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ACI 334.

(Reapproved 2002)

Concrete Shell Structures

Practice and Commentary
Reported by ACI Committee 334

Frank Baron
David P. Billington
Richard R. Bradshaw
Felix Candela
John V. Christiansen

Alfred L. Parme
Wilhelm Flugge
Richard M. Gensert
Otto Gruenwald
Milo S. Ketchum, Jr.
James A. McCarthy

Eric C. Molke
Vice Chairman
Stefan J. Medwadowski
Mario G. Salvadori
John B. Skilling
Bruno Thurlimann
Robert Zaborowski

Committee mebers voting on the 1992 revisions:

Stuart E. Swartz

Phillip L. Gould
Jack Christiansen
John F. Abel
David P. Billington
Arthur J. Boyt, Jr.
Eli W. Cohen
Morris N. Fialkow
Ajaya K. Gupta
Robert B. Haber

Kye J. Han
Harry G. Harris
Mark A. Ketchum
Milo S. Ketchum
Stefan J. Medwadowski
Luis F. Meyer
Eldon F. Mockry
John K. Parsons

A report on the practical aspects of shell design including recommendations and a commentary for designers of thin concrete shells. General
guidance based on current practice is given on analysis, proportioning,
reinforcing, and construction. A selected bibliography on analytical
methods featuring design tables and aids is included to assist the engineer.
Keywords: ACI committee report; aggregate size; buckling; construction; design;
double-curvature shell; edge beam; folded plate; formwork; model; prestressing;
reinforcement; shell; single-curvature shell; splice; stiffening member; supporting
member, thickness; thin shell.

Preface, pg. 334.1R-2
Chapter l-General, pg. 334.1R-2
ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices and
Commentaries are intended for guidance in designing,
planning, executing, or inspecting construction and in
preparing specifications. References to these documents
shall not be made in the Project Documents. If items found
in these documents are desired to be a part of the Project
Documents, they should be phrased in mandatory language
and incorporated into the project documents.

Copyright American Concrete Institute

Provided by IHS under license with ACI
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William C. Schnobrich
Alexander Scordelis
David B. South
Anton Tedesko
Bing-Yuan Ting
Daniel F. Tully
Arnold Wilson

Chapter 2-Analysis, pg. 334.1R-2

2.2-Analysis of thin shells
2.3-Analysis of supporting members
2.4-Model analysis
Chapter 3-Stability analysis, pg. 334.1R-3
Chapter 4-Proportioning, pg. 334.1R-3
4.1-Allowable stresses and load factors
4.2-Shell thickness
4.3-Shell reinforcement
4.5-Concrete cover over reinforcement
Chapter 5-Construction, pg. 334.1R-4
ACI 334.1R-92 replaces ACI 334.1R-64 (Revised 1982) (Reapproved 1956)
effective Mar. 1.1992. The 1992 revision included minor editorial corrections and
the deletion of the year designation for ACI 318 to make the current code the
applicable reference.

Copyright 0 2002 American Concrete Institute.

All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by
any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by any electronic or mechanical device, printed or written or oraI, or recording for sound or
visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device,
unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.

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Anton Tedesko



not sufficient in themselves for the satisfactory execution

of thin shell structures. Designers are referred to the
many texts and technical papers that are readily available.

5.1-Aggregate size
Chapter I-General, pg. 334.1R-4

Chapter 2-Analysis of shell, pg. 334.1R-4
2.1-Thin shells of single curvature
2.2-Folded plates
2.3-Thin shells of double curvature
Chapter 3-Analysis of supporting members,
pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 4-Prestressing, pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 5-Stability, pg. 334.1R-6
Chapter 6-Proportioning, pg. 334.1R-7
Chapter 7-Construction, pg. 334.1R-8

7.1-Forms and decentering

7.2-Concrete placing
7.3-Curing of concrete

Chapter 8-Models, pg. 334.1R-8

Chapter 9-Standards and ACI documents cited in this
report, pg. 334.1R-9


With the increased use of thin shells has come an

increased understanding of their behavior through field
observations, laboratory tests, and mathematical refinement of analytic procedures. However, because of the
wide range of geometry possible with thin shells, the accumulated understanding is still limited. For some thin
shell systems, such as cylindrical barrel shells, the design
can be made with the same degree of accuracy as for
conventional reinforced concrete construction. For other
thin shell systems, such as those of double curvature, the
design must be at times based on less refined analyses in
the same sense as the empirical design of flat plate
floors. Therefore, it was felt desirable to divide this
report into two parts.
The first part, entitled Criteria, covers general
design recommendations. The second part, entitled
Commentary, contains data of general interest to the
designers of thin shells and reflects current practice. A
Selected Bibliography is included as reference material
on current methods of analysis.
The analysis, design, and construction of thin shell
structures requires a thorough knowledge in this field.
Therefore, the recommendations contained herein are
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1.1.1 Thin shells-Curved or folded slabs whose thick-

nesses are small compared to their other dimensions.

