Study Chip Surface Characteristics During The Machining of Steel

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A Study of Chip Surface Characteristics during the Machining of Steel*

V. C. Venkatesh (1). D. Q. Zhou, W, Xue, Manufacturing Center, Tennessee Technological University,

Cookeville, Tennessee/USA; D.T. Quinto, Director New Materials Technology, Kennametal Inc.,
Latrobe, PennsylvanialUSA
Received on January 15,1993
Carbide inserts of different geometry (SNG, CNMG, CNMG-MG, CPMP, and SPMP) with a variety of coatings [CVD T f i , W D
C M (TiCN/TiC/A120,), CVD (TiCNRiC) + PVD TiN, C M Tic, and TiN/Al,O,, ..TiCNl were used to machine AISI 1018
steel a t different speeds with and without a coolant. Three typical colors deep blue, blue, and golden brown were analyzed and
found to contain varying amounts of oxide layers consisting of FeO, Fe,O,, and Fe,O,. Chip roots from turning/drilling
operations were studied for secondary shearhuilt-up edge formation, and temperatures calculated and related to chip color.
Chip color classification, brightness, surface roughness, waviness, roundness, and chip strain were measured and evaluated.
Keywords: Surface properties, coatings, oxides



As the chip separates from the workpiece, it cames a great

amount of heat resulting from primary shear. The chip then
becomes hotter as a result of friction with the tool rake face
(Figure 1). The bulk of the heat generated in metal cutting is
dissipated into the chip. Where the cutting environment is dry,
the chip gets oxidized giving a variety of beautiful colors ranging
from golden yellow to dark blue. The structure .of the chip also
changes with a built-up edge a t lower speeds, a secondary shear
zone that is thick a t moderate speeds and thin at a higher speeds
and which disappears at very high speeds o r under very low
friction conditions. Probably the first ever reference to chip color
resulting from improvement in cutting conditions was made by
Klopstock[ll. who mentioned that his new tool (with a restricted
contact length) gave chips that were "very light in color"
compared to the "dark color" obtained from a standard LUOI. On
the other hand in drilling a copious amount of cuttin-: fluid is
used and this prevents oxidation of the chips.
Chip color and the analysis of colored oxides are presented here
and we believe i t is the first time it is being published. Precision
(repeatability) is not easy particularly with chip roots but with
chips, sampling has been very easy. Temperatures have been
calculated making use of data from chip roots. Chip roots in
turning were obtained by using a mechanical quick stop device
and in drilling with a n explosive quick stop device, which we hove
been told by STC 'C' experts that it is the fmt of its kind.
Explosive quick stop devices have a few limitations as the first
author has experienced earlier[2] and also in the present study.
Surface gloss of the machined workpiece and the underside of the
chips both in turning and drilling are .also ,reported here.
Instrumentation techniques have improved considerably since the
first author's initial study[3]. Young et a1[41, Cielo[5], and Hoy[Gl
have discussed the potential of this technique.

... primary shear zone

... secondary sheer zone

... tertiary

shear zone

Fig.1 Shear zone configuration in metal cutting. In turning the

tertiary shear zone was not observed but was present in drilling
along with the built-up edge. Secondary shear was very evident
in turning but not in drilling
2.1 Microstructure and chiu control
Inserts #1, 3 and 4 are black in color due to the A,O, coating.
The microstructure of these tools is shown in Figure 2 (a). Insert
# l has a simple MG chip control while #3 and #4 have a MG-MG
chip control ( F i b r e 2.c). Insert #4 has a n additional smoothing
of the cutting edge effected by a light, Si c brush honing operation
after CVD coating. Inserts # 2 and 5 are golden in color and have
a TiN coating. Its microstructure is shown in Fig2 (b).
2.2 ChiD roots
Chips were obtained in twb ways; with and without a quick stop
device. The former was obtained from tubes (solids made partly
hollow) and these may be termed in-process chips as they show
chips in real time condition. The latter was obtained from solid
bars and these chips may be called post process chips. Obtaining
chip roots is a time consuming process with precision
(repeatability) difficult to achieve, but sampling large numbers of
the abundantly available post process chips is easy.

