Walk by The Spirit!: Galatians 5:19-26
Walk by The Spirit!: Galatians 5:19-26
Walk by The Spirit!: Galatians 5:19-26
"God never urges himself to be good," said Edward Carnell in Christian Commitment. Because
he is good. That is, his nature always inclines irresistibly toward righteousness. God is never
torn by evil motives. God is light and in him is no darkness at all. So he does not need to be
reminded about the duty of his deity. No one needs to say, "Now today, God, mind your
manners, do what's right, avoid evil, remember the ten commandments." When a
person is good from root to branch, he does not need to be told to be good. His goodness
grows like fruit on a tree.
This means that Galatians 5, along with the whole New Testament, stands as a perpetual
reminder of our moral depravity. God never urges himself to be good, but he never ceases to
urge us to be good. And so he testifies continually to us that we are not goodthe root is not
wholly pure. Do we spontaneously and naturally and consistently humble ourselves and serve
others in meekness and kindness? Do right attitudes and actions come out of us as naturally
as light and heat come out of the sun? We know they don't. God knows they don't. And so we
must be reminded of what is rightwhat it is that can keep you from inheriting the kingdom.
We need a list of bad things and a list of good things, like we get here in Galatians 5:1923.
do it in reliance on the Spirit's power, not ours. Finally, in verse 26 Paul's command is not
addressed primarily to an outward act but to an inward attitude: "Let us have no self-conceit."
Let us not be driven by the love of praise and glory. So in these four ways Paul helps us see
that our real problem is not the whitecap of behavior visible above the water; the real problem
is the massive dark iceberg of depravity beneath the surface.
So I hope you can see that there is a world of difference between biblical ethical teaching and
popular American morality. The Bible soberly acknowledges the awful root of depravityselfconceit, vain glory within the human heart. And the Bible solves the problem with a
called new
birth at
and sanctification afterward. If we come alive by an act of the Spirit, so now let us go on
walking in reliance on the Spirit (5:25). Popular American morality, on the other hand, is
astonishingly nave about the depth of our corruption and even turns much of our pride into a
virtue. God is an option or even a traditional value to be preserved, but not at all a
desperately needed Savior from the disease of sin.
I want us at Bethlehem to think biblically about virtue and not to be conformed to the way this
world works at its virtue. So let's go back and look at least at the first of these four special
steps Paul takes to keep us from turning his ethical teaching into another 20th century
American self-improvement program.
these vices is a heart that thinks of itself as creditor and everyone else as its debtors. The
flesh is convinced of its own merit and expects God and man and nature to pay dues by giving
the satisfaction it desires. When these payments of satisfaction are not made, the flesh reacts
the way it does not to earn anything, but because it feels that it already had earned what it
didn't get.
The flesh knows nothing of grace. It doesn't think of its satisfactions as free gifts from a
merciful God. It thinks of them as debts which it deserves to be paid. This is why all its
products should be called "works." Even though jealousy and anger and envy come out of the
flesh just as spontaneously and effortlessly as fruit out of a tree, the tree only thinks in terms
of merit and pay and reaction for no pay. And so everything it produces is flavored by the
mentality of merit and is called "works."
But the mentality behind the fruit of the Spirit is the mentality of faith depending upon grace.
People who bear the fruit of the Spirit know they are worthy only of condemnation. They know
that the only pay they can earn is the wrath of God. Therefore, they have turned away from
self-reliance and look only to mercy in Christ who "loved us and gave himself for us" (2:20).
They do not expect anyone to be their debtor because of their worth. Any satisfaction will be a
free gift of grace. They bank on the mercy of God and entrust themselves to his Spirit for help.
And out of that mentality of faith depending on grace grows not "works" but "fruit": love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness . . .
So even in the names that Paul has given to his lists of vices and virtues, he helps us see that
the issue is not the outward activities of life but the kind of heart that produces our outer life.
Paul assumes that some powerful battle has been fought and won in the deep territory of our
soul. That's the meaning of verse 24, "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the
flesh with its passions and desires."
of the Spirit, is a constant reckoning of the flesh as dead (piling stones on its tomb) and a
constant relying on the present Spirit of Christ to produce love, joy, and peace within. The
difference between the Christian life and popular American morality is that Christians will not
take one step unless the hand of Christ holds the hand that wields the sword of righteousness.