Wellstone, his family and staff, are killed by a plane accident at Eveleth, Minnesota. He
was campaigning for his forthcoming mid-term election. He opposed the war in Iraq and was leading an effort to convince many
of his other party members to do the same. (even though this happened off an illuminati number date - this had to be mentioned.)

November " 22th", 2002 - In Nigeria, more than 100 people are killed at an attack aimed at the contestants of the Miss World
contest. December "27th", 2002 - Suicide truck-bomb attack destroys headquarters of Chechnya's Moscow-backed government,
killing 72 people.

Convinced yet? ( You really can't have it both ways. )

"6" months and "11" days after 9/ 11, on March "22nd"(2x11), 2002 the WTC center is 'illuminated' with "88"(8x11) floodlights
making the world's tallest " 11" for "33"(3x11) nights. The lights are programmed to go on at "6:3"0 and off at 11:00pm. This is
an example of glaring illuminati arrogance!

Exactly " 7" months after 9-11-01, on April "11th", 2002, the ICC or International Criminal Court is ratified at a Landmark UN
Treaty Event. Ten Countries Ratified the ICC Treaty ( Important note: Revelation 17:12 states there will be 10 horns on the beast
that makes war with the Lamb ). The ICC is decided to be located in the Hague, the Netherlands. At this facility, they have a
huge black spider statue overhanging the entrance, appearing as if it is knitting a web over the whole world.

On 6/"18"/2002 Bush sends Congress the Homeland Security Act. A draft version of Patriot Act II is leaked across the internet
soon afterwards, but Attorney General Ashcroft denies the existence of any such plan when questioned.

On the first anniversary of 9-11 in 2002, the NYC lottery balls mysterious came up "911" *and* that morning the Chicago Board
of Trade's Standard & Poor’s Futures Index opened up at " 911.00", a ten million to one combined probability alone - and to
occur on that date! The People seemed to not take much notice of these sick illuminati inside jokes on this day of rememberance
and mourning. These jokes are never mentioned again in the national press.

It is also interesting to note that the Bali bombing happened on October 12, 2002.... Get it? 9- 11-01... just add a (1/1/1) to each
part of the date... 10( 9+1)-12(11+1)-02(1+1). We will see the 111 pattern re-occur elsewhere as well. In fact, 9-11 is the 254th day
of the year (2+5+4="11") and there are " 111" days remaining in the year! 9/11 was chosen as it is the most 'rich' "11" date in the
whole calendar year for these reasons, including 9+1+1="11" when summed together. Bush and his daddy didn't decide these
dates, their illuminati propaganda masters at the apex of the devil worshipping ruling elite sanctioned all these dates of terror on
the people of the world. The establishment Bushites are just played their individual roles out in the lies/cover-ups just like old
times, nothing being really new under the sun! ( Iran/Contra corrupt arms dealing / Mena Arkansas airport cocaine trafficking /
Enron energy scam and implosion, etc... )

On the topic of bio-warfare, American President George Bush, the clandestine skull and bonesman ( nick-named "Temporary" )
who loves the dark and shadowy realm, officially launched the smallpox immunization program on Friday the "13th"! in
December 2002 (!!!!!!!)
One event that proves powerful people believe are fond of the power of numbers happened slightly earlier in March of 2003. It was
no big secret on March " 3rd", 2003 when the UN affiliated World Prayer Center called all Christians worldwide to a Worldwide
Day of Prayer to occur simultaneously at " 3":"33"pm! Folks, again the people behind this event were not 'believers'.

" The magnitude of this date was not lost on the non-Christian world as well. The Global Consciousness movement (New Age)
has for years been planning a worldwide "Largest ever experiment into global consciousness" to take place on 3-3-03. Their effort
is slated to begin at 3:33am (Fiji local time), on the 3rd day of the 3rd month of the 3rd year of the 3rd millennium. It gained
widespread notoriety in New Age circles. They continued: " The significance of 3-3-03 becomes even more pressing as America
could launch a war with Iraq at about that very hour. " March " 3rd", 2003 was also the night of the new moon.

On March " 19th", 2003 Bush II holds another presidential address and Iraq is re-bombed that evening. So in effect, Bush Jr.
announced the start of the war on the " 3rd" day (using Monday as the start of a week) of the "3rd" week of the "3rd" month of
the "3rd" year of the new millenium, 200"3". The first major bombing campaign of the war ended on 5/1/2004 (May day);
lasting 42 days (1 month, " 11" days) This coincides with the Beltaine Festival, "Walpurgis Night" - celebrated April 30th and
May 1st. May 1st is also the " 13th" day of the annual "Blood Sacrifice to the Beast". Put another way, George W. Bush started
the horrifying war in Iraq on the witches’ sabat of Ostera and declared an end of major hostilities on the next witches’ high sabat
of Beltaine (!)

" These are the days when every true Christian must toughen up and face the reality that we are in a spiritual war situation, and we
must stand and fight the powers of darkness. " - David J. Meyer,

Saddam Hussein's sons were murdered by American forces on 7-"22"-2003. Apparently they knew too much or Saddam needed to
be severely intimidated.

On August " 14th"(2x7), 2003, parts of the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada experienced widespread power
blackouts. The US states of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts were
affected. Why even the date is another evil sign - August " 14th", exactly "13" days from the end of the high cross-quarter witches'
sabat of Lughnasaid.

{ Other blackouts in 'history': The last big blackout in the United States took place almost exactly seven years ago, August
"11th', 1996, when some 4 million customers in 9 Western states and parts of Mexico lost power for as long as 10 hours. On
July " 13th", 1977, a blackout left some 9 million people in New York City without power for up to 25 hours. Looting resulted
in 3,700 arrests. In 12 minutes on November "9th", 1965, 80,000 square miles in 7 states and two Canadian provinces went
black, affecting 30 million people. It became known as "the Great Blackout." }

The first removal of the "Ten Commandments" were removed from an Alabama court building on August "27th", 2003. Judge
Roy Moore stated in response to the action: " If this state can't acknowledge God, then other states can't ...And eventually the
United States of America will not be able to acknowledge the very source of our rights and liberties and the very source of our
laws. "

Now are you prepared to be thrown some real hard truth as presented by the leading globalist war general of today?

On November " 21st", 2003, General Tommy Franks said the following during an interview published on “ If the
United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in
favor of a military form of government. If that happens... the Western world, the 'free world', loses what it cherishes most, and
that is freedom and liberty we’ve seen for a couple of hundred years in this *grand experiment* that we call democracy. ” So, our
amount of relative *freedom* ( aside from the drug war, illegal federal direct taxation, unconstitutional wars, a (not) "free press",
outright lies, etc... ) has only been an "experiment" according to the war general!


It was also " 93" days after the second anniversary of 9-11 when Saddam Hussein was captured on 12/" 13"/03. Have we heard a
thing he might have to say though yet? And is that really him in the picture?

After that, tragically, *exactly* "911" days after 9-11-01 multiple bombs go off across Madrid's commuter train system,
killing 202 European travelers, on March "11th", 2004.

Wow, Al-QUEDA, or is that 'al-CIA-da' really likes that number "11" apparently! Why hasn't anyone in the press taken notice of
this rather bizarre string of extremely unlikely and highly suspicious numerical anomalies surrounding these recent global terror
events!?!? Maybe they are still told to ignore it! But, if the 'illuminati' devil worshipping elite controllers don't really exist - then
who forbid the press from covering this aspect of the unfolding events and why? Why don't you write members of the press you
know and ask them today? Send them this report! Send all your friends this report. The facts are clear.

That day, March " 11th", 2004 we not only witnessed the Madrid attack 911 days after 9/11, yet also the purchase of Chicago's
Sears Tower ( ' 11'0 story as well ) valued at $ 911 million dollars prior to 9/11 by investors who had seen their two ' 11'0 story
WTC towers crumble to the ground. In fact, the former owner of the WTC complex towers who bought them from a Rockefeller
holding 7 month's previous to 9/11, Larry Silverstein, was involved in the March "11th", 2004 Sears Tower trade as well. Larry
Silverstein was also the man who admitted several months after 9/11 that World Trade Center 7 was detonated ( obviously
pre-wired ) to bring it down. Does somebody smell a wet rat yet or is the odor of establishment fascism already too strong in the

April " 9th ", 2004 - U.S. forces seize control of Baghdad, apparently ending the regime of Saddam Hussein.

"93" days past the Madrid attack of 3-11-04 was Saturday June 5th, 2004 (and if you add up the days from 9-11-01 to 6-5-04,
you get 999! ( The upside down number of the beast! ). This was the day when Ronald Reagan passed away at the age of " 93".
Reagan was (coincidentally) born in 19"11". He was buried on June "13th", 2004! This was the 1004th day past 9-11-01.
Unbelievably, 1004-911=" 93" as well! Amazing timings! These events were obviously high order illuminati celebrations of
illuminati numerology. On this Sunday, president Bush appointed Friday, June " 11th", 2004 as a national day of mourning.
Strikingly, this was also " 93" days before 9-11-04, the 3rd anniversary of 9-11-01!

The Bush Sr. also said Reagan did much to bring in the New World Order on his "clock". (check out the article)
( ) They are periodically sticking their sick plans right into our

June 30th, 2004 was declared Iraq's "independence day" which happened to "111" days after the Madrid train bombing on
"3"/"11"/04 ( and notably the 1023rd day after 9-11, which is remarkably ' 93' times ' 11' ) The Bush administration continuously
and rather publicly made the point of setting this date for many months in advance.

July "18th", 2004 Convention on the Future of Europe finishes its work and proposes the first European constitution. July "18th"
- The body of Dr. David Kelly's, a scientist at the Ministry of Defense, is found a few miles from his home, leading to the Hutton
inquiry. It was reported that his watch had been stopped at "11 minutes after 9". Dr. Kelly was then currently testifying to the
truth that Iraq posed no significant bioweapons threat and was no signs of them producing 'weapons of mass destruction'.

On 8/"3"/04 (8+3="11") US Army General Tommy Franks appears on FOX TV's Hannity & Colmes and admits to the world that
he foresaw the trade towers collapsing a week before it happened. This video clip is on
Of course he knew something was going to happen! The war general wasn't being clairvoyant or having a 'divine' revelation. He
just had to look at the schedule!

More recently on "11"/"11"/04 democratically elected Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat dies a highly suspicious death at precisely
"3:3"0am! Could Israeli interests in bed with the illuminati ruling class have been behind a conspiracy to assassinate the revered
Palestinian leader? A fair presumption in the light of the above information would be a resounding 'YES!'.

Eerily also on that day, 6 hours after Arafat's speculative death, the United Nation's WHO ( World Health Organization )
conducted an unusual meeting with an unusual agenda for that afternoon. They met to prepare the world for a global pandemic
Influenza-A plague that is expected to kill tens of millions of people as it did in 1918 as well, known as the "Spanish Flu".

So, how does the UN know in advance that a plague is coming right around the corner? Well, perhaps it will not be accidental,
and perhaps it involves a conspiracy to weaken the American resistance to tyranny and reduce the population of the world by
several billion people ? ( As their New World Agenda openly calls for and written into granite rock on the mysterious "Georgia
Guidestones"! ) ( search with )

November " 18th", 2004 - US President George W. Bush makes a state visit to London in the midst of massive protests.

The " 9th" day of December is the " 13th" day before the witches’ sabat of Yule. On December "9th", 2004, the NATO Alliance
held a world strategy meeting in Brussels. On that same day, December " 9th", 2004, the European Union held special meetings in
Brussels concerning entry negotiations. Also, on December "9th", 2004 the Canadian High Court approved same-sex marriage. (
12+9="21" - a big illuminati devil worshipping date indeed! )
In New World Order chat forums on the internet, the city of Atlanta has been rumored as to be one of the new capitals of the New
World; on the other hand recent intelligence included it with Dallas and most notably Houston as a potential target for the next
staged illuminati terror attack; extrapolating from this information in this report, likely a radiation bomb to occur on a " 27th",
"19th", or an " 11th" date to come. DC is also included as the Congress recently passed emergency plans to create instant martial
law across the nation - in case DC is turned into a parking lot. ( yet they would all likely sneak out to safety prior to a blast under
a tunnel system existing under the capital buildings. ) Yes, this involves our world that we all share. The political researcher does
not look forward to that coming day of terror however it may be played out.

The following sequences were discsovered by Michael B. Haupt of regarding the Tsumani on
December 26th, 2004 and the Iranian earthquake of December 26th, 2003:

Since 2004 was a leap year, the number of days between the Iran quake on the same day in 2003 is 3"66", or 1 year and 1 day. It
was repeatedly reported that strickly " 11" nations were impacted. See the Associated Press.

What will the future day of terror and the timing of it tell us all?

Does this entire ( and amazing ) sequence of events with the obvious use of occult numerology in the dates throughout history
surprise you? If not, review them again perhaps using a spreadsheet to calculate the unfathomable numerical improbability of these
events all strung together. In review, please note that our hidden rulers apparently fund both sides of any conflict and fund most
if not all military and terror operations and decide the date the event will occur; yes their power has been allowed to grow to this

Interestingly Daniel's biblical prophecy foretells that an "abomination that causes desolation" is going to be set up after 1260th
day and another on the 1290th day after some key event in our history. Using 9-11-01 as that index date, the 1260th day becomes
2/"22"(2x11)/05. That mysteriously also happens to be exactly "3" months and "11" days past the WHO conference on the coming
pandemic flu plague held on " 11"/"11"/04!

The 1290th day written in Daniel 12 states another abomination is going to be set up. Based on 9-11-01 as the index date, that
calculates to March 24th, 2005. March 24th also happens to be Holy (or "Maundy") Thursday, the day believers celebrate
remembrance of Jesus' Last Supper! Amazing timings here as well!

And when you arrive at the 1335th day ( as it is written in Daniel 12: ' Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the
1335 days. ' ), that calculation lands on Sunday May 8th, 2005 ! This is not only the 60th anniversary of the end of World War
II, VE Day, ( and Mothers' Day and a full moon as well ), this day is known to believers as the celebrations of "Ascension
Sunday". Perhaps it will be "Descension Sunday" this time, after a prophetic " time, times, and half a time ". ( Daniel 12:7 ) (
2005? ) Possibly! Best to keep a watchful eye each hour, yet the date and hour of Our Lord's Second Coming is still one of the
world's Greatest mysteries!!!

This researcher highly encourages others to pick up the Bible book of Psalms and exclaim praise to Our Lord and Our
Boundlessly Magnificent Heavenly Father above periodically, as Our Lord may already be approaching the doorway!

Let us all be hopeful for his Blessed Return! 8)


My dear friends and fellow people of the world - what are you going to do? Are you going to at least warn your fellow brothers
and sisters around the world to prepare for days of illuminati-planned chaos and tribulation and possibly study the messages in
The Bible and right oneself with their Father in Heaven? Have we already seen the recent great swarms of locusts in Egypt and
Mexico and many prophetic natural disasters of late? At the end of 2004 these giant locusts plagued the Israeli State, Mexico, the
Spanish Canary Islands, and the land of Egypt!!

It is perhaps already too late to prevent the illuminati devil worpshipping conspirators from releasing the expected plague(s) this
spring. In 2004, Bush Jr. signed a 5.6 (5+6="11") billion dollar bill " Project Bio-Shield " to help inject the populous with the
illuminati's bio-engineered plagues. Over 20 government contracted microbiologists have been murdered since 9-11-01 alone!

Here is Bush Jr.'s statement on 'protecting' the American people: (

), February " 3rd ", 2003. President George W. Bush ( ), White
House News Release, February " 3rd ", 2003
Tommy G. Thompson, Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, on Project Bioshield before the Committee on
Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health & Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness
and Response, March " 27th ", 2003. ( )

Project Bio Shield's bill name is: H.R. '21''22' ('7'x'3')('11'x2). So, it is obvious they even deceive themselves into thinking
they are playing God The Father's role when they are actually only serving their devil.

Even though it was on the table for over 500 days, the legislation passed the House nearly unaminously on a February " 14th ",
2004 vote of 414 yes - 2 nos. The senate voted on May "19th ", 2004 -> 99 yes - 0 nos.

George W. Bush signed S.15 Project Bioshield Act of 2004, in the Rose Garden, on July "21st", 2004!

In short, if you allow yourself to take their vaccines - you will likely die of a toxic mercury contaminated cocktail of many
diseases and bring them home to share with your friends and family. They already have 260 million doses ready and deployed.
They will be delivering the vaccines to you at gunpoint (literally). First, they will be registering you for the National ID as well,
possibly injecting bio-chips! Hired thugs in white uniforms will make you think you are violating National Security if you don't
take your prescribed vaccination and incarcerate you. Do not take any vaccines with a lot number ending in "xxxx13" - if you
don't watch out, you will GET SMALLPOX BIGTIME! They already have special activation orders on military websites for
these particular lots of vaccines!

Psalm 37, 51, and 91 provide a message of comfort and salvation against these ominous days of tribulation that our devil
worshipping overlords just may have planned for us. With the proper amount of spiritual faith, it is said one may overcome the
coming deadly plagues. And may the Father have mercy on those who know the value of truth; repent for their sins, and who
educate others on how they have been deceived by this current devilish world system operated and controlled by the darkest forces
now within mankind. This researcher would gladly lay down his (my) life for the benefit of this cause if it is my Father's will.

In the meantime it is mandated by scripture that believers do not receive any implantable microchips, transmitters, or bodily
numbering schemes. Please see section "The Mark of the Beast" below.

It is also has been reported that former German BNC agents have intercepted plans being orchestrated by Paul Wolfowitz in the
Bush administration soon detonate a remote controlled nuclear bomb. The target is considered most likely to be Houston Texas (
former Bush family home city with many Enron's in the closet ). Rather convincing and well articulated information has been
posted to Dr. Henry Makow's site as of 12/19/04:

You now would not be alone in learning of the "hidden hand" that this former German BND intelligence agent speaks of.

We should all hope this type of future event does not happen and that exposure might have lessen any impacts. However, it
should be noted that the:

* "27th" of a month is the most popular date for terror bombings throughout history as the evidence of the last century displays.

* The "19ths" have been used for terrorism and most military coups as well.

* The "11ths" and "22nds" have been used for exceptional days in global politics and is also the day of most assassinations. It
appears the most of the WW II nazi executions and human sacrifices of famous figures ( including actors / poets / sculpters / etc. )
have occured on February " 11ths". (2/11 -> 2+11="13")

* The "6ths", " 7ths", and " 9ths" have been used for many days of political change as well. ( Please keep in mind these dates are
only a total of 11 days out of 30 in a monthly calendar; making their repetitive global use such as this positively unlikely. ( if
there wasn't a "hidden hand" orchestrating all these events. ) )

The following was excepted from a website dealing in the exposure of occult numerology:

Numerologists believe all numbers carry a very specific vibration or demonic energy level.

The number 9 is associated with energy, and is considered to be a powerful number. Since 9 is the highest single number,
numerologists believe it to be capable of achieving great spiritual and mental results.
11 is a master number that the demons will work lying wonders through: 11 has almost unlimited energy. It is one of the master
numbers and possesses more potential than other numbers by resonating a higher vibration and thus more strongly influencing
people and events. The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight
without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality...It is the psychic's number.

The Master Numbers, which include 9 and 11, are supposed to be used only in exceptional occasions.

This information is not meant to deceive, it is simply meant to inform and hopefully help reform this world we currently call our
home. As it is written, those who overcome may look forward to the coming Kingdom of God, The Father, and His Son's return
to Earth for us to enjoy a millennial rein with the divine Son and Our Ultimate Lord and Saviour, His Beautiful (and Honest)
Majesty Jesus Christ. On this final note, may you be blessed with this knowledge and your willingness to continuously share it
with others!

Discussion of Bible Prophecy:

Daniel 7 ( NIV ) Daniel's Dream of Four Beasts ( please see the cover page graphic of this report )

1 In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying on his
bed. He wrote down the substance of his dream. 2 Daniel said: "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me were the four
winds of heaven churning up the great sea. 3 Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of the sea. 4 "The first
was like a lion, and it had the wings of an eagle. I watched until its wings were torn off and it was lifted from the ground so that
it stood on two feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to it. 5 "And there before me was a second beast, which looked
like a bear. It was raised up on one of its sides, and it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth. It was told, 'Get up and eat
your fill of flesh!' 6 "After that, I looked, and there before me was another beast, one that looked like a leopard. And on its back it
had four wings like those of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority to rule. 7 "After that, in my vision at
night I looked, and there before me was a fourth beast-terrifying and frightening and very powerful. It had large iron teeth; it
crushed and devoured its victims and trampled underfoot whatever was left. It was different from all the former beasts, and it had
ten horns. 8 "While I was thinking about the horns, there before me was *another horn*, a little one, which came up among them;
and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth that spoke boastfully. (
Here Daniel identifies the prophetic "anti-christ", the "11th" horn of the beast! )

Revelation 17:12-14 (NIV)

12“ The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as
kings along with the beast. 13They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast. 14They will make war
against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-and with him will be his
called, chosen and faithful followers. ”

The eleventh "11th" horn is the prophetic anti-Christ! ( Daniel 7:8 )

It should be also noted that Genesis " 11" (1-9) described the building of the *Tower of Babel* in ancient Babylon (
geographically: Iraq ). Apparently even the rich and powerful back then thought that this was the only way they were going to get
into heaven! But as the story went - God demolished it long ago; and the ruins are buried deep under the sand in Iraq someplace.

The four beasts of Daniel's ( Chapter 7 ) prophetic vision may just be:

1) Lion (Great Britain and Scotland both us this symbol, as do the York and Scottish Rites of Freemasonry) with Eagles Wings (
obviously America )
2) Bear ( Obvious symbol of Communism ) with 3 ribs in mouth (Russia, China, Korea)
3) Leopard ( Germany has used this symbol; 'panzar' ( leopard tank ) with 4 heads (1st,2nd,3rd,4th Reichs) and 4 bird wings (
always done under the wings of the establishment churches ) Germany is always where the darkest illuminati have secretly ruled
out of ( somewhere in Bavaria ).
4) Global 10 horned beast ( Possibly the new Commonwealth of 10 European (Union) States or 10 UN biosphere regions; or
perhaps the 10 nations that ratified the ICC - the International Criminal Court as well! )
The Skull and Bones number secret number is " 322": (using its multiplicative inverse: "233" )

Perhaps it turns into '666' as follows: 2x'( 3)00'=600 + 3x'( 2)0'=60 + 3x'( 2)'=6 ===> " 666"
Mysteriously, also it should be noted the number of days in the year divided by eleven:

365/11 = 33.181818181818 or "33".(6+6+6).(6+6+6).(6+6+6) ... Also: (1-36 added together)=666, 18*37=666

Numerology doesn't excite this researcher. It should not be practiced as it is written. There is a much higher power in the
Universe, and His name is Jesus Christ whom we should *all* call upon in sincere appreciation as only He has the power to
forgive sin. Concerning the truth of the world you live in, a wise man once said: let them who have eyes see, and let them who
have ears listen. He also said " the truth will set you free. " ( Possibly from the control of the hidden illuminati hand as well. )
Please consider reading The UNtruth of the World, The Dawn of New Kings available by Van Cleave Publishing, publisher of
"Webs of Power", which documents in detail how the illuminati's financial scam took root. (also see:
http://www.themoneymasters. com )

Related links: (free book (The UNtruth of the World) ), , , , , , , and ( software for
live music listings being designed to promote global unity. )

This is a very important site to read up upon concerning the New World Order movement that now sets the agenda for our
government policies and actions: Dr. Henry Makow's There are 100's of other noteworthy
information sites by truthseekers all around the globe as well.

by Eric Rainbowlt, 33 - Truth Quality Assurance, We the People Department, Austin Texas Wednesday, Jan 21 2005, 5pm mailing address: 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin Texas 78704 phone: 512-656-0521 fax: 512-499-0089
Thank you for your time. Hopefully for all of us, you found this information enlightening on the spiritual and physical warfare
now being aggressively launched upon us by the hidden ruling elite.

At the start of 2005 it is estimated that between 1% and 5% of the American middle-class are now aware of these deeper, yet
hidden from the public's view, hair-raising discoveries ( in many cases re-discoveries ) of truth that is now developing across the
land. Yes, there is a global 'hidden hand' and they deal in dirty and bloody business world-wide.

If over 50% of people understand this, and defy their system ( perhaps protest by abandoning their 'credit' system by simply each
stop paying the big banks with their bills for their plastic money; then when their system collapses, force a reformed government
to enact monetary reform ) and return to simply obeying The 10 Laws of The Father and nothing contrary ordered to you from
above, it may be over for the devilish "hidden hand" within our world society that has been adulterating our otherwise true ( and
peaceful ) history for hundreds of years. Perhaps Jesus Christ will make His promised return when most of us least expect it. Only
when the great many of us around the world understand these higher truths will we be set free!

This report exposes actual evidence showing that occult numerology has been ritualistically embedded into the dates of
the largest events of our "world history" . Without having to explain the mathematical improbabilities computing it
"impossible" that such a long string of "coincidences" can occur continuously over 100+ years of world history, here the reader is
simply given a sufficient and guided tour of the events, dates, and times. The reader is clearly urged to make up their own mind
during this presentation of these events as they happened and when they happened; provided here with a "mountain-top" view of
all these events of our history. These events and times are all completely factual in the sense that everyone can agree upon them
and then all together clearly see the evident numerological pattern that has been applied.

All the people in the world, or at least those who become aware of this, are then each individually presented two options: to go
right along celebrating the schedule of events still being conducted by the shadowy "hidden hand" now actively manipulating and
adulterating the history of the world -or- do something to help change this devilishly inspired patterning of "news" events of this
world we all currently call home before more are murdered or are made into slaves by those who serve themselves and the beast!

Two remaining questions to be answered are: ' How will We, a diverse People of many various locations, faiths, religions,
and financial, personal, and political dispositions and allegiances, together make this massive transformation from
current world thinking and how history has been unfolding; previously only left to repeat itself on a greater scale each
time around? ' and ' How fast or slow will it occur? '.

This should be the last year of the infamous and nefarious "Bilderberg" meetings that now secretly involve most all governments.
( see: ) The People should ban such activities and keep a closer eye on the wealthy elite than they
currently have on all of us. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13
members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that
the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of 9.
If all the soldiers of the world in solidarity with each other begin to obey the Commandment that one should not kill , and
unload their many guns, starting with the American military, and returned home - the illuminati would not be able to continue
their stage managed global warfare. There is always a higher truth to be searched for and discovered. Only when the great many of
us around the world understand and agree upon these higher truths will we be set free as has already been written!

" Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. " - Henry Kissinger, Long-time shadow
government official and war criminal.

" It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder. Nothing will end war unless the people
themselves refuse to go to war. The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the
people who don’t do anything about it. " - Albert Einstein, Critical Thinking Scientist.

" Strike against war, for without you no battles can be fought! Strike against manufacturing shrapnel and gas bombs and all other
tools of murder! Strike against preparedness that means death and misery to millions of human beings! Be not dumb, obedient
slaves in an army of destruction! Be heroes in an army of construction. " ~ Helen Keller, 1940

In closing, it should be stated that from all of our homes, we should all humble ourselves and pray with all the love in our hearts
to The Father and Son through the Holy Spirit for spiritual guidance and help while seeking mercy from today's "beast" - each
morning, afternoon, and night.

Each of us should not fall for the elite controlled establishment media's strong delusion. We will not succeed if we don't view
God's word as the ultimate truth of what will ultimately save us. We can make war with the beast ( Rev 13:4 ); and we can do all
things through Christ which strengthens us ( Phil 4:13 ). We can refuse to worship the beast ( Rev 13:8 ).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Illuminati Calendar Dates of Global Events/Intrigue/Collaboration:

January "1st" ("1/1") - Nigeria become a British Protectorate. January "13th" - Kaiser of Germany declares that German is the
command language in the German army. January "27th" - Boxer rebellion: Foreign diplomats in Peking China demand that the
Boxer rebels be disciplined. February "3rd" - Gubernatorial candidate William Goebel is assassinated in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Former-Secretary of State Caleb Powers was later found guilty in a conspiracy to kill Goebels. February "7th" - The British
Labour Party is formed February "22nd" - Hawaii officially becomes a territory of the United States. February "27th" - Boer War:
In South Africa, British military leaders receive an unconditional notice of surrender from Boer General Piet Cronje. February
"27th" - Ramsay MacDonald appointed secretary of newly formed British Labour Party March "3rd" - Mining strike ends in
Germany March "6th" - A coal mine explosion in West Virginia traps 50 coal miners. March "9th" - Women in Germany demand
right to participate in university entrance exams March "11th" - Boer War: Boer leader Paul Kruger's peace overtures are rejected
by Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Lord Salisbury. March "13th" - Boer Wars: British forces occupy Bloemfontein,
Orange Free State. March "13th" - In France, length of a workday for women and children is limited to "11" hours by law May
"1st" - Explosion of blasting powder in coal mine in Scofield, Utah kills 200 May "18th" - Boer delegation travels to USA to ask
for assistance May "18th" - The United Kingdom proclaims a protectorate over Tonga. May "21st" - Russia invades Manchuria
June "14th" - The Reichstag approves a second law that allows the expansion of the German navy. July "9th" - Queen Victoria
gives royal assent to Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act July "13th" - Boxer Rebellion: In China, Tientsin is retaken
by European Allies from the rebelling Boxers. August "27th" - British defeat Boer commandos at Bergendal November "6th" -
U.S. presidential election, 1900: Republican incumbent William McKinley is reelected by defeating Democrat challenger William
Jennings Bryan.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

May "18th" - Jean Gaspard Felix Ravaisson-Mollien, French philosopher. July "19th" - King Umberto I of Italy; (assassinated) in
Monza, near Milan, Italy

January "1st" ("1/1") - (Zeroists argument that new century should be celebrated in 1900 rejected worldwide). January "1st" The
six colonies that make up Australia are federated as under an act of the British Parliament. January "7th" - Alferd Packer is
released from prison after serving "18th" years for cannibalism January "22nd" - Edward VII becomes King after his mother,
Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom, dies. His own son Prince George, Duke of York becomes Duke of Cornwall and
Rothesay. March "6th" - In Bremen an assassin attempts to kill Wilhelm II of Germany. May "9th" - Australia opens its first
parliament in Melbourne. May "27th" - In New Jersey, the Edison Storage Battery Company is founded. June 12 - Cuba becomes
US protectorate September "6th" - American anarchist Leon Czolgosz shoots and fatally wounds US President William McKinley
at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York. McKinley dies there eight days later. September "7th" - The Boxer
Rebellion in China officially ends with the signing of the Peking Protocol. November "9th" - Prince George, Duke of Cornwall
becomes Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester. December "3rd" - US President Theodore Roosevelt delivers a 20,000-word speech
to the House of Representatives asking Congress curb the power of trusts "within reasonable limits".

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Vasily Kalinnikov, composer January "22nd" - Queen Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom and Empress of
India dies, after the longest ever reign by a British monarch. February "11th" - Milan I, king of Serbia. February "22nd" - George
Francis FitzGerald, mathematician March "13th" - Benjamin Harrison, 23rd President of the United States April "3rd" - Richard
D'Oyly Carte, impresario September "9th" - Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, French painter February "11th" - Police beat up universal
suffrage demonstrators in Brussels. May "13th" - Alfonso XIII of Spain formally begins his reign July "11th" - Retirement of
Lord Salisbury from the post of British prime minister after almost "14th" years July "11th" - Order of the Garter conferred on
Archduke Ferdinand August "9th" - Edward VII is crowned King of the United Kingdom. September "3rd" - Popular author Sarah
Orne Jewett is thrown out of a carriage, virtually ending her writing career. October "21st" - In the United States, a five month
strike by United Mine Workers ends. December "22nd" - Richard von Krafft-Ebing, sexologist

January "1st" ("1/1")- Edward VII of the United Kingdom is proclaimed Emperor of India February "11th" - The Oxnard Strike of
1903 represents the first time in U.S. history that a labor union was formed from members of different races. March "3rd" British
admiralty announces plants to build naval base at Rosyth May "18th" - Opening of Port of Burgas, Bulgaria. November "3rd" -
With the encouragement of the United States, Panama proclaims itself independent from Colombia. US President Theodore
Roosevelt wanted the United States to build the Panama Canal but were blocked by Colombia. November "18th" - The
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty is signed by the United States and Panama, giving the Americans exclusive rights over the Panama
Canal Zone.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Alois Hitler, retired Austrian civil servant. February "7th" - James Glaisher, meteorologist and aeronaut (b. 1809)
February "11th" - Henryk Szulc, composer (b. 1836) February "22nd" - Hugo Wolf, composer (b. 1860) March "6th" - Bruno
Paulin Gaston Paris, French scholar (b. 1839) March "13th" - George Granville Bradley (b. 1821) April "19th" - Oliver Mowat,
Premier of Ontario (b. 1820) May "9th" - Paul Gauguin, Impressionist painter (b. 1848) June "19th" - Herbert Vaughan, cardinal
and Archbishop of Westminster (b. 1832) July "11th" - William Ernest Henley, poet, critic, and editor (b. 1849) August "22nd" -
Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom September "18th" -
Alexander Bain, Scottish philosopher (b. 1818) November "1st" - Theodor Mommsen, German classical scholar/historian (b.

