Classic Push/Pull/Legs Split: Admin Featured Routines Split

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Classic Push/Pull/Legs Split

By admin on June 12, 2014 in featured, routines, split

One of the most enduring types of split routines is the so-called Push Pull Legs splits
for many good reasons. Functionally, it is a logical way to split ones muscle groups and
physiologically, it might well be the routine that allows for the best recovery as well.
When looking at designing any workout routine, one has to keep in mind several things,
including consistent overall volume between days, balance between amount of time
spent on each bodypart and also the synergy and overlap that the exercises compliment
each other as they contribute to overall training volume. The push-pull-legs routine is
perhaps the most efficient routine out there, as the body is split in terms of type of
movement pushing, pulling and leg work and the muscle groups get an overall benefit
from the overlap of the movements. This type of training was popular in the late 80searly 90s (Lee Labrada apparently was one of those who used to train using a push/pull
For example, when I am pounding out 5 heavy sets of bench presses for five sets, I have
been stressing the heck out of my anterior delts and triceps too, so that when it is time to
do 5 sets of a shoulder and the 5 sets of a tricep exercise, the shoulders and tris have
received the stress of the overall volume of 15 sets. This makes it the most efficient
split, in my opinion.
Your body is essentially split into three parts, in terms of movement:
1. a) upper body movements that move resistance away from the center of
your body
2. b) upper body movements that move resistance towards the center of your

3. c) movements which target the muscles of the legs

The reasoning behind this is that there is so much overlap in these natural muscle
groupings that one can deploy relatively few overall exercises and maintain maximal
growth stimulation. And since the legs comprise 1/2 of the bodys musculature, they
require at least one day of dedicated training. This overlap creates a overlap effect
between the muscles involved in the heavy compound movements. After hitting chin
and rows, your biceps will already be warmed up and will benefit from the extra
stimulation. I have also found that this is the routine that tends to cause the least training
injuries as you hit related joints on the same days and then rest them out for a week.
Training the chest, shoulders and triceps together gives the tendons in your elbows, and
the front delts more recovery time than would say splitting them into separate days of
the week, where you may find yourself doing triceps or shoulders just 48 hours after a
heavy chest workout. Again, same goes for the bicep tendons after all the pulling on
back day. Training 3 days a week on this sort of split will achieve better gains than those
who split their body into 5 separate parts because of the extra recovery.
The following is the basic routine. It makes sense to strip things down to essentials as it
forces you to think what works best for you, and whats really important.

The Basic Push Pull Legs Routine:

Day One Pull

Deadlifts (conventional, sumo, snatch-grip,trap bar) 5 sets x 5 reps

Rows (barbell, dumbbell, machine or t-bar) 5 sets x 5 reps
Weighted Pull-Ups or Chins 5 sets x 5 reps

Day Two Push

Flat, Incline, Dumbbell, or Machine Bench Press 5 sets x5 reps

Military, Dumbbell or Machine Shoulder Press 5 sets x 5 reps
Dips or Close-Grip Bench 5 sets x 5 reps

Day Three Legs

Back or Front Squats or Leg Press 4 sets x 6 10 reps

Lunges, Split Squat, or Step-Ups 4 sets x 6 10 reps
Calf Raises 3 sets x 6 10 reps

Exercise Selection:

Use only the compound, multi-joint movements described above. Heavy bench presses
and weighted pullups are in and cable crossovers and concentration curls are out! A
simple way to remember this routine: its three days a week, three exercises a day (not
counting a touch of accessory movements you want to throw in, one or two after each
workout, ie., neck work, rotator cuff, grip work etc.) It is best to take a day off training
between workouts. For most people, the Push Pull Legs split should be done 3 days a
week, and at best on a one on, one off perpetual cycle, thus hitting each muscle group
once every five days.