Chip roots again have been helpful in measurement of secondary

shear and chip strain. The former was absent in one of the five
inserts used in turning, showing how S i c brushing can improve
smoothening. The latter helped to explain how it can promote
chip breaking but also mar hole surface in drilling.

Five diamond shaped inserts of the CNMG-432 category were

used to machine 1018 steel (0.18%C). Details of the inserts are
given below:
Coating Designation
Chip control
(layer sequence)
KC 935 (black)
- 2
KC 792 (golden)
CNMG-MG unpolished
K c 935
CNMG-MG unpolished
Cutting conditions consisted of a speed of 710 fpm, a feed of 0.01
inch per revolution, and a depth of cut of 0.1 inch without the use
of cutting fluids. The machine tool used was a LeBlond lathe.

Annals of the ClRP Vol. 42/7/7993

Fig.2 Cemented carbide substrate with 20 pm Co-enriched

surfaces were coated with a) TiCN, Tic, and N,O, for #1,3, and
4, and b) with CVD TiN, TiCN. and P M TiN for #2 and 5. c)
Chip control forms MG for #l & 2, and MG-MG for #3, 4, and 5


Fig.3 Chip roots t l and 2 are long with MG inserts but are short
with f3, 4, and 5. #4 has the lightest color, golden yellow
The chip rook obtained from the five inserts are shown in Figure
3; the colors for each sre light + dark brown, blue, dark brown +
blue, golden yellow, and brown. With tl and 2, the chip roots are
long due to plain MG chip control. With # 3. 4 and 5, the chip
roots break with only a small stub adhering to the work piece.
The initial part of the chip root is colorless in all five cases, but
with inserts #3,4 and 5 having a MG-MG chip control, it is more
distinct and longer. The lack of color is due to the intimate
contact between chip and tool that prevents oxidation. The chip
root from insert 114 is golden yellow, the lightest color among the
five chip roots, indicating the lowest temperature. Chip roots were
sectioned and micrographs covering the shear zones and beyond
are shown in Figure 4. Shear plane angle, angle of maximum
crystal elongation, contact length, flow zone area, secondary shear
zone thickness a t the exit of contact area were measured. Surface
roughness of the underside of the blue and brown chips were
measured on a Form Talysurfthat has a 10 nanometer capability
and values of 0.072 pm and 0.537 pm were obtained. The
corresponding Ra values for the inserts that produced this chip,
and the machined surface they generated are:
#2: Ra = 0.323 & 1.71 pm and #4: Ra = 0.171 & 1.67 pm
Micrographs of chip roots confirm the findings with t4; there is
no secondary shear formation indicating no seizure in the chip
contact region. This is the result of fine polishing and the surface
properties of Al,O,. The acceleration value for the mechanical
quick stop device used here was found to be 2x10' mds'.

F a

a + FqO,



1018 CHIP









.....- .,
Fig.6 Golden chip has 276 d, thick FeO/Fe,04 coating




2.4 AuPer Electron hectroscoDy

Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)was carried out on three
distinctly different colored chips. Due to lack of space, the AES
profde for only the golden yellow chip is shown here in Figure 6.
The results are summarized below:
Table I.
d o Oxygen d o Iron
Light Blue
The following observations are made:
a) The color of the oxide reflects its thickness. Goldlyellow
refers to a thinner iron oxide layer, dark blue a thicker layer.
b) Assuming the thickness of the layer to indicate temperature
history of the chip, the KC810 SNG insert, a TiCRiC-NRiN
coating on a thermal-deformation-resistene substrate, generated
history temperatures than did the KC792 CNMG-MG insert (t4)
during metal cutting.

