ACI 334.1R-92 (R 2002) Concrete Shell Structures PDF
ACI 334.1R-92 (R 2002) Concrete Shell Structures PDF
ACI 334.1R-92 (R 2002) Concrete Shell Structures PDF
(Reapproved 2002)
Frank Baron
David P. Billington
Richard R. Bradshaw
Felix Candela
John V. Christiansen
Alfred L. Parme
Wilhelm Flugge
Richard M. Gensert
Otto Gruenwald
Milo S. Ketchum, Jr.
James A. McCarthy
Eric C. Molke
Vice Chairman
Stefan J. Medwadowski
Mario G. Salvadori
John B. Skilling
Bruno Thurlimann
Robert Zaborowski
Phillip L. Gould
Jack Christiansen
John F. Abel
David P. Billington
Arthur J. Boyt, Jr.
Eli W. Cohen
Morris N. Fialkow
Ajaya K. Gupta
Robert B. Haber
Kye J. Han
Harry G. Harris
Mark A. Ketchum
Milo S. Ketchum
Stefan J. Medwadowski
Luis F. Meyer
Eldon F. Mockry
John K. Parsons
A report on the practical aspects of shell design including recommendations and a commentary for designers of thin concrete shells. General
guidance based on current practice is given on analysis, proportioning,
reinforcing, and construction. A selected bibliography on analytical
methods featuring design tables and aids is included to assist the engineer.
Keywords: ACI committee report; aggregate size; buckling; construction; design;
double-curvature shell; edge beam; folded plate; formwork; model; prestressing;
reinforcement; shell; single-curvature shell; splice; stiffening member; supporting
member, thickness; thin shell.
Preface, pg. 334.1R-2
Chapter l-General, pg. 334.1R-2
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing,
planning, executing, or inspecting construction and in
preparing specifications. References to these documents
shall not be made in the Project Documents. If items found
in these documents are desired to be a part of the Project
Documents, they should be phrased in mandatory language
and incorporated into the project documents.
William C. Schnobrich
Alexander Scordelis
David B. South
Anton Tedesko
Bing-Yuan Ting
Daniel F. Tully
Arnold Wilson
Licensee=Fluor Corp no FPPPV per administrator /2110503106, User=Gutierrez, Ste
Not for Resale, 09/02/2007 07:37:37 MDT
Anton Tedesko
5.1-Aggregate size
Chapter I-General, pg. 334.1R-4
Chapter 2-Analysis of shell, pg. 334.1R-4
2.1-Thin shells of single curvature
2.2-Folded plates
2.3-Thin shells of double curvature
Chapter 3-Analysis of supporting members,
pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 4-Prestressing, pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 5-Stability, pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 6-Proportioning, pg. 334.1R-7
Chapter 7-Construction, pg. 334.1R-8
1.1.1 Thin shells-Curved or folded slabs whose thick-
2.1.1 For an elastic analysis, concrete may be assumed
Licensee=Fluor Corp no FPPPV per administrator /2110503106, User=Gutierrez, Ste
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2.3.1 Supporting members shall be designed in accordance with a recognized elastic analysis.
2.3.2 A portion of the thin shell shall be assumed to
act with the supporting member.
2.4-Model analysis
2.4.1 Models may be used as the basis for a design
4.4.1 Where prestressing tendons are draped within a
4.5.1 The concrete cover over reinforcement at surfaces protected from weather and not in contact with the
ground shall be at least in. for bars (K in. when pre-
5.1-Aggregate size
5.1.1 The maximum size aggregate shall not exceed
one-half the shell thickness, nor the clear distance
between reinforcement bars, nor times the cover.
Where formwork is required for two faces, the maximum
size of aggregate shall not exceed one-quarter the minimum clear distance between the forms nor the cover
over the reinforcement.
5.2.1 Removal of thin shell concrete forms shall be
considered a matter of design and the form removal sequence shall be specified or approved by the engineer.
5.2.2 The minimum strength of concrete f,', based on
field-cured cylinders, at the time of decentering and of
reshoring, when required, shall be designated by the
5.2.3 Where, in the opinion of the designing engineer,
stability of short or long-time deflections are important
factors, the modulus of elasticity at the time of decentering, based on field-cured beams, shall be specified by
the engineer. The proportions and loading of these specimens shall insure action which is primarily flexural.
