NGO Diplomacy PDF
NGO Diplomacy PDF
NGO Diplomacy PDF
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organizations were accredited to the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, where NGOs were central to the creation of
partnerships for sustainable development (Gutman 2003; Speth 2003).
The dramatic increase in the number of NGOs over the past century
has been well documented, as has the fact that these organizations
increasingly participate in international political processes. Academic interest in the role of these actors in global environmental politics has
exploded since the early 1990s, and a growing body of evidence indicates
that NGOs inuence government decisions to develop domestic policies
to protect natural resources and to negotiate international treaties, as
well as how individuals perceive environmental problems (see Betsill
2006). Despite mounting evidence that NGOs make a difference in
global environmental politics, the question of under what conditions
NGOs matter generally remains unanswered.
This volume addresses this question in the realm of international environmental negotiations. We contend that the increased participation of
NGOs in these political processes reects broader changes in the nature
of diplomacy in world politics. In international relations scholarship, diplomacy is often viewed as something that states do; an important aspect
of statecraft and foreign policy (e.g., Magalhaes 1988). Alternatively,
Sharp (1999) argues that diplomacy is better understood in terms of representation; diplomats are actors who act on the behalf of a clearly identied constituency. We nd that Sharps denition better captures the
reality of multilateral negotiations on the environment and sustainable
development. As the contributions in this volume demonstrate, international environmental negotiations cannot be understood in terms of
inter-state diplomacy. Rather, these processes involve myriad actors
representing a diversity of interests. In multilateral negotiations on the
environment and sustainable development, NGO representatives act as
diplomats who, in contrast to government diplomats, represent constituencies that are not bound by territory but by common values, knowledge, and/or interests related to a specic issue (see Starkey, Boyer, and
Wilkenfeld 2005).
To the extent that NGO diplomacy has been considered in the past,
the emphasis has often been on unofcial acts, such as hosting foreign
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versity of actors that fall within this denition and have encouraged the
contributors to make distinctions between types of NGOs (e.g., environmental groups vs. industry associations) as they see t. However, we
did not wish to exclude a priori any type of NGO, since the purpose
of this project was to explore the signicance of NGO diplomacy,
broadly dened, on international environmental negotiations. We recognize, however, that there may be important differences between types of
NGOs that affect whether and how they exert inuence. The framework
we develop to analyze NGO inuence in international environmental
negotiations may help illuminate these differences. We address the importance of the distinctions between NGOs in the conclusions and suggest areas for future research on this important question.
Why International Negotiations?
International negotiations are one political arena in which NGOs attempt to shape policy making related to the environment and sustainable
development (see Betsill 2006). Other arenas include (this is not an
exhaustive list): domestic policy making, the formation of global civil society, and decision making of private actors (e.g., corporations). While
NGO activities in all of these political arenas may have implications for
the global governance of the environment and sustainable development,
we argue that each of these arenas is likely to involve different political
dynamics that in turn shape the ways that NGOs participate, the goals
they pursue, the strategies they use and the likelihood that they will
achieve those goals (Betsill and Corell 2001).
Unfortunately, much of the current literature tends to treat all studies
related to NGOs in the area of environment and sustainable development as a single body of research, without differentiating between these
different arenas of activity. While NGOs may be central in the development of a global civil society, it is entirely possible that they are less
successful in shaping new international institutions to address environmental issues. Scholars need to employ a multifaceted view of the role
of NGOs and the arenas in which they participate in world politics. At
the same time there is great demand for general conclusions about
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sional meetings, through domestic channels and/or in more informal settings as well. Therefore, in assessing the inuence of NGO diplomats in
international negotiations, we have encouraged contributors to consider
all activities related to multilateral negotiations, not just those that occur
during the ofcial two-week sessions.
Second, our conception of political arenas should not be confused with
levels of analysis. The dynamics within the political arena of international negotiations are shaped by things that happen at different levels,
including the domestic level.3 To the extent that NGOs engage in activities within a domestic context that are clearly targeted at inuencing
international negotiations, these activities should be considered in the
analysis of NGO diplomacy.