February "7th" - A fire in Baltimore, Maryland destroys over 1,500 buildings in 30 hours. March "3rd" - Kaiser Wilhelm II of
Germany becomes the first person to make a political recording of a document, using Thomas Edison's cylinder. March "21st" -
Battle of Chumik Shenko - British under general Francis Younghusband defeat ill-equipped Tibetan troops. July "21st" -
Trans-Siberian railway completed. September "7th" - Fire spreads over downtown Baltimore in USA - 1500 buildings destroyed,
no known fatalities October "27th" - First New York City subway line opens; system becomes biggest in United States of
America, and one of biggest in world

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

May "19th" - Auguste Molinier, French historian July "22nd" - Wilson Barrett, actor August "6th" - Eduard Hanslick, music
critic August "22nd" - Kate Chopin, author

January "22nd" - Massacre of Russian The Russian Federation demonstrators at the Winter Palace in Saint Petersberg one of the
triggers of the abortive Russian Revolution of 1905 March "1st" - Australian Conservative leader Richard Butler takes office as
Premier of South Australia March "3rd" - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia agrees to create an elected assembly (the Duma). May "13th"
- Mata Hari debuts in Paris May "27th" Russo-Japanese War: Battle of Tsushima - The Japanese fleet under Admiral Heihachiro
Togo destroys Russian fleet under Admiral Zinovi Petrovich Rozhdestvenski in this two day battle June "7th" - Norway declares
the union with Sweden dissolved. September "1st" - The Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta are established from
the southwestern part of the Northwest Territories. November "18th" - Prince Carl of Denmark becomes King Haakon VII of

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "19th" - Debendranath Tagore, philosopher March "6th" - John Henninger Reagan, American and Confederate politician
(b. 1818) May "9th" - Mrs. Jarvis - The model for Mother's Day June "22nd" - Francis Lubbock, Governor of Texas September
"18th" - George MacDonald, Scottish author and poet and a Christian minister. October "13th" - Henry Irving , English actor.

February "11th" - Pope Pius X publishes the encyclical Vehementer nos. March "18th" - Traian Vuia flies first self-propelled
heavier than air aircraft October "11th" - San Francisco public school board sparks United States diplomatic crisis with Japan by
ordering Japanese students to be taught in racially segregated schools. November "9th" - US President Theodore Roosevelt leaves
for a trip to Panama to inspect the construction progress of the Panama Canal (this was the first time a sitting President of the
United States made an official trip outside of the United States).

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "9th" - Paul Laurence Dunbar, poet. February "27th" - Samuel Pierpont Langley, American astronomer, physicist and
aeronautics pioneer. March "13th" - Susan Brownell Anthony, civil rights and women's suffrage activist April "6th" - Alexander
Kielland, Norwegian author April "11th" - Francis Pharcellus Church, American editor and publisher May "14th" - Carl Schurz,
German revolutionist and American statesman, (* 1929)

March "18th" - Train robbery in Sweden (first and only as of 2004) March "22nd" - The first cabs with taxi meters began
operating in London. May "27th" - A Bubonic plague outbreak begins in San Francisco, California. December "19th" - Explosion
in coal mine in Jacobs Creek, Pennsylvania - 239 dead

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Peter J Savelberg, Dutch monastery founder May "19th" - Benjamin Baker, English engineer

January "11th" - Grand Canyon National Monument is created January "21st" - New York City passes a law, the Sullivan
Ordinance, making it illegal for women to smoke in public only to be vetoed by the mayor. February "1st" - King Carlos I of
Portugal and Crown Prince Luis shot in Lisbon February "18th" - Japanese immigration to USA forbidden April "7th" - Herbert
Henry Asquith takes office as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, from Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman April "14th" - In
Denmark, suffrage of every tax-paying citizen April "21st" - Friedrich A Cook's claimed date to have reached North Pole April
"27th" - The 1908 Summer Olympics open in London. July "6th" - Robert Peary sets sail for the Arctic North Pole. July "11th" -
Explosion of a ship Amalthea in the Malmö harbor in Sweden, housing 80 British strikebreakers. "1st" dead, 20 injured. July
"22nd" - Albert Fisher establishes the Fisher Body Company to manufacture carriage and automobile bodies.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "1st" - King Charles of Portugal April "22nd" - Henry Campbell-Bannerman, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
June "21st" - Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, composer (b. 1844) November "14th" 5-7 pm - Guangxu becomes Emperor of China
April "27th" - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdul Hamid II is overthrown and succeeded by his brother, Murat V. He leaves the
country the next day. June "22nd" - Construction begins on the Cape Cod Canal, which would separate Cape Cod from mainland
Massachusetts, United States. July "13th" - Gold discovered near Cochrane, Ontario. September "9th" - Comet Halley first
recorded on a photographic plate. November "11th" - US Navy founds a navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii November "13th" -
Ballinger-Pinchot scandal begins: Collier's magazine accuses US Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger of questionable
dealings in Alaskan coal fields. November "18th" - Two United States warships are sent to Nicaragua after 500 revolutionaries
(including two Americans) are executed by order of dictator Jose Santos Zelaya.

April "27th" - Sultan of the Ottoman Empire Abdul Hamid II is overthrown and succeeded by his brother, Murat V. He leaves the
country the next day. June "22nd" - Construction begins on the Cape Cod Canal, which would separate Cape Cod from mainland
Massachusetts, United States. September "9th" - Comet Halley first recorded on a photographic plate. November "11th" - US
Navy founds a navy base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii November "13th" - Ballinger-Pinchot scandal begins: Collier's magazine accuses
US Secretary of the Interior Richard Ballinger of questionable dealings in Alaskan coal fields. November "18th" - Two United
States warships are sent to Nicaragua after 500 revolutionaries (including two Americans) are executed by order of dictator Jose
Santos Zelaya.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

May "19th" - Isaac Albéniz, Spanish composer August "27th" - Emil Christian Hansen, Danish fermentation physiologist

March "3rd" - Rockefeller Foundation: J.D. Rockefeller Jr. announces his retirement from managing his businesses so that he
could devote full time to being a philanthropist. (what a lie!) May "6th" - George V becomes King of the United Kingdom upon
the death of his father, Edward VII. May "11th" - An act of the United States Congress establishes Glacier National Park in
Montana. June "22nd" - First flight of Zeppelin airship. August "22nd" - Japan annexes Korea. September "1st" - the Vatican
introduces a compulsory oath against modernism, to be taken by all priests upon ordination.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "27th" - Thomas Crapper, inventor May "6th" - King Edward VII of the United Kingdom May "18th" - Pauline
Garcia-Viardot, singer/composer May "27th" - Heinrich Hermann Robert Koch, German bacteriologist July "19th" - Johann
Gottfried Galle, German astronomer

January "3rd" - In London, a shootout between Russian anarchists and the Scots Guard June 22- Coronation of George V of the
United Kingdom and Mary of Teck at Westminster Abbey, London. August "22nd" - Theft of Mona Lisa discovered in Louvre (
Vincenzo Peruggia is captured and the painting returned 1913 ) September "7th" - French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested
and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. He is later released. November "3rd" - Chevrolet
officially enters the automobile market to compete with the Ford Model T. December "11th" - Coronation in New Delhi of George
V of the United Kingdom and Mary of Teck as Emperor of India and Empress consort respectively

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Albert von Rothschild, Austrian baron and banker. March "1st" - J. H. van 't Hoff, Dutch physical and organic
chemist, the winner of the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry (b. 1852) May "18th" - Gustav Mahler, composer May "21st" -
Williamina Fleming, astronomer (b. 1857) June "9th" - Carrie Nation, advocate of temperence movement October "14th" - John
Marshall Harlan, Supreme Court justice January "6th" - New Mexico is admitted as the 47th U.S. state. February "14th" -
Arizona is admitted as the 48th U.S. state. March "7th" - Roald Amundsen announces discovery of the South Pole March "7th" -
French aviator Henri Seimet makes the first non-stop flight from Paris to London in three hours May "13th" - In the United
Kingdom, the Royal Flying Corps (forerunner of the Royal Air Force) in established. November "11th" - Khios declares its
independence from the Ottoman Empire November "27th" - Spain declares a protectorate over the north shore of Morocco.
December "3rd" - First Balkan War ends - Bulgaria, Greece, Montenegro, and Serbia (the Balkan League) sign an armistice with
Turkey, ending the two-month long war.

February "1st" - New York City's Grand Central Station opens as the world's largest train station. February "3rd" - The 16th
Amendment to the United States Constitution is not ratified but still passes authorizing the Federal government to impose and
collect income tax. February "3rd" - Trial of the remnants of the Bonnot gang begins March "13th" - Assassination of Francisco
Madero, president of Mexico March "18th" - George I of Greece is assassinated. July "3rd" - Commemeration of the 50th
anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg draws thousands of United States Civil War veterans and their families to Gettysburg,
Pennsylvania November "6th" - Mohandas Gandhi is arrested while leading a march of Indian miners in South Africa.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1st" - Alfred von Schlieffen, German field marshal March "22nd" - Sung Chiao-jen, a founder of KMT July "3rd" -
Horatio Nelson Young, American naval hero

February "13th" - Copyright: In New York City the ASCAP (for American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) is
established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members. March "27th" - Belgian surgeon A. Hustin makes the
first successful blood transfusion using anticoagulants. April "21st" - 3000 US marines land in Vera Cruz, Mexico July "18th" -
Within the United States Army the Signal Corps is formed giving definite status to its air service for the first time August "1st" -
Germany declares war on Russia following latter's military mobilization in support of Serbia August "3rd" - Germany declares war
on Russia's ally France September "1st" - St. Petersburg, Russia changes its name to Petrograd September "6th" - French and
British counterattack at Marne ends German advance on Paris October "9th" - World War I: Siege of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
falls to German troops November "1st" - World War I: Battle of Coronel fought - A Royal Navy squadron commanded by
Rear-Admiral Sir Christopher Cradock is met and defeated by the superior German forces led by Vice-Admiral Graf Maximilian
von Spee. This is the first British naval defeat of the war.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

March "6th" - George Washington Vanderbilt, businessman June "21st" - Bertha von Suttner, winner of 1905 Nobel Peace Prize
(b. 1843) July "3rd" - Joseph Chamberlain, British politician September "3rd" - Albéric Magnard, composer

January "19th" - George Claude patents the neon discharge tube for use in advertising. January "19th" - German zeppelins bomb
the cities of Great Yarmouth and King's Lynn in the United Kingdom for the first time, killing more than 20. January "21st" -
Kiwanis International is founded in Detroit, Michigan. January "27th" - United States Marines occupy Haiti. March "3rd" -
NACA, the predecessor of NASA, is founded. March "14th" - Britain, France and Russia agree to give Constantinople and the
Bosporus to Russia in case of victory (the treaty is later nullified by the Bolshevik revolution) March "18th" - World War I:
British attack on the Dardanelles fails. March "19th" - Pluto is photographed for the first time but was not recognized as a planet.
April "22nd" - World War I: Second Battle of Ypres - German troops introduce poison gas at Ypres, Belgium. May "7th" - World
War I: The RMS Lusitania is sunk by a German U-boat killing 1,198. May "9th" - World War I: Second Battle of Artois -
German and French forces fight. May "22nd" - Quintinshill railway disaster, Scotland, UK. 200 killed. June "9th" - U.S.
Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan resigns over a disagreement regarding his nation's handling of the RMS Lusitania
sinking. August "6th" - World War I: Battle of Sari Bair begins - The Allies mount a diversionary attack timed to coincide with a
major Allied landing of reinforcements at Suvla Bay. September "6th" - The first prototype tank is tested for the British Army for
the first time.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

September "9th" - Albert Spalding, baseball player and sporting goods manufacturer

February "3rd" - Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Canada are burned down. February "11th" - Emma Goldman is arrested for
lecturing on birth control. February "11th" - Baltimore Symphony Orchestra presents its 1st concert February "21st" - World War
I: In France the Battle of Verdun begins. March "1st" - Liberal British Columbia Premier Harlan Carey Brewster term in office
ends. March "6th" - Sydney conservatorium of music in Australia accepts first students. March "9th" - Pancho Villa leads 1,500
Mexican raiders in an attack against Columbus, New Mexico, killing 17. March "19th" - First United States air combat mission
in history as eight US planes take off in pursuit of Pancho Villa. March "22nd" - Marriage of Edith Bratt and John Ronald Reuel
Tolkien. They would serve as the inspiration for the fictional characters Lúthien and Beren. July "1st" - November 18: More than
"1st" million soldiers die during The Battle of the Somme including 60,000 soldiers from the British Commonwealth on the first
day. The United States is still unwilling to join in the war with Britain, Canada, Australia and the other commonwealth
countries. July "22nd" - In San Francisco, California, a bomb explodes on Market Street during a Preparedness Day parade killing
10 injuring 40. (Warren Billings and Tom Mooney are later wrongly convicted of it) November "7th" - Jeannette Rankin of
Montana becomes the first woman elected to the United States House of Representatives. November "22nd" - Jack London,
American novelist, dies at the age of 40.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "6th" - Rubén Darío, writer February "19th" - Ernst Mach, physicist and philosopher May "3rd" - Padraig Pearse, Irish
nationalist May "11th" - Max Reger, composer June "6th" - Yuan Shikai, Chinese military official and politician May "13th" -
Sholom Aleichem, author October "7th" - James Whitcomb Riley, poet November "13th" - Lanoe Hawker, British fighter pilot.
November "22nd" - Jack London, author

January "22nd" - President Woodrow Wilson calls for "peace without victory" in Europe. February "3rd" - World War I: The
United States breaks off diplomatic relations with Germany March "21st" - The Danish West Indies become the Virgin Islands
when Denmark transfers control over the islands to the United States after the purchase of the islands on January 25. April "6th" -
World War I: United States declares war on Germany. April "9th" - 12 - World War I: Canadians win the Battle of Vimy Ridge.
April "11th" - World War I: Brazil severs relations with Germany. May "13th" - Three peasant children claim to see the Virgin
Mary above a holm oak tree in Cova da Iria near Fatima, Portugal. May "18th" - World War I: The Selective Service Act passes
the United States Congress giving the President the power to draft soldiers. July "6th" - Arabian troops led by T.E. Lawrence
capture Aqaba from the Turks. July "7th" - Aleksandr Kerensky forms the Provisional Government in Russia after the deposing of
the tsar. October "19th" - Love Field in Dallas, Texas is opened. November "6th" - World War I: Third Battle of Ypres ends:
After three months of fierce fighting, Canadian forces take Ypres in Belgium. November "7th" - Russian Revolution begins: In
Russia, Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin leads his leftist revolutionaries in a nearly bloodless coup d'état against the ineffective
Kerensky Provisional Government (Russia was still using the Julian Calendar at the time, so period references show a October 25
date). December "3rd" - After nearly 20 years of planning and construction, the Quebec Bridge opens to traffic (the bridge partially
collapsed on August 29, 1907 and September 11, 1916). December "6th" - Finland's declaration of independence. December "6th"
- Halifax explosion: Freighters Imro and Mont Blanc collide in 8.30 in the harbour at Halifax, Nova Scotia and cause a huge
explosion that officially kills at least 1963 people, injures 9000 and destroys part of the city. Until Hiroshima, this was the
biggest manmade explosion.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

July "27th" - Emil Kocher, medical researcher (b. 1841) September "27th" - Edgar Degas, painter October "13th" - Florence La
Badie, pioneer actress February "3rd" - The Twin Peaks Tunnel begins service in San Francisco as the longest streetcar tunnel in
the world (11,920 feet long). February "1st" - Russia adopts the Gregorian Calendar. March "1st" - German submarine
Unterseeboot "19th" (U-19) sinks HMS Calgarian off Rathlin Island March "3rd" - World War I: Germany, Austria and Bolshevist
Russia sign the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ending Russia's involvement in the war. March "6th" - Finnish Air Force founded. The
blue swastika is adopted as its symbol as a tribute to the Swedish explorer and aviator Eric von Rosen who donated the first
plane. Von Rosen had painted the buddhist symbol on the plane as his personal lucky insignia. March "7th" - World War I:
Finland forms an alliance with Germany. March "19th" - The United States Congress establishes time zones and approves
daylight saving time (DST went into effect on March 31). March "21st" - World War I: Second Battle of the Somme begins June
"1st" - World War I: Battle for Belleau Wood begins. July "9th" - Great Train Wreck of 1918: In Nashville, Tennessee, an
inbound local train collides with an outbound express killing 101. March 11th, the first known case of Spanish Flu that kileld
40+ million people.

Special Note:
In the February "6th" 2004 edition of Science magazine it was reported that two teams of researchers, one led by Sir John Skehel,
director of the National Institute for Medical Research in London and another by Professor Ian Wilson of the Scripps Research
Institute in San Diego had managed to synthesise the haemagglutinin protein responsible for the 1918 outbreak of Spanish Flu by
piecing together DNA procured from a lung sample taken from the body of an Inuit woman buried in the Alaskan tundra and a
number of preserved samples taken from American soldiers of the First World War. This is the killer virus that they have been
hoping to perfect to reduce the world's population by more than half.

November "3rd" - World War I: Austria-Hungary enters an armistice with the Allies. November "3rd" - Poland declares its
independence from Russia. November "6th" - A new Polish government is proclaimed in Lublin. November "9th" - Kaiser
Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates and chooses to live in exile in the Netherlands. November "9th" - Provisional National Council
Minister-President Kurt Eisner declares Bavaria to be a republic. November "11th" - World War I ends: Germany signs an
armistice agreement with the Allies in a railroad car outside of Compiègne in France. November "11th" - Poland's Jozef Pilsudski
is offered the position of head of state by all existing governments. Independence Day. November "11th" - Emperor Charles I of
Austria abdicates. November "18th" - Latvia declares its independence from Russia. November "22nd" - Spartacist League founds
German Communist Party

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "9th" - Émile Reynaud, French science teacher, responsible for the first animation films. February "6th" - Gustav Klimt,
Austrian painter March "27th" - Henry Adams, American historian July "3rd" - Sultan Mehmed V of the Ottoman Empire August
"18th" - Henry Norwest, one of the most famous snipers of World War I November "19th" - Joseph Fielding Smith, president of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (b. 1838)

January "9th" - Spartacus revolutionary council folds - Friedrich Ebert orders Freikorps into action January "11th" - Romania
annexes Transylvania. January "13th" - Worker’s councils in Berlin end the general strike - Spartacus week is over January "18th"
- World War I: A peace conference opens in Versailles, France. January "18th" - Bentley Motors is founded. January "21st" - the
First Dáil Éireann meets in the Mansion House in Dublin. It is from this meeting that the Irish state dates its existence. February
"1st" - The first Miss America is crowned (New York City). February "3rd" - Soviet troops occupy the Ukraine. February "11th" -
Friedrich Ebert (SPD), is elected President of Germany. February "14th" - Polish-Soviet War begins April "6th-7th" - Communist
People’s Republic of Munich founded. April "13th" - At the Amritsar Massacre, British and Gurkha troops massacre 379 Indians.
April "14th" - Emperor of Austria moves to exile in Switzerland. May "3rd" - People's Republic of Munich is crushed. August
"11th" - In Germany, the Weimar Constitution is passed into law. August "19th" - Afghanistan gains independence from the
United Kingdom. September "27th" - Last British troops leave Archangel, Russia and leave fighting to the Russians. October
"13th" - Convention relating to the Regulation of Aerial Navigation signed.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "6th" - Theodore Roosevelt. January "18th" - His Royal Highness The Prince John, son of George V and Queen Mary
August "9th" - Ruggiero Leoncavallo, composer October "18th" - Viscount William Astor, British financier and statesman
December "3rd" - Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a French painter.

January "7th" - Forces of Russian White The White movement, whose military arm is known as the White Army surrender in
Krasnoyarsk. January "9th" - Britain announces it will build 100,000 homes for war veterans. January 10 (1+10="11") - League of
Nations holds its first meeting and ratifies the Treaty of Versailles ending World War I. January "19th" - The United States Senate
votes against joining the League of Nations. February "1st" - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police begin operations. February
"9th" - League of Nations gives Spitzbergen to Norway. March "19th" - US Congress refuses to ratify Versailles Treaty. April
"6th" - French troops occupy Frankfurt. April "19th" - Germany and Bolshevist Russia agree to the exchange of prisoners of war.
May "7th" - Polish-Soviet War: Polish troops occupy Kyiv. Ukrainian government returns to the city. May "27th" - Thomas
Masaryk becomes president of Czechoslovakia. June "22nd" - Greece attacks Turkish troops. July "13th" - London County
Council bars foreigners from council jobs. July "14th" - France declares that Faisal I of Syria is deposed and occupies Damascus
and Aleppo July "22nd" - Polish-Soviet War: Poland sues for peace with Bolshevist Russia. August "11th" - Bolshevik Russia
recognizes independent Estonia and Latvia. August "13th" - Polish-Soviet War: The Red Army is defeated in the Battle of
Warsaw. November "11th" - Unknown Soldier buried in Westminster Abbey. November "21st" - Bloody Sunday - British forces
open fire on spectators and players during a Football match in Dublin's Croke Park, following the assassinations of 12 British
agents. December "11th" - Martial law in Ireland.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "7th" - Edmund Barton, first Prime Minister of Australia. January "7th" - Kolcak, Russian White general (executed)
March "11th" - Julio Garavito Armero, Colombian astronomer (b. 1865) May "9th" - Susan Agnes Bernard-Macdonald, First
Lady of Canada May "11th" - William Dean Howells, writer (b. 1837) July "22nd" - William Kissam Vanderbilt, railway magnate

March "13th" - Mongolia declares its independence from China March "18th" - The second Peace of Riga between Poland and
Soviet Union ending Polish-Soviet war. Despite the recent Polish successes, Soviets annex Ukraine and Belarus. April "11th" -
The Emirate of Transjordan is created. May "19th" - The Emergency Quota Act passes the United States Congress establishing
national quotas on immigration. July "11th" - The Irish War of Independence comes to an end when a truce is signed between the
British Government and the Irish forces. July "18th" - The first BCG vaccination against tuberculosis July "22nd" - Irish Truce
declared in Britain July "27th" - Researchers at the University of Toronto led by biochemist Frederick Banting announce the
discovery of the hormone insulin. September "1st" - Poplar Strike in London - "9th" members of Poplar borough council are
arrested September "7th" - In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant is held. September "21st" - Chemical
plant explodes in Ludwigshafen, Germany - 535-561 dead. October "21st" - Peace conference between Irish and United Kingdom
begins in London November "9th" - Riots in Reykjavík - most of the small police force is injured November "11th" - During an
Armistice Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, the Tomb of the Unknowns is dedicated by US President Warren G.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

September "11th" - Subramanya Bharathy, Tamil Indian poet (b. 1882)

January "7th" - Dáli Éireann ratifies the Anglo-Irish Treaty by 64-57 votes. January "11th" - First successful insulin treatment of
diabetes. January "13th" - Flu epidemic has claimed 804 victims in Britain January "21st" - Irish parliament accept the treaty of
the Irish Free state February "6th" - Achille Ratti becomes Pope Pius XI. February "14th" - Ernst Tandefelt assassinates Finnish
interior minister Heikki Ritavuori February "27th" - A challenge to the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution,
allowing women the right to vote, is rebuffed by the Supreme Court of the United States. March "11th" - Mohandas Gandhi
arrested in Bombay for sedition. March "18th" - In India, Mohandas Gandhi is sentenced to six years in prison for sedition. He
would serve only 2 years. April "7th" - Teapot Dome scandal: United States Secretary of the Interior leases Teapot Dome oil
reserves in Wyoming. April "7th" - First air collision between Daimler Airways DH "18th" ja Grands Express Farman Goliat
collide over Poix. June "22nd" - IRA agents assassinated British field marshal Henry Wilson in Belgravia - assassins are
sentenced to death July "18th" October "9th" - Sir William Horwood, London metropolitan police commissioner is poisoned by
arsenic-filled chocolates. November "19th" - Abdul Mejid II, Crown Prince of the Ottoman Empire is elected Caliph. November
"21st" - Rebecca Felton of Georgia takes the oath of office, becoming the first woman United States Senator. December "14th" -
Assassination of Gabriel Narutowicz, the president of Poland

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "22nd" - Pope Benedict XV February "11th" - Gerardus J. P. Bolland, Dutch philosopher. May "19th" - Son, Byong-Hi,
one of the leaders of the Samil, or March 1st Movement in Korea June "6th" - Lillian Russell, singer, vaudeville star June "18th"
- Jacobus Kapteyn, Dutch astronomer August "22nd" - Michael Collins assassinated.

January "11th" - Troops from France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr area to force Germany to pay its reparation payments. March
"9th" - Vladimir Lenin suffers a stroke, his third, which renders him bedridden and unable to speak; consequently he retires his
position as Chairman of the Soviet government. May "27th" - KKK defies law requiring publication of its members June "9th" -
Military coup in Bulgaria - prime minister Alexander Stambulisk is ousted (he is killed June 14) July "6th" - Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics (USSR) established August "13th" - First major sea-going ship arrives at Gdynia, newly constructed Polish
seaport August "13th" - Gustav Stresemann is named chancellor and founds a coalition government in Weimar Republic Germany
September "6th" - Italian navy occupies Corfu in retaliation of murder of an Italian officer. League of Nations protests and they
leave September 29. September "13th" - Military coup in Spain - Miguel Primo de Rivera takes over. December "27th" -
Assassination attempt against the crown prince of Japan in Tokyo
Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:
March "27th" - Sir James Dewar, chemist June "9th" - Princess Helena of the United Kingdom, third daughter of Queen Victoria,
aunt of King George V December "13th" - Théophile Steinlen, Swiss/French painter

January "7th" - Great fire in London harbour January "21st" - Vladimir Lenin dies and Joseph Stalin begins to purge his rivals to
clear way for his leadership. January "22nd" - Ramsay MacDonald becomes the first Labour Prime Minister. January "27th" -
Lenin is buried in a mausoleum in the Red Square. February "22nd" - Calvin Coolidge becomes the first President of the United
States to deliver a radio broadcast from the White House. March "3rd" - Caliph Abdul Mejid II of the Ottoman Empire is
deposed. The last remnant of the old regime gives way to the reformed Turkey of President Kemal Atatürk. March "9th" - Italy
annexes Fiume April "6th" - Fascists win elections in Italy with 2/3 majority. April "13th" - Referendum in Greece favors the
formation of Hellenic Republic. April "27th" - Group of Alawites kill some Christian nuns in Syria - French troops march against
them. May "3rd" - The Aleph Zadik Aleph, the oldest Jewish youth fraternity, founded. May "21st" - University of Chicago
students Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, Jr. murder 14-year-old Bobby Franks in a "thrill killing." August "18th" - France
begins to withdraw its troops from Germany. September "9th" - 8-hour work day in Belgium October "19th" - Abdul Azis
declares himself protector of holy places in Mecca. October "22nd" - Toastmasters is founded. November "19th" - In Los Angeles,
California, famous silent film director Thomas Ince ("The Father of the Western") dies, reportedly of a heart attack, in his bed
(rumors soon surface that he was shot dead by publishing tycoon William Randolph Hearst). November "27th" - In the New York
City the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

May "22nd" - Bobby Franks - murder victim June "11th" - Théodore Dubois, composer and teacher July "27th" - Ferruccio
Busoni, pianist and composer August "3rd" - Joseph Conrad - Polish born author December "7th" - Gene Stratton-Porter - author

January "3rd" - Benito Mussolini announces he is taking dictatorial powers over Italy. January "21st" - Albania declares itself a
republic February "1st" - Ahmet Zogu becomes president of Albania February "21st" - The New Yorker publishes its first issue.
March "13th" - Scopes Trial: A law in Tennessee prohibits the teaching of evolution. March "18th" - The Tri-State Tornado raked
through Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana and killed 695 people. March "18th" - Two floors of the Madame Tussaud's waxworks in
London are destroyed by fire May "18th" - Trade Union Congress in Britain declares Zinoviev letter a fake June "6th" - The
Chrysler Corporation is founded by Walter Percy Chrysler. June "13th" - Charles Francis Jenkins achieves the first synchronized
transmission of pictures and sound, using 48 lines, and a mechanical system. A 10-minute film of a miniature windmill in
motion is sent across 5 miles from Anacostia to Washington, DC. The images were viewed by representatives of the Bureau of
Standards, the U.S. Navy, the Commerce Department, and others. Jenkins called this "the first public demonstration of
radiovision". July "18th" - Adolf Hitler publishes his personal manifesto Mein Kampf. July "21st" - Scopes Trial: In Dayton,
Tennessee, high school biology teacher John T. Scopes is found guilty of teaching evolution in class and fined $100.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

May "3rd" - Clément Ader - french engineer and inventor

February "9th" - Flooding on London suburbs March "6th" - The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon is
destroyed by fire April "7th" - Failed assassination attempt against Mussolini April "21st" - Princess Elizabeth born in London
May "3rd" - General strike begins in support of the coal strike May "9th" - Martial law in Britain because of the general strike
May "9th" - French navy bombards Damascus because of Druze riots May "9th" - Admiral Richard E. Byrd and Floyd Bennett
claim to have flown over the North Pole (later discovery of his diary seems to indicate that this did not happen). May "18th" -
Evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson disappears while visiting a Venice, California beach. July "9th" - New military coup in
Portugal, now by general Antonio Carmona August "18th" - British miner's union begins negotiations with the government
September "11th" - Spain leaves the League of Nations September "11th" - Aloha Tower is officially dedicated at Honolulu
Harbor in the Territory of Hawai'i November "27th" - Vesuvius erupts November "27th" - In Williamsburg, Virginia, the
restoration of Colonial Williamsburg begins. December "3rd" - Agatha Christie disappears from her home in Surrey; on December
"14th" she is found in Harrogate hotel

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

August "22nd" - Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard University (b. 1834)

January "7th" - First transatlantic telephone call - New York City to London January "9th" - Military rebellion crushed in Lisbon
January "14th" - Paul Doumer elected president of France January "19th" - Britain sends troops to China February 12 - First
British troops lad on Shanghai February "14th" - Earthquake in Yugoslavia - 700 dead February "19th" - General strike in
Shanghai in protest of the presence of the British troops March "6th" - In Britain, a 1000 people a week die from influenza
epidemic March "11th" - In New York City, the Roxy Theatre is opened by Samuel Roxy Rothafel. April "7th" - Bell Telephone
Co. transmits an image of Commerce Secretary Hoover which becomes the first successful long distance demonstration of
television. April "18th" - Nanking government of China, Kuomintang April "21st" - Banking crisis in Japan. April "22nd" - May
5 - The Great Mississippi Flood affects 700,000 people in the greatest national disaster in US history. May "7th" - Civil war ends
in Nicaragua May "9th" - The Australian Parliament first convenes in Canberra. May "11th" - The Academy of Motion Picture
Arts and Sciences, the "Academy" in "Academy Awards," is founded. May "13th" - George V proclaims the change of his style
from King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to King of Great Britain and Ireland. May "27th" - Ford Motor
Company ceases manufacturing Ford Model Ts and begins to retool plants to make Ford Model As. June "7th" - Voikov, Soviet
ambassador to Warsaw, assassinated. June "9th" - Soviet Union executes 20 British for alleged espionage. June "13th" - Leon
Daudet, leader of French monarchists, is arrested in France June "13th" - A ticker-tape parade is held for aviator Charles Lindbergh
down 5th Avenue in New York City. August "7th" - Peace Bridge opens between Fort Erie, Ontario and Buffalo, New York.
August "22nd" - In Hyde Park, London, 200 people demonstrate against the sentence of Sacco and Vanzetti

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Former Empress Carlota of Mexico. March "27th" - Joe Start, baseball player June "9th" - Victoria Woodhull,
feminist, suffragette. June "14th" - Jerome K. Jerome, writer.

