Real-Time Auction Service Application Based On Frameworks Available For J2EE Platform

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Real-time auction service application based on

frameworks available for J2EE platform
Conference Paper March 2010
Source: IEEE Xplore




3 authors, including:
Bartosz Sakowicz
Lodz University of Technology

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Real-time Auction Service Application Based on Frameworks

Available for J2EE Platform
Maciej Pilichowski, Bartosz Sakowicz, Jakub Chapiski
Abstract: The article describes development process
and operation of an advanced web application based on
modern, popular frameworks available for J2EE platform.
Capabilities of Spring, Hibernate, JSF and Rich Faces are
considered based on auction service application.
Keywords: Java, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, Rich
Faces, JQuery

Java Enterprise Edition platform offers much
flexibility as far as implementation of certain application is
concerned. This results in large number of frameworks that
can help developers in their work. Frameworks discussed in
the paper mainly worked in different areas however, their
integration capabilities were very important as well. In order
to create considered auction service, Hibernate, Spring, Java
Server Faces and Rich Faces solutions have been used.
Auction service considered in the article differs from
the casual idea of auction (user paying the highest price wins).
It provides two main types of auctions.
First one follows the rule, that user who gave smallest
unique price wins and pays offered amount of money.
Moreover this type of auction has a defined offer cost, i.e.
price that a user has to pay for each placed offer. Finally,
auction has a prescribed duration time, in which bidders can
submit their offers.
Second auction type shares some of the ideas each
placed offer costs defined amount of money and duration time
is defined at the beginning of the auction. However, the rule
which determines auction winner is completely different.
Every offer increases the price of a product by defined amount
of money. Person which placed the last bid wins and pays the
final price. What is more duration time also increases with
every offer.
Second type of auction is much more challenging as
development of the service is concerned. This is because of
the fact, that duration time is measured in seconds and has to
be updated in real-time as users would often like to place their
offers very close to the end of auction. It forced usage of
AJAX technology (allowing partial update of site content
without the necessity to refresh the whole page), which was
implemented with Rich Faces framework.
Maciej Pilichowski, Bartosz Sakowicz and Jakub Chapiski are
members of Department of Microelectronics and Computer Science,
Technical University of Lodz, Poland

Obviously, site provides functionality common for

modern web services like: on-line help, latest news about the
service, registration page, survey allowing users to vote for
products they like etc.
Also, following requirements have been worked out
at the beginning of development process:
x clear design with separation of application layers
different frameworks mainly operate on different
layers and such separation allow better evaluation of
each of them separately,
x eye-catching user interface used tools shall allow
creation of interface that would attract potential
x real-time update of presented information taking
into account specification of second auction type,
time to end and current price have to be refreshed at
least every second,
x fast database access a lot of information stored in
the database must be presented to many users at the
same time, moreover this data is a subject to frequent
x short development time.
Fig. 1 presents main page of the auction service.

Fig. 1: Main page of auction service

Spring is a starting point of development [5,8]. All
other technologies are added to the project by integration with
this framework. It is also a central point of application
operation, as all the objects (beans) used, are created and
maintained within Spring framework. Configuration used in
this particular application differs from the standard one
because some tasks which commonly are performed with
Spring are passed to other specific frameworks. This happened
in case of dispatcher servlet, which was replaced with its

TCSET'2010, February 23-27, 2010, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine

counterpart provided by Java Server Faces this resulted in
following lines added to the WEB.XML file:
Faces Servlet
Faces Servlet

Faces servlet is the core of all JSF based applications.

It has access to the JSP pages that belong to the application
and is responsible for building the component tree for them.
Presented mapping obviously passes all the requests made to
the server ending with suffix .htm to Faces servlet.
It replaces dispatcher servlet that comes with Spring
MVC. Hence, the design pattern common for Spring MVC
applications was not applied as the presentation layer
completely belongs to the Java Server Faces. A lot of
advantages can be derived from such a solution. First of all
there is no need to write controller for each model-view pair.
Secondly, one can benefit from JSF navigation rules, that
clearly describe the flow of control within the application.
Finally, this change does not mean that MVC design pattern
was abandoned. There still is a clear division between model
(managed beans), view (JSP pages) and controller (Faces
servlet and navigation rules).
Combining Spring and JSF technologies is a very
common case and Spring framework provides necessary tool
for further integration SpringBeanFacesELResolver. It is a
JSF el-resolver that delegates to the Spring root Web
Application Context, resolving name references to
Spring-defined beans [1]. Configuring this class in facesconfig.xml file as the el-resolver, makes service layer beans
managed with Spring accessible for JSF. This means, that they
can be a part of JSF expressions and as a result they can be
used directly on JSP pages.
Persistence layer have been implemented based on
Postgresql database. In order to make it cooperate with object
oriented model, Hibernate framework has been used [3,4,7].
Following tasks have been realized by means of this solution:
x communication with database,
x mapping between tables and objects,
x CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations,
x advanced queries invocation.

