Forests and Trees

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The UNEP Magazine for Youth

for young people by young people about young people

Forests and trees

A portrait of home Sacred forests

Urban jungle Chemical cornucopia Its up to us


the UNEP magazine
for youth. To view current
and past issues of this
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A portrait of home

United Nations Environment

Programme (UNEP)
PO Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya
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A chemical cornucopia

Norway leads on REDD

Action on forests

Campaigning for cork


ISSN 1727-8902

What makes a forest a forest?


Sacred forests


Its up to us


The urban jungle


REDD+: a natural progression


Seven forest wonders


A step at a time


Director of Publication Satinder Bindra

Editor Geoffrey Lean
Special Contributor Wondwosen Asnake
Youth Editor Karen Eng
Nairobi Coordinator Naomi Poulton
Head, UNEPs Children and Youth Unit
Theodore Oben
Circulation Manager Manyahleshal Kebede
Design Edward Cooper, Ecuador
Production Banson
Cover photo Anup Shah/
Youth contributors Bethlehem Tilahun Alemu
(Ethiopia); Madhushree BN (India); Meghna
Das (India); Diana Friedrich (Argentina); Lea
Keiper (Germany); Luke Roberts (UK); Tan
Sijie (Singapore); Yugratna Srivasvata (India);
Mandarina Wambui Njoroge (Kenya); Andrea Tobar

Keep up with TUNZA on your mobile
or on Facebook

Other contributors Jane Bowbrick; Yann ArthusBertrand; Erik Solheim; Martin Jenkins; Martin
Palmer, ARC; Ian Redmond, GRASP; Sara Oldeld,
BGCI; Rosey Simonds and David Woollcombe,
Peace Child International.
Printed in Malta
The contents of this magazine do not necessarily reect the
views or policies of UNEP or the editors, nor are they an ofcial record. The designations employed and the presentation
do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on
the part of UNEP concerning the legal status of any country,
territory or city or its authority, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

UNEP promotes
environmentally sound practices
globally and in its own activities. This
magazine is printed on FSC paper, using
vegetable-based inks and other eco-friendly
practices. Our distribution policy aims
to reduce UNEPs carbon footprint.

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

UNEP and Bayer, the German-based

multinational involved in health care,
crop protection and high-tech materials,
are working together to strengthen
young peoples environmental
awareness and engage children and
youth in environmental issues
A partnership agreement, originally
signed in 2004 and renewed in 2007 and
2010, runs through 2013. It lays down the
basis for UNEP and Bayer to implement
the projects under the partnership.
These include: TUNZA Magazine, the

International Childrens Painting

Competition on the Environment, the
UNEP Tunza International Youth and
Childrens Conferences, youth
environmental networks in Africa, Asia
Pacic, Europe, Latin America and the
Caribbean, North America and West Asia,
the Bayer Young Environmental Envoy
Program and a photo competition,
Ecology in Focus, in Eastern Europe.
The long-standing partnership between
UNEP and Bayer has become a publicprivate partnership that serves as a
model for both organizations.


A different
way of thinking

What ecosystem services are worth
(per hectare per year)

Cameroons forest services

Climate regulation $8422,265
Non-timber forest products: $4170
Flood regulation $24
Hawaii, USA
Groundwater recharging services of the forested Koolau
watershed: $35,500$65,750
Costa Rica
The pollination value of forests next to coffee plantations:

Emissions from
Deforestation and Forest

The UNs initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation

and Forest Degradation (REDD, is a mechanism that facilitates the ow of funds from the developed to
the developing world to conserve forests. To date the REDD
Policy Board has approved $55.4 million to support the
development of national REDD strategies in Bolivia, Cambodia,
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, Indonesia,
Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, the Philippines,
Solomon Islands, Tanzania, Viet Nam and Zambia. In the
longer run, as partnerships between nations are established,
REDD could raise as much as $30 billion a year.

e all know that timber, fibres, foods and

medicines from forests have a price. But the
services forests provide often referred to
as ecosystem services, such as regulating water and
controlling floods, storing carbon and preventing erosion
go undervalued despite being far more significant.
The current rate of forest felling contributes 20 per cent
of our carbon emissions, but what is the true worth of
keeping that carbon locked up? Expressing such values in
economic terms makes it possible to compare the value of
conserving forests with the cost of destroying them.
Putting a dollar value to ecosystem services, however,
is a contentious issue. Some say we should appreciate
our natural environment for its intrinsic worth, and that
putting a monetary value to it devalues it. Others believe
that we should really pay for what we consume not just
the face value of a cheap plastic toy or that affordable
mobile phone, but the cost to our environment of making,
transporting, using and discarding such things.
The trouble is that natures harvests, using traditional
economic measures, do not seem to contribute much,
especially at the global level: forestry, agriculture and
fisheries account for less than a fifth of the worlds gross
domestic product. At the local level, however, they are of
huge importance, representing up to 90 per cent of poor
peoples livelihoods. So putting a price on ecosystem
services more truly reflects the fundamental needs of
people on the planet, rich and poor alike.
Payment for ecosystem services is a different way of
thinking. Instead of letting the markets push people to
clear forests for timber, building materials and fuel or
turn them into agricultural land or grazing for cattle, it
rewards communities who preserve and even restore
their forests and helps fight poverty. The money comes
from those who benefit from the forests wider services
regulating climate, storing carbon and controlling flows
of water. On a practical level, it can be raised through
general taxation or by adding a charge to existing tariffs
such as for water use, or from greenhouse gas emitters
through the carbon markets. And there are also moves to
redirect some overseas development aid to payment for
ecosystem services.
If these services are lost because of deforestation and forest
degradation, money wont restore them. But expressing
their value in the language of commerce may persuade
politicians, producers and consumers alike to rethink
exactly what goes into that plastic toy or mobile phone.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand

ann Arthus-Bertrand has made documenting the

grandeur and beauty of Earth his lifes work. Born
in 1946, the French photographer, film maker,
environmentalist and UNEP Goodwill Ambassador started
photographing wildlife on a trip to Kenya in the late 1970s,
when he spent some time with a pride of lions. Since then,
he has worked for Life and National Geographic, and along
the way photographed naturalist Dian Fossey and the
mountain gorillas in Rwanda.
Arthus-Bertrand is best known for his aerial photography
images shot from helicopters and hot-air balloons. With
the support of UNESCO, he provided a perspective of
our planet that we wouldnt otherwise see in The Earth

from Above, and in 2009, released Home, a documentary

showing the glories of the planet from the air and how
humanitys relationship with it is rapidly disrupting its
ecological balance.
The UN commissioned Arthus-Bertrand to produce the
official film for the launch of the International Year of
Forests, Of Forests and Men a seven-minute montage of
the worlds forests from above. The footage shows not only
the beauty of forests, but also what we are doing to them.
TUNZA asked Arthus-Bertrand about his relationship with
forests and how he feels photography can help preserve
the Earth.

TUNZA: Do you spend much time in


TUNZA: From your perspective, what is

the key problem, and solution?

Y A-B: My house stands on the edge of

a forest where I walk every morning. It is
a world of sensations, where all human
things seem to disappear. Forests tranquillity and beauty, freshness and
fertility express something that contributes to my physical and mental
well-being. I dont think I am alone in
this. We come from the forest. Humans
developed their binocular vision and
opposable thumbs in the trees. Perhaps
thats why I feel the need to return to
them from time to time, to reconnect.
Yet I am aware that the forests around
Paris all bear the mark of humanity.

