Sheehan Syndrom L. Haddock

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Sheehan's syndrome results from postpartum necrosis of the anterior pituitary gland and can cause hypopituitarism. It was previously a common cause of hypopituitarism in Puerto Rico.

Sheehan's syndrome results from postpartum hemorrhage leading to necrosis of the anterior pituitary gland, causing hypopituitarism.

The clinical findings of Sheehan's syndrome include panhypopituitarism or selective pituitary hormone deficiencies presenting with symptoms like lactation failure or amenorrhea. Onset is usually in the third decade of life.

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L. Haddock

In his excellent publications dating from 1938 to
1968, Sheehan described the natural history,
clinical signs and pathological findings of the
syndrome which bears his name and results from
postpartum necrosis of the anterior lobe of the
pituitary gland110. The exact pathogenesis of the
disease is not well understood, for many women
who suffer severe hemorrhage at delivery apparently escape damage to the anterior pituitary.
Although infrequently reported in the US
literature, this clinical entity was the most common cause of hypopituitarism among indigent
women of Puerto Rico in the decade of the
1950s to the late 1960s. During that period, 100
cases were diagnosed in the hospital attached to
the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. Of these, 72 were diagnosed from 1960 to
1970 and came under our medical supervision.
The clinical and endocrinological evaluations of
50 of the 72 cases which were available to close
follow-up have been published11. This review
summarizes these findings and comments on
the condition.

Fifty of the 72 patients diagnosed between

1960 and 1970 were thoroughly studied (Table
1). Forty-three (86%) had panhypopituitarism,
whereas seven (14%) displayed selective pituitary deficiencies. Of the latter group, one had
isolated thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
deficiency, one had selective human growth
hormone (HGH) and gonadotropin deficiency,
two lacked HGH and ACTH and three had
combined HGH, ACTH, and gonadotropin
The age at onset of disease ranged from 20 to
52 years, with an average age of 33.7 years. The
age at diagnosis varied from 27 to 65 years, with
an average of 43.8 years. The duration of preceding illness at the time of diagnosis ranged
from 5 months to 28 years, with an average of
10.5 years.

Table 1 A study in 50 subjects with Sheehans

Number Percentage

Clinical data
Of 28 patients diagnosed between 1951 and
1959, 16 died of cortisol insufficiency precipitated by concurrent illnesses. In contrast, only
two patients died in the group diagnosed
between 1960 and 1970. This marked decrease
in mortality was secondary to a better and
regular follow-up and an improvement in
their education regarding the nature and
life-endangering risks of the disease.

Selective hypopituitarism
TSH deficiency
HGH and gonadotropin
HGH and ACTH deficiency
HGH, ACTH and gonadotropin







Age at onset of diagnosis, 2052 years (mean 33.7

years); age at diagnosis, 2765 years (mean 43.8
Duration of preceding illness (at time of diagnosis),
5 months28 years (mean 10.5 years)


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The obstetric history of the 50 subjects is

summarized in Table 2. Twenty-nine patients
(58%) delivered at home and 21 (42%) in the
local government hospitals.
Mean parity was 7 3 deliveries. Forty-three
(86%) had experienced postpartum bleeding,
most commonly caused by retained placental
fragments. Of the five patients who had
antepartum bleeding, one had an abortion at 7
months gestation (whether spontaneous or
induced not clear from the records), two had
abruptio placenta at 9 months gestation, one
had a subarachnoid hemorrhage and Gramnegative bacteremic shock at 7 months gestation, and the remaining patient had placenta
Table 2 Obstetric history of 50 patients with
Sheehans syndrome. Mean parity 7 3

previa and silent rupture of the uterus at 8

months gestation. Almost half (48%) of the
patients had postpartum bleeding that led to the
clinical picture of Sheehans syndrome. Eight
patients (16%) had bleeding in earlier pregnancies but were able to conceive. Of these eight
patients, two had selective ACTH deficiency,
five had a picture of panhypopituitarism at the
time of study, and one had selective gonadal
insufficiency. A clinical history of shock at delivery was present in 34 cases (68%); seven did not
develop shock and information was not available in nine cases.
The salient clinical features are summarized
in Table 3. Gonadal insufficiency was present in
94% of the patients, cortisol insufficiency in
96% and thyroid insufficiency in 88%. The earliest sign of pituitary failure was the inability to
lactate. Three patients had scanty menses for

