American Express Card Info
American Express Card Info
American Express Card Info
Early history
In 1880, American Express built a new warehouse behind the Broadway Building at 46 Trinity Place. The designer is unknown, but it has a faade of brick arches that
are redolent of pre-skyscraper New York. American Express has long been out of this building, but it still bears
a terracotta seal with the American Express Eagle.[15] In
189091 the company constructed a new ten-story building by Edward H. Kendall on the site of its former headquarters on Hudson Street.
By 1903, the company had assets of some $28 million,
second only to the National City Bank of New York
among nancial institutions in the city. To reect this, the
In 1850, American Express was started as an express company purchased the Broadway buildings and site.[14]
mail business in Bualo, New York.[12] It was founded At the end of the Wells-Fargo reign in 1914, an aggressive
as a joint stock corporation by the merger of the express new president, George Chadbourne Taylor (18681923),
companies owned by Henry Wells (Wells & Company), who had worked his way up through the company over the
William G. Fargo (Livingston, Fargo & Company), and previous thirty years, decided to build a new headquarJohn Warren Buttereld (Wells, Buttereld & Company, ters. The old buildings, dubbed by the New York Times
the successor earlier in 1850 of Buttereld, Wasson & as among the ancient landmarks of lower Broadway,
Company).[2][3] Wells and Fargo also started Wells Fargo were inadequate for such a rapidly expanding concern.
& Co. in 1852 when Buttereld and other directors ob- After some delays due to the war in Europe, the 21-story
jected to the proposal that American Express extend its neo-classical American Express Co. Building was conoperations to California.
structed in 191617 to the design of James L. Aspinwall,
American Express Co. shipping receipt, New York City to St.
Louis, MO (August 6, 1860)
American Express initially established its headquarters in of the rm of Renwick, Aspinwall & Tucker, the suc1
$10, $20, $50, and $100.[17]
Travelers cheques established American Express as a
truly international company. In 1914, at the onset of
World War I, American Express in Europe was among
the few companies to honor the letters of credit (issued
by various banks) held by Americans in Europe, because
other nancial institutions refused to assist these stranded
Financial services
Recent history
American Express no longer accepts applications for the
Optima brand of cards, since July 13, 2009, Optima cards
are still listed on the American Express website, as a reference to existing members only. According to American
Express, Optima accounts were not converted or closed.
However, Blue from American Express has prevailed as
the replacement for the original Optima style of credit
card. Blue includes multiple benets free of charge, unlike Optima, including the Membership Rewards program. In October 2012, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced an enforcement action with orders requiring three American Express subsidiaries to refund an estimated $85 million to approximately 250,000 customers for illegal card practices. This
action was the result of a multi-part federal investigation
which found that at every stage of the consumer experience, from marketing to enrollment to payment to debt
collection, American Express violated consumer protection laws. American Express sent letters to some previous
customers: We invite you to apply for the Optima Card
from American Express. This opportunity is in connection with a settlement solicitation, which did not clearly
disclose that a settlement could prevent you from being
approved for a new account with us in the future. This
is in response to an enforcement action by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation and Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau regarding this issue. Your attached application will be approved unless we determine that you
do not have the nancial capacity to make the minimum
payment on this new Optima Card account, or we receive
the application after 04/25/2013.
In April 1992, American Express spun o its subsidiary,
First Data Corp., in an IPO. Then, in October 1996, the
company distributed the remaining majority of its holdings in First Data Corp., reducing its ownership to less
than 5%.
2.3 Cable TV
American Express formed a venture with Warner Communications in 1979 called Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment, which created MTV, Nickelodeon, and The
Movie Channel. The partnership lasted only until 1984.
The properties were sold to Viacom soon after.
Business model
4.1 Consumer cards
adopted the 1979 UK Synthpop hit "Cars" by Gary Numan as its theme song. Based on a successful product for
the European market, Blue had no annual fee, a rewards
program, and a multi-functional onboard smart chip. A
cashback version, Blue Cash, quickly followed. Amex
also targeted young adults with City Reward Cards that
earn INSIDE Rewards points to eat, drink, and play at
New York, Chicago and LA hot spots. American Express began phasing out the INSIDE cards in mid-2008,
with no new applications being taken as of July 2008.