Y A-B: I stopped once near a field in

Borneo, where a farmer was cutting a
patch of forest. I spoke to him about
deforestation, ecosystems and climate
change. He said: You come here in
your helicopter to teach me a lesson?
Me, Im just working to feed my family.
Then he invited me on to his wooden
boat where his wife was feeding a baby
and watching a US television show.
We have created a dream of comfort
and consumption, we profited from that
dream, we showed it to others, but now
we tell them: Sorry, not for you. The
planet is in danger. So the question is:

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

are we, from the developed countries,

going to share? For others to have more,
we need to accept having less. And
thats not easy.
We have to change the way we
think, so that people ask: Do I have
the right to do this? May I live without considering my impact on the
environment, on a planet that I share
with others?
TUNZA: What can photography and
film do to help efforts to conserve
Y A-B: The beauty of the Earth creates
enormous emotion, and through this,
one can raise consciousness and pass

of home
Yann Arthus-Bertrand

on knowledge. Each picture of the Earth

or its inhabitants aims to show the best
in order to appeal to what is best in us.
The will to protect is strongest towards
what one understands and loves.
TUNZA: What would you say to the
worlds young people?
Y A-B: Commitment gives meaning to
life. I show it through photography, an
architect can demonstrate it by designing a green house or an engineer by
developing a clean car. Every person

can act in his or her own way. What is

fundamental is to act.
Visit Yann Arthus-Bertrands for photographs, a
competition, educational resources on
forests, and much more.
See his films online:
Of Forests and Men
Yann Arthus-Bertrand


A chemical
By Luke Roberts, who is studying molecular and
cellular biology at Imperial College, London

he Earths surface was once held tightly in the grasp

of forests. An estimated 14 per cent of the 150 million
square kilometres that make up our terrestrial
ecosystems was rainforest, for example. Today, only
6 per cent of that remains, and some believe that it, too, will
disappear within a mere 40 years. The reason? Deforestation.
More than 130,000 square kilometres per year (an area the
size of Greece) is lost each year, driven by the human desire
to turn ever-greater quantities of land over to agriculture, to
monoculture plantations for food crops or timber or palm oil,
to build roads or dams and to extract minerals all to supply
the demands of an ever-growing human population.
In the race to become ever more economically successful,
have we forgotten, or do we still not recognize, the fantastic
wealth that already exists in the chemical storehouses that
are forests? In the stems, owers, vines, leaves, shoots,
twigs, bark, roots, seeds, fungi and fauna lies the potential
for medicines, pesticides, cosmetics and other compounds
of massive industrial relevance.
Consumable products are not the only offerings. Incredibly,
the release of volatile terpenes from trees produces a

Invaluable forest chemicals a glimpse

Taxol (Paclitaxel) originally from the Pacic yew (Taxus
brevifolia), used to treat ovarian, breast and lung cancer.
Quinine from the cinchona tree, once used to treat and
guard against malaria.
Tannins (polyphenols) from plants, used to treat parasitic
diseases of livestock.
Diosgenin from the Mexican yam (Dioscorea sp.), rst
used to produce the contraceptive pill.
Salicyclic acid from the white willow (Salix alba), the active
compound of our most popular painkiller aspirin.
Terpenes (terpenoids) from coniferous species, vital in
producing commodities ranging from food colouring,
chewing gum and soap to paint, varnish, polish, ink, resin
and adhesives.

chemical cloud layer that reects sunlight back into the

atmosphere a forests self-cooling system. In warmer
weather more terpenes are released, perhaps providing
some protection against increasing global warming.
With the advancement of new technologies, many naturally
occurring chemicals are being replaced entirely or partially
by chemicals synthesized to do a certain job: quinine, for
example, has been replaced by synthetic drugs designed to
be more efcient in the treatment of malaria.
It is easy to see why natural chemicals may become surplus to requirements: concentrations of such chemicals
are often low and vary with seasonal and environmental
factors, so lengthy purication processes are often
needed. Does this mean our reliance on forest chemicals
will soon be obsolete too?
Not so. For example, natural rubber or caoutchouc, a
hydrocarbon polymer from the latex of the tree Hevea
brasiliensis is still used extensively owing to certain
physical advantages over synthetics: it is better at withstanding tearing when hot and it resists the build-up of heat
during exing.

Keith Bedard/UNEP/Topham

It is critical to realize that out of the 300,000 to 400,000

plant species described, more than two thirds of these
are in forests, particularly rainforests. But only 5 per cent
of rainforest species have had their chemical composition
explored. A poignant reason to strive for the protection of
forest biodiversity other than the inherent beauty of forest
ecosystems is the fear of losing unidentied potential.
After all, you cant look for answers to questions that you
havent yet formulated. Letting undiscovered chemical
assets slip through our ngers without us recognizing that
they were ever there at all is not just a criminal waste it
could jeopardize the health and well-being of our lives, and
of generations to come.

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

Norway leads on REDD

Bjrn H Stuedal

Nigel Dickinson/Still Pictures

educing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest

Degradation (REDD; also see page 20) is a mechanism
being negotiated under the United Nations climate
change convention. It is intended to offer developing
countries financial incentives to keep their forests standing and
conserve the carbon stored in them, thereby fighting climate
change. REDD+ goes further, encouraging sustainable forest
management helping preserve biodiversity, and providing
livelihoods for millions. One of several multilateral initiatives
offering REDD support is the UN-REDD Programme, to
which Norway is the largest donor. TUNZA spoke to Norways
Minister of the Environment and UNEP Champion of the Earth
ERIK SOLHEIM about why his country is leading the way, what
has been achieved to date and his hopes for the future.

TUNZA: Could you tell us why and how Norway is supporting

ES: Rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate an
area the size of England every year. Most of the worlds
standing rainforests are in countries in great need of
economic growth. An easy way to quick money is through
deforestation, even though the consequences of forest
destruction are huge. Globally, deforestation causes
almost a sixth of all global greenhouse gas emissions and
has severe effects on the regional and local climate and
environment. Equally important: millions of the worlds
poorest people depend on tropical forests for their
survival. And rainforests contain half of the worlds plant
and animal species. Unless conservation can contribute to
higher income than other, destructive uses of the forests,
the destruction will continue. The most important thing
Norway has done is to put money on the table. We have
decided to use up to $500 million per year on activities that
reduce climate gas emissions from forest destruction.

TUNZA: What progress has there been? With which countries

are you working?
ES: Brazil has done an amazing job in reducing deforestation
in the Amazon by almost 70 per cent in the past seven years.

The contributions from Norway are channelled through

the Amazon Fund, and go to projects that should reduce
deforestation further. Indonesia, the Democratic Republic
of Congo and Guyana are also making progress. And more
than 30 countries are working on rainforest protection with
support from the UN and the World Bank.

TUNZA: What have been the biggest obstacles in implementing

ES: The biggest obstacle we are facing is MONEY. Norway
has put a significant sum on the table, but this is far
from enough. That is why we want this to become part
of the international climate change agreement, with a
requirement that all countries contribute. The challenge
is threefold: developing countries must have the political
courage to start this work before the international
mechanism is in place; donor countries must have the
courage to put money on the table before the mechanism
is in place; and developing and developed countries must
have trust in each other, and believe that we can achieve
this together.
Another challenge is being able to check that forests
are really being saved. To do this we need to monitor the
forests closely in the years to come. Luckily, humanity now
has satellites that make it possible to watch the forests from
the sky, almost in real time. In the Brazilian Amazon, the
police use satellite images to find and apprehend people
that destroy forests illegally.

TUNZA: How do you see the future of REDD+, and are you
encouraged by what is happening?
ES: I am very optimistic. The prospects of saving the worlds
rainforests have never looked better, although there are
huge challenges ahead. The ultimate goal is that protection
of forests be part of a future global deal on climate change,
but I sincerely hope that the rainforest countries will
succeed in reducing emissions from deforestation and
forest degradation even before a global deal has been

Diana Friedrich, 19, Bayer Young


Environmental Envoy 2010, Argentina




aving forests from destruction prevents carbon

dioxide from entering the atmosphere, promotes
natural biodiversity and forest cultures, and protects soil from erosion and water from pollution. All over
the world, young people are working on ways to help conserve forests. Heres how.

Mandarina Wambui Njoroge, 24, Bayer Young

Environmental Envoy 2010, Kenya
he Mau forest, located in Kenyas Rift Valley province, is
the countrys largest water catchment area. It has been
severely degraded through extensive logging and farming: 37
per cent of the forest cover has been lost since 1963, causing
rivers that once ran year-round to become seasonal, and
resulting in soil erosion and oods.

