Information and Entropy in Cybernetic Systems: Abstract. It Has Been Shown That The Cybernetic Approaches Can e
Information and Entropy in Cybernetic Systems: Abstract. It Has Been Shown That The Cybernetic Approaches Can e
Information and Entropy in Cybernetic Systems: Abstract. It Has Been Shown That The Cybernetic Approaches Can e
Heikki Hyotyniemi
Cybernetics Group
Helsinki University of Technology, Control Engineering Laboratory
P.O. Box 5500, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Abstract. It has been shown that the cybernetic approaches can eciently be used for analysis and design of complex networked systems.
Still, the earlier discussions were bound to the actual application domain
at hand. This paper gives more intuition in what truly takes place in a
cybernetic system from another point of view. Information theory, and
specially the concept of entropy, oer a yet more general perspective to
such analyses.
There are many approaches to address the problems of real-life complex systems,
each of them concentrating on some specic issues and more or less ignoring the
others. The approach that is introduced in [19], or neocybernetics, is a new
theoretical framework that diers from the existing ones, compensating for the
In complexity theory one studies structurally complex nonlinear functions as
independent entities; now the emphasis is on structurally simple large-scale
systems where complexity is caused by high-dimensionality and system-wide
In system theory (or general system theory) discussions also embrace the
whole system, but they are limited to abstract, holistic studies; now, on the
other hand, concrete down-to-earth analyses give substance and semantics
to the discussions.
In control theory, also being a branch of system theory, studies are similarly
oriented on concrete rather than abstract systems; however, as compared to
the current approach, there the emphasis is solely on centralized rather than
distributed control structures.
In traditional cybernetics (being rediscovered various times under dierent
names like autopoiesis and synergetics) the decentralized structures also communicate with each other; however, the studies are stuck with the mechanisms, and the issues of emergence are not addressed. The assumption now is
that without explicit emphasis on emergence it is impossible to understand
the overall behaviors the actual essence of cybernetic systems.
informally: The stronger the ow of entropy is, the more probably there also
exist countercurrents, or whirls, in that ow (see Fig. 1). It turns out that
cybernetic systems are systems where the arrow of entropy is inverted.
The engineering-like approach to understanding any real-life problems is modeling, constructing simplied, abstracted representations capturing the relevant
system properties in a compressed form. The key question here is whether a
complex system can be simplied without missing its essence: If the whole is
more than parts, reductionistic methodologies collapse.
This intuition seems to be the mainstream attitude among complex systems
theorists meaning that there is scepticism against the potential of traditional
modeling and mathematics in general. For example, in [13] the starting point
is that whereas simple systems are modellable, complex systems by denition
defy modeling attempts: The possibility of complexity, in an intuitive sense,
only arises when a system acts in unexpected ways; that is, in ways that do not
match the predictions of models. Another formulation for this thought is given
in [18], where it is claimed that all descriptions of complex behavior necessarily
are still more complex than the original behavior: The simplest representation of
a system is the system itself, and no models can be constructed. Such pessimism
has resulted in predictions concerning End of Science [5].
However, the end of science has been prophesized many times in the past:
Always when old approaches have been exhausted, there has been scepticism
before new paradigms are found. The huge successes of the scientic paradigm,
and the ever regenerative power of mathematical tools, motivates the Pallas
Athene Hypothesis, in the spirit of the Gaia Hypothesis: Whereas Gaia supports
the life processes on the Earth, Pallas Athene supports scientic work. Indeed,
more than being a matter of fact, this is a confession of faith. But this optimistic
attitude pays back: There is still plenty to study, and it is the Old Science that
suces when studying complex systems.
To start with, Wolframs arguments [18] are indeed undeniable: If the modeling framework is too powerful, the mathematical analysis framework collapses.
Even if studying more and more complex systems, the model structures also
must not become more complex beyond a certain limit. How can this incompatibility be resolved? When the belief of not-yet-exhausted power of mathematical
modeling is adopted as a starting point, it is easier to redirect analysis eorts.
The only way to avoid the deadlock is to take another route: When the approach
starting from chaos theoretical problem setting turns out to lead nowhere, the
opposite way to proceed is to study emergent behaviors. Rather than looking
at the process, consisting of nonlinear iterations, one can look at the pattern,
the nal outcome of the iterations when the steady state has been reached. One
does not need to follow the individual behaviors if one knows the goal where
the system is going towards; in mathematical terms, this nal goal can be characterized in terms of cost criteria that are being minimized (maximized) in an
optimization process. The dynamic processes are caused by tensions in the underlying pattern that has not yet converged. Whereas the formulations based
on cost criteria are often mathematical, with no physical relevance, in the case
of cybernetic models the cost criteria have direct interpretations, implementing
a connection between abstract and concrete, between local agents and global
Perhaps because of the marvellous successes of computer technology, the
process view of thinking about systems dominates today. For example, in the
contemporary agent frameworks, the agents are software constructs. The problem here is that the topological structure beyond the algorithms is too vague
to oer any added value beyond the explicitly implemented functionalities. It is
important to observe that the algorithmic approach is not the only alternative,
at least not in all cases.
These discussions can be extended also to more abstract cases. There are
many domains where the shift from immediately-observable proceses to fundamentally-existent patterns has not yet taken place, and where it is dicult to
see what this transition would mean in the rst place. It is typical that modeling
is rst implemented by mimicking the observed surface-level behaviors or intuitions: For example, the self-organizing Kohonen SOM algorithm was rst dened
as a procedural algorithm; only later, it was observed that this algorithm is just
a way (gradient descent algtorithm) for minimizing a special energy function,
and new possibilities for further analysis and algorithm development opened up
[6]. It is easy to see developments in retrospect but, for example, there may
be possibilities of seeing also the processes of developmental biology, or in biological evolution, in the cybernetic pattern perspective. Such issues will be later
elaborated on.
Role of individuals
When the cybernetic models were derived (see [19]), the discussions were carried
out in a purely information theoretic setting. It was assumed that information
can be transferred in a causally unidirectional manner, without output aecting the input coming from outside the cybernetic system. However, when the
information carriers are populations, for example, and information transfer takes
place in the form of lower level prey being eaten by higher-level predators, this
idealized view necessarily collapses. There is no such thing as information without some physical carrier, and in some environments this fact becomes specially
The cybernetic models were derived by closing all loops inside the system;
now the nal loops are closed, coupling the system output with the system input.
First, study an ecosystem where the species on a specic trophic level compete for resources on the previous level. As presented in [19], the cybernetic
model becomes
= A x + B u.
Here, x is the vector of relative population activities (not simply the number
of individuals, or biomass; how the actual biomass is distributed, and what are
the losses, is not concentrated on here), and u is the vector of resources coming
from outside. The matrix A contains the interaction factors among the samelevel actors, revealing the patterns of competition, and B contains the forage
proles, revealing how the predators exploit the resources. The model can be
interpreted so that some kind of life force, or elan vital, emanating from the
environment and cumulating in the populations. Whereas this dissipative ow
never ceases, a cybernetic equilibrium among populations is found when the
opposing forces are in balance.
The model (1) is generic, and not very much can be said about it in general
terms. Assuming that the system is truly cybernetic (see [7]), there holds
xuT },
A = E{
T }, and B = E{
where and are adaptation parameters, and x denotes the steady-state values
of x corresponding to the almost constant u:
= T u = E{
T }1 E{
xuT } u.
