Capital Structure Theory - MM Approach
Capital Structure Theory - MM Approach
Capital Structure Theory - MM Approach
Modigliani and Miller approach to capital theory, devised in the 1950s advocates capital
structure irrelevancy theory. This suggests that the valuation of a firm is irrelevant to
the capital structure of a company. Whether a firm is highly leveraged or has lower debt
component, it has no bearing on its market value. Rather, the market value of a firm is
dependent on the operating profits of the company.
The capital structure of a company is the way a company finances its assets. A company
can finance its operations by either debt or equity or different combinations of these two
sources. The capital structure of a company can have a majority of debt component or
majority of equity, only one of the 2 components or an equal mix of both debt and equity.
Each approach has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. There are various
capital structure theories, trying to establish a relationship between the financial
leverage of a company (the proportion of debt in the companys capital structure) with its
market value. One such approach is the Modigliani and Miller Approach.
Modigliani and Miller Approach
This approach was devised by Modigliani and Miller during 1950s. The fundamentals of
Modigliani and Miller Approach resemble that of Net Operating Income Approach.
Modigliani and Miller advocate capital structure irrelevancy theory. This suggests that
the valuation of a firm is irrelevant to the capital structure of a company. Whether a firm
is highly leveraged or has lower debt component in the financing mix, it has no bearing
on the value of a firm.
Modigliani and Miller Approach further states that the market value of a firm is affected
by its future growth prospect apart from the risk involved in the investment. The theory
stated that value of the firm is not dependent on the choice of capital structure or
financing decision of the firm. If a company has high growth prospect, its market value is
higher and hence its stock prices would be high. If investors do not see attractive growth
prospects in a firm, the market value of that firm would not be that great.
Assumptions of Modigliani and Miller Approach
Transaction cost for buying and selling securities as well as bankruptcy cost is nil.
There is a symmetry of information. This means that an investor will have access
to same information that a corporate would and investors would behave rationally.
Modigliani and Miller Approach indicates that value of a leveraged firm ( a firm which
has a mix of debt and equity) is the same as the value of an unleveraged firm ( a firm
which is wholly financed by equity) if the operating profits and future prospects are
same. That is, if an investor purchases shares of a leveraged firm, it would cost him the
same as buying the shares of an unleveraged firm.
Modigliani and Miller Approach: Two Propositions without Taxes
Proposition 1: With the above assumptions of no taxes, the capital structure does not
influence the valuation of a firm. In other words, leveraging the company does not
increase the market value of the company. It also suggests that debt holders in the
company and equity shareholders have the same priority i.e. earnings are split equally
amongst them.
Proposition 2: It says that financial leverage is in direct proportion to the cost of equity.
With an increase in debt component, the equity shareholders perceive a higher risk to for
the company. Hence, in return, the shareholders expect a higher return, thereby
increasing the cost of equity. A key distinction here is that proposition 2 assumes that
debt-shareholders have upper-hand as far as the claim on earnings is concerned. Thus,
the cost of debt reduces.
Modigliani and Miller Approach: Propositions with Taxes (The Trade-Off Theory of
The Modigliani and Miller Approach assumes that there are no taxes. But in the real
world, this is far from the truth. Most countries, if not all, tax a company. This theory
recognizes the tax benefits accrued by interest payments. The interest paid on borrowed
funds is tax deductible. However, the same is not the case with dividends paid on equity.
To put it in other words, the actual cost of debt is less than the nominal cost of debt
because of tax benefits. The trade-off theory advocates that a company can capitalize its
requirements with debts as long as the cost of distress i.e. the cost of bankruptcy
exceeds the value of tax benefits. Thus, the increased debts, until a given threshold
value will add value to a company.
This approach with corporate taxes does acknowledge tax savings and thus infers that a
change in debt equity ratio has an effect on WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital).
This means higher the debt, lower is the WACC. This Modigliani and Miller approach is
one of the modern approaches of Capital Structure Theory.