SDS Daca-Imp-128,256,512,768,1024

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Submittal Data: Intelligent Manager III

DACA-IMP-128, 256, 512, 768, 1024

Job Name:
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Unit Designation:

Package: DACADACA-




Web Access / Email


Schedule #

Model No.:



PPD Power Proportional Distribution
Desktop Printer




Daikin multi-zone control through a PC interface, scalable for large projects up to

160 systems encompassing up to1024 indoor unit groups.

Centralized management of system scheduling, temperature setpoints , mode,

fan speed, unoccupied space temperature limits, remote controller restrictions
and mode changeover simplify operation and administration.

Visual Navigation interface derived from actual project plans and CAD resources
provide system operators with a familiar control environment.

Web / Email option for remote system access through an Intranet or Internet
connected browser interface. Email functionality for remote notification of system
alarms to facility administrator and engineering staff.

Power Proportional Distribution (PPD) option enables proportioning of system

power consumption to individual indoor units in a multi-tenant application.

Combine with Daikin Dio adapters for interlocking of third party devices.

Intelligent Manager Package and IPU Configuration

1 x Enclosure mounted IPU Model DAM602A72
1 x Enclosure mounted IPU Model DAM602A71
2 x Enclosure mounted IPU Model DAM602A71
3 x Enclosure mounted IPU Model DAM602A71
4 x Enclosure mounted IPU Model DAM602A71
Product Specifications (All equipment furnished by Daikin)
Dell Optiplex 755 or equivalent, Windows XP
Desktop computer
Professional, 1GB memory, 80GB HDD
Display monitor
Dell 170817-Inch LCD flat panel display or equiv
Optional printer
Dell monochrome laser 1110 or equivalent
UPS hardware
APC SUA750, 120VAC 750 VA, USB
UPS I/O hardware
APC9610 relay I/O module
UPS software
APC PowerChute Business Edition
Microsoft Office Standard 2007
Symantec pcAnywhere (Host and remote)
Symantec Norton Ghost (Backup and imaging)

Productivity applications
Ethernet Hub
IPU Enclosure (1 per IPU)
Transformer (1 per IPU)
Time delay relay (delay on make)

Linksys 5-port gigabit switch SD2005 or equiv

24 x 16 x 6 NEMA1 with perforated panel
208-230-120VAC / 24VAC 40VA
Macromatic TD-70228 digital or equivalent

IPU Connections
Di1 (Primary IPU)
Di inputs (Primary IPU)
Di inputs (Sub IPUs)
RS232C / RS485
Do-1 ~ Do-2
10/100 Base-T

IPU Connectivity Overview

To F1-F2 points on Daikin air conditioners and adapters

Digital input point for UPS signaling on power loss
19 pulse input points for kWh meter integration (PPD)
20 pulse input points for kWh meter integration (PPD)
Serial ports not used
Digital output points
IPU power supply 24VAC 50/60Hz
RJ-45 Ethernet connection for IPU communications

Application Notes
1. Intelligent Manager is an applied control solution engineered, assembled
and commissioned by Daikin AC.
2. Web access / Email option requires a publicly accessible static IP
address and access to a SMTP, non-SSL, non-SMTP Auth mail server.
3. Contact Daikin AC for PPD requirements and product specifications.
4. On power fail the UPS preserves PPD data by initiating storage of power
consumption data from IPU volatile memory to the computers hard disk.
5. Intelligent Manager III supports Daikins remote monitoring technology.

D a i k i n AC ( Am e r i c a s ) , I n c . 1 6 4 5 W a l l a c e D r i ve S u i t e 1 1 0 C a r r o l l t o n , T X 7 5 0 0 6
SDS DACA-IMP-128,256,512,768,1024 06-09

(Daikin's products are subject to continuous improvements. Daikin reserves the right to modify product design, specifications and information in this data sheet without notice and without incurring any obligations)

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