Casey and Sandy Parson's Interview With Salisbury Post
Casey and Sandy Parson's Interview With Salisbury Post
Casey and Sandy Parson's Interview With Salisbury Post
August 9, 2013 (PART 5)
Casey Parsons: Her parents, they're not- she was married to my husband's brother. She was
our sister-in-law.
Reporter: Who is not the father of the child?
Casey Parsons: Yeah. She's not- not of Erica.
Reporter: That's Billy?
Casey Parsons: Yeah.
Reporter: So, in addition to you guys not knowing where she is, not being able to find Nan,
the father- biological father- does not know where she is? That's what he, perhaps, is telling
youCasey Parsons: That's what he's saying.
Reporter: - or investigators and the biological mother does not know where she is, either?
Casey Parsons: Yeah, and when I told- she did not know there was other ladies there with
her to pick her up and she's- I told her about Strawberry and her exact words was, I hate to
say that on this, but she was like, "That *****. If I know she's in on this, I'm going to kill her."
and I said, "You've met Strawberry before, Carolyn?" and she goes, "I lived with her for almost
6 months." That's- I didn't even know she knew these people, not the Strawberry woman and
Kelly. I knew she knew Nan. I didn't know she knew Strawberry and them.
Reporter: And, she's the one who put you in touch with Nan?
Casey Parsons: Yeah.
Reporter: The biological motherCasey Parsons: Yes.
Reporter: -put you in touch with Nan?
Casey Parsons: Yes. She gave- Nan said all of our information, Erica's birthday and
everything come from Carolyn Parsons. Everything.
Reporter: What's the last thing investigators either asked or said to you? When was it? I
mean, I know youCasey Parsons: It was- the last thing they said to me was I was going to regret going to my
lawyer. We had probably a three hour conversation about going to the lawyer. 'Cause when
we went back up for more questioning and we told them straight out that after at 4:30 we had
an appointment, they- nothing was said about Erica during that time, at that point. It was all
the lawyer, and we would regret it.
Reporter: Mr.Sherill, have you spoken to anyone in law enforcement?
Attorney Sherrill: The assessment is a safety assessment, and they're marked here, um.
Reporter: What is the date?
Attorney Sherrill: The current date it says is July 30th, 2013. Their signatures are actually
dated July 31st, 2013.
Sandy: They left at 1:30 in the morning.
Attorney Sherrill: Every- there are 11 questions as to whether there is danger to the child or
children. The first 11 questions are marked 'no'. The 12th question has an 'other', so it's not a
standard question, and it says, "The whereabouts of Erica Parsons is unknown." Then, they
have a plan, again marked 'other', that says 'See below', and they say, "The plan in effect until
safety issues have been resolved is parents agree to make every effort to contact Erica by
Facebook, or find contact information for her caregivers." Then, it was what, August 1stCasey Parsons: Yeah.
Attorney Sherrill: - that you called me?
Casey Parsons: Yes. This was like at 1:30 in the morning, so it actually had turned into July
the 31st, and just 24 hours later.
Attorney Sherrill: Okay. You called me on August 1st, and at 8 o'clock that night, the
department of social services came out and took the children.
Reporter: Two of them, correct?
Casey Parsons: Mhm. Not even twenty- the only difference was, um- cause we got a lawyer
and they told us that we would regret it.
Reporter: Getting back to some of the other things you said before- why, in your words, were
they accusing you of murder and/or selling her? I know you talked about the medical bills.
Casey Parsons: Yeah.
Reporter: But, why did they say that?
Casey Parsons: The murder is all James. All of it James. All of it James, 'cause he said that.
He said that. That's the only reason. And his is retaliation. He's mad at me.
Reporter: Did they say they have any evidence against youCasey Parsons: No.
Reporter: -of a crime?
Casey Parsons: Nothing.
they're not answering questions. With cell phone technology, internet technology, court
records, you know, where people live, things of that nature, um- search warrants, they can
come see your phone records, cell phone records, whatever- you know, why can't they find a
15 year old girl?
Casey Parsons: To my knowledge, they've never even looked at none of that stuff yet. And
why, I don't know. 'Cause I've asked myself the same thing. We've welcomed them to come
here and do whatever they have to do. Anything. And they're welcome right this minute. They
are. We've told them to dig the yard up, look in our house, look at anything. They're more than
welcome to do that. More than welcome.
Reporter: Is there a search underway?
Casey Parsons: Nothing that I know of.
Reporter: Have you heard of any indication investigators are..?
Attorney Sherrill: Haven't said anything to me.
Reporter: Why would they do this?
Attorney Sherrill: I don't know.
Reporter: You likely have some experience with them. Have you ever seen local investigators
do something like this under the threat of somebody getting a lawyer?
Attorney Sherrill: Uh, I have my own opinions. (chuckles)
Reporter: I'm sure.
Attorney Sherrill: But, uh- that would be, I would say, unusual anyway. What they did was,
they basically asked them all the questions. They tried to answer all the questions they could,
but they started asking questions they couldn't answer because they didn't have the
knowledge. So, it's a law enforcement thing to start accusing to see if somebody will pipe up
and say, and when they started accusing, they said, "Wait a minute. We think we need a
lawyer." or, "We might consider a lawyer." So, they came and talked to me, and evidently for
what, three hours, they browbeat you after that?
Casey Parsons: Yeah.
Attorney Sherrill: For going to a lawyer?
Casey Parsons: Yes.
Attorney Sherrill: And then, I gave you cards and you gave them cards and said, "Here's our
lawyers name if you want to talk to us some more." And they haven't asked another question.
Casey Parsons: Nothing.