Assuming that the dynamics of x is truly much faster than that of u, and if the
behavior of u is smooth, one can substitute x
with x in the formulas.
Whereas x = T u reveals the population balance, that is, the distribution
among population activities in steady state as a whole, in reality there is each
day a new competition among the individual actors for the available resources.
To make the rather abstract model (1) more concrete, this everyday struggle
will now be modeled. It is these everyday actions that also aect the available
resources, thus constituting the feedback structure between the system and its
Whereas there is the elan vital coming from the environment, the inverse
eect in the feedback loop caused by the individuals exhausting the resources
could be called elan letal. An individual tries to take the resources it needs,
pushing competitors away. As it is the individuals that are the agents for the
inverse action, rst study a single individual and its eect in the environment.
Dene the vector v that reveals the eective activity of a population; the
contribution of a single individual i to the whole grid of population activities
can be expressed as
= A v + 1i .
d i
The vector of elan letal being caused by the single individual is here dened as
1i = ( 0 0 1 0 0 ) .
where the forage proles in B are utilized. Here the sign is explicitly included
to emphasize that the resources are exhausted (however, the consumption of
some resource type can also be negative, meaning that this resource is saved
this is caused by the screening eects among individuals).
Because of system linearity, the eects of one individual can be freely scaled;
the overall eect of all individuals in the ecosystem can be calculated as a
weighted sum:
u =
xi (U )i =
T 1
= E{xu } E{xx }
E{xuT }T E{xxT }1 xi 1i
Food Forward
Level of
Feed Back
Fig. 2. Action (upper part) and reaction (lower part) automatically implemented by a cybernetic system. The structure looks strangely symmetric
remember Heraclitus: The way up and the way down are the same
This is how much of the resources are being used by the whole system, revealing
the rate of exhaustion. Assuming that the pool of resources is large, it will not
be exhausted immediately; instead, a dynamic structure is instantiated:
= u + u.
where u(t) is the natural rate of growth in the resources; the time scale, or
how is related to real time t, is dependent of the system. The overall system
structure can be expressed as shown in Fig. 2. Assuming that the inner dynamics
are much faster, the outermost loop is always stable (phase shift being only 90
The mathematical formulation of the feedback structure (8) looks strangely
familiar. Indeed, it equals the multilinear least-squares regression model between
x and u, that is, whatever x is, the best (linear) mapping from it to output (in
terms of minimized error variance) is obtained by the MLR formula
= E{xuT }T E{xxT }1 x.
If spans the principal subspace, as has been shown in [19], mapping from
the corresponding x to output applying MLR implements principal component
regression (see [8]). It has been observed that PCR is an ecient way to reach
robust regression structures, ltering out noise and exploiting the correlations
in data optimally.
Finally, note that if the natural reproduction uin in (9) is constant, and
if the resource variations have been appropriately captured by the system, a
balance is found where u
compensates the growth in u; the system remains in
balance where u
equals u. If there is variation in the growth rates, the principal
component regression from input back to input still does a good job trying to
eliminate the variation; and it can be assumed that this principle applies
at least approximately also to other cybernetic domains. This issue deserves
closer analysis.
The principal subspace representation of the input data is, indeed, a rather
sophisticated model of the environment. This fact needs to be emphasized:
The mirror image that is constructed by a cybernetic system (see [19]) is
not just any storage of observation data; it is an optimized model of the
properties of the environment (as measured in terms of covariations).
Why does nature construct such sophisticated models? The deep insight necessary here is oered by control theory. There it is well known that the best control
result, or the best elimination of external disturbances can be implemented if
a model of those disturbances is available. Now the key observation concerning
the nature of cybernetic systems can be expressed as follows:
The interactions implemented by a (truly) cybernetic system are not
whatever feedback structures; it constitutes an optimized model based
control trying to eliminate the disturbances coming as input from the
outside environment.
Traditionally in cybernetic (synergetic, autopoietic, etc.) studies, it is assumed
that feedback alone is enough to implement the polished behaviors observed in
complex dynamic systems. However, it is not so that whatever negative feedback
would do a good job; indeed, the whole eld of control theory studies this subject
of constructing good feedback strategies. What is more, there are also semantic
consequences: It is the whole conceptual universe of established theories and
tools that become available. For example, applying the intuitions from control
engineering, one can further elaborate on the true essence of cybernetic systems:
The controls implemented by a (truly) cybernetic system are not whatever control structures; it constitutes an optimized adaptive control continually changing its behavior according to the changes in the environment.
Adaptive controllers are capable of automatically adjusting their behaviors based
on the properties of the observed environment. Because of their promises, adaptive structures have been studied actively in control theory [1]. However, adaptive
controllers have not become very popular in practice it has been recognized
that there emerge behaviors that are not benecial and are dicult to master.
The diculties are fundamentally caused by loss of excitation in the system.
Adaptation of behaviors can only be carried out if there exists some kind of a
model of the environment, identied on the basis of the available information as
The concept of entropy is among the most fundamental ones in nature, and when
searching for universal laws governing cybernetic systems, these issues need to
be addressed.
Applying the thermodynamic interpretation (as dened by Clausius), entropy
reveals the extent to which the energy in a closed system is available to do work
(as dened in a somewhat sloppy manner). The lower the entropy level is, the
more there is free energy. In a closed system, entropy level cannot decrease; it
remains constant only if all processes within the system are reversible. However,
because the natural processes typically are irreversible, entropy in the system increases, so that energy becomes inert. Even though the total amount of energy
remains constant, according to the rst law of thermodynamics, it becomes less
useful, according to the second law of thermodynamics. Ultimately, the system
ends in a thermodynamic balance, or heat death, where there is no more free
energy available.
The cybernetic systems, as dened in [19], are also characterized by balances:
First, the determination of x
is based on nding the dynamic equilibrium as
determined by the system model (1). Second, the matrices A and B, as dened
in (2), are also dynamic equilibria as determined by the statistical properties in
u (see [8]). Indeed, in a cybernetic system there are balances at each level
and, in this sense, the convergence towards a steady-state model is completely
in line with the second law of thermodynamics.
However, the above observation is not yet intuitively sucient, and some
more analysis is needed. There are many denitions for the concept of entropy,
and it seems that the corresponding intuitions are to some extent contradictory,
or at least obscure.
In statistical mechanics (by Boltzmann and Gibbs), and analogously in information theory (by Shannon), entropy is related to probability: More probable
states (observations) reect higher entropy than less probable ones. In a sense,
entropy is the opposite of information less probable observations contain more
information about the system state. In such discussions, the second law of thermodynamics, or the increase in entropy, is reected so that systems tend to
become less ordered, and information becomes wasted. This probability-bound
interpretation of entropy is intuitively appealing, but it seems to result in paradoxes: For example, a symmetrical pattern is intuitively more ordered, containing more information, and consequently having lower entropy than a completely
random pattern on the other hand, symmetric pattern can be seen to contain less information than a random pattern, because the redundancies caused
by the symmetricity can be utilized to represent the patterns more eciently,
so that the entropy level should be now higher now. Indeed, as discussed in
[11], the algorithmic entropy is higher in a symmetric pattern than in a nonsymmetric one. To confuse concepts concerning order and symmetry even more,
or, rather, to reveal the inconsistencies in our intuitions, think of the following
claim: A totally unordered system can be said to be extremely symmetric as the
components cannot be distinguished from each other.