F$O, F@,O1

2.3 Oxides on chips and chiu coloq

Iron oxidizes in air a t high temperatures growing a scale
consisting of FeO (wustite), Fe,O,(rnagnetite), and F%O,
(haematitel. Iron thus provides a good example of formation of
multi-layered scales. The phase diagram of the iron-oxygen
system is shown in Figure 5 [7]. From this figure it is clear that
a) 8 two layered scale of Fe,O, and Fe,O, is formed below 570 "C
and b) a three layered scale of FeO, Fe,O,, and Fe,O, is formed
above 570 "C.

p , o , 0,

c) The composition a t mid-thickness of the oxide coating are

approximately the same, and the accuracy of the analysis is such
that we can not distinguish Fe,O, (60 d o 0)from Fe,04 (57 d o
it is certainly not FeO a t mid-thickness. The Auger shapes of
the Fe peak shows the transition from oxide a t mid-thickness to
pure metal as a function of sputter time.
d) The following observation and its interpretation is more
tenuous, but here goes. The "sharpness" of the metauoxide
interface (as measured by the distance between the "knee" of the
Fe profile and the half-maximum of the 01profile) increases from
gold to light blue t o blue oxides given in the above table.
A thicker interface implies either 1) a more diffuse interface or 2)
an initially higher valence state of Fe. The latter derives from the
known phenomenon that argon sputtering reduces Fe from a
higher t o the lowest valence state, i.e. pure iron. The higher the
valence state, the longer it takes to reduce it to pure iron. From
this one could infer that the thick blue gold coating is
predominantly Fe,O, (valence state +3) while the thin gold
coating is predominantly Fe,O, (valence state +2.66) and/or FeO

(valence state +2). If this interpretation is correct, it means that:

(i) For the gold coating, FeOlFe,O, formed first, but the heat
transfer to the chip was not so high such that it cooled quickly
and the oxide layer is thin.
(ii) For the blue coating, probably both layers of FeOlFe,O,, also
formed initially, and the heat transfer was relatively high so that
it sustained more reaction with oxygen to form a thicker oxide
during cool down, the outer layer being predominantly Fe,O,:,
(iii) The light blue coating is intermediate between (i) and (11).
Table 11. Cutting forces, temperature, chip color, shear angle,
shear strain, chip ratio, roughness, waviness, and roundness.

( "C 1

98 1






Shear strain




Chip ratio
( r, 1












( M a pm)






(P m)






Chip color
Shear angle


88 1


Fig.7 Black and white picture of the original colored hueintensity-saturation system

dark brown golden light

brown brown


Chip with "-Fdegree angk



(Ra v)



Fig.8 Chips obtained at three speeds are color classified. The

CNMG-432 tool was used with a 15" lead angle. Tool signature is
-5, -5, 5, 5, 5, -5, 1/32.

2.5 Chip color classification

2.6 Temwrature calculations

The colors of the machined chips were classified by using the hue
and saturation color components of the standard H.I.S. ( hueintensity-saturation ) color space. In this system, the hue
represents the basic color shade(e.g., pink, red, blue, yellow,
brown,etc.), while the saturation represents the amount of the
color present (e.g., fully-saturated pink. 10%saturated pink, ete).
"he hue components are represented on a pol= chart as angular
coordinates from 0 t o 360 degrees, while the saturation is
represented by radial coordinates from 0 (nosaturation) to 1(full

Classical temperature measurements on coated tools during

cutting are difficult and inaccurate. The infra-red technique is
promising but its spatial resolution on a micron scale is
questionable[g]. The finite element technique works well for
uncoated tools[lOl. Equations developed by Shaw [111were used
to'calculate shear and t w l face temperatures. Porat's thermal
conductivity c w e s [ l 2 ] were invaluable in our calculations.

