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ASTADAN, Chantelle Gayle B.


Polymer 10:30 11:30 TThS

Determination of Absolute Molecular Weight by Osmometry. What is Osmometry?

Osmometry is among the methods for determining molecular mass which rely on colligative properties (from
the Latin word colligere for collect), meaning that only the number of dissolved molecules influences the
properties of a solution. In addition, the osmotic pressure, boiling point elevation, vapor pressure reduction, and
the freezing point depression are based on colligative properties.Out of the four colligative methods, only
membrane osmometry (MO) is of interest for cellulosic samples.However, vapor pressure osmometry (VPO) is
superior for analyzing samples with Mn < 20,000 gmol1. This is because the diffusion of low molecular weight
molecules through the membrane limits the utility of membrane osmometry for this especially low molecular
weight region.
Since the osmotic pressure of a solution depends on molecular weight and concentration c, the following
equation can be used to determine the number average of the molecular weight:

where is the osmotic pressure, c is the solute concentration, R is the ideal gas constant, T the temperature, Mn
is the number average, and A2 and A3 are the second and third virial coefficients. The most common method of
osmometry is membrane osmometry. In membrane osmometry, the osmotic pressure is measured directly using a
semi-permeable membrane. In experiments, the osmotic pressure must be measured at several different
concentrations. By extrapolating the /c versus c plot to zero, the intercept gives the molecular weight, whereas
slope yields A2. Note, that A2 is an empirical constant for a given solute/solvent system and it depends on the
temperature. It represents the interaction of a single molecule with the solvent.
Using osmometry for molecular weight determination creates a few problems. First, the osmotic pressure is
inversely proportional to molecular weight, so molecules with a high molecular weight contribute very little.
Therefore, the sample must be free of low molecular compounds when applying osmometry. This is especially
true for salts and, therefore, for aqueous cellulose solutions. This is the main reason that osmometry is ordinarily
used with cellulose derivatives in organic solvents. In most cases, cellulose-based membranes such as
cellophane or bacterial cellulose are used for membrane osmometry. However, these membranes are not
completely resistant against solvents used for cellulose. Hence, the usual cellophane membrane gels which are
used in an osmometer would dissolve in, for example, cuen solutions. Even poly(vinylbutyral) (PVB), which is
often employed as a membrane, will likely dissolve in DMAc/LiCl.
Immergut et al. developed two membranes, Kel-F and leached polyvinyl butyral, that are stable against copper
ethylenediamine solutions [52]. Working with those membranes, they measured the molecular weights of two
cellulose samples directly. Since cellulose in cuen behaves as a polyelectrolyte, they faced another problem
beyond membrane instability. However, by proper conditioning of the membranes, the polyelectrolyte character of
the solution can be compensated and allow for a valid measurement. Immerguts paper is one of the few dealing
with the direct osmometry of pure cellulose. This method continues to play a minor role today, even for derivatized
cellulose. It is worth noting that osmometry was originally used to determine the relationship between intrinsic

viscosity and molecular weight. It has been shown that under mild conditions, the degradation during cellulose
nitration is negligible. In his pioneering work, Staudinger used the osmometry of cellulose nitrates in acetone to
determine the constant Kcm of the Staudinger Equation:

where r is the relative viscosity, M is the molecular weight, and Kcm is the molecular weight-concentration
constant. The Staudinger equation was later the basis for the Mark-Houwink equation.
Using VPO instruments with increased sensitivity, Kamide et al. detected an upper limit of 1 105 gmol1.
Compared with the results for cellulose acetate obtained by MO and SEC, VPO values differed by only a small

What are light scattering Methods? What is commonly used?