They are characterized by their three dimensional load
carrying behavior which is determined by their geometrical shape, their boundary conditions and the nature of
the applied load. Thin shells are usually bounded by supporting members and edge members.
1.1.2 Auxiliary members-In a broad sense any member located along the boundary of a shell or shell segment, with a capacity to stiffen the shell and distribute or
carry load in composite action with the shell. They are
classified as follows in accordance with established usage,
although for certain shells a member may serve in a combination of capacities:
a) Supporting members-Beams, arches, trusses, diaphragms, etc., along the edges of thin shells which
serve both to support and to stiffen the thin shell
b) Edge members-Beams, trusses, etc., along the
edges of thin shells which do not form part of the
main supporting structure, but serve to stiffen and
act integrally, i.e., in composite action with the
thin shell to carry loads to the supporting members
c) Stiffening members-Ribs which serve only to stiffen the thin shell or to control local deformations
1.1.3 Elastic analysis-Any structural analysis based on
elastic behavior and involving assumptions which are suitable to approximations of three dimensional elastic behavior. Analyses based on the results of elastic model
tests, when conducted properly, are considered as valid
elastic analyses.
1.2.1 These recommendations cover the design of thin

shell concrete structures and only apply to the thin shell

portions of such structures unless otherwise stated.
1.2.2 All applicable sections of the ACI Building Code
(ACI 318), including the precast and prestressed concrete
sections of the Code, should be followed in the design of
shell structures except where they conflict with the following provisions.

2.1.1 For an elastic analysis, concrete may be assumed
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2.2-Analysis of thin shells

2.2.1 Elastic behavior is the commonly accepted basis

for determining stresses, displacements, and stability of

thin shells.
2.2.2 The rigor and the necessary degree of accuracy
required in the analysis of any specific thin shell structure
depend on certain critical factors. These include: the
configuration of the surface and the degree of curvature
(geometry), the size of the structure, the type of boundary conditions and the nature of the loading. Because of
the complex interrelationship between these factors, specific recommendations regarding rigor and accuracy of
analysis are not given.
2.2.3 Approximate methods of analysis which do not
satisfy compatibility of strains or stresses in the shell may
be used in cases where authoritative sources and experience have shown them to be applicable within the range
2.2.4 Equilibrium checks of internal stresses and
external loads are to be made to insure consistency of
2.2.5 An ultimate strength analysis may be used only
as a check on the adequacy of the design. It is not to be
used as a sole criterion for design, except where it can be
proven to be applicable.
2.3-Analysis of supporting members

2.3.1 Supporting members shall be designed in accordance with a recognized elastic analysis.
2.3.2 A portion of the thin shell shall be assumed to
act with the supporting member.
2.4-Model analysis
2.4.1 Models may be used as the basis for a design

and/or to check the validity of assumptions involved in a

mathematical analysis. When models are used, only those
portions which significantly affect the items under study
need be simulated. Every attempt must be made to ensure that these tests reveal the quantitative behavior of
the prototype structure.


3.1.1 When investigating shells for stability, consid-

eration shall be given to the possible reduction in the

value of the buckling load caused by large deflections,
creep effects, and the deviation between the actual and
theoretical shell surface.
4.1-Allowable stresses and load factors
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4.1.1 Unless otherwise stated, concrete and steel

stresses and load factors will be as specified in the
Building Code (ACI 318).
4.1.2 Minimum standard cylinder strength,f,, shall be
3000 psi.
4.2-Shell thickness
4.2.1 Shell thickness is not always dictated by strength

requirements but often by deformation of edge members,

stability, and cover over reinforcing steel.
4.2.2 Stress concentrations due to abrupt changes in
section shall be considered and, where necessary, the thin
shell shall be gradually thickened.
4.3-Shell reinforcement
4.3.1 The stress in the reinforcement may be assumed

