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Date : 24 Jul 2016

Ref : SC-C01-TPO-TBN-000014
Attn : Tenderers

Main Works for Lusail Stadium

Subject :Tender Bulletin No.14

Dear Sirs, With reference to above mentioned tender, please find hereafter response to query raised by tenderers below.

Q1: In the chapter 7 Ext Walls exits the Section 15Structural Metal Works but it doesnt appear in the Gen Sum sheet.
A1: Tenderer should also refer to Tender Bulletin 5 answer to question 2.

Q2: As stated in Part C. Tender proposal requirements.Package 1 - Technical Proposal - Appendix C21: Contractor
Commitment to BIM,Tenderers has to detail the approach and methodology by a Post-contract BIMProject Management
Plan. Kindly clarify if the BIM Project ManagementPlan Template (SC-APW-CMN-QSC-TMP-00207) is expected to be
used? If so, couldyou provide that template in an editable format?
A2: Tenderer to follow the requirements of the RFP. Editable version of SC-APW-CMN-QSC-TMP-00207 will not
be made available to the Tenderer.

Q3: Kindly provide us list of Approved Manufacturers forthese Bowl & Pitch AHUs
A3: Tenderer to refer to D2.4 Specification Annexure 1 Approved Vendors List.

Q4: Please provide data sheets for bowl and pitch AHUs.
A4: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level and
the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q5: Kindly advise the Sale of the furniture from the hospitality area are acceptable or not?
A5: Query is not clear. Tenderer to Clarify.

Q6: With reference to the received Specification for piling, Clause of Table 316329-1, diagraphic probing to 5m
below the proposed toe level is required to investigate the possible presence of cavities at each pile location. However,
Clause (xv), Design Parameters indicates that base resistance shall not be relied on in the design. Please clarify
whether base resistance has to be considered for the design of the piles or disregarded as per common practice in Qatar.
A6: The Contractor shall proceed as per the Specification, i.e. the base resistance shall not be relied upon in the
design and diagraphic probing is required to investigate the possible presence of cavities at each pile location.
However, if the Contractor can prove that base resistance should be considered, resulting in a more efficient
design, then the design can proceed accordingly, based on diagraphic probing results and proper base
cleaning/base grouting prior to concreting - subject to Engineer's structural review and approval.

Q7: With reference to Tender Bulletin No.8, reply A25: Piles should be checked with service loads versus the allowable
skin friction capacity in compression. However, the Pile Schedule reported in the Pile Layout drawings provides factorized
design loads for the single pile according to the load combinations as per Eurocode 7. Please provide the service loads
on the single pile.
A7: Design loads and capacities are provisional which may be modified as a result of the Contractor's design,
final ground levels and design ground water level. Efficient design is essential. Design liability resides with the

Q8: Referring to Section 51200 (Structural Steel Framing Spec), second table on page 47 describes finish coat as
"acrylic polyurethane" (75 micron DFT) for the steelwork with fire protection, whereas Section 078123 (Intumescent
Fireproofing Spec) describes finish coat as "High performance, high gloss, two component acrylic polysiloxane topcoat"
for both FP 201/202. Please indicate which document should we take into account for finish coat of steelwork which
requires intumescent fireproofing.
A8: The Tenderer is to follow Specification Section 078123 for the finish coat to steelwork with Fire Protection.

Q9: The employer is kindly requested to confirmthat the below items related district cooling -ETS connection piping are to
beconsidered as deleted as per Appendix E Utility Infrastructure to Part D2
Incoming District Cooling Mains A
7.4.17_S38.2A 1200mm pre-insulated district cooling mains pipework and fittings from boundary of site to Energy
Transfer Stations within concrete duct m 1.558 B 7.4.17_S38.2B 1200mm Flushing bypass arrangement; complete Nr 2
C 7.4.17_S38.2C Testing Item 1 D 7.4.17_S38.2D Water Treatment Item 1
A9: Confirmed.

Q10: Pleaseprovide following documents. As it Not include with tenderdocuments 1.

(SustainabilityRequirements )2. SC-C01-CAF-FOS-PLN-AD-00003(Sustainability Management Plan )3. SC-C01CAF-FOS-REP-AD-00040(GSAS Compliance Report)
A10: Tenderer to refer to D2.4 Specification, Division 01 Appendix 8 Section 01 35 63. All the referenced
documents are included in this appendix.

Q11: Kindly provide Basement Mechanical Layouts which are not available.

A11: Mechanical Layout drawings are included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic
Level and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q12: Kindly provide ETS Room Mechanical Layouts which arenot available.
A12: Tenderer to refer to the following drawing for Schematic Design Information; C01-FOS-D- STA-T-ME-AL-AZ5002 - Mechanical Details Sheet 3 & 01-FOS-D- STA-T-ME-AL-AZ-7011 - Mechanical Chilled Water Schematic
Sheet 1.All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q13: Kindly provideSC-C01-CAF-FOS-RED-AD-00014_Rev0 Updated 100%SD Stage Report (Vol 2) Part 1section 4.12,
the Schedule of LuminairesKindly provide Appendix A : Lighting Schedule referred on thevendor list, document D2.4
Schematic Design . Specifications complete.pdf, page8130.
A13: Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 13 answer to question 34.

