Audit Methodologies
Audit Methodologies
Audit Methodologies
1. Added value to the clients as the approach focuses on the business as a
2. Increase efficiency and reduce cost as substantive testing is reduced.
3. Responds to the importance that regulators and government have placed on
corporate governance in recent years.
4. Lower engagement risk through broader understanding of the clients
business and practices.
Systems audit:
Also known as traditional approach to auditing in which auditor assesses the system
of controls (such as for sales, purchases, payroll, receipts and disbursements) put in
place by the management and ascertain whether they are effective enough for the
auditors to reduce their substantive procedures.
Directional testing:
It is a method of undertaking detailed substantive testing. Substantive testing seeks
to discover errors and omissions and the discovery of these will depend on the
direction of the test.
Broadly speaking, substantive procedures can be said to fall in to two categories:
1. Test to discover errors (resulting in over or understatement)
2. Test to discover omissions (resulting in understatements)
Test to discover errors:
Such test starts with accounting records in which transactions are recorded and
then trace to supporting documents.
Example if the test is to check sales are priced correctly, the test would begin with a
sales invoice selected from the sales ledger. Prices would then be checked to the
official price list.