Genetics Syllabus
Genetics Syllabus
Genetics Syllabus
10:00am 10:50am
Science Hall
This course is a study of the principles of genetics and how they apply to various aspects of biology. Course
content divided evenly between classical and molecular genetics. (Prerequisite(s): BIOL 1108 with a C or better and CHEM
Genetics: Analysis & Principles 5th edition by Robert J. Booker (IBSN: 0-0735-2528-6)
Chapters associated with the lectures are listed on the course schedule page. Topics discussed in
class and additional material described in the chapters could be on the exams. Students are
expected to read the required chapters (see course schedule /topics).
iClickers: ISBN 978-1-4641-2015-2
The iClicker Student Response System will be used during each lecture session during some lab
session. The iClicker will be used for in class questions, attendance, and assessment. Please
register your clickers online.
Desire to Learn
The course site on Desire2Learn will have postings from my lectures such as outlines, PowerPoint
slides, and supplemental material I mention in lecture. I will also post announcements regarding
student concerns on this site. It is your responsibility to check it regularly. To access this website
please click / login at within Student Portals tab located on the university website. For additional
computer training please contact the student computer help desk.
1. Learn about DNA!
Students should become experts on the three-dimensional structure of nucleic acids, including
how the genetic information is contained within DNA using a 4 letter alphabet. Beside DNA
structure, students will be able to describe how DNA is packaged within the nucleus to form
2. Learn about heredity!
Students will be able to describe what a gene is and how it functions as the unit of heredity.
They will also be able to explain how genetic material is transmitted accurately from cell to cell
during mitosis. They will also be demonstrating knowledge of how gametes are produced
through meiosis with an emphasis on how meiosis allows for genetic variability.
3. Learn about natural selection!
Syllabus: Genetics (BIOL 3200)
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
Students will understand how natural selection acts upon genetic variation exhibited by
individuals of the same species can cause populations of organisms to evolve. Student should
be able to discuss how both the environment and genes affect an organisms characteristics.
Homework Assignments:
There will be 5 group essay based homework assignments due throughout this course worth 20
points each. The assignments will be posted on will be posted on D2L and will be due 10 days
thereafter. You will turn in only 1 assignment per group. The groups will contain 4-5 people and
they will be assigned randomly. New groups will be assigned for each homework assignment. The
group will turn in the assignment using the dropbox on D2L, PRIOR to 10am on the assigned
due date (unless another date and time is discussed in class). These assignments are
comprehensive and are designed to help you study and to comprehensively learn the material
discussed in class. Since these homework assignments are open sourced I have high expectations
and the question will require research and specific details. These assignments cannot be
completed overnight so do not wait until the last minute.
Assignment Posted
Assignment Due
January 22nd
February 1st
February 5th
February 15th
February 19th
February 29th
March 4th
March 14th
April 15th
April 25th
Three lecture exams and one final exam will be given during the course
The format of the lecture exams will be at the discretion of the instructor. The exams will most
likely be a combination of true/false, multiple choice, short answer, and essay. The first three
exams are not cumulative exams and will only cover the material specified on the course calendar.
The final exam will be 100% cumulative.
Test material to study: most questions will come from my lecture, including PowerPoint slides.
Some questions will also come from the chapter readings that I may or may not discuss or go
through quickly in lecture. Therefore, to succeed in this class, it behooves you to come to all
lectures and read required chapters.
Emergencies and unforeseen situations do occur. If you miss and exam due to an emergency you
MAY be allowed to make it up. Be advised you must be able to substantiate any excuse should
documentation be requested. You will not be allowed to make up more than ONE exam. You must
contact me in writing at least 1 hour BEFORE the exam to be eligible for a make-up. Be aware
that all make-up exams will be oral exams.
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
***** If there is a discrepancy in the grading of any assignment or exam please meet with me during office
hours to discuss the question. If you cannot make the office hours than call or email me to schedule a time
for us to meet. I will NOT discuss grades immediately prior to or following lectures.
Final Grade Breakdown:
Lecture Exams #1, #2, #3
Homework Assignments
Final Exam
Grading Scale:
A= 90%-100%
(495+ points)
B= 80%-89.9%
(440-494 points)
C= 70%-79.9%
(385-439 points)
D= 60%-69.9%
(330-384 points)
F < 60%
(< 329 points)
*** Note all dates and material can be adjusted at the discretion of the instructor. I
will provide ample notification in advance on Desire2Learn, in emails, and in class
announcements of all changes made to the syllabus. **
Students are expected to attend each class and lab. ATTENDANCE WILL BE RECORDED. Your clicker
response will be used to take attendance. Students should want to come to class and are expected
to be on time for class. Absences will be classified as either excused (AU sport, illness, death in the
family; be prepared to provide documentation) or unexcused. Students who miss more than 10% of
the class time may be dropped from the course. If a student wishes to withdraw from the course, it is
the students responsibility to initiate withdrawal paperwork. To receive a W you must submit the
paperwork prior to midterm (March 7th). Visit for
more information.