Card design
American Express also issue EMV compatible ExpressPay cards in many countries.[43]
Some notable users of contactless payment include Australia and the UK where contactless (tap and go) is used
almost 10 times as often in Australia and almost 5 times
more often in the United Kingdom on a per capita basis
compared to the United States.[44]
In 2005, American Express introduced ExpressPay, similar to MasterCard PayPass and Visa payWave, all of
which use the symbol appearing on the right. It is a contactless payment system based on wireless RFID, where
In 2008, American Express acquired the Corporate Payment Services business of GE, which primarily focused
on providing Purchasing Card solutions for large global
clients.[48] As part of the $1b+ transaction, American Express also added a new product, called V-Payment, to its
product portfolio. V-Payment is unique in that it enables
a tightly controlled, single-use card number for increased
the corporation.[53]
In December 2000, American Express agreed to acquire the US$226 million credit card portfolio of Bank
of Hawaii, then a division of Pacic Century Finan[54]
In January 2006, American Express sold
As of July 2016, American Express oered several busi- cial Corp.
ness, corporate and travel credit and charge cards and ser- its Bank of Hawaii card portfolio to Bank of America
vices and data and information services related to their (MBNA). Bank of America will issue Visa and American Express cards under the Bank of Hawaii name.
use in the competitive markets for these cards.[49]
The online American Express @ Work function gives
corporations a site on which to apply for, cancel or
suspend cards, monitor policy compliance and track
expenses. The cardholder company can create and
generate reports for a corporate expense account program, including analytics and data consolidation or
integration.[50][51] Reports can be tailored for various
sized companies. Through a Standard Expense Reporting
feature in its Manage Your Card Account site, American Express corporate cards provide cardholders access
to pre-populated expense reports. The cardholder needs
to annotate expenses and add out-of-pocket charges upon
completion of which the report can be downloaded in
electronic or paper format.[50]
American Express Corporate Card program can be used
with a third-party on-demand expense management tool
by Concur, a provider of integrated travel and expense
management services.[50] This tool simplies the creation
of expense account reports and the corporate approval
process.[50] Corporate card activity, including viewing
statements, making payments, setting up alerts and making inquiries and disputing charges, can be managed
through an account online or via mobile device through
this service.[50]
The corporate cards have benets including discounts and
rebates for travel and transportation, travel and emergency help, travel insurance and baggage protection.[50]
Upgrades from the Corporate Green Card to the Corporate Gold Card or Corporate Platinum Card, although
subject to fees and terms and conditions, have several additional benets at each card level, such as free breakfast or late checkout at many hotels.[50] The American
Express/Business Extra Corporate Credit Card is aliated with American Airlines and provides a 4% rebate
on eligible American Airlines travel purchased with the
American Express has a specialized corporate meeting
credit card.[52] Another specialized American Express
business card is the American Express Corporate Purchasing Card, which can be assigned to individual employees or departments. Reconciliation and accounting
services are available to make these functions easier for
Financial advisors
Merchant account
Non-card products
Travelers checks
banking and trading rm, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb,
and added it to the Shearson family, creating Shearson
Lehman/American Express. In 1988, the rm acquired
E. F. Hutton & Co., forming Shearson Lehman Hutton until 1990, when the rms name became Shearson
Lehman Brothers. When Harvey Golub took the reins
in 1993 he negotiated the sale of Shearsons retail brokerage and asset management business to Primerica and
in following year, spun o of the remaining investment
banking and institutional businesses as Lehman Brothers
Holdings Inc.
In 2005, American Express released the American Express Travelers Check Card, a stored-value card that
serves the same purposes as a travelers check, but can be
used in stores like a credit card. The card has since been
discontinued as of October 31, 2007, due to changing
market conditions. All cardholders were issued refund On September 18, 2007, Standard Chartered Bank
agreed to acquire American Express Bank Ltd, a comchecks for the remaining balances.
mercial bank, from American Express Co,[67] for an estimated US$823 million, through a friendly divestiture
5.2 Shearson/American Express
See also: Shearson/American Express
During the 1980s, American Express began purchas-
5.4 Travel
5.5 Publishing
The American Express Publishing Corporation published
the Travel + Leisure, Food & Wine, Executive Travel,
Black Ink, and Departures magazines until October 1,
2013, when it sold those titles to Time Inc.[73] It publishes American Express Skyguide and is based in New
York City.[74] As of February 2014, Time Inc. is restructuring the portfolio of publications.[75]
Individual banking
American Express FSB (federal savings bank) is a direct In late 2004, American Express launched the My
bank oering a standard savings account to individuals. life. My card. brand campaign (also by Ogilvy &
Checking account services are not provided.
