Decision Trees Notes
Decision Trees Notes
Decision Trees Notes
Well use a very simple problem to illustrate the concept of decision trees. Consider a
situation where we must decide whether or not to insure an expensive transformer before
placing it into a very hazardous work environment. If the uninsured transformer fails,
then it costs us $1M. On the other hand, we can purchase insurance which costs $0.5M,
but will provide us with a new transformer at no additional cost if our transformer fails.
We believe that theres a 60% chance that our transformer will fail. What should we do?
Should we purchase insurance or not?
Lets analyze and solve the problem using decision trees. It involves the following four
1. Identify decisions, uncertain events and their probabilities
2. Draw the decision tree
3. Evaluate the decision tree
For the transformer example, the steps are:
1. Identify decisions, uncertain events and their probabilities
Decision: Purchasing insurance
Uncertain event: Transformer failing, fails with a probability of 0.6
2. Draw decision tree
A decision tree consists of
Decision nodes: A decision node is where the decision maker gets to choose
among various alternatives. Each available alternative is represented by a line
called a branch that emanates from the decision node. A decision node is
represented by a square box in a decision tree.
In our example, node A is a decision node where we have to decide whether to
purchase insurance. The two alternatives (purchase, not purchase) are
represented by the two branches emanating from node A.
decision tree. That is, the decision tree terminates at the final outcomes and
there are no branches beyond the final outcomes. We assign numerical values
to these final outcomes, which are often their monetary values.
In our example, it costs us $1M if we dont purchase insurance and the
transformer fails. It costs us nothing if we dont purchase insurance and the
transformer doesnt fail. If we purchase insurance, then it costs us $0.5M
upfront, but nothing after that. So the final outcomes in the bottom half of the
decision tree have a value of -$0.5M.
Do not
not fail
not fail
At a decision node, we choose the alternative that gives us the highest EMV.
In our example, we first compute the EMV at the chance nodes B and C. The EMV of
node B is -$0.6M ( 0.6*-1 + 0.4*0). Similarly, the EMV of node C is -$0.5M. Now, at
decision node A, we compare the two alternatives (not purchasing insurance/ purchasing
insurance) and choose the alternative with the highest EMV. In this case, it turns out to be
that of node B (purchasing insurance).
We note that the EMV of the optimal decision strategy is taken to be the EMV computed
for the starting branch of the tree.
Exercise: Solve this decision tree using the spreadsheet DecisionTree.xls/PrecisionTree