Ten post process chips from each "batch" were tested to get 10
images. Each chip was placed in a small holding fmture such that
the surfaces of the individual chips had approximately the same
orientation with respect to the imaging camera. Uniform diffuse
lighting was provided by use of a translucent white diffusion box
illuminated by incandescent light sources. The image of each chip
was then optically-magnified until it filled the camera field
(Hitachi VK-C360 color imaging camera). The image of each chip
was then captured using an ATVista color imaging board and
TIPS imaging software by Truevision, Inc. To obtain an average
color reading of the surface of each chip, a mosaic amalgamation
of each image was created using the TIPS software on each 64x64
block of pixels, Then, the average hue and saturation of the 16
central blocks of the image was obtained as a representation of
overall hue and saturation of the chip surface. These results were
then plotted on hue-saturation polar plots to show color
distributions. This technique was very successfully used to
distinguish chips obtained with tools having side cutting edge
Om, and +15' [6, 81.
angles(SCEA's) of -3,

There are two major sources of thermal energy in metal cutting

with a sharp tool. One is in the shear zone and another along the
tool face. The energy could be estimated with the following
a) All of the energy expended a t shear zone and tool is converted
to thermal energy.
b) The energy a t shear zone and tool face is concentrated on a
plane surface.
c) The energy a t shear zone and tool face is uniformly
d) None of the thermal energy goes to the environment during
the chip forming process.
Then mean temperature on the shear plane (0s) and the surface
of the chip due to friction (eF)can be estimated by:

f =VtA
0 r=




The HIS color system for a mid-range intensity is shown in

Figure 7. Chip color classification of chips obtained from three
cutting conditions when using a side cutting edge angle of -5" is
shown in Figure 8. Chips from 710 fpm are in quadrant I (brown
color), whereas chips from 450 and 560 fpm are in quadrant I1
(light blue). Digital color imaging does a better job than the
human eye and could become a technique for in-process
monitoring of machining conditions.



B0 - room temperature, Oo = 24 "C

fs - cutting force parallel to shear plane, fs = f,cos@- fasin@;
f, - cutting force parallel to tool face, & = fpsiny + fpcosr;
fp - cutting force in power direction;
fa cutting force in undeformed chip thickness direction;


V, - shear velocity, V, = Vcoq/cos(@-$;

Vc - chip velocity, Vc = Vsin@/cos(@-y);
V - cutting speed;
A - area factor;
t.k - undeformed and deformed chip thickness;
b - depth of cut in turning, thickness of elemental circular
annulus in indexable drilling and b is replaced by Ar;
clpI - volume specific heat;
J - mechanical equivalent of heat;
8, @ - rake angle and the shear angle;
K, - thermal conductivity of the workpiece;
K, - thermal conductivity of coatinghol.
Forces were measured using a Kistler dynamometer and these
are listed i n Table I1 along with chip color. Temperatures
calculated by using equations (1) and (2) are indicated in the
same table.

The chip roots for V SCEA were used to measure shear plane
angle 4, angle of maximum crystal elongation y, and deformed
chip thickness. Merchant's equation for chip strainllll was used:
c=2cot2g-cot++tan( 4 - y )

Results are shown in Table IT, and indicate that insert t 4 has i
favorable shear plane angle. Chip strain is generally lower with
MG-MG inserts, as is chip ratio. For the given cutting conditions
a MG-MG chip control i s favorable and this profile combined
with the polishing of black Al,O, coated inserts makes them
excellent tools.
With carbide inserts, indexable drills (also known a s endrills) not
only work a t high cutting speeds and high feed rates but also
produce holes of gwd quslity[l3,14,15,l61. Under some special
conditions, indexable drills can be used for finishing holesll71.
Unlike turning, drilling requires a cutting fluid, which in turn
should prevent chip oxidation. Indexable drilling was preferred a s
high speeds could be used with carbide inserts, with and without
coatings. The study of chip roots helped in studying the quality
of four indexable drills of varying geometry and/or tool materials.

