The Sixtieth
The Sixtieth
The Sixtieth
the Korean War which came about due to failed efforts to re-
unite the Korean nation and its people after the 1945 defeat
of the Japanese imperialist oppressors.
Korea was a nation oppressed by colonial powers and even the
USSR and the US who were the victors in WW2 treated Korea in
a most shameful way. The nation was to be cut up into two at
the end of WW2 without even consulting the Korean natives. A
line was picked, the 38th parallel after the summit meetings
at Yalta and Potsdam.
At the closing stages of WW2, the USSR agreed to declare war
on Japan and USSR troops began marching towards Jap-occupied
territories in the Far East, including north China and Korea.
When USSR troops drove into Korea, the remaining officers of
the beleaguered Japanese administration realised they had a
rare stroke of luck presented to them; an opportunity to put
a wedge between their soon-to-be conquerors.
One official secretly alleged to his US contact that the USSR
army was continuing their advance right past the 38th parallel,
something they were not supposed to do.
It was a lie of course. The Jap official was lying through his
teeth but so very unfortunately it was destined to set free a
chain of events that in the end caused the outbreak of war in
Korea or the 1950-53 Korean conflict.
The US army command in the Pacific immediately decided to get
its troops over to Korea as quickly as they could. Just after
Japan formally surrendered, the first US soldiers set foot in
Korea and the US took the unusual step of appointing the very
cruel and ultra-ruthless Jap ex-occupier to be in charge.
The Japs had successfully set the trap. Now they were allied
with the victorious US side. The Korean natives were furious.
Their future was one that promised more continued oppression
under their hated ex-colonial masters.
Meanwhile the USSR was nurturing a future Korean independence
movement or group led by Kim Il Sung. This group was based in
the northern area of the country. However in the south, major
trouble was brewing.
In the southern part of the country, Korean civilians were in
the streets openly holding demonstrations. Many intellectuals
were furious at the US for allowing the hated Jap imperialist
leftovers to continue to lord over them plus the unreasonable
stand of their US masters who absolutely refused to recognise
local activist groups working for Korean unification and also
Korean national independence.
The US persuaded the USSR to agree to future independence for
Korea but only after five years and in the meantime both were
to let each half of the country be governed by people aligned
to their respective ideologies. The northern part of the land
was put under Kim and the southern half came under people who
had collaborated with the Japanese during the occupation.
The result was widespread civil unrest and violent strikes in
the southern half of the country. The situation became almost
uncontrollable and soon people were getting shot.
Demonstrators fought with the police and the collaborators in
the streets and public places, killing or injuring one another
and forcing the US military to declare martial law.
Later elections were allowed and through some dubious means an
anti-communist strongman, Rhee came to rule in the south while
in the north Kim consolidated his authority. The US shoved the
Rhee regime quickly into the newly-formed UN as its latest new
'member state'. The stage was set.
Pro-communist groups in the south were hunted down and so they
had to flee to the hills and rural areas. There was now no way
forward for them except an armed struggle. Kim's military also
infiltrated the south and joined the fighting now taking place
and the sporadic fighting soon turned into full-scale clashes.
The inevitable path ahead was now fully laid out for Korea.
On June 25 Kim's military crossed en masse into the south in a
lightning move that easily overwhelmed the anti-communist army
of the pro-US authorities. The US condemned the action and the
UNSC was later called into session. Very sadly, the USSR chose
to boycott it and the US was able to muster a resolution which
allowed 'member states' to intervene. Which they later did.
Meanwhile on the Korean peninsula, Kim's military easily over-
ran almost all opposition including US forces that were already
in Korea. Within two months the remnants of the southern forces
and their US backers under a US Army General Walker were pinned
down in and around the port of Pusan. The North Koreans mounted
attack after attack but could not break past the final defence.
The failure to take Pusan gave the US forces a lifeline. The US
soon brought in massive air power from their bases in Japan and
the fighting slowly but inevitably turned in their favour.
Emboldened, the US military forces decided to undertake a move
similar to the Normandy operation. The coast around Inchon was
picked as the location by the US commander in Korea, MacArthur.