However, here it is assumed, according to the original intuition, that orderliness is a manifestation of low entropy. The key point here is that the simplicity
of symmetric patterns, or ordered patterns in general (loss of information in
them), is just an illusion: The missing information of the pattern is buried in
our pattern recognition capability. If the same data is to be presented without
the supporting underlying mental machinery, or specialized interpretation and
analysis tools, there is no handicap the redundancy cannot be exploited, and
no compression of data can be reached. In general, a higher-level representation
makes it possible to abstract the domain area data; in other words, a model is
the key to a compressed representation.
Similarly, in cybernetic systems one seems to be facing paradoxes, or fundamental inconsistencies that are not only of semantic origin. How is it possible
that in some systems being equally subject to real-life constraints and laws
of nature the arrow on entropy seems to be inverted, so that rather than getting disordered, new order emerges in them? For example, in cognitive systems,
in social systems, and in living systems in general, more and more complicated
structures are introduced in the course of evolution. Of course, there are no outright contradictions here (the subsystems getting ordered are open systems, the
overall entropy in the universe all the time increasing), but why do the systems
not select the easy way, exhausting energy for simply increasing entropy? Why
are there such countercurrents in the ow of entropy?
As in the case of symmetric patterns above, it is a higher-level structure
representing the lower-level data that looks more ordered and smart, as interpretated by our perception machinery. The PCA-based cybernetic system
distinguishes between random noise and correlated variation in the data, thus
compressing information so that it contains less noise. As this correlated variation in the environment is interpreted as information, the cybernetic system
seems to act like a Maxwell Demon, distinguishing between two containers
of information and noise, compressing information and pumping negative entropy into the emerging structures (see Fig. 3).
Applying the discussions in Sec. 2, the mystery of cumulating complexity can
be resolved: It is the control system intuition that is needed to solve the arrow
of entropy paradox. Even though it seems that entropy level goes down in some
subsystems, when one looks at the structure among the systems more closely,
the contradictions vanish: The system of decaying entropy is the supersystem,
or control system, driving the subsystem more eciently towards increased entropy, or local heat death, as characterized by the stable balance (see Fig.
4). The minor decrease in entropy in the supersystem is compensated by the
major increase of entropy in the subsystem, so that the second law of thermodynamics is obeyed and, indeed, this entropy is now pursued more eciently
High probability
High entropy
Low probability
Low entropy
than otherwise would be possible. If the data properties are stationary, the cost
of the constant higher-level structure becomes negligible as compared to evercumulating entropy on the lower level. More explicitly it can be claimed that
the second law of thermodynamics is the motivation for emergence of order in
complex enough environments (see Sec. 3.2).
Perhaps the most important consequence of the new interpretation of the
cybernetic systems is that reductionistic approaches become possible: Traditionally, the only systemically consistent level of studying entropy-decaying systems
was the holistic level, the whole Earth as one entity, now each subsystem as
studied alone is also thermodynamically consistent.
The new view of cybernetic systems as pursuing balance is fundamentally
dierent from traditional intuitions. It has been assumed that interesting complex systems are at the edge of chaos. For example, when studying the processes
of life, the mainstream view is expressed by Ilya Prigogine: Life is as far as possible from balance, whereas death means nal balance. Erwin Schr
odinger [14]
phrased this as What an organism feeds upon is negative entropy; it continues
to suck orderliness from its environment. Also in cybernetic systems, static balance means death but a living system is characterized by (thermo)dynamic
balances. Now the roles are essentially inverted: Whereas a living thing is traditionally assumed to play an active role, now it just has to adapt to its environment; it is the environment that pumps disorder into the system, and life
processes try to restore balance. It is not imbalance but the homeostasis, as
explained by Bernard and Cannon, that is the essence of life processes; this balance is not only an emergent phenomenon but the very kernel of the relevant
functionalities (see [19]). It is not about minimization of entropy, but, on the
contrary, it is explicit maximization of overall entropy in a cybernetic system
this entropy increase is just channelled in a smart way!
Heraclitus claimed that the Logos running the world is re. Perhaps a better
characterization of cybernetic processes is that the universal mind running them
is a re extinguisher incoming excitation is being attenuated. It seems that,
again, the Eastern tradition is perhaps deeper than the Western is: The underlying vitality principle beyond the Chinese philosophy and medicine is based on
balancing and ordering; see Fig. 5. On the other hand, in Indian philosophy
Traditional view
Flow of entropy
New view
Flow of entropy
Fig. 4. The roles of subsystems and supersystems need another look (see text)
many principles (stationarity, desire and consequent suering, etc.) also reect
the cybernetic ideas.
To summarize the above discussion, one can say that cybernetic (sub)systems
constitute a framework for connecting successive system levels in the same framework, so that the emergence of structures within the overall entropic model
can be explained. Structure (model) on the higher level means higher entropy
on the lower level. It is the available resources that are the driving force keeping
the system running, and maintaining the dissipative, irreversible processes in
a cybernetic system; however, this underlying machinery is another thing from
the actual essence determining the cybernetic functions. It is not so that the
available resources would simply constitute the supply of free energy in the
thermodynamic sense, so that the amount of resources would directly stand for
amount of neg-entropy; the opposite of entropy, or incoming information, is
revealed in the form of variations in resources. This is the same thing as in
thermodynamics where free energy is buried in temperature dierences rather
than in temperatures themselves. As Gregory Bateson intuitively puts it [3]:
Information consists of dierences that make a dierence. Whatever is the interpretation of the resource vector, whatever are the physical dimensions of the
input, the driving force in the cybernetic information cumulation is variations
coming from outside; the system does what it does trying to eliminate these variations. The Shannons formula just denes a static entropy measure, connecting
information theory to thermodynamic domain in a formal way; it may be that
the deepest interpretation and the most fruitful framework for cybernetic studies comes from a combination of these two elds in a more fundamental way.
Perhaps one could here speak of information theoretic thermodynamics. This
is not only jargon: It turns out that the above discussions can also be put in
Traditionally, the second law of thermodynamics is thought of as being a universal, more or less metaphorical principle. The existence of systems with inverted,
is no centralized master mind in nature. Nature does not know the global
optimum, or where to go to reach it. The optimization strategies that nature
implements are decentralized, distributed to very local agents that only see their
local environments, and do not know the big picture. Generally, the direction
of fastest local decay in cost criterion is revealed by the (negative) gradient
and, indeed, at least in simple environments, the processes proceed so that higher
densities, concentrations, temperatures, etc., are discharged towards lower ones.
To emulate such locally consistent behaviors one can rst write the gradient for
the criterion (11):
(x(t)) = T W x(t) T W u.
Now the continuous-time version of the steepest descent gradient algorithm can
be written in the state-space form:
(t) = A x(t) + B u,
There are physical restrictions that determine what is this rate of adaptation,
and these factors are collected in . Combining (12) and (13), the matrices A
and B are dened as
A = T W , and B = T W.
To apply the simple dynamic model, the global criterion J is not explicitly
needed; to justify the linear dynamic model, it is just assumed that it exists. On
the other hand, if the criterion is known, the entropy principle oers a practical
way to determine dynamic models also for complex systems.
A cybernetic system also carries out pattern matching against its environment, nding a balance between the outer and inner states. At least in special
cases the above hypotheses are justied: In a truly cybernetically optimized system, as in a Hebbian/anti-Hebbian neuron system, denes the basis vectors of
the principal subspace of the input u, and W is the input data covariance matrix;
this assures that the system obeys not only the rst-order balance but also the
second-order balance (see [19]). It turns out that the quadratic formulation of
the cost criterion can also be motivated in the Hebbian/anti-Hebbian framework
but, from the point of view of universal applicability of the maximum entropy
principle, can this intuition be generalized; why should this formulation apply
to other cybernetic systems in other domains?
