Or Less: How To Determine The Best Connections For Steel Joists and Metal Deck
Or Less: How To Determine The Best Connections For Steel Joists and Metal Deck
Or Less: How To Determine The Best Connections For Steel Joists and Metal Deck
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shear tear-out, a fillet weld placed on the joist chord leg should
not exceed approximately 43 of the chord angle thickness. Using fillet weld thicknesses of 18 in. for K-Series joists, 316 in. for
LH-Series and smaller joist girders and in. for DLH-Series
and larger joist girders will prevent the weld thickness from unnecessarily controlling joist component sizes.
Lets start with welding, which is one of the more is not
always better scenariosespecially with regard to fillet weld
thickness when welding to steel joists. Steel joists have an excellent strength-to-weight ratio, and the individual components
are relatively thin. A longer, thinner weld is best for joist economy, so as not to force joist components to be thicker simply to
accept the weldment. For a weld placed at the toe of a chord
angle, as shown in Figure 1, the fillet weld thickness cannot
exceed the thickness of the chord angle. To avoid a potential
Figure 2.
in a moderate to heavy wind area could have an uplift end reaction in excess of that bolt capacity.
The joist girder uplift end reaction used to determine the
connection is typically conservative if the summation of the joist
components is used. A reduced joist girder uplift end reaction
can be obtained from the main wind resisting system (MWRS)
analysis. When the loads are greater than what a standard connection can resist, larger-bolt diameters, higher-strength bolts
or even a four-bolt pattern may need to be considered.
The eccentricity induced in a bearing seat connection can
be significant. Ensuring that a joist bearing seat has an adequate
bearing length and proper bearing depth, in order to allow the
end web to intercept with the top chord over the support point,
is essential in reducing eccentricities. Also, the placement of the
connection welds or fasteners needs to be considered for eccentricity. For example, when a joist or joist girder is carrying a
lateral load from wind or seismic, reducing eccentricities should
be considered when specifying a connection. If the load path to
transfer a lateral load from top chord is through the bearing seat,
significant forces due to the induced eccentricities need to be
considered and resisted. When transferring forces from joist to
joist, an additional plate (see Figure 3) virtually eliminates eccentricities. In addition, this type of lateral load transfer detail can
be classified as good, better and best. Figure 3 illustrates this
for joist girder seats when the loads can be very large. Better
is preferred over good because it replaces a difficult overhead
weld with a common fillet weld. Best is preferred over better
because it moves the welds closer to the center of the joist girder.
Deck Connections
A key aspect of designing connections for deck is recognizing
that one solution is not best for all situations. A review of the typical design process illustrates how the attachment decisions are made.
The deck design typically includes the selection of a deck
profile and gage that meets the stress and deflection requirements for the out-of-plane (gravity and wind) loads. While not
usually governing, bearing should also be checked.
Deck attachments that meet in-plane seismic or wind lateral
loadsand if applicable, combined lateral and uplift loadsare
then selected. Some of the considerations to evaluate when
specifying an attachment system are:
Ensure selected fasteners are appropriate for the support
member thickness. Coordinate the fastener substrate thickness
requirements with the joist top chord thickness specifications.
Recognize that interlocking deck sidelaps use different
types of connections (proprietary clinched connections, topseam welds, or button-punches) than nested sidelaps (screws,
fillet welds or arc-seam welds). See Figure 4.
Properly consider the effect of connection shear and tension interaction due to combined shear and uplift on the
diaphragm system capacity.
Zone fastening patterns (and deck gages) to match changing
demand across the diaphragm.
Reduce costs through use of nontraditional support fastener
patterns (such as 36/7 at end laps and 36/4 at interior supports), which may meet required strength and stiffness with
significantly fewer fasteners.
Select fasteners that are easy to reliably inspect, such as
proprietary clinched sidelap connections comparable to topseam welds on interlocking sidelaps.
Understand the aesthetics of installed fasteners relative to
the end use of the structureare burn marks or protruding
fastener tips acceptable?
Minimize labor for trades that follow the deck installationfor
example by eliminating the need for interior touch-up painting
phragm resistance are sufficient to comply with any applicable Factory Mutual or UL provisions, which often include
attachment type and spacing requirements.
The final step in the diaphragm design is to ensure that the
number of support attachments at diaphragm chords, struts,
ties or other collector elements that are parallel to the deck
flutes is adequate to develop the full capacity of the diaphragm.
The number of required support attachments is determined
based on the nominal diaphragm shear required and the nominal shear strength of the support fastener. Nominal values are
used for this calculation because the safety and resistance factors typically published for individual fastener strengths are different than those used for diaphragm system strengths.
Connection and/or diaphragm system strength and stiffness
values are available from manufacturers literature and design aids.
Performance of powder actuated fasteners (PAFs) and the proprietary clinched side-lap connections not quantified by recognized
design standards must be determined by testing, using appropriate
statistical analysis of the safety and resistance factors. Most manufacturers obtain product evaluation reports to provide an independent review of the published fastener and/or system performance.
Selecting the best deck fastening system is dictated by considering all of the design requirements (structural and nonstructural)
in conjunction with the installers preferences and capabilities.
There is usually more than one combination of connection type
and pattern or spacing that will achieve a specific design objective.
Sometimes the use of a larger number of connections with lower
individual strength, such as PAFs, is more economical to install
than fewer stronger connections, such as welds. In other situations,
a larger number of connections with a lighter deck is the most economical solution. Providing the design requirements in the design
documents facilitates evaluation of alternate systems. Willingness
to consider solutions can lead to the most cost-effective installation for the owner.
Bridging Connections
While they are not large or cumbersome, connections to maintain the
continuity of, or to terminate, horizontal bridging lines are essential. Horizontal bridging is considered a two-way system that needs to extend in
both directions from each joist to a point of anchorage at a wall, beam or
other primary structural element. The bridging can be terminated with
diagonal bridging that resolves the forces between the top and bottom
chords where anchorage points are not available, or in order to resolve accumulated forces in a long bay. If for any reason a horizontal bridging line
must be cut or the continuity is lost, then a termination needs to be added
in the form of diagonal bridging, as shown in Figure 5.
Shear Connections
If and when shear forces need to be transferred from the deck to the structural load resisting member, such as a joist girder, these connections become part
of the lateral load resisting system. There are two common methods to transfer
shear forces from the deck to the structural member: roll-over, in which forces
act perpendicular to the joist seat, or through a shear collector, which is connected directly from the deck to the structural member. When roll-over forces
are specified, the bearing seats need to be stiffened to resist the forces. In some
cases, a stiffened seat can only resist 2.0 kips. These types of connections can be
very costly both in the joist seat and the deck connection to the joist, and should
only be used when the magnitude of the loads and deck connections is a good
fit. A shear collector can resist heavier loads and distribute the loads uniformly.
With shear transfers of this type, more frequent connections of lesser capacity
are better than fewer connections with greater capacity.
Care must be taken to correctly detail and place shear collection elements
that run parallel to the metal decking. As shown in Figure 6, if the shear collector is not properly placed and is narrow, it may fall entirely below a top
deck flute, leaving no contact for attachment. An HSS member, for example,
is a good option that allows more contact surface than, say, a channel section.
With joist and deck connections there are situations where more is not
necessarily better and then there are those where more is definitely better.
Different scenarios may require different solutions, and often there is more
than one option. Its a matter of reviewing each situation and determining
the best one, with an emphasis on keeping it simple and practical while
meeting the needs of the project.