February "11th" - 1928 Winter Olympic Games open in St. Moritz, Switzerland March "21st" - Charles Lindbergh is presented
the Congressional Medal of Honor for his first trans-Atlantic flight. November "6th" - Swedes start a tradition of eating Gustavus
Adolphus pastries to commemorate the king. November "6th" - U.S. presidential election, 1928: Republican Herbert Hoover wins
by a wide margin over Democrat Alfred E. Smith. January "6th" - Alvin Kraenzlein, American athlete January "11th" - Thomas
Hardy, writer October "22nd" - Andrew Fisher, fifth Prime Minister of Australia

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1st" - Loie Fuller, dancer January "6th" - Alvin Kraenzlein, American athlete January "11th" - Thomas Hardy, writer
February "1st" - Hughie Jennings, Baseball Hall of Famer (b. 1869) October "22nd" - Andrew Fisher, fifth Prime Minister of

January "9th" - The Seeing Eye is established with the mission to train dogs to assist the blind (Nashville, Tennessee). January
"18th" - Lev Trotsky expelled from Soviet Union; he moves to Turkey January 29 and applies for sanctuary in France and
Germany February "11th" - Italy and the Vatican sign the Lateran Treaty February "11th" - Eugene O'Neill's "Dynamo" premieres
in New York February "18th" - First Academy Awards are announced March "3rd" - Revolt attempt of Jesus Aguirre fails in
May "13th" - National Crime Syndicate founded in Atlantic City. June "7th" - In Britain Tories concede power rather than risk
courting Liberals for fragile majority August "19th" - The radio comedy show Amos and Andy makes its debut starring Freeman
Gosden and Charles Correll. September "7th" - Steamboat Kuru sinks in Näsijärvi, Tampere, Finland - 136 drowned October
"11th" - JC Penney opens Store #1252 in Milford, Delaware, making it a nationwide company with stores in all 48 states.
October "22nd" - Government of Aristide Briand falls in France November "7th" - In New York City, the Museum of Modern Art
opens to the public. December "3rd" - Great Depression: US President Herbert Hoover announces to Congress that the worst
effects of the recent stock market crash are behind the nation and the American people have regained faith in the economy.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "13th" - Wyatt Earp, Western legend March "6th" - David Buick, automobile pioneer June "11th" - William Dickson
Boyce,founder of the Boy Scouts of America August "3rd" - Thorstein Veblen, economist August "3rd" - Emil Berliner, inventor
August "27th" - Herman Potocnik Noordung, Slovene pioneer of astronautics and cosmonautics

January "27th" - Miguel Primo de Rivera resigns February "18th" - While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde
Tombaugh discovers Pluto February "18th" - Elm Farm Ollie becomes the first cow to fly in an airplane and also the first cow to
be milked in an airplane. March "6th" - First frozen food products in USA April "6th" - Hostess Twinkies are invented. April
"21st" - Fire in Ohio State Penitentiary near Columbus kills 320 April "22nd" - The United Kingdom, Japan and the United
States sign the London Naval Treaty regulating submarine warfare and limiting shipbuilding. June "9th" - Chicago Tribune
journalist Alfred Liddle is shot in Chigaco, Illinois, USA. Newspapers promise $55,000 reward for information. Liddle is later
found to have had contacts to organized crime June "21st" - One-year conscription comes into force in France July "7th" -
Building of the Boulder Dam (now known as Hoover Dam) is started. August "7th" - Richard Bedford Bennett becomes Canada's
eleventh prime minister. August "27th" - Military junta takes over in Peru November 2 - Haile Selassie is crowned emperor of
Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:
February "27th" - Ahmad Shah Qajar , former Persian Shah of the Qajar dynasty March "19th" - Arthur James Balfour, Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom. May "13th" - Fridtjof Nansen, explorer July "7th" - Arthur Conan Doyle, British author and
creator of Sherlock Holmes. December "9th" - Andrew "Rube" Foster, pioneer of Negro League baseball December "9th" - Laura
Muntz Lyall, Canadian impressionist painter

January "6th" - Thomas Edison submits his last patent application. January "22nd" - Sir Isaac Isaacs sworn in as the first
Australian-born Governor-General of Australia. January "27th" - Pierre Laval forms a government in France. March "3rd" - "The
Star-Spangled Banner" is adopted as the United States National anthem. March "7th" - New House of Representatives opened in
Helsinki, Finland April "6th" - Portuguese government declares martial law in Madeira and in the Azores because of an attempted
military takeover in Funchal. April "9th" - Execution of Argentinean anarchist Severino Digiovanni. April "22nd" - Austria,
Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Sweden and USA recognize Spanish republic. May "13th" - Paul Doumer elected president of
France September "18th" - Mukden Incident. After that, Japan occupied Manchuria. September "18th" - Geli Raubal is found
shot dead in Hitler's apartment

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Charles Algernon Parsons, British inventor of the steam turbine. March "7th" - Akseli Gallén-Kallela, Finnish
painter. March "11th" - F.W. Murnau, director. August "6th" - Bix Beiderbecke, jazz trumpeter (b. 1903) August "27th" - Frank
Harris, author and editor October "13th" - Ernst Didring, swedish writer

January "3rd" - British arrest and intern Mohandas Gandhi. February "2nd"(2/2) - General convention of disarmament begins in
Geneva. February "2nd"("2/2") - League of Nations again recommends negotiations between the Republic of China and Japan.
February "11th" - Pope Pius XI meets Benito Mussolini in the Vatican City. February "27th" - Adolf Hitler gains the citizenship
of Germany prior to elections. March "9th" - Eamon de Valera is elected President of the Executive Council. It is the first change
of government in the Irish Free State in 10 years. March "18th" - Peace negotiations between China and Japan begin. April "6th" -
U.S. president Herbert Hoover supports armament limitations. April "19th" - German art dealer Otto Wacker is sentenced for "19"
months for selling fraudulent paintings of Vincent van Gogh. May "6th" - Paul Gordulof assassinates French president Paul
Doumer in Paris - Doumer dies the next day. May "13th" - The Premier of New South Wales, Jack Lang, is dismissed by the
State Governor, Sir Phillip Game. May "18th" - Assassination of Japanese prime minister Tsuyoshi Inukai. June "6th" - The
Revenue Act of 1932 is enacted, creating the first gas tax in the United States (1 cent per gallon sold). June "14th" - Bans against
SS and SA overturned in Germany. July "7th" - French submarine Sromethee sinks off Cherbourg - "66(6x11)" dead. August
"6th" - First Venice Film Festival. September "9th" - The Generalitat reinstaurated, Catalonia regains political autonomy inside
the 2nd Spanish Republic from September 25. October "19th" - Wedding of Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden and Princess Sibylla
of Sachse-Coburg. November "7th" - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century airs on radio for the first time. November "9th" - Riots
between conservative and socialist supporters in Switzerland - 12 dead, 60 injured. November "19th" - Second wife of Josef Stalin
is found dead in her home. November "21st" - German president Hindenburg begins negotiations with Adolf Hitler about the
formation of a new government. December "3rd" - Hindenburg names Kurt von Schleicher as a German chancellor

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Giles Lytton Strachey British writer and biographer (b. 1880) March "7th" - Aristide Briand, diplomat, winner of
the Nobel Peace Prize (1928) May "7th" - Paul Doumer, French president (assassinated) November "9th" - Nadezhda
Alliluyeva-Stalin, second wife of Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin

January "3rd" - Japanese troops occupy Shanghai. February "6th" - The 20th Amendment to the United States Constitution goes
into effect. February "27th" - Germany's parliament building in Berlin, the Reichstag, is set on fire (see: Reichstag fire). March
"1st" - Kyriakos Varvaressos becomes Deputy Governor to the Bank of Greece. March "3rd" - Mount Rushmore is dedicated.
March "9th" - Great Depression: The United States Congress begins its first 100 days of enacting New Deal legislation. March
"27th" - Japan leaves the League of Nations. April "27th" - Stahlhelm organizations joins the Nazi party. May "18th" - New Deal:
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt signs an act creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. May "27th" - New Deal: The Federal
Securities Act is signed into law requiring the registration of securities with the Federal Trade Commission. May "27th" - The
Century of Progress world's fair opens in Chicago, Illinois. June "21st" - All non-Nazi parties forbidden in Germany. September
"3rd" - Alejandro Leroux forms a new government in Spain.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

March "6th" - Anton Cermak, mayor of Chicago, Illinois, wounded weeks earlier by an assassin's bullet intended for Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, dies of his injuries
February "9th" - Gaston Boumerque forms a new government in France. April "6th" - Rudyard Kipling and William Butler Yeats
are awarded the Gothenburg Prize for Poetry. April "19th" - Surgeon R.K. Wilson allegedly takes a photograph of the Loch Ness
Monster. June "6th" - New Deal: U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Securities Exchange Act into law, establishing
the Securities and Exchange Commission. June "27th" - Emir of Yemen and ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia form a peace treaty. July
"19th" - Francisco Sá Carneiro, Prime Minister of Portugal (1980; died in office). July "22nd" - Outside Chicago, Illinois's
Biograph Theatre, "Public Enemy No. 1" John Dillinger is mortally wounded by FBI agents. August "19th" - Adolf Hitler
becomes Führer of Germany, becoming head of state as well as Chancellor. September "19th" - Soviet Union joins the League of
Nations November "27th" - A running gun battle between FBI agents and bank robber Baby Face Nelson results in the death of
one FBI agent and the mortal wounding of special agent Sam Cowley, who is still able to mortally shoot Nelson. October "9th" -
King Alexander of Yugoslavia and French foreign minister Louis Barthou are assassinated during the king's state visit in
Marseilles. December "1st" - In the Soviet Union, Politburo member Sergei Kirov is shot dead at the Communist Party
headquarters in Leningrad by Leonid Nikolayev (it is widely thought that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered this murder).
December "18th" - Low-key fascist conference in Moreaux December "27th" - Persia becomes Iran

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

July "22nd" - John Dillinger, revered American criminal. December "1st" - Sergei Kirov, Soviet leader

January "1st" - Italian colonizes Tripoli. January "7th" - World War II: Italian premier Benito Mussolini and French foreign
minister Pierre Laval conclude agreement in which each power undertakes not to oppose the other's colonial claims. January "7th"
- In the case Panama Refining Co. v. Ryan, the Supreme Court of the United States invalidates "hot oil" petroleum supply
restriction orders adopted under the National Industrial Recovery Act. January "13th" - A plebiscite in Saarland shows that 90.3%
of those voting wish to join Nazi Germany. February "13th" - A jury in Flemington, New Jersey finds Bruno Richard Hauptmann
guilty of the kidnapping and murder of Charles Lindbergh's baby boy. March "1st" - Jamil al-Midfai becomes Prime minister of
Iraq for the second time. March "21st" - Persia is renamed Iran. May "27th" - New Deal: In the case A.L.A. Schechter Poultry
Corp. v. United States, Supreme Court of the United States declares the National Industrial Recovery Act to be unconstitutional.
June "9th" - Ho-Umezu Agreement: China's Kuomintang government concedes Japanese military control of north-eastern China.
June "9th" - Ho-Umezu Agreement: China's Kuomintang government concedes Japanese military control of north-eastern China.
June "18th" - Anglo-German Naval Agreement: Britain agrees to a German navy equal to 35% of her own naval tonnage. July
"27th" - Federal Writers' Project established in the United States September 8th - Carl Weiss shoot fatally US Senator from
Louisiana, Huey Long, nicknamed "Kingfish", in the Louisiana capitol building. (this was an important illuminati event
nonetheless as they despised the truth telling Huey Long). November "3rd" - George II of Greece regains his throne. November
"6th" - Before the New York section of the Institute of Radio Engineers, Edwin Armstrong presents his paper "A Method of
Reducing Disturbances in Radio Signaling by a System of Frequency Modulation" (see: FM radio). November "22nd" - The
China Clipper takes off from Alameda, California in an attempt to deliver the first airmail cargo across the Pacific Ocean (the
airplane later reached its destination, Manila, and delivered over "11"0,000 pieces of mail). December "9th" - Hoare-Laval Pact
between Britain and France proposes Ethiopian territorial cessions to Italy. December "13th" - Tomás Masaryk, president of
Czechoslovakia, retires. December "18th" - Samuel Hoare resigns as British foreign secretary; replaced by Anthony Eden.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

March "6th" - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Supreme Court justice (b. 1841) March "22nd" - Aleksander Moisiu, Albanian stage
actor May "18th" - T. E. Lawrence, soldier ("Lawrence of Arabia") May "21st" - Jane Addams, social worker December "21st" -
Kurt Tucholsky, German journalist and satirist

February "6th" - The 1936 Winter Olympic Games opens in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. February "19th" - Manuel Aznar's
government begins in Spain. March "6th" - Japan's ruling junta replaces anti-war prime minister Okada Keisuke with pro-war
foreign minister Hirota Koki. March "7th" - World War II: In violation of the Locarno Pact and the Treaty of Versailles, Germany
reoccupies the Rhineland. April "7th" - Cortes in Spain fires president Alcala Zamora. May "9th" - Italy formally annexes
Ethiopia after taking the capital Addis Ababa on May 5. May "18th" - Sada Abe, a Japanese former prostitute, causes the death of
her lover Kichizo Ishida from asphyxia while having sexual intercourse. She proceeds in contacting penis removal on the corpse.
She wanders the streets of Tokyo for three days with the severed penis placed in her kimono. May "21st" - The Japanese Police
apprehends Sada Abe for manslaughter. She is sentenced to six years in prison but she gains fame from the incident. She would
later become an actress. May "27th" - The first flight by the Irish airline Aer Lingus takes place. June "3rd" - Haile Selassie arrives
to London in exile. July "11th" - Triborough Bridge in New York City is opened to traffic. July "13th" - Murder of Spanish
monarchist Jose Calvo Sotelo. July "18th" - Troops of Francisco Franco land on Morocco and Barcelona - Spanish Civil War
begins. August "5th" - Military coup in Greece - Ioannis Metaxas takes power. November "3rd" - U.S. presidential election, 1936:
Franklin D. Roosevelt is reelected to a second term in a landslide victory over Alf Landon. November 23rd - The first edition of
Life is published. (an illuminati controlled publication today nonetheless) December "11th" - Abdication of King Edward VIII of
the United Kingdom leads to accession of King George VI of the United Kingdom.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Rudyard Kipling, British writer, February "19th" - Billy Mitchell, military aviation pioneer, June "11th" -
Robert E. Howard, American fantasy author; suicide

January "1st" Anastasio Somoza becomes President of Nicaragua List of Presidents of Nicaragua. March "18th" - A natural gas
explosion at a school in New London, Texas kills 298 (most are children). April "1st" - Aden becomes a British crown colony.
April "27st" - Golden Gate bridge opens for traffic. May "6th" - In United States, the German airship Hindenburg bursts into
flame when mooring to a mast in Lakehurst. May "7th" - Spanish Civil War: The German Condor Legion Fighter Group,
equipped with Heinkel He 51 biplanes arrive in Spain to assist Francisco Franco's forces. May "27th" - In California, the Golden
Gate Bridge opens to pedestrian traffic creating a vital link between San Francisco and Marin County. The next day, President
Franklin D. Roosevelt pushes a button in Washington, DC signaling the start of vehicle traffic over the Bridge. June 11 - Soviet
leader Stalin begins a purge of Red Army generals. June "21st" - Coalition government of Leon Blum resigns in France. July
"7th" - Sino-Japanese War: Battle of Lugou Bridge - Japanese forces invade China. July "21st" - Eamon de Valera elected
president of Eire. July "22th" - New Deal: The United States Senate votes down President Franklin D. Roosevelt's proposal to
add more justices to the Supreme Court of the United States. August "6th" - Falangist artillery bombards Madrid.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "6th" - Brother Andre, Canadian religious figure. February "11th" - Walter Burley Griffin, architect and town planner.
April "19th" - William Martin Conway, British art critic and mountaineer. June "19th" - J. M. Barrie, novelist and dramatist.
July "9th" - Oliver Law, first African American commander of American troops, killed in battle during the Spanish Civil War.
July "11th" - George Gershwin, American composer (b. 1898) August "11th" - Edith Wharton, American writer (b. 1862)

January "3rd" - The March of Dimes is established by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. January "11th" - Frances Moulton is the first
woman to become president of a US national bank. March "3rd" - Oil is discovered in Saudi Arabia. March "18th" - Mexico
nationalizes all foreign-owned oil properties within its borders. June "11th" - Fire destroys 212 buildings in Ludes, Latvia.
August "18th" - The Thousand Islands Bridge, connecting the United States with Canada, is dedicated by US President Franklin
D. Roosevelt. November "9th" - Holocaust: Kristallnacht begins - In Germany, the "night of broken glass" begins as Nazi troops
and sympathizers loot and burn Jewish businesses (the all night affair saw 7,500 Jewish businesses destroyed, 267 synagogues
burned, 91 Jews killed, and at least 25,000 Jewish men arrested). November "18th" - Trade union members elect John L. Lewis as
the first president of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. December "13th" - 100 deportees from Sachsenhausen built the
Neuengamme concentration camp near Hamburg.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Georges Méliès, French film director, allegedly the first. February "7th" - Harvey Firestone, manufacturer. March
"13th" - Nikolai Ivanovich Bukharin, Soviet politician and intellectual. March "13th" - Clarence Darrow, attorney. April "21st" -
Allama Iqbal, philosopher-poet. August "7th" - Konstantin Stanislavski, Russian stage actor. October "22nd" May Irwin, actress,
singer. November "11th" - Mary Mallon, Irish servant and cook, famous carrier of Typhoid fever. February "27th" - United
Kingdom and France recognize Franco's government. February "27th" - Borley Rectory burns

February "27th" - Sit-down strikes are outlawed by the Supreme Court of the United States. March "22nd" - Germany takes
Memel from Lithuania. March "3rd" - In Bombay, Mohandas Gandhi begins to fast in protest of the autocratic rule in India.
March "22nd" - Germany takes Memel from Lithuania. April "7th" - Italy invades Albania - King Zog flees. April "11th" -
Hungary leaves the League of Nations. May "7th" - Spain leaves the League of Nations. May "22nd" - Germany and Italy sign the
Pact of Steel. July "6th" - Holocaust: The last remaining Jewish enterprises in Germany are closed. August "27th" - A Heinkel
178, the first jet-powered aircraft, flies for the last time. September "1st" - World War II: Polish September Campaign - Nazi
Germany attacks Poland, beginning the war. September "3rd" - World War II: France, Australia and the United Kingdom declare
war on Germany. September "6th" - World War II: South Africa declares war on Germany. September "27th" - Warsaw surrenders
to Germany; Modlin surrenders day later; last Polish large operational unit surrenders near Kock eight days later. October "11th" -
Manhattan Project: US President Franklin D. Roosevelt is presented with a letter signed by Albert Einstein urging the United
States to rapidly develop the atomic bomb. November "6th" - World War II: Sonderaktion Krakau. November "6th" - The Hedda
Hopper Show debuts with Hollywood gossip Hedda Hopper as host (the show ran until 1951 and made Hopper a powerful figure
in the Hollywood elite).
Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:
February "11th" - Franz Schmidt, Austrian composer, March "19th" - Lloyd L. Gaines, American civil rights activist, April "7th"
- Joseph Lyons, tenth Prime Minister of Australia, June "19th" - Grace Abbott, social worker, activist (b. 1878), September
"18th" - Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz (a.k.a. Witkacy), Polish writer and painter (b. 1885), October "7th" - Harvey Cushing,
American neurosurgeon (b. 1869) December "3rd" - Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll, fourth daughter of Queen Victoria.
December "22nd" - Ma Rainey, blues singer (b. 1886)

January "6th" - World War II: Mass execution of Poles, committed by Germans in the Poznan, Warthegau. February "11th" -
Japan celebrates the 2, 600th anniversary of the ascension of first Emperor Jimmu to the Chrysanthemum Throne. A number of
prisoners receive early release, notably including former prostitute and later actress Sada Abe. March "3rd" - In Sweden, a time
bomb destroys the office of Norrskenflamman newspaper of Swedish communists - 5 dead. March "18th" - World War II: Axis
powers - Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini meet at Brenner Pass in the Alps and agree to form an alliance against France and the
United Kingdom. April "9th" - World War II: Germany invades Denmark and Norway in operation Weserübung. The British
campaign in Norway is simultaneously commenced. May "9th" - World War II: German submarine U-9 sinks French coastal
submarine Doris near Den Helder. May "13th" - World War II: Nazi Germany's conquest of France begins as the German army
crosses the Meuse River. May "21st" - Holocaust: Prisoners begin arriving at a new concentration camp at Auschwitz. June 3,
1940 - Germans bomb Paris; Dunkirk evacuation ends. June "9th" - World War II: The British Commandos are created. June
"14th"(2x7) - World War II: Paris falls under German occupation. June "14th"(2x7) - World War II: U.S. President Franklin D.
Roosevelt signs the Naval Expansion Act into law which aims to increase the United States Navy's tonnage by "11"%. June
"14th"(2x7) - Holocaust: A group of 728 Polish political prisoners from Tarnów become the new residents of the Auschwitz
concentration camp. June "18th", 1940 - Hitler and Mussolini meet in Munich; Soviets begin occupation of the Baltic States.
June 22, 1940 - France signs an armistice with the Nazis. July "14th"(2x7) - World War II: Andrew George Latta McNaughton
takes command 7th Army Corps consisting of British, Canadian and New Zealand troops. July "21st" - Estonia, Latvia and
Lithuania are proclaimed to be "independent" Socialist republics. August "3rd" - Lithuania is officially incorporated in the Soviet
Union as the Lithuanian SSR. Aug "3rd-19th" - Italians occupy British Somaliland in East Africa. August "5th"(8+5=13) -
Latvia is officially incorporated in the Soviet Union as the Latvian SSR. August "6th" - Estonia is officially incorporated in the
Soviet Union as the Estonian SSR. Aug "13th", 1940 - German bombing offensive against airfields and factories in England.
September "3rd", 1940 - Hitler plans Operation Sealion (the invasion of Britain). September "7th" - Treaty of Craiova: Romania
loses Southern Dobrudja to Bulgaria. September "7th" - World War II: The Blitz - Nazi Germany begins to rain bombs on
London. September "13th", 1940 - Italians invade Egypt. September "27th", 1940 - Tripartite (Axis) Pact signed by Germany,
Italy and Japan. This will be the first of 57 consecutive nights of strategic bombing. October "7th", 1940 - German troops enter
Romania. October "9th" - World War II: Battle of Britain - During a nighttime air raid by the German Luftwaffe, St. Paul's
Cathedral is pierced by a bomb. November "7th" - In Washington, the middle section of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in
a windstorm, a mere four months after the bridge's completion (it opened to traffic on July 1st, 1940 as the third-longest
suspension bridge in the world). November "11th" - World War II: Battle of Taranto - The Royal Navy launches the first aircraft
carrier strike in history, on the Italian fleet at Taranto. November "11th" - World War II: The German Hilfskreuzer (cruiser)
Atlantis captures top secret British mail, and sends it to Japan. November "14th"(2x7) - World War II: In England, the city of
Coventry is destroyed by 500 German Luftwaffe bombers (150,000 fire bombs, 503 tons of high explosives, 130 parachute mines
leveled 60,000 of the city's 75,000 buildings; 568 people were killed). November "18th" - World War II: German leader Adolf
Hitler and Italian Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano meet to discuss Benito Mussolini's disastrous invasion of Greece. November
"22nd", 1940 - Greeks defeat the Italian 9th Army. November "27th" - In Romania, coup leader General Ion Antonescu's Iron
Guard arrests and executes over 60 of exiled king Carol II of Romania's aides. Among the dead is former minister and acclaimed
historian Nicolae Iorga. December "19th" - Resigned Finnish president Kyösti Kallio collapses and dies in Helsinki railway

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Kazimierz Tetmajer, full name Kazimierz Przerwa-Tetmajer, Polish poet and writer (b. 1865) February "11th" -
John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir, Governor General of Canada (b. 1875) August "21st" - Leon Trotsky, Russian revolutionary
(b. 1879) October "11th" - Lluís Companys, President of Catalonia, assassinated (b. 1883) November "9th" - Neville
Chamberlain, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

January "19th" - British troops attack Italian-held Eritrea. January "21st" - World War II: Australian and British forces attack
Tobruk, Libya. January "22nd" - World War II: British troops capture Tobruk from the Italians. January "22nd", 1941 - Tobruk in
North Africa falls to the British and Australians. February "3rd" - World War II: The Nazis forcibly restore Pierre Laval to office
in occupied Vichy, France. February "11th" - World War II: Lieutenant-General Erwin Rommel arrives in Tripoli. February
"11th", 1941 - British forces advance into Italian Somaliland in East Africa. February "14th"(2x7) - First units of German 'Afrika
Korps' arrive in North Africa. March "7th", - British forces arrive in Greece. March "11th" - World War II: President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law, allowing American-built war supplies to be shipped to the Allies on loan.
March "22nd" - Washington's Grand Coulee Dam begins to generate electricity. March "27th" - A coup in Yugoslavia overthrows
the pro-Axis government. March "27st" - World War II: Attack on Pearl Harbor - Japanese spy Takeo Yoshikawa arrives in
Honolulu, Hawaii and begins to study the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor. April "3rd" - Pro-Axis regime set up in Iraq. April
"6th" - World War II: Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece. April "9th" - Slavomir Rawicz and six others escape from a
Soviet prison camp in Yakutsk - they begin 6500 km long walk to India. April "14th"- Rommel attacks Tobruk. April "21st" -
World War II: Greece capitulates. British troops retract to Crete. April "27st" - World War II: German troops enter Athens. April
"27th" - Greece surrenders to the Nazis. May "6th" - At California's March Field Bob Hope performs his first USO Show. May
"9th" - World War II: The German submarine U-"11"0 is captured by the British Royal Navy. On board is the latest Enigma
cryptography machine which Allied cryptographers later use to break coded German messages. May "21st" - World War II: 950
miles off the coast of Brazil, the freighter SS Robin Moor becomes the first United States ship sunk by a German U-boat. May
"27st" - World War II: President Roosevelt proclaims an "unlimited national emergency." May "27st" - World War II: German
battleship Bismarck is sunk in North Atlantic killing 2,300. June "1st" - World War II: Crete capitulates to Germany. June "9st" -
World War II: Finland initiate mobilization and put some units under German command. June "14th"(2x7) - Mass deportations by
Soviet Union authorities take place in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. June "14tth" - United States freezes German and Italian
assets in America. June "22nd" - World War II: Germany attacks the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa. July "3rd" - Stalin
calls for a scorched earth policy. July "7th" - World War II: American forces land in Iceland to forestall an invasion by the Nazis.
July "14th"- British occupy Syria. July 31 - Holocaust: Under instructions from Adolf Hitler, Nazi official Hermann Göring,
orders SS general Reinhard Heydrich to "submit to me as soon as possible a general plan of the administrative material and
financial measures necessary for carrying out the desired final solution of the Jewish question." (odd that this didn't happen on an
illuminati date). August "18th" - Holocaust: Adolf Hitler orders an end to the systematic euthanasia of mentally ill and
handicapped due to protests within Germany. September "3rd" - First experimental use of gas chambers at Auschwitz. September
"6th" - Holocaust: The requirement to wear the Star of David with the word "Jew" inscribed, is extended to all Jews over the age
of "6" in German-occupied areas. September "19th" - Nazis take Kiev. September "29th" - Nazis murder '33','77'1 Jews at Kiev.
October "21st" - World War II: Germans rampage in Yugoslavia, killing thousands of civilians. November "6th" - World War II:
Soviet leader Josef Stalin addresses the Soviet Union for only the second time during his three-decade rule (the first time was
earlier that year on July 2). He states that even though 350,000 troops were killed in German attacks so far, that the Germans have
lost 4.5 million soldiers (a gross exaggeration) and that Soviet victory was near. November "13th" - World War II: The aircraft
carrier HMS Ark Royal is hit by German U-boat U-81 November "14th"(2x7) - World War II: HMS Ark Royal capsizes and
sinks, having been torpedoed by U 81. November "19th" - World War II: The Australian war cruiser HMAS Sydney sinks off the
coast of Western Australia, killing 645 sailors. November "27th" - World War II: Battle of Moscow - Germans reach their closest
approach to Moscow. They are subsequently frozen by cold weather and attacks by the Soviets. November "27th"- Soviet troops
retake Rostov. December "1st" - World War II: Former mayor of New York City, Fiorello LaGuardia, and the director of the
Office of Civilian Defense, sign an order creating the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) as the civilian auxiliary of the United States Air
Force (in April 1943 the CAP was placed under the jurisdiction of the United States Army Air Force). December "6th" - Soviet
Army launches a major counter-offensive around Moscow. December "7th", December "6th" (in Japan standard time) - Japanese
navy launches a surprise attack on the United States fleet at Pearl Harbor, thus drawing the United States into World War II.
Hitler issues (bomb only in) the Night and Fog decree. December "11th" - World War II: Germany declares war on the United
States. December "19th" - Hitler takes complete command of the German Army. December "27th" - World War II: British
Commandos raid the Norwegian port of Vaagso, causing Hitler to reinforce the garrison.

Note: All the major battles (most all) were decalred/fought on devil worshipping illuminati war architect dates. Hitler followed
their schedule dictated to him precisely.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "13th" - James Joyce, writer, February "11th" - Rudolf Hilferding, German economist, Minister of Finance March "6th" -
Gutzon Borglum, sculptor April "13th" - Annie Jump Cannon, astronomer (b. 1863) June "6th" - Louis Chevrolet, automobile
builder, race car driver (b. 1878) July "11th" - Arthur Evans, archaeologist August "7th" - Rabindranath Tagore, author August
"13th" - James Stuart Blackton, American film producer of the Silent Era. September "13th" - Elias Disney, American farmer and
father of Walt Disney. November "18th" - Chris Watson, third Prime Minister of Australia. December "3rd" - Christian Sinding,

January "6th" - Pan American Airlines becomes the first commercial airline to have a flight go around the world. January "7th" -
World War II: Siege of the Bataan Peninsula begins. January "11th" - World War II: Japan declares war on the Netherlands and
invades the Netherlands East Indies. January "11th" - World War II: The Japanese capture Kuala Lumpur. January "13th" -
Germans begin a U-boat offensive along east coast of USA. January "13th" - Henry Ford patents a plastic automobile, which is
30% lighter than a regular car. January "19th" - World War II: Japanese forces invade Burma. January "21st" - Rommel's
counter-offensive from El Agheila begins. February "9th" World War II: Top United States military leaders hold their first formal
meeting to discuss American military strategy in the war. Daylight-saving time goes into effect in the United States. February
"19th" World War II: About 150 Japanese warplanes attack Darwin, Australia World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt
signs executive order 9066 allowing the United States military to define areas as exclusionary zones. These zones affect the
Japanese on the West Coast, and Germans and Italians primarily on the East Coast. February "22nd" - World War II: President
Franklin Delano Roosevelt orders General Douglas MacArthur out of the Philippines as American defense of the nation collapses.
February "27th" - World War II: the USS Langley, the first United States aircraft carrier, is sunk by Japanese warplanes. March
"9th" - Effective date of major reorganization of U.S. Army, enhancing status of Army Air Forces. March "11th" - World War II:
General Douglas MacArthur abandons Corregidor March "19th" - The Thoroughbred Racing Association is established in
Chicago, Illinois. April "3rd" - World War II: Japanese forces begin an all-out assault on the United States and Filipino troops on
the Bataan Peninsula. Bataan fell on April "9th" and the Bataan Death March began. April "27th" - World War II: A national
plebiscite is held in Canada on the issue of conscription. May "6th" - World War II: On Corregidor, the last American forces in
the Philippines surrender to the Japanese. May "27th" - SS Leader Heydrich attacked in Prague. June "9th" - World War II: Nazis
burn the Czech village of Lidice as reprisal for the killing of Reinhard Heydrich. June "13th" - The United States opens its Office
of War Information, a center for production of propaganda. June "21st"- Rommel captures Tobruk. July "1st" - July "27th" -
World War II: the First Battle of El Alamein. July "3rd" - Germans take Sevastopol. July "9th" - Holocaust: Anne Frank's family
goes into hiding in an attic above her father's office in an Amsterdam warehouse. (this is surely one of the many coincidence
amongst the many conspiratorial actions evident in this complete listing.) July "9th" - Germans begin a drive toward Stalingrad in
the USSR. July "13th" - World War II: German U-Boats sink three more merchant ships in Gulf of St. Lawrence. July "18th" -
World War II: The Germans test fly the Messerschmitt Me-262 using only its jets for the first time. July "19th" - World War II:
Battle of the Atlantic - German Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz orders the last U-boats to withdraw from their United States Atlantic
coast positions in response to an effective American convoy system. July "22nd" - Holocaust: The systematic deportation of Jews
from the Warsaw ghetto begins. July "22nd"- Treblinka extermination camp opened. August "7th" - World War II: Battle of
Guadalcanal begins - US Marines initiate the first American offensive of the war with a landing on Guadalcanal in the Solomon
Islands. Aug "7th"- British General Bernard Montgomery takes command of Eighth Army in North Africa. August "9th" - Indian
leader, Mohandas Gandhi is arrested in Bombay by British forces. August "19th" - World War II: The Dieppe Raid - Allied forces
raid Dieppe, France. August "22nd" - World War II: Brazil declared war on Germany and Italy. September "3rd" - Francisco
Franco fires foreign minister Serano Suñerin October "3rd" - The first V-2 rocket (A4 Rocket) is launched into space in
Peenemünde, Germany. October "9th" - Statute of Westminster Adoption Act formalizes Australian autonomy. October "11th" -
World War II: Battle of Cape Esperance - On the northwest coast of Guadalcanal, United States Navy ships intercept and defeat a
Japanese fleet on their way to reinforce troops on the island. October "18th" - Hitler orders the execution of all captured British
commandos. November "3rd" - World War II: Second Battle of El Alamein ends - German forces under Erwin Rommel are forced
to retreat during the night. November "11th", 1942 - Germans and Italians invade unoccupied Vichy France. November "13th" -
World War II: Battle of Guadalcanal - Aviators from the USS Enterprise sink the Japanese heavy cruiser BB- Hiei. November
"19th" - World War II: Battle of Stalingrad - Soviet Union forces under General Georgy Zhukov launch the Operation Uranus
counterattacks at Stalingrad, turning the tide of the battle in the USSR's favor. November "21st" - The completion of the Alaska
Highway (also known as the Alcan Highway) is celebrated (the "highway" was not usable by general vehicles until 1943,
however). November "22nd" - World War II: Battle of Stalingrad - The situation for the German attackers of Stalingrad seems
desperate during the Soviet counter-attack Operation Uranus and General Friedrich von Paulus sends Adolf Hitler a telegram
saying that the German 6th army is surrounded. Dec "13th" - Rommel withdraws from El Agheila.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "6th" - Henri de Baillet-Latour, Belgian IOC president, February "19th" - Frank Abbandando (executed), Mafia hitman,
March "1st" - Cornelius Vanderbilt III, military officer, inventor, engineer. April "18th" Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, sculptor,
socialite. November "19th" - Bruno Schulz, Polish-Jewish writer and painter, shot dead by a German officer in the Drohobycz
ghetto (b. 1892) December "22nd" - Franz Boas, German cultural anthropologist (b. 1858)