The key notion here is that of a diusion process: In diusion systems the
behavior is characterized by an explicit search for balance, or maximization of
entropy. The tensions causing interactions come from the free energy that is
manifested in the form of imbalances in concentrations, temperatures, or other
distributed quantities. The diusion process is internally balanced, negative feedbacks being automatically built up. Dierent kinds of diusion processes are
typically linearly dependent of the dierences in the system and this linearity
can be interpreted in terms of quadratic cost criteria in the form (11). If nding
u^ i
the balance in a cybernetic system can be seen as a generalized diusion process, the same framework (13) can always be utilized. When looking at a (truly)
cybernetic process in a static perspective, it can be said to constitute a higherorder balance system; on the other hand, when seen in a dynamic perspective,
it is a system characterized by higher-order distributed diusion.
As discussed in [16], the exponential model is very plausible according to
theoretical analyses and practical experiences, at least when studying population dynamics. The problems arise when the constraints have to be taken into
account, resulting in very non-universal and intuitively non-appealing model
structures. Luckily enough, in cybernetic models integrate the constraints in
the same simple model structure. The model x = Ax + Bu with real-valued
eigenvalues in A is a general form of interacting (perhaps cascaded) diusion
processes with exponential behavior.
Another point worth mentioning here is that, again, one should take into
account all feedback loops: It can well be so that the developments are not, after
all, so straightforward as the diusion intuition might suggest. For example,
after a structrural experiment, carried out by some of the system agents, it
is not only the internal parameters of the system that get adjusted as the new
balance is restored, but perhaps also the external parameters. In retrospect, some
ecological/economical selections may look as the best choice merely because
those decisions determined the parallel universe that was realized. It is not
necessarily so that the system is an image of its environment; a strong enough
system can make its environment reect its own structure!
Where does the free energy in nature, or variation in resources, originate from?
The energy producing processes in the Sun are relatively stationary, providing
priately networked, the resulting system can outperform the capabilities of the
individuals. In any case, it is the entropy principle that still applies, all systems
trying to eliminate the incoming variation (see Fig. 7). Thus, one could perhaps
distinguish between dierent kinds of cybernetic systems: There is a continuum
from physical systems through natural (or normal) cybernetic systems to constructivistic systems, and further to technical systems, depending of how much
of the emergent structure is determined directly by the environment; in physical
systems, there are no degrees of freedom, whereas in constructivistic systems
the emergent structure is practically free of the environmental constraints. In
technical systems it is not only the system that is (more or less) articially constructed, as in constructivistic systems, but also the optimum state where the
system tries to balance itself is imaginary (see later). Indeed, in economical systems the imaginary goal (maximum amount of money, or minimum cost) is
visible in its most explicit form.
Entropy is universal, but it is not centralized: It separately governs the behaviors of the smallest systems as well as cosmic ones. There are no centralized processing or control units in nature; the only information available is
the information delivered by the system itself, and the only energy available
for self-organization is the energy engaged in the tensions of the system. The
entropy-pursuit machinery is thus localized, characterized by distributed negative feedback mechanisms. Ultimate functionalism cannot be reached in such a
distributed system of systems. This means that even though the model-based
control can optimally attenuate variations in some subsystem, the optimality is
lost in wider perspective. Indeed, this loss of optimality is a very fundamental
phenomenon: Paradoxically, it turns out that locally optimized entropy maximization, or elimination of information, results in maximal preservation of overall information. This can be explained as follows: A good controller is aware of
what is happening in the system being controlled, or what is the state u of the
outer environment; this information that is used for controlling the environment
is captured in the internal state of the controller x. This x containing the essence
of the environment is available for yet higher level systems to be exploited as
input resource! And, further, this relaying of information from former systems
to latter ones can be repeated; there can exist an arbitrary number of successive levels in the chain of cybernetic systems, and the information is maximally
transferred up to the top layer (see Fig. 6).
After the long slow evolution of natural systems, resulting in more and more
complex structures, developments became much faster when a new machinery
was once introduced: The human, and specially his/her cognitive capabilities offer a general-purpose control platform for implementing dierent kinds of higherlevel systems. In this case the model is in another domain (phenosphere) as
compared to the system being modeled. Nature relies on completely distributed
strategies when implementing control systems, and, as was observed, this results
in extreme complexity and illogicality; the human is needed to implement a more
streamlined system, where the non-optimalities are ripped o. From the ecologi-
cal point of view, this simplication and loss of diversity in the form of increased
functionality and consistency of course has to be seen as impoverishment.
In human-constructed systems, the balances need not be ght-or-perish
equilibria, they can also be negotiated. The human societies can be based on
ideas by John Forbes Nash, not only by Adam Smith; the welfare society can,
after all, be a good idea if the faith of the underlying dynamics can be
appropriately foreseen in advance.
It is not only optimization that is carried out by humans completely
new resources of free energy are also released by humans. In concrete terms,
new variables are introduced in the resource vector by human activity. In a
sense, the human has the role of a catalyst: New resources become available
because of human activity, and processes that otherwise would never take place
are activated. For example, the oil reservoirs would never have been exhausted
if the human culture had not done that. Thus, after all, exhaustion of natural
resources and destruction of the environment is inevitable and predestinated by
the entropy law. And the success of the human can be measured in terms of
increased entropy, or the rate of consumption!
It needs to be recognized that in more complex domains the solutions to
the optimization problems, or models of how the free energy in the environment
can be used, are by no means unique. For example, if there is money available
in the market, there are many dierent ways of exhausting it. According to
the selected strategy, a process can be instantiated to produce it; this process
is further divided in subtasks with simpler goals, employing human sta for
running the subprocesses, keeping the subcontrols in balance. The original push
(economical pressure) is thus divided into investments, constituting a delicate
structure. Within a selected (sub)structure, the implementation is more or less
unique, but there are always many ways to select the structure.
In all systems, the bottleneck is caused by the scarcity of information and
understanding. When something is better understood, or when a better model
exists, more or less immediately after that (or, at least, when the new balance
after the transient has been reached) it is exploited and new feedback structures
are constructed. In this sense, one is always on the edge between the known and
the unknown. This is easy to see in technical and economical systems, where the
whole closed loop between the observations and actions is explicitly optimized;
understanding is exploited in a straightforward way and more streamlined systems are implemented immediately when it is justied in terms of economical
etc. considerations. However, also in politics the control of the society is implemented in a rather straightforward way by applying legislation, according to
estimates and assumptions about future that are based on more or less accurate models of the society dynamics. The current state of the societal system is
measured in terms of statistics, and also by opinion polls.
Today, the models can be constructed proactively rather than reactively: The
company hierarchy can be designed for some production task, and the customer
demand is created only afterwards. In complex domains there are no straightforward patterns to be matched in the environment, or, more accurately, the space
among very dierent systems; or, more accurately, the same model structures
can be applicable in dierent domains. The more general the modeling principles
are, the more probable it is that there are similarities. For example, learning to
see symmetries in concrete patterns can help to see corresponding structures
also in more abstract domains, so that such pre-created model structures can be
reused for reinterpreting, that is, for nding creative new associations. In this
sense, art (or, actually, practically any eld of special expertise) can truly help
in seeing nature in new ways, and constructing more ecient (subconscious)
models for other systems.
