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Chapter No.

Management Theories
Theory X and Theory Y
In the 1960s, Douglas McGregor proposed two theories related to employee
motivation and management. His theories divided employees into two
categories. Theory X employees avoid work and dislike responsibility. In order
to motivate them, employers need to enforce rules and implement
punishments. Theory Y employees enjoy putting forth effort at work when
they have control in the workplace. Employers must develop opportunities
for employees to take on responsibility and show creativity as a way of
motivating Theory Y employees. A third theory, Theory Z, was developed by
Dr. William Ouchi. It encourages group work and social interaction to
motivate employees in the workplace.
Hierarchy of Needs
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs contains five levels that often shape motivation
styles in an organization. To motivate employees, an organization must move
up the pyramid of needs to ensure all of an employee's needs are met. The
bottom of the pyramid contains physiological needs such as food, sleep and
shelter. Safety makes up the second level and belonging the third. The top
two levels of the pyramid include esteem and self-actualization. Successful
organizations focus on the top two levels of the pyramid by providing
employees with the necessary recognition and developing opportunities for
employees to feel they are doing valuable work and reaching their potential
with the company.
Related Reading: Management Theories & Concepts at the Workplace
Hawthorne Effect
Through a series of experiments in the late 1920s, Elton Mayo developed the
Hawthorne Effect. This effect theorizes that employees are more productive
when they know their work is being measured and studied. In addition to this
conclusion, Mayo realized that employees were more productive when
provided with feedback related to the studies and allowed to provide input
into the work process. Workers need recognition for a job well done and
reassurance that their opinion matters in the workplace to be motivated to

Equity Theory
John Stacey Adams' Equity Theory argues that employees are motivated
when they perceive their treatment in the workplace to be fair and
unmotivated when treatment is perceived to be unfair. In an organization,
this involves providing employees with recognition for the work they are
doing and giving all employees the chance to advance or earn bonuses and
other awards. Managers who play favorites or single out employees for
recognition may face a largely unmotivated group of employees.

Management Notes

Definition of Management
It is very difficult to give a precise definition of theterm management. Differe
nt management authorshave viewed management from their own anglesmor
eover, during the evolutionary process ofmanagement different thinkers laid
emphasis ondifferent expects. For example, F.W. Tayloremphasized engineeri
ng aspects, Elton Mayo laidemphasis on human relations aspects, E.F.L, Brec
h,George R. Terry emphasis on, decision makingaspect, Ralph Davis stresses
leadership aspect andsome other like Barry Richman etc. emphasizedintegra
tion or coordination aspect.
Some Important Definition of Management
1. Harold KoontzManagement is the art of getting things donethrough and wi
th people in formally organizedgroups.2. George R. TerryManagement is a dis
connect process consisting of

Management Notes

planning organizing activating and controllingperformed to determine and ac
complish theobjectives by the use of people and resources.3. Donald J. Coug
hManagement is the art and science of decisionmaking and leadership.4. Mar
y Cushing NileGood Management, or scientific management,achieves a social
objective with the best use ofhuman and material energy and time, and with
satisfaction for the participants and the public.5. Henry FayolTo manage is to
forecast, to plan, to organize, tocommand, to coordinate, and to control.6. Th
eo Haimann and William ScottManagement is a social and technical process
whichutilizes, resources, influences, human action andfacilitates changes in o
rder to accomplishorganizational goals.Thus, the above definitions bring out t

Management us a social and technical process

Management Notes

It consists of planning, organizing staffing,leading decision making coordinati

ng andcontrolling.

It is concerned with getting done i.e.accomplished pre-determined objective

by theuse of people and resources.

It helps in the creation, direction, maintenanceand operation of organization.