The Parameters:
As far as sets and reps, a classic 55 protocol (five working sets of five reps, not
counting warmups) which has, over the years, proved to be the best middle of the road
compromise between hypertrophy and strength might work best for most people. The
most famous of the 55 implementations is the classic Bill Starr 3-day full body routine
from 1976. Since then programs like Mark Rippetoes Starting Strength, Madcows 55
and Stronglifts have also popularized 55 routines to pack insane amounts of muscle
on trainees in a relatively short period of time.
Training a bodypart or muscle group every 5-7 days is the best balance between volume
and frequency. (Volume and frequency have an inverse relationship. What I mean by
this is that as the overall volume in a given training session goes up, the frequency of
the sessions have to be adjusted (lowered) to accommodate for the extra inroad into
your recovery ability the increased volume has made. The opposite is true for increasing
frequency, as this happens, the volume has to be decreased)
For example, the Push Pull Legs can be done every 3 (to train every bodypart once
every 7 days) or by juggling them around by doubling them up on a 4 day rotation
(training them once every 5 days) :

3 Days A Week

4 Days A Week

More Thoughts On Parameters

If you are an older trainer or have a fair recovery ability, then you could adjust the
volume down to 35 and work up from there. This might also be something you may
have to do from time to time given the amount of external stress factors in your life at a
given time, ie., job stress, periods of insomnia, etc. Your training needs, limitations and
abilities will always be at different levels. The main point I am trying to make here is
that there are no set-in-stone 100% right parameters as far as volume or frequency go,
as they are not only individual specific, but also very greatly in the individual over time.
There are only generalizations and guidelines when dealing with setting optimum
frequency and volume.
You could also use the 88 parameters of German Volume Training with the Push-PullLegs split as well. By using a weight that is around 60-65% of your one rep max for 8
sets of 8 reps. So, if you can bench press 300 pounds for one rep, you would use 200
pounds for that exercise for a full 88. This is a killer way to pack on size and give your
nervous system time to get a break after a stretch of heavy training. Alternating between
55 using 85% 1RM and GVT 88 with 60% 1RM for stretches of 6 weeks at a time
might be a great idea to keep gains coming year round.

Customizing Things
As with frequency, there are no set-in-stone rules about exercise selection other than
using compound exercises. If you cannot squat, there is no rule that says you cant use
leg press, hack squat or Hammer Strength leg machines. There have been times where I
have been injured and couldnt do bench press with the bar, so my push day was
comprised of either dumbbell bench press or Hammer Strength iso-lateral chest press.
The vital thing here is not to add any extra exercises to the template keep it one
compound movement per bodypart, and scorch that bodypart with that one compound!
For a trainer with some issues in multiple bodyparts, you could either use all dumbbells
or machines if you feel that best suits your situation.
Remember, the Push-Pull-Legs split is a template, and not a routine; what makes it, or
anything, a routine are the parameters..
Update December 1, 2014: Here is an example on of PPL used by
someone pursuing substantial weight loss over time. Note the simplicity of the routine
vs the results: my two year transformation from 220-157 pounds

Rest Pause Training:

Make it even more brutal! To make this routine extra effective, we are going to employ
another old school technique, popularized by the late great Mike Mentzer: Rest Pause
Training on the last set of every exercise. What rest pause is, in a nutshell, is going to
near failure on the last rep, then either locking out the weight or racking it, and then
taking 3-5 breaths and then cranking out another rep, racking or locking out again for
another rest of 3-5 breaths and hitting another rep. This is done 3-4 times after the end

of the last straight set on every exercise! Rest pause is what makes another great
routine DC Training so effective as well.

Caveats With Rest Pause

There is plenty of work per muscle group, so most people will not need to add
anything. You might be thinking why cant I add incline bench presses or tricep
pushdowns? Trust me, there is more than enough with the rest pause set at the
end of every bodypart. Done right, this is brutal and efficient.

You also need to add some small accessory work to the workouts to cover small
parts, specifically grip work, neck work, rotator cuff work and core work. 15
minutes of this at the end of the three sessions will suffice.

After about 4-5 weeks you will plateau if you do not schedule one deloading
week. Deloading involves reducing the intensity via reducing load by 25% and
not doing the rest pause. The key here is not so much about giving the muscles a
break as it is about letting your nervous system take a break.

Change exercises regularly. After the week of deloading, it is a good idea to

change the exercises; change from flat to decline bench presses, from barbell to
dumbbell shoulder presses, from squats to leg presses, etc.

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