Basics of constructivism
The claim here is that, really, it is the entropy principle, as implemented in cybernetic control structures, that governs also complicated cybernetic systems,
like all human behavior and activity. The purpose of all human information
gathering, for example, is gaining knowledge and understanding; understanding
is the route to exploitation of deposits of variation that exists in the natural
resources. The feedback from understanding to explotation is seen as a control
loop. What makes this often dicult to recognize is the fact that the implementations of cybernetic control can be so distributed, and the application domains
are typically so non-mathematical.
In cybernetic systems it is populations of agents that determine the system
behavior; in ecosystems, etc., the agents themselves are a part of the system, operating in the same domain, whereas in more complex environments, the agents
operate in some other domain. Typically this means that there are more degrees
of freedom available, and the laws governing the adaptation are not so stringent.
In such constructivistic systems dierent kinds of approaches are necessary; however, it can still be claimed that the operations still maximize overall entropy
Technical product development processes are typical constructivistic cybernetic systems, where the dynamics is caused by tensions determined by external
constraints and the technological drive. How does development of computer
technology, for example, boost entropy in the overall system, then? Word processors, typical software products, are used to construct descriptions of complex
domains; these models are (more or less balanced!) views of the domain eld.
More sophisticated word processors make this model construction process faster;
and the new hardware and software tools make it possible to share this model,
and compare its virtues with competing models. Specially, when doing scientic research, the Internet technology has made the paper production process
much faster as the information availability has increased. Computer technology
also boosts the delivery of new models (ideas and theories) from one domain
(cognitive system) to another (scientic community). A scientic paradigm is
determined as a balanced interplay between such theories, being a cybernetic
combination trying to explain (model) the subject domain. Straight after such
modeling is satisfactory, technical applications are introduced, where the developed model is applied for controlling, or manipulation of the domain eld.
curious that is, the agent needs to be simultaneously homo sapiens and
homo ludens.
How systems get adapted? To make the systems adapt when there is no
immediate need for that, a driving force is needed; this constructivistic imperative is not any explicit rule, it is an implicit tendency that is manifested
in greediness and ambition.
It has been claimed that one of the main dierences when humans are compared
to animals is that humans can think of the future, they can plan, and they
can imagine what the environment could be rather than merely adapting to
the current circumstances. Human behavior is proactive rather than reactive.
Humans can visualize the optimum state and the route to that state.
And, of course, yet another key feature in humans from the point of view of
acting as agents in constructing cybernetic systems is their social nature: Because of the monkeying, imitating others behavioral patterns, is so natural to
humans, new ways of behaving can easily be instantiated and new kinds of systems are possible. Even though free will is said to be one of the main things that
characterizes us as human beings, it is the absence of free will that characterizes
societies. This can also be expressed as (mental) laziness: Avoiding diculties,
going where it is easiest, not against opposing forces but following them, leads
to a dynamic balance also in abstract systems. However, it needs to be recognized that always when behaviors become too homogeneous and predictable,
there is room for local opportunistic optimizations, perhaps resulting in parasitic
When does the group-think, or the group being dumber than the individuals,
change into system intelligence, where the society is cleverer than the individuals? Perhaps the key here is according to the above intuitions adaptation
and balance: Only after the sustem reaches the steady-state, internal tensions
compensating each other, the system level structures emerge.
Neocybernetics is not just another scientic paradigm; no, it goes beyond that,
shaking the very foundations of science. Traditionally, it is thought that it is philosophy (logic) that is the basis for mathematics, and, further, mathematics is
the basis for technical research (engineering disciplines). Now, in the framework
of cybernetic systems, this thinking can be inverted, as shown in Fig. 8: Mathematics (linear algebra) oers the syntax (language) and engineering (control
practices) oers the semantics (interpretation) for philosophical considerations
(metaphysics). Put in another way, empirism precedes rationalism, giving substance to das Ding an Sich. This claim is further elaborated on below.
To start with, it is the same with neocybernetics as it is with other scientic
disciplines: One has to admit that models are always false. The essence of the
real world cannot be captured, and the models should never be mixed with reality. It was the start of modern science when one started doing physics based on
Traditional view
Cybernetic view
(linear theory)
empirism, only trying to explain the observations, rather than metaphysics, trying to explain the underlying reasons for those observations. However, things are
dierent when one is constructing higher-order models, or models for models.
Now it can be claimed that models are essentially true. What does this mean?
One has to remember that the model construction of cybernetic systems also
applies to the cognitive domain: The mental system constitutes a mirror image
of the environment as determined by the observations. No matter what the
underlying realm truly is like beneath the observations, the mental machinery
constructs a model of it. If the same modelling principles are copied in the
computer, there will be a fundamental correspondence among the data structures
as constructed by the computer, and the mental representations as constructed
by the brain in the same environment. This is an extension of the Kantian
revolution: Perceptions are not observed but constructed as the observations
are matched against what there already exists. This makes it possible to reach
intersubjectivity of representations, technical or natural: The world models can
be essentially the same, not only between humans but also between humans and
computers. This makes it perhaps possible to reach Articial Intelligence in the
deep, not only in the shallow sense. Clever data processing becomes possible:
The computer can carry out the data preprocessing in a complex environment,
and the constructed data structures can be interpreted naturally in terms of
corresponding mental representations.
But this intersubjectivity is not all there is; indeed, one can reach interobjectivity. If nature itself tries to construct models for eliminating free energy in the
system, as presented above, the human trying to model these cybernetic systems
can touch not only the shadows of the behaviour (in the Platonian sense), but the
actual essence these models can be fundamentally the same. This means that if
some naturally evolved cybernetic system (an ecological system, for example) is
modeled by a human applying the appropriate principles, this model has a deep
correspondence with the system itself; what is more, in environments that are
in a transient (an economical system, for example), the cybernetic models can
predict what the nal system would look like after the stationary state perhaps
is reached. In this sense, the new models can perhaps give insight in the true
essence of complex systems and in the hidden tensions in such systems. This ob-
servation has also cosmic consequences: Whatever are the systems on the other
planets like, assuming that those systems are similarly based on local agents and
evolution processes towards better exploitation of the environmental resources,
they must obey the same universal principles. The celestial ecosystems, or social
systems, etc., most probably do not essentially dier from the earthly ones
of course the details dier (like surface patterns), but the principles remain the
Universe constructs models and, after all, models are used for simulation.
It is not only Douglas Adams who claimed (in his book The Hitch Hikers
Guide to the Galaxy) that the Earth itself is a huge computer carrying out
(distributed) simulation: Edward Fredkin proposed in early 1980s a new theory
of physics based on the idea that the Universe was comprised ultimately of
There are many philosophical issues that can be attacked in the cybernetic framework from the fresh point of view. It may need to be admitted
that metaphysics cannot be addressed in the current framework, physics being based on spatial interactions among particles, but one can perhaps speak of
metabiology, metaecology, etc. What do these metatheories stand for? There are
fundamental questions concerning modeling issues that have not seriously been
questioned before: For example, the Pallas Athene Hypothesis mentioned above
(or, perhaps more accurately, Antero Vipunen Hypothesis) is not just an unsubstantiated claim but there is some deeper essence there. Indeed, this hypothesis
can be expressed in a stronger form: It seems that system complexity and analyzability go hand in hand: If Nature has been able to construct sophisticated
model structures, why not us? The clain here also is that cybernetic systems
can always be modeled, one just needs to nd the appropriate model structure.