It secures maximum benefits for the employer,the employees, and the comm
Management simply means a specific process ofplanning, organizing, staffin
g directing andcontrolling the efforts of the people who areengaged in activiti
es in business organization inorder to attain predetermined objective of such

Modern age is an era of management resolution.There was a time when eco

nomic developmentdepended mainly on scientific and mechanical

Management Notes

inventions. However, in the modern world goodmanagement is necessary for
efficient and effectiveworking of organization, along with technologicaladvan
Meaning of Management
Management is a wide term carrying severalmeanings, depending in the con
text in which it isused. Usually, the term management assumes threemeanin
gs, when it is used in three different sensesas follows:1. Management as a
NounWhen used as a noun, management refers tomanagerial personnel, i.e.
all those persons areconcerned with getting things alone, through otherpeopl
e. Such persons are charged with someresponsibility and are given some aut

responsibility of executing the policies andprograms of an organization, and

authority in orderto discharge their responsibilities. In this sense,managemen
t include the Board of Directions,

Management Notes

Chairman and Managing Director, FunctionalDirectors like Marketing Director
and FinanceDirector, General Managers, and First LineSupervisors. The task o
f such business managementis executory and supervisory in nature.2. Mana
gement as a ProcessWhen used as a process, management refers towhat t
he management body or managementcommittee or management council or
managers do,or what a manager does. In other words, in thissense, manage
ment means the set of functionsperformed by the managers. These manager
ialfunctions broadly include

Planning organizingstaffing, directing and controlling. Such functionsare perf

ormed in order to get things done, throughand with other people in an effecti
ve and efficientmanner. This is why that management has beensaid to be the
ordering and coordinating offunctions and of the men fulfilling these function
s inorder to achieve a given purpose. Henry L. Sisk hasalso said.

1) A primary benefit of MBO is:

A) Avoid competition
B) Resistance against new
C) Improve employee
D) Increase resources

2) Functional
departmentalization groups
jobs by which of the following?
A) Tasks they perform
B) Territories they serve
C) Products or services they
manufacture or produce
D) Type of customer they serve
3) Henri Fayol, a French
industrialist, first analyzed what
managers do and divided that
work into functions The study of
the management function that
defines goals and establishes
strategies to achieve them is
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Leading

D) Controlling
4) Which one of the following
items best reflects the extent to
which a society places a high
value on reducing risk and
A) Uncertainty avoidance
B) Power distance
C) Masculinity/femininity
D) Long-term/short-term
5) When a manger made a
decision and he is uncertain
about the outcomes His decision
is likely to be:
A) Of Poor Quality
B) Unacceptable
C) Successful
D) Risky

6) Forecasting techniques fall

into which of the following two
A) Fixed asset and human
B) Predictive and confirmatory
C) Quantitative and qualitative
D) Empirical and conceptual
7) A plan developed to carry out
a course of action that is not
likely to be repeated in the
future is called:
A) Single-use plan
B) Specific plan
C) Reaction plan
D) Directional plan
8) The organization which has
no interaction with its external
environment is called:

A) Open system
B) Closed system
C) Non-interactive system
D) Moderated system
9) Which famous management
thinker was related with the
development of Theory X?
A) Douglas McGregor
B) Abraham Maslow
C) Frederick Herzberg
D) Chester Barnard
10) The management function
that specifies goals to be
achieved and deciding in
advance the appropriate actions
to achieve those goals is:
A) Leading
B) Controlling
C) Organizing

D) Planning
11) Supervisor is another name
for whom?
A. team leaders
B. middle managers
C. first-line managers
D. top managers
12) Which of the following is
true concerning technical and
managerial skills?
A. Human skills and technical
skills remain equally important
as managers move to higher
B. Technical-skill needs remain
necessary and human skills
decrease as managers move to
higher levels.
C. Human skills remain

necessary and technical-skill

needs decrease as managers
move to higher levels.
D. Both human-skill and
technical-skill needs decrease as
managers move to higher
13) Which of the following views
of managerial impact is useful in
explaining the high turnover
among college and professional
sports coaches who can be
considered the managers of
their teams?
A. symbolic
B. omnipotent
C. generalist
D. autocratic
14) Managers operate within

the constraints imposed

A. government at the federal
and state level
B. the employees of the
C. the organizations culture and
D. the organizations board of
15) Which of the following is not
an example of a constituency
that makes up the specific
a) customers
b) sociocultural factors
c) suppliers
d) competitors
16) Employees in organizations

with strong cultures

A. are more committed to their
B. are more likely to leave the
organization than stay
C. are more willing to perform
illegal activities
D. are more likely to follow
directives from peers
17) When Japanese employees
use words such as: KAIZEN and
RINGI, they are using
organizational __________.
A. languages
B. rituals
C. symbols
D. artifacts
18) According to the textbook,

