Articulatory Phonetics
Articulatory Phonetics
Articulatory Phonetics
cal structures used to manipulate lung volume (in particular, the oor and the walls of the chest). The lung pistons are used to initiate a pulmonic airstream (found in
all human languages). The larynx is used to initiate the
glottalic airstream mechanism by changing the volume of
the supraglottal and subglottal cavities via vertical movement of the larynx (with a closed glottis). Ejectives and
implosives are made with this airstream mechanism. The
tongue body creates a velaric airsteam by changing the
pressure within the oral cavity: the tongue body changes
the mouth subcavity. Click consonants use the velaric
airstream mechanism. Pistons are controlled by various
2 Initiation
To produce any kind of sound, there must be movement
of air. To produce sounds that people today can interpret
as words, the movement of air must pass through the vocal
chords, up through the throat and, into the mouth or nose
to then leave the body. Dierent sounds are formed by
dierent positions of the mouthor, as linguists call it,
the oral cavity (to distinguish it from the nasal cavity).
3.1 Consonants
Consonants are produced with some form of restriction
or closing in the vocal tract that hinders the air ow from
the lungs. Consonants are classied according to where
in the vocal tract the airow has been restricted. This is Glottal [h] [] the sound [h] is from the ow of air comalso known as the place of articulation.
ing from an open glottis, past the tongue and lips as they
prepare to pronounce a vowel sound, which always follows [h]. if the air is stopped completely at the glottis by
tightly closed vocal chords the sound upon release of the
3.1.1 Places of articulation
chords is called a glottal stop [].
Main article: Place of articulation
3.2 Vowels
Movement of the tongue and lips can create these constrictions and by forming the oral cavity in dierent ways,
dierent sounds can be produced.
4 Airow
hyoid bone
thyrohyoid membrane
median thyrohyoid
lateral thyrohyoid
superior cornu
of thyroid cartilage
laryngeal incisure
superior laryngeal
nerve and artery
oblique line
thyroid cartilage
Alveolar [t] [d] [n] [s] [z] [l] [r] are produced in many
ways where the tongue is raised towards the alveolar
[t, d, n] the tip of the tongue is raised and touches the
cricothyroid muscle
median cricothyroid
inferior cornu
conus elasticus
of thyroid cartilage
cricothyroid joint
cricoid cartilage
[s, z] the sides of the front of the tongue are raised, but
the tip is lowered so that air escapes over it.
[l] the tip of the tongue is raised while the rest of the
tongue remains down, permitting air to escape over its Larynx, anterolateral view
sides. Hence, [l] is called a lateral sound (m bin).
[r] [IPA ] curl the tip of tongue back behind the alveolar For all practical purposes, temperature can be treated as
ridge, or bunch up the top of the tongue behind the ridge, constant in the articulatory system. Thus, Boyles Law
the air escapes through the central part of the mouth. It can usefully be written as the following two equations.
is a central liquid.
P1 V1 = P2 V2 [2]
Palatal [] [] [t] [d] [j] are produced by raising the
front part of the tongue to the palate.
(V1 +V )
(P1 +P ) [3]
5 Sound sources
Sound sources refer to the conversion of aerodynamic
energy into acoustic energy. There are two main types
of sound sources in the articulatory system: periodic (or
more precisely semi-periodic) and aperiodic. A periodic
sound source is vocal fold vibration produced at the glottis
found in vowels and voiced consonants. A less common
periodic sound source is the vibration of an oral articulator like the tongue found in alveolar trills. Aperiodic
sound sources are the turbulent noise of fricative consonants and the short-noise burst of plosive releases produced in the oral cavity.
Upper limit: 1170 Hz (soprano)
cricoid cartilage
thyroid cartilage
arytenoid cartilage
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) / Real-time
MRI [4]
Medical ultrasonography
Electromagnetic articulography
Experimental techniques
6.1 Palatography
In order to understand how sounds are made, experimental procedures are often adopted. Palatography is one
of the oldest instrumental phonetic techniques used to
record data regarding articulators.[5] In traditional, static
palatography, a speakers palate is coated with a dark
powder. The speaker then produces a word, usually with
a single consonant. The tongue wipes away some of the
powder at the place of articulation. The experimenter can
then use a mirror to photograph the entire upper surface
of the speakers mouth. This photograph, in which the
place of articulation can be seen as the area where the
powder has been removed, is called a palatogram.[6]
Technology has since made possible electropalatography
(or EPG). In order to collect EPG data, the speaker is tted with a special prosthetic palate, which contains a number of electrodes. The way in which the electrodes are
contacted by the tongue during speech provides phoneticians with important information, such as how much
of the palate is contacted in dierent speech sounds, or
which regions of the palate are contacted, or what the duration of the contact is.
7 See also
List of phonetics topics
Manner of articulation
Place of articulation
Basis of articulation
Articulation visualized by Real-time MRI
[1] Note that although sound is just air pressure variations, the
variations must be at a high enough rate to be perceived as
sound. If the variation is too slow, it will be inaudible.
[2] Stated in a less abbreviatory fashion: pressure1 volume1
= pressure2 volume2
[3] volume1 divided by sum of volume1 and change in volume
= sum of pressure1 and the change in pressure divided by
[4] Niebergall, A; Zhang, S; Kunay, E; Keydana, G; Job, M;
et al. (2010). Real-time MRI of Speaking at a Resolution of 33 ms: Undersampled Radial FLASH with Nonlinear Inverse Reconstruction.. Magn. Reson. Med.
[5] Ladefoged, Peter (1993). A Course In Phonetics (3rd ed.).
Harcourt Brace College Publishers. p. 60.
[6] Palatography
External links
Interactive place and manner of articulation
Observing your articulators
QMUs CASL Research Centre site for ultrasound
tongue imaging
Seeing Speech with reference examples of IPA
sounds using MRI and ultrasound tongue imaging
UCLA Electromagnetic articulography
UCLA Aerometry
UCLA Electrolaryngography
Articulatory Phonetic Alphabet
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