January "11th" - The United States and United Kingdom give up territorial rights in China. January "11th" - General Juanto dies
in Argentina - Ramon Castillo succeeds him. January "18th" - World War II: Soviet officials announce they have broken the
Wehrmacht's siege of Leningrad. January "18th" - The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto rise up for the first time. January "27th" -
World War II: 50 bombers mount the first all American air raid against Germany (Wilhelmshaven was the target). February "1st" -
World War II: Vidkun Quisling is appointed Premier of Norway by the Nazi occupiers. February "7th" - World War II: In the
United States, it is announced that shoe rationing will go into effect in two days. February "11th" - General Eisenhower is
selected to command the allied armies in Europe. February "14th"(2x7) - World War II: Rostov, Russia is liberated. February
"14th"(2x7) - World War II: Battle of the Kasserine Pass - German General Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Korps launch an
offensive against Allied defenses in Tunisia; it is the United States' first major battle defeat of the war. February "11th" - General
Eisenhower is selected to command the allied armies in Europe. February "18th" - The Nazis arrest the members of the White
Rose movement. February "22nd" - Members of White Rose are executed in Nazi Germany. March "3rd" - 173 people are killed in
a crush while trying to enter an air-raid shelter at Bethnal Green tube station in London. March "13th" - World War II: On
Bougainville, Japanese troops end their assault on American forces at Hill 700. March "13th" - World War II: On Bougainville,
Japanese troops end their assault on American forces at Hill 700. March "13th" - Holocaust: German forces liquidate the Jewish
ghetto in Kraków. April "3rd" - Shipwrecked steward Poon Lim is rescued by Brazilian fishermen after he has been adrift for 130
days April "22nd" - Albert Hofmann writes his first report about the hallucinogenic properties of LSD, which he first synthesized
in 1938. April "6th/7th" - Axis forces in Tunisia begin a withdrawal toward Enfidaville as American and British forces link. April
"19th" - Waffen SS attacks Jewish resistance in the Warsaw ghetto. April "27th" - The U.S. Federal Writers' Project is shuttered.
May "7th"- Allies take Tunisia. May "11th" - World War II: American troops invade Attu in the Aleutian Islands in an attempt to
expel occupying Japanese forces. May "13th" - World War II: German Afrika Korps and Italian troops in North Africa surrender to
Allied forces. May "22nd" - Dönitz suspends U-boat operations in the North Atlantic. June "11th"- Himmler orders the
liquidation of all Jewish ghettos in Poland. July "6th" - World War II: Americans and Japanese fight the Battle of Kula Gulf off
Kolombangara. July "19th" - World War II: Rome is bombed by the Allies for the first time in the war. July "22nd" - Americans
capture Palermo, Sicily. July "27th" - World War II: USSR leader Joseph Stalin issues Order No. '22''7' in response to alarming
German advances into Russia. Under the order all those who retreat or otherwise leave their positions without orders to do so will
be immediately killed. July "27th" - Allied air raid causes a firestorm in Hamburg. August "6th" - World War II: Americans and
Japanese fight the Battle of Vella Gulf off Kolombangara. September "3rd" - World War II: Mainland Italy is invaded by Allied
forces under Bernard L. Montgomery, for the first time in the war. September "9th" - Allied landings at Salerno and Taranto.
September "11th" - Germans occupy Rome. October "6th" - World War II: Americans and Japanese fight the naval Battle of Vella
Lavella. October "13th" - World War II: The new government of Italy sides with the Allies and declares war on Germany. October
"22nd" - World War II: RAF delivers a highly destructive airstrike on the German industrial and population center of Kassel
November 1. World War II: In Operation Goodtime, United States Marines land on Bougainville in the Solomon Islands.
November "18th" - World War II: 440 Royal Air Force planes bomb Berlin causing only light damage and killing 131. The RAF
lost nine aircraft and 53 aviators. November "22nd" - World War II: War in the Pacific - US President Franklin D. Roosevelt,
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and ROC leader Chiang Kai-Shek meet in Cairo, Egypt, to discuss ways to defeat
Japan. November "22nd" - Lebanon gains independence from France.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "7th" - Nikola Tesla, inventor, February "14th" - David Hilbert, mathematician, March "12th" - Gustav Vigeland,
Norwegian sculptor, July "21st - Charlie Paddock, American athlete, October "7th" - Eugeniusz Bodo, famous Polish actor, killed
by the NKVD

Jan "6th" - Soviet troops advance into Poland. January "22nd" - Allies begin Operation Shingle, the assault on Anzio, Italy.
January "27th" - The two year Siege of Leningrad is lifted. February "3rd" - United States troops capture the Marshall Islands.
February "7th" - In Anzio, Italian forces launch a counteroffensive. February "14th"(2x7) - Anti-Japanese revolt on Java. March 1st
- USS Tarawa and USS Kearsarge laid down. March "18th" - German forces occupy Hungary. May "18th" - Battle of Monte
Cassino - Germans evacuate Monte Cassino and Allied forces take the stronghold after a struggle that claimed 20,000 lives. May
"18th" - Deportation of Crimean Tatars by the Soviet Union government. March "18th" - British drop 3000 tons of bombs during
an air raid on Hamburg, Germany. May "9th" - Soviet troops recapture Sevastopol. June "6th" - Battle of Normandy begins -
Operation Overlord, code named D-Day, commences with the landing of 155,000 Allied troops on the beaches of Normandy in
France. The allied soldiers quickly break through the Atlantic Wall and push inland in the largest amphibious military operation
in history. May "11th" - Allies attack the Gustav Line south of Rome. June "6th"- D-Day landings. June "9th" - Stalin launches
an offensive against Finland with the intent of defeating Finland before pushing for Berlin. June "13th" - Germany launches a V1
Flying Bomb attack on England. June "22nd" - Operation Bagration begins (the Soviet summer offensive). June "27th" - U.S.
troops liberate Cherbourg. July "3rd"- 'Battle of the Hedgerows' in Normandy; Soviets capture Minsk. July "9th" - British and
Canadian forces capture Caen. July "18th" - Hideki Tojo resigns as Prime Minister of Japan due to numerous setbacks in the war
effort. July "18th"- U.S. troops reach St. Lô. July "21st" - Battle of Guam - American troops land on Guam starting the battle
(ends on August 10).Aug "7th" - Germans begin a major counter-attack toward Avranches. August "19th" - Resistance uprising in
Paris. August "19th" - Soviet offensive in the Balkans begins with an attack on Romania. September "11th" - Northern and
southern France invasion forces link up near Dijon. September "13th"- U.S. troops reach the Siegfried Line.September "19th" -
Armistice between Finland and Soviet Union signed. (End of the Continuation War) October "9th" - British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill and Soviet Union Premier Joseph Stalin begin a nine-day conference in Moscow to discuss the future of
Europe. Oct "14th"- Allies liberate Athens; Rommel commits suicide.October "18th" - Volkssturm founded on Hitler's orders.
October "21st" - Massive German surrender at Aachen. November "19th" - US President Franklin D. Roosevelt announces the 6th
War Loan Drive, aimed at selling US$14 billion in war bonds to help pay for the war effort. December "27th"- Soviet troops
besiege Budapest.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Edgard Potier, Belgian SOE agent, executed by the Nazis February 1 - Piet Mondriaan, Dutch painter. February
"11th" - Carl Meinhof, German linguist. February "11th" - Ivan Sollertinski, friend of Dmitri Shostakovich. March "22nd" -
Pierre Brossolette, journalist, French Resistance fighter. April "19th" - Thomas Hitchcock Jr, polo player. July "6th" - Andrée
Borrel, SOE agent, WW II heroine executed by the Nazis. July "6th" - Vera Leigh, SOE agent, WW II heroine executed by the
Nazis. July "6th" - Sonia Olschanezky, SOE recruit, WW II heroine executed by the Nazis. July "6th" - Diana Rowden, SOE
agent, WW II heroine executed by the Nazis. August "27th" - Princess Mafalda Maria Elisabetta of Savoy, executed by the Nazis
September 6th - Gustave Biéler, heroic SOE agent, executed by the Nazis September "9th" - Robert Benoist, Grand Prix
driver/war hero, executed by the Nazis, September "11th" - Madeleine Damerment, WW II heroine, executed by the Nazis,
September "11th" - Eliane Plewman, WW II heroine, executed by the Nazis September "11th" - Noor Inayat Khan, WW II heroine,
executed by the Nazis September "11th" - Yolande Beekman, WW II heroine, executed by the Nazis September "13th" - Heath
Robinson, British cartoonist and illustrator September "14th" - John Kenneth Macalister, SOE agent, executed by the Nazis
September "14th" - Frank Pickersgill, SOE agent, executed by the Nazis September "14"th - Roméo Sabourin, SOE agent,
executed by the Nazis October "21st" - Alois Kayser, German missionary, working in Nauru November "7th" - Hannah Szenes,
WW II heroine, executed.

January "7th" - British General Bernard Montgomery holds a press conference in which he claims credit for victory in the Battle of
the Bulge. January "12th" - World War II: The Soviets begin a very large offensive in Eastern Europe against the Nazis. January
"13th" - Soviet patrol arrests Raoul Wallenberg in Hungary. January "27th" - The Red Army arrives at Auschwitz and Birkenau in
Poland and find the Nazi concentration camp where 1.1-1.5 million people were murdered. February "7th" - World War II: General
Douglas MacArthur returns to Manila. February "9th" - Walter Ulbricht becomes the leader of German communists in Moscow.
February "13th" - World War II: Soviet Union forces capture Budapest, Hungary from the Nazis. February "13th" - World War II:
The British Air Force bombs Dresden, Germany. February "14th"(2x7) - Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru join the United
Nations. February "19th" - World War II: Battle of Iwo Jima - about 30,000 United States Marines landed on Iwo Jima starting
the battle. March "3rd" - World War II: Previously neutral Finland declares war on the Axis powers. March "6th" -
Communist-led government formed in Romania. March "6th"- Last German offensive of the war begins to defend oil fields in
Hungary. March "7th" - World War II: American troops seize the bridge over the Rhine River at Remagen, Germany and begin to
cross. March "9th" - World War II: American B-29 bombers attack Japan with incendiary bombs. Tokyo is fire-bombed killing
100,000 citizens. March "18th" - World War II: 1,250 American bombers attack Berlin. March "19th" - World War II: Adolf
Hitler orders that all industries, military installations, shops, transportation facilities and communications facilities in Germany be
destroyed. March "19th" - Off the coast of Japan, bombers hit the aircraft carrier USS Franklin, killing 800 of her crew and
crippling the ship. March "21st" - World War II: British troops liberate Mandalay, Burma March "22nd" - The Arab League was
formed with the adoption of a charter in Cairo, Egypt. April "7th" - World War II: The Japanese battleship Yamato is sunk 200
miles north of Okinawa while in-route to a suicide mission. April "18th" - German forces in the Ruhr surrender. May "1st" -
Joseph Goebbels and his wife commit suicide after killing their 6 children. Karl Dönitz appoints Count Lutz Schwerin von
Krosigk as the new Chancellor of Germany. May "6th" - World War II: Axis Sally delivers her last propaganda broadcast to Allied
troops (first was on December "11th", 1941). May "7th" - World War II: General Alfred Jodl signs unconditional
surrender terms at Reims, France, ending Germany's participation in the war. The document will take effect the next day.
May "9th" - World War II: Hermann Göring is captured by the United States Army; Norway arrests Vidkun Quisling; Soviet
Union marks V-E Day. May "9th" - World War II: General Alexander Löhr Commander of German Army Group E near Topolšica,
Slovenia, signs capitulation of German occupation troops. May "9th" - World War II: Alderney, annex of the concentration camp
Neuengamme liberated. June "1st" - British take over Lebanon and Syria June "6th" - King Haakon VII of Norway returns to
Norway. June "11th" - William Lyon Mackenzie King is reelected as Canadian prime minister. Franck Committee recommends
against a surprise nuclear bombing of Japan. June "21st" - World War II: The Battle of Okinawa ends. June "21st" - World War II:
The Battle of Okinawa ends. July "9th" - A forest fire breaks out in the Tillamook Burn, the third fire in that area since 1933.
July "21st" - World War II: Harry S. Truman approves order for atomic bombs to be used. August "6th" - World War II: The
United States detonates an atomic bomb nicknamed "Little Boy" on Hiroshima, Japan at 8:16 AM (local time) killing about
10,000 citizens immediately, 60,000 from injuries and sickness before the end of 1945, and 140,000 total from a mixture of
radition sickness, injuries, and instant death from the bomb. August "9th" - World War II: The United States detonates an atomic
bomb nicknamed "Fat Man" over the city of Nagasaki, Japan at 11:02 AM (local time) with an equivalent force of 22,000 tons of
TNT. An estimated 80,000 are killed and more than 60,000 are injured. The bomb was originally meant for the nearby city of
Kokura, but bad weather impared the bomber's visual contact with the city. After several failed tries they diverted to their back-up
target, Nagasaki. World War II: The Soviet Union begins its offensive against Japan in the then Japanese controlled Chinese
region of Manchuria. August "13th" - Zionist World Congress approaches British government to talk about founding of Israel.
August "19th" - Vietnam War: Viet Minh led by Ho Chi Minh take power in Hanoi, Vietnam. October "18th" - The first German
war crimes trial begins in Nuremberg. October "21st" - Women's suffrage: Women are allowed to vote in France for the first time.
November "13th" - Charles de Gaulle is elected president of France. December "27th" - Twenty-eight nations sign an agreement
creating the World Bank. December "27 th" - Terror strikes against British military bases in Palestine.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Edgar Cayce, psychic, "exhaustion" January "22nd" - Else Lasker-Schuler, poet February "11th" - Al Dubin, Swiss
songwriter February "21st" - Eric Liddell, Scottish runner March "18th" - William Grover-Williams, Grand Prix motor racing
driver/war hero March "19th" - Friedrich Fromm, Nazi official April "9th" - Wilhelm Canaris, head of the German Abwehr,
hanged for treason April "9th" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian in Nazi Germany April "12th" - United States President Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, massive stroke May "1st" - Cecily Lefort SOE agent, WW II heroine, executed by the Nazis May "1st" -
Joseph Goebbels, Nazi propagandist, suicide August "9th" - Harry Hillman, American athlete October "13th" - Milton Hershey,
chocolate tycoon October "19th" - N.C. Wyeth, illustrator November "21st" - Robert Benchley, The New Yorker, humorist,
theatre critic, actor

January "7th" - Allied recognize Austrian Austria is a landlocked country in Central Europe, a federation of nine states. January
"11th" - Enver Hoxha declares the people's republic of Albania with himself as prime minister. February "14th"(2x7) - The
Rothschild's Bank of England nationalized. March "6th" - Vietnam War: Ho Chi Minh signs an agreement with France which
recognizes Vietnam as an autonomous state in the Indochinese Federation and the French Union. March "9th" - Juho Kusti
Paasikivi becomes president of Finland. March "19th" - Soviet Union and Switzerland reform diplomatic relations. March "19th"
- French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique and Réunion become overseas départements of France March "22nd" - Transjordan gains
independence April "3rd" - Japanese Lt. General Masaharu Homma is executed outside Manila in the Philippines for leading the
Bataan Death March. April "7th" - Syria's independence from France is officially recognised. April "18th" - USA recognizes Josip
Broz Tito's government. April "18th" - Last meeting of League of Nations - its transfers its mission to United Nations. April
"18th" - USA recognizes Tito's Yugoslavia. April "18th" - League of Nations disbands itself. May "9th" - King Victor Emmanuel
III of Italy abdicates, and is succeeded by his son Humbert II. May "21st" - Radiation accident in Los Alamos laboratory; Dr
Louis Slotin saves his coworkers but receives a fatal dose of radiation. Incident is initially classified May "22nd" - Kingdom of
Transjordan founded. June "9th" - In Thailand, king Rama IX accedes the throne. June "13th" - Humbert II of Italy leaves the
country - Alcide de Gasperi becomes head of state. July "7th" - Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini becomes the first American saint to
be canonized. July "21st" - Bomb of Irgun Zvai Leumi explodes in Jerusalem. August "19th" - Violence between Muslims and
Hindus in Calcutta - 3000 dead. October "13th" - France adopts the constitution of the Fourth Republic. November "19th" -
Afghanistan, Iceland and Sweden joins the United Nations November "27th" - Cold War: Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
appeals to the United States and the Soviet Union to end nuclear testing and to start nuclear disarmament, stating that such an
action would "save humanity from the ultimate disaster." December "11th" - UNICEF founded. December "19th" - Martial law in

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

April "22nd" - Harlan F. Stone, Chief Justice of the United States (b. 1872), May "19th" - Booth Tarkington, American novelist
August "13th" - H.G. Wells, science fiction writer

1/1 - Nigeria gains limited autonomy. January 1/1 - The Canadian Citizenship Act went into effect. February "21st" - In New
York City, Edwin Land demonstrates the first "instant camera", the Polaroid Land Camera, to a meeting of the Optical Society of
America. March "6th" - USS Newport News, the first air-conditioned naval ship, is launched from Newport News, Virginia. April
"27th" - Babe Ruth Day is celebrated at Yankee Stadium. May "22nd" - Cold War: In an effort to fight the spread of
Communism, President Harry S. Truman signs an act implementing the Truman Doctrine. The act granted $400 million in
military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece. July "7th" - Downed UFO believed to be found in the Roswell UFO incident
July "18th" - President Harry S. Truman signs the Presidential Succession Act into law which places the Speaker of the House
and the Senate President Pro Tempore next in the line of succession after the United States Vice President. July "19th" - Murder
of Burmese nationalist Aung San August "14th"(2x7) - Pakistan gains independence from the British Empire under the leadership
of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. While the transition is officially at midnight on this day, Pakistan celebrates its
independence on August 14th compared to India on the 15th. Muhammad Ali Jinnah became the first Governer General of
Pakistan. September "13th" - Nehru suggests transfer of 4 million hindus and muslims between India and Pakistan November
"27th" - In Paris, police occupy editorial offices of communist newspapers.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

March "11th" - Victor Lustig, great con artist. March "18th" - William C. Durant, automobile pioneer, founder of General
Motors. March "19th" - Prudence Heward, Canadian painter April "7th" - Henry Ford, automobile manufacturer and industrialist
July "19th" - Aung San, Burmese nationalist, assassinated December "1st" - Aleister Crowley, British occultist December "7th" -
Tristan Bernard ,French playwright, novelist, journalist and lawyer

January "1st" - Nationalisation of UK railways to form British Railways. Arab militants lay siege to the Jewish Quarter of the Old
City of Jerusalem. First day of the Italian republican constitution. February "18th" - Eamon de Valera, head of government since
1932, loses power to an opposition coalition. John A. Costello is appointed Taoiseach of Éire (formerly called the Irish Free
State) by President O'Kelly. April "3rd" - President Harry Truman signs the Marshall Plan which authorizes $5 billion in aid for
16 countries. April "7th" - The World Health Organization is established by the United Nations. April "9th" - The Deir Yassin
massacre takes place in Palestine. May "1st" - 213 communists executed in Greece. May "11th" - Luigi Einaudi becomes president
of Italy. May "18th" - The First Legislative Yuan of the Republic of China officially convenes in Nanking. June "18th" - State of
Emergency declared in Malaysia for communist insurgency - Malayan Emergency begins. June "21st" - The Deutsche Mark
becomes official currency of the Federal Republic of Germany. August "19th" - Soviet troops fire at German demonstrators that
protest against the Berlin Blockade. September "6th" - Juliana becomes Queen of the Netherlands.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Sergy Eisenstein, film director, September "11th" - Muhammed Ali Jinnah, first Governor-General of Pakistan

March "3rd" - The Tucker automobile Corporation folds. April "18th" - Eire formally became the Republic of Ireland. May "11th"
- Israel is admitted to the U.N. as its 59th member. May "11th" - Siam changes its name to Thailand. May "11th" - Israel joins
United Nations May "22nd" - After two months in Bethesda Naval Hospital, James Forrestal falls our of a window, under
circumstances that seem suspicious to many. June "6th" - With the passage of the Bodh Gaya Temple Act by the Indian
government, Mahabodhi Temple is restored to partial Buddhist control. August 14 - Military coup in Syria ousts the president
September "6th" - Allied military authorities relinquish control of former Nazi Germany assets back to German control. September
"7th" - Federal Republic of Germany officially founded. Konrad Adenauer is the first federal chancellor September "9th" -
Dynamite bomb destroys Canadian Pacific Airlines Dakota near Quebec September "13th" - Soviet Union vetoes United Nations
membership of Ceylon, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Jordan and Portugal October "7th" - Democratic Republic of Germany DDR
established officially. December "14th" - Traicho Kostov, ex-vice prime minister of Bulgaria, is sentenced to death. December
"27th" - Queen Juliana of the Netherlands grants Indonesia sovereignty.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Nelson Doubleday, U.S. book publisher April "19th" - Ulrich Salchow, Swedish figure skater May "9th" - Louis
II of Monaco May "22nd" - James Forrestal, US secretary of Navy, Defense July "18th"- Vitezslav Novák, composer October
"27th" - Marcel Cerdan, World Champion Boxer

January "6th" - The United Kingdom recognizes the People's Republic of China. The Republic of China severs diplomatic
relations with Britain in response. January "9th" - The Israeli government recognizes the People's Republic of China. January
"11th" - Huk guerillas attack the town of Hermosa in Bataan, Philippines. January "9th" - The Israeli government recognizes the
People's Republic of China. January "11th" - Huk guerillas attack the town of Hermosa in Bataan, Philippines. January "13th" -
Finland forms diplomatic relations to People's Republic of China. January "21st" - Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury February
"9th" - Red scare: In his speech to the Republican Women's Club at the McClure Hotel in Wheeling, West Virginia, Senator
Joseph McCarthy accuses the United States Department of State of being filled with 205 Communists. February "11th" - Two
Vietcong battalions attack a French base in Indochina. February "11th" - Finland recognizes Indonesia. February "19th" - Konrad
Adenauer tries unsuccessfully to negotiate with East Germany to begin unification. February "22nd" - Albert Einstein warns that
nuclear war could lead to mutual destruction March "3rd" - Poland states that it intends to exile all Germans. March "22nd" -
Egypt demands that Britain remove all its troops in Suez Canal April "27th" - Apartheid: In South Africa, the Group Areas Act is
passed formally segregating races. April "27th" - Britain formally recognizes Israel May "9th" - Robert Schuman presents his
proposal on the creation of an organized Europe, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations. This proposal, known as
the "Schuman declaration", is considered to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the European Union. May "11th" -
Kefauver Committee hearings about US organized crime begin. June "11th" - Helsinki, Finland, celebrates anniversary of 400
years July "6th" - East Germany agrees with Poland on the Oder-Neisse line - West Germany does not at this time. July "19th" -
15 SS-men sentenced to death in East Germany. August "6th" - Riot in Brussels in monarchist demonstrations August "11th" -
Baudouin of Belgium sworn in as a king - communists protest and one right-wing extremist throws a smoke grenade. September
"7th" - Coal mine collapses in New Cumnoch, Scotland - "13" miners dead. 116 rescued. September "19th" - West Germany
decides to fire all its communist officials. October "11th" - The Federal Communications Commission issues the first license to
broadcast television in color, to CBS (RCA will successfully dispute and block the license from taking effect, however).
November "11th" - The Mattachine Society founded in Los Angeles as the first Gay liberation organization November "18th" -
United Nations accepts the formation of Libyan national council November "22nd" - Anti-British riots in Egypt November "22nd"
- Shirley Temple announces her retirement from show business

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - George Orwell, author February "22nd" - Miou-Miou, actress March "9th" - Danny Sullivan, automobile racer
September "11th" - Jan Christian Smuts November "3rd" - Koiso Kuniaki, Japanese prime minister December "11th" - Leslie
Comrie, astronomer and computing pioneer (b. 1893) December "27th" - Max Beckmann, painter

January "9th" United Nations The United Nations, or UN, is an international organization made up of national "states" is
established. January "27th" - Nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site begins with a one-kiloton bomb dropped on Frenchman
Flats, northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. February "27th" - The Twenty-second Amendment to the United States Constitution,
limiting Presidents to two terms, is ratified. March "6th" - The trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg begins. March "7th" - Korean
War: Operation Ripper - In Korea, United Nations troops led by General Matthew Ridgeway begin an assault against the Chinese
"volunteers". April "11th" - Stone of Scone found in Scottish church. October "7th" - Malayan Emergency - communist
insurgents kill British commander Sir Henry Gurney. October "27th" - Farouk of Egypt declares himself also as a king of Sudan -
no support. November "11th" - Juan Peron re-elected president of Argentina December "6th" - State of emergency in Egypt due to
increasing riots.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

February "9th" - Eddy Duchin, musician, February "13th" - Lloyd C. Douglas, author February "18th" - Lyman Gilmore,
Choctaw Native American airplane pioneer February "19th" - André Gide, author February "21st" - Choudhary Rahmat Ali,
founding father of Pakistan (b. 1895) March "6th" - Ivor Novello, actor, musician, composer April "22nd" - Horace Donisthorpe,
myrmecologist May "7th" - Warner Baxter, actor June "13th" - Ben Chifley, Australian Prime Minister June "21st" - Charles
Dillon Perrine, astronomer (b. 1867) July "9th" - Harry Heilmann, Baseball Hall of Famer (b. 1894) July "13th" - Arnold
Schoenberg, Austrian composer November "9th" - Sigmund Romberg, composer

February "6th" - Elizabeth II becomes Queen upon the death of her father George VI. February "6th" - In Britain, Prime Minister
Winston Churchill discloses that Britain has developed an atomic bomb, to be tested off the coast of Australia. February "6th" -
In the United States, a mechanical heart is used for the first time in a human patient. March "21st" - The last two executions in
the Netherlands take place. March "21st" - Dr Kwame Nkrumah elected the Prime Minister of the Gold Coast. March "27th" -
Failed assassination attempt against Konrad Adenauer. April "18th" - Bolivia National Revolution: universal vote enables
indigenous and women to vote, nationalisation of mines and agrarian reform. April "18th" - West Germany and Japan form
diplomatic relations. May "1st" - East Germany threatens to form its own army. May "6th" - Farouk of Egypt had himself
announced as a descendant of prophet Mohammed. May "13th" - Pandit Nehru forms his first government. June "21st" - USA
launches the first nuclear submarine USS Nautilus. July "13th" - East Germany announces formation of its people's army. July
"19th" to August "3rd" - The Summer Olympic Games are held in Helsinki. August "11th" - Jordanian army forces king Talal to
resign due to mental illness - his successor is his son Hussein of Jordan. August "27th" - Reparation negotiations between West
Germany and Israel end in Luxembourg - Germany will pay 3 billion Deutsche Marks. September "18th" - Soviet Union vetoes
Japan's application for membership of United Nations. October "14th" - United Nations begins work in the new United Nations
building in New York City. November "18th" - Jomo Kenyatta is arrested in Kenya for alleged connection to Mau Mau uprising.
November "21st" - Show trial in Czechoslovakia sentences 11 ex-communist officials to death - all of them Jews.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Curly Howard, actor, comedian, member of the Three Stooges. February "6th" - King George VI of the United
Kingdom. February "19th" - Knut Hamsun, author February "22nd" - Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg, first president of Finland. March
"7th" - Paramahansa Yogananda, Indian guru March "22nd" - Uncle Dave Macon, country music performer. April "3rd" - Miina
Sillanpää, Finnish left-wing trade union activist. April "21st" - Sir Stafford Cripps, British politician, Chancellor of the
Exchequer 1947-1950 May "6th" - Maria Montessori Swiss educator and founder of the Montessori teaching method and schools;
cerebral haemorrage . May "21st" - John Garfield, actor

January "7th" President Harry S. Truman announces the United States has developed a hydrogen bomb. January "13th" - Marshal
Josip Broz Tito chosen President of Yugoslavia. February "11th" - President Eisenhower refuses clemency appeal for Ethel and
Julius Rosenberg. February "11th" - The Soviet Union breaks diplomatic relations with Israel. February "19th" - Censorship:
Georgia approves the first literature censorship board in the United States. March "1st" - Aafter an all-night dinner with interior
minister Lavrenty Beria and future premiers Georgi Malenkov, Nikolai Bulganin and Nikita Khrushchev, Joseph Stalin collapses,
having suffered a stroke that paralyzed the right side of his body. March "6th" - Georgy Maksimilianovich Malenkov succeeds
Josef Stalin as Premier and First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. April "7th" - Dag Hammarskjöld is
elected United Nations Secretary General. May "9th" - France agrees to the provisional independence of Cambodia with the king
Norodom Sihanouk. May "11th" - The Waco Tornado: A F5 tornado hits in the downtown section of Waco, Texas killing 114.
June "13th" - Hungarian Prime Minister Mátyás Rákosi is replaced by Imre Nagy. June "18th" - Egypt declares a republic. June
"19th" - Execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg . July "27th" - Korean War ends: The United States, People's Republic of
China, North Korea, and South Korea sign an armistice agreement. August "19th" - Cold War: The CIA helps to overthrow the
government of Mohammed Mossadegh in Iran and retain Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on the throne (see: Operation Ajax).
September "7th" - Nikita Khrushchev becomes head of the Soviet Central Committee. November "9th" - Cambodia becomes
independent from France. November "21st" - Authorities at the British Natural History Museum announce that the skull of the
"Piltdown Man", held to be one of the most famous fossil skulls in the world, is a hoax.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

November "9th" - Dylan Thomas, poet and author, November "21st" - Larry Shields, jazz musician (b. 1893) November "27th" -
Eugene O'Neill, playwright. December "27th" - Julian Tuwim, Polish poet (b. 1894)

January "21st" - The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, is launched in Groton, Connecticut, by Mrs. Dwight D.
Eisenhower. February "3rd" - Queen Elizabeth II is the first reigning monarch to visit Australia. March "22nd" - The London gold
market reopens (it was closed in 1939). April "7th" - Dwight D. Eisenhower gives his"domino theory" speech during a news
conference April "22nd" - Senator Joseph McCarthy begins hearings investigating the United States Army for being "soft" on
Communism. May "7th" - Vietnam War: The Battle of Dien Bien Phu ends in a French defeat (the battle began on March "13th").
June "9th" - McCarthyism: Joseph Welch, special counsel for the United States Army, lashes out at Senator Joseph McCarthy
during hearings on whether Communism has infiltrated the Army. June "18th" - Pierre Mendes-France becomes prime minister of
France. June "27th" - Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán steps down in a CIA-sponsored military coup-Operation
PBSUCCESS-triggering a bloody civil war that would continue for more than 35 years. June "27th" - The world's first atomic
power station opened at Obnisnsk, near Moscow. July "3rd" - End of rationing of meat ends all the food rationing in Britain. July
"7th" - In Memphis, Tennessee, WHBQ becomes the first radio station to air an Elvis Presley record. July "21st" - First Indochina
War: The Geneva Conference partitions Vietnam into North Vietnam and South Vietnam. September "3rd" - The last new episode
of the Lone Ranger is aired on radio after 2,956 episodes over a period of 21 years. September "11th" - First Miss America
Pageant broadcast on television. October "11th" - Vietnam War: The Viet Minh takes control of North Vietnam. October "18th" -
Texas Instruments announces the worldwide first Transistor radio.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Sydney Greenstreet, actor. May "6th" - B.C. Forbes, financial publisher. June "7th" - Alan Turing,
mathematician. July "11th" - Henry Valentine Knaggs, physician and author July "13th" - Friday Kahlo, Mexican painter,
September "21st" - Kokichi Mikimoto, pearl farm pioneer. November "3rd" - Henri Matisse, painter

January "19th" - The Scrabble board game debuts. February "13th" - Israel obtains 4 of the 7 Dead Sea scrolls. April "7th" -
Anthony Eden becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. May "9th" - Cold War: West Germany joins NATO. August
"27th" - The first edition of the Guinness Book of Records October "7th" - The last German prisoners of war are released from the
Soviet Union. November "22nd" - Soviet Union nuclear test in Siberia. December "7th" - Clement Attlee resigns as leader of the
Labour Party - his successor is Hugh Gaitskell. December "19th" - Sudanese Parliament declares independence.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Archie Hahn, American athlete (b. 1880) March "11th" - Sir Alexander Fleming, British discoverer of penicillin.
April "7th" - Theda Bara, silent film actress. August 5th (8+5=13) - Carmen Miranda, singer, actress November "27th" - Arthur
Honegger, composer

March "9th" - British deport Archbishop Makarios from Cyprus. April 7 - Spain relinquishes its protectorate in Morocco. April
"19th" - Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier III of Monaco. May "21st" - Nuclear testing: In the Pacific Ocean, Bikini Atoll is
nearly obliterated by the first airborne explosion of a hydrogen bomb. June "18th" - Last foreign troops leave Egypt. November
"6th" - U.S. presidential election, 1956: Republican incumbent Dwight D. Eisenhower is reelected by defeating Democrat
challenger Adlai E. Stevenson in a rematch of their contest four years earlier. November 7 - Suez Crisis: The United Nations
General Assembly adopts a resolution calling for the United Kingdom, France and Israel to withdraw their troops from Egypt
immediately. November 14th - Fighting ends in Hungary Suspicious

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Alexander Grechaninov, Russian composer, January "13th" - Lyonel Charles Feininger, German painter January
"27th" - Erich Kleiber, German conductor February 18 - Gustave Charpentier, French composer August "11th" - Jackson Pollock,
US painter September 27 - Babe Didrikson Zaharias, American athlete and golfer October "19th" - Isham Jones, jazz musician (b.
1894) December "6th" - Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Indian Untouchable leader. December "7th" - Huntley Gordon, pioneer Hollywood

January "22nd" - Israel withdraws from the Sinai Peninsula (they invaded Egypt on October 29, 1956) January "22nd" - The New
York City "Mad Bomber," George P. Metesky, is arrested in Waterbury, Connecticut and is charged with planting more than 30
bombs. March 1 - U Nu becomes Prime Minister of Burma March 1 - Arturo Lezama becomes President of the National Council
of Government of Uruguay March 1 - Sud Aviation forms from a merger between SNCASE (Société Nationale de Constructions
Aéronautiques du Sud Est) and SNCASO (Société Nationale de Constructions Aéronautiques du Sud Ouest) March "6th" - United
Kingdom colonies Gold Coast and British Togoland become the independent Republic of Ghana March "13th" - The FBI arrests
Jimmy Hoffa and charges him with bribery. June "21st" - John Diefenbaker becomes Canada's thirteenth prime minister. October
"9th" - Neil H. McElroy was sworn in as the 6th Secretary of Defense of United States. October "11th" - Radio telescope of
Jodrell Bank, Cheshire, UK, opened November "3rd" - Sputnik program: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. On board is the
first animal to enter space - a dog named Laika (she was kept alive for several days in space with a sophisticated life-support
system) November "7th" - Cold War: In the United States, the Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout
shelters. December "6th" - First US attempt to launch a satellite fails, blowing up on the launchpad.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

February "9th" - Miklós Horthy, Hungarian admiral and longtime Regent (b. 1868) February "18th" - Henry Norris Russell,
astronomer March "11th" - Admiral Richard E. Byrd, explorer May "9th" - Ezio Pinza, opera singer June "27th" - Malcolm
Lowry, novelist (b. 1909) August "7th" - Oliver Hardy, American actor August "19th" - David Bomberg, painter September
"21st" - Haakon VII of Norway September "22nd" - Toyoda Soemu, Japanese admiral in World War II

February 1 - Egypt and Syria unite to form the United Arab Republic, February 1 - US satellite Explorer I launched February
"6th" - Munich Air Disaster - "21' dead, including "7" players for Manchester United February "11th" - Marshal Chen Yi succeeds
Zhou Enlai as Chinese Minister of Foreign affairs. February "11th" - Ruth Carol Taylor is 1st African American woman hired as a
flight attendant. March "22nd" - Faisal becomes King of Saudi Arabia. March "27th" - Nikita Khrushchev becomes Premier of the
Soviet Union June "1st" - Charles De Gaulle is brought out of retirement to lead France by decree for six months. October "11th"
- Pioneer program: NASA launches the lunar probe Pioneer 1 (the probe falls back to Earth and burns up) December "9th" - John
Birch Society formed in the USA