Scattering methods are some of the most popular methods for determining molecular weight averages Mw.
The fundamentals of the light scattering phenomena were expounded by Lord Rayleigh in 1871. Light scattering
(LS) is one of the few absolute methods that provide access to molecular weight and structure. Light scattering is
often used as a tandem technique together with separation using SEC. As a standalone technique, it delivers the
weight average Mw, the corresponding z-average square radii < r2g >z, and the second virial coefficient A2 of
cellulose. Since it is an absolute method, it does not require calibration. One limitation of the LS method is that for
a given concentration c (gmL1), the scattered light signal is proportional to c Mw, such that molecules below a
few thousand gmol1 need relatively high concentrations in order to produce a detectable signal. Raising the
concentration of, for example, a broad distributed sample, leads to problems, especially in the SEC portion of the
process in which cellulose is analyzed. Dust will also scatter light and contribute to the intensity; therefore, dust
has to be removed using ultra-fine filters or centrifugation prior to measurements. The source of radiation is, in
most cases, visible light from a laser; therefore, using colored solvents (e.g., Cu- and Fe-containing complexes) is
challenging and cellulose is often derivatized and dissolved in an organic solvent or colorless solvent instead.
Thus far, DMAc/LiCl is the solvent of choice for an LS experiment coupled to an SEC.
Measuring cellulosic samples with fluorescence activity (e.g., pulp with high lignin content) also poses some
challenges. Due to the laser excitation, even small amounts of fluorophores will disrupt a measurement. There are
two types of LS experiments: the batch mode and the chromatographic (online) measurement. In the batch mode
(off-line), MALLS detector can be used as a standalone instrument to characterize an unfractionated polymer
sample. In this static light scattering experiment (SLS), a vertically polarized (laser) light is scattered by the
macromolecules of a polymer in solution. The scattered light is detected by a photometer or a photodiode: either
one photometer is used to encircle the sample in a horizontal plane or several photodiodes are placed around the
measurement cell, which detects the scattered light from several positions and angles.
The ratio:

depends on:
the concentration of solution c;

the specific refractive increment obtained at chemical equilibrium dn/dc or, more accurately, (dn/dc);
the molecular weight of dissolved particles (M);
Scattering angle .
The scattering intensity is dependent on the angle and reflects the diminution of the light intensity by intraparticular interference. For light scattering experiments, the Zimm equation forms the basic for calculating the
molecular weight:

where K* is the optical constant, R(, c) is the excess Rayleigh ratio of the solution as a function of scattering
angle and concentration c, Mw is the molar mass weight average, P() is the angular dependence of the
scattered light, A2 is the second virial coefficient, and c is the concentration of the solute.
The optical constant is described by the following equation:

where dn/dc is the specific refractive increment at chemical equilibrium, Na is the Avogadros Number, 0 is the
wavelength of the incident light, and n0 is the solvent refractive index.
The measured data can be extrapolated to zero concentration and zero-degree scattering angle, which can be
achieved for the batch mode by using the so-called Zimm-plot to derive three valuable quantities: the weight
average Mw, the second virial coefficient of osmotic pressure A2 (both with extrapolation to zero angle), and the
radius of gyration (z-average) by extrapolating the concentration to zero. The specific refractive increment at
chemical equilibrium must be measured separately by using a differential refractometer; practical details are
provided in. Insights into the theory and principles of LS can be found in the work of Wyatt and Flory.
LS alone, without prior separation, is used for polymer characterization in solution rather than for molecular
weight determination. Zhou and his colleagues investigated cellulose dissolved in NaOH/urea aqueous solutions
with LS and viscometry. They calculated MHS parameters for this solvent and proposed its capability to dissolve
cellulose between 3.0 104 and 1.3 105. Because this is also a nontoxic solvent, they emphasized its suitability
for viscometry. Kamide and Saito dissolved acid-hydrolyzed cotton linters, regenerated from cuprammonium
solution, in 6% LiOH and determined the molecular weight by LS and viscometry. For structural clarification of
cellulose in cuoxam, Seger and Burchard used MALLS. Despite its deep blue color, they used cuoxam for LS
experiments and were able to obtain molecular weight averages for cellulose. They measured at 0 = 457.9 nm
laser-wavelength and corrected the intensities for the absorption at this wavelength, which was determined by UVVis-spectroscopy.
Drechsler et al. demonstrated that static LS as a standalone device is useful for the molecular weight
determination of cellulose dissolved in NMMO/H2O/diethylenetriamine (DETA). They compared the SLS results
with SEC of the tricarbanilated cellulose (CTC). Higher DPs correlated with greater differences between SLS and
SEC of CTC. The results from viscometry in cuen measurements were similar to the results from SLS in