_______________ refers to the

number of components in an
organizations environment and
the extent of the knowledge
that the organization has about
those components.
A. degree of stability
B. openness
C. degree of complexity
D. change
19) A manager resolving conflict
among organizational members
is performing what function?
A. controlling
B. commanding
C. directing
D. leading
20) According to Mintzbergs
management roles, the

_____________ roles are those

that involve people and other
duties that are ceremonial and
symbolic in nature.
A. informational
B. interpersonal
C. technical
D. decisional
21) Hawthorne studies were a
series of early experiments that
focused on:
A) Behavior in the workplace
B) Ethics in the workplace
C) Group norms
D) Interpersonal dynamics
22) Selecting an alternative in
the decision-making process is
accomplished by option:
A) Choosing the alternative with

the highest score

B) Choosing the One You Like
C) Selecting the alternative that
has the lowest price
D) Selecting the alternative that
is the most reliable
23) A plan developed to carry
out a course of action that is not
likely to be repeated in the
future is called:
A) Single-use plan
B) Specific plan
C) Reaction plan
D) Direction plan
24) Concern for employee
motivation is most closely
associated with which of the
following management

A) Bureaucracy
B) Organizational behavior (NOT
C) Scientific management
D) Systems
25) Interest rates, inflation
rates, and stock market indexes
are all examples of which of the
factor of an organizations
general environment?
A) Economic
B) Political
C) Social
D) Technological
26) Which factor has been the
most rapidly changing
component in an organizations
general environment in the past

A) Global
B) Economic
C) Social
D) Technological
27) The process of monitoring
performance, comparing it with
goals and correcting any
significant deviations is known
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Leading
D) Controlling
28) When Usman decides to
deploy employees to another
department that is lagging
behind in production, he is
acting in which of the following

A) Spokesperson
B) Negotiator
C) Leader
D) Resource allocator
29) The greater the risk
involves in making a decision,
the greater the:
A) Outcomes
B) Information available
C) Rewards
D) Uncertainty
30) Each subordinate should
report to one and only one
superior is called:
A) Authority
B) Unity of command
C) Unity of direction
D) Order

31) Which of the following is

part of the principles of
management identified by Henri
A) Scalar chain
B) Innovation
C) Efficiency
D) Motivation
32) A learning organization has
developed its________
A) Educational department to
keep employees trained
B) Capacity to adapt and
C) Barriers to entry of its
D) A sustainable competitive
advantage that is easy to

33) Which of the following is not

a suggestion for motivating
A) Recognize individual
B) Makes goals very difficult to
C) Match people to jobs
D) Individualize rewards
34) In Maslows need hierarchy,
a healthy work environment is
an example of what type of
A) Physiological
B) Steem
C) Safety
D) Social
35) The plans which deal with
fairly small set of activities are

A) Strategic plan
B) Tactical plan
C) Operational plan
D) Personal plan
36) Which of the following is
known as the process of getting
activities completed efficiently
and effectively with and through
other people?
A) Leading
B) Management
C) Supervision
D) Controlling
37) Which of the following
describe(s) a global
A) The entire world is a

B) National borders are

C) The potential for
organizations to grow expands
D) All of the given options
38) The assignment of new or
additional responsibilities to a
subordinate is called:
A) Coordination
B) Specialization
C) Delegation
D) Span of control
39) Which of the following
management thinker created a
role classification system based
on how managers spend their
time at work to describe a
managers role?