at the allowable value independently of the strain in the

4.3.2 Where the tensile stresses vary greatly in magnitude over the shell, as in the case of cylindrical shells,
the reinforcement capable of resisting the total tension
may be concentrated in the region of maximum tensile
stress. Where this is done, the percentage of crack control reinforcing in any 12 in. width of shell shall be not
less than 0.35 percent throughout the tensile zone.
4.3.3 The principal tensile stresses shall be resisted
entirely by reinforcement.
4.3.4 Reinforcement to resist the principal tensile
stresses, assumed to act at the middle surface of the
shell, may be placed either in the general direction of the
lines of principal tensile stress (also referred to as parallel to the lines of principal tensile stress), or in two or
three directions. In the regions of high tension it is advisable, based on experience, to place the reinforcing in the
general direction of the principal stress.
4.3.5 The reinforcement may be considered parallel to
the line of principal stress when its direction does not
deviate from the direction of the principal stress more
than 15 deg. Variations in the direction of the principal
stress over the cross section of a shell due to moments
need not be considered for the determination of the maximum deviation. In areas where the stress in the reinforcing is less than the allowable stress a deviation
greater than 15 deg can still be considered parallel
placing; a stress decrease of 5 percent shall be considered
to compensate for each additional degree of deviation
above 15 deg. Wherever possible, such reinforcing may
run along lines considered most practical for construction, such as straight lines.
4.3.6 Where placed in more than one direction, the
reinforcement shall resist the components of the principal
tension force in each direction.
4.3.7 In those areas where the computed principal
tensile stress in the concrete exceeds 300 psi, placement
of at least one layer of the reinforcing shall be parallel to
the principal tensile stress, unless it can be proven that a
deviation of the reinforcing from the direction parallel to
the lines of principal tensile stress is permissible because

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uncracked, homogeneous, and isotropic.

2.1.2 Poissons ratio may be assumed equal to zero.




of the geometrical characteristics of a particular shell and

because for reasons of geometry only insignificant and
local cracking could develop.
4.3.8 Where the computed principal tensile stress (psi)
in the concrete exceeds the value 2fl (where& is also
in psi), the spacing of reinforcement shall not be greater
than three times the thickness of the thin shell. Otherwise the reinforcement shall be spaced at not more than
five times the thickness of the thin shell, nor more than
18 in.
4.3.9 Minimum reinforcement shall be provided as
required in the Building Code (ACI 318) even where not
required by analysis.
4.3.10 The percentage of reinforcement in any 12 in.
width of shell shall not exceed 30 f,/f& However, the
maximum percentage shall not exceed 6 percent if fs =
20,000 psi, 5 percent if fs = 25,000 psi, or 4 percent if fs
= 30,000 psi when the latter values are acceptable. If the
deviation of the reinforcing from the lines of principal
stress is greater than 10 deg, the maximum percentage
shall be one-half of the above values.
4.3.11 Splices in principal tensile reinforcement shall
be kept to a practical minimum. Where necessary they
shall be staggered with not more than one-third of the
bars spliced at any one cross section. Bars shall be lapped
only within the same layer. The minimum lap for shell
reinforcing bars, where draped, shall be 30 diameters
with a 1 ft 6 in. minimum unless more is required by the
Building Code (ACI 318), except that the minimum may
be 12 in. for reinforcement not required by analysis. The
minimum lap for welded wire fabric shall be 8 in. or one
mesh, whichever is greater, except that Building Code requirements shall govern where the wire fabric at the
splice must carry the full allowable stress.
4.3.12 The computed stress of the shell reinforcing at
the junction of shell and supporting member or edge
member shall be developed by anchorage within or beyond the width of the member.
4.3.13 Reinforcement to resist bending moments shall
be proportioned and provided in the conventional manner with proper allowance for the direct forces.

cast), YS in. for welded wire fabric, and 1 in. for

prestressed tendons. In no case shall the cover be less
than the diameter of bar, prestressed tendon, or duct.
4.5.2 If greater concrete cover is required for fire
protection, such cover requirements shall apply only to
the principal tensile and moment reinforcement whose
yielding would cause failure.

4.4.1 Where prestressing tendons are draped within a

This commentary contains data of general interest to

the designers of thin shells and reflects current practice.
The following sections are not to be considered design
criteria for use in all cases, but discuss general methods
of analysis and limitations which have been found helpful.

thin shell, the resulting tendon profile not lying in one

plane will exert a force on the shell which can be resolved into components. The design shall account for
these force components.
4.4.2 Where prestressing tendons are anchored, special reinforcing shall be added to assure that no local
overstressing occurs due to the application of these concentrated reactions.
4.5-Concrete cover over reinforcement

4.5.1 The concrete cover over reinforcement at surfaces protected from weather and not in contact with the
ground shall be at least in. for bars (K in. when pre-

5.1-Aggregate size
5.1.1 The maximum size aggregate shall not exceed
one-half the shell thickness, nor the clear distance
between reinforcement bars, nor times the cover.
Where formwork is required for two faces, the maximum
size of aggregate shall not exceed one-quarter the minimum clear distance between the forms nor the cover
over the reinforcement.
5.2.1 Removal of thin shell concrete forms shall be

considered a matter of design and the form removal sequence shall be specified or approved by the engineer.
5.2.2 The minimum strength of concrete f,', based on
field-cured cylinders, at the time of decentering and of
reshoring, when required, shall be designated by the
5.2.3 Where, in the opinion of the designing engineer,
stability of short or long-time deflections are important
factors, the modulus of elasticity at the time of decentering, based on field-cured beams, shall be specified by
the engineer. The proportions and loading of these specimens shall insure action which is primarily flexural.
5.2.4 The batter on vertical elements, or other elements, if desired or required for stripping, and the construction tolerances shall be designated by the engineer.