Perhaps a new era of positivism is ahead? And, to mention another deeply
philosophical principle: Ockhams razor is routinely being applied in modeling
(simplest explanation is the most appropriate), but the motivation for this idea
is typically merely pragmatic. In the framework of optimized cybernetic systems,
the models being based on principal subspaces, etc., extreme compactness truly
is the nal faith of the fully evolved systems.
But this optimality in cybernetic systems applies only when the system is
seen in the local perspective. Indeed, the discussions above can be summarized so
that it is not, after all, some intelligent designer that is responsible for all natural
diversity rather, looking at the immense inconsistence, one could speak of a
hardworking idiot: The left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.
The resulting system of systems is neither systematic nor systemic. However,
it may be so that nalism will have a renaissance: As explained in connection
with entropy, there exist goals in natural systems and such systems are not
constrained to biological or ecological domains.
Most human endeavors can also be interpreted as manifestations of the same
cybernetic principles. One specially interesting group of cybernetic domains of
human activity is that of scientic research. Scientic theories are again models
of the environment, whatever is the branch, no matter if it is natural or human
sciences. The more complex the domain eld is, the more there are degrees of
freedom, and the less the available data constrains the possible solutions. As
the hierarchy of complexity evolves, it is dicult to evaluate the priority among
candidate explanations. The latter layers are dictated more by the prior layers
than the actual environment being explained; in complex enough cybernetic
domains the system starts to create its own meanings not bound to the outer
realm. This is not dependent of the eld of study, this is more like a property of
too evolved science, where there are more theories than evidence (for example,
take cosmology and its wormholes, parallel universes, etc., being manifestations
of ironic science). The cybernetic view towards doing science makes it perhaps
easier to reach reconciliation between the two cultures within sciences [17]; in
these postmodern times, as there is more and more pressure towards new results,
the scientic explanations are similarly constructivistic in natural sciences as
they are in human sciences. Also natural scientists and engineers should be
humble. It is often claimed that science proceeds positively towards higher levels
of perfection following its own internal laws and these laws should be only
determined by objective criteria of truthfulness. However, it is the human that
is always integrated in the loop of doing science this means that it is not only
the match against evidence that alone determines the vitality of a paradigm. The
humans determine what is hot and what is not. The shifts between Kuhnian
paradigms are not so clear-cut, and it seems that also science is on the edge of
chaos; the term ironic science has been coined [5]. Within a cybernetic system
there are subsystems; indeed, science is a fractal structure of cybernetic systems
such embedded systems are studied in what follows.
The above discussion is not merely semantic jargon; down-to-earth analyses are
possible. To elaborate on the abstractions, the concept of information turns out
to be useful. Information can be studied in mathematical terms, and it can be
used as a link between the abstract and concrete ideas.
About information
Regardless of the underlying mechanisms (interacting agents, or explicit constraints), a cybernetic system is characterized by dynamic balances. When seen
from outside, and when the phenomena have been quantied appropriately, the
system implements principal component analysis, or, actually, principal subspace analysis of the incoming data. In either case, the model captures the
(co)variation in the data in the most ecient and compact way. Simultaneously,
the PCA model is capable of structuring and reproducing the variation: The
compression of high-dimensional multivariate data is based on the distribution
of variation. Now, if this variation in data is called information, there are ecient
means of mathematically processing and analyzing that information.
Genetic state
= enzyme/transcription levels
Metabolic state
= chemical levels/flows
Fig. 9. Levels
in a cellular
system: Genetics
meaning that variation in those directions where there is most variation is suppressed. In the cybernetic case one has
W = E{uuT }
instead: It is evident that the more there is variation in some direction, the
more that variation is weighted in matching. Deviations are now interpreted as
valuable resource.
Emergence of structures
Cybernetic system becomes a mirror image of its environment, the representations being optimized in the local-level interaction processes. All agents experience the same environment; how is it possible that the emergent systems have
self-organizing structures where dierent agents have varying roles? To have
more insight, let us study two very dierent examples.
In Fig. 9, a schematic illustration of the proceses in a living cell are presented
(cf. [19]). There are two very dierent kinds of subsystems: The rst metabolic
subsystem is based on chemical balance reactions, where the balance is being
found as being constrained by the incoming chemical ows through the cell wall.
The set of available chemical reactions is essentially dictated by the enzymes
that are produced as determined by the active genes. The second level, or the
genetic subsystem, is based on very dierent kinds of elementary processes, like
The Company
years - months
The Branch
decades - years
months - days
Electric network
seconds - milliseconds
days - hours
Higher-level controls
hours - seconds
message-RNA production, transfer, and decoding, and it is practically impossible to model this dynamics in a mathematically compact form; the situation
becomes still more complicated as there are chains of gene activations, and the
interactions esentially form a deeply interconnected network. The transcription
factors essentially dictating the gene activities are products of some other gene
activity. However, again, when one concentrates only on the resulting balance
after the transients have decayed, things become much simpler, and it can be
modeled as a linear system around the equilibria. In both subsystems, the enzyme
/ metabolite levels are integrals of the genetic / chemical activities, respectively,
and their local dynamics around the equilibria can be modeled applying the
basic cybernetic model. Enzymes being produced in the genetic subsystem are
catalysts, not being exhausted in the subsequent metabolic processes, so that the
link betveen the subsystems is, in principle, unidirectional; however, as there is
also metabolic feedback from the outside the nucleus into it, the hierarchy is
not complete rather, the structure is cyclic. In any case, it is a reasonable
abstraction to distinguish between the two levels: this is due to the dierent time
scales between the subsystems. Chemical balances are reached much faster than
the gene activation balances.
In Fig. 10, on the other hand, illustrates the many-level structure of a typical company: On the highest level, there is the outside society determining the
operating environment, and the lower levels represent the organizational arrangements within the company. It is assumed here that the company being studied
is an electric company the lowest-level subsystems are again outside the
company, their behaviors being determined again by the environment, whereas
the company actions try to keep these outside systems in some intended balance.
Again, each level of subsystems operates in dierent time scales (as illustrated in
the gure). The higher-level subsystem seems to determine the set points for
System s
System s
the lower-level subsystems. The same structure can be detected also in industrial automation systems: on the lowest level, there are the natural (chemical)
processes being stabilized by the lowest-level controls; the next level of balances
is determined by the regulatory controls, trying to reach the reference values;
the yet higher level in the cascade structure of controllers is determined by the
production optimization. When seen as a single system, the dynamics is sti,
containing very slow and very fast modes; the system can be seen as a combination of algebraic and dynamic constraints. Such stiness problems vanish when
dierent levels are studied separately.
These examples show how levels and (fractal) hierarchies are encountered
and manifested in real life, the subsystems being more or less independent. Each
of the subsystems tries to answer to all demands and needs, resulting in local
balances but the balances in dierent levels are tightly linked together. How
to functionalize the notion of hierarchies in a cybernetic model? Where does the
seemingly universal multi-level structure of balances emerge from? It seems to
be natural to distinguish between levels, but how can this be implemented in a
mathematically solid framework?
Frequency-domain hierarchies
Whatever the environment is really like, it is visible to the agents only in the
experienced observation data. It is not the objective environment that is being
experienced by all agents in an absolutely homogeneous way; the agents world
views are subjective, depending on how the signals are seen and how they are
interpreted. In other words, this can be expressed in the form: How the features
are extracted from the data? Within a single subsystem the feature extraction
principles remain invariant (see Fig. 11).