Late Policy:
This is a very large class and I will start class prompt at 10am. Also for safety reasons the doors will
be locked at 10am. If you are not in the classroom your will not be allowed entry.
Class Disruption:
The instructor reserves the right to dismiss students from class who are disruptive (e.g. derogatory
language, excessive talking or laughing, disrespect towards other classmates and/or instructor).
Fifteen points will be deducted from your course point total each time you are dismissed. If such
behavior is habitual, then administrative action will be necessary.
Cell phones must be used only for clicker response question in my classroom. If you expect an
emergency phone call (interview, relative in the hospital) you must tell me prior to the beginning of
class and we will sit you near the door with your phone on vibrate. If you phone rings during class,
you will receive a warning and any additional phone calls you receive will cost you 5 points off your
final grade. There will be no texting during class if I catch you texting you will automatically receive 5
points off your final grade. If I SEE your cell phone during an exam I will immediately take your exam
and you will receive a ZERO.
Laptops can be used in my class under the following conditions. You must sit in the front 2 rows, you
must use it ONLY for class related information, and it must not cause a distraction to other students
around you. Failure to meet any of these will result the loss of the privilege to use the laptop in class.
Syllabus: Genetics (BIOL 3200)
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
Please do not invite guest into the classroom including your children. We each learn at a different
pace and limiting distractions provides for much more efficient learning environment for everyone. In
the case of a rare event or emergency this MAY be waived by talking to me BEFORE class.
You have my permission to record the audio portion of the lecture, but NO video recording is
permitted. Also you are NOT allowed to take pictures of my slides. The first time I see you
taking pictures you will get a warning, after that every time I see you taking pictures 5 points off
your final grade.
Take good notes DURING class. Writing things down really helps you learn and retain the material.
o Typing and reading are NOT as effective as writing with a pen and paper. Sometimes the best
way to study is to write and rewrite notes over and over again.
Review the text, your notes, and use the skeleton of my Powerpoint lectures AFTER class. The
Powerpoint files will be available at the course website. The more ways you go over the material the
better you will remember it.
Take the homework assignments seriously. These are a good way to help your grade and to see if you
are retaining the course material. They cover all the material discussed in class and help you to not
only study that material but also asses your comprehension of the material. They will take time and
thought so do not wait until the last minute to complete them and do not rely solely on your group
Attend ALL lectures. Looking over the Power points and notes that I will provide to you is NOT the same
as listening to me explain things in person and participating in classroom activities. Hearing me
Syllabus: Genetics (BIOL 3200)
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
explain a concept or participating in a learning exercise stimulates a different part of your brain than
reading about it does.
ASK questions in class. I know it can be intimidating and potentially embarrassing to ask a question in a
room full of strangers, but its also the most direct way to get the answers! And I guarantee that if you
have a question, lots of other people have the same question. So be brave!
Find a classmate to study with. Talking about material will significantly enhance your learning, and it is
a good way to be sure you took comprehensive notes. Also, if you know someone who needs extra
help learning the material, offer to explain it to them in person or via email, etc. This will benefit you
AT LEAST as much as it helps them.
Discuss material and concerns with me during office hours, after class or by email. I want to help, but I
cant unless I know you need some. My door is always open and I want you all to succeed and will do
whatever I can to help.
Additional Sources to Help with the Material
Khan Academy -
Gene Ed -
Scitable - Genetics:
Virtual Genetics Education Center -
Week of
Ref. Chapter
January 11th
Introduction to Genetics
Structure of DNA & RNA
January 18th
January 25th
February 1st
February 8th
February 15th
February 22nd
15 & 16
February 29th
March 7th
Population genetics
Reproduction & Chromosome Transmission
March 14th
March 21st
Mendelian Inheritance
March 28th
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
April 4th
April 11th
Non-Mendelian Inheritance
April 18th
April 25th
May 2nd
May 10th
have received a copy
of the syllabus and I understand it. I understand I am responsible
for and will follow all of the policies and guidelines set forth in the
syllabus for this course. Biol 3200: Genetics. I have also read the
Universitys Student Conduct Policies and understand that I am
accountable for the policies of this document. I also understand
what plagiarism is and that it is NOT permitted on any of my
assignments for Biol 3200.
Student Information Questions:
1) Full name:
2) Nickname:
3) What do you want to do with your degree and/or your life?
Syllabus: Genetics (BIOL 3200)
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui
4) What one word do you think of when you here the term "Genetics"?
Dr. Abdulovic-Cui