Analytical procedures should be consistent with the
complexity and importance of the structure. Judgment
and experience may be guides as reliable as analytical
procedures based on simplifying assumptions. Factors
such as size, curvature, boundary conditions, config-


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uration and distribution of load must be considered

collectively by the designer in the choice of analytical
procedures. For the purpose of discussion, a few comments will be made on each individually.
The most important factor to be considered is size.
Shells generally possess a large reserve strength. The
compressive stresses in a shell are usually a fraction of
the allowable stresses. This is due to the fact that shell
thickness is usually dictated by construction and code requirements. Moreover, for the major portion of the shell
the reinforcement is determined by requirements for
temperature and shrinkage. Therefore, the load carrying
capacity of a shell is generally greater than required. As
spans increase or curvatures decrease the compression
stresses increase, whereas the construction or code
requirements generally remain the same. Thus reserve
capacity tends to decrease with larger sizes and flatter
shells. Therefore, approximations which are valid for
relatively small structures may not be at all valid when
the same type of structure is increased in size.
Of almost equal importance to size is the manner in
which the shell is supported. If proper support is provided, capable of taking the shell reaction without
appreciable deformations, the shell may respond to loads
in direct compressive or tensile stresses which for the
usual spans will be less than the allowable stress. If the
supports are flexible, the stresses in the shell can be
higher than those which would prevail in a properly supported shell, and thus a more precise determination of
stresses is needed.
While size and support conditions have an important
bearing on the degree of accuracy needed in the analysis,
the distribution of load has a less important effect on
stresses. This is due to the fact that bending moments in
the shell are more closely related to the boundary conditions than to the load. Hence, it is usually unnecessary
to analyze a thin shell for partial live loads even though
the supporting members must be analyzed for such partial loads. For this reason, snow load on thin shells may
be assumed either uniformly distributed on the horizontal
projection or uniformly distributed over the surface of
the shell. On the other hand, local bending moments due
to large concentrated loads on the shell must be considered.
Finally, the degree of analytical accuracy required is
also dependent on the geometry of the shell, especially
the type and amount of curvature. With the variety of
possible shapes, generalized recommendations of the effect of shape cannot be made. A few pertinent remarks
on some frequently used shapes follow.
2.1-Thin shells of single curvature

Examples of shells of single curvature are segments of

cylinders and cones. These shell systems tend to act like
beams in the longitudinal direction where the span is
long in proportion to the radius. Their behavior departs
from that of beams in proportions as the valley deflects
relative to the crown. The smaller such relative deflection
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is, the more nearly the direct longitudinal stresses will be

distributed linearly as in a beam section. The range over
which the beam analysis is applicable has been discussed.5,9
For simply supported cylindrical shells with parameters in a range where beam analysis does not give
results of sufficient accuracy, a number of design tables
have been presented. 7,8,10,11,13 The use of these tables is
No analysis comparable to that for simply supported
cylindrical shells is available for the case of shells
continuous over supports. For the latter cases, the effects
of continuity may be estimated by first calculating the
longitudinal stresses and transverse shearing stresses as
for simply supported spans and then multiplying these by
the ratio of the moment and shear coefficients for continuous to simple spans. It is pointed out however that
the shear deformation in certain shells may have a strong
influence on the distribution of longitudinal stresses.*
For singly curved shells moderately tapered in plan,
i.e., those in which the chords at each end are different,
experience indicates that an analysis based on a cylindrical shell with a chord width equal to the average is
satisfactory. However, shear conditions at the smaller end
should be investigated on the basis of the actual cross
section. For shells tapered markedly, a more precise
solution is available.34
2.2-Folded plates

Analysis of prismatic folded plates is based on the

conventional flexural theory for longitudinal action and
on a one way continuous slab action for transverse behavior. A number of satisfactory analytic procedures, all
based on the same fundamental approach, are available.16 Attention is called to the fact that the iteration
procedures that are available may not always converge.
Folded plates are more sensitive to longitudinal support conditions than curved thin shells. The transverse
bending moments in the outer bays of multiple folded
plate structures are apt to be much larger than those in
barrel shells of the same size. For this reason, folded
plates are often subjected to critical stresses during
construction when certain plates may temporarily be
shored or act as exterior plates.
Although a folded plate analysis is recommended to
determine the effects produced in the two or three outer
bays of a multiple folded plate structure, the behavior of
the composite interior plates is similar to that of a beam.
Hence a rigorous folded plate analysis need be applied
to only at most the exterior and first interior bays of a
multiple folded plate system except when the depth is
less than l/15 of the span.15
2.3-Thin shells of double curvature
Shells of double curvature both the synclastic (surfaces in which the curvatures in the two principal direc Reference 1 pp. 138-140

