Application Story: Thermal Imaging Cameras For Flare Monitoring

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application story

Thermal imaging cameras for

flare monitoring

FLIR A310 thermal imaging camera

Flare stacks are used in many industries to burn off unwanted waste gas byproducts, or
flammable gasses released by pressure relief valves during unplanned over-pressuring of
plant equipment.
Applications include oil and gas well drilling operations, oil refineries, chemical process
plants, gas distribution infrastructure, and landfills. In many cases, regulations require the
monitoring of a stacks flame, or the pilot flame that ignites the gasses, to avoid having
unburned hydrocarbons enter the atmosphere.
Thermal imaging cameras are an ideal
monitoring tool, since they allow automated
remote monitoring on a 24/7 basis in virtually
any weather. In addition, thermal imaging
cameras avoid many of the technical and
cost-related problems associated with other
technologies such as ultraviolet (UV) flame
detectors, flame ionization spectrometers,
thermocouples, and pyrometers.
FLIR thermal imaging cameras
- Verify combustion, minimize unburned
- Instantly report loss of combustion with
visual and audible alarms
- Provide remote visual monitoring with a
TV or PC display

Provide a quantitative temperature
- Can notify plant management via email
and intranet connections
- Can be connected to a central control
room via Ethernet
- Work day and night, seven days a week
and in any weather
Flaring is a Complex Process
Flare systems are often a last line of defense
that prevents dangerous hydrocarbon
pollutants from entering the atmosphere.
One example is methane, which is not only
combustible, but is also 23 times more
potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas.

Although invisible to the naked eye a thermal imaging

camera can monitor whether a flare is burning or not.
If the flare is not burning, harmfull gasses can enter the
atmosphere, an alarm can go off and immediate action
can be taken.

application story

When this ratio is properly adjusted, it

improves combustion and minimizes
smoke. Upset conditions require immediate
adjustment of the air or steam volume to
maintain proper combustion. As a bonus,
automated assist gas injection control can
help avoid excessive steam consumption,
and provide significant cost savings.
The FLIR A310 cameras provide several
features that facilitate automatic control. As
a starting point, the camera senses flame
temperature and size, key elements in a
control scheme. This calibrated data can be
communicated through the A310 Ethernet
port to a PLC or PC running the assist gas
control program, using either a wireless
access point, fiberoptic cable, or CAT-6
Ethernet cable.

A plant manager needs to know

immediately if flare stack combustion is
lost, and get the flame reignited quickly to
prevent a plant shutdown.
Various technologies have been tried for
monitoring the pilot flame that ignites
gas flow and detects the stack flame,
with varying degrees of success. Many of
these technologies are useless or poor at
minimizing smoke from stake combustion,
an important indicator of burn efficiency.
One of the problems is that flare gas flows
can range from low volumes during fuel
gas purges in normal operations, to very
large flows during emergency relief valve
dumps or during total plant blowdowns.
The size and brightness of the resulting
stack flame, and the amount of smoke
generated, depends on how much
flammable material is released. Assist gases
such as air or steam may be injected into
the gas flow to improve combustion and
help minimize smoke.
FLIR thermal imaging cameras offer a
FLIR thermal imaging cameras recognize
the difference in the heat signature of
a flare stack flame and the surrounding

background (usually, the sky or clouds). In

addition to detecting stack flame, these
cameras can be positioned to monitor
the igniter flame. Typically, cameras are
mounted on a pedestal or other rigid
structure in moisture resistant housings
to protect them from harsh weather
The cameras spectral response and
calibration allows it to see through moisture
in the air to obtain a good image and
relative temperature reading of the flare
stack or pilot flame. The images obtained
with FLIR thermal imaging cameras even
allow an observer to detect stack flame
that might not be visible to the naked eye
because of its composition or low gas flow
This overcomes problems associated with
UV flame detectors, which can be blinded
by smoke. Thermal and visual images can
be transmitted in real time to a central
control room as either analog or digitized
Automated Control
In addition to visual monitoring of stack
flame and smoke, automatic control of
the assist gas to waste gas ratio is possible.

Flares invisible to the naked eye can be clearly seen on

a thermal image.

For more information about thermal imaging

cameras or about this application,
please contact:
FLIR Commercial Systems B.V.
Charles Petitweg 21
4847 NW Breda - Netherlands
Phone : +31 (0) 765 79 41 94
Fax : +31 (0) 765 79 41 99
e-mail :

T820230 {EN_uk}_A

Schematical overview of a flare detection installation

If data falls outside the users preset limits,

the camera can send alarm signals to
the control room via the data I/O port.
In addition, A310 cameras can also be
configured to automatically send numerical
data and images via Ethernet to a PC via
e-mail (SMTP) or FTP protocol whenever a
data setpoint is reached, thereby creating a
record for subsequent review.

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