Recently, the government has taken the positive step of deciding

to reforest it. Unfortunately, this means that the Ogiek, a tribe
of people who have always lived in the forest and traditionally
depend on it for their livelihood, must be resettled. The Ogiek
are not the only people here: many have illegally settled, logged
and grabbed land for agriculture, doing the majority of damage
to the forest. The Ogiek do log from the forest, selling timber
for prot, but not on an excessive scale.

The Ogiek have always produced honey for themselves,

hanging beehives in the forests trees. Our plan is to provide
training on commercial-level beekeeping, harvesting, rening and bottling, while providing beehives and modern
equipment. The honey would be packaged as an eco-friendly
product supporting reforestation. The Ogiek would still
benet from the forest without having to log, and would also
serve as guardians against illegal harvesting. Beekeeping is
also a way of protecting the trees.
Fellow environmentalists and I are now working on the
project independently from the Club. We must enlist a
donor to fund equipment and training, and the communitys
cooperation. If all goes well, my colleagues and I will oversee
the project on site.

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

We can only close it by purchasing the properties, so in

2008 my colleagues and I launched the Forest Bank, a
website that collects donations to buy the threatened
forests, giving people everywhere a chance to help save
Urugua-Is forests. Its simple. On www.theforestbank.
org, we show a satellite image of the forest. Donors click
on a parcel, pledge at least $3, and receive the parcels
coordinates. A map shows how much land has been saved.
As we receive money, well purchase the properties one at
a time and donate them to the province, adding them to the
park and closing the access road.
Weve raised enough money for one hectare so far. One
hectare equals 10,000 square metres, and most people
are pledging to save 10 square metres per month. We have
quite a few donors, but not enough, so please donate and
help us spread the word.
Our website:
On Facebook:!/pages/Banco-deBosques/126872527377361
Emiliano Ezcurra

The government plans to resettle the community of 80

extended families around the forest perimeter. Theyll
be given land, but will have to leave their home without
being offered an alternative means of survival. Along with
members of the Chiromo Environmental Awareness Club,
which I chaired, I developed a project that seeks to allow the
Ogiek to make a living through honey production.

n Argentina, forests are destroyed for industry and

agriculture, while poachers kill animals illegally. My
project, Banco de Bosques (Forest Bank), aims to save the
provincial park Urugua-I in Misiones, Argentina, part of
the Upper Paran Atlantic Forest, one of the worlds most
endangered rainforests, where more than 90 per cent of
all amphibians and half of all plants are endemic. Within
the parks 84,000 hectares are four private properties
with cattle, small plantations and an access road.
Unfortunately, this road leads poachers into the heart
of the park, one of the last areas where the endangered
great jaguar still lives.

Madhushree BN, graduate in environmental

management at Teri University, Delhi

Omega 9
Omega 3

Omega 6

Andrea Tobar, 21, Bayer Young

Environmental Envoy 2010, Colombia
n the Putumayo region south of Colombia, the Amazon
rainforest has long been logged and burned in order to
grow illicit crops, particularly coca, causing environmental
and social problems. In order to provide local people an
alterative to growing coca for a living, I am developing a
business to produce and market an oil made from sacha
inchi (Plukenetia volubilis), a perennial plant native to the

The plant is cultivated by indigenous peoples for its

nutritious seeds, which are typically pressed into oil. In
Colombia, communities harvest it wild for themselves, but
I plan to standardize production on land that has already
been deforested, with standards and techniques overseen
by government. The second step is to develop a market
of consumers in Bogota. Sacha inchi is not normally
consumed outside indigenous communities in Colombia,
but is cultivated commercially in Peru and exported to
Europe, the United States and Japan, where its appreciated
for its peanut-like avour and nutritional value it is high
in protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.

The project has been given special recognition by my

university, and has been accepted as my thesis. With
implementation underway in mid-2011, I hope to market a
product before long.

Thats why non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are

working to regenerate the original forest by planting
shola trees within the eucalyptus plantations. Newly
planted sholas actually need the eucalyptus because they
require a lot of shade, but they grow quickly, ultimately
overshadowing and killing the eucalyptus. Some shola
forests have already been successfully replanted, and
together the forest department and NGOs are also pushing
for the Palani Hills to acquire sanctuary status.
As researchers, I and 32 classmates interviewed the NGOs,
forest rangers and villagers to see how well the community understands the regions biodiversity, and found they
do recognize that theirs is a unique ecosystem needing
It was thrilling to see concepts wed discussed in class
come to life in the eld, such as that of regeneration. Long
ago, when the sholas were cut down, some seeds were left
among the eucalyptus as in situ seed banks. We spotted a
couple of shola trees growing in unreplanted areas the
seed banks had survived, and some had grown into trees.
Making the local community aware of shola regeneration
is extremely important because they already prot from
eucalyptus. But when educated about sustainable development, they become directly involved in the replanting
process, and actively adapt their economy in new directions.
Im looking forward to returning soon to carry out more
studies, and to advise on how to manage development and
tourists while maintaining the environment.
Karunakar Rayker/CC-2.0

The product is environmentally benecial. The deforested

parts of the Amazon are empty: its not jungle, and never
will be again; the animals that lived there are already gone.
Planting sacha inchi crops would re-green the land, making
productive use of the space, and discourage deforestation
for coca plantations. Sacha inchi also revives soil poisoned
by herbicides the government sprayed on coca crops in
an effort to stop illegal drug production, and avoids the
pesticides needed to produce coca, which pollute soil and
water. The plant is resistant to poisons in the soil, and
returns nutrients to degraded soil.

hola forests are evergreen forests found at higher

elevations in southern India, comprising dense growths
of trees interspersed with stretches of grasslands. Sholas
are broad-leaved stunted trees with large canopies;
some are endemic and provide an ecosystem for other
endemic ora and fauna. They used to cover the Palani
Hills in the Western Ghats, but when the British took over,
the forests were converted to eucalyptus plantations.
Eucalyptus consumes a good deal of water water, depleting
groundwater levels, while the sholas high water-holding
capacity helps to recharge aquifers.

Tan Sijie, 28, Rover Scout, Singapore

angroves grow in coastal conditions where most other
plants would not survive the poorly oxygenated mud,
the heat and the salt. To adapt, they developed some of
natures most complex systems, such as above-ground
roots, and leaves that keep water in and salt out. Mangroves
provide important nurseries for sh and a food source for
many animals, maintaining rich biodiversity. They even
protect property and lives against natural hazards such as
storms and tsunamis. But mangrove forests are one of the
worlds most threatened tropical ecosystems: more than
35 per cent of Earths mangrove cover has been lost due to
development, pollution, unsustainable timber harvesting and
climate change.

Children plant 3.9 million trees!

by Yugratna Srivasvata, India, Asia-Pacic UNEP/
TUNZA Junior-Board representative 2008-2010
lant for the Planet, UNEPs tree-planting campaign
popularly known as the Billion Tree Campaign, was
launched in November 2006. Backed by Prince Albert of
Monaco, Wangari Maathai and the World Agroforestry Centre
(ICRAF), the project encouraged individuals, communities,
organizations and governments to get out and plant. The
1 billion target was easily exceeded in 2007; indeed by 2009,
7.4 billion trees were planted and now more than 11 billion
trees have been planted across 170 countries. So UNEP
raised the bar and set us all the challenge of planting 13
billion trees as soon as possible.