Number Percentage
Local hospital
Bleeding in pregnancy
No history of bleeding
Pregnancies complicated by bleeding
One (last)
More than one and no bleeding
in last
More than one and bleeding in
Source of bleeding
Retained placenta
Placenta abruption
Placenta previa
Vaginal laceration
Uterine atony
Subarachnoid hemorrhage and
septic shock
Information not available
Subsequent pregnancies after
episode causing disease
















Table 3 Clinical features in 50 patients with

Sheehans syndrome
Symptoms and signs


Gonadal insufficiency
Failure to lactate
Loss of libido
Breast atrophy
Vaginal atrophy
Uterine atrophy


Cortisol insufficiency
Weight loss
Asthenia, weakness


Thyroid deficiency
Cold intolerance
Dry skin
Hypoactive DTRs
Myxedematous facies


Secondary sexual characteristics

Loss of body hair
Loss of pubic hair
Loss of axillary hair
Polyuria and polydipsia
Pigmentation in the face


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Sheehans syndrome

several months after the episode of postpartum

bleeding, after which they became amenorrheic.
Cachexia was an infrequent finding; however,
when present it was usually due to an associated
illness. Of three cachectic patients, two had
pulmonary tuberculosis and one was severely
malnourished. Signs and symptoms of severe
hypothyroidism were present in 22 patients.
Severe pallor secondary to ACTH deficiency
was the rule in hypopituitarism, although
chloasma, for example pigmentation of the
face, was seen in two patients. This has been
previously described by Sheehan in 19393. Two
patients complained of marked polydipsia and
polyuria immediately following the episode
of bleeding. However, symptomatology was
interpreted as secondary to transient diabetes
insipidus from which the patients recovered.
The study of one of these patients was the
subject of a previous report12.
Endocrinological work-up
Human growth hormone reserve was studied
in all the patients. In the basal state, HGH
was undetectable. With estrogen-priming and
challenging with either insulin-induced hypoglycemia or arginine infusion, only the patient
with selective TSH deficiency had HGH
reserve, as shown by an increase to 20 ng/ml
upon arginine infusion.
Pituitary ACTH reserve was also studied in
all patients using the metyrapone test. Only two
patients, one with selective TSH and the other
with selective HGH and gonadal insufficiency,
had a normal response.
Cortisol reserve was studied in all patients
before replacement therapy. The basal urinary
hydroxycorticosteroids ranged from undetectable values to 1.0 mg/day in the patients who
did not show pituitary reserve. The response to
ACTH, 40 units twice a day for 4 days
(ACTHAR gel) was arbitrarily classified as
excellent, good, limited or none, according to
the increase inurinary hydroxycorticosteroids
after ACTH administration and the ability of
these patients to tolerate stress. Seventeen
patients had an excellent response (increase
over 20 mg/day), nine showed a good response
(rise < 20 but > than 12 mg/day), 13 had a limited reserve (increase < 12 but > 6 mg/day) and

11 had poor to no reserve (increase < 6 mg/day)