Hibernate and DAO design pattern that have been

applied (Data Access Object pattern that delegates certain
layer of application to be the only one that interacts with
database) saved a lot of time in each of the areas mentioned
above. Mapping between objects and tables have been
implemented with adding annotations to Java files. Developers
did not have to access database directly, thus whole model
could have been realized in an object oriented fashion. Simple
operations like storing object, getting it by identifier etc. were
implemented with only one line of code. But, probably the
biggest strength of Hibernate was the possibility to form
advanced database queries based on object oriented model.
This is done with Hibernate Criteria and Hibernate Projections
mechanisms [3]. Their exemplary usage within auction service
is presented below:
public List getActiveProductNames() {
Criteria criteria = getSession()
.add(Restrictions.eq("isActive", true))
return criteria.list();

Methods belonging to objects from this layer perform
business logic operations. These commonly involved data
manipulation which is allowed by DAO layer. Usually, each
service object has a member which is a corresponding data
access object (for example BidderService class has a
BidderDAO member). Dependency injection has been used for
the purpose of object management, i.e. Spring framework
initializes proper DAO component and injects it into a service
Moreover, explicit definition indicating object, which
is to be injected is not necessary with Spring, instead autowiring feature have been applied. Each field that is to be
initialized with this tool is preceded with @Autowired
annotation, that makes Spring look for the component with
name fitting the field type in the base package, defined earlier
with the component-scan property. Spring provides also
suitable annotations to indicate that a class belongs to service
tier - @Service. Additionally @Transactional annotation has
been used to assure transactions support. Service objects are
the only ones visible for presentation tier. Because of this, any
method that either returns or receives data from the user
interface has to be implemented as a service method.
In simpler applications DAO and service layers can
be merged into one. However, in case of this project such a
division was fully justified and resulted in clear distinction
between database access and any other actions performed with
business objects. Complexity of service methods varies,
though some of them simply encapsulate one DAO method

TCSET'2010, February 23-27, 2010, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine

while others can use many of them in a chain, and introduce
business logic tasks in between.
Presentation layer for the application being a subject
of this article have been based on the Java Server Faces and
Rich Faces solutions [6].
JSP pages were used as a container for user interface
components provided by other frameworks. In general they
consist of HTML tags and scriplets which hold Java code
allowing dynamic content. However, in the considered
application, HTML language was used only for the purpose of
proper arrangement of the objects on the page and scriplets
were not present at all.
Java Server Faces technology provides a set of
common user interface components. Due to the fact, that
application's look was designed in a highly customized way,
only the basic UI components like outputText or
graphicImage were placed on JSP pages. Still, functional tags
from the JSF library like, form, loadBundle etc. where used
extensively in the whole application. Generally, Java Server
Faces technology provided a solid base for the presentation
tier of a target application. Due to the fact, that it offers much
more than only user interface components, appeared to be
irreplaceable even in cases, in which they are coming from
other tool. This is because of features like input field
validators, navigation rules or multiple language support, that
was be easily implemented in the considered auction service.
Although, for this project UI components from Rich Faces
framework have been used, the ones offered by JSF shall be
enough for most of developers' needs.
The user interface itself has been mainly implemented
with Rich Faces framework because of its large set of rich user
interface components, that surpasses the one that comes with
JSF. It offers WYSIWYG editor, file upload component,
tables with appendable data sources and many others.
Moreover, those components are much more responsive as
they take advantage of AJAX technology, with no need for the
developer to write JavaScript code. What is also very
important, those components are highly customizable as far as
their look and feel is considered. Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 present data
table component with default [2] and auction service specific

Fig. 3: Data table component customized for auction service

AJAX support was one of major arguments for

choosing Rich Faces framework. Due to application
specification, some of the information presented to the user
had to be refreshed every second. Rich Faces provide a
component designed for this purpose in the a4j library called
poll [2]. This component periodically sends AJAX request to
the server, and updates the page with data coming from the
response. Usage of this component is very simple. Once it is
placed inside a form (this is a requirement), its two parameters
have to be set interval and reRender. Interval parameter
specifies time interval between requests sent in milliseconds,
while reRender parameter content is a comma-separated list of
identifiers of components to be re-rendered. Poll component
have been introduced on each page, that needed real-time
update of presented data, its implementation for refreshing
table with latest bids from Fig. 3 looks as follows:
<a4j:poll id=latestBidsPoll
reRender=latestBidsDataTable />

During development process component performed very well.