Young people have been key in this success. In 2007, Felix

Finkbeiner, from Germany, who was then only nine, made
a pledge to plant 1 million trees in Germany, the rst spark
of a childrens initiative. I got involved in September 2009,
when I presented a letter to UNEP Executive Director Achim
Steiner in New York committing my organization, Tarumitra,
to participate by motivating and helping our 1,600-school
youth network to plant trees.
But the big turning point for the childrens initiative came at
the 2009 TUNZA International Childrens Conference when
Felix shared his vision of harnessing student networks.
After the conference, children from 107 countries joined
our network, and many also joined our Stop Talking, Start
Planting campaign, where we get our photos taken holding
our hands over the mouths of politicians and celebrities.
Reaching out to so many young people with so many different
languages and cultures has been a challenge, but weve had

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1


On the shores of Terengganu, Malaysia, mangroves are part

of the Setiu Wetlands, home to the critically endangered river
terrapin and painted terrapin, and a landing site for marine
turtles, particularly green turtles. I help organize a campaign
called Project Orion to restore mangrove forests and
conserve sea turtles in this area. Initiated by Rover Scouts
from the Singapore Scout Association, in collaboration
with WWF-Malaysia, the annual programme takes a team
comprising about 10 Venture and Rover Scouts (aged 17

to 26), mainly from Singapore, to the village of Kampung

Mangkok in Terengganu. As part of our work, we join with the
villagers to plant mangroves on the banks of the Setiu River.
When the project started in 2009, the village was just starting
to reach out to tourists and visiting groups to enlist their help
in replanting mangroves. We always have a wonderful time,
and look forward to visiting every year.
Back in Singapore, we partnered with the National Parks
Board to plant mangroves in our own wetland reserves. Weve
planted about 1,500 mangrove trees in Malaysia and Singapore
since the project began. Now into our third year, Project Orion
is here to stay, just like the mangroves!

the support of our teachers, parents, UNEP and other adults.

The internet, especially social networking sites, plays a
crucial role, too. We have fan pages on Facebook and Twitter,
and online platforms like UniteForClimate are really helpful.
The student Plant for the Planet website, where you can
register how many trees youve planted, has been translated
into many languages, and more are in the pipeline, so we can
reach out to as many people as possible.
So far, the childrens initiative has planted more than 3.9
million trees. Weve set ourselves a new and ambitious goal
of 131,000,000 trees 1 million for each country represented
in our network. We also hope to present our views at the
upcoming Conferences of the Parties to the Convention on
Biodiversity and United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change.
When it comes to working for the Earth, the only goal is a
healthier planet for future generations. Each tree we plant
is a symbol of climate justice. We aim to motivate and
involve as many people as possible, especially the young
ones. Environmental problems do not recognize political
or geographical boundaries blaming any one nation for
environmental problems is of no use. We all have just one
Mother Earth to care for and share.

Childrens initiative, Plant for the Planet
UNEPs Billion Tree Campaign

Campaigning for cork

By Lea Keiper, 17, TUNZA magazine intern, 2011

ork has been the main material of wine stoppers since 1700. But in recent years, plastic stoppers
and screw caps have gained a stake in the global market. TUNZA looked into the issues.

Natural cork stoppers

Some 2.2 million hectares of cork oak forest mainly in Mediterranean Spain and Portugal produce
an annual global harvest of about 300,000 tonnes of cork. The cork oak must be 2530 years old before
its bark can be collected and the first two harvests are usually of minor quality. But a mature tree can
produce 4060 kilos of cork every 1012 years for the remainder of its 200-year life. The harvesting is
done by hand and does no harm to the tree. In fact it is good for the environment as a whole: it triggers
the tree to absorb more carbon dioxide as it re-generates its bark; it offers a sustainable livelihood to
local people; cork products are easily recycled; and the cork oak forests are prime habitat for endangered
species including the Iberian lynx.
But real cork now accounts for only 6070 per cent of wine stoppers, with synthetic stoppers and
screw caps gaining in popularity. This is partly because they are a quarter of the price of natural corks,
but also because there is less risk of the wine becoming tainted or corked even though the risk is, in
any case, quite low and the taint often minor.

Synthetic stoppers
Available since 1993 and accounting for 510 per cent of the global market, synthetic stoppers are made
from plastic compounds that are designed to look and pop like a natural cork. However, while they carry
no risk of tainting the wine, they offer less protection against oxidation. Although not biodegradable,
they are generally recyclable, but the plastic is usually only accepted by recyclers in areas where demand
justifies the recycling of this kind of plastic.

These are made of aluminium and have a 15 per cent share of the worlds bottle stopper market. They
form a tighter seal and therefore keep oxygen out of the wine for longer than either synthetic or natural
corks, maintaining the wines quality and ageing capacity but only for about 10 years, according to one
study. They also contain a plastic seal in the top of the screw cap, and recycling is difficult.

Environmental impacts
Studies on the environmental impact of the various stoppers find that the benefits of cork outweigh the
advantages of its aluminium and plastic alternatives in almost all areas (see table below). Regrettably,
despite the efforts of manufacturers and recyclers, plastic stoppers and aluminium screw caps often end
up in the sea, endangering marine life and contributing to the ever-growing islands of ocean garbage. In
addition, synthetic stoppers threaten the conservation of cork oak forests: without the cork market, the
forests are likely to degrade or even disappear.

Photos: Clive Muir/

Screw caps

The environmental cost of cork relative to aluminium and plastic wine stoppers
Environmental indicator
Non-renewable energy consumption
Water consumption
Greenhouse gas emissions
Contribution to atmospheric acidication
Formation of photochemical oxidants
Eutrophication of surface water
Production of solid waste




Source: Amorim/PricewaterhouseCoopers

TUNZA concluded that it is time to take a stand. It is usually impossible to tell

whether a bottle seal hides a synthetic or natural cork, and not always obvious
whether it is a screw top, so companies should be asked to give this information
on the label of each bottle. This would enable consumers to make an informed
decision before buying, and give them the chance to actively support the
environment instead of harming it.

Go to www.tunza/corks and sign up to our campaign!



What makes a forest a forest?

We all know forests are hugely important places. But why exactly should we care about them? And what, in fact, are
they? Oddly, the second question is rather harder to answer than the first. Forests are home to a large proportion of
the worlds biodiversity. They play a major role in regulating climate, both globally and locally; they contain huge
quantities of carbon, stored in the wood and below ground, which might otherwise enter the atmosphere as greenhouse
gas. They stabilize soils and help prevent erosion, and have a major influence on the water cycle, affecting the supply
and flow of freshwater. They provide a wealth of material resources: timber, of course, but also other products including
wild foods, rattan from palms, medicines, fuelwood and charcoal. And they create some of the most beautiful and

Jason Hollinger/CC-2.0

Erin McKittrick/CC-2.5

Carsten Niehaus/GNU-FDL

Cork oak forests, the

basis of a traditional
cork-harvesting industry,
are home to the worlds
most endangered cat, the
Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus.

Temperate rainforests are a source

of the cancer drug taxol, made from
extracts of yew trees, including the
Pacic yew Taxus brevifolia.


TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

Tropical moist
Tropical dry
Temperate broadleaf
Sparse trees/

The Amazon Basin contains

the largest expanse of
primary forest in the world:
more than 6 million km2.

Tiny remnants of Atlantic

coastal forest persist in
southern Brazil, in close
proximity to some of the
largest conurbations on

Mangroves are the only forests

that grow in salt water, providing
vital coastal defences and nursery
areas for many sh species.


Specialist Stock

M Watts/CC-2.0

Francisco Chaves/CC-2.0

Dirk van der Made/CC-1.0

Cloud forests
are believed to
be particularly
vulnerable to the
impacts of climate

Virtually all Europes forests are actively

managed, with a high proportion certied
for sustainable timber production.

The vast boreal forests of the

northern hemisphere have
relatively few species in them but
hold immense stocks of carbon.

Ariel Steiner/GNU-FDL

LB Brubaker/NOAA


inspiring landscapes on Earth. But what is a forest? Its a place with trees, of course. But its never as simple as that.
How many trees exactly? And what exactly is a tree? Do plantations count? Parkland? Bamboo groves? Its hard to get
agreement on this so its not surprising that people may have very different ideas on what constitutes a forest. This in
turn means that there are many different estimates of how much forest there is, both globally and in particular places,
and how fast the area of forest is changing. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) considers forests
to be anywhere with more than 10 per cent tree cover, but thats not very much at all. On this basis, there are just over
40 million km2 of forest in the world or about 30 per cent of the Earths land area, and its probably about half the area
that would be forested without the impact of people. Only about 14 million km2 of forest remains largely unaffected by
humans, and existing forests are very unevenly distributed. Over half of the total forest area is found in just five countries,
and more than 60 countries have less than one tenth of their area forested, with 10 of these having no forest at all.