In mathematical terms, feature extraction can be simplest implemented (that
is, applying strictly linear methodology) by appropriate weighting of the signals.
When this weighting is carried out in frequency domain, the time scales can
naturally be taken into account and it was these time scales that seemed
to be the main dierence between subsystems. So, let us introduce a new func-
Fig. 12. How information distribution can be analyzed applying control engineering intuitions (see text)
tional structure in the cybernetic model: Assume that the signals coming in the
subsystem s are ltered through the low-pass lter
= s us + s uin ,
with time constant s = 1/s . This means that beyond the angular frequency
= s the visible signals start decaying; the subsystem essentially cannot see
behaviors that take place at higher frequencies (they are veiled, as shown in
Fig. 12). The information content (power in terms of variation) in the ltered
signals can be expressed in terms of the power spectrum:
U () = Hs () Uin (),
2 + 2s
Note that more precise cut-o behaviors can be implemented applying higherorder lters; for example, one can dene
Fs (s) = Fs (s)Fs (s) =
s2 + 2s s + 2s
s uTs }
s uTs } + s xs uTs ,
= s E{x
where (or, actually, log log ). If there are subsystems in still lower
frequency regions, the corresponding lower-frequency informaton is mostly captured by those dedicated subsystems; on the other hand, if there exists information in the signals at higher frequencies than , there will probably be another
subsystem. As seen by this intermediate subsystem, the exterior ambient information is abstracted, and seen only as constant data determining the more or
less xed environment: Too fast signals are ltered so that only the mean value
remains to be seen, and too slow signals are being faithfully followed. The subsystems outside the information horizon cannot be explicitly controlled by the
current subsystem: It must be assumed (in the spirit of cybernetics) that the
higher-frequency systems succesfully balance themselves only reference values
can be delivered by slower (higher-level) systems. The intermediate system is,
on the other hand, subject to the reference values coming from the yet higherlevel systems; as long as there is dynamics in the slow signal range, the outer
environment changes, and there is need for continuing adaptation. To repeat
now data represents the resource, level in data represents the environment,
and variation in data represents information; and models of that information
represent memory.
In traditional cybernetic studies (Bateson, Maturana, etc.) the interactions
and feedbacks in the system are very concrete sequential chains of eects or processes. Now the time scales, or frequency ranges, are selected so that the actions
at one level become seemingly instantaneous and simultaneous. Rather than
studying dynamic phenomena, one studies static patterns. Earlier this static nature of the patterns was explained so that it is balances that are being studied;
now, however, this simplicity is reached thanks to the powerful mathematical
machinery. The stationary statistical phenomena can compactly be manipulated
in frequency domain, where the individual signal realizations, their initial values, etc., are abstracted away. In principle, stationarity of signals is assumed,
but because it is not assumed that the system has reached the nal balance, the
analyses can be made more versatile. Luckily enough, because of the selected
information interpretation, information being identied with signal energy, the
essential signal properties are so easily transferred from time domain into frequency domain.
In the proposed framework of modeling cybernetic systems (to reach emergent models), one must always abstract the actual time axis away, concentrating
on statistical patterns rather than dynamic processes. In evolution, for example,
the basic unit is one generation, so that the time constants must typically be
of the order of hundreds of years and statistical learning necessarily takes
thousands of years! There are phenomena taking place also faster; indeed, the
interaction structure within the system is very much dependent of the selected
frequency range, dierent time scales oering very dierent views into the phenomena taking place in the system. The physicists dream concerning the Theory
of Everything, or the theory explaining everything in terms of elementary particles, or, in this case, in terms of elementary cybernetic entities, is futile. A good
model studies only the most appropriate phenomena visible at a specic level, so
that when seen from dierent distances there are dierent models. No universal
model exists; however, when studying cybernetic systems the model structure
may still remain the same.
It is natural that phenomena at higher frequency ranges are observed more
often than phenomena at lower frequencies. This means that when starting
from scratch there is statistically relevant information available rst only
concerning the phenomena with fastest dynamics, and only this information
is modeled originally. As time passes, also slower phenomena can be mapped
by successive subsystems. In this sense, in complex enough environments (like
ecosystems) it is natural that the structure of cybernetic systems is in a constant turmoil, because there always exist lower frequency regions where there
is non-exhausted information. The newer systems typically utilize earlier ones,
and hierarchies emerge also without explicit ltering of signals, because of the
temporal evolution, and because the stationary state has not yet been reached.
There are also technical reasons motivating the introduction of the ltering
scheme (17). Many constructivistic systems operate in discrete time that
is, information (statistics, etc.) are collected at certain time points, and it is
assumed that behaviors between the sampling instants remains approximately
the same. Now there is yet another intuition from control engineering available.
Theory tells us that the information sampling rate in the system determines the
Nyquist frequency: The maximum frequency in the signals must not exceed half
of the sampling frequency, otherwise the high frequency components get aliased
on the lower frequencies, creating phantom behaviors. Too high frequencies
have to be ltered away. Yet another related problem emerges when the sampled
measurements are used for control: Faster and faster controls make the closedloop system time constant shorter, thus increasing the high-frequency contents
perhaps beyond the sustainable level. Finally this is the problem that is faced in
quartal capitalism, where the company performance is to be optimized without
Optimality and robustness are often contradictory goals: Faster control means
higher sensitivity to disturbances, and this means worsened stability properties
and lower robustness against noise. Is this unavoidable, or are there ways to
circumvent this? Indeed, there is some counterintuitive intuition available here.
Assume that the time constants within the cybernetic system are essentially
in the same range, that is, the feedbacks have become so fast and powerful
that the signals have no time to naturally converge but the whole feedforward/feedback structure constitutes a single dynamic system. This is not all;
assume that the feedbacks are so powerful that the environment can be completely controlled, that is, u(t) can be altered at will, so that eectively one has
u = u. The vector x(t) is the state of the cybernetic system, starting from
some non-optimal state x0 , and the goal is to bring it to optimum state (for
simplicity, assume that this optimum state is x = 0). Because of the internal
system dynamics, governed by the formula (1), the state cannot be immediately
altered; the faster one wants to make the eects, the larger are the controls that
are needed. One faces an optimization problem that can be formulated in the
following form:
x (t)Qx(t) + uT (t)Ru(t) dt + xT (t1 )Sx(t1 ).
To implement the corresponding control one has to solve the steady-state Riccati
0 = Q P BR1 B T P + AT P + P A.
When this is solved for P , it turns out that that the boundary-value problem
can be transformed into an initial value problem:
x(t0 ) = x0
v(t0 ) = P x(t0 ),
so that the nal, time-invariant state control law (skipping dynamics in the
feedback branch) becomes
u(t) = R1 B T P x(t).
It needs to be recognized that the system model (in terms of matrices A and
B) by no means needs to be optimal, as long as they describe the signal dependencies appropriately. Depending of the model, x is the interpretation of the
corresponding world state, and within this framework, the presented structures
still optimize the controls: The interpreted system state x0 can be brought to
optimum (zero state) applying the assumed available inputs to the system. What
is interesting here is that information on both trophic levels is simultaneously
manipulated and minimized; signal squares (variances) being appropriately suppressed not only in the lower-level system as is traditionally the case. Perhaps in
the constructivistic systems one can get from the hardworking idiot metaphor
back to intelligent design?
in some direction in the data space is ignored. But it turns out that cybernetic
systems are truly marvellous: Nature can do better, exceeding the theoretical
constraints; in principle, all information in data can be exploited by the system.