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Edna Purviance, actress, February "13th"- Christabel Pankhurst, suffragette. March "21st" - Cyril M. Kornbluth,
science fiction writer, March "22nd" - Michael Todd, Academy Award winning film producer, May "19th" - Ronald Colman,
actor. October "9th" - Pope Pius XII

January "3rd" - Castro's troops enter Havana. January "3rd" - Alaska is admitted as the 49th U.S. state. January "7th" - The
United States recognizes the new Cuban government of Fidel Castro. February "6th" - At Cape Canaveral, Florida, the first
successful test firing of a Titan intercontinental ballistic missile is accomplished. February "18th" - Jesus Sosa Blanco, murderer
of 108 people, executed in Cuba February "19th" - The United Kingdom grants Cyprus its independence. March "18th" -
American President Dwight D. Eisenhower signs bill allowing for Hawaiian statehood. June "9th" - The USS George Washington
is launched as the first submarine to carry ballistic missiles. August "7th" - Explorer program: The United States launches
Explorer 6 from the Atlantic Missile Range in Cape Canaveral, Florida. August "21st" - Hawaii is admitted as the 50th U.S.
state. September "13th" - Luna 2 crashes onto the Moon as the first man-made object. October "21st" - Mau Mau leader Dedan
Kimathi is arrested in Nyeri, Kenya

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Cecil B. DeMille, director, January "22nd" - Mike Hawthorn, racing champion, February "3rd" - rock and roll
performers Buddy Holly, Richie Valens and The Big Bopper, in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa. The news isn't widely
known until daybreak. February "3rd" - Vincent Astor, American tycoon March "3rd" - Lou Costello, actor, comedian April "9th"
- Frank Lloyd Wright, architect (b. 1897) August "6th" - Preston Sturges, director and writer. September "13th" - Gilbert Adrian,
Hollywood fashion designer October "18th" - Boughera El Ouafi, Algerian athlete

January "1st" - Aswan High Dam construction begins in Egypt. January "11th" - Chad declares its independence. February "13th"
- Nuclear testing: France tests its first atomic bomb. February "21st" - Cuban leader Fidel Castro nationalizes all businesses in
Cuba. March "6th" - Vietnam War: The United States announces that 3,500 American troops are going to be sent to Vietnam.
March "21st" - Apartheid: Massacre in Sharpeville, South Africa: Afrikaner police open fire on a group of unarmed black South
African demonstrators, killing 69 and wounding 180. March "22nd" - Arthur Leonard Schawlow & Charles Hard Townes receive
the first patent for a laser. April "21st" - In Brazil, The Country's capital (Federal District) is shifted from Rio de Janeiro to
Brasília. The Estado da Guanabara (State of Guanabara) is founded to succeed Rio de Janeiro as the Brazilian Federal District.
April "27th" - Togo gains independence from French-administered UN trusteeship. May "9th" - Reproductive rights: The Food
and Drug Administration approves sale of the birth control pill. May "27th" - In Turkey, General Cemal G�rsel leads a military
coup d'etat removing President Celal Bayar and the rest of the democratic government August "6th" - Cuban Revolution: In
response to a United States embargo, Cuba nationalizes American and foreign-owned property in the nation. August "7th" - Côte
d'Ivoire becomes independent. August "19th" - Cold War: In Moscow, downed American U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers is
sentenced to ten years imprisonment by the Soviet Union for espionage. August "19th" - Sputnik program: The Soviet Union
launches Sputnik 5 with the dogs Belka and Strelka (Russian for "Squirrel" and "Little Arrow"), 40 mice, 2 rats and a variety of
plants. The spacecraft will return to earth the next day and all animals will be recovered safely. November "13th" - Sammy Davis,
Jr. marries Swedish actress May Britt. Interracial marriage is still illegal in 31 US states out of 50. November "22nd" - United
Nations supports government of Kasavubu and Joseph Mobutu in Congo. December "7th" - The United Nations Security Council
was called into session by the USSR to consider the Soviet demands that the U.N. seek the immediate release of former
Congolese Premier Patrice Lumumba. December "9th" - French President Charles de Gaulle's visit to Algeria was marked by
bloody riots by European and Muslim mobs in Algeria's largest cities, killing 1'27' people. December "13th" - While the Emperor
Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia was on a visit to Brazil, an unsuccessful revolt against his rule is carried out by his Imperial Guard.
The rebels proclaim the emperor's son, Crown Prince Asfa-Wossen. December "19th" - Fire sweeps through the USS
Constellation, the U.S.'s largest aircraft carrier, while it is under construction at a Brooklyn Navy Yard pier, injuring 150 and
killing 50. December "27th" - France sets off its third nuclear test blast at its atomic proving grounds at Reggane, Algeria.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February 11 - Ernst von Dohnanyi, Hungarian conductor (b. 1877) April 1 - Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Almarhum Tuanku
Muhammad, Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan and 1st Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. June 27 - Lottie Dod,
English athlete September 1 - Hisamuddin Alam Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Alaeddin Sulaiman Shah, Sultan of Selangor and
2nd Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia September 9 - Jussi Björling, Swedish tenor (b. 1911)

January "3rd" - President Dwight Eisenhower announced that the United States had severed diplomatic and consular relations with
Cuba. January "7th" - Following a four-day conference conference in Casablanca, five African chiefs of state announced plans for a
NATO-type African organization to insure common defense. The Charter of Casablanca involved were Morocco, the United Arab
Republic, Ghana, Guinea, and Mali. February "11th" - Trial of Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem. March "3rd" - Hassan II is
crowned King of Morocco. April "22nd" - Three French generals who oppose De Gaulle's policies in Algeria fail in a coup attempt
April "27th" - Sierra Leone is granted its independence from the United Kingdom. May "19th" - Venera program: Venera 1
becomes the first man-made object to fly-by another planet by passing Venus (however the probe had lost contact with earth a
month earlier and did not send back any data). May "21st" - American civil rights movement: Alabama Governor John Patterson
declares martial law in an attempt to restore order after race riots break out. June "21st" - Russian ballet dancer Rudolf Nureyev
requests asylum in France while in Paris with the Kirov Ballet. June "22nd" - Moise Tshombe released July "21st" - Mercury
program: Gus Grissom piloting the Mercury 4 capsule "Liberty Bell 7" becomes the second American to go into orbit around the
Earth. August "13th" - Construction of the Berlin Wall begins. Movement between East Berlin and West Berlin remains restricted
for the next 28 years, until November "9"th, 1989. (11/9!!!) October "19th" - Arab League takes over protection of Kuwait - last
British troops leave. November "13th" - Vladimir Yefimovich Semichastny succeeds Aleksandr Nikolayevich Shelepin as head of
the KGB. December "11th" - Vietnam War officially begins as the first American helicopters arrive in Saigon along with 400 U.S.
personnel. December "19th" - Goa ceded to India after 400 years of Portuguese rule.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Blaise Cendrars, writer, February "11th" - Eduard R Verkade, Dutch actor/director February "22nd" - Nick
LaRocca, jazz musician (b. 1889) March "3rd" - Paul Wittgenstein, pianist April "6th" - Jules Bordet, Belgian immunologist and
microbiologist April "9th" - Ahmet Zog, King of Albania May "13th" - Gary Cooper, actor June "6th" - Carl Jung, Swiss
psychiatrist (b. 1875) September "18th" - Dag Hammarskjöld, Secretary General of the United Nations October "11th" - Chico
Marx, member of the Marx Brothers (b. 1887)

January "9th" - Trade pact between Cuba and the Soviet Union. January "13th" - Albania allies itself with the People's Republic
of China. January "22nd" - The Organization of American States (OAS) suspends Cuba's membership. February "7th" - The
United States Government bans all US-related Cuban imports and exports. February "14th" - First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy takes
television viewers on a tour of the White House February "9th" - Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation opened. March "18th" -
France and Algeria sign an agreement ending the Algerian War. March "19th" - Armistice in Algeria - however, OAS continues its
attacks against Algerians. June "3rd" - An air crash at Orly Airport in Paris - 130 dead, two stewardesses survive. July "22nd" -
Mariner program: Mariner 1 spacecraft flies erratically several minutes after launch and has to be destroyed. August "5th"
(8+5=13) - Film actress and sex icon, Marilyn Monroe is found dead in her Los Angeles, California home after apparently
overdosing on sleeping pills. August "6th" - Jamaica becomes independent. August "27th" - NASA launches the Mariner 2 space
probe October "11th" - Second Vatican Council: Pope John XXIII convenes the first ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic
Church in 92 years November "6th" - Apartheid: The United Nations General Assembly passes a resolution condemning South
Africa's racist apartheid policies and calls for all UN member states to cease military and economic relations with the nation.
November "7th" - Richard M. Nixon loses the California governor's race. In his concession speech, he states that this is his "last
press conference" and that "you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more" December "9th" - Tanganyika (now Tanzania)
becomes a republic within the Commonwealth, with Julius Nyerere as president. December "11th" - Formation in West Germany
of coalition government of Christian Democrats, Christian Socialists, and Free Democrats.
Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:
January "13th" - Ernie Kovacs, comedian (b. 1919), February "19th" - Georgios Papanikolaou, inventor of the Pap smear (b.
1883), April "13th" - Culbert Olson, 29th Governor of California (b. 1876). May "27th" - Egon Petri, classical pianist (b. 1881),
June "6th" - Yves Klein, French painter (b. 1928), July "6th" - William Faulkner, American novelist (b. 1897), July "9th" -
Georges Bataille, French writer (b. 1897) August 5th (8+5=13) - Marilyn Monroe, American actress (b. 1926) September 3 - E. E.
Cummings, poet (b. 1894) September 6th - Hanns Eisler, composer (b. 1898), September "7th" - Kirstin Flagstad, Norwegian
soprano, (b. 1895), September "7th" - Isak Dinesen, Danish writer (b. 1885), October "6th" - Tod Browning, director (b. 1882)
October "9th" - Milan Vidmar, Slovene electrical engineer and chess player (b. 1885), October "27 - Enrico Mattei, Italian
politician (b. 1906) November "7th" - Eleanor Roosevelt, first lady (b. 1884) November "18th" - Niels Bohr, Danish physicist (b.

January "22nd" - Elysée treaty between France and Germany, February "11th" - CIA Domestic Operations Division is created.
February "27th" - Female suffrage in Iran. March "21st" - Alcatraz, a federal penitentiary on an island in San Francisco Bay,
closes; the last "27" prisoners are transferred elsewhere. March "27th" - In Britain Dr Beeching issues report calling for huge cuts
to the UK's rail network; See Beeching axe April "7th" - Yugoslavia is proclaimed to be a Socialist republic and Josip Broz Tito
is named President for life June "11th" - Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc publicly sets himself on fire in Saigon, Vietnam, to
protest against Ngo Dinh Diem's policies. June "11th" - Prime Minister of Greece Constantine Karamanlis resigns in protest of
king's visit to Britain. June "21st" - Pope Paul VI is elected by College of Cardinals. August 5th (8+3=13) - United States,
United Kingdom, and Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty. October "9th" - Uganda becomes a republic. November "7th" -
Wunder von Lengede: In Germany, 11 miners are rescued from a collapsed mine after 14 days. November "9th" - 1963 Miike
coal-mine explosion: In Japan, a coal mine explosion kills 458 and sends 839 carbon monoxide poisoning victims to the hospital
November "22nd" - John F. Kennedy assassination: In Dallas, Texas, US President John F. Kennedy is assassinated, Texas
Governor John B. Connally is seriously wounded, and US Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn-in as the 36th President
of the United States

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Sylvia Plath, poet/novelist. April" 6th" - Otto Struve, astronomer (b. 1897) April "9th" - Eddie Edwards, jazz
musician (b. 1891) June "3rd" - Pope John XXIII June "11th" - Thich Quang September "11th" - Suzanne Duchamp, Dada painter.
October "11th" - Edith Piaf, French singer October "11th" - Jean Cocteau, writer November "22nd" - John F. Kennedy, 35th
President of the United States November "22nd" - Aldous Huxley, novelist November "22nd" - C.S. Lewis - novelist, Christian
apologist, and English professor

January "7th" - A British firm, the Leyland Motor Corp., announces the sale of 450 buses to the Cuban government, challenging
the United States blockade of Cuba. January "9th" - Armed clashes between United States troops and Panamanian mobs in the
Canal Zone precipitate a major international crisis and result in the deaths of "21" Panamanians and 4 U.S. soldiers. January
"11th" - United States Surgeon General Luther Terry reports that smoking may be hazardous for one's health. First such statement
from US government. January "18th" - Esther Armstrong Scottish Landscape Artist born in Dingwall, Scotland. Plans to build
the World Trade Center announced. January "27th" - France and the People's Republic of China announce their decision to
establish diplomatic relations. January "27th" - Senator Margaret Chase Smith (R-Me.), 66, announces her candidacy for the
Republican nomination for President. February "6th" - Cuba cuts off the normal water supply to the United States naval base at
Guantanamo Bay in reprisal for U.S. seizure 4 days earlier of 4 Cuban fishing boats off the coast of Florida. February "9th" - The
Beatles make their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. February "11th" - Greeks & Turks begin fighting in Limassol,
Cyprus. February "11th" - The Republic of China (Taiwan) drops diplomatic relations with France because of French recognition
of the People's Republic of China. February "27th" - The government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa
from toppling over. March "6th" - Constantine II becomes King of Greece. April "7th" - IBM announces the System/360. April
"9th" - The United Nations Security Council adopts by a 9-0 vote a resolution deploring a British air attack on a fort in Yemen 12
days earlier in which 25 persons were reported killed. April "11th" - The Brazilian Congress elects General Humberto Castelo
Branco as President of Brazil. April "19th" - The coalition government of Laos, headed by Prince Souvanna Phouma, is deposed
by a right-wing military group led by Brig. Gen. Kouprasith Abhay May "7th" - A Pacific Airlines Fokker F27 crashes near
Dublin, California, killing all "44"(4 times 11) aboard; the FBI later reports that a recorded tape indicated that the pilot had been
shot. May "9th" - South Korean President Chung Hee Park reshuffles his Cabinet after a series of student demonstrations against
his efforts to restore diplomatic and trade relations with Japan. May "27th" - Prime Minister Nehru of India dies; he is succeeded
by Lal Shastri. June "3rd" - South Korean President Chung Hee Park declares martial law in Seoul after 10,000 student
demonstrators overpower police. June "9th" - In Federal Court in Kansas City, Kansas, army deserter George John Gessner, 28, is
convicted of passing United States secrets to the Soviet Union. June "11th" - Greece rejects direct talks with Turkey over Cyprus.
June "19th" - Senator Edward Kennedy, 32, is seriously injured in a private plane crash at Southampton, Massachusetts; the pilot
is killed. June "21st" - Three civil rights workers, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney, are murdered near
Philadelphia, Mississippi, by local segregationist law enforcement officials. July 6th - Malawi declares its independence from the
United Kingdom. July "19th" - Vietnam War: At a rally in Saigon, South Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Khanh calls for
expanding the war into North Vietnam. July "22nd" - Second meeting of Organization of African Unity. July "27th" - Vietnam
War: 5,000 more US military advisers are sent to South Vietnam bringing the total number of United States forces in Vietnam to
"21",000 August "5th" (8+5=13) - Vietnam War: Operation Pierce Arrow - aircraft from carriers USS Ticonderoga and USS
Constellation bomb North Vietnam in retaliation for strikes against US destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin. August "7th" - Vietnam
War: The United States Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution giving US President Lyndon B. Johnson broad war
powers to deal with North Vietnamese attacks on US forces. August "13th" - Murderers Gwynne Owen Evans and Peter Anthony
Allen are executed. They are the last people to be executed in the United Kingdom. October "22nd" - Canada: A Federal
Mult-Party Parliamentary Committee selects a design to become the new official Flag of Canada. November "21st" - Second
Vatican Council: The third period of the Catholic Church's ecumenical council closes November "21st" - The Verrazano Narrows
Bridge opens to traffic (at the time it was the world's longest suspension bridge) December "3rd" - Berkeley Free Speech
Movement: Police arrest over 800 students at the University of California, Berkeley, following their takeover and massive sit-in at
the administration building protesting the UC Regents' decision to forbid Vietnam War protests on UC property.

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

March "9th" - Paul Erich von Lettow-Vorbeck, German general (b. 1870), May "27th" - Jawaharlal Nehru, Indian politician (b.
1889), July "7th" - Lillian Copeland, American athlete, December "11th" - Alma Schindler Mahler Gropius Werfel, wife of
Gustav Mahler, Walter Gropius, and Franz Werfel, respectively.

January "14th" - Prime Ministers of Northern Ireland and Ireland meet for the first time in 43 years, February "7th" - US begins
regular bombing of North Vietnamese towns and villages, February "9th" - Vietnam War: The first United States combat troops
are sent to South Vietnam, February "21st" - Malcolm X is assassinated at his mosque in New York City by Black Muslims,
March "7th" - Bloody Sunday in Selma, Alabama, March "11th" - White supremacists beat up white priest James J. Reeb during
civil rights disturbances in Selma, Alabama. He dies later, March "18th" - cosmonaut Aleksei Leonov becomes the first person to
walk in space from spacecraft Voskhod 2, March "21st" - Ranger program: NASA launches Ranger "9" which is the last in a series
of unmanned lunar space probes, April "6th" - Launch of Early Bird communications satellite. It becomes operational May 2,
April "9th" - The West German parliament extends the statute of limitations on Nazi war crimes, May "13th" - West German
court of appeals condemns behavior of ex-defense minister Franz Joseph Strauss during the Spiegel scandal, June "6th" - US
astronaut Edward White makes first US space walk, June "19th" - Houari Boumedienne's Revolutionary Council ousts Ahmed
Ben Bella in a bloodless coup in Algeria, June "22nd" - Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea, July
"27th" - Edward Heath becomes Leader of the British Conservative Party, August "6th" - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs
the Voting Rights Act of 1965 into United States law, August "9th" - Singapore proclaims its independence from Malaysia,
August "9th" - An explosion at a missile plant in Arkansas kills 53, August "9th" - Indonesian president Sukarno collapses in
public, August "11th" - Watts Riots begin in Los Angeles, California, August "18th" - Vietnam War: Operation Starlite begins as
5,500 United States Marines destroy a Viet Cong stronghold on the Van Tuong peninsula in Quang Ngai Province, in the first
major American ground battle of the war. The Marines were tipped-off by a Viet Cong deserter who said that there was an attack
planned against the US base at Chu Lai August "19th" - At the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt, "66th" ex-SS personnel receive life
sentences, 15 others smaller ones, September "6th" - Indian troops march on Lahore, September "7th" - China announces that it
will reinforce its troops in the Indian border, September "7th" - Vietnam War: In a follow-up to August's Operation Starlight,
United States Marines and South Vietnamese forces initiate Operation Pirahna on the Batangan Peninsula, 23 miles south of the
Chu Lai Marine base, September 8 - India opens two additional fronts against Pakistan, September "9th" - UN secretary general U
Thant negotiates with Pakistani president Ayub Khan, September "9th" - U Thant recommends China for UN membership,
September "13th" - Congress of Arab countries begins in Casablanca - Habib Bourgiba boycotts the meeting, September "14th" -
Opening of fourth and final period of Second Vatican Council, September "18th" - China claims that US troops have used poison
gas in South Vietnam, September "18th" - In Denmark, Palle Sörensen shoots four policemen in pursuit - apprehended the same
day, September "19th" - Soviet prime minister Alexei Kosygin invites the leaders of India and Pakistan to meet in Soviet Union
to negotiate, September "21st" - Commander of US troops in Vietnam, general William Westmoreland, pleads Washington to
cancel the ban to use mustard gas, September "21st" - Ismail Nasiruddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Zainal Abidin III, Sultan of
Terengganu becomes the 4th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia., September "22nd" - Peking Radio announces that Indian
troops have dismantled their equipment on the Chinese side of the border, September "27th" - Largest tanker ship at the time,
Tokyo Maru, launched in Yokohama, October "3rd" - Fidel Castro announces that Che Guevara has resigned and left the country,
October "9th" - Yale University presents the "Vinland Map", October "9th" - Brigade of South Korean soldiers arrive in South
Vietnam, October 18 - Indonesian government declares communist party illegal, October "21th" - Ikeja-Seki comet is discovered,
October "21st" - OAU meeting begins in Accra, October "22th" - French authors André Figueras and Jacques Laurent are fined for
their comments against Charles De Gaulle, October "22th" - African countries demand that United Kingdom to use force to
prevent Rhodesia to declare unilateral independence, October "27th" - Brazilian president Branco removes power of parliament,
legal courts and opposition parties, November "6th" - Freedom Flights begin: Cuba and the United States formally agree to start
an airlift for Cubans who want to go to the United States (by 1971 250,000 Cubans take advantage of this program). November
"9th" - Northeast Blackout of 1965: Several U.S. states and parts of Canada are hit by a series of blackouts lasting up to "13 1/2"
hours. November "9th" - Vietnam War: In New York City, 22-year old Catholic Worker member Roger Allen LaPorte sets
himself on fire in front of the United Nations building in protest of the war in Vietnam (this was the second such incident in a
week; on November "2nd" 32-year-old Quaker member Norman Morrison did the same thing in front of The Pentagon) November
"11th" - Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe) is declared independent by the white minority regime of Ian Smith November "27th" -
Vietnam War: The Pentagon tells US President Lyndon B. Johnson that if planned major sweep operations needed to neutralize
Viet Cong forces during the next year were to succeed, the number of American troops in Vietnam has to be increased from
120,000 to 400,000 December "3rd" - First British aid flight arrive in Lusaka - Zambia has asked for British help against
Rhodesia December "3rd" - Members of OAU decide that they sever diplomatic relations with United Kingdom unless British
government end rebellion of Rhodesia by mid-December December "21st" - Soviet Unions announces that it has shipped rockets
to North Vietnam December "21st" - Soviet scientists condemn Trofim Lysenko December "21st" - Konrad Adenauer resigns from
the post of chairman of the Christian Democratic party December "22nd" - Military coup on Dahomey December "22nd" - 70 mph
speed limit imposed on British roads December "27st" - British oil brig Sea Gem collapses in the North Sea

Suspicious Deaths on Illuminati coveted dates:

February "13th" - Gloria Morgan-Vanderbilt, socialite, February "21st" - Malcolm X, Black Muslim Movement activist, February
"22nd" - Felix Frankfurter, justice of the Supreme Court of the United States March "3rd" - King Farouk of Egypt, former
monarch March 6 - Margaret Dumont, actress March "13st" - Corrado Gini, statistician March "13st" - Fan S. Noli, Albanian
bishop, poet and political figure (b. 1882) March "18th" - King Farouk I of Egypt July "7th" - Moshe Sharett, second Prime
Minister of Israel August "27st" - Le Corbusier, Swiss architect November "6th" - Edgar Varèse composer (b. 1883) November
"6th" - Clarence Williams, jazz musician (b. 1893)

August "19th" - At the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt, "66" ex-SS personnel receive life sentences, 15 others smaller ones. April
"27th" - Pope Paul VI and Soviet premier Gromyko meet in Vatican - the first meeting between representatives of the Catholic
Church and Soviet Union. October "11th" - France and Soviet Union sign a treaty about cooperation in nuclear research.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1st" (1/1) - Vincent Auriol, French president, January "11th" - Alberto Giacometti, Italian sculptor January "11th" -
Hannes Kolehmainen, Finnish long-distance runner January "18th" - Kathleen Norris, writer March "3rd" - Maxfield Parrish, artist
April "11th" - Maximiliano Hernández Martínez, former military dictator of El Salvador (assassinated) April "13th" - Georges
Duhamel, author April "13th" - Abdul Salam Arif, Iraqi president June "7th" - Jean Arp, sculptor, painter, and poet July "7th" -
George de Hevesy, chemist; Nobel-laureate August "3rd" - Lenny Bruce, American comedian August "6th" - Cordwainer Smith,
science fiction author September "6th" - Margaret Sanger, birth control advocate September "6th" - Hendrik Verwoerd, prime
minister of South Africa September "11th" - C. E. Woolman, founder of Delta Air Lines October "18th" - Elizabeth Arden,
beautician, and cosmetics entrepreneur

January "7th" - A launch pad fire destroys Apollo 1 and kills all three astronauts on board. January "14th" - New York Times
reports that the US Army is conducting secret germ warfare experiments. February "27th" - Dutch government supports British
European Union membership. May "11th" - United Kingdom and Ireland apply officially for European membership. May "19th" -
The Soviet Union ratifies a treaty with the United States and United Kingdom banning nuclear weapons from outer space. August
"7th" - Vietnam War: The People's Republic of China agrees to give North Vietnam and undisclosed amount of aid in the form of
a grant. October "27th" - Charles De Gaulle sternly vetoes British entry into European Union. December "11th" - The Concorde is
unveiled in Toulouse, France

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Jack Ruby, killer of Lee Harvey Oswald January "27th" - Edward White, Gus Grissom and Roger Chaffee, Apollo
1 crew February "18th" - J. Robert Oppenheimer, physicist February "21st" - Charles Beaumont, writer March "6th" - Zoltán
Kodály, Hungarian composer March 6 - Nelson Eddy, American singer, actor March "7th" - Alice B. Toklas, personality March
"11th" - Geraldine Farrar, American soprano April "19th" - Konrad Adenauer, German statesman May "22nd" - Langston Hughes,
American writer June "7th" - Dorothy Parker, writer (b. 1893) July "21st" - Jimmie Foxx, Baseball Hall of Famer (b. 1907) July
"22nd" - Carl Sandburg, American poet August "27st" - Brian Epstein, original manager for The Beatles September "13th" -
Varian Fry, ran an escape network in wartime Marseille, France September "27th" - Prince Felix Yussupov, assassin of Rasputin
(b. 1887) October "3rd" - Woody Guthrie, folk musician October "9th" - Che Guevara, revolutionary, executed November "13th" -
Harriet Cohen, pianist November "19th" - Charles Watters, US Army Chaplain December "19th" - Harold Holt becomes
seventeenth Prime Minister of Australia

March "7th" - Vietnam War: The First Battle of Saigon begins. March "18th" - Gold standard: The United States Congress repeals
the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency. October "11th" - Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo "7", the first
manned Apollo mission, with astronauts Wally Schirra, Donn Eisele and Walter Cunningham aboard. Goals for the mission
include the first live television broadcast from orbit and testing the lunar module docking maneuver.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "19th" - Ray Harroun, first winner of the Indianapolis 500 (b. 1879) January "22nd" - Duke Kahanamoku, American
swimmer (b. 1890) February "11th" - Howard Lindsay, United States playwright February "27th" - Frankie Lymon, singer (b.
1942) March "27th" - Yuri Gagarin, the first human in space (and the first to orbit the Earth) (b. 1934) April "1st" - Lev
Davidovich Landau, Russian physicist (b. 1908) April "7th" - Jimmy Clark, racing driver (b. 1936) May "9th" - Mercedes de
Acosta, American poet, playwright, costume designer, and socialite (b. 1893) June "6th" - Robert F. Kennedy, U.S. Senator
(assassinated) (b. 1925) July "11th" - Mervyn Peake, British writer and illustrator (b. 1911) August "27th" - Her Royal Highness
Princess Marina, Duchess of Kent (b. 1906) December "19th" - Norman Thomas, Socialist Party leader (b. 1884) February "11th"
- James Lanphier, actor.

January "27th" - 14 men, "9" of them Jews, were executed in Baghdad for spying for Israel. August "13th" - Serious border clash
between Soviet Union and People's Republic of China. May "22nd" - Apollo program: Apollo 10's lunar module flies within
15,400 m of the moon's surface. July "7th" - French is made equal to English throughout the Canadian national government.
September "22"nd - 25 Islamic conference in Rabat, Morocco after al-Aqsa Mosque fire (August "21"st) condemns Israeli
occupation of Jerusalem. November 14th(7x2) - Apollo program: NASA launches Apollo 12, the second manned mission to the
surface of the Moon (landed on the Moon on November "19th") November "21"st - The first ARPANET link is established.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

March "11th" - John Wyndham, author March "27th" - B. Traven, writer May "19th" - Coleman Hawkins, jazz musician June
"21st" - Maureen Connolly, tennis star July "18th" - Mary Jo Kopechne, congressional staffer for Edward Kennedy August "9th" -
Sharon Tate, actress August "27th" - Ivy Compton-Burnett, English novelist November "18th" - Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., US
politician and father of President John F. Kennedy

February "11th" - Japan becomes the fourth country to launch a satellite into orbit. April "11th" - Apollo "13th" ill-fated space
mission launched. April "22"nd - First Earth Day celebrated. September "27th" - Richard Nixon begins a tour in Europe and visits
Italy, Yugoslavia, Spain, United Kingdom and Ireland. November "9th" Charles de Gaulle mysteriously dies. He is buried
November "13th" November "9th" Soviet Union launches Luna 17. November "19th" European Union prime minister meeting in
Munich. November "27th" Philipino artist Benjamin Mendoza tries to assassinate Paul VI during pope's visit in Manila.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - David O. McKay, president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (b. 1873) February "11th" - Emil
Abranyi, composer March "11th" - Erle Stanley Gardner, author May "21st" - E. L. Grant Watson , author June "21st" - Sukarno,
Indonesian President June "27th" - Daniel Kinsey, American hurdler July "19th" - Egon Eiermann, architect July "22nd" - Fritz
Kortner, director July "22nd" - Grete Wiesenthal, dancer and choreographer July "27th" - Walt Rohr, Portuguese dictator August
"19th" - Pawel Jasienica, Polish historian (born 1909) September "3rd" - Vince Lombardi, American football coach September
"11th" - Ernst May, architect September "18th" - Jimi Hendrix, rock musician November "9th" - Charles de Gaulle, French
general, statesman December "7th" - Debra Trotter, cartoonist

January "19"th - Representatives of 23 western oil companies begin negotiations with OPEC in Tehran to stabilize oil prices.
April "19th", 1971 - Soviet Union launches Saljut I. April "21st" - Francois Duvalier, president of Haiti, dies, his son
Jean-Claude Duvalier follows him as president-for-life. May "9th" - Launch of Mariner 8 fails - May "19th" - Mars probe program
launched. May "27th" - six armed passengers hijack Romanian passenger plane and force it to fly to Vienna. June "6th" - Soviet
Soyuz "11" launches. July "9th" - United Kingdom increases its troops in Northern Ireland to "11" thousand. August "18th" -
Vietnam War: Australia and New Zealand decide to withdraw their troops from Vietnam. September "27th" - October "11th" -
Emperor Hirohito travels abroad. November "13th" - Mariner program: Mariner "9" enters Mars orbit.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Jose Arigo,"psychic surgeon" January "19th" - Harry Shields, jazz musician (b. 1899) February "11th" - Whitney
Young Jr, National Urban League director. March "6th" - Thurston Dart, English harpsichordist and conductor (b. 1921) March
"11th" - Philo T. Farnsworth, television pioneer April "6th" - Igor Stravinsky, composer April "19th" - Earl Thomson, Canadian
athlete April "21st" - Papa Doc Duvalier, despotic President of Haiti. May "11th" - Sean Lemass, former Taoiseach of the
Republic of Ireland May "19th" - Ogden Nash, poet July "6th" - Louis Armstrong, jazz musician July "7th" - Claude Gauvreau,
Quebec playwright, poet and polemist July "7th" - Ub Iwerks, American animator July "19th" - John Jacob Astor, 1st Baron
Astor of Hever, British businessman September "11th" - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, Soviet politician and leader. He was
buried without official honors.

