Amber Revised Basic Mechanics For Amber
Amber Revised Basic Mechanics For Amber
Amber Revised Basic Mechanics For Amber
(REvised Basic Mechanics for Amber)
Version 5.0 - Autumn 2006
Table of Contents
Ranks Revisited .... 3
Power Requirements ... 3
Revised Power Costs .................. 4
Character Improvement ........ 4
Goals and Drive .................... 5
Basic Concepts ....................... 6
Conflict Resolution ................ 6
Fate and the Game .......... 7
Afterword ... 7
Ranks Revisited
Character creation is conducted exactly as in the
standard Amber Diceless system, with one big
difference : there is no attribute auction.
Players still get to spend points on attribute
ranks, but with a more traditional points-per-rank
system. Obviously, this may result in two
characters having similar ranks, but this is not a
problem under these alternate rules.
As in the standard Amber rules, the three basic
ranks of attributes are Human, Chaos and Amber.
Any attribute higher than the Amber rank is
simply measured as a roman numeral, the higher
the better : thus, rank I is better than Amber rank,
rank II is better than rank I and so on.
At character creation, each rank above Amber
costs 10 points and no attribute may be increased
over rank III (for a total of 30 points).
Players may also consider lowering one or more
attributes to Chaos or even Human ranks to get
extra points, with the same benefits and
consequences as in the original rules.
Power Requirements
Most powers now require a minimum rank in one
or two attributes.
What, No Auction ?
Character Improvement
As far as attributes and powers are concerned,
handlng experience points after every session is a
sure way to cause an unmanageable power
escalation in your campaign. Gaining a single
rank in an attribute represents a tremendous
achievement, far beyond the possibilities offered
by regular training or normal experience. It has
taken centuries for Benedict to get his amazing
Warfare rank and you certainly dont want your
player-characters to reach a similar degree of
skill after a dozen sessions. Likewise, simply
toying with Pattern and Trump for a few years
will not make you the equal of Brand or Fiona.
But time is not really of the essence here : in a
game where most player-characters can easily
hop at will between Shadows with varying timeflows (not to mention the Courts of Chaos !),
basing attribute and power improvement on some
objective measurement of time will only result in
system abuse, endless disputes and useless
headaches for the gamemaster.
One of the easiest ways to handle character
improvement in a long-term Amber campaign is
to use the seasonal format of television series and
other continuing fictions.
Basic Concepts
In a game like Amber Diceless, the only
situations that really need a resolution system (no
matter how freeform) are conflicts.
Conflicts can be defined in game terms as any
situation in which two or more characters oppose
each other through the use of one of their
attributes : depending on the situation, this may
represent wrestling (Strength), sword duels and
other forms of armed combat (Warfare) or
psychic duels (Psyche). Endurance is rarely used
as the active attribute of a conflict but plays a
crucial part in all forms of extended conflict,
since it does not only represent physical stamina
but also reflects a characters ability to push his
own limits, be they physical, mental or psychic.
Conflicts are either basic or extended. Basic
conflicts correspond to sudden, make-or-break
oppositions, while extended conflicts tend to be
longer and more uncertain and are usually more
taxing for a characters inner reserves.
Conflict Resolution
So thats it : five pages of rules with large
illustrations and lots of general comments.
But these are supposed to be basic
mechanics, remember : thats what he B in
ReBMA stands for.