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tions have the same sign) and anticlastic (surfaces in

which curvatures in the two principal directions have opposite signs) are inherently better suited to resist loads by
direct forces than are shells of single curvature. The
reason for this is obvious from the fact that this type of
shell possesses arch action along both curvatures. But in
order that surfaces curved in two directions behave as a
shell, it is important that proper support or edge members be provided.
For most shells of double curvature distributed loads
on the shell can be transmitted to the supports by tangential shearing and normal forces acting along the
periphery of the shell irrespective of the load distribution. When this can be done, the internal forces acting
in the shell are all direct forces, generally of small
magnitude except in the region of the column supports
where often critical tensile forces and moments are
The direct stresses throughout the major portion of
the shell are usually of little significance except as they
relate to buckling. A careful evaluation should be made
of the bending moments produced in the vicinity of the
edge members by the interaction of the edge member
and the shell. For moderate size shells, this effect usually
is confined within a few feet of the vicinity of the edge
member. For such determination the formulas for cylindrical shells4 have been used in certain cases.
An exception to this are some anticlastic shells, like
the hyperbolic paraboloid, wherein bending can prevail
throughout a greater portion of the shell. To a limited
extent, this also occurs in domes, when the supports do
not provide a reaction tangent to the shell surface. In
these cases, the bending moments may extend a significant distance into the shell.
Because of the popularity of the hyperbolic paraboloid stiffened only in the conventional way by unsupported edge beams, it becomes important to recognize
that its ability to carry loads by direct force is restricted
to uniform load. For other loadings, as for example the
dead load produced by sharply tilted saddle shape shells,
the shell is subject to bending moments. The moments
are not significant for conventional size shells but they
may become very significant for large spans.


The analysis of the supporting members may be based

on the consideration of either the total shell load or on
the shearing forces acting between shell and supporting
member. When the total load is used the axial thrust and
moment in the supporting member shall be adjusted by
subtracting (algebraically) the direct thrust and moment
in the thin shell. If total shell loads are used, the
moments due to the eccentricity of the shell with respect
to the centroidal axis of the supporting member shall be
taken into account.13
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Supporting members shall be designed for partial live

loads when such loadings control the design.

Prestressing can often be employed advantageously on

shells covering large spans to reduce the bending moments in the shell under service loads and to control
deflection and cracking. As with conventional prestressed
structures, the analysis must be made at design and at
ultimate loads to ensure both proper behavior at design
loads and an adequate overload capacity. With respect to
overload capacity, it is important to determine the shell
bending moments at ultimate loads since they may be
several times the bending moments produced by the combination of design load and prestressing. In all cases, the
shell must be designed for the shell bending moment
produced by the design loads times the appropriate overload factor minus (algebraically) the bending moment
produced by the prestressing force.

In common with other structures, shells should be investigated for buckling. In some simple two-dimensional
structures it is sufficient to determine only the lowest
value of the load at which buckling commences. In the
case of shells, however, it may be also necessary to
investigate the postbuckling behavior since it has an
important bearing on the magnitude of the failure load.
As a thin shell deforms under load, principal membrane forces develop. If one of these forces is tensile, it
tends to return the shell back to its original position, thus
enabling it to carry loads greater than the initial buckling
load. If, on the other hand, both the principal membrane
forces are compressive, they tend to increase with deformation of the shell. After the initial buckling, the shell
can only transmit loads smaller than the initial buckling
load. This is particularly true for concrete shells because
of creep and deviation of the actual shape of the shell
from the assumed theoretical surface.
The importance of the postbuckling behavior, which
small deflection theory of buckling is not capable of predicting, was discovered as a consequence of attempts to
correlate experimental results with analytical predictions.
Some surfaces subjected to various load combinations
which have been studied analytically and experimentally22,25,27 with respect to their buckling characteristics
are as follows:
1. Circular cylinders (ribbed and unribbed)
2. Segments of circular cylinders
3. Elliptical cylinders
4. Cones
5. Spherical domes
6. Translational surfaces
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Good correlation exists when one of the principal