and their responses were similar to those of
Addisonians. Two patients who had limited
cortisol reserve (increase in urinary hydroxycorticosteroids respectively to 8.8 mg/ day and
6.6 mg/day post-ACTH) died, one of cortisol
insufficiency in another hospital in the community and the other in an accident. Both patients
were receiving a daily maintenance dose of
25 mg of cortisone acetate. The combined
weight of both adrenals in one patient was 5.4 g;
histologically, the glands showed atrophy. The
adrenals of the other patient were not weighed
but were described as atrophied, measuring
each 1.8 1.0 0.2 cm. A correlation was
made between the duration of illness and the
adrenal reserve found in these patients. Of 14
patients whose disease had existed for 5 years or
less, 12 showed an excellent or good adrenal
reserve. Of 36 patients whose disease dated
from 5 to 29 years, 24 showed a limited, poor or
no reserve, and the remaining patients had a
good or excellent response.
The aldosterone reserve and ability to
conserve sodium upon sodium deprivation was
studied in 13 patients, seven of whom were
chosen because they had initially shown hyponatremia when first admitted in cortisol insufficiency. All had dilutional hyponatremia which
was corrected by fluid restriction and treatment
with intravenous hydrocortisone and intramuscular cortisone acetate. None of the patients
received desoxycorticosterone (DOCA). Of the
seven who had hyponatremia, one had excellent
cortisol reserve, two had good reserve, three had
limited reserve and one had no reserve. The
remaining six patients were selected because
they had either a limited or very little cortisol
reserve. Additional important clinical data
included the presence of old pulmonary tuberculous lesions in three of the patients, two of
whom showed no cortisol reserve and the other
very limited cortisol reserve. These patients
were kept on a 110 mEq sodium diet for 10 days
and on the subsequent 710 days they were
placed on a 814 mEq sodium diet. All the
patients were kept on their maintenance dose
of sodium levothyroxine and, in place of their
maintenance dose of cortisone acetate, they
were administered an equivalent dose of
dexamethasone. Upon sodium restriction, 12


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patients attained sodium balance in 27 days.

One patient was unable to tolerate the low
sodium diet and the study had to be stopped on
the 4th day, at which time she had not attained
sodium balance. No appreciable change in the
serum sodium level was observed in all patients
during sodium restriction. In nine patients, the
aldosterone secretory rate (ASR) was measured
on the 7th day of dietary sodium restriction.
The ASR ranged from 169 to 535 g/day. Values for ASR in healthy subjects on a sodium
intake of 1050 mEq of sodium diet are from
100 to 300 g/day. In one patient, the ASR was
measured on the 4th day of sodium restriction
and was 283 g/day. In the remaining patient, it
was measured while on the 110 mEq sodium
diet and was 160 g/day. In two patients on a
low sodium diet in whom ASR testing was not
performed, urinary aldosterone was measured
and was considered normal. The urinary
aldosterone was low in one but did not correlate
with the ASR, which was normal. An adequate
response of aldosterone excretion or secretory
rate therefore was seen in all patients, including
the three in whom the possibility of tuberculosis
of the adrenals was considered. The normal
response to sodium restriction and the adequate
aldosterone excretion or ASR ruled out the
possibility of coexistent primary adrenal insufficiency secondary to tuberculous involvement of
the adrenals.
Thyroid reserve
The thyroid reserve was determined by measuring the 24-h radioactive iodine (RAI) uptake
before and after TSH stimulation in 32 subjects
(29 hypothyroid and three euthyroid) and measuring the protein-bound iodine (PBI) before
and after stimulation with 10 units of TSH daily
for 2 days in 24 patients. The hypothyroid
group were classified as responders or nonresponders to TSH. In 21 patients with hypothyroidism, the difference in the 24-h RAI from
the basal value ranged from 14 to 60%, with a
mean difference of 26%. The remaining eight
patients had a response similar to that seen in
primary hypothyroidism, the difference in the
post-TSH 24-h RAI ranging from 2 to 9%.
Forty-eight percent of the responders had
severe hypothyroidism, whereas 75% of the

