Dr. Kamalroop Singh Replies To Indarjit Singh

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This is a statement by Indarjit Singh about the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib sent out on

social media, Dr. Kamalroop Singh replied to the points Indarjit SIngh listed below.
To the Gurdwara Boards East Africa & other Sikhs concerned about recent
pronoucements of Sikh Jathedhars on the Dasam Granth
I humbly request you to consider the points mentioned below:
Lord Indarjit Singh of Wimbledon

Indarjit Singh
Dr. Kamalroop Singh

A. Please state which, if any, of the following statements is incorrect:

1. There were many challenges to the Gurus and their teaching during the lifetime
of the Gurus.
There were but the Guru Khalsa Panth has always known what their Guru's wrote as is
clear from 18th and 19th century Sikh literature, all of which quote from the Sri Dasam
Granth Sahib, as Sri Mukhvak.
2. When Guru Gobind Singh added the compositions of Guru Teg Bahadhur to the
Adi Granth, he deliberately excluded any verses that he may have written himself.
The contents of the Sri Dasam Granth Sahib by Guru Gobind Singh are not for Bhakti like
the Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib is, according to Chhibbar the Guru said '[the Dasam
Granth Sahib] is my play or khed, and hence why I have not included it in'.
3. Guru Gobind Singh, aware of the danger of different sants, babas and cults
diverting or distorting the Gurus teachings, decreed that the Adi Granth with the
addition of Guru Teg Bahadhurs verses,were complete in themselves and would
henceforth be referred to as the Guru Granth Sahib,
Nobody disputes that Adi Sri Guru Granth Sahib is the Guru, but to say Sikhs have only
one scripture and all things can be drawn from that scripture is absurd. That excludes the
nitnem, ardas, history, and other such important Sikh principles, including the 5 Ks.
4. In 1708, Guru Gobind Singh formerly installed the Guru Granth Sahib as
complete and sole guidance for all Sikhs. [Guru manio Granth]
The same history that records this momentous event also refers to shabads of Sri Dasam
Granth Sahib throughout it, eg Panth Parkash, Giani Gian Singh, from which 'agia bhe
akal ki' comes from.
5. In a verse following our Ardas, the above sentiment is put as an edict, or
hukum, binding on all Sikhs.
This is not from the Guru Granth Sahib but from the above text, which quotes heavily
from the Dasam Granth Sahib. If you say it is inaccurate then you also bring into question
the gaddi to Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

6. To accord other writings or scriptures equal reverence to the Guru Granth

Sahib, would be a betrayal of the above mentioned hukum.
Again its your own paranoia that anyone says they are equal, parkash of Dasam Granth
Sahib is always lower than Adi Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
7. The opening words of the Guru Granth Sahib remind us that there is only one
Supreme Being. This is a clear rejection of the Hindu belief in of a pantheon of
gods and goddesses.
The same theme is found throughout Sri Dasam Granth Sahib.
8. More than one third of the writings of the Dasam Granth involve the exploits and
praise of various Hindu deities.
How did you expect the Guru to inspire the common Hindu to take up arms against the
Moghuls? Guru Granth Sahib is also full of mythological references. Infact the second
word is Sanskrit - Oankar....
9. Another third of the Dasam Granth involves the denigration of women and the
wiles of women, often in stark pornographic terms-in complete contradiction of
Sikh teachings of dignity and complete equality.
That is how you might see it, but in fact Chaupai Sahib comes from this. There are tales
in it from the Bible, Torah, Qur'an, Hitupdesh, Purans, Alif-Laila and so on. Over 50 are
about the bravery of women, like the Queen of Holland, and another 50 are about the
weaknesses of men.
10. The Dasam Granth was compiled by Hindu Brahmins from a variety of writings
at least 50 years after Guru Gobind Singh.
Please provide the historical evidence and manuscript evidence here.
11. A small proportion of the verses in the Dasam Granth are in general
consonance with the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib and could be lost
writings of Guru Gobind Singh.
Please provide the evidence as above. This view was given by the infamous tout of the
British, Teja Singh of Bhasauria who died tankhiayah from the Khalsa panth. See Dasam
Granth Nirnaya (1919).
12. In 1930s and early 1940s, a committee of renowned Sikh scholars, after much
consultation and analysis, agreed that these banis, listed in the 1945 Sikh Reyat
Maryada, should be included in Sikh worship. The rest of the misleadingly and
mischievously titled Dasam Granth was unceremoniously rejected as wholly
contrary to Sikh teaching.
This is completely untrue, in fact the Sri Akal Takht Sahib in 1898 printed the complete
bani, and has celebrated it ever since.

Indarjit singhs closing statement

Authority in Sikhism
As per Guru Gobind Singhs hukum, all religious guidance is vested in the Guru
Granth Sahib alone. No person has any authority to issue any edict or hukum that
is not in consonance with the Gurus teachings as contained in the Guru Granth
Origin of Jathedhars.
During the Missl period, leaders of the groups or Jathas would meet at the Akal
Takhat or other venue, to agree policies to meet common external threats. The
leaders or spokespeople, had no spiritual authority. All decisions had to be in
consonance with the Gurus teachings.
In the 20s, the newly formed SGPC appointed managers of the main centres of
Sikhism(Takhts) who became known as Jathedhars. Before their appointment the
Secretary of the SGPC would only test their proficiency in reading the Guru Granth
Todays Jathedhars
In recent years, the SGPC has itself become politicized and controlled by people
who show again and again, a greater un-Sikh-like devotion to the pursuit of wealth
and power than to living and promoting the Gurus teachings.
Todays Jathedhars are appointed for their loyalty to political masters rather than
to the Gurus teachings. The title Jathedhar appears to have gone to the heads of
some. In a visit to England, one repeatedly asked me to introduce him as the Pope
of the Sikhs. Something I refused to do. Another wrote to the British Museum
insultingly stating that Sikh teachings were superior to others. All too often, they
use Catholic terminology like excommunication, (literally banned from drinking
communion wine!), to threaten those that disagree with them. There are other
Recent Edicts against the Global Sikh Council (GSC)
The GSC has rightly expressed its concerns over attempts to dilute and distort
Sikh teachings by the BJP by the introduction of the Dasam Granth into Sikh
theology, with its eulogising of Hindu gods and goddesses and its denigration of
women, as described above. Sikhs should ask themselves what was the Punjab
Governments motive in producing and distributing thousands of copies of the
Dasam Granth at a cost of crores of rupees?

Jathedhars who promote the Dasam Granth, and even absurdly seek to place it on
a par with the Guru Granth Sahib, at best display a gross ignorance of Sikhism, or
worse, are enemies of the Panth and should be exposed as such by all Sikhs,
along with their political paymasters.

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