A) Peter Brabeck-Letmathe
B) Abraham Maslow
C) Andrea Jung
D) Henry Mintzberg
40) Which expectancy theory
linkage explains the degree to
which a student desires a good
A) Expectancy
B) Effort to performance
C) Input to outcome
D) Valence
41) The assignment of new or
additional responsibilities to a
subordinate is called:
A) Coordination
B) Specialization
C) Delegation
D) Span of control

42) Which ethical approach is

guided by what will result in the
greatest good for the greatest
number of people?
A) Moral-Rights approach
B) Individual approach
C) Utilitarian approach
D) Justice approach
43) Low level management has
a complete authority to make
decisions in case of:
A) Centralization
B) Decentralization
C) Scalar Chain
D) Order
44) Which one of the following
individuals is most closely
associated with scientific

A) Frederick Taylor
B) Mary Parker Follett
C) Harold Koontz
D) Max Weber
45) Each subordinate should
report to one and only one
superior is called:
A) Authority
B) Unity of command
C) Unity of direction
D) Order
46) There are many healthcare
products manufacturers XYZ
Company manufactures only
personal hygiene products It
markets such products
deodorant, body powder, body
creams, and exfoliates Because
it only stocks body care and

personal hygiene products, it is

using ___ strategy :
A) Prospecting
B) Emergent
C) Focus
D) Cost leadership
47) When managers give goals
to employees, they must
always: :
A) Use employee-recognition as
a reward
B) Provide feedback to the
C) Let the employees participate
in setting the goals
D) All of the given options
48) The organization that has
developed the capacity to
continuously learn, adapt, and

change is called:
A) Virtual organization
B) Learning organization
C) Traditional organization
D) Bureaucratic organization
49) Your firms attorney has
which of the following power
when giving legal advice?
A) Legitimate
B) Status
C) Expert
D) Coercive
50) Which of the following is a
function of how much decisionmaking authority is pushed
down to lower levels in the
A) Departmentalization
B) Centralization

C) Span of control
D) Power
51) Organizations that are
highly flexible and adaptive are
described as which of the
A) Organic
B) Mechanistic
C) Rational
D) Intuitive
52) A human resource manager
attending a local Society for
Human Resource Management
meeting would be functioning in
which of the following role?
A) Informational
B) Leader
C) Liaison
D) Disseminator

53) Which type of environment

is best suited for mechanistic
A) Dynamic
B) Manufacturing
C) Service
D) Stable
54) The most outspoken
advocate of the classical view of
social responsibility is economist
and Nobel prize winner:
A) Carnegie Milton
B) Charles Darwin
C) Milton Freeman
D) Milton Friedman
55) In traditional goal setting,
the goals are set at the top level
of management and after that

A) Become the responsibility of

first-line management
B) Are broken down into sub
goals for each level of the
C) All the efforts to achieve the
goals are directed by top
D) Are delegated to the next
lower level to be achieved
56) Which of the management
tasks is the most important for
a supervisory manager?
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Controlling
D) Staffing
57) A budget is an example of
which of the following plan?

A) Strategic plan
B) Single use plan
C) Informal plan
D) Standing plan
58) Which of the following is the
final step in the decision-making
A) Identifying the problem
B) Evaluating the decisions
C) Identifying decision criteria
D) Selecting an alternative that
can resolve the problem
59) The behavioral dimension of
leadership involving the concern
that the leader has for the
feelings, needs, personal
interest, problems, and wellbeing of followers is referred to

as which of the following?

A) Consideration
B) Initiating structure
C) Autocratic
D) Democratic
60) What type of an
organization actively creates,
acquires, and transfers
knowledge within itself and is
able to modify its behavior to
reflect new knowledge?
A) Enlightened organization
B) Conceptualized organization
C) Learning organization
D) Modern organization
61) Monitoring organizational
progress towards goal
attainment is called:
A) Planning

B) Organizing
C) Leading
D) Controlling
62) Organizational culture is
similar to an individuals:
A) Skills
B) Personality
C) Motivation
D) Ability
63) Which of the following is
NOT an example of an
organizations general
A. Economic conditions
B. Political conditions
C. Social conditions
64) Who presented the Concept
of Quality?
A. Henri Fayol

B. ProfHenryMintzberg
C. Frank & Lillian Gilbreth
D. ProfEdward Deming
65) In order to communicate,
motivate and delegate a
manager must have:
A. Political skills
B. Conceptual skills
C. Technical skills
D. Interpersonal skills
66) Which of the following is
called output of a system?
A. Services
B. Material
C. Human
D. Information resource
67) Who is credited for the
theory of motivation based on
the hierarchy of needs?