Southeast Asian rainforests

may be the most diverse
ecosystems on Earth. Huge
areas are being cleared for
cultivation of palm oil and
other crops.

Marco Schmidt/CC-2.5

In China nearly 300,000 km2 of forest has

been created since 2000, much of this by
planting trees in previously unforested areas.

The rainforests of New Guinea

remain relatively little explored
and yield a constant stream of
previously unknown species.

Lipton Sale/GNU-FDL

Australia is the worlds driest

continent. Many of its eucalyptus
forests are adapted to re and
frequent drought.

Arnaud Gaillard/CC-1.0

Jialiang Gao/GNU-FDL

Around 90 per cent of Madagascars

unique and often highly threatened
species depend on forest, which
now covers only around 20 per cent
of the land area.

Protected areas
such as Egmont
National Park
in New Zealand
provide crucial
refuges for forest




Sacred forests

How faith has helped conserve nature for millennia

Bjrn Christian Trrissen/CC-3.0

ll around the world there are sacred forests, woods

or groves that have survived because of their
association with the holy. In almost any country,
and in almost any city, you will nd the sacred has
protected trees and has done so for centuries. Churchyards,
mosques, shrines, temple compounds all have within
them landscapes which have been protected because they
are sacred. And it is here that many of the trees that have
survived in urban contexts are still to be found.
However, many others have been destroyed, perceived as the
superstitious remains of outmoded belief systems standing
in the way of progress. In pursuit of development, such sites
have been bulldozed to make way for roads, railways, ofces,
factories and houses. The views of the local people have been
ignored and the belief systems that helped preserve these
beautiful and environmentally important places dismissed as
old fashioned.
Today, we have become much more aware in the environmental movement of how precious and, indeed, ecologically
vital these sacred forests and groves are. Often they protect
key water sources or vital habitats for endangered species, or
provide basic raw materials for health and healing.
But there is a new danger that these sacred places
merely become classied conservation areas or sites of
special scientic interest. Such well-meaning attempts to
protect them can be misguided, brushing aside or simply
patronising the spiritual, historical and cultural meaning that
has survived all this time. But by ignoring the religious and
cultural reasons why these forests and groves
have survived, we run the risk of killing off
the very reason they are still there and
thus make it more likely that they will
be destroyed.
Alongside this is the risk that
REDD (Reducing Emissions
from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation) will not even really
bothers about the biodiversity
issue of conservation areas, and
simply values forests as carbon
sinks as if the Amazon rainforest

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

were created just so that we could drive cars. If we reduce

the forests to nothing more than economic units, we will
kill them.
Instead, we need to honour, work with, perhaps even join,
the religious and spiritual beliefs and forces that for many
hundreds of years have protected vital areas of forestry. It is
stories, legends and faith that have conserved these forests,
so lets continue to work with these because they clearly
We need to be humble enough to recognize that long after
the United Nations or conservation groups such as WWF are
chapters in history books, and the current concerns of the
environmental movement have become curiosities, the great
faiths will still be protecting their sacred forests and groves,
simply because they are holy, and will still be ensuring that
the faith values that teach respect for nature are passed from
generation to generation.
One of the core beliefs of the environmental movement is
sustainability, and the oldest, most sustainable organizations
in the world are the faiths. They have outlived every empire,
every dynasty, every ideology and every fashion. They will
still be here hundreds of years from now and, if we work with
them, so will the forests and groves that they protect.
What we must not do is take them over, wrap them up in
semi-scientic conservation-speak and cut off the roots of
their faith, which have enabled the forests to ourish. If we
do, then the forests will die when our civil organizations die,
which they will.
I remember at a World Bank meeting at which
people spoke of three-, ve- and even 10year plans, a monk from Tanzania saying
quietly: But we think in generations. It
is this that has preserved the sacred
forests of the world. And it is this
view that will ensure they are here
in hundreds of years time.
Martin Palmer
Director of the Alliance of Religions
and Conservation

or more than 1,600 years Istanbul, Turkey was the centre

of the Roman, then Byzantine, then Ottoman Empires. In
the old city centre, temples, churches and mosques are piled
layer upon layer. Nature has little space here, but there is
one place where it survives. On the edge of the Golden Horn
a beautiful ancient woodland, which is also a major breeding
place for birds, has survived.

A van Zandbergen/OSF/Specialist Stock

The trees still stand because they grow in one of the holiest
of Muslim cemeteries. In the mosque the cloak of the
Prophet Muhammad is preserved and because of this, the
site is considered special. As a result, for hundreds of years,
people have wanted to be buried in this beautiful spot. If
there were no mosque, no tombs, no sense of the sacred,
there would be no trees either.

Did you know?

n Kenya, dozens of sacred groves survive, remains of

ancient traditional sacred forests respected for centuries,
if not millennia, by local peoples.

Faiths own about 5 per

cent of commercial
The Northern
Diocese of
the Evangelical
Lutheran Church
of Tanzania plans
to plant 8.5 million trees
over seven years to
restore Mount
Faiths print around
15 million Qurans and 75 million Bibles every year
an opportunity for faiths to use paper from sustainably
managed woodlands.

ravel into Tokyo and if you spot any trees, you can be
certain that there too is a shrine usually Shinto, the
traditional religion of Japan, but sometimes Buddhist. The
trees have survived or have been planted precisely because
this is a sacred place where nature is honoured.


lmost every morning since 2001 Venerable Bun Saluth

and his fellow monks have set out from their pagoda
soon after dawn to patrol the Monks Community Forest and
protect it from illegal logging and land incursion.

Tom Velardi

Seeing the extent of Cambodias forest destruction, Ven

Saluth sought ofcial approval to protect 18,261 hectares of
rare local lowland evergreen forest. This forest is now one of
the largest and best-protected community-managed forests
in Cambodia.
Armed with belief, but little else, in the face of oftendangerous forces, the monks have become powerful
conservationists. They sometimes ordain the trees of the
forest to confer protection on them. Venerable Bun Saluth
says: The Buddha was born under the tree, attained
enlightenment under the tree, and died under the tree. So a
tree is a symbol of life, and sacred to Buddhists.



S Turner/OSF/Specialist Stock

reat ape populations are declining at an alarming rate worldwide. The surviving
great apes gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans all live in the
forests of Africa and Southeast Asia. But the continuing destruction of their
habitat by logging and conversion to oil-palm plantations as well as the growth in
the commercial bushmeat and pet trades suggest that the majority of great ape
populations will become extinct in our lifetime. The Great Apes Survival Partnership
(GRASP) is an innovative and ambitious project led by UNEP and UNESCO to lift this
threat. TUNZA spoke to biologist and GRASP Chief Consultant IAN REDMOND about
the great apes, our nearest relatives in the animal world.

TUNZA: As someone who spent

time with great apes and formed
relationships with them, can you tell
us why it is so important to save great
apes from extinction?
IR: When I first studied gorillas with
Dian Fossey in the 1970s, the gorillas
came to regard us almost as honorary
members of their group, and would
choose to sit near us during rest periods.
This allowed us close observation
of their family behaviour, but crossspecies friendships also developed.
When poachers then killed members
of our study group to sell their hands
and skulls as gruesome souvenirs, and
captured infants for the illegal wildlife
trade, our natural response was to step
up anti-poaching to defend gorillas we
regarded as friends. In the wider picture,
though, apes are keystone species in
their habitat and many other species
therefore depend on their survival.
TUNZA: Your work also concerns the
people who live alongside great apes.
What are some of the most pressing
issues around human/ape interaction,
and how can human needs be met
while protecting great apes?