On Sept 15 US forces made a successful landing at Inchon taking
the local Korean defenders by surprise. The assault proved very
costly to the North Korean military as the attackers came armed
to the teeth, much of Inchon was destroyed and they grew in big
numbers in no time enabling them to march south towards Seoul.
North Korean forces south of Seoul were soon cut off and their
supplies ran out. There was no other choice but to go on full
retreat and head back north. The US military and their allies
went in pursuit of them and casualties were heavy and costly.
The North Korean military was now retreating in disarray and US
leaders grew vainfully pompous. They were openly mouthing anti-
Chinese and anti-PRC rhetoric.
'Soon, the North Koreans would all be totally slaughtered. After
that, it would be your turn'. The PRC issued a severe warning to
the US leadership but it was ignored. US aircraft even intruded
into Chinese airspace near the Korean border and bombed several
border villages and other areas causing some fatalities.
MacArthur openly declared that the PRC would not dare to do any
thing to save the situation, and should they actually be stupid
enough to try, they would face 'the greatest of slaughter'.
So great was their insolence that they could readily equate the
PRC with domesticated livestock that was reared solely for food
placed on their dinner plates! ( Things aren't really different
today, they are still as insolent as ever.)
The PRC was not in the least intimidated. In a final warning to
the US made through an intermediary, the PRC warned them not to
cross the Yalu river or take terrible consequences. It was soon
ignored by the US forces, so on Oct 19 Chinese volunteer troops
poured across the border and kicked the US and their supporting
allies all the way back to Seoul. The fighting was quite severe
and the accompanying winter was atrocious. Casualties were very
heavy on both sides and Seoul itself changed hands a few times.
The US considered atomic-bombing the PRC at the height of combat
between the volunteers and the US forces, but fortunately it was
not carried out. The frontline swayed back and forth and finally
developed into a stalemate. Peace talks were tentatively started
beginning with the talks held in Kaesong in the middle of 1951.
More peace negotiations were later carried out in the village of
Panmunjom and finally on July 27 1953 a ceasefire was agreed upon
by all sides in the conflict. The war had finally ended.
The Korean War was the direct result of the many mistakes made by
the occupation forces plus the trickery of the Japanese and their
pro-Jap collaborators in the southern part of the country.
The Koreans tried their best to shake themselves free of the grip
of colonial masters but the trickery was too much for them. North
Koreans tried to unite their country but were not fully up to the
task. In the end it was simply one port too far for them.
The North Korean military failed to take the final toehold of the
puppet forces and thus could not achieve a quick victory. Instead
of suffering total defeat, the puppet forces and their US masters
were able to buy time and to bring their air power to bear in the
crucial weeks and months that followed.
The PRC intervened and turned back the marauding US forces and in
the end forced them to sue for peace. It was a totally marvellous
effort by the very heroic PRC volunteers considering that the PRC
itself at the time had yet to recover from the deep sufferings of
WW2. It was even facing non-stop extremely deadly threats from the
very pompous US.
The world must never forget the big mistakes, horrors and threats
made by the victorious powers before, during and after the Korean
conflict. Today, they are still busily at work making them.
To those who are now cheering for the warmongers, they must never
forget that the USAF wrought immense destruction on Korean towns,
ports and cities and very injudiciously used very huge amounts of
napalm on Korean soil.
The grave errors and mistakes and the many massacres committed by
the US in Korea were repeated exactly a decade later in S.E. Asia,
in Vietnam in particular. Today, they are again baying for blood!
And very tragically, other far-off nations like Iraq, for example,
also fell victim to their acts of very terrible massacres. So evil
was their conduct and so mindless was their behaviour.
They certainly have learned nothing at all. We must remember many
totally innocent Korean civilians were senselessly slaughtered by
both sides during the conflict. US forces killed many Korean men,
woman and children especially at places such as Nogeun, Shinchun,
Inchon and many other places. North Korean forces executed Korean
civilians who were caught working for the occupation forces.
Yet today, US and South Korean leaders, encouraged by the Japs in
Tokyo are so ready and eager for war ! These warmongers are truly
really big snakes and devils. They are so evil.
To Hell with the evil warmongers. To Hell with the US, Lee myung-
bak, the Japs and the so-called international panel.
To Hell with all of them.