A. Abraham Maslow
B. Douglas McGregor
C. Henri Fayol
D. Mary Parker Follett
68) Which of the following is
NOT an example of a
constituency that makes up the
specific environment?
A. Customers
B. Socio-cultural
C. Suppliers
D. Competitors
69) The SWOT approach
assesses an organizations:
A. Speed, Wants, Order, Timing
B. Studies, Workflows,
Opportunities, Trials
C. Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, Threats

D. Signs, Worries, Objectives,

70) An office supply firm that
has three departments based
upon retail, wholesale, and
governmental customers is
using which of the following
types of departmentalization?
A. Functional
B. Product
C. Customer
D. Geographic
71) To determine the
___________, a manager must
determine what is relevant or
important in resolving the
A. Geocentric behavior needed
B. Number of allowable

C. Weighting of decision criteria
D. Decision criteria
72) A manager who strives to
ensure the activities of the
organizations employees are
supported and blend well with
those of individuals outside the
firm could be said to hold which
of the following interpersonal
role within the company?
A. Liaison
B. Disseminator
C. Figure head
D. Entrepreneur
73) What would be the best
description of plans that focus
on the broad future of the
organization and incorporate

both external environmental

demands and internal resources
into managers actions?
A. Operational plans
B. Tactical plans
C. Strategic plans
D. Holistic plans
74) Which of the following
scientist is most closely
associated with the
A. Adams
B. Mayo
C. Lawler
D. Barnard
75) When objectives are not
written down or rarely
verbalized, and the planning is
general and lacks continuity,

which of the following types of

planning is used?
A. Environmental planning
B. Economic planning
C. Informal planning
D. Formal planning
76) Which of the following is the
power that rests on the leaders
ability to punish or control?
A. Reward power
B. Coercive power
C. Expert power
D. Referent power
77) Inspiring people to be high
performer is called:
A. Controlling
B. Leading
C. Planning
D. Organizing

78) Which of the following

theory is currently the most
widely accepted when
describing employee
A. Reinforcement
B. Three-need
C. Expectancy
D. Equity
79) Activities such as taking
visitors to dinner and attending
ribbon cutting ceremonies come
under which of the following
management role?
A. Leader
B. Liaison
C. Figurehead
D. Negotiator
80) LG and Sony electronics

agreed to cooperate on
developing new technologies
Representatives from each firm
meet regularly to coordinate
this new venture Which of the
following roles these mangers
are playing?
A. Liaison
B. Leader
C. Disseminator
D. Spokesperson
81) A skill or capability that
enables an organization to
conceive of and implement its
strategies is its:
A. Strength
B. Weakness
C. Opportunity
D. Threat

82) The task environment of

organizations consists of
constituencies that have a direct
impact on managers decisions
and actions The main
constituencies are made up of
customers, suppliers,
competitors, and ________
A. Legislators
B. Pressure groups
C. Employees
D. Lawyers
83) Set of processes involved in
creating or determining the
strategies of the organization is
A. Strategy formulation
B. Strategy implementation
C. Strategy evaluation

D. Strategy imitation
84) What type of an
organization actively creates,
acquires, and transfers
knowledge within itself and is
able to modify its behavior to
reflect new knowledge?
A. Enlightened organization
B. Conceptualized organization
C. Learning organization
D. Modern organization
85) Which of the following is a
general statement or
understanding that guide or
channelize thinking in decision
A. Policy
B. Procedure
C. Rule

D. Project
86) Which of the following is a
process that involves managers
from all parts of the
organization in the formulation
of strategic goals?
A. Strategic management
B. Strategic positioning
C. Strategic planning
D. Strategic organizing
87) Maslows need hierarchy, a
healthy work environment is an
example of what type of need?
A. Physiological
B. Esteem
C. Safety
D. Social
88) That would be the best
description of plans that focus

on the broad future of the

organization and incorporate
both external environmental
demands and internal resources
into managers actions?
A. Operational plans
B. Tactical plans
C. Strategic plans
D. Holistic plans
89) Which of the following is
NOT a key element of the Total
Quality Management approach?
A. Focus on the customer
B. Employee involvement
C. Continuous improvement
D. Focus on the supplier
90) When call center managers
spend much of their time
monitoring customer calls and

giving employees feedback

about how to improve their
dialogue with customers in the
future, these managers are
using which of the following
A. Technical
B. Conceptual
C. Situational
D. Ethical
91) The process of selecting
decision criteria is accomplished
A. Massaging the data that will
support a given decision
B. Flipping a coin to produce a
chance of being right
C. Determining what is relevant
in making the decision