Q14: Please provide Reheat Battery Layouts.

A14: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q15: Pressurization Units, VAV Units, Fuel Storage Tank& Chilled Water Pump locations are not shown in the Layouts.
Kindly providethe same.
A15: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q16: Please provide Split Units Equipment schedule andlayouts which are not available.
A16: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q17: Fan Coil Units, Volume Control Dampers, Fire DampersLayouts are not available in the RFP documents. Please
A17: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q18: Kindly provide VRFIndoor Units layouts.

A18: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q19: Kindly provide the detailed drawing for RRFW as mentioned in BOQ, Item D in Page 7.4.1_S34 - Page 2 of 3.
A19: Tenderer to refer to the following: Public Health Below Ground Drainage Services Details Sheet 4 - C01FOS-D- STA-T-DR-AL-AZ-5023 Public Health Level B4 Basement (B4) Zone 1 Below Ground Drainage Plan - C01FOS-D- STA-T-DR-B4-01-1001 Public Health Level B4 Basement (B4) Zone 3 Below Ground Drainage Plan - C01FOS-D- STA-T-DR-B4-03-1001The Contractor will be required to complete the Detailed Design while complying
with design criteria stated in the Performance Specification as part of their obligation.

Q20: In BOQ Item A page7.4.4_S25 Item A mentioned Metal Grillage ref AM-302. Whereas in ArchitecturalDrawing Nos.
C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-RF-AZ-5420, C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-RF-AZ-5430 andC01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-RF-AZ-9404 the
same item is mentioned as ASE-302 referring asGantry Ladder System and Rails. Please clarify
A20: ASE-302 is the gantry ladder system and AM-302 horizontal metal grills (or solid where required) which sits
on the gantry as identified on the drawings noted in the query which allows for walking access. Tenderer to
include for the ASE-302 within their pricing in the Tender Adjustment Schedule.

Q21: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.6_S23 Item A - Curtain System: AR-CurtainSystem-1500 x 3000mm, please advise the
location in the architectural drawing.
A21: This system is EWS-103. Tenderer to refer to Architectural Wall type drawings Series AZ-1425 for all floors.

Q22: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.8_S21 Item B - Walls: Curtain walling Exceeding 600mm wide, please advise the
location in the architectural drawing. Also, please clarify whether it is part of the IWS-701.
A22: This is part of IWS-701. Tenderer to refer to Architectural Wall Type drawings series AZ-1425. Tenderer
should allow for any modifications in the Tender Adjustment Schedule.

Q23: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.8_S21 Item C mentioned as Curve Glass to Emir's Lift is the same specification for the
glazing of the IWS-701 properties with the 30 mins Fire rating? Please clarify.
A23: This is part of IWS-701.

Q24: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.8_S21 Item D - Glass Wall Exceeding 600mm wide, please advise the location in the
architectural drawing. Also, please clarify if it is part of the IWS-701,702,703? If Not kindly please advise what the
specification for this glass is.
A24: This is part of IWS-701. Tenderer to refer to Architectural Wall Type drawings series AZ-1425. Tenderer
should allow for any modifications in the Tender Adjustment Schedule.

Q25: Referring to drawings nos. C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-4107, C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-4108, C01-FOS-DSTA-T-AR-AL-AZ-4111, please advise regarding the Doors incorporated for the IWS-701 - Whether they are included in

the System or they are measured separately as Glass Doors? Kindly please advise if our assumption is correct. If not
kindly please provide us the door schedule for this type.
A25: Doors to be measured separately. For door type contractor to refer to D2.4 Specifications Annexure 6 Door

Q26: Please advise regarding IWS-701 - Whether the System will be frameless with glass fin behind or it is aluminum
frame Curtainwall with spandrel panel as per Arch Drawing C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-4107, C01-FOS-D-STA-T-ARAL-AZ-4108, C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-4111. Please clarify.
A26: Tenderer to refer to and follow D2.4 Specification Section 10525 - Fixed Panel Partitions, Part 2.1 A.

Q27: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.3_S28 Item A Vent grilles to terraces; 80 high, please advise the location in the
architectural drawing. Also, please clarify if the height is in mm or meter?
A27: Tenderer to refer to drawings C01-FOS-D-STA-T-ST-AL-AZ-5000 Precast details, for graphical
representation see C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-5413. Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 6 answer to question

Q28: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.6_S23 Item E "Curtainwall System as T-Sheet Reference EWS-502: Exceeding 600mm
wide: no fire resistance", Please confirm whether this item is only referring for the Double Glazing CW behind the GRC
Or is it referring to the whole system together with the GRC as EWS-502 mentioned in the Specification. Please note
GRC for EWS-502 is not shown on the BOQ. Please clarify.
A28: Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 9 answer to question 16 and Tender Bulletin 11 answer to question 34.

