2016-2017 Ammt Syllabus
2016-2017 Ammt Syllabus
2016-2017 Ammt Syllabus
Mr. Rode/Mr. Blair
jrode@neisd.net / jblair@neisd.net
Office: Rm K152
Conference 8 period (3:15PMTutoring available before or after
c. Belt
d. Leather closed toed shoes, boots are preferred.
2. Pen or pencil (Daily)
3. A course binder or folder (Daily)
4. Computation paper (Daily)
Grading Policy: Grading is based around the AET Record book. This will be the
largest portion of your grade. Safety will count as much as any test grade and will
be graded often. Tests and daily work will be of equal measure, much like the dayto-day routines and occasional challenges in the workplace are used to evaluate
performance. Quizzes or knowledge tests will count the least toward your grade.
This is illustrated in the graphic below.
Grades 9th-12th
AET Recordbook
Daily Work
STUDENT NAME_________________________________________
I have read and received a copy of the Protective Eye Devices in Public
Schools. I understand that I am to wear safety glasses while any work is
being performed in a school shop or in a lab environment.
Laboratory Safety
Laboratory safety is paramount is my classes. Due to the infractions of
previous years, I have found it necessary to notify students and parents of
the expectations in writing. Each student earns a daily safety grade of 20
grade points per day if they can follow all safety regulations. This adds up to
100 grade points per week if the student is without violation. If there is a
violation of safety regulations, the following repercussions will be meted out
per infraction.
1. Every violation of safety procedures will be documented.
2. If any intentional violation of a safety procedure results in harm to a
classmate, it will be considered grounds for immediate expulsion from
any CTE course.
3. Students will be notified of a violation verbally and expected to rectify
the violation without argument. A 10 point demerit will be earned.
4. If the student continues to perform the unsafe act after being verbally
warned, a demerit of 20 points will be deducted from the weekly safety
grade and the student will be removed from the laboratory for the day.
5. If the student consistently performs unsafe acts, earns 3 or more
removal violations per week, the student will receive a citation
addressed to their parents and be removed from laboratory activity.
Parents will have to sign and return the form before the student is
allowed to return to the laboratory.
6. Should a student receive 3 citations for safety violation, I will take all
documented violations, all communications between parents and
myself, plus all signed citation forms to the Career and Technical
Education director to seek removal of the student from the class.
Shop Points
Every class will be responsible for upkeep of the facility in which they work.
This means cleaning ones area and putting away tools. Since this is a hard
concept for students to grasp, I have instituted a system to encourage
participation in cleanup. Every class will start with a major test grade of 100
labeled Shop Points. These grades will be posted on the board every day
of class for all class periods. For every tool left out in the laboratory during
or after cleanup, I will deduct one point per tool. Classes can earn back two
points per day that no tools are left out. This will be a competition between
class periods, as the one with the highest score will earn a reward, yet to be