membrane forces is tensile; such cases include:
1. Cylindrical shells under torsional loading
2. Cylindrical shells under radial inward pressure
As stated, poor correlation between the results of
theory and experiment exists when both principal membrane forces are compressive, as in the case of:
1. Cylindrical shells under axial compressive load
2. Cylindrical shells under distributed load normal to
the surface which causes bending
3. Domes under inward radial pressure
In extreme cases the buckling load obtained experimentally has been found to be as little as 10 percent of
that predicted by the small deflection theory.
The effect of creep of concrete is similar to lowering
E, the modulus of elasticity. The effect may be estimated
as follows:
Assume a reduced value of E or, knowing the principal membrane forces at any point of a given shell, determine the tangent modulus of elasticity. Divide the
tangent modulus of elasticity by a multiplier for longterm deflections. The multiplier shall not be less than 2.
The use of a reduced E accomplishes the same purpose
as a buckling load reduction factor.
A deviation of the shell dimensions from the geometry used in stress analysis is associated with a change
in the principal radii of curvature of the shell surface.
Elastic and creep deformations may also lead to a change
of curvature. If the actual radii are larger, (i.e., the shell
is flatter), the membrane forces are generally greater.
Hence the value of the buckling load will be lower, possibly substantially lower.
In general, the value of the buckling load depends on
shell geometry, type of restraint at boundary, material
properties of shell, the location of reinforcing steel, and
the type of load. With respect to shell geometry, the
dominant factor is whether the surface is synclastic or
anticlastic. For
a) Synclastic surfaces, such as most shells of revolution, cylinders and cones, the buckling resistance
usually lies somewhere between a sphere and a cylinder, the two shell forms which have been extensively studied. Hence an estimate of the critical
stress may be sometimes obtained by comparing
the given shell to a cylinder or a sphere
b) Anticlastic surfaces, such as hyperbolic paraboloids, the buckling resistance is much greater
than that offered by synclastic surfaces because
their shape results in principal tensile forces in one
direction. Hence it is often possible to use the
linear buckling theory
Resistance to buckling is increased when reinforcing
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steel is provided on both faces of the shell.

Some methods which may be used to estimate failure
loads are as follows:
1. Energy methods, based on minimization of the
energy of the system. This approach permits computation of the lower as well as the upper boundary of the buckling load, and is applicable to all
types of shells
2. Equilibrium and compatibility methods. This
approach is based on the classical equations of
equilibrium and compatibility
3. Experimental methods yield very good estimates of
buckling load for any type of shell. However, it
should be noted that most experiments have been
made with materials other than concrete.
4. Recommended procedures such as those advocated
for cylindrical shells and domes with use of
buckling graphs.1,4,26 Where the influences of
creep, deformations, and decentering conditions
are not expected to be unusual and are not separately evaluated, it is recommended to calculate
buckling stability in two directions separately (with
the use of graphs) by computing the buckling load
or critical stress based on the unreduced value of
the modulus of elasticity expected at the time of
decentering. It is further recommended to calculate the apparent safety factors (F1, F2) for the two
directions by dividing buckling load (or critical
stress) by working load (or working stress) and to
compute the combined apparent safety factor for
buckling as:
Fl F2
F=Fl + F2

This apparent safety factor must be greater than 5 for

the above described conditions.


It is often desirable to increase gradually the thickness

of a thin shell where it is connected to supporting members or edge members. In barrel shells and domes, this
gradual thickening usually commences at a distance from
the edge of about ten times the minimum thickness unless otherwise dictated by stress analysis. The increased
thickness is usually twice the minimum thickness required
at the center of the span unless otherwise determined by
The use of high-strength steel reinforcement with
working stresses above 20,000 psi is acceptable in thin
shell structural systems. However, in the shell portion it
may be used only when the main reinforcement follows
the direction of principal stress. The working stress
should not exceed 50 percent of the yield point or the
permissible working stress. Where such high strength
steel is used, careful attention must be paid to crack


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control and to deformations.

At the edges of thin shells, it is usually desirable to
provide top and bottom reinforcement. The torsional resistance of the supporting members or edge members
often governs the top and bottom reinforcement when
the shell terminates with these members.
As the principal tensile stress in the shell increases, it
is desirable to provide an increasing amount of steel in
the direction of the principal stress or in two or three
directions within the shell.

vent cold joints in the shell.

Construction joints should be shown in detail on
design drawings and should be located preferably in areas
of compressive stresses.
If the slope of the shell is steeper than about 45 deg,
it is desirable to use formwork on both faces except when
the thin shell is shotcreted or plastered.
Shells which cannot be cast in 1 day should be sectioned for two or more placements with 2 to 3 days
between each cast in order to reduce shrinkage stresses.
7.3-Curing of concrete

7.1-Forms and decentering

For thin shell structures of large spans or unusual

proportions, the engineer should prepare a decentering
drawing before the method of shoring is determined by
the contractor. In the preparation of the decentering
drawing, the decentering procedure should be studied to
avoid any temporary support including a concentrated
reaction on the shell. Generally, decentering should begin
at points of maximum deflections and should progress
towards points of minimum deflection, with the decentering of edge members proceeding simultaneously with
the adjoining shell. Where edge members are to be reshored, the spacing of the shoring should be specified by
the engineer.
The supporting members should be decentered after
the forms under the thin shell have been decentered.
When this is done, the stresses created by the decentering procedure should be considered.
Where the time of decentering is based on the attainment of a prescribed modulus of elasticity of field-cured
beams, it has been found satisfactory to use lightly
reinforced beams, 4 x 6 in. x 6 ft long, for the field
control beams.28
It is desirable to have the engineer specify the maximum deviations permissible from the true surface of a
shell, such as, for example in. deviation for an arc of
x ft in a shell of a radius of y ft.
When movable forms are used, a batter of % in. per
ft minimum is recommended for vertical surfaces to
permit easy removal.
7.2-Concrete placing

