Hilary Lyons

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Hilary Lyons began working as a complementary therapist in 1991.

She is a fully qualified Teacher, Kathara Healing Instructor and Holistic

Massage Therapist. Hilary provides a wide range of client sessions from
her clinic space in London, including Kathara Healing, Holistic Massage,
Stress Management and Co-Creative Coaching. She travels internationally,
offering a variety of Seminars and Courses in Holistic Healing and Personal
Development. She is a member of the Guild of Professional Practitioners,
the International Therapy Education Council and European Coordinator
for the Kathara Team.


By Hilary Lyons

Have you ever experienced a life changing moment? A shift in your awareness that takes your whole
being to a totally new dimension? In my own life that moment began with Kathara Healing.

In December 2001, whilst working as a complementary therapist / teacher of holistic healing, I

slipped on a staircase and sustained severe bruising to my tailbone. My body was crying out for pain
relief, so I decided to book myself a Kathara Healing session. Ka (Light) Tha (Sound) Ra (One
Spirit) is an ancient system of holistic healing that offers tremendous benefits for your
mind/body/spirit system. A Kathara facilitator works within your auric field, so no touch is involved.
A bridge of consciousness is created between you and the facilitator, awakening dormant parts of
your self, your own 'multi dimensional anatomy'. Everybody has at the core of their being a Kathara
tree grid with twelve connected centres. Everything in creation is built upon this core system which
goes much deeper than the chakras or the meridian lines, although these systems are all
interconnected. So if you want to rebalance and clear disease you have to go to the core of your being
to heal it, otherwise the symptoms will keep returning and healing will only be temporary. By using a
simple re-coding process, specific energy currents are run through your body to clear blockages,
known as miasms, so that long-lasting healing can occur.

My session began with a visualisation technique called the Maharic Seal. It was a beautiful
experience as I was reconnected to my Maharic (Christos) self through the 12th dimensional Maharic
frequency. This energy had a unique purity. Next came a sequence of gentle massage points to open
'energetic gateways' in my body. As my facilitator directed the frequencies through my body, I felt
energy move from below my feet way up and beyond the top of my head. Areas of pain released as
my body let go of tension and I drifted into deep relaxation. I saw intense violet and emerald green
colours and a pale silver mist moving me in to a sense of 'other worldliness'. I later found out that
these colours corresponded to 'Triadic Phase Currents' that had been specifically selected for my
healing. I felt that I had been on a deeply profound healing journey within my self. The treatment
ended with another sequence of massage points to close the 'energetic gateways' in my body. The
whole session was a totally blissful experience. Afterwards I felt revitalised, restored and regenerated
with a much clearer mental and emotional focus. The pain had eased and I felt lighter yet extremely
grounded with an overwhelming sense of joy. Kathara was the most empowering form of self healing
I had ever experienced, so much so that a week later I decided I wanted to find out more information
and study the Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System for myself so I booked myself on to a Kathara
Level 1 course.

That was eight years ago and today I work as a Kathara healing instructor/facilitator offering courses
and client sessions throughout the U.K. and Europe.

So I’d like to invite you to experience Kathara for yourself. You don't have to fall down stairs to find
it, but if you’re searching for truth, healing and self-empowerment you need look no further.

Copyright © A’sha-yana and A’zah-yana

Deane, 1999-2009 All Rights Reserved

Hilary Lyons is a certified Kathara instructor/facilitator and will be presenting a Kathara Level 1
Course in Oslo in February 2010 and offering Kathara Healing Client Sessions in the same period.

Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System, Level 1

Oslo 13.-14. februar 2010

Kathara Healing sessions / Maharic Recoding

Oslo 11.-12. februar 2010

For påmelding eller mer informasjon kontakt Johannes og Petter

på e-post: krystalspiral@yahoo.no eller telefon 90 16 02 69 (Johannes)
og 48 09 51 50 (Petter)

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Copyright © A’sha-yana and A’zah-yana

Deane, 1999-2009 All Rights Reserved

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