HowToUseSpagoBIInstaller 1.9.2
HowToUseSpagoBIInstaller 1.9.2
HowToUseSpagoBIInstaller 1.9.2
1 VERSION........................................................................................................................................ 3
2 DOCUMENT GOAL......................................................................................................................3
3 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................... 3
4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................ 3
1 Version
Version/Release n :
Data Version/Release :
Update description:
Version/Release n :
Update description:
Data Version/Release :
2 Document goal
This document explain how to use the SpagoBI Installer 1.9.2.
3 References
Some of the concepts of this document refer to the following documentation:
SpagoBI business intelligence platform framework (available at
Exo Portal Platform (available at
4 System requirements
The system requirements for the SpagoBI installation are as follows:
Server choice
SpagoBI Platform must be installed on an existing application server installed on your pc.
This server can be Tomcat, JBoss or JOnAS (you can choose) and must have eXo-Portal Platform
installed on it.
Possible server/eXo-Portal versions for SpagoBI Platform 1.9.2 are:
1. Tomcat 5.0.28 with eXo-Portal 1.1.4
2. JBoss 4.0.3SP1 with eXo-Portal 1.1.2
3. JOnAS 4.7.4 with eXo-Portal 1.1.3
If you don't have any of the above servers on your pc you have to proceed as follows:
1. Tomcat 5.0.28 with eXo-Portal 1.1.4
download from:
unzip it into a local folder and the job is done.
2. JBoss 4.0.3SP1 with eXo-Portal 1.1.2
download from:
How to use SpagoBI Installer 1.9.2 - April,2nd 2007 pag. 4 of 9
Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., 2005. This work is licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
You can choose the SpagoBI external engines to be installed according to your requirements.
You can also choose to install or not the example documents of SpagoBI Demo.
WARNING: SpagoBI Demo examples contains documents for all SpagoBI supported engines. If
you exclude some engines from the installation procedure, the relevant examples will not work!!
Data warehouse configuration
Only if you decided not to install the SpagoBI Demo examples, the installer will ask you the
connection parameters to your data warehouse (driver, connection url, username and password).
The available database servers are Hsqldb, Oracle, Postgres or MySql.
If you have decided to install the SpagoBI Demo examples, the installer will not ask you any
connection parameters since the data warehouse is supposed to be an Hsql demonstrative db that
will be automatically installed on your pc.
Exo Portal path selection
You have to select the base folder were the server (hosting eXo portal) is installed. See previous
Server Choice chapter.
The installer does not contain all the packs needed for the installation but it is able to automatically
download them from the ObjectWeb repository (that's the remote repository). More precisely,
SpagoBI core and external engines binary packs are not included; they will be downloaded into a
local folder of your choice (that's local repository).
In order to avoid redundant and heavy downloads, the installer asks you if you have a local
repository, since maybe you donwloaded the packs manually before or you installed SpagoBI 1.9.2
using the same installer another time before: if it is the case, you have to select the folder were
binary packs were downloaded. Instead, if it is the first time you use this installer, just select an
empty folder: binary packs will be downloaded there and you will be able to use it as local
repository during next installation procedures.
Then the installer will perform all the operation required.