Q29: Referring to BOQ page 7.4.6_S21 Item B mentioned as EWS-102, whereas in drawings EWS-106 is mentioned,
there is a Glass Panel tag as EWS-102 incorporated by Door ref DRS-301 in Interior Drawing C01-FOS-D-STA-T-ID-PLAZ-1009 (2), C01-FOS-D-STA-T-ID-PL-AZ-4001. Please clarify.
A29: Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 11 answer to question 10. Regarding the glass panel tag, the reference
to EWS-102 is correct and the tenderer should allow for this in the Tender Adjustment Schedule.

Q30: Referring to BOQ Page 7.4.7_S24 Item A, item description is mentioned as Glazed Manual Revolving and Pass
Door ref DRS 401, whereas the Architectural Drawing referring in the plan drawing as Revolving door only, there is no
indication of a Pass Door on the sides of the Revolving Door. Kindly please advice on what Dimension for the Pass
Doors. - Architectural Drawing - C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-PL-02-1000, C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-5640
A30: Tenderer to follow the Specifications and final dimensions will be based on the Crowd Modelling.

Q31: Kindly please provide us the Db/ Acoustical Rating for the celing cladding ref as CLG-704 (refer to attached
Extracted Report)
A31: Tenderer to refer to D2.4 Specification Section 095436 - Suspended Decorative Grids for the performance

specification and design criteria for the sound absorption for CLG-704.

Q32: Please provide VIP Bowl AHU Layout which was not madeavailable
A32: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q33: Grilles, Diffusers, Louvers indicating sizes cannnot be found in the layouts. Please kindly provide.
A33: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q34: Please providelocations of the Silencers which could not be found in the Tender Drawings.
A34: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q35: Kindly provide lower plaza B2 Mezzanine AHU Tag number which we could not find in the drawings.
A35: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q36: Please provide smoke exhaust fan tag numbers which arenot available in Tender Drawing
A36: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q37: Please provide tag numbers for (AHU & FCU) inschematic drawing, so it will be helpful in chilled water pipe take off.
A37: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q38: 1. Please refer to CLG-105 legend, asper drawing C01-FOS-D-STA-T-AR-AL-AZ-0003, it is mentioned as

Suspendedinclined Plasterboard fire rated ceiling, whereas if I refer to thespecifications it is referred to Suspended
inclined GRP fire rated ceiling.Could you please clarify if its GRP or Plasterboard ceiling. Please providedetailed
A38: Tenderer to follow the Specifications. Tenderer should also refer to Tender Bulletin 11 answer to question
78 for additional information.

Q39: Pleaseprovide system sections and further material definition for below ceiling types Encapsulated moisture

resistant self supporting ceiling; T-Sheet reference CLG-907 Encapsulated acoustic rated self supporting ceiling; T-Sheet
reference CLG-908 Encapsulated self supporting ceiling; T-Sheet reference CLG-909 CLG-910- encapsulated fire rated
self supporting system CLG-911- encapsulated acoustic rated self supporting system
A39: Tenderer to refer to D2.4 Specification Section 092116 - Gypsum Board Assemblies for system description.
Sections are part of detailed design which the Contractor will be responsibility to complete.

Q40: 1. For CLG -901, in render it is shown as translucent fabric but in the specification document is it mentioned as
metal compositeceiling. Please clarfiy and provide further information and detailed drawingsfor this type of ceiling.
A40: Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 11 answer to question 49.

Q41: In the chapter 13 Ceiling Finishes the Section 28Flooring, Ceiling and roof finishings doesnt appear, but it exits in
the GenSum sheet. Please clarify.
A41: Tenderer should also refer to Tender Bulletin 5 answer to question 2.

Q42: In the chapter 16 Mechanical and Electrical Servicesexists the Section 38 Plumbing Engineering Installations that
doesnt appearun the Gen Sum sheet. Please clarify.
A42: Tenderer should also refer to Tender Bulletin 5 answer to question 2.

Q43: Ductwork for supply, return & exhaust air does not seem to be continuous. Please provide.
A43: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q44: Please provide schedules of both Bowl and Pitch Cooling AHUs related to BOQ Page 8 of149, ARUP Equipment
data sheets Rev-01.
A44: All available information is included in the RFP. The current status of the design is to a Schematic Level
and the Contractor will be developing the design as part of their obligations.

Q45: 1. For CLG - 701, (suspended) "net" ceiling isspecified, whereas sound absorption isrequired in other parts of the
spec for the same material. We believe that this is conflicting with the "net" (mesh, grid, etc. ) nature of the material.
Please clarify.
A45: Tenderer to refer to Tender Bulletin 9 answer to question 9.

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