A Systematic Approach
Despite mounting evidence that NGOs make a difference in global environmental politics, the question of under what conditions they matter
remains unanswered. Specically, it is difcult to draw general lessons
about the role of NGO diplomacy in international negotiations on the
environment and sustainable development because the current literature
suffers from three weaknesses.4 First, as noted above, there is a tendency
to treat all studies related to NGOs in the environmental issue area as
a single body of research without distinguishing between the different
political arenas in which they operate. It is important not to collapse
conclusions in the literature about these different spheres of activity. Students of NGOs need to employ a multifaceted view of the role of NGOs.
Second, there is a surprising lack of specication about what is meant
by inuence and how to identify NGO inuence in any given political
arena (two notable and commendable exceptions are Arts 1998 and
Newell 2000). Progress in our understanding of the conditions of NGO
inuence in international environmental negotiations depends on more
careful consideration of what we mean by NGO inuence and how inuence might be identied. While we recognize that dening inuence can
be a complicated matter, it is highly important because it forces analysts
to think carefully about the types of evidence needed to indicate NGO
inuence. Without a clear understanding of what is meant by inuence,
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In sum, progress in understanding under what conditions NGOs matter can be achieved by more carefully recognizing the distinct political
arenas in which NGOs operate, by dening what we mean by NGO
inuence, and by elaborating the processes by which NGO diplomats
inuence multilateral environmental negotiations. In this volume we further theoretical development on the role of NGOs in global environmental politics by proposing an analytical framework for assessing their
inuence in one sphere of activityinternational environmental negotiations. The framework, which takes into account the effects of NGO diplomats on both negotiation processes and outcomes, provides a basis for
conducting systematic, comparative analyses, which in turn allow us to
make some claims about the conditions under which NGOs matter.
Research Design
This volume is the culmination of a project begun in 1999. The objectives of the project are twofold: (1) to develop methodologies for
strengthening ndings of NGO inuence in international environmental
negotiations, and (2) through comparative analysis, to identify a set of
conditioning factors that shape the ability of NGO diplomats to inuence such negotiations. At the core of the project is an analytical framework for assessing NGO inuence in international environmental
negotiations, which was originally published in 2001 (Betsill and Corell
2001; Corell and Betsill 2001). Shortly thereafter, project participants
began developing case studies to both test and rene the framework as
a tool for assessing NGO inuence and to begin discussions of the conditioning factors that shape NGO inuence.
The cases have been selected based on the availability and interest of
scholars with signicant prior knowledge of NGO diplomacy in international environmental negotiations. Three cases (climate change, biosafety, and desertication) examine single agreement negotiations over a
fairly short period of time. The other two cases (whaling and forests) analyze several negotiations on a single issue over a decade or more and
often in different institutional contexts. These latter cases provide the
opportunity to consider how NGO inuence changes over time, across
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in this volume as well as hypotheses from the broader literature to rigorous analysis based on a more careful selection of cases.
The framework and case studies have been presented at two annual
meetings of the International Studies Association where we received
many helpful comments from fellow academics. In August 2003 we held
a workshop in Stockholm, Sweden, which brought together project participants and NGO practitioners with extensive experience in the negotiation processes under analysis.5 The Stockholm Workshop provided an
excellent opportunity to ground the scholarly research on NGO inuence
in international negotiations in the actual experience of NGO diplomats.
The practitioners offered many valuable insights that might not otherwise be available to academic researchers. Prompted by the framework,
practitioners also had the rare opportunity to reect on their own efforts
and their organizations impact on international environmental negotiations. Through the dialogue that took place over the weekend, members
of both communities gained a better understanding of one another.
Chapter 2 elaborates the analytical framework at the core of the project.