Concrete should be placed in a symmetrical pattern,

otherwise the shoring must be braced for the effect of
unbalanced loads on the forms. It is recommended that
concreting commence at the low point or points of the
shell and proceed upward to the high point. The concrete
should be deposited as nearly as possible in its final
When deep beams or diaphragms are employed as
supporting members, and when these members are to be
cast integrally with the thin shell, care should be taken to
use a rate of concreting which will permit consolidation
of concrete in the deep beams or diaphragms and preCopyright American Concrete Institute
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Thin shells are susceptible to shrinkage cracking if

improperly cured. In hot weather, the use of retarders,
preliminary fog spray curing, and wet burlap or water
curing is advisable. In cold weather, use of accelerators
and special precautions against freezing are usually
required. In moderate weather (40 to 70 F), ordinary
methods such as membrane curing compounds are usually satisfactory although wet curing may produce better

It has been stated in the Criteria that model analysis

is acceptable as a basis for design or to check the validity
of the assumptions involved in a mathematical analysis.
Models should be looked upon as auxiliary tools to aid a
rational analysis rather than a substitute for a theoretical
analysis. It must be emphasized that although the model
analysis technique is valuable for the design or analysis
problems of complex shells, extreme care must be used
in the planning, execution, and interpretation of the
model experiments. Requirements of similitude should be
followed, unless it can be demonstrated that the given
departures from similitude cause insignificant changes in
results, or changes that can be accurately predicted and
accounted for in the interpretation. The model experiment should be so arranged that as many checks on
results can be made as is reasonably possible. For
1. Can equilibrium of forces in the model be
2. For symmetrical loads on a symmetrical structure
are symmetric readings equal?
3. Are environmental conditions affecting the model
4. Are the loads of sufficient magnitude to induce
possible secondary effects due to deflections?
Many possible errors may enter into a model analysis
grossly affecting the stress readings. As a matter of good
practice, after strain measurements are completed it is
recommended that the model be subjected to overloads
whose effects approach the anticipated capacity of the
models or several times the service load. Such high
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loading may reveal weaknesses not apparent from a

limited number of strain gages.

The document of the standards-producing organization referred to in this document is listed below with
its serial designation.
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
The above publication may be obtained from the following organization:
American Concrete Institute
P.O. Box 19150
Detroit, Michigan 48219



skapsakademi, 1957. (A comparison of the equations

used for cylindrical shell analysis.)
9. Lundgren, H., Cylindrical Shells, V. 1-Cylindrical
Roofs, The Institution of Danish Civil Engineers, The
Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, 1951. (Application
of the theory of elasticity and of rupture to the design of
cylindrical roofs, and other thin walled cylindrical
10. Parme, A.L., and Conner, H.W., Design Constants for Interior Cylindrical Concrete Shells, ACI
JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 58, No. 1, July 1961, pp. 83-106.
(Compact design tables, limited in scope.)
11. Ruediger, D., and Urban, J., Circular Cylindrical
Shells, B.G. Teubner Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1955.
(Derivation of the shallow shell theory for cylindrical
shells with tables for a wide range of shell dimensions.)
12. Thrlimann, B., and Johnston, B.G., Analysis and
Tests of a Cylindrical Shell Roof Model, Proceedings,
ASCE, V. 80, Separate No. 434, 1954.
13. Design of Cylindrical Concrete Shell Roofs,
Manual No. 31, American Society of Civil Engineers,
1952. (Comprehensive series of design tables with mathematical derivations as background.)

General considerations for analysis

Folded plates

la. Flgge, Wilhelm, Stresses in Shells SpringerVerlag, Berlin, 1962, 499 pp. (A practical textbook
devoted exclusively to shells, with numerous examples.)
lb. Flgge, Wilhelm, Statik und Dynamik der Schalen,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1962. (A practical textbook
devoted exclusively to shells.)
2. Girkmann, K., Flchentragwerke, Springer-Verlag,
Vienna, 5th edition, 1959. (A textbook on practical
methods of analysis of plate and shell structures.)
3. Pflger, Alf, Elementary Statics of Shells F.W.
Dodge Corp., New York, 2nd edition, 1961, 122 pp.
4. Timoshenko, S.P., and Woinowsky-Krieger, S.,
Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.,
New York, 2nd edition, 1959. (One of the classics in the
application of theory of elasticity.)

