Event Driven Programming
Event Driven Programming
Event Driven Programming
Events are often actions performed by the user during the execution of the program, but
can also be message generated by other operating systems or another application. If a
user clicks through the mouse, there will be a certain event which occurs on the
operating system. If there is a file which is downloading and after completion it show
certain event. Whether it is a software or hardware error it will show the event to the
Event handles can be seen as small blocks of code that deals with a specific occurrence.
[1] Events usually are visual occurrence to inform user of certain anomaly or any kind of
function that produces output. An event handler can able to produce another event to
inform the user for certain function.
We will write a pseudo code to show the event to occur, which consists of a main loop
and run continuously until some terminating condition occurs.
Every software application has some GUI which contains event driven programming
compulsory. Visual programming languages now come with Integrated Development
Environment IDE, so they all are compatible for serving the purpose of event driven
applications. There are two task of the event driven programmer, one is to produce a GUI
and effectively write the code for event-handler. Though he should also take care of the
flow of the event.
.NET is a Microsoft based development platform which provides a model for
programming an application and a comprehensive software infrastructure with various
tools and services to build up robust software application.
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): It is the technology used
for building and execution of connected systems.
LINQ: It has the ability to communicate with data querying capabilities to
.NET languages. The syntax is quite similar to that of SQL.
Event Arguments
In ASP.NET, handler usually takes two parameters and return void. The first one is raising
the object which is event and the second is the parameter which is an event argument.
Syntax is as follow:
private void EventName (object sender, EventArgs e);
[1]. Event Driven Application. Available on website:
[2]. DotNET Infrastructure. Available on website: