Esc Guidlines
Esc Guidlines
Esc Guidlines
ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines: Jeroen J. Bax (Chairperson) (The Netherlands), Angelo Auricchio
(Switzerland), Helmut Baumgartner (Germany), Claudio Ceconi (Italy), Veronica Dean (France), Christi Deaton
(UK), Robert Fagard (Belgium), Christian Funck-Brentano (France), David Hasdai (Israel), Arno Hoes (The
Netherlands), Juhani Knuuti (Finland), Philippe Kolh (Belgium), Theresa McDonagh (UK), Cyril Moulin (France),
eljko Reiner (Croatia), Udo Sechtem
Don Poldermans (The Netherlands), Bogdan A. Popescu (Romania), Z
(Germany), Per Anton Sirnes (Norway), Adam Torbicki (Poland), Alec Vahanian (France), Stephan Windecker
Document Reviewers: Stephan Windecker (CPG Review Coordinator) (Switzerland), Stephan Achenbach
(Germany), Lina Badimon (Spain), Michel Bertrand (France), Hans Erik Btker (Denmark), Jean-Philippe Collet
(France), Filippo Crea, (Italy), Nicolas Danchin (France), Erling Falk (Denmark), John Goudevenos (Greece),
Dietrich Gulba (Germany), Rainer Hambrecht (Germany), Joerg Herrmann (USA), Adnan Kastrati (Germany),
Keld Kjeldsen (Denmark), Steen Dalby Kristensen (Denmark), Patrizio Lancellotti (Belgium), Julinda Mehilli
(Germany), Bela Merkely (Hungary), Gilles Montalescot (France), Franz-Josef Neumann (Germany), Ludwig Neyses
(UK), Joep Perk (Sweden), Marco Roffi (Switzerland), Francesco Romeo (Italy), Mikhail Ruda (Russia), Eva Swahn
(Sweden), Marco Valgimigli (Italy), Christiaan JM Vrints (Belgium), Petr Widimsky (Czech Republic).
* Corresponding authors. Christian W. Hamm, Kerckhoff Heart and Thorax Center, Benekestr. 2 8, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany. Tel: +49 6032 996 2202, Fax: +49 6032 996
2298, E-mail: Jean-Pierre Bassand, Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Jean Minjoz, Boulevard Fleming, 25000 Besancon, France. Tel: +33
381 668 539, Fax: +33 381 668 582, E-mail:
& The European Society of Cardiology 2011. All rights reserved. For permissions please email:
ESC Guidelines
The disclosure forms of the authors and reviewers are available on the ESC website
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Keywords
Acute coronary syndrome Angioplasty Aspirin Bivalirudin Bypass surgery Chest pain unit
Clopidogrel Diabetes Enoxaparin European Society of Cardiology Fondaparinux Guidelines Heparin Non-ST-elevation
myocardial infarction Prasugrel Stent Ticagrelor Troponin Unstable angina
Table of Contents
ESC Guidelines
creatinine kinase
chronic kidney disease
creatinine kinase myocardial band
cardiac magnetic resonance
Clopidogrel and Metoprolol in Myocardial Infarction
Committee for Practice Guidelines
creatinine clearance
C-reactive protein
Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina
patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early
implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines
computed tomography
Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to Prevent
Recurrent Events
CURRENT Clopidogrel Optimal Loading Dose Usage to
Reduce Recurrent Events
cytochrome P450
dual (oral) antiplatelet therapy
Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial
Infarction Trial
drug-eluting stent
direct thrombin inhibitor
Diabetes, Insulin Glucose Infusion in Acute
Myocardial Infarction
EARLY-ACS Early Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibition in
Non-ST-Segment Elevation Acute Coronary
estimated glomerular filtration rate
Early or Late Intervention in unStable Angina
European Society of Cardiology
Factor Xa
activated factor X
fractional flow reserve
Fragmin during Instability in Coronary Artery Disease
glycoprotein IIb/IIIa
Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events
Holland Interuniversity Nifedipine/Metoprolol Trial
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
HORIZONS Harmonizing Outcomes with RevasculariZatiON
and Stents in Acute Myocardial Infarction
hazard ratio
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein
Invasive vs. Conservative Treatment in Unstable
coronary Syndromes
international normalized ratio
INTERACT Integrilin and Enoxaparin Randomized Assessment
of Acute Coronary Syndrome Treatment
ISAR-COOL Intracoronary Stenting With Antithrombotic
Regimen Cooling Off
ISARIntracoronary stenting and Antithrombotic RegimenREACT
Rapid Early Action for Coronary Treatment
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
low molecular weight heparin
left ventricular
ESC Guidelines
Table 1
Classes of recommendations
Classes of
Class I
Class II
Weight of evidence/opinion is in
favour of usefulness/efficacy.
Should be considered
Class IIb
May be considered
Is not recommended
Levels of evidence
Level of
Evidence A
Level of
Evidence B
Level of
Evidence C
1. Preamble
Guidelines summarize and evaluate all available evidence, at the time
of the writing process, on a particular issue with the aim of assisting
physicians in selecting the best management strategies for an individual patient, with a given condition, taking into account the impact on
outcome, as well as the risk benefit ratio of particular diagnostic or
therapeutic means. Guidelines are no substitutes but are complements for textbooks and cover the European Society of Cardiology
(ESC) Core Curriculum topics. Guidelines and recommendations
should help the physicians to make decisions in their daily practice.
However, the final decisions concerning an individual patient must
be made by the responsible physician(s).
A great number of Guidelines have been issued in recent years by
the ESC as well as by other societies and organizations. Because of
the impact on clinical practice, quality criteria for the development
of guidelines have been established in order to make all decisions
transparent to the user. The recommendations for formulating
and issuing ESC Guidelines can be found on the ESC website
Pages/rules-writing.aspx). ESC Guidelines represent the official position of the ESC on a given topic and are regularly updated.
Members of this Task Force were selected by the ESC to represent professionals involved with the medical care of patients
with this pathology. Selected experts in the field undertook a comprehensive review of the published evidence for diagnosis, management, and/or prevention of a given condition according to ESC
Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) policy. A critical
evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures was performed
including assessment of the risk benefit ratio. Estimates of expected
health outcomes for larger populations were included, where data
exist. The level of evidence and the strength of recommendation
of particular treatment options were weighed and graded according
to pre-defined scales, as outlined in Tables 1 and 2.
The experts of the writing and reviewing panels filled in declarations of interest forms of all relationships which might be perceived
as real or potential sources of conflicts of interest. These forms
were compiled into one file and can be found on the ESC
website ( Any changes in
declarations of interest that arise during the writing period must
be notified to the ESC and updated. The Task Force received its
entire financial support from the ESC without any involvement
from the healthcare industry.
The ESC CPG supervises and coordinates the preparation of
new Guidelines produced by Task Forces, expert groups, or consensus panels. The Committee is also responsible for the endorsement process of these Guidelines. The ESC Guidelines undergo
extensive review by the CPG and external experts. After appropriate revisions, it is approved by all of the experts involved in the
Task Force. The finalized document is approved by the CPG for
publication in the European Heart Journal.
The task of developing ESC Guidelines covers not only the
integration of the most recent research, but also the creation of educational tools and implementation programmes for the
Class IIa
Class III
Table 2
ESC Guidelines
2. Introduction
Cardiovascular diseases are currently the leading cause of death in
industrialized countries and are expected to become so in emerging countries by 2020.1 Among these, coronary artery disease
(CAD) is the most prevalent manifestation and is associated with
high mortality and morbidity. The clinical presentations of CAD
include silent ischaemia, stable angina pectoris, unstable angina,
myocardial infarction (MI), heart failure, and sudden death. Patients
with chest pain represent a very substantial proportion of all acute
medical hospitalizations in Europe. Distinguishing patients with
acute coronary syndromes (ACS) within the very large proportion
with suspected cardiac pain are a diagnostic challenge, especially in
individuals without clear symptoms or electrocardiographic features. Despite modern treatment, the rates of death, MI, and readmission of patients with ACS remain high.
It is well established that ACS in their different clinical presentations share a widely common pathophysiological substrate. Pathological, imaging, and biological observations have demonstrated
that atherosclerotic plaque rupture or erosion, with differing
degrees of superimposed thrombosis and distal embolization,
Chest Pain
ST/T abnormalities
normal or
Figure 1 The spectrum of ACS. ECG electrocardiogram; NSTEMI non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction; STEMI ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
resulting in myocardial underperfusion, form the basic pathophysiological mechanisms in most conditions of ACS.
As this may be a life-threatening state of atherothrombotic
disease, criteria for risk stratification have been developed to
allow the clinician to make timely decisions on pharmacological
management as well as coronary revascularization strategies, tailored to the individual patient. The leading symptom that initiates
the diagnostic and therapeutic cascade is chest pain, but the classification of patients is based on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Two
categories of patients may be encountered:
similar in both conditions (12% and 13%, respectively).4,6,7 Longterm follow-up showed that death rates were higher among
patients with NSTE-ACS than with STE-ACS, with a two-fold
difference at 4 years.8 This difference in mid- and long-term evolution may be due to different patient profiles, since NSTE-ACS
patients tend to be older, with more co-morbidities, especially
diabetes and renal failure.
The lessons from epidemiological observations are that treatment strategies for NSTE-ACS not only need to address the
acute phase but with the same intensity impact on longer term
management. Further data regarding the epidemiology and
natural history of NSTE-ACS have been presented in the previous
guidelines3 and are also covered in The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine.9
2.2 Pathophysiology
ACS represents a life-threatening manifestation of atherosclerosis.
It is usually precipitated by acute thrombosis induced by a ruptured
or eroded atherosclerotic coronary plaque, with or without concomitant vasoconstriction, causing a sudden and critical reduction
in blood flow. In the complex process of plaque disruption, inflammation was revealed as a key pathophysiological element. In rare
cases, ACS may have a non-atherosclerotic aetiology such as arteritis, trauma, dissection, thrombo-embolism, congenital anomalies,
cocaine abuse, or complications of cardiac catheterization. The
key pathophysiological concepts such as vulnerable plaque, coronary thrombosis, vulnerable patient, endothelial dysfunction, accelerated atherothrombosis, secondary mechanisms of NSTE-ACS,
and myocardial injury have to be understood for the correct use
of the available therapeutic strategies. The lesions predicting ACS
are usually angiographically mild, characterized by a thin-cap
fibroatheroma, by a large plaque burden, or by a small luminal
area, or some combination of these characteristics.10 These are
described in more detail in the previous guidelines3 as well as in
The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine.9
3. Diagnosis
The leading symptom of ACS is typically chest pain. The working
diagnosis of NSTE-ACS is a rule-out diagnosis based on the
ECG, i.e. lack of persistent ST elevation. Biomarkers (troponins)
further distinguish NSTEMI and unstable angina. Imaging modalities
are used to rule out or rule in differential diagnoses. Diagnosis
finding and risk stratification are closely linked (see Section 4).
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
medical services in the pre-hospital setting) and immediately interpreted by a qualified physician.17 The characteristic ECG abnormalities of NSTE-ACS are ST-segment depression or transient elevation
and/or T-wave changes.6,18 The finding of persistent (.20 min)
ST-elevation suggests STEMI, which mandates different treatment.2
If the initial ECG is normal or inconclusive, additional recordings
should be obtained if the patient develops symptoms and these
should be compared with recordings obtained in an asymptomatic
state.18 Comparison with a previous ECG, if available, is valuable,
particularly in patients with co-existing cardiac disorders such as
LV hypertrophy or a previous MI. ECG recordings should be
repeated at least at (3 h) 69 h and 24 h after first presentation,
and immediately in the case of recurrence of chest pain or symptoms. A pre-discharge ECG is advisable.
It should be appreciated that a completely normal ECG does not
exclude the possibility of NSTE-ACS. In particular, ischaemia in the
territory of the circumflex artery or isolated right ventricular
ischaemia frequently escapes the common 12-lead ECG, but may
be detected in leads V7 V9 and in leads V3R and V4R, respectively.18 Transient episodes of bundle branch block occasionally
occur during ischaemic attacks.
The standard ECG at rest does not adequately reflect the dynamic
nature of coronary thrombosis and myocardial ischaemia. Almost
two-thirds of all ischaemic episodes in the phase of instability are
clinically silent, and hence are unlikely to be detected by a conventional ECG. Accordingly, online continuous computer-assisted
12-lead ST-segment monitoring is also a valuable diagnostic tool.
3.2.3 Biomarkers
Cardiac troponins play a central role in establishing a diagnosis and
stratifying risk, and make it possible to distinguish between
NSTEMI and unstable angina. Troponins are more specific and sensitive than the traditional cardiac enzymes such as creatine kinase
(CK), its isoenzyme MB (CK-MB), and myoglobin. Elevation of
cardiac troponins reflects myocardial cellular damage, which in
NSTE-ACS may result from distal embolization of platelet-rich
thrombi from the site of a ruptured or eroded plaque. Accordingly,
troponin may be seen as a surrogate marker of active thrombus
formation.19 In the setting of myocardial ischaemia (chest pain,
ECG changes, or new wall motion abnormalities), troponin
elevation indicates MI.18
In patients with MI, an initial rise in troponins occurs within
!4 h after symptom onset. Troponins may remain elevated for
up to 2 weeks due to proteolysis of the contractile apparatus. In
NSTE-ACS, minor troponin elevations usually resolve within
48 72 h. There is no fundamental difference between troponin
T and troponin I. Differences between study results are explained
by varying inclusion criteria, variances in sampling patterns, and the
use of assays with different diagnostic cut-offs.
In the clinical setting, a test with high ability to rule out (negative
predictive value) and correctly diagnose ACS (positive predictive
value) is of paramount interest. The diagnostic cut-off for MI is
defined as a cardiac troponin measurement exceeding the 99th percentile of a normal reference population (upper reference limit) using
an assay with an imprecision (coefficient of variation) of 10% at the
upper reference limit.18 The value of this cut-off has been substantiated in several studies.20,21 Many of the earlier generation troponin
Apical ballooning syndrome (Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy)
Infiltrative diseases, e.g. amyloidosis, haemochromatosis, sarcoidosis,
Drug toxicity, e.g. adriamycin, 5-fluorouracil, herceptin, snake venoms
Burns, if affecting >30% of body surface area
Critically ill patients, especially with respiratory failure, or sepsis
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Table 4
Cardiac and non-cardiac conditions that can mimic non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndomes
Pulmonary embolism
Aortic dissection
Oesophageal spasm
Cervical discopathy
Pulmonary infarction
Aortic aneurysm
Rib fracture
Valvular disease
Cardiac trauma
Muscle injury/
Herpes zoster
often precede or accompany NSTE-ACS. The definitive diagnosis
of myocarditis or myopericarditis may frequently only be established during the course of hospitalization.
Non-cardiac life-threatening conditions must be ruled out.
Among these, pulmonary embolism may be associated with dyspnoea, chest pain, and ECG changes, as well as elevated levels of
cardiac biomarkers similar to those of NSTE-ACS. D-dimer
levels, echocardiography, and CT are the preferred diagnostic
tests. MRI angiography of the pulmonary arteries may be used as
an alternative imaging technique, if available. Aortic dissection is
the other condition to be considered as an important differential
diagnosis. NSTE-ACS may be a complication of aortic dissection
when the dissection involves the coronary arteries. Furthermore,
stroke may be accompanied by ECG changes, wall motion abnormalities, and a rise in cardiac biomarker levels. Conversely, atypical
symptoms such as headache and vertigo may in rare cases be
the sole presentation of myocardial ischaemia.
4.3 Biomarkers
Biomarkers reflect different pathophysiological aspects of
NSTE-ACS, such as myocardial cell injury, inflammation, platelet
activation, and neurohormonal activation. Troponin T or I are
the preferred biomarkers to predict short-term (30 days)
outcome with respect to MI and death.30,58 The prognostic value
of troponin measurements has also been confirmed for the long
term (1 year and beyond). NSTEMI patients with elevated troponin
levels but no rise in CK-MB (who comprise !28% of the NSTEMI
population), although undertreated, have a higher risk profile and
lower in-hospital mortality than patients with both markers
4. Prognosis assessment
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
In-hospital death
Risk category
to 6-month
death (%)
Diabetes mellitus
ESC Guidelines
Probability of In-Hospital
Major Bleeding
Figure 2 Risk of major bleeding across the spectrum of CRUSADE bleeding score ( CRUSADE Can
Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with Early implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines.
Class a
Level b
Ref C
In patients with a suspected NSTE-ACS, diagnosis and short-term ischaemic/bleeding risk stratification should be based
on a combination of clinical history, symptoms, physical findings, ECG (repeated or continuous ST monitoring), and
ACS patients should be admitted preferably to dedicated chest pain units or coronary care units.
It is recommended to use established risk scores for prognosis and bleeding (e.g. GRACE, CRUSADE).
50, 83
A 12-lead ECG should be obtained within 10 min after first medical contact and immediately read by an experienced
physician. This should be repeated in the case of recurrence of symptoms, and after 69 and 24 h, and before hospital
17, 18
Additional ECG leads (V3R, V4R, V7V9) are recommended when routine leads are inconclusive.
Blood has to be drawn promptly for troponin (cardiac troponin T or I) measurement. The result should be available
within 60 min. The test should be repeated 69 h after initial assessment if the first measurement is not conclusive.
Repeat testing after 1224 h is advised if the clinical condition is still suggestive of ACS.
27, 30
A rapid rule-out protocol (0 and 3 h) is recommended when highly sensitive troponin tests are available (see Figure 5).
20, 21, 23
An echocardiogram is recommended for all patients to evaluate regional and global LV function and to rule in or rule
out differential diagnoses.
Coronary angiography is indicated in patients in whom the extent of CAD or the culprit lesion has to be determined
(see Section 5.4).
Coronary CT angiography should be considered as an alternative to invasive angiography to exclude ACS when there
is a low to intermediate likelihood of CAD and when troponin and ECG are inconclusive.
35, 54, 55
In patients without recurrence of pain, normal ECG findings, negative troponins tests, and a low risk score, a noninvasive stress test for inducible ischaemia is recommended before deciding on an invasive strategy.
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACS acute coronary syndromes; CAD coronary artery disease; CRUSADE Can Rapid risk stratification of Unstable angina patients Suppress ADverse outcomes with
Early implementation of the ACC/AHA guidelines; CT computed tomography; ECG electrocardiogram; GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; LV left
ventricular; NSTE-ACS non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome.
value may be lower in a radial access setting. Any score cannot
replace the clinical evaluation, but rather they do present an objective clinical tool to assess bleeding risk in individuals or in a given
The use of nitrates in unstable angina is largely based on pathophysiological considerations and clinical experience. The therapeutic
benefits of nitrates and similar drug classes such as syndonimines
are related to their effects on the peripheral and coronary circulation.
The major therapeutic benefit is probably related to the venodilator
effects that lead to a decrease in myocardial preload and LV enddiastolic volume, resulting in a decrease in myocardial oxygen consumption. In addition, nitrates dilate normal as well as atherosclerotic
coronary arteries and increase coronary collateral flow.
Studies of nitrates in unstable angina have been small and observational. There are no randomized placebo-controlled trials to
confirm efficacy of this class of drugs in reducing risk of major
adverse cardiac events. While an older analysis of the TIMI-7
study did not find a protective effect of chronic oral nitrate treatment against unstable angina or MI,94 the GRACE registry showed
that chronic nitrate use was associated with a shift away from
STEMI in favour of NSTE-ACS and with lower release of
markers of cardiac necrosis.95
In patients with NSTE-ACS who require hospital admission,
intravenous (i.v.) nitrates are more effective than sublingual nitrates
with regard to symptom relief and regression of ST depression.96
The dose should be titrated upwards until symptoms (angina
and/or dyspnoea) are relieved unless side effects (notably headache or hypotension) occur. A limitation of continuous nitrate
therapy is the phenomenon of tolerance, which is related to
both the dose administered and the duration of treatment.
Nitrates should not be given to patients on phosphodiesterase-5
inhibitors (sildenafil, vardenafil, or tadalafil) because of the risk of
profound vasodilatation and critical blood pressure drop.
Calcium channel blockers
Calcium channel blockers are vasodilating drugs. In addition, some
have direct effects on atrioventricular conduction and heart rate.
There are three subclasses of calcium blockers, which are chemically distinct and have different pharmacological effects: dihydropyridines (such as nifedipine), benzothiazepines (such as
diltiazem), and phenylethylamines (such as verapamil). The agents
in each subclass vary in the degree to which they cause vasodilatation, decrease myocardial contractility, and delay atrioventricular
conduction. Atrioventricular block may be induced by nondihydropyridines. Nifedipine and amlodipine produce the most
marked peripheral arterial vasodilatation, whereas diltiazem has
the least vasodilatory effect. All subclasses cause similar coronary
vasodilatation. Therefore, calcium channel blockers are the preferred drugs in vasospastic angina. Diltiazem and verapamil show
similar efficacy in relieving symptoms and appear equivalent to
The effect on prognosis of calcium channel blockers in
NSTE-ACS patients has only been investigated in smaller randomized trials. Most of the data collected with dihydropyridines derive
from trials with nifedipine. None showed significant benefit in
either MI or post-MI secondary prevention, but a trend for
harm, with the Holland Interuniversity Nifedipine/Metoprolol
Trial (HINT) stopped early because of an excess of reinfarctions
with nifedipine compared with metoprolol.88 In contrast, the
Danish Study Group on Verapamil in Myocardial Infarction Trial
5. Treatment
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Class a
Level b
Ref C
86, 90 , 91
Intravenous -blocker
treatment at the time
of admission should be
considered for patients
in a stable haemodynamic
condition (Killip class <III)
with hypertension and/or
Nifedipine, or other
dihydropyridines, are not
recommended unless
combined with -blockers.
the primary pacemaker current in the sinus node and may be used
in selected patients with b-blocker contraindications.102
Ranolazine exerts antianginal effects by inhibiting the late sodium
current. It was not effective in reducing major cardiovascular
events in the Metabolic Efficiency With Ranolazine for Less Ischemia in Non-ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndromes (MERLIN)TIMI 36 study, but reduced the rate of recurrent ischaemia.103
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACS acute coronary syndrome; LV left ventricular.
5.2.1 Aspirin
Based on studies performed 30 years ago, aspirin reduces the incidence of recurrent MI or death in patients with what was then
called unstable angina [odds ratio (OR) 0.47; CI 0.370.61;
P , 0.001].104 106 A loading dose of chewed, plain aspirin
between 150 and 300 mg is recommended.107 I.v. aspirin is an
alternative mode of application, but has not been investigated in
trials and is not available everywhere. A daily maintenance dose
of 75 100 mg has the same efficacy as higher doses and carries
a lower risk of gastrointestinal intolerance,108 which may require
drug discontinuation in up to 1% of patients. Allergic responses
to aspirin (anaphylactic shock, skin rash, and asthmatic reactions)
are rare (,0.5%). Desensitization is an option in selected patients.
Since aspirin reliably inhibits COX-1, no monitoring of its effects
is required unless a diagnosis of non-compliance is likely to aid
management. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
such as ibuprofen may reversibly block COX-1 and prevent irreversible inhibition by aspirin as well as causing potentially prothrombotic effects via COX-2 inhibition. Consequently NSAIDs
may increase the risk of ischaemic events and should be avoided.109
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Table 7
12 562
75 mg
(300 mg loading)
vs. placebo
(after PCI
clopidogrel in
both groups for
1 month)
TRITON130 13 608
Prasugrel 10 mg
(60 mg loading)
vs. clopidogrel
75 mg
(300 loading)
CV causes
Clopidogrel 5.1%
Placebo 5.5%
(P = NS)
Placebo 6.7%
(P not given)
thrombosis a
Major bleedingb
Clopidogrel 3.7%
Placebo 2.7%
(P = 0.001)
NNH: 100
(P < 0.001)
(P = 0.93)
(P = 0.005)
major bleedingd:
Prasugrel 2.4%
Clopidogrel 1.8%
(P = 0.03)
NNH: 167
CABG-related major
bleeding Prasugrel
Clopidogrel 3.2%
(P < 0.001)
NNH: 10 (CABG)
Major bleedinge
Ticagrelor 11.6%
Clopidogrel 11.2%
(P = 0.43)
Non-CABG bleeding
Ticagrelor 4.5%
Clopidogrel 3.8%
(P = 0.03)
NNH: 143 (not
undergoing CABG)
Major bleedinge
Ticagrelor 11.6%
Clopidogrel 11.5%
CV causes
Prasugrel 2.1%
Clopidogrel 2.4%
(P = 0.31)
Prasugrel 1.1%
(P < 0.001)
Any cause
Prasugrel 3.0%
Clopidogrel 3.2%
(P = 0.64)
Major bleedingb
Clopidogrel 2.7%
Placebo 2.5%
(P = 0.69)
18 624
STEMI: 38%
(invasive and
90 mg b.i.d.
(180 mg loading)
vs. clopidogrel
75 mg
(300600 mg
Death from
vascular causes,
Ticagrelor 9.8%
Clopidogrel 11.7%
(P < 0.001)
ARR 1.9%; RRR
16%; NNT 53
Vascular causes
Ticagrelor 4.0%
Clopidogrel 5.1%
(P = 0.001)
13 408
Death from
vascular causes,
Ticagrelor 9.0%
Clopidogrel 10.7%
(P = 0.0025)
ARR 1.7%;
RRR 16%; NNT 59
CV death, MI, CVA
(at 30 days)
Double 4.2%
Standard 4.4%
(P = 0.30)
CV death
Ticagrelor 3.4%
Clopidogrel 4.3%
(P = 0.025)
Any cause
Ticagrelor 3.9%
Clopidogrel 5.0%
(P = 0.010)
CV death
Double 2.1%
Standard 2.2%
Double 2.3%
Standard 2.4%
(P = 0.0023)
(P = 0.65)
(P = 0.014)
Double 1.9%
(P = 0.09)
(P = 0.95)
Not given
Major bleedingg
Double 2.5%
Standard 2.0%
(P = 0.01)
NNH: 200
CV death
Double 1.9%
Standard 1.9%
Double 1.9%
Standard 2.1%
Double 2.0%
(P = 0.018)
(P = 0.56)
figures not
(31% RRR with
vs. standard
Major bleedingg
Double 1.6%
Standard 1.1%
(P = 0.009)
NNH: 200
STEMI 49.1%
CURRENT 25 086
OASIS 7117 (invasive
CURRENT 17 263
PCI, 95%
double dose
(600 mg loading,
150 mg day 27,
then 75 mg) vs.
standard dose
75 mg
(150 mg loading)
Any cause
Ticagrelor 4.5%
Clopidogrel 5.9%
(P < 0.001)
Proton pump inhibitors that inhibit CYP2C19, particularly omeprazole, decrease clopidogrel-induced platelet inhibition ex vivo,
but there is currently no conclusive clinical evidence that
co-administration of clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors
increases the risk of ischaemic events.125,126 One randomized
trial (prematurely interrupted for lack of funding) tested routine
omeprazole combined with clopidogrel vs. clopidogrel alone in
patients with an indication for dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT)
for 12 months, including post-PCI patients, ACS, or other indications. No increase in ischaemic event rates but a reduced rate
of upper gastrointestinal bleeding was observed with omeprazole.127 However, the ischaemic event rate in this study was low
and it is uncertain whether omeprazole may reduce the efficacy
of clopidogrel in higher risk settings. Strong inhibitors (e.g. ketoconazole) or inducers (e.g. rifampicin) of CYP3A4 can significantly
reduce or increase, respectively, the inhibitory effect of clopidogrel, but are rarely used in NSTE-ACS patients. Prasugrel
Prasugrel requires two metabolic steps for formation of its active
metabolite, which is chemically similar to the active metabolite
of clopidogrel.119 The first metabolic step requires only plasma
esterases; the second step, in the liver, is mediated by CYP
enzymes. Consequently prasugrel produces more rapid and consistent platelet inhibition compared with clopidogrel.128 Response
to prasugrel does not appear to be affected significantly by CYP
inhibitors, including proton pump inhibitors, or loss-of-function
variants of the CYP2C19 gene; nor is it affected by reduced
ABCB1 function.129
In the TRial to Assess Improvement in Therapeutic Outcomes by
Optimizing Platelet InhibitioN with PrasugrelThrombolysis In
Myocardial Infarction (TRITON-TIMI) 38 trial, a prasugrel 60 mg
loading dose followed by 10 mg daily was compared with a clopidogrel 300 mg loading dose and then 75 mg daily in clopidogrel-nave
patients undergoing PCI, either primary PCI for STEMI or for
recent STEMI, or moderate to high risk NSTE-ACS once coronary
angiography had been performed.130 Patients with NSTE-ACS
treated conservatively were not included in this study. Patients
with NSTE-ACS were eligible if they had had ischaemic symptoms
within 72 h, a TIMI risk score 3, and either ST-segment deviation
1 mm or elevated levels of a cardiac biomarker. In the
NSTE-ACS cohort (10 074 patients), study medication could be
administered between identifying coronary anatomy suitable for
PCI and 1 h after leaving the catheterization laboratory. The composite primary endpoint (cardiovascular death, non-fatal MI, or stroke)
occurred in 11.2% of clopidogrel-treated patients and in 9.3% of
prasugrel-treated patients (HR 0.82; 95% CI 0.730.93; P
0.002), mostly driven by a significant risk reduction for MI (from
9.2% to 7.1%; RRR 23.9%; 95% CI 12.733.7; P ,0.001).130 There
was no difference in the rates of either non-fatal stroke or cardiovascular death. In the whole cohort, the rate of definite or probable
stent thrombosis (as defined by the ARC) was significantly
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Table 8
P2Y12 inhibitors
Prodrug, not
limited by
limited by
metabolization metabolization
Active drug
Onset of
effect a
24 h
30 min
30 min
Duration of
310 days
510 days
34 days
before major
5 days
7 days
5 days
at 30 days (12.7% vs. 17.3%, P ,0.01), and no higher rate of
non-CABG-related major bleeding (3.4% vs. 3.2%, P 0.87) or
post-CABG major bleeding (50.3% vs. 50.9%, P 0.83) compared
with patients not administered clopidogrel before CABG. Clopidogrel use before surgery was an independent predictor of a reduced
rate of ischaemic events but not of excess bleeding.141
Factors other than the time window of administration or withdrawal of clopidogrel before CABG may play a role in the
excess bleeding. In a study of 4794 patients undergoing CABG
(elective and non-elective), the factors independently associated
with composite bleeding (reoperation for bleeding, red cell transfusion, or haematocrit drop of .15%) were baseline haematocrit
(P ,0.0001), on-pump surgery (P ,0.0001), the experience of the
surgeon performing the CABG (P 0.02), female sex (P ,0.0001),
lower CrCl (P 0.0002), presence of angina (P 0.0003), GP IIb/
IIIa receptor inhibitor treatment before CABG (P 0.0004), and
ESC Guidelines
the number of diseased vessels (P 0.002).142 The use of clopidogrel within 5 days was not associated with higher bleeding rates
once these other factors were accounted for (OR 1.23; 95% CI
0.522.10; P 0.45).
Withdrawal of clopidogrel in high risk cohorts such as those with
ongoing ischaemia in the presence of high risk anatomy (e.g. left
main or severe proximal multivessel disease) is not
recommended, and these patients should undergo CABG in the
presence of clopidogrel with special attention to reducing bleeding.143 Only in patients whose risk of bleeding is very high, such as
redo-CABG or complex CABG with valve surgery, it may be
reasonable to withhold clopidogrel for 35 days before surgery
even among patients with active ischaemia and consider bridging
strategies (see below).
In the PLATO trial, clopidogrel treatment was recommended to
be withheld for 5 days and ticagrelor for 1 3 days before CABG
Class a
Level b
Ref C
Aspirin should be given to all patients without contraindications at an initial loading dose of 150300 mg, and at a
maintenance dose of 75100 mg daily long-term regardless of treatment strategy.
107, 108
A P2Y12 inhibitor should be added to aspirin as soon as possible and maintained over 12 months, unless there are
contraindications such as excessive risk of bleeding.
110, 130,
A proton pump inhibitor (preferably not omeprazole) in combination with DAPT is recommended in patients with a
history of gastrointestinal haemorrhage or peptic ulcer, and appropriate for patients with multiple other risk factors
(H. elicobacter pylori infection, age 65 years, concurrent use of anticoagulants or steroids).
Prolonged or permanent withdrawal of P2Y12 inhibitors within 12 months after the index event is discouraged unless
clinically indicated.
Ticagrelor (180-mg loading dose, 90 mg twice daily) is recommended for all patients at moderate-to-high risk of
ischaemic events (e.g. elevated troponins) , regardless of initial treatment strategy and including those pre-treated with
clopidogrel (which should be discontinued when ticagrelor is commenced).
Prasugrel (60-mg loading dose, 10-mg daily dose) is recommended for P2Y12-inhibitor-nave patients (especially
diabetics) in whom coronary anatomy is known and who are proceeding to PCI unless there is a high risk of lifethreatening bleeding or other contraindications.d
Clopidogrel (300-mg loading dose, 75-mg daily dose) is recommended for patients who cannot receive ticagrelor or
110, 146,
A 600-mg loading dose of clopidogrel (or a supplementary 300-mg dose at PCI following an initial 300-mg loading
dose) is recommended for patients scheduled for an invasive strategy when ticagrelor or prasugrel is not an option.
108, 114,
A higher maintenance dose of clopidogrel 150 mg daily should be considered for the first 7 days in patients managed
with PCI and without increased risk of bleeding.
Increasing the maintenance dose of clopidogrel based on platelet function testing is not advised as routine, but may be
considered in selected cases.
Genotyping and/or platelet function testing may be considered in selected cases when clopidogrel is used.
119, 121
In patients pre-treated with P2Y12 inhibitors who need to undergo non-emergent major surgery (including CABG),
postponing surgery at least for 5 days after cessation of ticagrelor or clopidogrel, and 7 days for prasugrel, if clinically
feasible and unless the patient is at high risk of ischaemic events should be considered.
Ticagrelor or clopidogrel should be considered to be (re-) started after CABG surgery as soon as considered safe.
The combination of aspirin with an NSAID (selective COX-2 inhibitors and non-selective NSAID) is not
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
Prasugrel is in the Guidelines on Revascularization148 given a IIa recommendation as the overall indication including clopidogrel-pre-treated patients and/or unknown coronary
anatomy. The class I recommendation here refers to the specifically defined subgroup.
CABG coronary artery bypass graft; COX cyclo-oxygenase; DAPT dual (oral) antiplatelet therapy; NSAID non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PCI percutaneous
coronary intervention.
ESC Guidelines
Thrombocytopenia is associated to varying extents with the three
approved GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors (see Section 5.5.10).
Acute thrombocytopenia has been reported to occur at rates
ranging from 0.5% to 5.6% in clinical trials of parenteral GP IIb/IIIa
receptor inhibitors, rates comparable with those observed with
unfractionated (UFH) alone.153,154 Delayed thrombocytopenia
may also occur after 511 days, and both acute and delayed types
may be due to drug-dependent antibodies.155 Abciximab more
than doubles the incidence of severe thrombocytopenia in comparison with placebo. The risk is lower with eptifibatide [0.2% severe
thrombocytopenia in Platelet Glycoprotein IIb-IIIa in Unstable
Angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin Therapy
(PURSUIT)]156 or tirofiban. In the Do Tirofiban and ReoPro Give
Similar Efficacy Trial (TARGET) study, thrombocytopenia developed in 2.4% of the patients treated with abciximab and in 0.5%
of those treated with tirofiban (P ,0.001).157
Comparative efficacy of glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors
Abciximab was tested in the setting of PCI in a head-to-head comparison vs. tirofiban in the TARGET trial, in which two-thirds of the
patients had NSTE-ACS.158 Abciximab was shown to be superior to
tirofiban in standard doses in reducing the risk of death, MI, and
urgent revascularization at 30 days, but the difference was not significant at 6 months.159 Further trials explored higher doses of tirofiban
in various clinical settings, and the results of meta-analyses suggest
that high dose bolus tirofiban (25 mg/kg followed by infusion) has
similar efficacy to abciximab.160,161 There are no comparable data
for eptifibatide.
from any cause or MI at 30 days was also similar (11.2% early vs.
12.3% delayed; OR 0.89; 95% CI 0.89 1.01; P 0.08). The same
endpoint was also examined during the medical phase of the trial
(either up to PCI or CABG, or for all the patients managed medically up to 30 days) and the 30 day estimates were similar (4.3%
early eptifibatide, vs. 4.2% placebo), suggesting no treatment
effect among patients managed medically. Major bleeding rates
were higher among patients assigned to early eptifibatide compared with delayed provisional therapy using a variety of definitions
(TIMI major bleed at 120 h, 2.6% vs. 1.8%; OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.97
1.89; P 0.015). Accordingly, this trial demonstrated no advantage
with a routine upstream use of eptifibatide in an invasive strategy
compared with a delayed provisional strategy in the setting of contemporary antithrombotic therapy, where the minority of patients
having PCI received eptifibatide in the delayed provisional arm.
Consistently among the trials is the signal for higher rates of
bleeding with upstream GP IIb/IIIa treatment. Thus it is reasonable
to withhold GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors until after angiography. In
patients undergoing PCI their use can be based on angiographic
results (e.g. presence of thrombus and extent of disease), troponin
elevation, previous treatment with a P2Y12 inhibitor, patient age,
and other factors influencing risk of serious bleeding.2,152
Upstream use of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors may be considered
if there is active ongoing ischaemia among high risk patients or
where DAPT is not feasible. Patients who receive initial treatment
with eptifibatide or tirofiban before angiography should be
maintained on the same drug during and after PCI.
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
The choice of combination
of oral antiplatelet agents, a
GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor,
and anticoagulants should be
made in relation to the risk of
ischaemic and bleeding events.
Among patients who are
already treated with DAPT,
the addition of a GP IIb/IIIa
receptor inhibitor for high-risk
PCI (elevated troponin, visible
thrombus) is recommended if
the risk of bleeding is low.
Class a
Level b
Ref C
5.3 Anticoagulants
152, 161
Eptifibatide or tirofiban
added to aspirin should
be considered prior to
angiography in high-risk
patients not preloaded with
P2Y12 inhibitors.
In high-risk patients
eptifibatide or tirofiban may
be considered prior to early
angiography in addition to
DAPT, if there is ongoing
ischaemia and the risk of
bleeding is low.
151, 170
150, 151
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
DAPT dual (oral) antiplatelet therapy; GP glycoprotein; PCI percutaneous
coronary intervention.
was used. Thus, bleeding event rates observed in clinical trials may
be an under-representation of what happens in the real world
where patients tend to have more frequent co-morbidities.
ESC Guidelines
Tissue Factor
Plasma clotting
Thromboxane A2
activation of GPIIb/IIIa
Figure 3 Targets for antithrombotic drugs. AT antithrombin; GP glycoprotein; LMWH low molecular weight heparin.
ESC Guidelines
0.440.61; P ,0.001). Major bleeding was an independent predictor of long-term mortality, which was significantly reduced with
fondaparinux at 30 days (2.9% vs. 3.5%; HR 0.83; 95% CI 0.71
0.97; P 0.02) and at 6 months (5.8% vs. 6.5%; HR 0.89; 95% CI
0.801.00; P 0.05). At 6 months the composite endpoint of
death, MI, or stroke was significantly lower with fondaparinux vs.
enoxaparin (11.3% vs. 12.5%; HR 0.89; 95% CI 0.820.97;
P 0.007). In the population submitted to PCI, a significantly
lower rate of major bleeding complications (including access site
complications) was observed at 9 days in the fondaparinux group
vs. enoxaparin (2.4% vs. 5.1%; HR 0.46; 95% CI 0.350.61;
P ,0.001). Interestingly, the rate of major bleeding was not influenced by the timing of the intervention after injection of the last
dose of fondaparinux (1.6% vs. 1.3% for ,6 h vs. .6 h, respectively). Catheter thrombus was observed more frequently with fondaparinux (0.9%) than with enoxaparin (0.4%), but was abolished
by injection of an empirically determined bolus of UFH at the
time of PCI. As the rate of ischaemic events was similar in both
the fondaparinux and heparin groups at 9 days, the net clinical
benefit of death, MI, stroke, and major bleeding favoured fondaparinux vs. enoxaparin (8.2% vs. 10.4%; HR 0.78; 95% CI 0.670.93;
P 0.004).
A mechanistic explanation for the difference between the fondaparinux and enoxaparin regimens has been proposed.177 Fondaparinux at a dose of 2.5 mg daily leads to an !50% lower
anticoagulant effect compared with enoxaparin at the standard
dose as assessed by anti-Xa activity. Similarly, inhibition of thrombin generation is also twice as low with fondaparinux, as assessed
by thrombin generation potential. This suggests that a low level of
anticoagulation is sufficient to prevent further ischaemic events
during the acute phase of NSTE-ACS in patients on full antiplatelet
therapy including aspirin and clopidogrel, plus GP IIb/IIIa receptor
inhibitors in many, because there was no difference in the
primary endpoint between the fondaparinux and enoxaparin
groups at 9 days in OASIS-5.175 This low level of anticoagulation
explains the significant reduction in the risk of bleeding.
However, such a low level of anticoagulation is not sufficient to
prevent catheter thrombosis during PCI in a highly thrombogenic
environment. This also confirms that an additional bolus of UFH
is needed at the time of PCI in patients initially treated with
The optimal dose of UFH to be administered as a bolus during
PCI in patients initially treated with fondaparinux was investigated
in the Fondaparinux Trial With Unfractionated Heparin During
Revascularization in Acute Coronary Syndromes (FUTURA)/
OASIS-8 trial.178 In this study, 2026 patients initially treated with
fondaparinux, submitted to PCI within 72 h following initiation of
therapy, received either a low dose i.v. bolus of UFH (50 IU/kg),
regardless of the dose of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors (if any),
or standard dose UFH, namely 85 IU/kg (reduced to 60 U/kg in
the case of the use of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors), adjusted by
blinded ACT. PCI was carried out early after administration of
the last dose of fondaparinux (4 h). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the primary composite
endpoint (major bleeding, minor bleeding, or major vascular access
site complications) at 48 h after PCI (4.7% vs. 5.8%, low vs. standard dose group; OR 0.80; 95% CI 0.541.19; P 0.27). The
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
The direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran was investigated in a
phase II dose-finding trial [Randomized Dabigatran Etexilate
Dose Finding Study In Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes
(ACS) Post Index Event With Additional Risk Factors For Cardiovascular Complications Also Receiving Aspirin And Clopidogrel
(RE-DEEM), unpublished]. Otamixaban, an i.v. direct factor Xa
inhibitor, has also been tested in a phase II trial203; a phase III
trial with this compound is ongoing.
Class a
Level b
Ref C
Anticoagulation is
recommended for all patients
in addition to antiplatelet
171, 172
Fondaparinux (2.5 mg
subcutaneously daily) is
recommended as having the
most favourable efficacysafety
profile with respect to
173, 175
175, 193
If fondaparinux or enoxaparin
are not available, UFH with
a target aPTT of 5070 s or
other LMWHs at the specific
recommended doses are
165, 196,
In a purely conservative
strategy, anticoagulation should
be maintained up to hospital
Discontinuation of
anticoagulation should be
considered after an invasive
procedure unless otherwise
Crossover of heparins
(UFH and LMWH) is not
171, 183,
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACT activated clotting time; aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time;
GP glycoprotein; LMWH low molecular weight heparin; PCI
percutaneous coronary intervention; UFH unfractionated heparin.
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Revascularization for NSTE-ACS relieves symptoms, shortens hospital stay, and improves prognosis. The indications and timing for
myocardial revascularization and choice of preferred approach
(PCI or CABG) depend on many factors including the patients
condition, the presence of risk features, co-morbidities, and the
extent and severity of the lesions as identified by coronary
Risk stratification should be performed as early as possible to
identify high risk individuals rapidly and reduce the delay to an
early invasive approach. However, patients with NSTE-ACS represent a heterogeneous population in terms of risk and prognosis.
This extends from low risk patients who benefit from conservative
treatment and a selective invasive approach to patients at high risk
for death and cardiovascular events, who should be rapidly
referred for angiography and revascularization. Therefore, risk stratification is critical for selection of the optimal management strategy. Analysis of the patient risk profile may be performed by
assessment of generally accepted high risk criteria and/or applying
pre-defined risk scores such as the GRACE risk score (see
Section 4.4).205
ESC Guidelines
Diabetes mellitus
Renal insufficiency (eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m)
Reduced LV function (ejection fraction <40%)
Early post infarction angina
Recent PCI
Prior CABG
Intermediate to high GRACE risk score (Table 5)
Rise/fall of troponin relevant according to precision of assay (see Section 3.2.3).
CABG coronary artery bypass graft; eGFR estimated glomerular filtration
rate; GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; LV left ventricular;
PCI percutaneous coronary intervention.
ESC Guidelines
Class a
Level b
Ref C
148, 209
212, 215
Non-invasive documentation
of inducible ischaemia is
recommended in low-risk
patients without recurrent
symptoms before deciding for
invasive evaluation.
225, 226
148, 208
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACS acute coronary syndromes; BMS bare-metal stent; CABG coronary
bypass graft; DES drug-eluting stent; GRACE Global Registry of Acute
Coronary Events; PCI percutaneous coronary intervention; SYNTAX
SYNergy between percutaneous coronary intervention with TAXus and cardiac
duration of triple therapy to 1 month. The use of aspiration thrombectomy in the NSTEMI setting is possible; however, its benefit
was not assessed prospectively in randomized trials in patients
with NSTE-ACS.227 It remains undetermined whether other
coronary segments with non-significant stenoses but vulnerable
features will merit mechanical intervention and is therefore not
supported. For the use of intravascular ultrasound and FFR, see
Section 3.2.4.
ESC Guidelines
Level b
Ref C
15, 230
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
NSTE-ACS non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome.
Class a
ESC Guidelines
Class a
Level b
Ref C
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
NSTE-ACS non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome.
Therapeutic considerations
Although no sex-specific treatment effect has been described for
most therapeutic agents, women with NSTE-ACS are less likely
than men to receive evidence-based therapies including invasive
diagnostic procedures and coronary revascularization.236,237,240
Contradictory results have been published with respect to the
influence of sex on the treatment effect of an invasive strategy in
NSTE-ACS. While observational studies suggested better longterm outcomes in unselected women undergoing an early invasive
strategy, a meta-analysis showed that the benefit of invasive strategies was restricted to male patients, with no benefit in women up
to 1 year of follow-up.241 Moreover, a number of randomized
trials233,242 revealed a higher rate of death and non-fatal MI
among women with NSTE-ACS undergoing an early invasive strategy. A significant sex interaction was also found in the FRISC-2 trial
during the 5-year follow-up period, in which an invasive strategy
showed a significant improvement in the reduction of death or
MI in men but not in women.234
The meta-analysis by the Cochrane collaboration pointed out
that women derive a significant long-term benefit in terms of
death or MI (RR 0.73; 95% CI 0.590.91) for an invasive vs. conservative strategy, although with an early hazard.243 Some studies
suggest that only in high risk female patients, such as those with
troponin elevation244 or with multivessel disease, is an early invasive strategy beneficial. Parallel findings have been described for
the use of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors in women.245 In fact, in
a cohort of 35 128 patients with angiographic data, taken from a
pooled analysis of 11 trials, 30-day mortality in women was not
significantly different from that in men, regardless of ACS type,
after adjustment for angiographic disease severity. Sex-based differences in 30-day mortality observed among ACS patients are markedly attenuated after adjustment for baseline characteristics,
angiographic findings, and treatment strategies.246
Class a
Level b
Ref C
251, 253
Antithrombotic treatment is
indicated as in non-diabetic
233, 255
148, 261
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; DES drug-eluting stent; NSTE-ACS,
non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes; PCI, percutaneous
coronary intervention.
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Therapeutic considerations
Despite the fact that patients with NSTE-ACS and CKD are frequently under-represented in clinical trials, there is no particular
reason not to treat these patients just like patients devoid of
renal dysfunction. However, caution is needed with respect to
the antithrombotic treatment in terms of bleeding complications.168,269,270 Registry data show that CKD patients are often
overdosed with antithrombotics, particularly anticoagulants and
GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors, and are therefore more prone to
bleed. Many drugs with exclusive or substantial renal elimination
need to be down-titrated or might even be contraindicated in
CKD patients, including enoxaparin, fondaparinux, bivalirudin,
and small-molecule GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors (Table 10). In
the case of severe renal failure, when fondaparinux or enoxaparin
are contraindicated, UFH should be used. However, in the GRACE
registry UFH did not protect against bleeding complications, and a
gradual increase in the risk of bleeding with declining renal function
was observed with UFH, similar to that observed with LMWH.269
The advantages of UFH over other anticoagulants in CKD patients
are that its anticoagulant activity is easily monitored with aPTT, and
it can be quickly neutralized in the event of bleeding. Fondaparinux
has a much safer profile than enoxaparin in CKD, as shown by the
much lower risk of bleeding complications observed in OASIS-5
with fondaparinux compared with enoxaparin. Ticagrelor compared with clopidogrel in the PLATO trial significantly reduced
ischaemic endpoints and mortality without a significant increase
in major bleeding, but with numerically more non-procedurerelated bleeding.271
Data on the impact of an invasive strategy on clinical endpoints
in patients with NSTE-ACS and CKD are not available, as many
trials of revascularization in NSTE-ACS excluded patients with
CKD. In a large registry as well as in substudies of trials in the
Recommendations for the use of drugs listed in this table may vary depending on
the exact labelling of each drug in the country where it is used.
CrCl creatinine clearance.
ESC Guidelines
Level b
Ref C
269, 270
269, 270
Therapeutic considerations
Patients with NSTE-ACS and heart failure less frequently receive
evidence-based therapies, including b-blockers and ACE inhibitors
or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), coronary angiography,
and revascularization.50,274 All recommendations derived from
post-MI studies may be extrapolated to NSTE-ACS patients with
heart failure and are found in the respective guidelines.275
CABG or PCI is
recommended in patients
with CKD amenable to
revascularization after careful
assessment of the riskbenefit
ratio in relation to the severity
of renal dysfunction.
148, 272
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
aPTT activated partial thromboplastin time; CABG coronary artery bypass
graft; CKD chronic kidney disease; CrCl creatinine clearance; eGFR
estimated glomerular filtration rate; GP glycoprotein; NSTE-ACE
non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome; PCI percutaneous coronary
intervention; UFH unfractionated heparin.
Class a
Level b
Ref C
Aldosterone inhibitors,
preferably eplerenone, are
indicated in patients with
NSTE-ACS, LV dysfunction,
and heart failure.
275, 278
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB angiotensin receptor blocker;
CRT cardiac resynchronization therapy; LV left ventricular; NSTE-ACS
non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome.
Class a
ESC Guidelines
5.5.8 Anaemia
Anaemia is associated with a worse prognosis (cardiovascular
death, MI, or recurrent ischaemia) across the spectrum of
ACS.69 Beyond the hospital phase, persistent or worsening
anaemia is associated with increased mortality or heart failure
compared with patients who have no anaemia or resolving
anaemia.282 Anaemia is associated with more co-morbidities,
such as older age, diabetes, and renal failure, but also noncardiovascular conditions (haemorrhagic diathesis or malignancy),
which may account partly for the adverse prognosis. Baseline
Class a
Level b
Ref C
69, 283
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
haemoglobin was also shown to be an independent predictor of
the risk of bleeding: the lower the baseline haemoglobin the
non-procedure-related bleeding.283
The management of patients with NSTE-ACS and anaemia is
empirical. It is important to identify the cause of anaemia, particularly if it is due to occult bleeding. Special attention should be given
to the antithrombotic therapy. The use of a DES should be restrictive due to the need for long-term DAPT. The indication for angiography and the access site (radial approach) must be critically
considered to avoid further blood loss.284,285 Red blood cell
transfusions should be given only with strict indication, as there
is evidence that transfusions are associated with an increased
mortality in patients with NSTE-ACS. Observational studies
suggest that transfusions should be avoided as long as haematocrit
is .25% and anaemia is well tolerated.286
ESC Guidelines
ESC Guidelines
Class a
Level b
Ref C
Drugs or combinations of
drugs and non-pharmacological
procedures (vascular access)
known to carry a reduced
risk of bleeding are indicated
in patients at high risk of
196, 285,
Interruption and/or
neutralization of both
anticoagulant and antiplatelet
therapies is indicated in case
of major bleeding, unless it can
be adequately controlled by
specific haemostatic measures.
Co-medication of proton
pump inhibitors and
antithrombotic agents is
recommended in patients
at increased risk of
gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
Interruption of antiplatelet
drugs and neutralization of
their activity with platelet
transfusion is recommended,
depending on the drugs under
consideration and the severity
of bleeding.
287, 298
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
was shown to derive better clinical outcome than a liberal transfusion policy in the setting of acute care.287,302 In haemodynamically
stable patients it is now increasingly recommended to consider
transfusion only for baseline haemoglobin levels ,7 g/dL, whereas
no restrictions apply to patients in unstable haemodynamic
ESC Guidelines
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
DTI direct thrombin inhibitor; GP glycoprotein; HIT heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia; LMWH low molecular weight heparin; UFH
unfractionated heparin.
5.5.10 Thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytopenia can occur during treatment of NSTE-ACS.
Thrombocytopenia is defined as a decrease in platelet count to
,100 000/mL or a drop of .50% from baseline platelet count.