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

IR: If you have only known apes as

frightening animals that sometimes
destroy your crops, why would you care
about their survival? Every family that
farms near ape habitat is likely to see
apes as a threat, or possibly if they can
sell their meat or babies, as a source of
income. Our work to conserve mountain
gorillas tells us that if you engage local
communities, address their needs, and
create employment dependent on the
apes being in the forest, many of the
traditional threats will be reduced and
the apes survive.
TUNZA: GRASP was founded in 2002,
but great ape conservation had been
a concern for a long while, and there
are many organizations working on it.
Could you comment on the role of this
international initiative?
IR: At the turn of the millennium, it
became clear that ape populations
were declining all across Africa
and Southeast Asia, with the one
exception of the mountain gorillas.
This was despite years of heroic efforts
by individuals and organizations
operating independently. GRASP was
formed to develop a global strategy

so that everyones efforts would be

pushing in the same direction the
whole would then be greater than
the sum of the parts, and every part
would be strengthened by being
part of the global effort. There is still
a long way to go, but we have had
some notable successes and created
a more cooperative framework for
governments and non-governmental
organizations such as the Ape Alliance
or WWF to work together.
TUNZA: Conserving great apes is
not just about the animals but also
conserving habitat, isnt it? Is this one
of GRASPs main goals?
IR: People usually understand that apes
need natural forests to survive, but most
people dont realize the converse also
applies forests need apes, and other
primates as well as elephants, toucans,
tapirs all the animals that eat fruit and
disperse seeds. Most species of tropical
trees have their seeds dispersed by
animals the gardeners of the forest.
Lose the animals and you lose the next
generation of trees and the health of
the forest declines. Since GRASP was
formed, a number of governments have

Tan Yik Yee/UNEP/Topham

Tan Yik Yee/UNEP/Topham

TUNZA: What are the biggest challenges that GRASP and the great ape
conservation movement in general
IR: The biggest challenge to apes and
all species that live in tropical forests
is from logging, the commercial
bushmeat trade and the conversion
of forests to agriculture. As Prince
Charles has said: If we lose the battle
against tropical deforestation, we lose
the battle against climate change. But
the fear of dangerous climate change
is, paradoxically, one of the greatest
spurs to change the way we manage
forests. If we get it right, well save

the forests and all the species that

form a part of the forest ecosystem,
and stabilize the climate. If we dont,
all the indications are that things will
go badly wrong so we HAVE to get
it right.

D.W. Liggett/GRASP Atlas

created new national parks for apes,

which is good, but we also need better
management of forests that are not
in protected areas. Tropical forests in
Africa and Southeast Asia and in Latin
America, where other species play the
ecological role of apes are essential
for global climate stability. They absorb
carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen
and storing the carbon; they generate
rain through evapo-transpiration; they
stabilize soil with their roots, and
purify water flowing through them.
In a nutshell, the health of the planet
depends on tropical forests, and the
health of the forests depends on apes
and the other gardeners. This is now
recognized by governments working
to find ways to better manage forests
such as REDD+, the UN scheme to
reduce emissions from deforestation
and forest degradation while reducing
poverty and protecting biodiversity.

Daniel T OBrien/UNEP/Topham

TUNZA: What are your hopes for the

great apes, and is there anything that
young people, or readers, can do to
IR: My hope is that apes are valued
as fascinating intelligent beings, and
as an integral part of the ecology of
our world. Every person on the planet
benefits from tropical forests, whether
they know it or not. The air we breathe,
the rain that waters our crops and fills
our aquifers, many of the products we
buy in supermarkets and DIY stores
all come from or have links to tropical
forests or the crops that replace them.
And every person is also a decisionmaker. Thus, as shoppers we can insist
that our money is not used to destroy
forests, and demand certified timber
and sustainable palm oil, soy, beef,
etc. And we can put pressure on our
political leaders to make better laws
to achieve this goal. There are also
hundreds of organizations working
on these issues that would welcome
volunteers and/or donations so get
involved. We are all implicated in
the problems facing apes and tropical
forests, so we can all play a part in
solving the problem.

Ian Singleton/SOCP/GRASP Atlas

Michael Huffmann/GRASP Atlas

To nd out more, visit www.4apes.

com and




Allan Mertner

The measure of any great civilization is its cities; and the measure of a citys greatness is to
be found in the quality of its public spaces its parkland and squares. John Ruskin

F Lemarchand/BIOS/Still Pictures

The 5,000-hectare Reserva Estadual da Cantareira in So Paulo which includes

remnants of the Atlantic forest is not only the worlds largest tropical forest within
a metropolitan area, but provides the city with space for recreation, important
wildlife habitat and 4 per cent of its drinking water.


TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

The 3,540-hectare Sayama Forest just

outside Tokyo is a satoyama: mixed
forest, grassland, agricultural land,
streams and reservoirs traditionally
managed to yield sustainable food,
fuel and water, while respecting
native biodiversity. This popular forest,
which is under constant threat from
encroaching development, was the
inspiration for the famous animated
lm My Neighbour Totoro by director
Hayao Miyazaki, who created a fund for
its protection in the 1990s.

Andre Seale/Specialist Stock

Dakar, Senegal, has a range of wellmanaged forests serving various

purposes. The Hann Forest Park was
established to drain the surrounding
marshlands, protecting the aquifer
and providing an important source
of drinking water. Trees were also
planted in the 1940s to stabilize the
citys coasts. Outside city limits,
the Bandia Forest was developed to
provide fuelwood for Dakar and two
neighbouring cities, MBour and This,
while the Mbao Forest, 15 kilometres
from Dakar, provides species used for
medicines. Dakars city trees include
baobab, whose leaves and fruit are
eaten, and palms, from which palm
wine is made.

Joi Ito/CC-2.0

C Ruoso/BIOS/Still Pictures

Rio de Janeiros 3,300-hectare Tijuca

National Park, famous for its massive
sculpture of Christ overlooking the
city, is so dense it looks as if its been
there forever. In fact, the original
Atlantic forest was destroyed by coffee
plantations and had to be replanted
with native species in the 1850s to
protect the citys springs. Now it is
home once again to many endemic and
endangered species.

ooded areas and cities have always coexisted. Some

2,500 years ago, hanging gardens were planted on
Babylons terraced walls, creating one of the wonders
of the ancient world. Greeks and Romans built their temples
around sacred groves within their cities. From medieval to
Renaissance times and beyond, royal and powerful families in
Europe set aside tracts of countryside for their own purposes.
Londons 1,000-hectare Richmond Park, where deer and other
species still roam, is an old hunting ground connected to
Englands royal families since the 1200s.
The 19th century saw a movement to create public parks for
the newly emerging urban working classes of the Industrial
Revolution. When it was recognized that harsh conditions were
affecting workers lives, public green spaces were opened in
industrial areas, and sport and recreation were encouraged by
private philanthropists.
Impressed by the public parks of Europe, Frederick Law
Olmsted and Calvert Vaux designed New York Citys Central Park
341 hectares of lush greenery in the centre of Manhattan not
just to promote the health and happiness of city dwellers, but
also their morals. Central Park inspired similar developments
in many more cities, including San Francisco and Seattle, and
Olmsted also went on to pioneer a linked system of parks and
green spaces in several places, most famously Boston, where it
forms a green belt called the Emerald Necklace.

Urban forests are now gaining recognition as a way to make

cities where up to 70 per cent of the worlds greenhouse
gases are emitted more ecologically sustainable. They
perform many crucial services: sequestering carbon, ltering
dust and exhaust particles from the air, and absorbing
carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Trees also absorb noise, protect streets from wind and help
keep buildings cool. Chains of greenery provide corridors,
connecting plant and animal habitats that are otherwise
fragmented by buildings, roads and parking lots. Unpaved
green areas are important for absorbing rain, helping to
recharge groundwater and preventing ooding of streets and
sewers when weather is extreme.
Urban forests can also function as water puriers: in Lima,
Peru, for example, they are watered with the citys wastewater,
which cleans the water and replenishes the aquifers.
As cities grow, well-managed urban forests not only provide
the social spaces and ecosystem services every city needs,
but help provide building materials, food and fuel. In cities in
Asia, Africa and Latin America, for example, the planting of
fruit and fodder trees, and trees to provide fuelwood or raw
craft materials, is already common. But the next evolution
for urban forestry everywhere will be to apply its principles
systematically to help make all cities as green, comfortable
and sustainable as possible.

