New Austrian Tunneling Method

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New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM)

The New Austrian Tunneling method (NATM) was developed between 1957 and 1965
in Austria. It was given its name in Salzburg in 1962 to distinguish it from old
Austrian tunnelling approach. The main contributors to the development of NATM
were Ladislaus von Rabcewicz, Leopold Mller and Franz Pacher. The main idea is to
use the geological stress of the surrounding rock mass to stabilize the tunnel itself.

Crossover and Twin Tubes Tunnel

The NATM integrates the principles of the behaviour of rock masses under load and
monitoring the performance of underground construction during construction. The
NATM is not a set of specific excavation and support techniques and has often been
referred to as a design as you go approach to tunnelling providing an optimized
support based on observed ground conditions but more correctly it is a design as
you monitor approach based on observed convergence and divergence in the lining
as well as prevailing rock conditions.
There are seven features on which NATM is based:



Mobilization of the strength of rock mass The method relies on the

inherent strength of the surrounding rock mass being conserved as the main
component of tunnel support. Primary support is directed to enable the rock to
support itself.
Shotcrete protection Loosening and excessive rock deformation must be
minimised. This is achieved by applying a thin layer of shotcrete immediately
after face advance.
Measurements Every deformation of the excavation must be measured.
NATM requires installation of sophisticated measurement instrumentation. It is
embedded in lining, ground, and boreholes.
Flexible support The primary lining is thin and reflects recent strata
conditions. Active rather than passive support is used and the tunnel is
strengthened not by a thicker concrete lining but by a flexible combination of
rock bolts, wire mesh and steel ribs.
Closing of invert Quickly closing the invert and creating a load-bearing
ring is important. It is crucial in soft ground tunnels where no section of the
tunnel should be left open even temporarily.


Contractual arrangements Since the NATM is based on monitoring

measurements, changes in support and construction method are possible. This is
possible only if the contractual system enables those changes.
Rock mass classification determines support measures There are several
main rock classes for tunnels and corresponding support systems for each. These
serve as the guidelines for tunnel reinforcement.
Based on the computation of the optimal cross section, just a thin
shotcrete protection is necessary. It is applied immediately behind the Tunnel
boring machine, to create a natural load-bearing ring and therefore to minimize
the rocks deformation. Additionally, geotechnical instruments are installed to
measure the later deformation of excavation. Therefore a monitoring of the
stress distribution within the rock is possible.

Drilling and blasting, full face

Mechanical excavation,

Excavation with shovel

Face support with shotcrete

Full face

Re Profilling

Typical excavation sequences in conventional tunnelling

l excavation


Top heading



et Grouting


Pipe Umbrella

This monitoring makes the method very flexible, even at surprising changes of the
geomechanical rock consistency during the tunneling work, e.g. by crevices or pit
water. Such (usual) problems are not solved by thicker shotcrete, but the
reinforcement is done by wired concrete which can be combined with steel ribs or lug

The measured rock properties lead to the appropriate tools for tunnel strengthening.
Therefore in the last decade NATM was also applied to soft ground excavations and to
tunnels in porous sediments. The flexible NATM technique enables immediate
adjustments in the construction details, but this requires a flexible contractual
system, too.

Philosophy and controversial names

When tunneling engineers talk on NATM, they often mean different things because
some of them define it as a special technique, but others as a sort of philosophy.
Recently the scene has been complicated by new terms and even alternative names,
when discussing certain aspects of NATM. This is partly caused by an increased use
of the method in the USA, particularly in soft ground conditions (see External links).
Besides the official name New Austrian Tunneling Method other designations are
used in the last years, e.g. Sequential Excavation Method (SEM), or Sprayed Concrete
Lining (SCL). In Japan sometimes other names were used, e.g. Centre Dividing Wall
NATM, or Cross Diaphragm Method (both abbreviated as CDM), and even Upper Half
Vertical Subdivision method (UHVS). Evidently, the scientists and the tunneling
industry cannot find a unified name for this widely used method.
As defined by the Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, the NATM constitutes
a method where the surrounding rock or soil formations of a tunnel are integrated
into an overall ring-like support structure. Thus the supporting formations will
themselves be part of this supporting structure.
But many engineers already refer to as NATM, when shotcrete is proposed for initial
ground support of an open-face tunnel. Especially with reference to soft ground, the
term NATM can be misleading. As noted by Emit Brown, NATM can refer to both a
design philosophy and a construction method.

Key features
According to E.Brown, the key features of the design philosophy refer to:

The strength of the ground around a tunnel is deliberately mobilized to the

maximum extent possible.
Mobilization of ground strength is achieved by allowing controlled deformation
of the ground.


Initial primary support is installed having load-deformation characteristics

appropriate to the ground conditions, and installation is timed with respect to
ground deformations.
Instrumentation is installed to monitor deformations in the initial support
system, as well as to form the basis of varying the initial support design and the
sequence of excavation.
When NATM is seen as a construction method, the key features are:
The tunnel is sequentially excavated and supported, and the excavation sequences
can be varied.
The initial ground support is provided by shotcrete in combination with fibre or
welded-wire fabric reinforcement, steel arches (usually lattice girders), and
sometimes ground reinforcement (e.g. soil nails, spiling).
The permanent support is usually (but not always) a cast-in-place concrete lining.
Some experts note that many of these construction methods were used in the US
and elsewhere in soft-ground applications, before NATM was described in the
In an article of 2002 Romero states the major difference between the viewpoints of
design and of construction: The deformation of the soil (rem.: at soft-ground tunnels)
is not easily controlled. Therefore it can be concluded that the excavation and
support planned for sequentially excavated, shotcrete-lined tunnels .. utilizes NATM
construction methods but not necessarily NATM design methods. These details are
less essential at tunnels in solid or fair rock.

Sprayed Concrete
Eliminates the need for using some expensive TBM equipment during
Suitable for a wide range of geometry (shafts, junctions, non-circular tunnels
andtunnels with variable shapes)
Its suitability diminishes in softer ground, which can subside when excavated.
Not suitable below water table in highly permeable soils.

Main characteristics
Tunnel Lining Sprayed Concrete.
Typical Performance 1m to 3m per day. Actual performance and costs
will depend on ground conditions and tunnel diameter.
Typical Costs USD 9,700 to USD 88,525 per metre.





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