Data presented to the end user was updated properly. If some
small lags happened they were probably caused by the poor
performance of the hardware. After the application has been
placed on the server for the purpose of tests it appeared that
lags are growing fast, proportionally to the number of service
users. Cause of this problem have been investigated, and
results were surprising. With help of a Firefox web bowser
with Firebug plug-in it was found out, that not only
information that was to be re-rendered is sent within the
response, but for example also whole table definition tags
(<table>,<tr>, etc.). This resulted in large amount of data
transferred, even if a small component with a few characters
was to be updated. With only 10 users, service would not be
able to send necessary data on time. Thus, AJAX support
provided by the Rich Faces will have to be replaced with other
technology before the application can be delivered to the

Fig. 2: Default look of data table component

To start with, all frameworks offer a lot of flexibility

and they did not cause any problem as far as their integration
is considered. Springs initial configuration does not seem to
be costly when compared to benefits resulting from usage of

TCSET'2010, February 23-27, 2010, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine

this technology. Dependency injection and support of different
life-cycles for components have been extremely useful during
Hibernate fully deserves its leading position among
solutions for database access. This has been proved during the
development of the auction service application. With
Hibernate one can easily access data without SQL knowledge.
Object oriented criteria API allows complicated queries to be
implemented in a clear and easy way. Moreover, no noticeable
lags did occur even in case of complex operations. Though
Hibernate can be recommended as a very good ORM tool.
JSF is a technology that needs no introduction,
because it is present on the market for a very long time. Its
usage in this project proves that it still is a framework, that
cannot be overestimated. Tag library and custom tag creation
capability facilitate creation of the user interface. Navigation
rules allow clear definition of flow of control in a web
application, and the auction service application benefits from
Rich Faces is a quite new framework, but it is gaining
more and more users thank to a large set of attractive and fully
customizable user interface components. They also make
application much more responsive due to AJAX support.
However, this particular feature did not perform good enough
to be implemented in a final auction service. User interface
components were displayed and refreshed properly, but
amount of data transferred form the server was not acceptable.
As a further development a research have to be done in order
to find alternate solution (eg. JQuery library).
One of the authors is a scholarship holder of project
entitled "Innovative education ..." supported by European
Social Fund.






Rich Faces developer's guide,
A.P.Rajshekhar, Hibernate: Criteria queries in depth,
Devarticles, 2006
J. Wojciechowski, J. Murlewski, B. Sakowicz, A. Napieralski, "Object-relational mapping application in web-based
tutor-supporting system", CADSM, Lviv-Polyana, Ukraine,
Feb. 23-26, 2005,pp. 307-310, ISBN 966-553-431-9
T. Bk, B. Sakowicz , A. Napieralski, Development of
Advanced J2EE Solutions Based on Lightweight
Containers on the Example of e-department
Application, 13th International Conference Mixed
Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems MIXDES
2006, ISBN 83-922632-9-1.
A. Frymarkiewicz, B. Sakowicz, M. Wjtowski, Easily
Extendible Framework for Computational Purposes
Based on JavaServer Faces, 13th International
Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and
Systems MIXDES 2006, ISBN 83-922632-9-1
P. Ziemniak, B. Sakowicz, A. Napieralski, "Object
oriented application cooperation methods with relational
database (ORM) based on J2EE Technology";
CADSM'2007; 9th International Conference The
Experience Of Designing And Application Of Cad
Systems In Microelectronics, Polyana, Ukraina, 20 - 24
February 2007, ISBN 978-966-553-587-4
M. Mela, B. Sakowicz, J. Chlapinski: "Advertising Service
Based on Spring Framework", 9th
Conference Modern Problems of Radio Engineering,
Telecommunications and Computer Science, TCSET2008,
19-23 February 2008, Lviv-Slavsko, Ukraine

TCSET'2010, February 23-27, 2010, Lviv-Slavske, Ukraine

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