Bio Ethanol
Bio Ethanol
Bio Ethanol
Silambrasan. C and Anandharaj .T,
Department of Microbiology, Periyar University,
The current ethanol production processes using crops such as corn and sugar cane are
well established. However, the utilization of cheaper biomasses such as lignocellulose could
make bioethanol more competitive with fossil fuels, without the ethical concerns associated with
the use of potential food resources. A cassava stem, a lignocellulosic biomass, was pretreated
using dilute acid to produce bioethanol. The enzymatic digestibility like liquefaction of the
pretreated cassava stem was examined by cellulase producing Bacillus sp and lead to
saccharification. The fermentation of the hydrolyzed cassava stem using Saccharomyces
cerevisiae resulted in ethanol production. This study made a significant contribution to the low
cost production of bioethanol from a cassava stem.
Keywords: Bioethanol, Cassava peels, yam peels, Liquefaction, Bacillus sp, Saccharification,
Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Bioethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid made by fermenting and
distilling starch crops. It is a sustainable and renewable form of energy from Agricultural
feedstock. These feedstock include waste straw, milk, rice, beetroot, recently grape, banana and
dates, sugar cane, potatoes, corn, cassava and yam etc. aside fermentation process, bioethanol
can be manufactured by the chemical reaction of ethylene with steam.
Aims and objectives of study
The aim of this work is to produce bioethanol as an alternative source of fuel to fossil fuel like
gasoline from waste materials. And also to compare between biofuel produced from cassava and
yam peels.
Scope of Study
This research work involves the collection of cassava and yam peeling from farms and homes
respectively. Thereafter an analysis test was made to determine physical and chemical properties
of cassava and yam peelings for the production of bioethanol as fuel. In all the specific properties
in bioethanol that may enable it to be used as alternative fuel or used to mix gasoline for purpose
of modifications and increase quantity in order to meet market needs.
Relevance of Study
This study enables us to know the importance of bioethanol as it could be used as a substitute for
petrol in motor vehicle in its purest form or when blended with petrol. This work is also of great
importance in that it produces fuel that is environmentally friendly and cheap
Sample Collection
All the samples were collected in the various restaurants in Yanga market in Oleh and Iduoma
farm area in Irri, all in Isoko South L.G.A Delta State.
The second sample (cassava peels) was collected from farmers in Iduoma farm area during
harvesting and peeling
Table 1: Material Material
and Equipment S/N
Dry active yeast 20g
College of Basic
University, Abraka
Hydroxide: Affamefune
Biomedical Consult
Water: Biochemistry
Sodium Hydrogen.
The aqueous sodium
hydroxide react with
alcohol to form C-ONa+ and water. The
ethoxide ion will
react with water
Absolute alcohol has
a tendency to absorb
water and the first
few drop of water
bioethanol form Hbonds,
release of heat.
200ml of 1molar of
was mixed with the
Preparation is mixing
a weak acid and a salt
of its conjugate base
in solution
3.3 Procedure
Enzymes Hydrolysis of Cassava Peels
Acid Hydrolysis of Yam Peels
Fermentation of Yam Peels
Distillation of Yam Peels
Results from tables 2 4 showed the average quantity of Bioethanol produced from 20g, 35g and
50g of yam peels to be 16.8ml, 18.9ml and 30ml respectively.
Also, from figures 1 - 3 the graph showed that there was an increase in the quantity of
Bioethanol produced as the substrate increased i.e. 20g, 35g, and 50g. The peak of production of
Bioethanol for the three different grams (20g. 35g and 50g) of yam peels were recorded in the
196 minutes, producing 25 ml, 35 ml and 58 ml respectively. Also from tables 5- 6, the peak of
quantity of bioethanol produced from 20g, 35g, and 50g of cassava peels are 33ml, 53ml, and
69ml, respectively.
The consistent increase in bioethanol production from the graphs (figs. 1-3 and figs 4-6), started
decreasing from 197 to 254 minutes. This fall in bioethanol production was due to the depletion
of the starch content in the yam and cassava peels during the distillation process.
The results also showed that the bioethanol produced from cassava peels was more than that
produced from yam peels, indicating that there is higher concentration of starch content in
cassava peels than yam peels. The quantity of bioethanol produced from yam peels, is in contrast
with Oyeleke et al [23], who reported a peak production of bioethanol from sweet potato peels to
be higher than that of yam peels in his experiment when Aspergillus Niger was used as the
enzyme of fermentation.