While Beijing has lost most of its deciduous broad-leaved forest, the city still has
more than 40,000 trees that are more than a century old. In order to expand green
cover, China initiated a tree-planting campaign in 1979, and an estimated 500
million trees and shrubs have since been planted in and around the city. About a
quarter of Beijing is covered in green, and species include maples, elms, pines,
gingko, and fruit trees such as apples, dates and persimmons.

Transit/T Roetting/Still Pictures

This depends on the city, of course, but generally they must be resistant to
toxins and able to live for a long time in severe environments. Popular city
species include the prehistoric gingko, which is highly tolerant of pollution,
and London plane trees, which trap pollution in their bark and regularly shed
it. Small flowering trees, such as cherry trees, provide spectacular seasonal
displays, as do maples, which cope well with limited root space.

A specialized branch of forestry

developed in the late 1960s in the
United States, urban forestry encompasses more than planning and
care for the health of large forested
areas. It includes care of all the green
spaces in and around cities: the trees
and other vegetation planted in
smaller parks, along streets and even
in private gardens. Managing trees in
the context of urban planning poses
a unique set of challenges, such as
limited and fragmented space for
growing trees, soil compacted by
human traffic or polluted with toxins,
challenging conditions such as dust,
heavy metals and toxins in the air, and
illegal timber harvesting. And as more
and more people move into cities,
planners must also keep in mind
urban forests role in protecting urban
watersheds and wildlife habitats.

Stepping into the tiny but tranquil Bukit

Lagong Forest Reserve, you wouldnt
believe youre within Kuala Lumpur
city limits. The 11-hectare reserve
is packed with wildlife, including
butteries, macaques, white-throated
kingshers, rare orchids and ferns, as
well as pythons and monitor lizards.

Mark Edwards/Still Pictures

Urban forestry

G Martin/BIOS/Still Pictures

What sorts of trees do best in cities?

In Burkina Faso, natural forests near

Ouagadougou began to be managed
for fuelwood in 1981, helping to
meet the energy needs of the citys
population while promoting community



REDD+: a natural progression

The UN-led initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is trying to keep forests
standing by offering nancial rewards to forest owners in developing countries where most of the worlds forests remain
and is now developing a broader approach to how best to manage them (REDD+).
SARA OLDFIELD, director of Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI), thinks that the worlds botanic gardens
are particularly well placed to help REDD+ achieve its goals. To encourage its global network of 700 botanic gardens in 118
countries to get involved in the global effort to reduce emissions, BGCI recently published a manual outlining some of the
skills and resources botanic gardens can offer REDD+. Sara tells TUNZA about this initiative as well as some of the exciting
forest conservation developments already happening in botanic gardens around the world.

TUNZA: Whats the difference between

SO: Its the difference between preservation and conservation. Rather than
just remunerating countries for halting any deforestation or forest degradation that is already happening,
REDD+ looks at conservation in the
broader sense of rewarding those who
look after their forests. This includes
replanting and restoring degraded
forests, and encourages local people
to participate enabling them to
use their forests sustainably while
enhancing them. In other words, local
communities are being empowered to
manage their forests and get what they
need from them, while making sure
that forest cover is maintained and
TUNZA: How did cooperation between
botanic gardens and REDD+ come
SO: Botanic gardens have been
extremely concerned about climate
change and forest issues for many years,

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

so it was simply a natural progression.

At this stage, the cooperation between
BGCI and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
processes is still informal, because
REDD+ is still being established. Meanwhile, BGCI is developing ideas about
how botanic gardens can contribute,
sharing them within our network and
with REDD+. In 2010, for example,
we asked botanic gardens around the
world how they were already involved
in forest conservation, specifically
activities aligned with REDD+s aims.
We got some very interesting ideas
and thoughts that should benefit other
botanic gardens in forest countries and
inspire them to get involved.
TUNZA: What can botanic gardens
contribute to REDD+?
SO: Botanic gardens are a major
source of expertise on what grows in
forests. Species identification is very
important both in terms of maintaining
biodiversity and for carbon calculations, which means getting an initial
idea of a forests carbon stocks.

By their nature, botanic gardens know

about the various uses of plants.
This means they understand which
trees are more likely to provide forest
communities with important medicines,
fruits and other produce that people
need to make a sustainable living from
their environment. Peoples investment
in living forests gives them a much
better chance of survival. Planting the
right trees also contributes to forest
enhancement, making them more biodiverse and productive.
Botanic gardens also play a very
important role in training people in the
key skills needed for REDD+, whether
species identification, biodiversity surveying, GIS mapping, project planning, horticultural techniques or other
conservation skills. BGCI runs training
courses for botanic gardens recent
ones have taken place in Southeast Asia
and Africa and the gardens in turn
provide training for local communities
and non-governmental organizations.
Botanic gardens also possess the actual
materials needed for forest restoration,

Peter Hollingsworth/RBGE

orests cover a third of the Earths surface and play an essential role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But deforestation and forest degradation including through agriculture, subsistence farming and wood
extraction release up to a fth of all greenhouse gases.


Sarah Dixon

do have various databases that collect

and pool information. As the REDD+
initiative takes off, we will likely
highlight case studies to show what
certain botanic gardens are doing.

TUNZA: To what degree do conservation efforts vary from country to

country? You must deal with a wide
range of issues.
SO: Yes, and conservation solutions
must be locally relevant, so the focus
varies enormously, from biodiversity
to sustainable livelihoods to carbon
sequestration. All around the world,
botanic gardens are helping to conserve forests in all sorts of different ways
and, of course, all the projects consider
carbon cycling to determine how well
the forests serve as carbon sinks.
For example, the Tooro Botanical
Gardens in Uganda is helping to conserve the trees of the Kibale Forest,
where the chimpanzees and other
primates live, and helping farmers
and traditional healers grow native
trees in their own gardens as a source
of medicinal plants. Meanwhile, the
South China Botanic Garden manages
the Dinghushan Nature Reserve, an
area of primary forest in south China
where most of the forest has been
destroyed. And the Xishuangbanna
Tropical Botanic Garden is working
to protect what remains of a natural
forest degraded and destroyed by
rubber production. It is also looking
at potential carbon trading to help
conserve the forest and to reduce
poverty in that region.
TUNZA: Will BGCI take the lead in
gathering and sharing data on activities
aligned to REDD+?
SO: Well do our best to share our
information with different botanic
gardens. As a small organization, BGCI
cant keep track of everything, but we

TUNZA: As botanic gardens become

more involved with REDD+, have they
benefited from more discoveries?
SO: Absolutely. In forest biodiversity
survey work, we discover new species all the time. But were also just
discovering that many more endangered
tree species than we realized have been
growing in African botanic gardens.
We did a survey in 2010 of trees
on the IUCN Red List of Threatened
Species that are being grown in these
gardens, starting with Uganda and the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, and
there were more than 30 endangered
tree species recorded. And there
are very many more that are locally
threatened but not yet on the List.
Were finding that all these species,
which are very, very important for forest
restoration, are probably not grown
anywhere else. But we can now put
back a whole range of different species
when restoring a forest or planting
trees for carbon sequestration. We can
recreate natural biodiversity. Until BGCI
had done the survey, this information
just wasnt readily available.
It just goes to show that the conservation potential of botanic gardens
hasnt always been fully appreciated
people tend just to think of them as
a pretty place to go for picnic. Getting
botanic gardens involved in REDD+
will really give global relevance to their
work, highlight the skills, expertise
and plant materials that are in botanic
gardens, and give them a very exciting,
vital new role.

Paul Mathew/FFI

such as supplies of seed, young trees

and tools for community nurseries.

Rhododendrons are an important part

of the ecosystems of northern China,
where many species are under threat.

The pau brasil tree (Caesalpinia

echinata), the national tree of Brazil,
is prized for its high-quality wood.

Annie Lane

The ceiba tree is at the heart of Mayan

mythology, and produces kapok, an
excellent material for flotation cushions.

Baobabs, iconic African trees.

Harvesting wild walnuts in Krygyzstan.