Mather) featuring famous American Express cardmembers talking about their lives. The ads have featured
actors Kate Winslet, Robert De Niro, Ken Watanabe,
and Tina Fey; Duke University basketball coach Mike
6 Advertising
Krzyzewski; fashion designers Collette Dinnigan and
Diane von Frstenberg; comedian and talk show hostess Ellen DeGeneres; golfer Tiger Woods; professional
6.1 Don't Leave Home Without Them
snowboarder Shaun White; tennis pros Venus Williams
and Andy Roddick; Real Madrid manager Jos MourIn 1975, David Ogilvy of Ogilvy & Mather developed
inho; lm directors Martin Scorsese, Wes Anderson, and
the highly successful Don't Leave Home Without Them
M. Night Shyamalan; and most recently, singer Beyonc
ad campaign for American Express Travelers Cheques,
featuring Oscar-award-winning actor Karl Malden. Karl
Malden served as the public face of American Express
Travelers Cheques for 25 years. In the UK the spokesman
was the television personality Alan Whicker.
After Maldens departure, and as the card assumed importance over the travelers cheques, American Express
continued to use celebrities, such as Mel Blanc and ballerina Cynthia Gregory. A typical ad for the American
Express Card began with a celebrity asking viewers: Do
you know me?" Although he/she gave hints to his/her
identity, the stars name was never mentioned except as
imprinted on an American Express Card, after which announcer Peter Thomas told viewers how to apply for it.
Each ad concluded with the celebrity reminding viewers:
Don't Leave Home Without It. The Don't Leave Home
Without It slogan was revived in 2005 for the prepaid
American Express Travelers Cheque Card.
6.4 C F. Frost
In 2006, as part of Bonos Product Red, American Express launched the American Express Red Card with a
campaign starred by supermodel Gisele Bndchen. The
card, currently available only in the United Kingdom,
makes a donation to ght AIDS with every purchase made
using the card.
In May 2007, American Express launched an initiative
called the Members Project.[78][79] Cardholders were invited to submit ideas for projects, and were told American
Express was funding the winning project. The winner, a
provide clean drinking water project, received $2 million.
In April 1986, American Express moved its headquarters to the 51-story Three World Financial Center in New
In 2007, a two-minute black-and-white ad, entitled An- York City. After the events of September 11, 2001,
imals and starring Ellen DeGeneres, won the Emmy American Express had to leave its headquarters temporarily as it was located directly opposite to the World
Award for Outstanding Commercial.[80][81]
Trade Center and was damaged during the fall of the towers. The company began gradually moving back into its
rehabilitated building in 2002.
Two rescue workers entering the American Express Tower following September 11 terrorist attack on World Trade Center.
American Express also has a signicant presence in India. Its two centres are located at Gurgaon, Haryana
and one at Mathura Road, New Delhi. The Indian operations of American Express revolves around the back
oce customer services operations apart from the credit
card business for the domestic Indian Economy, arguably
the American Express campus in Gurgaon is the largest
employee location by head count for Amex and supports
business continuity objectives of Amex including during Hurricane Sandy, the center works 24/7 and includes
a co-located second building which was recently trans- The members of the companys board of directors are
ferred to a third party service provider but does much listed on the companys website as follows:[86]
work for Amex.
Job satisfaction
9 In popular culture
Jerey C. Campbell: Executive Vice President and These slogans have been parodied numerous times:
Chief Financial Ocer[87]
Laureen E. Seeger: Executive Vice President and
General Counsel[88]
Thomas Schick: Executive Vice President, Corporate and External Aairs
Neal Sample: President, Enterprise Growth[89]
Joshua G. Silverman: President, U.S. Consumer
Stephen J. Squeri: Group President, Global Corporate Services
Anr Williams: President, Global Merchant Services
In The Sopranos episode, "Mr. & Mrs. John Sacrimoni Request...", Christopher Moltisanti concludes
his sale of stolen credit card numbers to Middle
Easterners with a quip: Don't leave home without
them!" This statement confuses the Middle Easterners, who are unfamiliar with the ad campaign.
The long-running PBS childrens TV series Sesame
Street parodied the Do you know me?/Don't Leave
Home Without It ad campaigns with three skits
involving a Muppet character holding a Grown-Up
Friends hand while crossing the street. One skit featured Forgetful Jones (performed by Richard Hunt)
with Olivia (Alaina Reed Hall) as his Grown-Up
Friend, a second featured Bert and Ernie (Frank Oz
and Jim Henson respectively) with Gordon (Roscoe
Orman) as their Grown-Up Friend, and the third
featured Big Bird (Caroll Spinney) with Bob (Bob
McGrath) as his Grown-Up Friend. All three skits
ended with the grownups names being embossed
at the bottom of a card resembling an American
Express card that had a big human left hand in
the middle, with the words Grown-Up Friends
Hand above it, and a voiceover saying A GrownUp Friends Hand. Don't cross the street without it.
