Format Support Letter Incubator Funded by Government
Format Support Letter Incubator Funded by Government
Format Support Letter Incubator Funded by Government
<<Letter Head of the Incubator funded by the Government of India/ State Government>>
Letter of Support
funded by
, in my capacity as
to validate the nature of business and after due examination, I recommend that the business
being pursued by the applicant is innovative in nature and may therefore be considered as a business
covered under the definition of Startup as per the notification no. G.S.R. 180(E) dated February 17,
2016 (F. No. 5(91)/2015-BE.I).
The detailed reasons for the recommendation are provided in the annexure to this letter.
Government of India or Name of the State Government from where the incubator
has received funding support
Name of the Startup (The name must be same as the one used during Company
/LLP /Partnership registration/ incorporation)
6. The recommendation letter along with the annexure must be uploaded in pdf format with file size
not exceeding 2 MB.
7. The recommendation letter must be complete in all respect. In case, it is found to be incomplete in
any regard, the letter shall not be considered.