Acronyms System Security 2015 NGL 2015VI04
Acronyms System Security 2015 NGL 2015VI04
Acronyms System Security 2015 NGL 2015VI04
3D = 3 Dimensional
ACT = Application Compatibility Toolkit
AD = Active Directory
ADB = Android Debug Bridge
ADT = Android Developer/Development Tools
AES = Advanced Encryption Standard
AHCI = Advanced Host Controller Interface
AIR = Adobe Integrated Runtime
Ajax = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ALGOL-60 = ALGOrithmic Language
ALU = Arithmetic Logic Unit
ANQP = Access Network Query Protocol
AOSP = Android Open Source Project
AOSS = AirStation One-Touch Secure System
APL = A Programming Language
ASP = Active Server Pages
AVD = Android Virtual Device
AWT = Abstract Window Tollkit
BASIC = Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
BCP = Business Continuity Planning
BHOs = Browser Helper Objects
BIAs = Business Impact Assessments
BISCUIT = Basic Information Security Course for Users of IT
BMC = Baseboard Management Controller
BMP = Bitmap
BNF form = Backus and Naur Form
BPCL = Basic Combined Programming Language
BSA = Business Software Alliance
CA = Certificate Authority
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CAGR = compound annual growth rate
CAI = Computer-Aided Instruction
CC = Carbon Copy
CDMA = Code division multiple access
CGI = Common Gateway Interface
CICT = Commission on Information and Communications Technology
CLIP = Microsoft Captions Language Interface Pack
CMIME = Compressed Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
COA = Certificate of Authenticity
COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
CODASYL = Conference on Data Systems and Languages
COM = component object model
CorComm = Corporate Communications
COTS = commercial off the shelf
CPL = Cambridge Programming Language
CPU = Central Processing Unit
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS3 = Cascading Style Sheets 3
CSV = Cluster Shared Volumes
CTLCs = community-based technology learning centers
DACL = discretionary access control list
DaRT = Diagnostic and Recovery Toolset
DAT = Digital Audio Tape
DBMS = database management system
DDE = Dynamic Data Exchange
DDE share = Dynamic Data Exchange shares
DDKs = device driver kits
DDMS = Dalvik Debug Monitor Service
DDOS = Distributed denial-of-service
DHTML = Dynamic HTML
DLL = dynamic-link library
DLT = Digital Liner Tape
DNS = Domain Name System
DNSBL = DNS-based Blackhole List
DOM = Document Object Model
DoS = Denial of Service
DOS = Disk Operating System
DSCP = differentiated services code point
DSL = Damm Small Linux
DSU = Digital Service Units
DVM = Dalvik Virtual Machine
DVT = Desktop Virtualization Technologies
EAP = Extensible Authentication Protocol
Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz
30 July 2011