10 See also
List of foreign exchange companies
65 Broadway (Standard & Poors Building)
List of banks
11 References
[1] American Express, Form 8-K, Current Report, Filing
Date Dec 23, 2008 (PDF). Retrieved
Jan 6, 2013.
[2] Peter Z. Grossman. American Express: The Unocial
History of the People Who Built the Great Financial Empire. New York: Crown Publishers, 1987. (reprint: Beard
Books 2006; ISBN 1-58798-283-8; Chapter 2.)
[3] Noel M. Loomis, Wells Fargo. New York: Clarkson N.
Potter, Inc., 1968
[4] Top Management Compensation. Retrieved Aug 30,
[5] 2015 annual results. American Express Company.
[6] Dow Jones Industrial Average. Retrieved 20 October 2013.
[7] by $ value. Amex presentation to investors at the Keefe,
Bruyette & Woods 2009 Diversied Financials Conference. June 3, 2009
[8] American Express to slash 7000 jobs. Sydney Morning
Herald. October 31, 2008. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
[9] Retrieved December
18, 2011.
In the lm Batman & Robin, Batman pulls out a Bat- [10] Worlds Most Admired Companies 2011. Fortune.
Credit card and says he never leaves the cave without
Archived from the original on March 21, 2011. Retrieved
March 21, 2011.
[28] Costco names Citi, Visa as new credit card partners after
AmEx deal ends. Los Angeles Times. March 2, 2015.
Retrieved July 1, 2015.
[12] Recognizing Responsibility: American Express Company 2007/2008 Corporate Citizenship Report (PDF).
American Express Co. p. 8. Retrieved 2012-07-25. In
1850, three men Henry Wells, William G. Fargo and
John Buttereld founded an express company in Buffalo, New York to forward freight and valuables across the
united States.
[35] Kopecki, Dawn. (2013-03-26) AmEx Bluebird Customers Get FDIC Backing, Check-Writing Feature.
Bloomberg. Retrieved on 2013-08-16.
[24] AmEx gets out of TARP. CNN. July 29, 2009. Retrieved August 21, 2009.
[44] In Australia, 'tap-and-go' rules. Financial Review. Retrieved September 21, 2014.
[25] OFT Warns Credit Card Providers O 'Charging Orders". Choose. November 10, 2010.
[26] American Express completes acquisition of Loyalty Partner. March 3, 2011. Retrieved March 7, 2011.
[68] Clark, Andrew (September 18, 2007). Standard Chartered buys American Express Bank. The Guardian. London. Archived from the original on April 5, 2010. Retrieved May 2, 2010.
[69] Frequently Asked Questions on the Standard Chartered
Bank acquisition of American Express Bank (PDF). Retrieved Jan 11, 2012.
[70] Auditors Report on the nancial statements of Standard
Chartered Bank India Branches under Section 30 of the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949, Page 7 , Economic & Political Weekly EPW June 28, 2008 (PDF). Retrieved Jan 11, 2012.
[71] Standard Chartered to Buy American Express Bank Unit
(Update4)". Bloomberg. September 18, 2007. Retrieved
Jan 11, 2012.
[72] Standard Chartered completes acquisition of American
Express Bank for $823 million.
Retrieved Jan 11, 2012.
[73] Media Its Ocial: Time Inc. Buys AmExs Food &
Wine, Travel & Leisure Magazines. Ad Age. Crain Communications. Retrieved 11 October 2013.
[74] American Express, Form 10-K, Annual Report, Filing
Date Feb 24, 2012 (PDF). Retrieved
Jan 6, 2013.
[75] Steigrad, Alexandra (5 February 2014). Time Inc. Lays
Out Restructuring. WWD. Retrieved 5 February 2014.
[76] Cecil Adams (December 16, 1983). Retrieved December 18, 2011.
[77] Hessekiel, David (31 January 2012). Cause Marketing
Leaders of the Pack. LLC. Retrieved 18 August 2013.
[64] Five questions with... John Godwin. Bualo Law Journal. Retrieved June 19, 2014.
[65] U.S. judge: Governments antitrust suit vs AmEx may
proceed. Retrieved May 7, 2014.
[82] Newman, Peter C. (July 30, 1990). The brash new kid
on the block. (American Express Co. opens Amex Bank
of Canada amid controversy)" (column). Macleans, July
30, 1990 v103 n31 p33(1)
External links
Ocial website
American Express SEC Filings
Original artist: Anonymous. Courtesy of the Prints and Photographs Division. Library of Congress.
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Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Jsayre64 using CommonsHelper. Original artist: The original
uploader was CoolKid1993 at English Wikipedia
Americanexpressplatinumemvcontactless.jpg License: Fair use Contributors: American Express Forums Original artist: American
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