January "22nd" - Denmark, Ireland, Norway and United Kingdom join the European Union. December "18th" - US dollar
devalued for the second time in US history. February "9th" - British government declares a state of emergency over a miners'
strike. February "21st" - February "27th" - President Richard M. Nixon makes an unprecedented eight-day visit to the People's
Republic of China and meets with Mao Zedong. February "21st" - The Soviet unmanned spaceship Luna 20 lands on the Moon.
February "22nd" - IRA bomb in Aldershot - 7 die. March "13th" - The United Kingdom and People's Republic of China elevate
diplomatic exchanges to the ambassadorial level after "22" years. March "19th" - India and Bangladesh sign a friendship treaty.
April "27th" - Constructive Vote of No Confidence against German Chancellor Willy Brandt fails under obscure circumstances.
May "13th" - Fire in a nightclub atop the Sennichi department store in Osaka, Japan - 115 dead May "19th" - Three out of six
bombs explode in the Springer Press building in Hamburg, Germany - 17 injured. Red Army Faction takes the responsibility.
September "19th" - Parcel bomb sent to Israeli Embassy in London kills one diplomat. September "21st" - Philippine president
Ferdinand Marcos issued Proclamation No. 1081 placing the entire country under martial law. November "7th" - U.S. presidential
election, 1972: Republican incumbent Richard Nixon defeats Democratic Senator George McGovern (the election had the lowest
voter turnout since 1948 with only 55 percent of the electorate voting). November "11th" - Vietnam War: Vietnamization - The
United States Army turns over the massive Long Binh military base to South Vietnam. December "7th" - Apollo 17 launched
December "21st" - East and West recognize each other. December "7th" - Jean McConville disappears in Belfast.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1st" - Maurice Chevalier, French entertainer, surgical complications January "14th" - King Frederick IX of Denmark
February "11th" - Jan Wils, architect March "13th" - Tony Ray-Jones, British photographer (b. 1941) March "27th" - Sharkey
Bonano, jazz musician (b. 1904) March "27th" - M. C. Escher, Dutch graphic artist May "13th" - Dan Blocker, actor July "7th" -
King Talal, King of Jordan July "19th" - Hezekiah M. Washburn, missionary (b. 1884) July "21st" - Ralph Craig, American
athlete August "14th" - Oscar Levant, pianist and actor September "19th" - Robert Casadesus, French pianist (b. 1899) November
"1st" - Ezra Pound, American poet November "14th" - Martin Dies, Jr., American politician (b. 1900) December "3rd" - Bill
Johnson, jazz musician (b. 1872)

January "22nd", 1973 - Supreme Court of the United States rules on Roe v. Wade. January "27th" - U.S. involvement in Vietnam
War ends with the signing of peace pacts. February "11th" - Vietnam War: First release of American prisoners of war from
Vietnam takes place. February "21st" - Over the Sinai Desert, Israeli fighter aircraft shoot down a Libyan Arab Airlines jet killing
100. March "7th" - Comet Kohoutek is discovered. April "6th" - Launch of Pioneer "11" spacecraft. May 14 - Skylab, the United
States' first space station, is launched. August "13th" - The film of Jesus Christ Superstar is released. August "22nd" - Henry
Kissinger, U.S. National Security Adviser, is named Secretary of State. September "11th" - Chile's democratically elected
government is overthrown in military coup after serious instability. October "6th" - Yom Kippur War - Fourth and largest
Arab-Israeli conflict begins as Egyptian and Syrian forces attack Israel as Jews mark Yom Kippur. November "7th" - The United
States Congress overrides President Richard M. Nixon's veto of the War Powers Resolution, which limits presidential power to
wage war without congressional approval November "11th" - Egypt and Israel sign a United States-sponsored cease-fire accord.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "22nd" - Lyndon Johnson, President of the United States February "11th" - Hans D Jensen, German physicist. March"
6th" - Pearl S. Buck, novelist April "21st" - Arthur Fadden, thirteenth Prime Minister of Australia May "11th" - Lex Barker, actor
June "18th" - Roger Delgado, actor (b. 1918) July "6th" - Otto Klemperer, conductor September "11th" - Salvador Allende,
Chilean president September "19th" - Gram Parsons, musician October "22th" - Pablo Casals, Catalan virtuoso cellist and
conductor November "27th" - Frank Christian, jazz musician (b. 1887)

February "27th", 1974 - People magazine is published for the first time. February "13th" - Nobel Prize winner writer Alexander
Solzhenitsyn expelled from the Soviet Union (he returns May "27", 1994) March "3rd" - A DC-10 of Turkish Airlines from Paris
to London crashes in a wood near Paris. All 346 dead. May "9th", 1974 - The United States House of Representatives Judiciary
Committee opens formal and public impeachment hearings against President Richard M. Nixon. July "27th" for 3 days -
Watergate Scandal. August "9th" - Richard Nixon becomes the first President of the United States to resign from office.
September "13th" - Japanese Red Army members seize the French Embassy in the Hague, Netherlands. November "7th" - An IRA
bomb explodes at the Kings Head Woolwich. November "21st" - In Birmingham, England, two pubs are bombed, killing "21"
people (the Birmingham "Six" were later sentenced to life in prison for this) November "21st" - George W. Bush is discharged
from the US Air Force Reserve November "22nd" - The United Nations General Assembly grants the Palestine Liberation
Organization observer status. November "27th" - The Prevention of Terrorism Act is passed in United Kingdom. December "19th"
- Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh becomes the fifth President of Ireland.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Anna Q Nilsson, actress. February "21st" - Tim Horton, NHL player, Hockey Hall of Famer, founder of Tim
Hortons doughnut shops April "19th" - Ayub Khan, President of Pakistan June "22nd" - Darius Milhaud, composer July "9th" -
Earl Warren, 30th Governor of California, and 14th Chief Justice of the United States. September "3rd" - Harry Partch, microtonal
composer November "11th" - Alfonso Leng, Chilean composer November "13th" - Vittorio De Sica, Italian director November
"19th" - George Brunies, jazz musician (b. 1902) November "21st" - John B. Gambling, radio talk-show host December "18th" -
Harry Hooper, Baseball Hall of Famer (b. 1887)

January "7th" - OPEC agrees to raise crude oil prices by 10%. January "27th" - The trial of SLA member Patty Hearst begins.
February "9th" - The Soyuz 17 Soviet spacecraft returns to Earth. February "11th: - Margaret Thatcher defeats Edward Heath for
the leadership of the UK Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. February "21st" - Watergate scandal: Former United States
Attorney General John N. Mitchell and former White House aides H. R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman are sentenced to prison.
February "27th" - Movement 2 June kidnaps Peter Lorenz, Christian Democrat Union candidate for mayor of the West Berlin.
They demand release of "7" left-wing terrorists within "3" days. "Six" of them are released and taken to Yemen. March "9th" -
Construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System begins. June "19th" - Lord Lucan found guilty in absentia of the murder of the
nanny Sandra Rivett. July "6th" - The Comoros declare their independence from France August "11"th - British Leyland comes
under British government control. September "22nd" - President Ford survives a second assassination attempt, again by a female.
November "22nd" - Juan Carlos is declared King of Spain following the death of dictator Francisco Franco. November "27th" -
Ross McWhirter, the co-founder of the Guinness Book of Records, is shot dead by the IRA (he apparently knew too much about
something - perhaps who has the real wealth in the world!) December "7th" - East Timor invaded by Indonesia. December "21st" -
Left-wing terrorists, including Carlos the Jackal, kidnap delegates of an OPEC conference in Vienna. They kill three hostages,
extort $5 million ransom and escape into Middle East.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "19th" - Thomas Hart Benton, U.S. muralist February "14th" - Julian Huxley, British biologist (b. 1887) April "13th" -
N'Garta Tombalbaye, President of Chad May "13th" - Bob Wills, country musician August "9th" - Dmitri Shostakovich, aged 68,
Russian composer September "27th" - Jack Lang, Australian politician October "21st" - Charles Reidpath, American athlete
November "27th" - Ross McWhirter, Guinness Book of Records co-founder

May "9th" - Ulrike Meinhof of RAF is found hanging in an apparent suicide in her cell in Stuttgart-Stannheim prison. May
"11th" - President Gerald Ford signs Federal Election Campaign Act. June "27th" - Palestinian extremists hijack an Air France
plane in Greece with 246 passengers and 12 crew. They take it to Entebbe, Uganda, where Israeli commandos storms it on July
4th. July "21st" - a bomb kills Christopher Ewart, British ambassador to the Irish Republic. August "7th" - Viking program:
Viking 2 enters into orbit around Mars. September "3rd" - Viking program: The Viking 2 spacecraft lands at Utopia Planitia on
Mars. September "6th" - Cold War: Soviet air force pilot Lt. Viktor Belenko lands a MiG-25 jet fighter at Hakodate on the island
of Hokkaido in Japan and requests political asylum from the United States Military Junta in power in Argentina. September
"21st: - Orlando Letelier is assassinated in Washington, D.C. by agents of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "1st" (2/1) - Werner Heisenberg, physicist February "6th" - Vince Guaraldi, musician February "11th" - Alice Allen,
actress February "11th" - Lee J Cobb, actor February "11th" - Alexander Lippisch, German aerodynamicist February "11th" -
Charlie Naughton, actor February "13th" - Lily Pons, opera singer February "22nd" - Florence Ballard, singer with The Supremes
March "6th" - Max 'Slapsie Maxie' Rosenbloom, boxer, actor March "7th" - Wright Patman, American politician (b. 1893) April
"1st" - Max Ernst, artist May "9th" - Jens Bjørneboe, Norwegian author May "9th" - Ulrike Meinhof of the Red Army Faction
commits suicide May "11th" - Alvar Aalto, architect May "27th" - Hilde Hildebrand, German actress, (b. 1897) September "9th" -
Mao Zedong, Chinese leader December "6th" - Joao Goulart, president of Brazil

February "7th" - The Soviet Union launches Soyuz 24. February "18th" - The Space Shuttle Enterprise test vehicle goes on its
maiden "flight" while sitting on top of a Boeing 747. March "9th" - Approximately a dozen armed Hanafi Muslims take over
three buildings in Washington, DC, killing one person and taking more than '13'0 hostages. The hostage situation ends two days
later. July "13th" - The New York City Blackout of 1977 lasts for 25 hours and results in looting and other disorder. September
"7th" - Treaties between Panama and the United States on the status of the Panama Canal are signed. The US agrees to transfer
control of the canal to Panama at the end of the 20th century. September "11th" - The last "wild" infection of smallpox is reported
in Somalia. September "21st" - Nuclear-proliferation pact, curbing spread of nuclear weapons, is signed by 15 countries including
the United States and USSR. October "13th" - Four Palestinians hijack a Lufthansa Airlines flight to Somalia and demand release
of "11" members of the Red Army Faction. October "18th" - Red Army Faction members Andreas Baader, Jan-Carl Raspe and
Gudrun Ensslin commit suicide in Stannheim prison. Irmgard Möller fails. Their supporters continue to claim they were
murdered. Bodies are buried October "27th". October "19th" - Kidnapped industrialist Hans-Martin Schleyer is found killed in
West Berlin. November "19th" - Egyptian President Anwar Sadat becomes the first Arab leader to officially visit Israel when he
meets with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin and speaks before the Knesset in Jerusalem, seeking a permanent peace
settlement (much of the Arab world is outraged by the visit). November "22nd" - British Airways inaugurates regular London to
New York City supersonic Concorde service

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "14th" - Anthony Eden, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom January "14th" - Peter Finch, actor January "14th" -
Anaïs Nin, author January "19th" - Yvonne Printemps, singer, actress February "11th" - Louis J M Beel, Dutch premier
(1946-1948, 1958-1959). March "18th" - Marien Ngouabi, President of The Congo April "21st" - Gummo Marx, actor, comedian,
Marx Brothers (b. 1892) June "19th" - Lady Olave Baden-Powell, World Chief Guide June "19th" - Ali Shariati, sociologist July
"13th" - Carl Gustav von Rosen, military aviator August "19th" - Groucho Marx, comedian (b. 1890) October "14th" - Bing
Crosby, American singer and actor December "19th" - Jacques Tourneur, director

February "11th" - Mobilization in Somalia due to apparent Ethiopian attack. February "11th" - The People's Republic of China
lifts a ban on works by Aristotle, Shakespeare and Dickens. February "13th" - Hilton bombing: three members of the Ananda
Marga sect detonate a bomb outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydeny, Australia, killing two garbagemen, a policeman and several
others. March "3rd" - Rhodesia attacks Zambia. March "11th" - Palestinian terrorists on the Tel Aviv Haifa highway kill 34
Israelis. March "18th" - Prime Minister of Pakistan, Sulfikar Ali Bhutto is sentenced to death by hanging for ordering the
assassination of a political opponent. April "27th" - President of Afghanistan, Daud Khan is killed during a military coup -
Mohammed Takain succeeds him. May "18th" - Soviet dissident Yuri Orlov is sentenced for seven years hard labor for
distributing counterrevolutionary material. June "9th" - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints opens the Mormon
priesthood to "all worthy males," August "7th" - United States President Jimmy Carter declares a federal emergency at Love
Canal. August "19th" - Fire in Rex Cinema in Tehran - 477 dead September "11th" - The tip of an umbrella poisons Bulgarian
defector Georgi Markov, probably on orders of Bulgarian intelligence. He dies four days later. November "18th" - Jonestown mass
suicide: In Jonestown, Guyana, Jim Jones leads his People's Temple in a mass murder-suicide; 9'13' die, including 276 children.
November "27th" - In San Francisco, California, city mayor George Moscone and openly gay city supervisor Harvey Milk are
assassinated by former supervisor Dan White. December "11th" - Lufthansa Heist - Six men rob a Lufthansa cargo facility in NY
Kennedy airport. December "11th"- Massive anti-Shah demonstration in Iran - 2 million demonstrators. December "13th" - First
Susan B. Anthony dollar enters circulation.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "13th" - Hubert H. Humphrey, U.S Vice President and Senator January "13th" - Joe McCarthy, baseball manager
February "11th" - James B Conant, headmaster of Harvard University. March "18th" - Leigh Brackett, science fiction author
March "19th" - Gaston Julia, mathematician (Julia Sets) March "21st" - Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh, fifth President of Ireland May "9th"
- Aldo Moro, former Prime Minister of Italy May "14th" - Robert Menzies, twelfth Prime Minister of Australia August "6th" -
Pope Paul VI; heart attack August "21st" - Charles Eames, American architect and designer August "22th" - Jomo Kenyatta,
Kenyan statesman September "7th" - Keith Moon, drummer of The Who; drug overdose. September "9th" - Jack Warner,
Hollywood studio founder September "11th" - Georgi Markov, Bulgarian dissident; assassinated with a poisoned umbrella. Dies 4
days later. September "19th" - Carl Bridgewater, "13" year old newspaper boy shot dead in burglary. October "22nd" - Anastas
Mikojan, Soviet politician November "6th" - Harry Bertoia, Italian artist and designer (b. 1915) December "27th" - Houari
Boumédiènne, president of Algeria.

February "11th" - Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini seizes power in Iran. April "11th" - Ugandan dictator Idi Amin overthrown;
Tanzania takes Kampala. May 25 - American Airlines Flight ?"191"?: In Chicago, Illinois, a DC-10 crashes during takeoff at
O'Hare International Airport killing 271 on board on two people on the ground. June "18th" - Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev
sign the SALT II agreement in Vienna. July "19th" - The Marxist Sandinistas take control of Nicaragua July "19th" - Maria
Pintassilgo becomes prime minister of Portugal. August "27th" - Lord Mountbatten killed by the I.R.A. September 1 - The
American Pioneer "11" becomes the first spacecraft to visit Saturn when it passes the planet at a distance of "21",000 km.
November 14 - Iran hostage crisis: US President Jimmy Carter issues Executive Order 12170, freezing all Iranian assets in the
United States and US banks in response to the hostage crisis. November "21st" - The United States Embassy in Islamabad,
Pakistan is attacked and set afire. December "27th" - The Soviet Union seizes control of Afghanistan and Babrak Karmal replaces
overthrown and executed President Hafizullah Amin.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Conrad Hilton, hotelier January "13th" - Donny Hathaway, musician February "7th" - Josef Mengele, Nazi war
criminal March "19th" - Richard Beckinsale, British actor May "11th" - Barbara Hutton, America's "Poor Little Rich Girl" June
"11th" - John Wayne, actor August "27th" - Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 79, British World War II hero October "6th" - Elizabeth
Bishop, poet October "13th" - Rebecca Clarke, composer and violist December "7th" - Prince Chahryar Shafik, nephew of the
Shah of Iran December "27th" - Hafizullah Amin, president of Afghanistan

January "9th" 1980 - In Saudi Arabia, "63" Muslim fanatics are beheaded for their part in the siege of the Great Mosque in Mecca
in November 1979. January "22nd" - Andrei Sakharov is arrested in Moscow. March "21st" - President Jimmy Carter announces
that the United States will boycott the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. April "7th" - The United States severs diplomatic
relations with Iran. September "22nd" - The command council of Iraq ordered its army to "deliver its fatal blow on Iranian
military targets," initiating the Iran-Iraq War. October "27th" - Six IRA prisoners in Maze prison refuse food and demand status as
political prisoners - hunger strike lasts until December. November "21st" - A fire at the MGM Grand Hotel-Casino in Las Vegas,
Nevada kills 87 people.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Joy Adamson, conservationist and author of Born Free (killed by a servant in northern Kenya). January "18" - Sir
Cecil Beaton, fashion designer February "7th" - Secondo Campini, Italian jet pioneer February "13th" - David Janssen, actor
February "19th" - Bon Scott, lead singer for AC/DC May "18th" - Ian Curtis, band member of Joy Division June "7th" - Henry
Miller, writer June "13th" - Walter Rodney, historian, political figure June "21st" - Bert Kaempfert, German orchestra leader and
songwriter July "7th" - Dore Schary, stage/motion picture personality August "7th" - Jacqueline Cochran, American aviatrix
August "14th" - Dorothy Stratten, Playboy playmate (murdered) November "7th" - Steve McQueen, actor November "22nd" - Mae
West, actress

May "13th" - Pope John Paul II is shot at and nearly killed by Mehmet Ali Agca, a Turkish gunman, as he entered St. Peter's
Square in Rome to address a general audience. (On 12/"27" two days after Christmas in 1983, Pope John Paul went to the prison
to meet and forgive his would-be assassin) May "21st" - In France, socialist François Mitterrand becomes president of the
Republic. May "22nd" - Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper, imprisoned for life for "13" counts of murder. June "7th" - Israeli
Air Force destroys Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactor. June "22nd" - Hamas attacks a travel agency in Greece - two dead. August "7th" -
The Washington Star ceases all operations after 128 years of publication. October "21st" - Andreas Papandreou becomes Prime
Minister of Greece. December "13th" - Wojciech Jaruzelski declares the state of martial law in Poland to prevent dismantling of
the communist system by Solidarity

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Her Royal Highness Princess Alice of Albany, the last grandchild of Queen Victoria January "6th" - A.J. Cronin,
novelist February "9th" - Bill Haley, musician March "9th" - Max Delbrück, German biologist April "7th" - Norman Taurog,
director April "27th" - John Aspinwall Roosevelt, businessman, philanthropist May "11th" - Bob Marley, Jamaican roots rock
reggae singer and musician (injected with carcinogens) May "18th" - William Saroyan, American author June "19th" - Lotte
Reiniger, German and later British silhouette animator. August "14th" - Karl Böhm, Austrian conductor (b. 1894) September
"1st" - Albert Speer, Nazi official October "6th" - Anwar Sadat, Egyptian president (assassinated) November "7th" - Will Durant,
American philosopher and writer. November "22th" - Sir Hans Adolf Krebs, German medical doctor and biochemist

January "11th" - Mark Thatcher, son of the British Prime Minister, Baroness Thatcher disappears in the Sahara during Paris-Dakar
rally. He is found 3 days later. January "13th" - Shortly after takeoff, an Air Florida Boeing 737 crashes into Washington, DC's
14th Street Bridge and falls into the Potomac River, killing 78. March "19th" - Falklands War: Argentines land on South Georgia
Island, precipitating war. May "21st" - Falklands War: Royal Marines and paratroopers from the British Task Force land at San
Carlos Bay on the Falkland Islands and raise the Union Jack. June "6th" - 1982 Lebanon War begins: Forces under Israeli Defense
Minister Ariel Sharon invade southern Lebanon in their "Operation Peace for the Galilee," eventually reaching as far north as the
capital Beirut. June "11th" - Release of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial directed by Steven Spielberg. June "13th" - Fahd becomes King
of Saudi Arabia upon the death of his brother, Khalid. October "11th" - The Mary Rose, flagship of Henry VIII of England that
sank in 1545 is raised. October "22nd" - First Blood is the first Rambo film to be released, starring Sylvester Stallone

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "11th" - Eleanor Powell, tap dancer ex-wife of Glenn Ford February "11th" - Takashi Shimura, Japanese actor March
"6th" - Ayn Rand, author March "19th" - Randy Rhoads, guitarist June "18th" - Curt Jurgens, Austrian actor August "21st" -
Sobhuza II of Swaziland September "11th" - Wilfredo Lam, Cuban artist September "14th" - Grace Patricia Kelly, former United
States actress and Princess of Monaco.

January "19th" 1983 - Klaus Barbie, Nazi war criminal, is arrested in Bolivia. February "7th" - Iran opens an invasion in the
southeast of Iraq. April "7th" - During STS-"6", astronauts Story Musgrave and Don Peterson perform the first space shuttle
spacewalk (duration: 4 hours, 10 minutes). April "18th" - The U.S Embassy is bombed in Beirut, killing "63" people. June
"13th" - Pioneer 10 becomes the first manmade object to leave the solar system. June "18th" - Sally Ride becomes first American
woman in space on the Space Shuttle Challenger. June "27th" - The Internet Domain Name System was invented by Paul
Mockapetris. August "21st" - Benigno Aquino, Jr., Philippines opposition leader, assassinated in Manila. September 1 - Cold
War: Korean Air Flight KAL-00"7" is shot down by a Soviet jet fighter when the commercial aircraft entered Soviet airspace. All
269 on board die. September "6th" - The Soviet Union admits to shooting down Korean Air Flight KAL-007. October "7th" -
Plan to abolish Greater London Council announced. October "19th" - President of Grenada, Maurice Bishop and 40 others are shot
in a military coup. October "27th" - Pope John Paul II visits Mehmet Ali Agca in prison to forgive him. November "13th" - The
first US cruise missiles arrive at Greenham Common airbase in England amid protests from peace campaigners.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "11th" - Shri Ghanshyam Das Birla, Indian industrialist, Gandhian and educationist February "22nd" - Sir Adrien Boult,
English conductor (b. 1889) April "22nd" - Earl 'Fatha' Hines, musician (b. 1903) May "19th" - Jean Rey, President of the
European Commission June "18th" - Marianne Brandt, industrial designer and Bauhaus participant July "7th" - Vicki Morgan,
fashion model August "21th" - Benigno Aquino Jr., Philippine opposition leader November "7th" - Germaine Tailleferre, French

January "1st"(1/1) ATT&T is broken up into "22" independent units. January "22nd" - The Apple Macintosh, the first consumer
computer to use a computer mouse and GUI interface, is introduced by Apple Computer corporation in a Super Bowl commercial
evoking images from George Orwell's book, Nineteen Eighty-Four. February "3rd" - Space Shuttle Challenger is launched on the
tenth space shuttle mission. February "7th" - Astronauts Bruce McCandless II and Robert L. Stewart make the first untethered
space walk. February "9th" - Soviet leader Yuri Andropov dies. February "13th" - Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri
Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. February "18th" - Vatican and Italian government
sign new concordant changing Roman Catholic as the official religion. June "22nd" - Inaugural flight of Virgin Atlantic. July
"18th" - In San Ysidro, California, 41-year-old James Oliver Huberty sprays a McDonald's restaurant with gun-fire killing "21"
people before being shot dead by police. October "11th" - Margaret Thatcher survives an IRA bomb. October "11th" - Aboard the
Space Shuttle Challenger, astronaut Kathryn D. Sullivan becomes the first American woman to perform a space walk. October
"19th" - A Polish Priest Jerzy Popieluszko is kidnapped and found dead two days later. November "19th" - A series of explosions
at the PEMEX petroleum storage facility at San Juan Ixhuatepec in Mexico City ignites a major fire and kills about 500 people.
December "3rd" - Bhopal Disaster: A methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh,
India, kills more than 2,000 people outright and injures anywhere from 150,000 to 600,000 others (some 6,000 of whom would
later die from their injuries) in one of the worst industrial disasters in history. December "19th" - The People's Republic of China
and United Kingdom signs the Sino-British Joint Declaration which concerns the future of Hong Kong.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "21st" - Jackie Wilson, soul singer. February "9th" - Yuri Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the
Soviet Union February "22nd" - Jessamyn West, writer March "21nd" - Sir Michael Redgrave, actor April "22nd" - Ansel Adams,
American photographer August "11th" - Alfred A. Knopf, American publisher October "21st" - François Truffaut, French film
director February "11th" - Henry Hathaway actor/director February "11th" - Ulysses Simpson Kay, composer February "11th" -
Heinz Eric Roemheld, composer February "27th" - Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., politician, candidate for Vice President of the United
States February "27th" - Sir Iain Moncreiffe of that Ilk, British genealogist April "11th" - Enver Hoxha, dictator of Albania May
"9th" - Edmond O'Brien, actor July "9th" - Jimmy Kinnon, founder of Narcotics Anonymous September 6 - Isabel Cox-Meighen,
First Lady of Canada September "6th" - Little Brother Montgomery, musician October "6th" - Murder of PC Keith Blakelock in
the Broadwater Farm Riot, London October "6th" - Nelson Riddle, bandleader (b. 1921) October "11th" - Orson Welles, movie

February "7th" - "New York, New York" becomes the official city anthem of New York City. February "19th" - Artificial heart
patient William Schroeder becomes the first such patient to leave hospital. March "11th" - Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Soviet
leader. March "11th" - Mohammed Al Fayed buys the London department store Harrods. May "11th" - The FBI brings charges
against suspected heads of the five Mafia families in New York City. June "6th" - The body of Josef Mengele is located and
exhumed in Brazil. June 14(2x7) - TWA Flight 847 is hijacked by Hezbollah. July "19th" - US Vice President George Herbert
Walker Bush announces that New Hampshire teacher Christa McAuliffe will become the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the
Space Shuttle (see Space Shuttle Challenger). August "6th" - In Hiroshima, tens of thousands mark the 40th anniversary of the
atomic bombing of the city. September "6th" - A Douglas DC-9 carrying Midwest Express Airlines Flight 105 crashes just after
takeoff from Milwaukee, Wisconsin killing 31. November "19th" - Pennzoil wins a US$10.53 billion verdict from Texaco in the
largest civil verdict in US history. November "21st" - United States Navy intelligence analyst Jonathan Jay Pollard is arrested for
spying December "27th" - Palestinian guerrillas kill twenty people inside Rome and Vienna airports. December "27th" - American
naturalist Dian Fossey is found murdered in Rwanda.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January 1st (1/1) - Alfredo Binda, Italian cyclist January 14th (2x7) - Donna Reed, American actress January "27th" - Lilli
Palmer, actress February "11th" - Frank Herbert, science fiction author. February "27th" - Jacques Plante, ice hockey star May
"9th" - Tenzing Norgay, mountaineer June "14th" - Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer September "27th" - Cliff Burton,
Metallica bassist November "21st" - Dar Robinson, film stuntman November "22nd" - Scatman Crothers, actor, musician

February "11th" - Human Rights activist Anatoly Scharansky is released by USSR, leaves the country. February "19th" - The
Soviet Union launches the Mir space station February "19th" - After waiting 37 years, the United States Senate approves a treaty
outlawing genocide. February "27th" - The United States Senate allows its debates to be televised on a trial basis. April "27" -
Captain Midnight (John R. MacDougall) hijacks HBO's satellite and transmits his own message to HBO viewers. September
"7th" - Desmond Tutu becomes the first black to lead the Anglican Church in South Africa. October "11th" - Cold War: US
President Ronald Wilson Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet in Reykjavík, Iceland, in an effort to continue
discussions about scaling back their intermediate missile arsenals in Europe (the talks break down in failure). November "21st" -
Iran-Contra Affair: National Security Council member Oliver North and his secretary start to shred documents implicating them in
the sale of weapons to Iran and channeling the proceeds to help fund the Contras rebels in Nicaragua. "Olly" is now a Fox news
correspondent. December "19th" - Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov is permitted to return to Moscow after years of internal exile.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "22nd" - Andy Warhol, artist, director, writer March "19th" - Louis-Victor de Broglie, physicist and winner 1929 of the
Nobel Prize in Physics March "21st" - Robert Preston and Dean Paul Martin, actors May "3rd" - Dalida, French singer May "6th"
- William Casey, controversial director of the CIA May "11th" - Peter Tosh, musician May "19th" - James Tiptree, Jr, science
fiction author June "6th" - Fulton Mackay, actor June "22nd" - Fred Astaire, actor October "3rd" - Kalervo Palsa, Finnish artist
October "19th" - Jacqueline Du Pre, English Cellist January "7th" - Trevor Howard, actor January "11th" - Pappy Boyington,
aviator January "14th"(2x7) - Georgi Malenkov, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party

February "11th" - British Airways is privatized and listed on the London Stock Exchange. February "11th" - Constitution of the
Philippines goes into effect. February "11th" - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site. May "11" - The first heart-lung
transplant takes place (Baltimore, Maryland) May "11" - Klaus Barbie goes on trial in Lyon for war crimes committed during
World War II. August "19th" - Order of the Garter opened to women. Club motto is "Shame on those who speak evil of this!"
August "19th" - Hungerford Massacre: In the United Kingdom, Michael Ryan kills 16 with an assault rifle and then commits
suicide. Monday-Monday, September "7th"-September "21st" - World's first conference on artificial life, Los Alamos National
Laboratory October "19th" - Black Monday: stock market falls sharply around the world.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "1st"(2x1) - Heather O'Rourke, child actress (Poltergeist) (b. 1975) February "19th" - René Char, French poet March
"7th" - Divine, actor April "3rd" - Milt Caniff, cartoonist April "22nd" - Irene Rich, actress May "11th" - Kim Philby, spy May
"18th" - Daws Butler, voice actor May "21st" - Sammy Davis, Sr., US dancer July "27th" - Frank Zamboni, inventor most
famous for the Zamboni machine for resurfacing ice rinks October "19th" - Son House, blues musician November "9th" - John N.
Mitchell, former U.S. Attorney General and convicted Watergate criminal November "13th" - Antal Dorati, Hungarian conductor
(b. 1906) November "19th" - Christina Onassis, Greek shipping magnate December "6th", Roy Orbison, pioneer Rock and Roll

February "11th" - Anthony M. Kennedy is appointed to the Supreme Court of the United States. February "21st" - On his own
televangelism program being taped in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Jimmy Swaggart confesses that he is guilty of an unspecified sin
and will be will be temporarily leaving the pulpit. The "unspecified sin" was an affair with a prostitute. March "6th" - SAS men
shoot three IRA men in the Gibraltar. October "19th" - United Kingdom bans broadcast interviews with IRA members. November
"18th" - War on Drugs: US President Ronald Wilson Reagan signs a bill into law providing the death penalty for murderous drug

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "7th" - Trevor Howard, actor January "11th" - Pappy Boyington, aviator January "22nd" - Parker Fennelly, comedian,
actor February "1st" - Heather O'Rourke, child actress (Poltergeist) (b. 1975) April "3rd" - Milt Caniff, cartoonist April "22nd" -
Irene Rich, actress May "11th" - Kim Philby, spy May "18th" - Daws Butler, voice actor May "21st" - Sammy Davis, Sr., US
dancer October "19th" - Son House, blues musician October "22nd" - Henry Armstrong, American boxing champion November
"9th" - John N. Mitchell, former U.S. Attorney General and convicted Watergate criminal November "13th" - Antal Dorati,
Hungarian conductor (b. 1906) November "19th" - Christina Onassis, Greek shipping magnate December "6th", Roy Orbison,
pioneer Rock and Roll singer

January "7th" Akihito become emperor of Japan following death of Hirohito. The Heisei period begins March "7th" - Iran breaks
off diplomatic relations with United Kingdom over Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses". March "27th" - The first free
elections for the Soviet parliament go against the communist party. August "18th" - Leading presidential hopeful Luis Carlos
Galán is assassinated near Bogotá in Colombia. August "19th" - Polish president Wojciech Jaruzelski nominates Solidarity
activist Tadeusz Mazowiecki to be Prime Minister, thus becoming the first non-communist in power in 42 years. September
"22nd" - Deal barracks bombing: IRA bomb explodes at the Royal Marine School of Music in Deal, United Kingdom - "11"
dead, "22" injured. November "9th" - Cold War: Communist-controlled East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall.
November "22nd" - In west Beirut, a bomb explodes near the motorcade of Lebanese President Rene Moawad and kills him.
December "3rd" - Cold War: In a meeting off the coast of Malta, US President George Herbert Walker Bush and Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev release statements indicating that the cold war between their nations may be coming to an end (some
commentators from both nations exaggerated the wording and independently declared the Cold War over). December "6th" - The
École Polytechnique Massacre (or Montreal Massacre): Marc Lépine, an anti-feminist gunman, murders fourteen young women at
the École Polytechnique in Montreal. December "22nd" - After a week bloody demonstrations, Ion Iliescu takes over as president
of Romania, ending Nicolae Ceausescu's communist dictatorship.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "7th"- Emperor Hirohito of Japan January "21st" - Billy Tipton, jazz musician (b. 1914) February "3rd" - John
Cassavetes, actor, director, writer February "3rd" - John Cassavetes, actor, director, writer February "6th" - Roy Eldridge, jazz
musician (b. 1911) February "6th" - Barbara W. Tuchman, historian February "11th" - George O'Hanlon, actor/director February
"27th" - Konrad Lorenz March "9th" - Robert Mapplethorpe, artist March "19th" - Alan Civil, English French horn player (b.
1929) June "3rd" - The Ayatollah Khomeini, Iranian religious and political figure July "11th" - Laurence Olivier, Baron Olivier,
82, actor August "13th" - Tim Richmond, NASCAR race car driver (b. 1955) August "22nd" - Diana Vreeland, fashion editor
September "22nd" - Irving Berlin, composer (b. 1888) October "11th" - M. King Hubbert, geophysicist November "11th" -
Kenneth MacLean Glazier, Sr., minister, librarian December "6th" - Marc Lépine, mass murderer of 14 women December "22nd" -
Samuel Beckett, writer, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 1969

January "7th" 1990 - The leaning townwer of Pisa is closed to the public due to safety concerns. January "22nd" Robert Tappan
Morris is convicted of releasing the 1988 Internet worm. February "7th" - Collapse of the Soviet Union: The Central Committee
of the Soviet Communist Party agrees to give up its monopoly of power. February "11th" - James "Buster" Douglas KOs Mike
Tyson to win world heavyweight boxing crown. February "11th" - Nelson Mandela is released from Victor Verster prison, near
Cape Town, South Africa. February "13th" - German reunification: An agreement is reached for a two-stage plan to reunite
Germany. February "27th" - Exxon Valdez oil spill: Exxon and its shipping company are indicted on five criminal counts. March
"11th" - Lithuania becomes independent from the Soviet Union. March "27th" - Propaganda: The United States begins
broadcasting TV Marti to Cuba April "7th" - Iran Contra Affair: John Poindexter is found guilty of five charges for his part in the
scandal but the convictions were later reversed after an appeal. April "7th" - Scandinavian Star, a Bahamas-registered ferry, catches
fire enroute from Norway to Denmark - 158 dead. April "13th" - Soviet Union apologizes for the Katyn Massacre. May "19th" -
British agriculture Minister John Gummer feeds a hamburger to his 5-year-old daughter to counter rumours about the spread of
Mad cow disease and its transmission to humans. May "22nd" - Yemen is unified. May "22nd" 1990 - Windows 3.0 is released
by Microsoft. July "27th" 1992 - The parliament building and a government television house in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and
Tobago were stormed by the Jamaat al Muslimeen in a Coup d'état attempt which lasted five days. Approximately 26 to 30
people where killed and several wounded (including then Prime Minister, A.N.R. Robinson, who was shot in the leg). August
"6th" - Gulf War: The United Nations Security Council orders a global trade embargo against Iraq in response to Iraq's invasion of
Kuwait. September "11"th, 1990 - Bush I delivers his notorious "Toward a New World Speech" before the American Congress
exactly 11 years to the day and hour of the disaster in NYC. November "11th" - Gulf War: The U.N. Security Council passes
resolution 678, giving Iraq until Tuesday, January 15, 1991 to withdrawal its forces from Kuwait. November "13th" - The first
known web page is written. November "22nd" - Margaret Thatcher resigns as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
November "27th" - The UK Conservative Party chooses John Major to succeed Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister of the United
Kingdom. December "9th" - Slobodan Milosevic becomes President of Serbia. December "9th" - Lech Walesa wins the 2nd round
of Poland's first presidential election.