non-responders had a severe form of the disease. The inadequate response to TSH tended
to correlate better with the severity of the disease than with the duration of the illness. The
euthyroid group had a normal response to TSH.
The PBI pre- and post-TSH was measured in
24 patients (15 already treated with sodium
levothyroxine in whom it was discontinued 3
weeks before testing and six, all hypothyroid,
but not treated; three were euthyroid). In the
three euthyroid patients, the increase in PBI
ranged from 1.4 to 2.6 g/dl. The six hypothyroid patients had never been treated and the
severity of their disease ranged from mild to
severe. The change in PBI from the basal value
was either decreased or had an insignificant rise
in the three patients with myxedema. In the
three patients with mild to moderate hypothyroidism, as well as in four of the patients
receiving treatment, the increase in PBI corresponded to that seen in euthyroid patients; the
remaining 11 had an insignificant or negligible
change in PBI post-TSH.
When these patients were first studied, the technology for bone densitometry was not available.
When it became available, Aguil13 proceeded
to study a group of these patients still under our
care using single photon absorptiometry. Bone
mineral density, measured at the distal third of
the non-dominant arm using a Norland SPA
densitometer, showed in 40 of these patients
that their bone mineral content and bone mineral density were significantly lower than that of
age- and sex-matched controls in Puerto Rico.
These patients received thyroid and adrenal
physiologic replacement therapy but no estrogen replacement therapy. Twenty-three of these
patients were enrolled in a longitudinal bone
study with the aim of studying changes in bone
mineral content (BMC) with passing time. At a
mean of 5.5 years, ten (43.5%) had increased
their BMC (Group 1), nine had decreased
BMC (Group 2), and four remained
unchanged. Group 1 had initial BMC
measurements that were significantly lower
(0.578 0.04 g/cm) than those in Group 2
(0.764 0.03 g/cm). The age of Group 1 was
65.5 2.6 years and that of Group 2 was


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Sheehans syndrome

65.2 3.3 years. Group 1 was younger at the

onset of the disease (29.2 2.1 years vs.
35.9 2.5 years), and the duration of the
disease was 7 years longer (36.3 2.6 years vs.
30.4 3.1 years). There was no difference
regarding race, body mass index, physical activity and sun exposure. Pertinent biochemical and
hormonal parameters showed no differences
except for serum alkaline phosphatase, which
was higher than normal upper limit (115 IU/l)
in both: 131 17 in Group 1 vs. 121 16 in
Group 2; p < 0.05.
Upon loss of estrogen support, a rapid phase
of bone loss ensues (Riggs type 1) followed by a
more gradual age-related loss (Riggs type 2).
Aguil concluded that Group 1 resembled that
reported by Kruse and Kuhlencordt14 who
found a positive bone balance in 25% of 108
postmenopausal females, based on histomorphometric data, and proposed a triphasic
course of osteoporosis.
Panhypopituitarism is usually characterized by
the sequential loss of somatotropic, gonadotropic, adrenocorticotropic and thyrotropic
functions15,16. The same order holds true in
most of the cases of Sheehans syndrome.
Whereas hypopituitarism associated with pituitary tumors often presents in an incomplete
form, in Sheehans syndrome the opposite is
true. Indeed, 43 (86%) of our 50 studied cases
exhibited a total deficiency of the hormones
produced by the anterior pituitary gland.
Studies characterizing human growth reserve
in adult hypopituitarism have dealt mainly with
pituitary neoplasms. Only eight among a total of
79 cases included in the largest series1720 have
been cases of Sheehans syndrome. Of these 79,
only four had significant levels of HGH, none of
whom had Sheehans syndrome. In this series of
50 patients, only one had HGH reserve and this
patient also had isolated TSH deficiency. Of
all pituitary functions evaluated, that of growth
hormone secretion was the most consistently
abnormal. Thus, a deficient output of growth
hormone represents a sensitive and early index
of pituitary failure.
With the use of metyrapone, the pituitary
ACTH reserve in man can be studied in a