Chris Loades/FFI


The pulp of the achiota seed (Bixa

orellana) from tropical America is used
as a dye and food colourant.



Silk worms
It all began, Confucius tells us, when a
Chinese empress accidentally dropped
a silkworm moth cocoon into her cup
of tea in 2640 BC and discovered
that a ne bre could be unreeled
from it. And China monopolized the
trade in silk by keeping its method
of production from caterpillars
fed on mulberry leaves a secret
from the rest of the world. Anyone
caught smuggling eggs, worms or
cocoons faced the death penalty, and
the crucial knowledge only reached
Europe in around 550 AD. Silk from
mulberry trees still dominates the
market, but many other species of
silkworm are gathered from forests.
In Madagascar, for example, the
Malagasy silkworm feeds on the
primary tapia forests (Uapaca bojeri)
of the AmoronI Mani highland region;
only 50,000 hectares remain, however,
and even this is under threat from
logging, bush res and invading pine

TUNZA Vol 9 No 1



USDA Agricultural Research Service


Transparent but tough, shellac has
long been used to varnish violins,
glaze fruit, protect furniture, make
gramophone records, and for a host
of other things. Its binding, adhesive,
re- and water-resistant and electrical
insulating properties are invaluable.
A residue secreted by the Indian lac
insect (Laccifer lacca) that feeds on
the sap of more than 160 species of
host trees, it also produces a scarlet
pigment used in cosmetics and to
dye wool and silk which is extracted
to leave a transparent resin. The
origins of the modern polymer and
plastics industry can be traced back
to attempts to make synthetic shellac
in the late 1800s, and manufactured
substitutes have greatly reduced demand for the natural product, but the
quest was never totally successful,
and shellacs unique properties have
allowed a small lac-based industry to
continue to thrive.

White willow
Its probably the best known pharmaceutical in the world and its
certainly one of the most useful.
Aspirin comes from the bark of the
deciduous white willow tree (Salix
alba), which was used to relieve fever
and pain in ancient Greek, Chinese
and Egyptian medicine. The active
ingredient salicin, a natural antiinammatory, was isolated and rened
by European chemists in the 1800s,
and in 1897 Felix Hoffmann, at Bayer
in Germany, chemically synthesized
a stable form of it. Patented in 1900,
it has recently been found to help
prevent heart attack and strokes when
taken regularly in small doses, and
new research indicates this may also
help prevent cancer. Willow bark itself
is still taken as a herbal remedy and
is thought to promote wellness with its
antioxidant, antiseptic, and immunesystem-boosting properties.

Sugar maple

Dave Pape
Scott Zona/CC

Paul Vlaar/GFDL/CC-3.0

C&S Smith/

Yes, its delicious but maple syrup is also more nutritious than other rened
sugars, containing manganese, riboavin, magnesium, potassium, calcium and
zinc. Long before the arrival of European settlers, indigenous peoples in the
northeastern United States and southeastern Canada collected the sap from sugar
maple trees, drank it, cooked with it and boiled it down into syrup. The Europeans
learned the process from them, and built log-cabin shacks in the sugar bush wild
stands of maple groves within mixed forests where they could make the syrup.
This is a time- and fuel-intensive process requiring many hands, as the sap is 97.5
per cent water. It takes about 40 years for a tree to mature enough to be tapped,
but then it will yield up to 50 litres of sap every year for a century.

Birds nests


It takes 45 days for southeast Asian

swiftlets (Collocalia spp.) to build
their nests, using their own saliva, on
the walls of tropical forest caves, but
they can be consumed in minutes in
the famous birds nest soup, whose
unique, gelatinous texture has been
enjoyed for more than a millennium.
In Hong Kong alone, more than 100
tonnes of the nests which are
thought to encourage tissue repair
and to boost the immune system
are eaten every year. They mostly
come from Indonesian forests, and
harvested correctly the process could
be sustainable. But increasing demand
is leading to abuse: unscrupulous harvesters remove the nests before the
eggs hatch and the edgelings mature,
or take them so frequently that the
birds dont have time to recover.
Illegal logging and forest res are also
destroying the swiets habitat.

You wouldnt think it, but its a kind

of grass. Bamboo is also one of the
most rapidly growing plants on the
planet, with some species growing an
extraordinary 1.2 metres a day. It xes
carbon 7 to 30 per cent faster than
the fastest-growing trees and, as it is
particularly durable, it sequesters the
carbon for longer. Growing in vast and
beautiful forests covering 22 million
hectares mainly in the tropics and
subtropics it performs ecosystem
services such as cleaning and retaining
water in the ground and protecting
soil from erosion. Used for building,
ooring, furniture, paper, dishes and
other kitchen implements, sleeping
mats, charcoal, textiles, musical
instruments, food, and even bicycle
frames, bamboo is easy to cultivate in
different climates and conditions, on
marginal land and without the need
for fertilizers.

The wise men seem to have lived up
to their name, for frankincense one
of the three gifts they brought to the
infant Jesus, along with gold and myrrh
is proving to be even more useful
and valuable than ever. An aromatic
resin from the deciduous Boswellia
sacra tree of the desert woodlands of
Ethiopia, northern Somalia, southern
Yemen, and the foggy mountainous
regions of southern Oman, it has been
harvested for thousands of years. It
has long been known to rejuvenate
skin, aid digestion and relieve muscle
pain and arthritis, and scientists have
recently discovered that it contains
an agent that causes cancer cells to
shut down. But the Boswellia sacra
is declining due to overgrazing and
changes in land use, and now features
on the IUCN Red List as a nearthreatened species.


A step at a time

ith soles cut from recycled rubber tyres and tops crafted from soft,
hand-spun and woven organic cotton, soleRebels shoes are sustainable
and stylish ( No wonder the
World Economic Forum named BETHLEHEM TILAHUN ALEMU, founder and
managing director of soleRebels, a Young Global Leader of 2011. TUNZA speaks
to her to nd out the secrets to her success.

What was the spark for soleRebels?

soleRebels was born as an idea to bring jobs to our community. In Zenabwork,
Ethiopia, where I was born and raised, there were literally no jobs. I hit upon the
idea that the creation of footwear and apparel could be a platform for inspiration
and hope in our community and elsewhere in Ethiopia. Wed use indigenous
materials and crafts fused with modern design and teach those without work how
to create things that would give the wearer immense comfort and joy.
What resources did you see around you that you could use?
We grew up watching our relatives spin cotton with hand spindles and weave
gorgeous fabrics with simple wooden handlooms, as our ancestors had for
centuries. These craftspeople had skills that simply needed to be channelled.
Ethiopia is also thought to be one of the birthplaces of cotton and is one of the
last authentically organic environments in which cotton is grown. Most small-scale
cotton farmers never use anything more complex than animal dung as fertilizer.
We support their ability to grow their birthright crop in this manner, which has a
meaningful impact on the local and global ecosystem.
We saw that by combining all these local resources, we could create footwear
that would showcase many of Ethiopias indigenous eco-sensible craft heritages and
craft talents, while creating an export product made entirely from local resources.
Tell us about your selate and barabasso shoes. They have an interesting
These are shoes made from recycled rubber tyres, worn in the countryside as a
work shoe as well as by the rebels who fought off invading forces in Ethiopia in
1991 the original sole rebels.
We also use recycled rubber for our other shoes, ensuring comfort and
durability, while saving waste from landll and preventing the harmful emissions
from burning tyres. In Ethiopia, weve been recycling for years without ever calling
it recycling. When you have limited resources, everything is valued and valuable;
everything has a purpose.
You call your company historically eco-sensible and green by heritage. What
does this mean?
We embrace deeply sustainable and traditionally zero-carbon methods of
production not because its the in-thing, but because these production methodologies and ideas are integral parts of Ethiopias cultural fabric.
What advice do you have for young eco-friendly entrepreneurs who are just
starting out?
Have a clear vision of your goal and the path to get there. Then work extra hard.
Seek counsel from diverse places dont just stick to one source. And never be
deterred: setbacks and obstacles are part of life. It is how you overcome them that
makes you a great person.


TUNZA Vol 9 No 1

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