January "11th" - The Soviets storm Vilnius to stop Lithuanian independence. February "7th" - Haiti's first democratically-elected
president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, is sworn in. February "7th" - IRA launches a mortar attack on 10 Downing Street during a
cabinet meeting. February "22nd" - Gulf War: Iraq accepts a Russian proposed cease fire agreement. The US rejected the
agreement, but said that retreating Iraqi forces would not be attacked if they left Kuwait within 24 hours. February "27th" - Gulf
War: Kuwait is liberated, and a ceasefire is declared, after 100 hours of ground fighting. Iraq accepts the terms of the ceasefire,
which call for the country to disarm. March "13th" - The United States Department of Justice announces that Exxon has agreed to
pay $1 billion for the clean-up of the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. April "3rd" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The U.N. Security
Council passes the Cease Fire Agreement, Resolution 687. The resolution called for the destruction, or removal of all of Iraq's
chemical and biological weapons, all stocks of agents and components, all research, development, support and manufacturing
facilities for ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150km and production facilities, and end its support for international
terrorism. Iraq accepts the terms of the resolution on April "6th". April "18th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq declares some of its
chemical weapons and materials to the UN, as required by Resolution 687, and claims that it does not have biological weapons
program. May "21st" - In Madras, former Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi is assassinated by a terrorist bomb hidden in a
bouquet of flowers. June "6th" - George and Barbara Loeb, members of the Church of the Creator, are arrested and charged with
murder. July "22nd" - Serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is arrested after the remains of "11" men and boys are found in his Milwaukee,
Wisconsin apartment. August "6th" - Tim Berners-Lee releases files describing his idea for the "World Wide Web." July "7th" -
The Brioni Agreement ended the ten day war in Slovenia. July "9th" - International Human Rights Federation cites human rights
violations committed by police and military personnel during Oka crisis in Quebec. August "18th" - Collapse of the Soviet
Union: Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev is put under house arrest while he was vacationing in the Crimea. The coup was led
by eight high-ranking hard-liners (the coup will collapse in less than 72 hours). August "21st" - Collapse of the Soviet Union:
Latvia declares its independence from the Soviet Union September "6th" - The name Saint Petersburg is restored to Russia's
second largest city, which had been renamed "Leningrad" in 1924. September "21st" for next 7 days - Iraq disarmament crisis:
IAEA inspectors discover files on Iraq's hidden nuclear weapons program. Iraqi officials confiscate documents from UN weapons
inspectors, and refuse to allow them to leave the site without turning over other documents. A four-day standoff ensues. Iraq
permits the team to leave with the documents after a statement from the UN Security Council threatens enforcement actions.
October "11th" - KGB is replaced by the SVR October "11th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The U.N. Security Council passes
Resolution 715, which demands that Iraq "accept unconditionally the inspectors and all other personnel designated by the Special
Commission". Iraq rejects the resolution, calling it "unlawful". October "27th" - The first free parliamentary elections in Poland
November "7th" - Los Angeles Lakers point guard Magic Johnson announces that he has HIV, effectively ending his career in the
NBA. December "27" - First day of Soviet USSR dissolution

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "18th" - Leo Hurwitz, documentary film producer February "6th" - Danny Thomas, singer, comedian, actor February
"11th" - Oscar Nitzchke, German architect February "21st" - Dame Margot Fonteyn, ballet dancer March "3rd" - Arthur Murray,
dancer, dance instructor May "21st" - Rajiv Gandhi, former Prime Minister of India, and President of Congress Party May "22nd"
- Derrick Henry Lehmer, mathematician May "27th" - Leopold Nowak, musicologist July "18th" - André Cools, Belgian
politician August "13th" - James Roosevelt, American businessman, politician September "3rd" - Frank Capra, American movie

January 8th - President of the United States George H. W. Bush becomes ill on a visit in Japan and vomits on the Japanese Prime
Minister Miyazawa Kiichi (notice how this happened on the "8th" - it was truly an untimely accident and not part of the
illuminati agenda.) January "13th" - Japan apologizes for forcing Korean women into sexual slavery during World War II. January
"13th" - Jeffrey Dahmer pleads guilty but insane to the murders of 15 young men and boys. January "27th" - Mike Tyson goes on
trial charged with raping a 1991 Miss Black America Contest contestant. February "7th" - Signing of the Maastricht treaty.
February "18th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The Executive Chairman of UNSCOM details Iraq's refusal to abide by UN Security
Council disarmament resolutions. March "18th" - Microsoft ships Windows 3.1 (this time it includes the window logo, that when
examined, an "11", "13", and "33" are visible... there are 7x7 rows of dots on the left edge as well. Bill Gates is a member of the
Illuminati controlled CFR and is for massive population control.) June "22nd" - Two skeletons excavated in Yekaterinburg are
identified as Czar Nicholas II and his tsarina. July "13th" - Britain's former executioner Albert Pierrepoint dies. August "7th" -
Buckingham Palace opened to the public for the first time. November "3rd" - According to the script, Bill Clinton defeats George
H. W. Bush and H. Ross Perot in the U.S. presidential election. November "11th" - The Church of England votes to allow
women to become priests. Worldwide release of Sonic The Hedgehog 2. December "3rd" - UN Security Council Resolution 794 is
unanimously passed, approving a coalition of United Nations peacekeepers led by the United States to form UNITAF, tasked with
ensuring humanitarian aid gets distributed and establishing peace in Somalia.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Dame Judith Anderson, actress January "27th" - Allan Jones, actor, singer (b. 1908) February "11th" - Ray
Danton, US actor/director. March "9th" - Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel April "6th" - Isaac Asimov, author April
"6th" - Molly Picon, actress April "18th" - Benny Hill, comedian, actor April "27th" - Olivier Messiaen, composer October
"19th" - Arthur Wint, Jamaican runner December "7th" - David Astor, British newspaper publisher December "18th" - Mark
Goodson, game show producer
January "3rd" - In Moscow, George H. W. Bush and Boris Yeltsin sign the second Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START).
January "18th" - For the first time, Martin Luther King Jr. holiday is officially observed in all 50 United States. January "19th" -
IBM, who furnished punchcard systems to Germany for use in the Holocaust, announces a $4.97 billion loss for 1992 which is
the largest single-year corporate loss in United States history. January "19th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq refuses to allow
UNSCOM inspectors to use its own aircraft to fly into Iraq, and begins military operations in the demilitarized zone between Iraq
and Kuwait, and the northern No-Fly Zone. February "11th" - Janet Reno is selected by President Clinton as US Attorney
General. March "9th" - Rodney King testifies at the federal trial of four Los Angeles, California police officers accused of
violating King's civil rights when they beat him during an arrest. March "11th" - Janet Reno is confirmed by the United States
Senate and sworn-in the next day becoming the first female Attorney General of the United States. March "22nd" - The Intel
Corporation ships the first Pentium chips (80586) 64 bits-60 MHz-100+ MIPS. March "27th" - Jiang Zemin becomes President
of the People's Republic of China. April "22nd" - In Washington, DC, the Holocaust Memorial Museum is dedicated. April
"22nd" - Murder of Stephen Lawrence, London, UK. April "22nd" - Release of version 1.0 of the Mosaic web browser. "May 1st"
- Former prime minister of France Pierre Bérégovoy commits suicide (not!) "May 1st" - A suicide bomber assassinates President
Premadasa of Sri Lanka. May "27th" - A car bomb in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence - 5 dead - Mafia suspected. June "22nd" -
Japan's New Party Sakigake breaks away from the Liberal Democratic Party. June "27th" - US President Bill Clinton orders a
cruise missile attack on Iraqi intelligence headquarters in the Al-Mansur district, Baghdad, in response to the attempted
assassination of former U.S. President George Bush during his visit to Kuwait in mid-April. September "13th" - PLO leader
Yasir Arafat and Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin shake hands in Washington D.C., after signing a peace accord. November
"18th" - In South Africa, "21" political parties approve a new constitution.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1st" - Arthur Espie Porritt, New Zealand politician and athlete January "22nd: - Telly Savalas, actor January "27th" -
Claude Akins, actor February "6th" - Jack Kirby, comic book writer February "6th" - Joseph Cotten, actor February "11th" -
Antonio Martin, Spanish cyclist February "11th" - Sorrell Brooke, actor February "11th" - William Conrad, actor February "11th"
- Neil Bonnett, NASCAR driver (b. 1946) February "14th" - Andrei Chikatilo, Russian serial killer (executed) February "22nd" -
Papa John Creech, musician March "22nd" - Walter Lantz, cartoonist (Woody Woodpecker) April "22nd" - Richard Nixon, former
President of the United States May "19th" - Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, First Lady of the United States May "21st" - Johan
Hendrik Weidner, Belgian born hero of WW II July "11th" - Gary Kildall, computer programmer - made DOS (b. 1942)
September "11th" - Jessica Tandy, actress October "21st" - Benoît Régent, French film actor November "13th" - Motoo Kimura,
population geneticist

"1/1"/94 - North American Free Trade Agreement The North American Free Trade Agreement, known usually as NAFTA, is a
comprehensive trade agreement linking Canada, the U.S., and Mexico in a free trade sphere. The agreement immediately ended
tariffs on some goods, and on other goods tariffs were scheduled to be eliminated over a period of time. January "11th" - Irish
government announces the end of a 20-year broadcasting ban on the IRA and its political arm Sinn Fein. January "21st" - Lorena
Bobbitt is found not-guilty by reason of temporary insanity for severing the penis of her husband John. February "3rd" - William
J. Perry was sworn in as the 19th Secretary of Defense of United States. February "6th" - Serb mortar shell kills 68 and wounds
about 200 in a Sarajevo marketplace. February "9th" - Peace plan for Bosnia and Herzegovina announced (so called Vance-Owen
peace plan). February "22nd" - Aldrich Ames and his wife are charged with spying for the Soviet Union by the United States
Department of Justice. Ames would later be convicted to life imprisonment and his wife would receive a 5-years in prison. April
"7th" - The Rwandan Genocide begins in Kigali, Rwanda. UN officials oversee the brutal genocide of the hacking to death of
thousands of Tutsi men women and children in a church. May "9th" - Nelson Mandela is inaugurated as South Africa's first black
president. September "3rd" - Cold War: Russia and the People's Republic of China agree to de-target their nuclear weapons against
each other. September "13th" - President Bill Clinton signs the Assault Weapons Ban, which bans the use of these weapons for a
period of 10 years. November "13th" - Voters in Sweden decide to join the European Union in a referendum. December "11th" -
Boris Yeltsin orders troops into Chechnya. Sunday, December "11th" - A small bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight
434, killing a Japanese businessman. The bombing was a field test done by Ramzi Yousef to test explosives that would have been
used in Project Bojinka, a terrorist attack plan that would be exposed after an apartment fire. December "19th" - A planned
exchange rate correction of the Mexican Peso to the US Dollar, becomes a massive financial meltdown in Mexico, unleashing the
'Tequila' effect on global financial markets. This will prompt a USD 50 billion 'bailout' by the US (Bill Clinton's)
administration. The Whitewater Scandal investigation begins.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "9th" - Peter Cook, comedian, satirist and writer January "22nd" - Rose Kennedy, matriarch of the Kennedy family
February "21st" - Calder Willingham, writer March "13th - Leon Day, baseballer March "13th" - Odette Sansom, SOE agent, WW
II heroine March "27th" - Maurizio Gucci May "18th" - Elisha Cook Jr., actor May "18th" - Alexander Godunov, ballet dancer,
actor May "18th" - Elizabeth Montgomery, actress August "3rd" - Edward Whittemore, American writer and CIA agent August
"7th" - Brigid Brophy, British writer August "9th" - Jerry Garcia, musician and lead guitarist of The Grateful Dead August "13th"
- Mickey Mantle, Baseball Hall of Famer (b. 1931) August "19th" - Pierre Schaeffer, composer and pioneer of musique concrète

"1/1"/95 - Austria, Finland and Sweden enter the European Union "1/1"/95 - Frederick West has hanged himself in Winson Green
Prison, Birmingham "1/1"/95 - World Trade Organization is established to replace GATT January 6-7 - A chemical fire occurs in
an apartment complex in Manila, Philippines. Policemen led by watch commander Aida Fariscal and investigators find a bomb
factory and a laptop computer and disks that contain plans for Project Bojinka, a mass-terrorist attack. The mastermind, Ramzi
Yousef, is arrested one month later January "9th" - Valeri Poliakov completes 366 days in space while aboard the Mir space
station breaking a duration record. February "13th" - United Nations tribunal on human rights violation in the Balkans charges
"21" Bosnian Serb commanders with genocide and crimes against humanity. February "27th" - In Denver, Colorado, the old
Stapleton Airport closes: it is replaced by a new Denver International Airport, the largest airport in the United States. ( A "New
World Order" airport that has thousands of prison cells built under it. Denver is to be a hub city for the NWO. ) March "3rd" - In
Somalia, the United Nations peacekeeping mission ends. March "22nd" - Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov returns after setting a record
for 438 days in space. Also, the Schengen treaty comes into force. April "19th" - Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma city was
bombed. 168 people, including 8 Federal Marshals, were killed. May "7th" - Jacques Chirac elected president of France. May
"11th" - In New York City, more than 170 countries decide to extend the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty indefinitely and without
conditions. July "11th" - Bosnian Serbs march into Srebrenica and force UN Dutch peacekeepers to leave. A massacre follows.
July "27th" - In Washington, DC, the Korean War Veterans Memorial is dedicated. October "9th" - Sabotage causes the derailing
of Amtrak Sunset Limited. October "13th" - Microsoft releases the Windows 95 operating system behind schedule. November
"27th" - Javier Solana opens Barcelona Conference. Its reported advance aims are battling religious fundamentalism, worldwide;
creating a free trade zone in the Mediterranean by the year 2010; and reducing the USA's presence in the Mediterranean. USA is
granted 'observer status only.'

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

November "21st" - Noel Jones, British diplomat

January "9th" - Assassination of Eric Hebborn, art forger, in Rome, Italy January "22nd" - Andreas Papandreou, Prime Minister of
Greece resigns due to health problems. New government forms under Costas Simitis. January "27th" - Colonel Ibrahim Bare
Mainassara deposes the first democratically elected president of Niger Mahamane Ousmane in a military coup February "18th" -
IRA briefcase bomb in London bus kills the bomber and injures "9" in London West End March "13th" - The Dunblane Massacre.
March "19th" - Sarajevo becomes a united city when Muslim-Croat authorities took control of the last district held by Serbs May
"11th" - After taking-off from Miami, a fire started by improperly-handled oxygen canisters in the cargo hold of Atlanta-bound
ValuJet Flight 592 causes the Douglas DC-9 to crash in the Florida Everglades, killing all "11"0 on board May "27th" - First
Chechnya War: Russian President Boris Yeltsin meets with Chechnyan rebels for the first time and negotiates a cease-fire in the
war July "19th" - The 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, is opened by US president Bill Clinton. July
"27th" - The Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics kills one and injures 111. August "13th" - Data
sent back by the Galileo space probe indicated there may be water on one of Jupiter's moons September "7th" - Rapper Tupac
Shakur shot in Las Vegas, Nevada following Mike Tyson bout. He would succumb "6" nights later on September "13th".
September "22nd" - The Panhellenic Socialist Movement under the leadership of Costas Simitis succeeds in the Greek legislative
election, 1996. September "27th" - In Afghanistan, the Taliban capture capital city Kabul after driving out President Burhanuddin
Rabbani and executing former leader Mohammad Najibullah. November "7th" - NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor.
November "18th" - World-renowned bird expert Tony Silva is sentenced to seven years in prison without parole for leading an
illegal parrot smuggling ring. December "27th" - Taliban forces retake the strategic Bagram air base which solidifies their buffer
zone around Kabul. January "19th" 1997 - Yasser Arafat returns to Hebron after more than 30 years and joins celebrations over the
handover of the last Israeli controlled West Bank city January "21st" - Newt Gingrich becomes the first leader of the United States
House of Representatives to be internally disciplined for ethical misconduct (stageshow affair for the public - Gingrich is a top tier
New World Order lackey)

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "3rd" - Audrey Meadows, actress February "6th" - Guy Madison, actor February "11th" - Amelia Rosselli, poet.
February "11th" - Bob Shaw, science fiction writer. February "11th" - Cyril Poole, English cricket player. February "11th" -
Kebby Musokotwane, prime minister of Zambia (1985-1989). February "11th" - Phil Regan, actor March "9th" - George Burns,
actor, singer March "13th" - Krzysztof Kieslowski, film director April "22nd" - Erma Bombeck, humorist, writer June "6th" -
Damon Routier, son of Darlie Routier June "6th" - Devon Routier, son of Darlie Routier June "19th" - G. David Schine,
investigator and businessman August "13th" - David Tudor, pianist and composer September "13th" - Tupac Shakur, rapper, poet,
actor December "11th" - Willie Rushton, UK comedian, satirist, actor and cartoonist

January "19th" - Yasser Arafat returns to Hebron after more than 30 years and joins celebrations over the handover of the last
Israeli controlled West Bank city. January "22nd" - Madeleine Albright becomes the first female secretary of state after
confirmation by the United States Senate. January "27th" - It is revealed that French museums had nearly 2,000 pieces of art that
were stolen by Nazis. February "13th" - Tune-up and repair work on the Hubble Space Telescope is started by astronauts from the
Space Shuttle Discovery. February "19th" - The last of the People's Republic of China's major revolutionaries, Deng Xiaoping
dies at 92. February "22nd" - In Roslin, Scotland, scientists announce that an adult sheep named Dolly had been successfully
cloned and was born in July 1996. March "11th" - An explosion at a nuclear waste reprocessing plant in Japan exposes 35 workers
to low-level radioactive contamination in the worst nuclear accident in Japan's history. April "21st" - First space burial, carrying
the remains of 24 people on a Pegasus rocket into earth orbit. April "27th" - Andrew Cunanan murders Jerffrey Trail, beginning a
murder spree that will last until July and terminate with the murder of fashion designer Gianni Versace. May "11th" - IBM's Deep
Blue defeated Garry Kasparov, the first time a computer beat a chess grand master. May "22nd" - Women in the military: Kelly
Flinn, US Air Force's first female bomber pilot certified for combat, accepts a general discharge in order to avoid a court martial.
May "22nd" - Women in the military: Kelly Flinn, US Air Force's first female bomber pilot certified for combat, accepts a general
discharge in order to avoid a court martial. June "13th" - A jury sentences Timothy McVeigh to the death penalty for his part in
the 1995. September "7th" - First test flight of the F/A-"22" Raptor. December "27th" - Protestant paramilitary leader Billy
Wright is assassinated in Northern Ireland

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "1st" (2/1) - Herb Caen, newspaper columnist February 11th (2/11) - Don Porter, actor. February "19th" - Deng
Xiaoping, Paramount Leader of the People's Republic of China March "9th" - The Notorious B.I.G., rap musician March "19th" -
Willem de Kooning, artist April "7th" - Georgi Shonin, cosmonaut June "22nd" - Gérard Pelletier, French journalist, politician
and diplomat (b. 1919) September "9th" - Burgess Meredith September "19th" - Rich Mullins, singer November "11th" - Rodney
Milburn, American athlete December "19th" - David Schramm, astrophysicist December "27th" - Billy Wright, Irish paramilitary

January "22"nd - Suspected "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski pleads guilty and accepts a sentence of life without the possibility
of parole. January "27th" - American First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton appears on the Today show calling the attacks against
her husband part of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." February "3rd" - Karla Faye Tucker is executed by GWB in Texas becoming
the first woman executed in the United States since 1984. February "19th" - "66(6x11)"-day blackout begins in Auckland, New
Zealand. March "11th" - Danish parliamentary election held, unexpectedly returning Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen to
power. March "27th" - The FDA approves Viagra for use as a treatment for male impotence, becoming the first pill to be approved
to treat this condition in the United States. April "7th" - Citicorp and Travelers Group announce plans to merge creating the
largest financial-services conglomerate in the world, Citigroup. May "7th" - Apple Computer unveils the iMac. May "11th" -
Nuclear testing: In the Rajasthan Desert, India conducts its second series of underground nuclear tests (the first were in 1974) and
inflaming its rival neighbor Pakistan (who already has nuclear weapons). May "13th" - Following India's second round of nuclear
tests the United States and Japan impose economic sanctions on the nation. May "22nd" - Lewinsky scandal: A federal judge rules
that United States Secret Service agents can be compelled to testify before a grand jury concerning the scandal. August "7th" -
1998 U.S. embassy bombings: Bombing of the United States embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya kills
224 people and injures over 4,500. The bombings were linked to ***Osama Bin Laden***. September "7th" - Google Inc. is
founded. November "9th" - In the largest civil settlement in United States history, a federal judge approves a US$1.03 billion
settlement requiring dozens of brokerage houses (including Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, and Salomon Smith Barney) to pay
investors who claim they were cheated in a wide-spread price-fixing scheme on the NASDAQ. November "19th" - Lewinsky
scandal: The United State House of Representatives' Judiciary Committee begins impeachment hearings against US President Bill
Clinton. December "11th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraq announces that U.N. weapons inspections will no longer take place on
Friday, the Muslim day of rest. Iraq also refuses to provide test data from the production of missiles and engines. December
"19th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraqi vice-president Taha Yassin Ramadan announces that Iraq will no longer cooperate and
declares that UNSCOM's "mission is over."

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "1s"t (2/1) - Helen Wills Moody, tennis player, first women's champion at Wimbledon January "19th" - Carl Perkins,
guitarist January "21st" - Jack Lord, actor February "6th" - Carl Wilson, musician ("The Beach Boys") February "6th" - Falco,
singer February "7th" - February "18th" - Harry Caray, TV and radio broadcaster for three Major League Baseball teams (b. 1917)
February "27" - J.T. Walsh, actor March "13th" - Bill Reid, Canadian artist March "13th" - Risen Star, race horse (b. 1985) April
"6th" - Tammy Wynette, country musician May "9th" - Alice Faye, actress May 14 - Frank Sinatra, singer, actor May "19th" -
Uno Sosuke, Japanese prime minister June "11th" - Catherine Cookson, author July "3rd" - Danielle Bunten Berry, a.k.a. Dan
Bunten, software developer August "3rd" - Alfred Schnittke, Russian classical composer September "6th" - Akira Kurosawa,
Japanese film director September "21st" - Florence "Flo-Jo" Griffith-Joyner track and field sprinter (b. 1959) October "6th" - Mark
Belanger, former major league baseball player, died of lung cancer December "14th" - Annette Strauss, philanthropist, former
mayor of Dallas, Texas December "18th" - Lev Demin, cosmonaut
February "22nd" - Moderate Iraqi Shiite cleric Mohammad Sadeq al-Sadr is assassinated. April "7th" - Kosovo War: Kosovo's
main border crossings are closed by Serbian forces to prevent ethnic Albanians from leaving. April "7th" - Khalid al-Mihdhar, one
of five terrorists named by the FBI as hijackers of American Airlines flight "77" in the September "11", 2001 Terrorist Attack, is
issued a US visa through the US Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. May "7th" - Kosovo War: In Federal Republic of
Yugoslavia, three Chinese embassy workers are killed and 20 wounded when a NATO aircraft mistakenly bombs the Chinese
embassy in Belgrade. May "13th" - in Italy Carlo Azeglio Ciampi is elected President of the republic. May "27th" - The
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands indicts Slobodan Milosevic and four others
for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in Kosovo. September "9th" - Sega Dreamcast is released in the United
States. October "13th" - The United States Senate rejects ratification of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT). October
"27th" - Gunmen open fire in the Armenian parliament killing Prime Minister Vazgan Sarkisian, Parliament Chairman Karen
Demirchian and "6" other members. November "6th" - Australians vote to keep the British queen as their head of state. November
"19th" - In Istanbul, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) ends a two-day summit by calling for a
political settlement in Chechnya and adopting a Charter for European Security.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "14th" - Aldo van Eyck, architect, aged 80 January "21st" - Susan Strasberg, actress February "7th" - King Hussein of
Jordan, aged 63 (cancer) February "14th" - John Ehrlichman, presidential advisor February "22nd" - William Bronk, poet, aged 80
(or 81?) February "27th" - Ken Robinson, major league pitcher (Arizona Diamondbacks), aged 29, from injuries sustained in an
automobile accident March "7th" - Stanley Kubrick, aged 70, American film director and writer March "13th" - Garson Kanin,
writer, director April "18th" - Gian-Carlo Rota, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Philosophy at MIT, aged nearly 67 May
"18th" - Augustus Pablo, Jamaican reggae singer June "11th" - DeForest Kelly, aged 79, actor (Star Trek) June "27st" - Jorgos
Papadopoulos, dictator of Greece, aged 80 July "6th" - Joaquin Rodrigo, composer July "14th" - Gar Samuelson, musician
(Megadeth) August "13th" - Ignaz Bubis, German Jewish community leader, aged 72 August "14th" - Lane Kirkland, former head
of AFL-CIO, aged 79 September "6th" - Allen Funt, creator of Candid Camera TV series, aged 84 (complications from a stroke
suffered in 1993) September "9th" - Catfish Hunter, major league baseball player, aged 53 ( complications from a fall suffered on
August "9" due to ALS ) September "22nd" - George C. Scott, film and stage actor, aged 71 October "3rd" - Heinz G. Konsalik,
writer, aged 78 October "6th" - Amalia Rodrigues, Portuguese singer, aged 79 October "19th" - Harry Bannink, Dutch songwriter,
aged 70 November "18th" - Paul Bowles, American novelist (The Sheltering Sky), aged 88 November "18th" - Doug Sahm,
country and rock musician, aged 58 December "11th" - Franjo Tudman, president of Croatia, aged "77" December "19th" -
Desmond Llewelyn, British actor, ( Q in the James Bond movies ), aged 85 December "27th" - Leonard Goldenson, TV network
executive, aged 94

March "9th" - FBI arrests suspected purveyor of art forgeries, Ely Sakhai, in New York City April "22nd" - In a predawn raid,
federal agents seize six-year old Elián González from his relatives' home in Miami, Florida and fly him to his Cuban father in
Washington, DC ending one of the most publicized custody battles in US history. September "6th" - In New York City, the
United Nations Millennium Summit begins with more than 180 world leaders present. November "7th" - U.S. presidential
election, 2000: Republican challenger George W. Bush defeats Democrat Vice President Al Gore, but the final outcome is not
known for over a month because of disputed votes in Florida. (An illuminati ploy to condition the American people to accept
electronic voting machines). November "7th" - Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected to the United States Senate, becoming the first
First Lady of the United States to win public office November "13th" - Richard C. Duncan presents his paper, "The Peak Of
World Oil Production And The Road To The Olduvai Gorge", on the Olduvai theory (about the collapse of the industrial
civilization), at the Summit 2000 Pardee Keynote Symposia of the Geological Society of America) November "27th" - Canada -
Parliamentary elections - Jean Chrétien re-elected as Prime Minister as Liberal Party increases majority in House of Commons
December "13th" - The Texas 7 escape from their prison unit in Kennedy, Texas and start a crime spree.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "9th" - Nigel Tranter, 90, Scottish historian, writer January "18th" - Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky, 102, Austrian architect
January "19th" - Bettino Craxi, 65, Italian prime minister (1983-1987) January "19th" - Hedy Lamarr, actress February "7th" -
Big Pun, singer February "7th" - Doug Henning, magician February "11th" - Roger Vadim, 72, French movie director February
"19th" - Friedensreich Hundertwasser, 71, Austrian artist February "22nd" - Fernando Buesa, Basque politician (born 1946) March
"27th" - Ian Dury, 57, English rock musician April "6th" - Habib Bourguiba, president of Tunisia (1957-1997) April "13th" -
Giorgio Bassani, 84, Italian writer (The Garden of the Finzi-Continis) May "7th" - Douglas Fairbanks Jr., actor May "19th" -
Yevgeny Khrunov, cosmonaut May "21st" - Sir John Gielgud, 96, British actor May "21st" - Barbara Cartland, romance novel
author May "27th" - Maurice Richard, hockey player (b. 1921) June "18th" - Nancy Marchand, actress (The Sopranos) (b. 1928)
October "11th" - Donald Dewar, main author of the Scotland Act and initial First Minister of the Scottish Parliament October
"27th" - Walter Berry, Austrian bass-baritone (b. 1929) November "6th" - David R. Brower, founder of many environmentalist
organizations November "11th" - Hugh Paddick, British actor
January "6th" - The United States Congress, presides over by Vice President Al Gore as President of the Senate, certifies George
W. Bush's Electoral College victory and thus as the winner of 2000 presidential election. February "6th" - Likud Party leader
Ariel Sharon wins election as Prime Minister of Israel February "19th" - A Oklahoma City bombing museum is dedicated at the
Oklahoma City National Memorial Center May "11th" - Comedy sci-fi author Douglas Adams of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy fame, dies from a heart attack, aged 49 May "19th" - One child policy: Zhonghua Sun is put to death by the People's
Republic of China government officials because she refused to be sterilized. June "7th" - Tony Blair's Labour Party elected for
second term in UK General Election June "11th" - Timothy McVeigh is executed for the Oklahoma City Bombing. June "19th"
people killed and "11" wounded by an American missile hitting a soccer field in northern Iraq, county of Tel Afir September "9th"
- Ahmed Shah Massoud, leader of the Northern Alliance, is assassinated in Afghanistan, "*September 11th, 2001*", October
"7th" - 2001 U.S. Attack on Afghanistan begins October 10th - War on Terrorism: US President George W. Bush presents a list
of "22" most wanted terrorists November "7th" - The super-sonic commercial aircraft Concorde resumes flying after a 15-month
break. November "9th"-"13th" - Doha Round: The World Trade Organization ends a four-day ministerial conference in Doha,
Qatar. November "13th" - War on Terrorism: In the first such act since World War II, US President George W. Bush signs an
executive order allowing military tribunals against any foreigners suspected of having connections to terrorist acts or planned acts
on the United States.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "7th" - Anne Morrow Lindbergh, author, aviator, February "7th" - Dale Evans, actress, singer, February "18th" -
Balthus, 92, French painter, February "18th" - Dale Earnhardt - NASCAR race car driver, February "18th" - Eddie Mathews,
Major League Baseball player (b. 1931), February "19th" - Stanley Kramer, 87, American movie director, February "19th" -
Priscilla Davis, former Fort Worth, Texas socialite, February "19th" - Charles Trenet, popular French singer, February "22nd" -
Claude Elwood Shannon, mathematician (according to K. Devlin), March "18th" - John Phillips, cofounder of Popular Music
group The Mamas and the Papas, March "21th" - Norma Macmillan, cartoon voice actress, March "22th" - William Hanna,
cofounder (with Joseph Barbera) of famous Hanna-Barbera animation studio, April "7th" - Beatrice Straight, Academy
Award-winning actress (Network, Poltergeist) (b. 1914), April "11th" - Harry Secombe, 79, actor, comedian, June "11th" -
Timothy McVeigh, 33, terrorist (executed by U.S. government), June "21th" - Carroll O'Connor, 76, actor, July "11th" - Herman
Brood, 54, Dutch rock musician, painter and publicity freak (suicide) July "27th" - Leon Wilkeson, 49, Bassist for Lynyrd
Skynyrd, September "3rd" - Pauline Kael, 82, US movie critic, September "7th" - Spede Pasanen, Finnish television star,
September "9th" - Ahmed Shah Massoud, Afghani Northern Alliance military commander., September "11th" - Barbara K. Olson,
45, US television commentator, she was on Flight "77"), September "13th" - Victor Wong, aged 74 -- US Movie Actor/Artist,
October "18th" - Micheline Ostermeyer, French athlete and musician

January "13th" - It is reported that president George W. Bush faints after choking on a pretzel January "22nd" - Kmart Corp
becomes the largest retailer in American history to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. January "27th" - Several explosions
at a military dump in Lagos, Nigeria kills more than 1,000. February "13th" - Queen Elizabeth II gives former New York City
mayor Rudolph Giuliani an honorary knighthood. February "19th" - NASA's Mars Odyssey space probe begins to map the surface
of Mars using its thermal emission imaging system. March "19th" - US Attack on Afghanistan: Operation Anaconda ends (started
on March 1) after killing 500 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters with "11" allied troop fatalities March "22nd" - WTC is Illuminated
with "88" floodlights for "33" nights on at "6:3"0 off at "11"pm May "9th" - The 38-day stand-off in the Church of the Nativity
in Bethlehem comes to an end when the Palestinians inside agreed to have "13" suspected militants among them deported to
several different countries. The standoff started on April 2nd May "9th" - In Kaspiysk, Russia, a remote-controlled bomb explodes
during a holiday parade killing 43 and injuring at least '13'0 June "3rd" - The "Party in the Palace" takes place at Buckingham
Palace, London for Queen Elizabeth II's Golden Jubilee celebrations. July "21st" - Telecommunications giant WorldCom files for
Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the largest such filling in United States history August "19th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: The
U.N. Secretary General rejects Iraq's August 2 proposal as the "wrong work program", and instead recommends that Iraq allow
weapons inspectors to return to the country, in accordance with previous U.N. resolutions September "11th" - The World Summit
on Sustainable Development comes to a close. October "11th" - Lone bomber explodes a home-made bomb in the Myyrmanni
shopping mall north of Helsinki, Finland - casualties include himself. See Myyrmanni bombing. October 25th - U.S. Senator
Paul Wellstone, his family and staff, are killed by a plane accident at Eveleth, Minnesota. He was campaigning for his
forthcoming mid-term election. He opposed the war in Iraq and was leading an effort to convince many of his other party members
to do the same. (this had to be mentioned even though it happened on an 'off' date) November "13th" - Iraq disarmament crisis:
Iraq agrees to the terms of the UN Security Council Resolution 1441 November "18th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: United Nations
weapons inspectors led by Hans Blix arrive in Iraq. November "22th" - In Nigeria, more than 100 people are killed at an attack
aimed at the contestants of the Miss World contest. December "27th" - Suicide truck-bomb attack destroys headquarters of
Chechnya's Moscow-backed government, killing 72 people