3.1 Indexable Drills Used in the Study

Two kinds of typical indexable drills were used in the study.
Drill A, shown in Figure %a), has two single-cutting-edge inserts
with positive point angle, (known as side cutting edge angle in
turning). Drill A insert has a 8 pm CVD T i c coating (grey color)
and a cobalt-enriched subsurface layer. T h e coating imparts good
abrasive wear resistance on a substrate which has good edge
microchipping resistance. Drill B, shown in Figure Xb), has two
double-cutting-edge inserts with a combination of positive and
negative point angles. Drill B was used with either of 2 types of
hard coatings:
a) 10 pm CVD 'l"/Al,OJTiCN multi-layers (golden color);
b) 4 pm PVD TiN (golden color);
whose microstructures have been discussed earliertl41.
The multi-layer CVD coating has higher wear resistance due to
increased thickness relative to the PW TiN coating. When
inserts with coating a) and b) were used, the drills were
designated as Drill B1 and B2, respectively. Drill B3 was used
with uncoated inserts.

Fig.10 Chip roots obtained with a drilling explosive quick stop

device. Drill A produced a low strain resilient chip arid B a high
strain outer chip that breaks easily and an inner conical helical
chip that is very tightly curled, which can slightly mar the hole
3.2 ExDlosive Quick StoD Device

A novel explosive quick stop device was designed for drilling. To

our knowledge, no explosive device has been developed for
obtaining chip roots in drilling. The device is fixed on the work
table of a CNC machining center. The workpiece is supported a t
the end of a piston, and coupled by a key on the end of the piston.
Thus, the workpiece is prevented from rotating with the drill
during drilling. In order to obtain pure shear of the shear pin,
pre-tension screws are tightened and the shear pin is subjected
to pre-tension. Figure 10 shows workpieces with the chips
obtained by this explosive quick stop device. The acceleration
value for this device was found to be 2.3xld m d s * .

3.3 Exaerimental Conditions

Machine Tool
Cutting speed
Feed Rate

: Fadal5 axis CNC machining center;

: SAE 1018 steel;

: 71 d m i n (1186 rpm);
: 0.06 m d r e v ;
: Coolant.

3.4 Studv of Chio Roots

As we have already seen, considerable information about cutting
processes can be obtained by studying the chip mot area. Much
to our surprise we found occurrences of the built-up edge (BUE).
This was not unexpected as BUEs do occur in turning with
carbides in the range of 70 mlmin. On the other hand with HSS
drills, no BUE occurred a t much lower speeds. The BUE, a cap of
work-hardened material attached to the rake face of a
metal-cutting tool, is frequently studied to reveal the effect of
different conditions, such as cutting speed, feed rate, and
geometry of cutting tool, on the cutting process. Figure 12 shows
chip roots with R U E 3 produced by the four outer inserts under
identical drilling conditions. As shown in Figures 11, the sizes of
the BUE's produced by Drill A are smallest [Figure ll(a)l.
Considering that the size of BUE is related to the cutting
conditions, the BUE will affect the machined surface. Drill A
gives the best drilling conditions and produces the best hole

3.5 ChiD Strain

Different geometry and coating materials of inserts affect the
drilling conditions. Through the study of chip roots, drilling
conditions can be evaluated. Table I11 lists these values. Shear
angles were measured and strain calculated using Merchant's

Fig.9 Two typical commercial indexable drills. (a) Drill A uses two
standard inserts SPMP and CPMP with a T i c CVD coating. (b)
S PVD coating
Drill B has two trigons. Multi-layer A,O, (Bl), T
(B2).and uncoated (B3) inserts were used.


Figure 12 shows post process chips obtained from four drills for
both inner and outer inserts. As seen from Table 11,inner chip B1
undergoes the maximum strain and this is evident from the
extended shape of inner chip B1 in Figure 12. Outer chip B2
undergoes the maximum strain and breaks more easily into
smaller pieces as seen in Figure 12. It needs to be emphasized
here that it was next to impossible to get a chip root with drill
B1; all that we got was a very small stub. T h e hole quality of drill
A is excellent judging from Table Vs surface finish, waviness,

and roundness properties and this would imply that a low

strained chip that has some resilience is desirable. Strain in the
chip-tool contact area has been estimated to be as high as 28[181,
and strain rates in machining are the highest that can ever be
achieved and range from 10' t o 105/s[19].These properties need
to be exploited in chip breaking with requirement for turning and
drilling being mutually exclusive.
Table 111. Shear angle $ and strain