quantitative manner. Our clinical experience

in the use of this test is similar to that of
other investigators. Liddle and associates21,
using the urinary 17-ketosteroids and 17hydroxycorticosteroids as parameters to measure the response to metyrapone, encountered
absent pituitary ACTH reserve in the two
patients with Sheehans syndrome that they
studied. Kaplan22 studied four patients with
Sheehans syndrome, none of whom showed
pituitary ACTH reserve as measured by an
increase in the urinary Porter Silber
chromogens and 11-desoxycorticosteroid after
metyrapone administration. Only two of
our 50 patients showed pituitary ACTH
reserve, both of whom had selective tropic
The response to intravenous and intramuscular ACTH has been described as an accurate
means of quantitating adrenocortical reserve in
several disease states23,24. The administration of
ACTH, either intravenously or intramuscularly,
to hypopituitary subjects must be repeated on
several consecutive days in order to reactivate
a dormant adrenal cortex resulting from prolonged absence of endogenous ACTH secretion. In Addisons disease, no steroid response
to ACTH is seen, whereas in hypopituitarism
a gradual increase in urinary steroid excretion
has been described. Adrenal unresponsiveness
to ACTH stimulation in hypopituitarism has
also been documented20,25,26. Chakmakjian20
reported no increase of urinary steroid excretion
after the daily intravenous administration of
ACTH for 5 days in five patients with Sheehans
Our data support the findings of others in
demonstrating that a lack of adrenal steroid
response to ACTH can be seen in hypopituitarism and that it does not necessarily
means the presence of Addisons disease.
In our attempt to correlate the adrenal
reserve with the duration of illness, we observed
that 90% of the patients who had the disease for
less than 5 years had a good or excellent adrenal
reserve, in contrast to 38% of the patients who
had the disease for longer than 5 years. Thus,
a positive correlation exists between adrenal
unresponsiveness and the duration of illness in
approximately two-thirds of the patients, clearly
showing that with time the adrenal cortex


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becomes progressively atrophied due to severe

lack of ACTH.
Aldosterone secretion is largely independent
of ACTH regulation, and patients with hypopituitarism should be able to maintain sodium
balance upon sodium restriction.
The hyponatremia seen in hypopituitarism
is associated with water retention and mimics
the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)27. Ahmed and
colleagues demonstrated increased levels of
arginine vasopressin in the plasma of patients
with either hypopituitarism or Addisons disease28. A decrease in the plasma ADH activity
and simultaneous improvement of water excretion were observed in these patients during
therapy with glucocorticoids. Turin and colleagues29 demonstrated a reduction in aldosterone secretion in patients with inappropriate
secretion of ADH. In a study with an untreated
patient with hypopituitarism who showed water
retention, hyponatremia, urinary sodium loss
and a low aldosterone secretory rate upon
dietary sodium restriction, the same authors30
suggested that the decreased secretion of
aldosterone and wasting of sodium in chronic
hypopituitarism are related to the persistence of
excess ADH. This concept gains strength from
the studies of Bartter and associates31 who
showed that volume expansion produced by the
administration of vasopressin and water may
increase the urinary excretion of sodium and
decrease the excretion of aldosterone.
Our studies favor the latter concept and,
in order to avoid the effect of antidiuresis in
sodium excretion and aldosterone secretion, the
studies of our patients were conducted during
glucocorticoid and thyroid replacement. This
past observation is of clinical and therapeutic
importance in the management of hyponatremia in hypopituitarism. In these patients
with Sheehans syndrome, hyponatremia has
always been associated with water retention,
and prompt diuresis and correction of hyponatremia upon cortisol administration are well
known. In contradistinction to Addisonians,
never in our experience have hypopituitary
patients needed mineralocorticoids for the
maintenance of sodium balance. In this group
of patients, the ASR upon ACTH stimulation
has not been studied as Williams and