NMMO/H2O/DETA. The authors concluded that the degree of degradation in NMMO/ H2O/DETA is comparable to
the degree of degradation in cuen.
SLS and dynamic light scattering are based on the same phenomena; in both cases, the scattering occurs
at the same wavelength of the incident light. The only differences are the ways in which the experimental data are
collected and processed. In DLS, the fluctuation of the scattered light is measured. The fluctuation is due to the
Brownian motion of the scattering particles and occurs in extremely short time intervals. In SLS, the timeaveraged intensity of the scattered light is measured (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. The fluctuation of scattered light over time (in the range of milliseconds). The dotted line represents
the SLS-signal and the red line represents the DLS-signal.
The measured fluctuation of the scattering reflects the motion of particles. As big particles move slowly and
smaller ones move faster, fluctuation produces information about the size of the particles in motion. As with
intrinsic viscosity measurements, DLS yields the hydrodynamic radii. In contrast to viscometry, DLS can also
assess very small particles, down to 1 nm. For bigger particles, the acquisition time is extended. This limits the
use of DLS in online measurements (e.g., SEC).
Quasi elastic light scattering (QELS) refers to photon correlation spectroscopy. It is a type of DLS that can be
combined with a separation technique. In principal, a QELS photodiode can be replaced for a single angle in a
MALLS detector (except for the 90 detector). Because the QELS photodiode is part of the same MALLS
hardware, there is no need to measure the inter-detector delay. The primary drawback is the low sensitivity, which
cannot always be compensated for by injecting higher analyte concentrations. To our knowledge, the only
cellulose studies in which QELS was hyphenated with SEC were done by Yanagisawa et al. In those studies, the
authors concluded that the conformation of cellulose and cellulose tricarbanilate (CTC) is the same in LiCl/DMAc
as it is in LiCl/1,3-dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone (DMI).

What is Ultracentrifugation?

When polymer chemistry was in its early stages in the 1920s, analytical
ultracentrifugation experiments played an important role. Svedberg introduced two
analytical ultracentrifugation methods: the sedimentation velocity method and the
sedimentation equilibrium method. The sedimentation velocity method (performed at, for
example, 70,000 RPM) provides information on the physical homogeneity of a sample, its
conformation, interaction or co-sedimentation, and flexibility information. The
sedimentation equilibrium, which is carried out at lower rotor speeds such as 15,000 RPM,
yields information on absolute weight averages (Mw, and Mz) and molecular weight

distributions. Ultracentrifugation is also capable of measuring the molecular charge in

polysaccharides. Diffusion parameters can also be obtained by ultracentrifugation
experiments; however, strictly speaking, diffusion has nothing to do with
ultracentrifugation, though it is very closely connected to the theoretical and practical
The first studies of cellulose in which ultracentrifugation was used were performed by
Stamm between 1926 and 1930. Stamm investigated cellulose dissolved in
cuprammonium (tetraamine copper(II) sulfate) and cellulose xanthogenate in diluted alkali
solutions. He and his coworkers investigated the state of dispersion of cellulose in
cuprammonium solutions. They found diffusion coefficients of cellulose and also claimed
that cellulose was uniform with a molecular weight of 55,000 7000 gmol1. However,
they realized that under an oxygen atmosphere, the cellulose is degraded. A typical
equilibrium run time was 190 h; therefore, severe degradation of the molecule during the
measurements can be assumed.
Graln and Svedberg measured cellulose in cuprammonium solutions under a nitrogen
atmosphere. They calculated molecular weights for native cotton with 1000 kgmol1 (DP
6200) and for Ramie with 1840 kgmol1, which can be considered very close to values
measured today using other techniques.
Jullander published the first review of studies on cellulose and its derivatives performed
using ultracentrifugation experiments. He concluded that it was possible to calculate
weight averages from diffusion experiments and that number, weight, or z-averages can
be obtained from sedimentation runs.
Marx and Meyerhoff calculated the molecular weight of cellulose based on a calibration
done with ultracentrifugation experiments. They found two molecular weight averages
(maxima) for cotton and flax cellulose between DPs of approximately 5500 and 11,000,
while for spruce they reported an average DP of 8000. In their conclusion, they noted the
similarity of cellulose collected from different origins but did not explain bimodal
distribution curves. The major limitation of ultracentrifugation experiments is the analysis
time needed; the time to reach equilibrium can be up to several days or even weeks. In
the area of synthetic polymers, ultracentrifugation experiments have been nearly
completely replaced by other techniques. For biopolymers, especially cellulose,
ultracentrifugation still plays a minor role in analytics. Two recent review articles published
by Harding et al. discuss the possibilities of ultracentrifugation experiments in
polysaccharide analysis today; especially in combination with SEC and MALLS, it can
provide complementary information such as the heterogeneity of materials. Like SECMALLS, the sedimentation equilibrium method provides a molecular weight distribution,
although there is no column or separation device and therefore no limitations concerning
the columns medium inertness or available pore sizes.
Today, the ultracentrifuge is used to obtain fundamental biophysical information about
solutions of cellulose rather than to determine molecular weight. In his perspective papers,
however, Harding demonstrated that sedimentation equilibrium is a powerful and valuable
independent check on the results generated with other methods such as SEC-MALLS

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