GGSR Midterm Reviewer
GGSR Midterm Reviewer
GGSR Midterm Reviewer
Principles are specific and pervasive boundaries fir behavior that are
universal and absolute.
They want to act responsibly and assume that the public and
customers will reward the company for its ethical actions.
Ethical Issues in Business
Lying by commission
Lying by omission
The first type is joking without malice, the so-called white lie that
is told in order to avoid hurting someones feelings
Some businesspersons may believe that one must lie a little or that
the occasional lie is sanctioned by the organization
Some people are bad apples who will always do things in their
own self-interest regardless of organizational goals or accepted
standards of conduct.
Organizational ethics programs also must have oversight by a highranking person known to respect and understand legal and ethical
Exposing an employers wrongdoing to
outsiders, such as the media or government agencies
Researchers found that 69% lost their jobs or were forces to retire
after exposing their companies misdeeds
Fearful about
Leaders influence Corporate Culture
Ethical Formalism
Justice Theory
A class of moral philosophy that relates to evaluation of fairness
or the disposition to deal with perceived injustices of others.
Justice demands fair treatment and due reward in accordance
with ethical and legal standards.
In business, this requires that the rules a individual uses to
determine justice be based on the perceived rights of individuals
and on the intentions associated with a business interaction
Justice primarily addresses the issue of what individuals feel
they are due based on their rights and performance in the
3 types of justice
1. Distributive Justice evaluates the outcomes or
results of a business relationship.
2. Procedural Justice assesses the processes and
activities employed to produce an outcome or result.
3. Interactional Justice evaluates the communication
processes used in the business relationship.