Table N Hole quality (roughness Ra, waviness height WFta,

waviness width WSm, roundness Rd, and briphtness Br)


3.6 Temaerature Calculation.

Temperatures were calculated using equations (1) and (2). In
drilling, the term b is replaced by Ar which is the thickness of
elemental circular annulus. Equations for calculating forces are
not available for indexable drilling. These were developed by
modifying Armarego's equations for drilling with t w i s t drills
having flat rake faces[181:

where, T - shear stress;

angle of insert.

pn - normal friction angle; p - leading

Variations in friction temperature eF (Fig.13) are due to changes

in tool geometry (cutting forces), thermal conductivity, and size
of BUE (contact area), whereas shear temperature Bs is about the
same for all. Br is the sum of e, and OF. Higher temperature in
drilling is desirable for getting quality holes (Fig.12).
Fig.11 Post process drilling chips. Drill A produces a resilient
chip, B1 inner and B2 outer are highly strained and break easily
but with slight scratching of the hole surfaces

3.7 Chio Color and Oxides

Chip roots (in-process chips) a s well a s post process chips had no
color. The chip tool contact area and the rest of the chip were
identical. Unlike turning, the tool chip contact area was not shiny
in drilling since no secondary shear zone is formed; on the
contrary BUE shedding occurs. Drill A did produce chips that
were less dull than the others (Table V).














I00 1 2 0





t o l o o 12.0


Fig.12 Chip roots from four drills. Drill A produces the smallest
built-up edge and the thinnest chip. The hole quality of A is also
excellent. With Drill B3 (uncoated insert) rough holes and chips
are produced.




o + ,

o + * ,






10.0 12.0


Fig.13 Mean shear temperature (BS) and friction temperature (eF)
and their s u m , tool face temperature S, are shown here for (a)
Drill A; (b) Drill B1; (c) Drill B2; (d) Drill B3.

3.8 Aueer Electron SDectroscoov

AES sputter profiles were obtained for chips from the four drills.


Typically, all the profiles exhibit only a very superficial iron oxide
layer, no more than about 60 angstroms thick, and absorbed
hydrocarbon. This is characteristic of an iron metal that
undergoes superficial oxidation in air; in other words, the
superficial oxide is typical for any exposed metallic surface.
Figure 14 shows a typical AES profile.

in the last row of table 111. Hole surfaces are better than chip
surfaces because more built-up edge is shed on the chip than on
the holes. In the case of turning it is the other way about because
secondary shear imparts an excellent surface on the chip.

In contrast, looking a t the earlier chips from turning with blue to

gold oxide colors, the oxide thicknesses then ranged from 276 to
600 angstroms. We can conclude safely that the use of coolants
this time prevented any significant oxidation of the chip surface.

Chip color oxide analysis and color classification indicated high

temperatures with blue chips (600 A, .Fe,O,) and lower
temperatures with golden yellow chips (270A, Fe,O,). The light
blue chips are in between. Blue chips undergo higher strain but
have a high brightness value and excellent surface finish. Golden
chips are exactly the opposite. In drilling the chips are colorless
because of cutting fluid action. They have a very thin oxide (60A)
which is typical of any iron surface exposed to the atmosphere.
Chip roots show no evidence of secondary shear zone in turning
with the black #4 insert when it is subjected to smoothening
action with S i c brush honing. In drilling, chip roots from drills
B1 and B2 showed high strain which promoted chip breaking but
left slight scratches on the hole side. Drill A produced resilient
chips and a high quality hole. The built-up edge was smaller with
Drill A and its size could be used to evaluate drilling conditions.
Brightness and/or chip color monitoring could be a good in-process
o r post-process means of evaluating machining conditions.




