Sunset Industry

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Sunset Industry: A Challenge to Amend by a Journalist

By Marvin B. Bellen, June 13, 2016

-A synthesis of The Future of Newspapers by Chit Estella-Simbulan and Can You
Imagine a World without Newspapers? by Abby Rebong

Nonentity in this world remains as it is, but the reason of emergence stays the same
to incorporate the entirety into a single community. In communication, nothing is
curtailed, hidden and disregarded to preserve the status and or history of
something. It is always innovating the on hand throughput to create another one,
thus making new things from adoption. In this world of intellectual people, every
constant thing must be subjected to further experiment until it touches the people.
In the The Future of Newspapers of Chit Estella-Simbulan, the discrepancy of
newspaper industry from other medium is a highlight needed to amend. While the
world becomes home for advancement, newspapers should evolve and adjust to win
the bid for readership and accessibility. Today, the internet dubbed as the new
media provides an arena of free, dynamic and uncensored social interactions in a
time the audience seeks to participate.
The Impetus of Newspaper
As defined in the article, newspaper is a brand that addresses the needs of the
community for information. It is not only an organizational outfit but it is also an
industry which congruous with others (businesses) who greedily seek profit to
survive. Aside from circulation and prepaid subscription, advertising is the most
powerful entity that finances the newsprint and makes it money-spinner. Recently,
next to digital advertising is advertising in newspaper. However, seeing the fact that
it overtakes the opportunity of newspaper for revenue is a sign of rough, if not
startling, decline.
Moreover, the life of newspaper is fastened in the very purpose of reaching the
audience. Writers, journalist to be exact shall be an epitome of objectivity and
fairness. Since the newsworthiness of a story relies on the general interest of the
public and on the stance or angle of candid writer, publisher are expected to be

sympathetic in highest manner possible. In this modern days, communication and

its process are quickly changing and journalism will likely be the most affected by it.
In a profession where no one is neglected in practice, chastity and ethics as
manifestations of good journalism shall always be reflected to the products (news,
newspaper, ads.) Today, citizen journalism is rampant and will always be source of
news for their colleagues but the power of newspaper which is generating from
skilled and trained journalist is necessary to prevail. For an instance, in the
controversy of the presumed president of the Republic of the Philippines this 2016,
when Mayor Duterte slams journalist and media practitioners while relating them to
immense corruption, Duterte fans and people who are active in social media and
networking sites create news from their own judgement and viewpoint. This 2016
bid for elective post or election, analysts said that if ever the president is not the
just president of the country, media have failed to penetrate the public. Netizens
have overshadow by their memes and constructive, yet biased criticism the new
Abby Rebong in her piece Can You Imagine a World without Newspapers? gives a
reminder that the most important thing in newspaper is credibility and integrity.
True. Public will always trust and subscribe to the brand if they view the values of
the media. With this, newspapers and its publishers should intermingling in knowing
the staff and editorial boards for the best writing shot and advent of the paper.
Newspaper as a sunset
Newspaper is very powerful but why it is seen by some media analysts as a
sunset--- dying industry. Converge, Simbulan and Rebong have the same
presentation about the forthcoming of newspaper though they have different
conclusion afterwards. Even the long exposure of the advertisement in print, the
vitality of internet is turning down the pages of newspaper into a poor medium. Of
late, advertisers are shifting to digital print. They have seen that millennials are
often accessing the features of newspaper specifically news in new ways. Suchlike is
by using the modern technological gadgets, mobile phones, ipads, iphones, tablets
and laptops. Though the generation of readers is still existing and will continuously
exist, no one from them will stay on traditional way especially that educational
system is geared towards modernization too.

Since advertising revenue accounts for 80 percent of newspaper income, the shift of
advertisers to dynamic and cheaper online space weakens the economy of print.
(How Internet Affects the Newspaper Business, C. Taylor, Demand Media) However,
newspaper is not dying in a fast pace as an ordinary man thinks. Communication
media have distinct purpose that is why they exist up until now. Newspaper is
intended for the people who want their news in the morning, broadcast or radio
program is preferred during day time and television offers people the news in night
time while the internet does not vary on the time. Internet can provide audiences
the news in anytime they want it. Though the edge of Internet, new media to others
is clearly horrifying, it will not eventually kills one industry. Moreover, in the
Philippines and even in worldwide, youth and teens are the most vulnerable to the
attractions of the internet. The decline in readership is somehow attributed to them
since adult are considered to be the fond of traditional source. The question and
challenge is what if the coming generation is fully penetrated by the internet?
This year, the Philippines with at least 101 Million population posts at 106 th in the
Worlds Internet Map where in the past three years it obtains 14 to 18 percent
growth in consumers. In the statistical graphic presented by Rappler, it is noticeably
that the use of social networking and media sites slates at almost half of the
frequency in online activities. Candidly, an average internet consumer surfs the net
in mobile at 3.2 hours while 5.2 hours in desktop or tablet. Entirely, when
integrated, active internet users in the Philippines create a big number of 44.2
Million. (, 2015) If it will be realized, internet is invading the readership
and taste of the Filipinos. Compared to 1.5 Million circulation of our national dailies,
internet in one second could reach massive audience with less interruption.
In contrast, newspaper still has the capacity of encapsulating the entire mind to get
into the advertisement and context. Ads in print is flexible as it is designated in a
section next to context piece of the brand such as firms for investment in business
section. Matched to internet, even its peak of accessing the audience is high as one
blow, it is somewhat its own discrepancy. If the online market is deemed to be
competitive, advertisers are in dilemma of upgrading the promotion to heavy
approach. In online, there is also a high chance of skimming or ignoring behavior.
From Advent of media