co-workers32 did in a group of patients with

hypopituitarism and steroid suppression. These
authors showed a higher urinary sodium excretion and a significant delay in increasing the
ASR, although eventually a normal secretion
was achieved. The mean ASR in the hypopituitary group was significantly less than in
the normal or the steroid-suppressed subjects.
Whether the abnormalities in aldosterone
secretion on sodium restriction and ACTH
stimulation play a role in the hyponatremia of
hypopituitarism is questionable. If this were so,
hyponatremia would not be corrected with fluid
restriction and cortisol administration alone.
The concept of inappropriate secretion of
ADH is favored to explain the hyponatremia of
hypopituitarism. At the time of our study, the
response of the serum PBI and the RAI to TSH
stimulation was the conventional test to
differentiate primary from secondary hypopituitarism33,38. Taunton and colleagues37
showed that the response in hypopituitary subjects was less the longer they had the disease.
Sheehan3 was the first to postulate that a dormant thyroid gland unstimulated by TSH might
in time become fibrotic and therefore unresponsive to TSH. Fletcher and Berford39 showed
that the unresponsiveness to TSH correlated
better with the severity of the disease than with
the duration of the disease, as was the case in
these patients with Sheehans syndrome.
The findings in this series of Sheehans syndrome suggest that, due to ACTH and TSH
deprivation, the adrenals and the thyroid can
become atrophied and unresponsive to stimulation to the tropic hormones; however, in the
majority of the instances, the target glands
are dormant rather than atrophied and are
responsive to the tropic hormones.
Recently, Haddock and associates have
shown an overall morphometric vertebral fracture weighted prevalence of 11.2% in a population-based study in a female population 50 years
and older in the city of San Juan40,41. Of the 48
females out of 398 who had fractures, 19 had an
early menopause at mean age 39 4.7 years.
Although the asssociation did not reach statistical significance, an early menopause at age less
than 45 years is an important risk factor for fractures and osteoporosis, more so if patients do
not receive estrogen replacement. Cooper and


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Sheehans syndrome

associates42 found that women with vertebral

fractures had an earlier menopause, fewer births
and higher prevalence of clinically diagnosed
hyperthyroidism. Thus, women with Sheehans
syndrome who develop the disease in their
reproductive years are more prone to develop
osteoporosis and fractures, for they are diagnosed late in the course of the disease and have
not received hormonal replacement therapy.
These patients received replacement therapy
with cortisone acetate 25 mg daily divided in
two doses, sodium levothyroxine in the amount
that normalized the PBI, supportive treatment
for underlying diseases and education about the
disease and its life-threatening risks. A letter was
given to every patient and her immediate family,
stating the nature of the disease and what to
do in case of illness or if taken unconscious to
emergency rooms of government hospitals.
In the last four decades, we have seldom seen
new cases of Sheehans syndrome in the University Hospital. The main reasons are improvements in the prenatal and delivery care of the
indigent population. Whereas, in the past, 58%
of the patients with Sheehans syndrome were
delivered at home, from the 1970s onwards all
indigent patients delivered in hospitals. Since
1993, a Health Reform was implemented in
Puerto Rico based on managed care. All but one
of the secondary hospitals was sold to private
enterprise and the main care of patients is now
in the hands of primary physicians who seldom
refer patients to the specialists as it affects their
income, which is capitated. Fewer and fewer
physicians are practicing Obstetrics because of
the high insurance and fewer physicians are
selecting Obstetrics and Gynecology for training. Responding to the urgent need of preparing
a skilled health professional for the delivery
of maternal and infant care services in Puerto
Rico, the Graduate School of Public Health of
the University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences
Campus has initiated a Nurse Midwifery
Education Program, which offers a Graduate
Certificate option and a Master of Public
Health/Nurse Midwifery43. This program is
supported by the US Department of Health and
Human Service, Health Resources and Service

Administration, the Government of Puerto

Rico, and the Department of Health of Puerto
Rico, and is accredited by the American College
of Nurse-Midwives. The nurse-midwife is a
registered nurse educated in two disciplines,
nursing and midwifery. The nurse-midwife
cares for essentially healthy women before,
during and after childbirth.
The nurse-midwife works as an interdependent health-team member in a setting
that provides physician consultation and
referrals for complications44. Thus, the time will
eventually come when deliveries in the indigent
population may again be performed by midwives, as was the case in the first half of the 20th
century, but this time by a skilled health professional who is part of the health team. The
Department of Health of the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico must follow closely all the statistics
regarding prenatal and delivery care so as to
identify all cases with postpartum hemorrhage
or the deliveries complicated with bleeding in
order to identify the potential cases that may
develop Sheehans syndrome. Good prenatal
and delivery care is a must to be able to prevent
Sheehans syndrome.
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University of Puerto Rico Medical Sciences


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