F E ~'


FE3 '









1. Klopstock, H., 1925, Recent Investigation in Turning and
Planing and a New form of Cutting Tool, Transactions of ASME,
2. Venkatesh, V.C. and Philip, P.K., 1973, Investigation on

Deformation in High Speed Orthogonal Machining of Plain

Carbon Steel Using a Ballistic Set-up. Annals ofthe CIRP, 32/1:9-

Fig. 14 A typical AES profile for a colorless chip

3.9 Surface Gloss from ChiD and Hole Surfaces

A PC-based digital imaging system was used to assess the surface

quality of the four drilled specimens. A digitized surface-image
was obtained to show the relative brightness of the four surfaces.
These are shown i n Figure 15. Quantitative results are shown in
Table Tv for holes and for chips in Table V. A mirror was used a s
a standard with a value of 99. Similar work was done by the
author[3] for other machined surfaces using relatively primitive
equipment.The brightness of chip surfaces produced by both inner
and outer inserts is indicated in Table V. Note the relative
dullness of chips from drilling as compared to turning which has
a surface gloss comparable to a mirror. The surface roughness of
chips from Drill A and B1, and from turning insert #4 are shown

3. Venkatesh, V.C. and Radhakrishnan, V., 1971, Brightness in
Machining, Annals of the CIRP, 18:433-438.
4. Young, R.D., Vorburger, T.V., and Teague, E.C, 1980, In-

process and On-line Measurement of Surface Finish, Annals of

the CIRP, 29/1:435-440.
5. Cielo, P., 1980, Optical Technioues for Industrial InsDection,
Academic Press Inc., San Diego.
6. Hoy, D.E.P. and Yu, F., 1991, Surface Quality Assessment
Using Computer Vision Methods. Journal of Materials Processing
Technology, 28:265-274.
7. Birks, N. and Meier, G.H., 1983, Introduction to Hiah
TemDerature Oxidation of Metals, Edward Arnold.
8. Venkatesh, V.C., Kattan, IA., Ye, C.T., Hoy, D.E.P., and
VanKirk. J.S., 1993, An Analysis of Cutting Tools with Negative
Side Cutting Edge Angles, Paper submitted to International
Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture.
9. Tonshoff, V.H., and Kaestner, W.,1991, Temperaturbelastung
von Hartmetallwerkzeugen bei Schnittunterbrechungen, VDI-2,
10. Tay, AA.O., 1991, The Importance of Allowing for Variation





Ra (pm)


of Thermal Properties in the Numerical Computation of

Temperatures, Journal ofMaterials Processing Technology, 28:4958.
11.Shaw, M.C., 1984, Metal Cuttinv Principles, Oxford Clarendon
Press, Oxford.
12. Porat, R., 1993, Thermal Effect on the Machining Process and
Chip Behavior, Report submitted to Chip Control Group of STC
'C'Division of CIRP.
13. Rahman. M., Seah. K H. W., and Venkatesh, V. C., 1988,
Performance Evaluation of Endrills, International Journal of
Machine Tools and Manufacture, 28:341-349.
14. Venkatesh, V. C., Xue,W. and Quinto, D. T., 1992, Surface
Studies during Indexable Drilling with Coated Carbides of
Different Geometry, Annals of the CIRP, 41613-616
15. Agapiou, J. S., 1991, An Evaluation of Advanced Drill Body
and Point Geometries in Drilling Cast Iron, Transactions of the
NAMRVSME, m 7 9 - 8 9 .
16. Nedess, C. and Gunther, U., 1992, Radial Forces in Short
Hole Drilling and Their Effects on Drill Performance,
Transactions of the NAMRVSME, XX131-137.
17. Wang, S., Venkatesh, V. C., and Xue, W.,1991, A Study of
Modification of Endrills for Finishing Holes, Journal OF Material
Processing Technology, 28:83-92.
18. Venkatesh, V.C., 1970, The Secondary Shear Zone and the
Negative Wedge on HSS Tools, Annals of the CIRP, 18:513-519.
19. Frost, H.J., and Ashby, M.F., 1982, Deformation-Mechanism
Maps, Pergamon Press.

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