It is 1200 years ago when the format of newspaper appeared. (George Rodman,
2009) Even in America, the first glance of newspaper at Boston still, somehow the
same as the newspaper today. When Radio and Television are invented, they do not
affect the industry since print has deeper digestion and presentation of facts.
However, later in 1990, newspaper industry surprisingly records constant decline to
almost 8 percent every year on its total print circulation. (Rich Edmonds, 2016)
In the Philippines, when the Marcos regime forcibly padlocked news media outfits,
newspaper and print become more responsive to the extent that it touches the most
credible journalistic period with the strong support of the Filipinos to underground
newspaper. From then, it thrives a long way of competition alongside with radio and
television. Cost of production during that stretch is somehow expensive as today.
However, in late 90s Philippine acquired to the advent of internet. Publishers like of
in Philippine Daily Inquirer have serious challenge to maintain the readership and
touch with the people. An instance of their initiative is putting up Inquirer Libre as
revenue stream which is run by advertising. Today, it is the second oldest free paper
in Asia which has successfully strive the challenge of new media. Meanwhile,
unusually, publishers and newspaper go complementary online version of their
mother product. Philippine Star despite of its constant aim of prevailing the truth
through print, it has already a corresponding online version cited
Through the existence of different medium, STAR is continuously triumphant in
inspiring the people.
Furthermore, the globally faced problem of media is somehow less felt in
Philippines. Yet the internet usage in the Philippines incessantly grow, the country
still relishes low data unit of internet. In recent years, advertising in all forms of
media still marks a double digit progress, not affecting each other.
Factors Affecting Readership
Innovation is always an input for attractiveness, thus if we compare newspapers
from old times, nothing has changed yet it is now more visual and graphic oriented.
Every person, from his childhood to the present stage when he grows older,
spotless and well-ordered things often grasp his attention. Anacito Dematera, Print
and Broadcast Media Department, Bicol University. He said. So, the undue interest
of the Filipinos to the new media is not anew to the society. Since online offers wide

ranging space, more graphic display, efficiency and accessibility in any space and
time, people are expected to learn and cope from it.
Simbulan cited that internet gives the audiences information how they want it.
Meanwhile Rebong mentioned in her article that news is dependent on its readers.
Therefore, readership is not obtain through the available reading materials. When
there is no sense of interest, nothing will read the article regardless of its distinct
style and importance.
Readership is not literally declining, only that it is effectively obtained in gradually
evolving world of internet and interest.
Challenge to Amend, Conclusion
Newsworthiness is undeniable in newspaper especially when there is no conflict of
interest in ownership and rapport with advertisers. What is empirical to survive is its
coping mechanism to the fast changing world. For example, music does not
disappear, it only survives from different genres and medium of expression. With
this, journalists should always be dynamic as communication runs through another
process. It is not necessary to preserve what is customary in nature because
everything is unstable and in its parts there is a change possible.
The Future of print media relies on its ability to address the interest of the public. It
will never eventually set if there is patronage and promotion. As long as it resonates
the people. As long as it accepts the offers of the trending features without affecting
its credibility, there is always a newspaper. On the other hand, as the journalism
defines its most ethical standard of telling the truth, news is the blood of journalism.
The paper is not the most important to readers, it is the context that sensationalizes
the readers to subscribe. Thus, a world without newspapers is just the same, only
that news jumps to another medium. Mass media is shaped not by a single factor
but by the preferences from the attempts of catering the media consumers. The
media industry profoundly influence the consumer in vice versa approach. (Rene,
Guioguio, 2015)
Now, the questions should be who want to read our story? And what story do they
want that would sell and create dialogue or interaction to preserve our brand?

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