5.2.4 The batter on vertical elements, or other elements, if desired or required for stripping, and the construction tolerances shall be designated by the engineer.
In common with other structures, shells should be investigated for buckling. In some simple two-dimensional
structures it is sufficient to determine only the lowest
value of the load at which buckling commences. In the
case of shells, however, it may be also necessary to
investigate the postbuckling behavior since it has an
important bearing on the magnitude of the failure load.
As a thin shell deforms under load, principal membrane forces develop. If one of these forces is tensile, it
tends to return the shell back to its original position, thus
enabling it to carry loads greater than the initial buckling
load. If, on the other hand, both the principal membrane
forces are compressive, they tend to increase with deformation of the shell. After the initial buckling, the shell
can only transmit loads smaller than the initial buckling
load. This is particularly true for concrete shells because
of creep and deviation of the actual shape of the shell
from the assumed theoretical surface.
The importance of the postbuckling behavior, which
small deflection theory of buckling is not capable of predicting, was discovered as a consequence of attempts to
correlate experimental results with analytical predictions.
Some surfaces subjected to various load combinations
which have been studied analytically and experimentally22,25,27 with respect to their buckling characteristics
are as follows:
1. Circular cylinders (ribbed and unribbed)
2. Segments of circular cylinders
3. Elliptical cylinders
4. Cones
5. Spherical domes
6. Translational surfaces
Licensee=Fluor Corp no FPPPV per administrator /2110503106, User=Gutierrez, Ste
Not for Resale, 09/02/2007 07:37:37 MDT
The document of the standards-producing organization referred to in this document is listed below with
its serial designation.
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
The above publication may be obtained from the following organization:
American Concrete Institute
P.O. Box 19150
Detroit, Michigan 48219
Folded plates
la. Flgge, Wilhelm, Stresses in Shells SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1962, 499 pp. (A practical textbook
devoted exclusively to shells, with numerous examples.)
lb. Flgge, Wilhelm, Statik und Dynamik der Schalen,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1962. (A practical textbook
devoted exclusively to shells.)
2. Girkmann, K., Flchentragwerke, Springer-Verlag,
Vienna, 5th edition, 1959. (A textbook on practical
methods of analysis of plate and shell structures.)
3. Pflger, Alf, Elementary Statics of Shells F.W.
Dodge Corp., New York, 2nd edition, 1961, 122 pp.
4. Timoshenko, S.P., and Woinowsky-Krieger, S.,
Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
New York, 2nd edition, 1959. (One of the classics in the
application of theory of elasticity.)
14. Yitzhaki, D., The Design of Prismatic and Cylindrical Shelf Roofs, Haifa Science Publishers, Haifa, Israel,
1958, 253 pp. (Thorough treatment of roofs of simple
and continuous spans.)
15. Direct Solution of Folded Plate Concrete Roofs,
Advanced Engineering Bulletin No. 3, Portland Cement
Association, Chicago, 1960. (Concise design tables.)
16. Phase I-Report on Folded Plate Construction,
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 89, ST6, Dec. 1963, pp. 365-406.
(A complete bibliography on folded plates is included
with this report.)
Thin shells of double curvature
22. ACI-ASCE Committee 334, Concrete Shell Buckling, E.P. Popov and S.J. Medwadowski, editors, SP-67,
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1981, 240 pp.
23. Gerard, G., and Becker, H., Handbook of Strucrural Stability: Part III, NACA N 3783 (1957); and Part
VI, NACA N 3786 (1958); National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
24. Nash, W.A., Recent Advances in Buckling of
Thin Shells, Applied Mechanics Reviews, V. 13, Mar.
1960, pp. 161-164.
25. Schmidt, H., Ergebnisse von Beulversuchen mit
doppelt gekrummten Schalenmodellen aus Aluminum,
Proceedings, Symposium on Shell Research, Interscience,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, and North-Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1962, pp. 159-181. (A summary of past work on thin shell buckling along with
recommendations for reinforced concrete design.)
26. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., Theory of
Elastic Stability, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York,
2nd edition, 1961.
27. Collected Papers on Instability of Shell Structures,
TN-D-1510, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1962.
28. Tedesko, Anton, Construction Aspects of ThinShell Structures, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 49, No.
report was submitted to letter ballot of the committee and was approved
according to Institute procedures.