Writing Task 2 - Template

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Basic IELTS Task 2 Writing Template Structure

I would recommend that your essay uses the following structure:

Below is more detail on the sentences that should be contained within each of these paragraphs along
with examples based around this sample Task 2 Question:
Government investment in the visual arts, the kind you commonly see in art galleries, is a waste of
money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree
with this statement?


Aim to write three sentences around 60 words in total.

Sentence 1 Paraphrase the task question or write a general statement relating to the

topic using synonyms of the key words used in the question. E.g. These days, many local
governments spend large portions of their budget not only on public services, but also on the visual
Sentence 2 State your opinion or point of view on the question being asked.E.g

Although I agree that it is important to invest in local amenities, I do not think spending on the visual
arts is a waste of money.
Sentence 3 Give an essay overview including a summarizing phrase like:E.g. This essay
will discuss this issue using examples to support arguments and demonstrate points.

Supporting Paragraphs

The two supporting paragraphs should include your ideas and supporting examples to answer the task
question. Aim to write only two supporting paragraphs with roughly 85 words in each. Each paragraph
should contain the following four sentences and stick to one idea per paragraph:
Paragraph 1:
Sentence 1 State your 1st position. Eg. On the one hand, spending a significant amount

of the government budget on public services is beneficial for society.

Sentence 2 Explain why you hold that position. Eg. Providing for basic amenities, such as

hospitals, roads, and schools, helps to determine the quality of life that most citizens will have.
Sentence 3 Give an academic example that backs up your idea. Eg. For example, a recent

survey by Education Today shows that countries that spend more on schools have a population that is
higher in literacy, by 65%, compared to those that dedicate no money to education.
Sentence 4 Summarise the paragraph showing how your example links your

idea/argument back to the main idea. Eg. Therefore it is apparent that spending on public services is a
worthwhile investment for a government.
Paragraph 2:
Sentence 1 State your 2nd position. Eg. However, this does not mean that the visual arts

should be completely neglected.

Sentence 2 Explain why you hold that position. Eg. The visual arts also have an

important impact on our quality of life.

Sentence 3 Give an academic example that backs up your idea. Eg. For example, a recent

study conducted by the World Health Organization concluded that individuals that regularly visit art
galleries are cited as being 20% happier in life than people who do not.
Sentence 4 Summarise the paragraph showing how your example links your
idea/argument back to the main idea. Eg. Seeing the health benefits that many people get from the
visual arts, it is important that the government assists such institutions so that they can continue to
provide pleasure to the public.


For the conclusion, aim to write just one or two sentences that paraphrase what youve discussed in
the essay. Try to keep to under 45 words.
Sentence 1 Summarise the essay. Be sure to start this sentence with an appropriate

linking phrase (i.e. In conclusion, To sum up, Consequently) followed by an overall summary of what
youve just written. E.g. To sum up, although there are clear benefits of ensuring a large amount of
investment goes into public services, I do not believe spending money on the arts is a waste of money
as this too provides important benefits.
Sentence 2 Give a Final Thought. Eg. In the future, governments should consider
budgeting for both.

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