Thrombocytopenia is considered to be moderate if the platelet
count is between 20 000 and 50 000/mL, and severe if it is ,20
In the ACS setting, there are two main types of drug-induced
thrombocytopenia, i.e. HIT and GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitorinduced thrombocytopenia, with a different prognosis for each
type. Full information on each type of thrombocytopenia can be
found in the previous guidelines.3
HIT must be suspected when there is a drop of .50% in platelet count, or a decrease in platelet count to ,100 000/mL. It
occurs in up to 15% of patients treated with UFH, is less frequent
under LMWH, and is not seen with fondaparinux. Immediate interruption of UFH or LMWH therapy is mandatory, as soon as HIT is
suspected. Alternative antithrombotic therapy must be introduced,
even in the absence of thrombotic complications. Heparinoids
such as danaparoid sodium may be used, although in vitro crossreactions with UFH or LMWH have been observed, but apparently
without causing thrombosis. The alternative is to use direct thrombin inhibitors, such as argatroban, hirudin, or derivatives, which do
not carry any risk of thrombocytopenia, and make it possible to
have sustained and controllable antithrombotic activity that can
be monitored by aPTT, but dose response is non-linear and flattens out at higher doses. Fondaparinux also has the potential to
be used in this type of situation, since it has a potent antithrombotic effect, without any cross-reaction with platelets; however, it is
not approved for this indication.
GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitor-induced thrombocytopenia has
been reported to occur at rates ranging from 0.5% to 5.6% in clinical trials, depending on the compound used. Severe and profound
thrombocytopenia due to GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors may
remain asymptomatic, with only minor bleeding at the access site
and minor oozing. Major bleeds are rare, but may be life threatening. It is recommended that all patients treated with GP IIb/IIIa
receptor inhibitors undergo a platelet count within 8 h of onset
of drug infusion or in the case of bleedings with all GP IIb/IIIa
receptor inhibitors. If platelet counts drop below 10 000/mL, discontinuation of GP IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors as well as UFH or
enoxaparin is recommended. Platelet transfusions are indicated
in the case of bleeding. Fibrinogen supplementation with fresh
Class a Level b
ESC Guidelines
Level b
Ref C
315, 316
309, 310
311, 317
276, 277
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB angiotensin receptor blocker;
CKD chronic kidney disease; LDL-C low-density lipoprotein cholesterol;
LV left ventricular; LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction; MI myocardial
Use of UFH/enoxaparin/fondaparinux/bivalirudin
-Blocker at discharge in patients with LV dysfunction
Use of statins
Use of ACE-inhibitor or ARB
Use of early invasive procedures in intermediate- to high-risk
Class a
ESC Guidelines
6. Performance measures
Development of regional and/or national
programmes to measure performance indicators
systematically and provide feedback to individual
hospitals is recommended.
Class a Level b
Class of recommendation.
Level of evidence.
Death or MI at 30 days
Major Bleeds
21 946
24 701
20 078
OR and 95% CI
1 10 102 103 10 1 0%
NNT and 95% CI
15% 0.5
OR and 95% CI
1 10 102 103 10 1
NNH and 95% CI
Figure 4 Benefit and risk for different treatment modalities. CI confidence interval; Cons conservative; Ctrl control; DTI direct
thrombin inhibitor; Enox enoxaparin; Exp + experimental therapy; Fonda fondaparinux; GP glycoprotein; LMWH low molecular
weight heparin; MI myocardial infarction; NNH numbers needed to harm; NNT numbers needed to treat; OR odds ratio; UFH
unfractionated heparin.
ESC Guidelines
7. Management strategy
P2Y 12 inhibitor
Oral -Blocker
ESC Guidelines
Pain >6h
Pain <6h
Stress testing
+ clinical presentation
(1 value > ULN)
hsTn no change
Work-up differential
Figure 5 Rapid rule-out of ACS with high-sensitivity troponin. GRACE, GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; hsTn highsensitivity troponin; ULN upper limit of normal, 99th percentile of healthy controls. aD change, dependent on assay (see Sections 3.2.3. and
4.3). At the end of this step, the decision has to be made whether the patient should go on to cardiac catheterization (Figure 6).
Optional: chest X-ray, CT, MRI or nuclear imaging for differential diagnoses (e.g. aortic dissection, pulmonary embolism, etc.).
Bleeding risk assessment (CRUSADE score).
During step two, other diagnoses may be confirmed or
excluded, such as pulmonary embolism and aortic aneurysm (see
Table 4 and Section 3.3).
Treatment of the individual patient is tailored according to their
risk for subsequent events, which should be assessed early at the
initial presentation as well as repeatedly thereafter in the light of
continuing or repetitive symptoms and additional information
from clinical chemistry or imaging modalities.
Risk assessment is an important component of the decisionmaking process and is subject to constant re-evaluation. It
encompasses assessment of both ischaemic and bleeding risk.
The risk factors for bleeding and ischaemic events overlap
considerably, with the result that patients at high risk of
ischaemic events are also at high risk of bleeding. Therefore,
the choice of pharmacological environment (dual or triple antiplatelet therapy, or anticoagulants) is important, as is the dosage
of the drugs and the access site in the case of angiography.
Particular attention has to be paid to renal dysfunction, shown
to be particularly frequent in elderly patients and diabetic
patients. The pharmacological options are summarized in
Table 13.
hsTn no change
Highly abnormal Tn
Re-test hsTn: 3h
ESC Guidelines
1. Clinical Evaluation
2. Diagnosis/Risk Assessment
3. Coronary angiography
<120 min
<24 h
<72 h
Figure 6 Decision-making algorithm in ACS. ACS acute coronary syndrome; CAD coronary artery disease; CT computed tomography; ECG, electrocardiogram; GRACE Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events; MRI magnetic resonance imaging; STEMI ST-elevation
myocardial infarction.
P2Y 12 inhibitor
Recurrent angina despite intense antianginal treatment, associated with ST depression (2 mm) or deep negative T waves.
Clinical symptoms of heart failure or haemodynamic instability
Life-threatening arrhythmias (ventricular fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia).
evaluation of stable CAD.319 Before discharge from hospital, a
stress test for inducible ischaemia is useful for treatment planning
and required before elective angiography.
ESC Guidelines
If the angiogram shows atheromatous burden but no critical coronary lesions, patients will be referred for medical therapy. The
diagnosis of NSTE-ACS may be reconsidered and particular
attention paid to other possible reasons for symptoms at presentation, before the patient is discharged. However, the absence
of critical coronary lesions does not rule out the diagnosis if the
clinical presentation was suggestive of ischaemic chest pain and if
biomarkers were positive. In this situation, patients should
receive treatment according to the recommendations for
Recommendations for the choice of a revascularization modality
in NSTE-ACS are similar to those for elective revascularization
procedures. In patients with single-vessel disease, PCI with stenting
of the culprit lesion is the first choice. In patients with multivessel
disease, the decision for PCI or CABG must be made individually,
according to institutional protocols designed by the Heart Team.
A sequential approach, consisting of treating the culprit lesion with
PCI followed by elective CABG with proof of ischaemia and/or
functional assessment (FFR) of the non-culprit lesions, may be
advantageous in some patients.
The anticoagulant should not be changed during PCI. In
patients pre-treated with fondaparinux, UFH must be added
before PCI. A GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor should be considered if troponins are elevated or on angiographic presence of thrombus. If
CABG is planned, P2Y12 inhibitors should be stopped and
surgery deferred only if the clinical condition and the angiographic findings permit.
If angiography shows no options for revascularization, owing to
the extent of the lesions and/or poor distal run-off, freedom from
angina at rest should be achieved by intensified medical therapy,
and secondary preventive measures should be instituted.
P2Y 12 inhibitor
If LV function depressed
ACE inhibitor/
If LV function depressed
Consider for patients devoid of depressed LV
We are indebted to Dr Sebastian Szardien for his invaluable
support and editorial assistance during the preparation of the
The CME text ESC Guidelines for the management of acute coronary syndromes in patients presenting without persistent ST-segment elevation is accredited by the European
Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC). EBAC works according to the quality standards of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME),
which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). In compliance with EBAC/EACCME guidelines, all authors participating in this programme have disclosed
potential conflicts of interest that might cause a bias in the article. The Organizing Committee is responsible for ensuring that all potential conflicts of interest relevant to the programme are declared to the participants prior to the CME activities.
CME questions for this article are available at: European Heart Journal http://cme.oxfordjournals. org/cgi/hierarchy/oupcme_node;ehj and European Society of Cardiology http://
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