The vector x has been interpreted (in ecological, etc., applications) so that
xi stands for the size of the population representing the population i. The key
to understanding the above claim is to recognize that whereas the number of
variables within the vector x, or the number of distinct populations is less than
the dimension of u, the total number of individuals within the populations still
by far exceeds the degrees of freedom in u. Indeed, this information/entropy
analysis gives us tools for understanding the diversity of individuals within a
population, and why such nonhomogeneity has evolutionary advantage and thus
never disappears even in stationary environmental conditions.
Assume that the dimension of u is m and that of x is n. After the n most
signicant principal components have been captured in the subspace spanned by
the populations characterized by the variables xi , the remaining m n dimensions in data (assuming that the data is non-redundant) are visible within each
population, and subpopulations with diering properties can emerge within the
main populations, the intra-population behaviors following the same principles
that also govern the inter-population behaviors. Remember that typically there
are no clear knees in the eigenvalues when covariance matrices are analyzed;
this means that it is dicult to say what is the natural dimension of the data.
Nature has the same problem when it implicitly operates on that same data,
dimension selection meaning selecting a specic number of variables, or populations, in the model this means that there is no such thing as the absolutely
correct number of populations (or species) to be chosen. There is fractal continuity of properties within an ecosystem, and the distinction between populations
and subpopulations becomes blurred; however, because of the biological reasons
and ecological denitions, clear boundaries between species exist. As a matter of
fact, another factor increasing diversity within an ecosystem is the observation
that, when looking at the formulae in Sec. 2, it seems that the higher the populations of identical agents are (xi ) the lower is the available activity level (vi )
of the individuals; in this sense, it is clear that subpopulations try to dierentiate themselves in terms of total number of individuals, it is better to have
two (or more) nonidentical subpopulations than only one, because this reduces
The current framework makes it possible to analyze the property distributions further, and it is also possible to make predictions. For example, it can
be assumed that in the nal state, the total number of subpopulations (within
each population separately) equals the number of remaining degrees of freedom
in data; and the spectrum of properties in dierent species is the same. This
means that within the populations there are latent substructures if the environmental conditions suddenly change, so that some less signicant principal
components suddenly become more prominent, there already exists capability
of reacting to such changes in the ecosystem, and the adaptation to the new
conditions can be remarkably fast.
The very concrete view of the emergent (sub)system structure being dictated
by the available information deserves to be studied still closer. The cybernetic
system always optimizes its representation of the visible information; or, as the
system is living in its own narrow world, it thinks it is behaving optimally. This
optimality is determined in terms of the properties of the measurement data, dictated by the statistical signal properties, so that the analysis of the nal system
properties can be reduced to analysis of statistical signal properties. There are
many possibilities to utilizing this observation. In concrete terms, parallel systems forage dierent information when their feature extraction strategies dier
from each other.
Information in signals cannot be increased at will, but it can be reduced appropriately. A good example was presented above, where dynamic lters where
applied to suppress certain frequency bands. The approach presented in Sec. 4.3
was specially interesting, because it was through applying linear dynamic structures that the features were dened, so that the there are again powerful tools
for analysis of the closed-loop system available. It needs to be commented here
that it is typically assumed that linear structures are uninteresting when representing complex phenomena, because several linear layers do not increase the
expressional power of the system; also, in a cybernetic model one linear layer
already exhausts available correlations-related information. However, multiple
layers still can be interesting in the cybernetic case: Because it is also nature
that constructs non-optimal redundancy, one layer on top of another explaining
the same variation, the layer-like linear models can reect the cybernetic realm.
But truly unanticipated phenomena in the signals can be revealed when nonlinearities are employed. There are many alternatives to how features can be
extracted, or how some information can be ignored, applying nonlinear functions; for example, there are examples in [8] where sparse coding of data is
reached when cut function is applied, eliminating negative signal values altogether. Another possibility is to implement topology among the structures using
nonlinearities: For example, localaized sensor networks were studied in [19] by
explicitly cutting away the far-apart agent connections. This kind of locationbased representations are typical in nature, where local populations that are
located far from each other, for example, do not interact.
The structural nonlinearities can also be utilized to extend the dynamic structure in cybernetic models. Normally it is static mappings from u to x that are
being modeled here, so that there is assumed to be no connection between, say,
u(k) and u(k + 1). In nature, the successive inputs are, however, typically not
independent of each other: There exist correlations between resources in successive years, for example. And assuming that predators are longer-living than
prey, they see longer periods of time, and it is the total amount of prey over the
whole life span that determines the population rather than the situation during
one single year. Indeed, as presented in [2], this kind of dynamic states can be
captured in terms of time series samples. If one augments one single signal by including also the past values in the data vector, one can start modeling dynamics,
y = xx
y = tansig(xx)
ui (t)
ui (t 1)
ui (t) =
ui (t d)
It has been assumed that information is interpreted directly in terms of variations
(that is, the atoms of information are coded in the form E{u2i }, for example)
or covariations (in the form E{ui uj }). However, the nonlinearities can also be
applied here. Whereas the storages for information were in the linear case the
covariance matrices, now one can dene, for example,
(xuT )}
(xuT )} + f (xuT ),
= E{f
the nonlinearities in the matrices being calculated elementwise. This means that
not all information has the same weight. For example, in Fig. 14 a nonlinearity is
presented where the high ends have relatively lower emphasis, the nonlinearity
being mathematically dened as
f (xi uj ) =
1 + exp(2xi uj )
The results after model convergence are shown in Fig. 15. The data in the experiments was rst whitened, that is, E{uuT } = I, so that second-order statistical
properties in the data vanish; whereas the standard cybernetic model will not
have any preferences what comes to directions in the data space, the model
with the nonlinear covariance calculations seems to have consistent behavior.
Indeed, when data is concentrated at a certain distance from the center, it has
proportionally higher weight, and the principal component axes will be tilted
accordingly. Without any concrete proofs, it is claimed that rather than implementing principal subspace analysis (PSA), actually the model carries out
independent subspace analysis (ICA or ISA) here (see [9]).
Fig. 15. Resulting behaviors of nonlinearized cybernetic models: Latent variable axes turn towards independent components
Fig. 16. In some dissipative systems (ideal mixers) adding energy results
in higher entropy, whereas
in some other (idea mixers) structures emerge and
entropy goes down
1. K.J.
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2. K.J.
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3. G. Bateson: Steps to an Ecology of Mind. Paladin Books (1973).
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8. H. Hy
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9. A. Hyv
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10. H. Kwakernaak and R. Sivan: Linear Optimal Control Systems. Wiley (1972).
11. S.-K. Lin: Correlation of Entropy with Similarity and Symmetry. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences, Vol. 36, pp. 367376 (1996).
12. P. van Overschee and B. de Moor: Subspace Identification for Linear Systems:
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13. R. Rosen: Essays on Life Itself. Columbia University Press (1998).
14. E. Schr
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15. R. Swenson, R.: Autocatakinetics, Evolution, and the Law of Maximum Entropy
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17. E.O. Wilson: Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. Abacus (1999).
18. S. Wolfram: A New Kind of Science. Wolfram Media (2002).
19. Additional material on cybernetics will be available in public domain in near future