D. Examining the difference in

the opportunities available
92) Alternatives that an
organization chooses from its
operations across several
industries and several markets
is called:
A. Business-level strategy
B. Corporate-level strategy
C. Functional-level strategy
D. Market-level strategy
93) In the MBO system:
A. Objectives are determined by
B. Goals are only reviewed at
the time of completion
C. Goals are used as controls
D. Progress is periodically

94) Strategic plans cover a

broader view of the organization
and include the formulation of
goals, whereas operational
plans define ways to:
A. Maximize the organizations
B. Achieve the goals
C. Minimize the number of
D. Provide the most efficient
methods of production
95) The first step in the
decision-making process is
which of the following?
A. Developing decision criteria
B. Allocating weights to the
C. Analyzing alternatives

D. Identifying a problem
96) A skill or capability that
enables an organization to
conceive of and implement its
strategies is its:
A. Strength
B. Weakness
C. Opportunity
D. Threat
97) The management function
that specifies goals to be
achieved and deciding in
advance the appropriate actions
to achieve those goals is:
A. Leading
B. Controlling
C. Organizing
D. Planning
98) The plans which deal with

fairly small set of activities are

A. Strategic plan
B. Tactical plan
C. Operational plan
D. Personal plan
99) A budget is an example of
which of the following plan?
A. Strategic plan
B. Single use plan
C. Informal plan
D. Standing plan
100) Which of the following can
be defined as the art and
science of formulating,
implementing and evaluating
cross-functional decisions that
enable an organization to
achieve its objectives?

A. Strategy formulation
B. Strategy evaluation
C. Strategy implementation
D. Strategic management
101) Which of the following is
NOT one of the situational
factors thought to influence the
relationship between leader
behavior and subordinate
motivation to perform in the
path-goal theory?
A. Preferences of the leader
B. Subordinate locus of control
C. Characteristics of the work
D. Task structure
102) Social obligation is the
obligation of a business to meet

A. Social and technological

B. Economic and social
C. Technological and economic
D. Economic and legal
103) All of the following are the
examples of the actions that can
be taken in strategy
implementation stage EXCEPT:
A. Changing organizations
pricing strategy
B. Developing new employee
C. Transferring managers
among divisions
D. Taking corrective action

when needed
104) The method by which
strategies are operational zed or
executed within the organization
is called:
A. Strategy implementation
B. Strategy evaluation
C. Strategy formulation
D. Strategy imitation
105) The idea that employees
should also share the profit of
organization was given by:
A. Frederick Taylor
B. Robert Owen
C. Charles Babbage
D. W Edwards Deming
106) In some countries, such as
Venezuela, titles, rank, and
status carry a lot of weight

These countries have a large:

A. Power distance
B. Uncertainty avoidance
C. Short- versus long-term
D. Individualism versus
107) Which of the following is
associated with the classical
view of social responsibility?
A. Economist Robert Reich
B. Concern for social welfare
C. Stockholder financial return
D. Voluntary activities
108) Which of the following
management thinker created a
role classification system based
on how managers spend their
time at work to describe a

managers role?
A. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe
B. Abraham Maslow
C. Andrea Jung
D. Henry Mintzberg
109) Which of the management
tasks is the most important for
a supervisory manager?
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Controlling
D. Staffing
110) Forecasting techniques fall
into which of the following two
A. Fixed asset and human
B. Predictive and confirmatory
C. Quantitative and qualitative

D. Empirical and conceptual

111) If all criteria in the
decision making are equal,
weighting the criteria
A. improves decision making
when large numbers of criteria
are involved
B. is not needed
C. produces excellent decisions
D. improves the criteria
112) Decision making is
(simplistically) typically
described as which of the
A. deciding what is correct
B. putting preferences on paper
C. choosing among alternatives
D. processing information to