In his experiment, the same gram of (20g, 35g and 50g) of sweet potato peels were used as yam
peels in this project, and the peak production of sweet potato peels were 23ml, 30ml and 48ml
respectively while that of yam peels were lower and they were 22ml, 29ml and 45ml respectively
in his experiment. But inthis project, where Gloeophylum Sepiarum and Pleurotus ostreatus were
used as enzymes for hydrolysis and Zymomonas mobilis and Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as
enzymes for fermentation, the production of bioethanol from yam peels was noted to be higher
than that stated in Oyeleke et al experiment. This could be due to the powerful and potent
bioethanol producing enzymes used in this project work.
The graph in figs 7, 8 and 9 showed a steady rise in percentage concentration from 3% - 9.3%,
3.5 12.3% and 4.7 19.3% for yam peels respectively in the 28minutes in which the bioethanol
production began till 196minutes in which the peak of percentage concentration bioethanol yield
was obtained.
After this time (196minutes) the graph began to fall between 224 -254 minutes reducing the
percentage concentration yield from 7.4% - 6.7%, 7% -4.9% and 16.3% - 13.3% for yam peels
respectively, while for cassava peels, the fall in the graph was from 6.7% -5.6%, 14.7% - 6.3%
and 15.7% - 6.7% in figs 10, 11 and 12 respectively.
The average bioethanol concentration yield of 6.2%, 6.5% and 11.7% for the yam peels and
6.7%, 9.9% and 11.8% of cassava peels produced in this project is less than the average
bioethanol yield (concentration) reported by Agunlejika et al. [1] who reported an average
bioethanol concentration yield of 16% from spoilt mangoes. This difference in the percentage
concentration could be due to the large quantities of spoilt mangoes used in Agunlekas
experiment since increase in the quantity of substrate causes a proportional increase in
percentage concentration of bioethanol as shown in this project.
Also, the large quantities of spoilt mangoes used by Agunlekas experiment seem to contain more
starch than the just 135g of yam and cassava peels used in this project.
The percentage concentration of bioethanol in this project also disagreed with Oyeleke et al. [21]
who reported an average bioethanol yield (concentration) of 17.6% from spoilt fruits
From fig 13, production of bioethanol from 50g of yam peels began at 78C with the production
of 14 ml of the quantity of bioethanol. The production continued to increase as the temperature
increase from 78C to 91C with a peak production of 58ml. After this temperature (91C), the
quantity of bioethanol began to decrease indicating the depletion of bioethanol in the solution
after heating the solution for a period of 180minutes.
Also, for the 50g of cassava peels in figure 14, 15ml of bioethanol was produced at a temperature
of 78C. Bioethanol production increased to a peak of 69ml at a temperature of 91C and began
to decrease from 47 20ml at a temperature of 93 - 96C. The drop in the bioethanol production
inspite of the increase in temperature indicated the depletion of the bioethanol in the solution
after much heating.
The result of the study confirmed that bioethanol can be produced from cassava and yam peels
which are agricultural wastes. More bioethanol was produced from cassava peels than yam peels,
thus making cassava peels a better alternative to yam peels, as well as spoilt fruits. The uses of
cassava and yam peels are worthwhile venture for bioethanol production; considering their low
cost, lesser need in food production and as means of controlling environmental pollution thus
making bioethanol production economical and environmentally friendly.
Properties of Tested Bioethanol As Compared To Petrol
A summary of results of bioethanol and petrol fuel properties data for the tested fuels are
presented in Table 16. The average values of density for the tested bioethanol were found to vary
from 0.7334 kg/l for E10 to 0.74192 kg/l for E25. They were found 1.003%, 1.006%, 1.013%
and 1.015%, higher than petrol fuel E10, E15, E20 and E25 respectively, which had a density of
0.7313 kg/l at 15.7C.
The API gravity of bioethanol/petrol blends varied between 61.4 to 59.2 degrees. The petrol API
gravity was lighter being 62.7 degrees. The heavier weight of blends and petrol implied greater
horsepower, less hazards but higher cost of transportation. In general the densities and API
gravity are within the range that can be handled by internal combustion engine.
The kinematic viscosity values for the bioethanol/petrol blends (i.e. E10, E15, E20, E25) were
found to be 1.08%, 1.14%, 1.24% and 1.32% more viscous than petrol fuel (0.4872mm2/sec)..
From the results it appeared that the flash point for E10, E15 and E20 and E25 were 29, 29.4,
29.5 and 29.6C respectively. The fire points were found to be 31, 31.1, 31.2, and 31.8C
The mean gross heat values for bioethanol/petrol blends decrease by 3.7%, 5.7%, 8%, 9.5%
compared to petrol fuel ( 43500 kJ/kg) for E10, E15, E20, and E25 respectively. The decrease of
heat values was due to the presence of bioethanol having lower heat value of 27000kJ/kg. From
the result it appears that pour point for the bioethanol/petrol blends were above 8C and similar
to petrol fuel.
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