14. Yitzhaki, D., The Design of Prismatic and Cylindrical Shelf Roofs, Haifa Science Publishers, Haifa, Israel,
1958, 253 pp. (Thorough treatment of roofs of simple
and continuous spans.)
15. Direct Solution of Folded Plate Concrete Roofs,
Advanced Engineering Bulletin No. 3, Portland Cement
Association, Chicago, 1960. (Concise design tables.)
16. Phase I-Report on Folded Plate Construction,
Proceedings, ASCE, V. 89, ST6, Dec. 1963, pp. 365-406.
(A complete bibliography on folded plates is included
with this report.)
Thin shells of double curvature

17. Apeland, K., Stress Analysis of Translational

Shells, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 87, EMl, Feb. 1961, pp.
18. Apeland, K., and Popov, E. P., Design Tables for
Cylindrical shell roofs
5. Chinn, James, Cylindrical Shell Analysis Simplified Translational Shells, Reports 63-1, Structures and
Materials Research, University of California, Berkeley,
by Beam Method, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 55, No.
10, May 1959, pp. 1183-1192. Discussion by Milo S.
19. Bouma, A.L., Some Applications of the Bending
Ketchum, A.L. Parme and H.W. Conner, A. Siev, Anton
Theory Regarding Doubly Curved Shells, Proceedings,
Tedesko, and Alfred Zweig, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings
Symposium on the Theory of Thin Elastic Shells, Delft,
V. 55, Dec. 1959, Part 2, pp. 1583-1604.
6. Dabrowski, Ryszard, Analysis of Prestressed 1959. (A discussion showing the effects of the type of
Cylindrical Shell Roofs, Proceedings, ASCE, V. 89, No. shell curvature on the shell behavior, based on shallow
shell theory.) (See reference 32.)
ST5, Oct. 1963, pp. 91-116.
20. Candela, Felix, General Formulas for Membrane
7. Gibson, J.E., Computer Analyses of Cylindrical
Stresses in Hyperbolic Paraboloidal Shells, ACI
Shells, Span Limited, London, 1961. (A series of tables
giving stress resultants and moments in circular cylin- JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 57, No. 4, Oct. 1950, pp.
drical shells.)
21. Murray, N.W., A General Design Method for
8. Holand, Ivar, Design of Circular Cylindrical
Shells, Series 2, No. 3, Norges Tekniske Viten- Axisymmetric Shell Roofs, Proceedings, Institution of
Civil Engineers (London), V. 20, Sept. 1961, pp. 151-162.
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6, Feb. 1953, pp. 505-520.

(A general numerical solution for shells of revolution

with varying thicknesses.)


22. ACI-ASCE Committee 334, Concrete Shell Buckling, E.P. Popov and S.J. Medwadowski, editors, SP-67,
American Concrete Institute, Detroit, 1981, 240 pp.
23. Gerard, G., and Becker, H., Handbook of Strucrural Stability: Part III, NACA N 3783 (1957); and Part
VI, NACA N 3786 (1958); National Aeronautics and
Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
24. Nash, W.A., Recent Advances in Buckling of
Thin Shells, Applied Mechanics Reviews, V. 13, Mar.
1960, pp. 161-164.
25. Schmidt, H., Ergebnisse von Beulversuchen mit
doppelt gekrummten Schalenmodellen aus Aluminum,
Proceedings, Symposium on Shell Research, Interscience,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, and North-Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1962, pp. 159-181. (A summary of past work on thin shell buckling along with
recommendations for reinforced concrete design.)
26. Timoshenko, S.P., and Gere, J.M., Theory of
Elastic Stability, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York,
2nd edition, 1961.
27. Collected Papers on Instability of Shell Structures,
TN-D-1510, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C., Dec. 1962.

29. Proceedings of the Symposium on Concrete Shell

Roof Construction, Cement and Concrete Association,
London, July 1954.
30. Proceedings of the Conference on Thin Concrete
Shells, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
1954, 133 pp.
31. Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Concrete
Shelf Roof Construction, Teknisk Ukeblad, Oslo, Norway,
32. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Theory of
Thin Elastic Shells (Delft, 1959), Interscience, John Wiley
& Sons, Inc., New York, and North-Holland Publishing
Co., Amsterdam, 1960, 496 pp.
33. Proceedings of the Symposium on Shell Research,
(Delft, 1961), Interscience, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, and North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam,
1962, 364 pp.
34. Proceedings, Colloquium on Simplified Calculation
Methods of Shell Structures (Brussels, 1961), Interscience,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, and North-Holland
Publishing Co., Amsterdam, 1962, 529 pp.
35. Proceedings of the World Conference on Shell Structures (San Francisco, 1962), Publication No. 1187,
National Academy of Sciences-National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., 1964, 690 pp.


28. Tedesko, Anton, Construction Aspects of ThinShell Structures, ACI JOURNAL, Proceedings V. 49, No.

report was submitted to letter ballot of the committee and was approved
according to Institute procedures.


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