113) In Step 6 of the decisionmaking process, each
alternative is evaluated by
appraising it against the
A. subjective goals of the
decision maker
B. criteria
C. assessed values
D. implementation strategy
114) According to the textbook,
because managers cant
possibly analyze all information
on all alternatives, managers
______________, rather than
A. maximize; satisfice
B. maximize; minimize

C. satisfice; minimize
D. satisfice; maximize
Answer Keys
Question No. Answer Question
No. Answer Question No.
Answer Question No. Answer
Question No. Answer
1 C 26 D 51 C 76 C 101 D
2 A 27 D 52 C 77 B 102 D
3 A 28 D 53 A 78 B 103 A
4 A 29 C 54 C 79 B 104 A
5 D 30 B 55 B 80 A 105 C
6 C 31 A 56 C 81 A 106 A
7 A 32 B 57 B 82 A 107 A
8 B 33 B 58 B 83 A 108 D
9 A 34 C 59 D 84 C 109 C
10 D 35 C 60 C 85 A 110 C
11 C 36 B 61 D 86 A 111 B


C 37 D 62 B 87 C 112 C
B 38 C 63 C 88 C 113 B
C 39 D 64 D 89 D 114 D
B 40 A 65 D 90 A
A 41 C 66 B 91 B
A 42 D 67 A 92 D
C 43 B 68 B 93 A
D 44 A 69 C 94 B
B 45 B 70 A 95 D
A 46 C 71 D 96 A
A 47 D 72 C 97 D
B 48 B 73 C 98 D
B 49 C 74 B 99 B
A 50 A 75 C 100 D

secretariat instructions, rules of business, office procedures, general knowledge.

Same the case is for arts candidates because they have not good knowledge of
project management, organisational management, business communication and

Few questions which I can

recall are given below

Paper 1
1- Literal meaning of
Iblees------2- Hazrat Zikriya was
maternal ---of Hazrat Maryam
3- Brother of hazrat
mosa-----4- -------is the authors of
5- In which ghazwa Hazrat Ali
couldnt participate---------6- In which ghazwa Prophet
Muhammad PBUH couldnt
perform his four prayers
7- Foster mother of Prophet

PBUH is ---------8- Which bird delivered

message of Hazrat S uleman
to queen Balqees
9101- Abu Hayan(full name is not
in my mind) is the crown
prince of ------------2- DVD stands for
3- LASER stands for
4- BISP was started in the
year---------5- D8 means
6- Recently, Pakistan won
Asia cup-------------- held in
Lahore against India after

thrilling final
7- Chief justice iftikhar
Muhammad ch. Resumed his
seat in --------after (long
march or some other word
was given)
8- right of free judiciary
was written in -------------for
the first time in 1949
9- Human rights organization
has ----------member
10- Quran has -----verses
about science
11- Use of --------- was the
first use of technology by man
on earth
12- EU has provided (some

amount ) to observe the

climate effects of -------------,located in mohmand agency
13- Kohala dam is located in
-------------14- LOC has length
15- India stopped water after
independence in the month of
--------1948 which created
drought like situation in
16- Russia left Afghanistan in
----------17- Taliban ruled Afghanistan
since ----- to 2001
18- Districts of

19- Cockpit of
Europe------------20- Raw stands for----------21- ------------is the largest
ethnic group in Afghanistan
22- Dr abdul salam was born
in 1941 in a Bangladesh city
---------------23- First Lebanon Israel
intervention took place in
-----------24- Spherical shape of rain
drop is due to
-----------------25- Asrar o ramoz is written

Professional part
Abbreviations (05)
Q : write at least 5 interview
techniques (05)
Q: three functions of
management (03)
Q : eight steps of decision
making process (08)
Q : describe four broad
categories of appraisal (04)
There were five fill in the
blanks about management

which I am unable to recall

and were of 05 marks
Computer section
Q: ctrl+A
Q-DVD means
Q- Scanner is an
--------------- device
Q- USB means
Q- FB is
Q- Smart phones use
-------------- to perform like
Q- Speed of super computer

is measured in --------flops
Q: steve jobs is the founder
of---------------- which is one
of the largest computers
companies in the world
English section (07)
There were 07 fill in the
blanks in this section. The
candidate was required to use
words given in brackets
according to sentence.

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