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "3rd" - Freddy Heineken, former CEO of the beer brewery Heineken. January "13th" - Ted Demme (37), film and
television director (Blow, Beautiful Girls) January "21th" - Peggy Lee, Jazz performer, most famous for song Fever ("You give
me fever...") January "22nd" - Jack Shea, American speed skater (double Olympic Champion 1932) February 1st" - Hildegard
Knef (76), actress, singer, writer February "3rd" - Aglaja Veteranyi (39), Romanian author February "6th" - Guy Stockwell, actor
February "9th" - Princess Margaret of the United Kingdom (71) February "13th" - Waylon Jennings, country musician\~~~
February "21th" - John Thaw, actor February "22nd" - Chuck Jones, animator February "22nd" - Jonas Savimbi, rebel leader
February "27th" - Spike Milligan, comedian, writer, poet March "11th" - James Tobin, economist March "13th" - Hans-Georg
Gadamer (102), German philosopher March "18th" - Gösta Winbergh, tenor March "27th" - Milton Berle, comedian, actor March
"27th" - Dudley Moore, comedian, actor March "27th" - Billy Wilder (96), film screenwriter and director April "9th" - Thomas
Dinger, Musician Neu!, La Dusseldorf!, and solo career. April "18th" - Thor Heyerdahl (87), Norwegian explorer on the Kon-Tiki
expedition. May "6th" - Pim Fortuyn (54), Dutch politician May "7th" - Seattle Slew, Triple Crown-winning race horse (b. 1974)
May "19th" - John Gorton, nineteenth Prime Minister of Australia May "19th" - Walter Lord, writer May "21st" - Niki de Saint
Phalle, artist June "7th" - Mary Lilian Baels, Princess of Rethy, Belgium June "27th" - John Entwistle (57), bassist for The Who
July "6th" - Dhirubhai Ambani (70), industrialist, founder of Reliance group of companies. July "6th" - Dhirubhai Ambani (70),
industrialist, founder of Reliance group of companies. July "9th" - Rod Steiger (77), actor July "14th" - Joaquin Balaguer,
Dominican politician, president of Dominican Republic (1960-1962, 1966-1978, 1986-1996) September "7th" - Erma Franklin,
singer September "11th" - Johnny Unitas (69), NFL quarterback September "18th" - Bob Hayes, American athlete September
"21st" - Robert Lull Forward (70), science fiction author and physicist October "6th" - Claus von Amsberg (76), husband of
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands October "13th" - Stephen Ambrose, historian and Dwight Eisenhower biographer. October
"18th" - Nikolai Rukavishnikov, cosmonaut November "3rd" - Lonnie Donegan, musician November "3rd" - Jonathon Harris,
actor November "18th" - James Coburn, actor December "11th" - Nani Palkhivala (82), jurist December "18th" - Ray Hnatyshyn,
former Canadian Governor-General December "22nd" - Joe Strummer, musician

March "11th" - Iraq disarmament crisis: Iraqi fighters threaten two U.S. U-2 surveillance planes, flying missions for U.N.
weapons inspectors, forcing them to abort their mission and return to base. March "19th", the 3rd day of the week (Wednesday),
in the "3rd" week of the "3rd" month, in the "3rd" year of the millenium - American military re-bombs Baghdad, Iraq. President
Saddam Hussein and his sons do not comply with President Bush's 48 hour mandate demanding their exit from Iraq. April "3rd"
- Passenger bus hits remote-controlled land mine in the Chechen capital, killing at least 8. April "9th" - U.S. forces seize control
of Baghdad, apparently ending the regime of Saddam Hussein. July "7th" - Canon Jeffrey John, first would-be gay bishop in the
Church of England, withdraws his acceptance of the post of The Bishop of Reading after discussions with the church leaders July
"18th" Convention on the Future of Europe finishes its work and proposes the first European constitution. July "18th" - The body
of Dr. David Kelly's, a scientist at the Ministry of Defense, who was attesting that Iraq was not manufacturing weapons of mass
destruction, is found a few miles from his home, leading to the Hutton inquiry. It was reported that his watch had been stopped at
"11 minutes after 9". August "11"th, NATO takes over command of the peacekeeping force in Afghanistan, marking its first major
operation outside Europe in its 54-year-history. Jemaah Islamiah leader Riduan Isamuddin, better known as Hambali, is arrested in
Bangkok, Thailand. November "18th" - US President George W. Bush makes a state visit to London in the midst of massive
protests. December "7th" - Parliamentary election in Russia. December "9th" - Female suicide bomber blows herself up outside
Moscow's National Hotel, across from the Kremlin and Red Square, killing five bystanders. December "13th", ( "93" days after
the anniversary of 9-11-03 ) - Saddam Hussein, former President of Iraq, is captured in Tikrit by the U.S. 4th Infantry Division.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

February "1st"(2+1="3") - The crew of STS-10"7"; Michael P. Anderson, David M. Brown, Kalpana Chawla, Laurel Clark, Rick
D. Husband, Willie McCool, Ilan Ramon February "27st" - Fred McFeely Rogers, 74, "Mister Rogers" of Mister Rogers'
Neighborhood March "1st" - Fidel Sánchez Hernández, former president of El Salvador (1967-1972) (b. 1917) March "9th" -
Bernard Dowiyogo, former president of Nauru (born 1946) March 12 - Zoran Djindjic, Prime Minister of Serbia (assassinated)
April "1st" Leslie Cheung, 46, Hong Kong singer/actor Hyosuke Kujiraoka, 87, a former vice speaker of the House of
Representatives of Japan April "18th" - Daijiro Kato, MotoGP racer July "22nd" Uday Hussein, Iraqi military leader; eldest son of
Saddam Hussein Qusay Hussein, Iraqi military leader, younger son of Saddam Hussein July "27st" - Bob Hope, Anglo-American
comedian, actor September "11th" - Anna Lindh, Swedish foreign minister ( assassinated ) September "12th" Johnny Cash,
American musician John Ritter, American actor October "18th" - Preston Smith, Governor of Texas (b. 1912) October "19th" -
Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian politician and president October "21st" - Elliott Smith, American musician-songwriter October "27th"
- Rod Roddy, game show announcer (The Price is Right) November "13th" - Kellie Waymire, actress () (b. 1967) December
"19th" - Hope Lange, American actress December "27th" - Bob Monkhouse, animator

2004: January "13th" - An Uzbekistan Airways plane crashes in Uzbekistan's capital of Tashkent, killing 37. February "3rd" - The
CIA admits that there was no imminent threat from weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 invasion of Iraq. February
"13th" - Scientists in South Korea announce the cloning of 30 human embryos. March "11th" - Simultaneous explosions on rush
hour trains in Madrid kill 202 people. ( this occured exactly "911" days after "9-11" ) March "22nd" - Palestinians protest in the
streets after an Israeli helicopter gunship fires a missile at the entourage of Ahmed Yassin in Gaza City, killing Yassin and "7"
others. April "21st" - Mordechai Vanunu is released from prison in Israel after an "18" year term for treason. "May 1st" - the
largest expansion to date of the European Union takes place, extending the Union by 10 member-states: Poland, Lithuania,
Latvia, Estonia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Malta and Cyprus. May "9th" - Chechen president Akhmad
Kadyrov is killed by landmine placed under a VIP stage during a World War II memorial parade in Grozny. May "11th" -
Explosion destroys a plastics factory in Glasgow, UK, killing nine people and injuring over a hundred. May "19th" - UK Prime
Minister Tony Blair is hit with a purple flour bomb during a session of Prime Minister's Questions. June "11th" - The
Cassini-Huygens spacecraft makes its closest approach to Phoebe, an outer moon of Saturn. June "13th" - The national funeral
service for former U.S. president Ronald Reagan is held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. June "21st" -
SpaceShipOne becomes the first privately funded spaceplane to achieve spaceflight. August "3rd" - Statue of Liberty reopens after
security improvements (all show - no real terrorist would attack a concrete statue!). August "13th" - The opening ceremonies of the
2004 Summer Olympics takes place in Athens. September "9th" - A bomb blast outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta,
Indonesia, kills "11" people and injures up to 100 people. October "21st" - The Ministry of Defense approves the deployment of
the Black Watch regiment of the British Army to Baghdad, Iraq after a request for assistance by the U.S. government. November
"7th" - U.S. Forces launch a major assault on the Iraqi town of Fallujah, in an effort to rid the area of insurgents before the Iraqi
elections in January. 11/11/04 - Arafat is poisoned to die at "3:3"0am and the UN's WHO convenes to discuss the planned release
of Influenza-A on the world. November "13th" - After six days of intense battles, Iraqi town of Fallujah fully it is stated occupied
by U.S. forces.

Suspicious deaths on illuminati coveted dates:

January "13th" - Harold Shipman, the United Kingdom's most prolific serial killer (by suicide) February "13th" - Zelimkhan
Yandarbiyev, president of Chechnya February "14th" - Marco Pantani, Italian cyclist, winner of the 1998 Giro d'Italia and the
1998 Tour de France March "18th" - Harrison McCain, Canadian billionaire March "21th" - Ahmed Yassin, Hamas founder April
"21st" - Karl Hass, convicted Nazi war criminal April "22nd" - Pat Tillman, former noted NFL Safety with the Arizona Cardinals.
(b. 1976) May "9th" - Akhmad Kadyrov, Chechen president May "22nd" - Richard Biggs, actor (Days of Our Lives, Babylon 5)
(b. 1960) June "3rd" - Frances Shand Kydd, the mother of Diana, Princess of Wales July "1st" - Marlon Brando, actor (On the
Waterfront, The Godfather) (b. 1924) July "6th" - Thomas Klestil, President of Austria (b. 1932) August "1st" - Philip Hauge
Abelson, physicist, co-discoverer of Neptunium (b. 1913) August "3rd" - Henri Cartier-Bresson, French photographer (b. 1908)
August "6th" - Rick James, singer ("Super Freak") (b. 1948) August "13th" - Julia Child, cook, author, television personality (b.
1912) September "7th" - Christiaan Frederick Beyers Naudé, South African anti-apartheid activist (b. 1915) September "11th" -
Peter VII, Patriarch of Alexandria (b. 1949) October "18th" - Veerappan, Indian forest bandit and sandalwood smuggler (b. 1945)
October "19th" - Greg Shaw, rock journalist September "7th" - Christiaan Frederick Beyers Naudé, South African anti-apartheid
activist (b. 1915) September "11th" - Peter VII, Patriarch of Alexandria (b. 1949) November "3rd" - Sergei Zholtok, professional
ice hockey player (b. 1972) November "9th" - Iris Chang, author (b. 1968) November "9th" - Emlyn Hughes, English footballer
(b. 1947) November "11th" - Yasser Arafat, Palestinian Leader (President of Palestinian National Authority 1996-2004 (b. 1929)

2005: January "9th" - Palestinian election to be held to replace Yasswer Arafat. February 1st (2/1 - 2+1=3)- Tadao Chino, the
Japaese man who is president of the Asian Development Bank, will leave office.

2/22/05 - Hopefully this message would have spread all around the world before the illuminati releases plague(s). (Most likely
through the Chemtrail crop dusting program. See

All dates can be verified at: Free Dictionary / Enclyclopedia,

Books on the "New World Order" can be found at this link. This writer highly recommends the new book by John
Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

" The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of
powerful One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power. " - Curtis Dall, FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book,
My Exploited Father-in-Law

" Every child is our child. " - Motto of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF).

" Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. " - Frederic
Bastiat, French Economist (1801-1850)

" No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always ECONOMIC. " - A.J. Taylor, British
We also need to respectfully remember Revelation 17:17, " For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish His purpose by
agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled. "

Mostly, above all else, let us remember Our Father who eternally knows us all from in Heaven, and ask Him for His mercy from
the beast in mankind. Only He, and rightfully so, will determine the final outcome for us all. He is the Most High and Wise, and
those who trust in Him, believeth in His Son (John 3:16), repent, and obey His Laws may be saved.. " For God so loved the
world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not
send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not
condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and
only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were
evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But
whoever lives by the light of truth comes into the light, so it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through
God. " John 3:16-21(NIV)

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on Earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread.
And forgive us of our trespasses;
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Isaah 12:4
" Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name;
make known among the nations what he has done,
and proclaim that his name is exalted.
Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things;
let this be known to all the world. "

" Make the heart of this people calloused; make their ears dull and close their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear
with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed. " Isaiah 6:10 (KJV)

" ...Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and
will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before
mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not. " Isaiah 66:3-4 (KJV)

Ezekiel 12:2 " Son of man, thou dwellest in the midst of a rebellious house, which have eyes to see, and see not; they have ears
to hear, and hear not: for they are a rebellious house. "

" The whole truth is the key. The lock is the mainstream consciousness. "

"The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the greatest liars; the men they
detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. " H.L. Mencken
Email the author, Eric Rainbowlt, This report posted (in PDF format) at:

{a quick note about the author: Eric Rainbowlt is a 33 year old computer engineer. Eric earned a congressional nomination to the Air Force
Academy in 1989 but accepted an AFROTC scholarship to Purdue University. Being an inch too tall to be a pilot, he left the Air Force and took
a civilian job as a software developer for a total of 8 years with Motorola. In 1995 he moved to Austin Texas to help work on the PowerPC
microprocessor (macintosh cpu). He operated the technical support hotline for Motorola's PowerPC customers and then ventured off to Austin
Texas software startups such as Hyperformix,, Partnerware, and lastly with the Cobalt Group (developers of the industry standard
dealership eCRM application, LeadManager.) In 2003 after reporting on 911 for over 1 year under the mentorship of Alex Jones with his own
cable access show "The Newshour", he left for Central America to write a book entitled "The UNtruth of the World", which is
available for free download on This book includes all the great quotations of our founding fathers and accurately explains what
is meant by the term "political terrorism". }
What can you do? This one believer *believes* there is something you can do right now. You can drop to your knees or however
you would choose to do it and speak to your Father in Heaven who really would like to hear from you again. Truly! You can pray
in the name of His Son Jesus, the Christ. He will hear you. Do this each night, because once the great majority of the People of
the World turns back to Our Father - He is the Only One Who can pull the rug out from under the devil worshipping globalists;
and then Jesus *may* return to secure the beast back in his cage in the center of iniquity along with all those who worshipped
stone idols, dismayed The Father, worshipped "the system", and endlessly pursued other pleasures more than appreciating His
Truth. This writer highly recommends the Book "The Bible".

" And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good,
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. " - Romans 12:2 (KJV) Certainly do not conform yourself to this world's devilish

If you do this, and you wish to speak to someone in government also, you can call Texas Congressman Ron Paul's information
line in DC ( His number is: 1-888-" 322"-1414 {looks like skull & bones set up the telephones in congress } Ask him to speak to
all his callers in a public manner all at once about the devil worshippers who are now gripping Washington DC, our monetary
system, Wall Street, and the mass media. Then all of us will likely get some more truth out of him; with him being our most
honest congressman today.

Please Email This PDF Report To Others so the Illuminati's World Wars will be
ended by the Grace of Our Father in Heaven. First we must each turn to Him as we
should, repent for our past misdeeds, and through the Holy Spirit, ask for His mercy
and His help against this prophetic end-time beast of mankind ! Only through Our
Father's help can we overcome the beast !
This report exposes how most men and women have been generationally deceived by our arch enemy; the devil. Here it is
summarized how World Wars are created and develop and perhaps how the approaching World World III may be prevented or at
least lessened through properly directed 'humility', 'faith', 'love', and 'appreciation' of Our Eternal Creator, Our God, Our Father,
and unity in Our Living Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who will one day and hour make his promised return in full sight to all of
us as it is already written.

This e-paper exposes the class of people behind all of these horrible world wars: a shadowy imperial oligarchy of devil
worshipping 'illuminati' international bankers emerging from a handful of the world's wealthiest families. Their control networks
have now been exposed by which they have established with their excessive amounts of money and political power. It shows why
they conspire against the poor who they are now calling "the billions": a sinfully perpetual bloodlust for power over all other men,
women, and their children. It shows how they craft propaganda through print and *television* to intentionally and effectively
*deceive* nation upon nation and culture upon culture into fear, hatred, and warring with each other through every method
available to them; principally *lies*.

The wealthy elite conspirators exercise their control over our world from their ivory towers, intelligence, and communications
networks through their global *monarchy* of installed puppet national government and military 'leaders'. They know the
psychological techniques necessary to mind control entire populations, the whole indeed being more gullible than the parts, into
making them believe and react a certain way desirable to them. A roundtable of men feverishly conspire to create the conditions
and *propaganda* so that people of different skin colors, locations, and religions hate and wish to kill each other; they wield
enough influence to make people harden their hearts against the Father, sin, and grow to fear and hate their fellow brothers and
sisters all around the world. All the while the elitist war orchestrators have made and continue to make every attempt to stay
hidden from the public's eye; appearing as if they are non-existent or 'neutral' during periods of both peace /war. Fiction? Hardly.

In their clandestine control over the world America is not excluded. In fact, the American people are now the heaviest hit with
mind control methods through their televisions and popular culture. America is now also functioning on roughly 5 trillion dollars
of credit/debt and the "bankruptcy", although rigged, of the nation is only ballooning.

This document is to point out the real enemy behind the curtains of each global war including the one being played out today.
Evidence pointed out here shows the illuminati elite's methodology of conducting their wars as a succession of devil worshipping
ritual events; in which the timing of these events have by now told us that our most difficult periods of 'history' have obviously
been laced with occult numerological signatures used in the dates of their actions.
This report, used as a tool for mass educating our bretheren across the internet , will cast light on the real evil machinations behind
the development of wars and other atrocities such as 'political terrorism' that we have all seen. ( the Western "9/11"'s and the
Eastern "3/11"'s of yesteryear and the new fearful events our hidden warmongers are constantly planning in cooperation with the
Skull & Bones controlled "Reich House" in Washington DC. )

" When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power,
it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the
government from which we separated. " - Thomas Jefferson

In short, [after another devestating illuminati staged terror event] if the American people allow foreign UN/NATO financed troops
to enter and attempt to disarm the middle-class because their corrupted government mandates that this must be done in the name
of 'peace' - logic states that the despots will not only destroy families and *freedom* in America; but all around the world as
well. The final illuminati plot is to establish a One World Government, where the elitists envision ruling the planet, as a
globalized *feudal* system, consisting of the ruling class elite and 1 billion remaining (or less) micro-chipped and tracked human
slaves to provide for industry and to serve them. The global conspirators are planning on having the population reduced through
stage managed managed warfare, famines, and the release of deadly biological plagues. All the corporate CEOs who chalk all this
up as a "conspiracy theory" would be perpetual unrepentant liars.

On April " 3rd", 1933 Franklin Roosevelt convinced all Americans that they needed to offer up all their gold bars and coins under
the penalty of a hefty $100,000 fine "to help get America out of the Depression". Americans willingly complied across the board
and have since lost most of the massive gold stock the middle-class once possessed; funneled right out of Fort Knox back to the
big European international banks and the illuminati's personal vaults. Similarly, will Americans willingly give up their guns and
their 2nd Amendment after another staged and more devestating terror attack? We should hope not. We must reach out to the
soldiers so they can discover they have a Lord who reigns much higher than their sargeants or majors or commander in chief.
{thief} We all know Jesus would not harm anyone and we should all try to forever conform to his loving standards!

" Some call you 'the elite'. I just like to call you my bankers. { Laughing if off ! }" - George W. Bush, quoted from the film
Fahrenheit 9-11 {note: Michael Moore only delivers half the ugly truth in that film released to the public)

We should hope that those same foreign invading forces, backed by The People, unanimously make a 180 degree turn and arrest
the elite and their military commanders instead; and if necessary perhaps the many fighter pilots should use up all their remaining
ordinances in pulverizing the illuminati's imperial castles and every stone idol including the one at the "Bohemian Grove" deep
into the ground before another civilian mosque or church is targeted again.

Were not the castles the ultimate target of the wars long ago? Why did that change? Why are the poor and innocent citizens of
Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere the first and the last to get attacked by these wars of today? Why has Sadaam Hussein not
been brought to trial? Or Osama? Or how about the American people bringing the Bush administration onto trial for lying to
them repeatedly? Why does keeping our 'leaders' in check or true justice seem so anti-establishment and far fetched today? Now
we know why, and we should uproot this devilish system of control and return in spirit to Our Lord.

Hosea 4:6 " My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge. " The Word of God is the foundation of true knowledge.

Please note that every date listed in this report is true as these events appeared in the various newpaper headlines on that day of
the month. They can each be verified on the internet, and principally at the online enclyclopedia:

It should be noted that as of the beginning of 2005, that the stock market is on brink of collapse just as it occured in 1929 under
the same system. ( proof given here also w/recent Forbes article authored in part by Stephen Roach, the chief economist for
Morgan Stanley & Co. - the article link is given at end of this report. )

Do you still think it can't happen in America?; - please don't be on the side of the globalists in also fooling yourself - it already
has happened in America! Perhaps your are recently confused by the recent high tech computer animated re-enactment of the
Kennedy assassination presented on the "History" Channel convincingly narrated by the media prostitute "Bill Kurtis". Please
don't be confused - Kennedy was hit by a bullet in his forehead that knocked his head quickly "back" in alignment with the
popular 'grassy knoll' accusation. 5 bullets were discovered from different guns. This recent propaganda whitewashing completely
skipped over these facts... they didn't even show those frames from the film.

The founding question posed by this report is: Do the people all over the world really want to know "the truth"? If not; if We The
People of the whole world allow ourselves to be continuously manipulated and lied to instead, as most everyone is now, we will
surely suffer nightmarish warfare and atrocities due to our widespread and ongoing lack of concern. The plans now in store for the
billions of people of the world are horrific! Certainly, big consequences will soon spring up for our great body of our brothers and
sisters who now continually accept the lies and subtle daily manipulations from their couches and lazy-boy chairs being presented
through their televisions. How would Hitler's government have used the television to control the thoughts of the German people
in the days leading up to World War II? Similarly, would the corporate networks today alarm the people in each hemisphere of
the prospect and onset of another bloody world war and an ensuing global tyranny that is fully operated by shadowy and faceless
elite power-crazed international banking overlords?

When people demonstrate a perpetual pattern of gullibility and even willful compliance with evil, one must wonder what is really
the root cause of it all. Is it ignorance? Is it indifference? Maybe it is personal ambition or the love of comfort. There is another
possibility: it could be divine delusion in part as well.

" And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the
beast? Who is able to make war with him? " Rev 13:4 (KJV)

According to the Scriptures, people who *readily* reject truth are destined to receive a " strong delusion ".

The amount of money the devil's followers are spending to deceive the elect is staggering. They will give their last million if
necessary to fund propaganda campaigns in various forms to get the Christians to believe their palatable lies and reject the hard
sayings of Our Father's Commandments, will for us, and prophecy. Today's politicians are the most experienced, skilled, and
masterful of liars and hypocrites; they are the vastly more wealthy and deceitful than the most ambitious of used-car salesmen. For
example, persons such as George H. Bush and Bill Clinton will gladly get on Larry King Live together, with each working for
his own individual self-serving interests, and do their best to sweet talk to the viewing audience about their "faith in a loving
god" on the heart-breaking topic of the tsunami in the Indian Ocean. They are so slick, and work together as if they have one
mind, that the viewer at home may actually be left to believe that each of these men are true God-fearing Christians with noble
and loving hearts who in their private moments are each deeply distressed about each and every death that has occured in their
wars or in natural disasters such as the tsunami. They each realize the best time to capitalize on enhancing the public's perception
of them, for themselves, is right after a big disaster. Is their hypocrisy not so thinly veiled with what they each desire to project to
the public eye while the camera is on them?

Who can possibly ever deceive more people than the devil itself; and those who worship his ways and those who knowingly allow
themselves to walk in step along with his lies? This researcher and author also feels it would do a great deal of good if *everyone*
of sufficient age read this report and became aware of and learned to recognize the devil's "hidden hand" in our world until all is
uncovered and all the details of the whole truth eventually surface.

The question remains and persists: when will The People finally reject the establishment's lies, delusions, mind control, and
financial entrapment and begin striking their efforts right at the subterranean foundation of the true infamous tower of evil in our
world? The past accurately reflects that the majority of this world's people have always been at the tail end of a long list of abuses
of the power elite; no matter what century it has been since ancient Rome. This first half of 2005 is surely the last of any
breezy/relative calm before their next planned storm, a third and more expansive world war. Surely at this rate, it would take a
widespread miracle or mass awakening for it to one year cease. The globalists innate path of "self-destruction" seems to be partial
hope since the public is too feckless and weak to resist.

Either way, what we have seen since 9-11 is a form of acceptance in the face of denial, a strange sort of paradox of man seeing his
own blindness and denying it. Most have seemed as if they wish to act like they have grown found of their captors.

The semi-secret, selfish, and macabre plans of the establishment elite have been self-proclaimed the elite's "New World Order"; yet
it truly would be nothing but an increased level of tyranny conducted by the same oily global financially oligarchal oligopoly of
elitist conspirators. This orgy of grotesquely wealthy multi-national participants are the same powerful shadowy and generational
elite factions who have already set the stage for two world wars and fabricated incredibly costly arms races across when efforts
could have been applied to benefit the world's peoples instead; each of them and their wives certainly share in the blame equally.

" 8And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by
the splendor of his coming. 9The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of the devil displayed in all
kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish
because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will
believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness. "
- II Thes 2:8-12 (NIV)

" And through his [anti-christ] policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart,
and by peace shall destroy many... " Daniel 8:25 (KJV)
They will believe a lie, not just one - but many...

" The average age of the world's great civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: from
bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance
to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependency, from dependency back
to bondage. " - Alexander Fraser Tytler (1742-1813)

Short History of Gun Control:

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control, and from that year until 1953, twenty million people were rounded up and
exterminated. Turkey established gun control in 1915, and over the next three years, 1.5 million Armenians were rounded up and
exterminated. Germany established gun control in 1938, and over the next seven years, 13 million people were rounded up and
exterminated. China established gun control in 1935, and over the next 17 years, twenty million people were rounded up and
exterminated. In 1964, Guatemala established gun control, and during the next 17 years, 100,000 people were rounded up and
exterminated. In 1970, Uganda established gun control, and during the next eight years, 300,000 people were rounded up and
exterminated. In 1956, Cambodia established gun control, and from 1975 to 1977, one million "educated people" were rounded
up and exterminated. Thus, in the 20th century, 56 million people unable to defend themselves were rounded up and

Executive Orders:

Concerning the many "Executive Orders" awaiting activation when criminal elite unleash their next act of political terrorism and
declare a national state of crisis: ( How many Americans remember how Germany, loaded with ordinary Germans, quickly fell to
fascism just 6 decades ago, or within the lifetime of one generation? )

The following is excerpted from the larger essay by John Loeffler entitled: Quo Vadis America: Three Threats to Freedom
located at

Issuing Executive orders was the means by which Germany was converted from a Republic into a Nazi dictatorship in just three
months. Executive Orders are issued by the president and appear in the Federal Register for 30 days. If there is no challenge by
Congress, the order then becomes law. Similar to EOs are Presidential Decision Directives, such as the secret PDD25, which
allows for theuse of U.S. troops in UN operations without congressional approval-in violation of the Constitution.

There have been thousands of executive orders written by presidents since the 1940s. Most of these consist of administrative
housekeeping. However, a few orders involve much more than the efficient management of the nation. They virtually suspend
constitutional rights and provide dictatorial powers to the executive branch of the government in a time of real or contrived
emergency. There is no provision for how long a state of emergency can last.

If the president were to declare an emergency, for whatever reason, Congress's consent is not even required. Executive orders give
the government the power to act as an unaccountable dictatorship. In addition, authority does not flow from the president to the
governors of the various states during the emergency, but rather through the director of the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA) and his regional directors. The states are totally bypassed.

Executive Order 10995 empowers the government to take over all communications media: radio, television, newspapers,
magazines, CB, HAM, short wave, telephones, satellite and the Internet. The First Amendment would be suspended.

Executive Order 10997 allows the government to control all electric power, petroleum, gas, fuel and minerals. Executive Order
10998 gives government control of food and farm production.

Executive Orders 10999, "11"003, and "11"005 control transportation, including private automobiles, highways, waterways,
rail lines, airports and public storage facilities. Government can seize any vehicle.

Executive Order "11"001 allows for the seizure of health, education, and welfare functions, including hospitals,
pharmaceuticals, and schools.

Executive Orders "11"000, "11"002 and "11"004, perhaps most disturbing of all, provide for the registration and relocation of
individuals as the government sees fit, including separation of families based on the perceived needs in dealing with a declared
crisis. These orders also provide for the seizure of housing and the establishment of new public housing.
About the Mark of the Beast:

For centuries Christians have speculated about the Mark of the Beast described in the Book of Revelation. Nineteen hundred years
ago the apostle John received a vision from The Most High, that in the last days no one on earth will be able to buy or sell
anything without the Mark of the Beast - the Antichrist. This is the first time in history, when technology has been available to
fulfil this prophecy.

Texas Instruments markets the TIRIS (Texas Instruments Registration & Identification System) which is used in a wide range of
applications (some of you may already use them on your auto for toll road authentication). TIRIS also comes in a 19mm glass
capsule bio-implant model, a programmable hand-held reader, along with a multi-shot injector gun capable of high speed and high
volume (was designed for livestock identification needs -- which is used in the European Union countries for agriculture inventory
tracking and subsidy programs). It can encode "19" digits, which in a variety of combinations can be programmed with up to 34
billion code numbers.

Widely known is the Hughes Identification Device RF/ID tag. Their injectable transponder is the TX1400L, " 11"mm x
"2.1"mm, glass encapsulated. Product literature says: "Although specifically designed for injecting in animals, this transponder
can be used for other applications requiring a micro-sized identification tag."

Right now, there is a computer chip the size of a grain of rice ( "6"mm long ) and can carry all information on any individual and
is self-charging. It is charged by the body's heat, and after planners invested 1.5 million of your tax dollars, they found out that
the best places to put this chip would be in the right hand or if that is missing or impractical, in the forehead. This chip will be
injected in the hand or forehead in the same way as a shot. There will be "18" digits, your zip code, plus the extra four digits after
the dash and your social security number, burned on the chip. These " 18" digits will be grouped in three groups of six numbers.
(000000 000000 000000)

The pattern(s) is not a coincidence or a mistake. The existence of this subtle manipulation is proof positive that the battle for our
souls is real and even escalating. It is just small indicator of the colossal battle between good and evil, which balances perfectly
with the biblical warnings of the End Times. Your soul is the target. Are you ready to fight off the attack?

Human beings are naturally attracted to good and repulsed by evil. Thus evil always represents itself as good. To the public, and
its own lower ranks, Freemasonry pretends to be dedicated to " making good men better ", humanism, tolerance, Christianity and
you-name-it. ( All Lies! )

Juri Lina has written a courageous book to revive us. He says we face " the largest spiritual crisis in the history of mankind...They
have taken our history, our dignity, our wisdom and our honor, sense of responsibility, spiritual insights and our traditions. "
We are partly to blame, he says: " We have failed to act against the Masonic madness due to our enormous gullibility. We have
been totally fooled and ignored all the warning signals. "

Final Notes ( The Police the "Useful Idiots" of the illuminati ? ):

" There seems to be nothing to prevent the transnational corporations taking possession of the planet and subjecting humanity to
the dictatorship of capital... In order to crush any thought of organized resistance to the supporters of the new world order,
tremendous police and military forces are being used to establish a doctrine of repression.... " - Christian la Brie, Le Monde
Diplomatique (Paris) May 1999 [ Mr. Brie is wrong however, Our Father can do anything! ]

" Some call you 'the elite'. I just like to call you my bankers. { Laughing if off ! }" - George W. Bush, quoted from the film
Fahrenheit 9-11 {note: Michael Moore only delivers half the ugly truth in that film released to the public)

The Father's children can and eventually will overcome:

" Butthus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and
cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. " ( Deuteronomy 7:5 ) ( The Father states we
should demolish their stone gods and cut down Bohemian Grove and burn the signs! Let us give armies something useful to do !)

" The graven images of their gods shall ye burn with fire: thou shalt not desire the silver or gold that is on them, nor take it unto
thee, lest thou be snared therein: for it is an abomination to the LORD thy God. " ( Deuteronomy 7:25 )
Ephesians 6: 11-12 " For we struggle not against flesh and blood, but against the
kingdoms, against the powers, against the world leaders of this darkness, against
spiritual wickedness in the high places. "



If a nuclear device is detonated in America or elsewhere as a pretext for martial law - it will surely have a devil
worshipping illuminati numerological signature associated with it ! Don't let Bush Jr. and the other tyrants
continue to fool you - they all work for the elitist international bankers! To the illuminati and the corrupt
government, blood is power...

When this happens: Who's side will you be on? Will you understand why and how it really happened? Will you
be spiritually ready to cope, endure, and battle the beast with your prayers? Do you know the Father? When is
the last time you spoke to Him with humility and the tremendous love and respect He truly deserves for creating
all things - including you! (?)

As II Chronicles 7:13-14 testifies to: " When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to
devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will
forgive their sin and will heal their land. "

There you go! This report can be found published on the web at: ( Please pass this PDF
file as an email attachment and/or link around as it is an emergency. )

Article see: World on Brink of Ruin:

" Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in
Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and
it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a
parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of
the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the
peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY
COUNTRY. " - Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe Commander in

" Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be
grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them
from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual
rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World
Government. " - Conspirator Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

" The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy
length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as
international bankers. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually runs our government for their
own selfish ends. " - New York Mayor John F. Hylan, c1922.
The Illuminati world bankers!

" If the people only understood the rank injustice of our Money and Banking system, there would
be a revolution before morning. " - Andrew Jackson, President who successfully fought off the
first two privately controlled banks over America

" The only thing worth globalizing is dissent. "

- Arundhati Roy, The Progressive magazine, April 2001, p38

' Expose the Works of Darkness! ' - Ephesians 5:11




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