The framework provides a basis for conducting systematic comparative
analysis by addressing many of the weaknesses in the current literature
noted above. It begins by identifying two dimensions of NGO inuence:
participation in international negotiations and the subsequent effects on
the behavior of other actors (e.g., states). Scholars are then encouraged
to gather data on these two dimensions from a variety of sources, including primary and secondary documents, interviews, and where possible,
participant observation. Using the analytical techniques of process tracing and counterfactual analysis, researchers should identify whether and
how NGO diplomats shaped both the negotiation process (through issue
framing, agenda setting, and/or by shaping the positions of key states) as
well as the nal outcome (procedural and substantive elements of the nal text). By considering the range of effects NGO diplomats may have on
international environmental negotiations, scholars can make a qualitative assessment of the overall inuence of NGOs. Results may range from
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low levels of inuence, where NGO diplomats participate but have little
effect on either the negotiation process or outcome, to high levels of inuence, where NGO diplomacy is linked to effects on both process and
outcome. Chapter 2 concludes with a discussion of conditioning factors
that make NGO inuence more or less likely in any given negotiating
The empirical chapters apply the framework in ve case studies of
international environmental negotiations. Although the authors exhibit
different styles in using the framework, each chapter consists of a
detailed narrative in which the authors present evidence related to NGO
participation and subsequent effects, assess their overall inuence on negotiation processes and outcomes, and identify several factors seen to
have either enabled or constrained NGO diplomats in their efforts to inuence the negotiations.
In chapter 3, Michele Betsill analyzes the role of environmental NGOs
in the rst phase (19951997) of the Kyoto Protocol negotiations on
global climate change. Betsill examines negotiations on the issues of targets and timetables, emissions trading, and sinks and assesses whether
NGOs were successful in achieving their goals on each of these issues.
Overall, she concludes that the environmental community had a moderate level of inuence on the negotiations. They had little effect on the
outcome of the negotiations; NGO positions on each of these issues are
not reected in the Kyoto Protocol text. Environmental NGOs did, however, shape the negotiation process by working behind the scenes to raise
concerns about issues on the negotiation agenda and to inuence the
positions of key states. Betsill identies NGO coordination and creativity
as important enabling factors related to NGO inuence. At the same
time signicant contention over the economic aspects of controlling
greenhouse gas emissions, a focus on nding technological solutions,
and the expectation that the Protocol would include binding commitments limited the political space available to the environmental community to achieve their objectives.
Stanley Burgiel compares the inuence of environmental and industry
NGOs in the negotiations of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (1995
2000) in chapter 4. Burgiel focuses his analysis on four major issues in
the negotiations: the agreements scope, trade-related concerns, decision-
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the issue of forest conservation from a purely economic issue to an ecological and human rights one.
Chapter 8 returns to the projects two main objectives. We begin
by reecting on the analytical frameworks utility in strengthening
claims of NGO inuence in international environmental negotiations.
The empirical chapters demonstrate that the framework can be used to
strengthen claims of NGO inuence by elaborating some of the causal
links between NGO activities and observed effects on negotiating processes and outcomes. We conclude that the framework works best for
analyzing NGO inuence in discrete sets of negotiations rather than in
multiple negotiations in an issue area as assessments of NGO inuence
in such cases may be overdetermined by aggregating data over a longer
period of time. The cases also demonstrate that it is possible to make
qualitative judgments about levels of NGO inuence, differentiating
among low, moderate, and high levels of inuence. However, we found
that it was not always straightforward which category was most appropriate in any given case. International environmental negotiations cover
numerous highly technical issues simultaneously, and NGOs may inuence negotiation processes and/or outcomes on some issues but not
others. In the future we suggest that analysts may nd it more useful to
assess NGO inuence at the level of individual issues rather than on the
overall negotiations.
Next, we discuss how comparison across cases allows identication of
factors that explain variation in NGO inuence in different negotiating
situations. As mentioned above, we asked the case authors to identify
the key factors that enhanced or constrained the ability of NGO diplomats to inuence international environmental negotiations. We conducted a cross-case analysis of the eight factors that came up most
frequently, resulting in a number of ndings warranting future research:
NGO coordination has a neutral effect on inuence. In our cases, NGO
diplomats achieved all levels of inuence under conditions of coordination, and in one of our cases of relatively high inuence, NGOs had no
coordinated position or strategy.
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Higher levels of NGO inuence are more likely when the political
stakes of the negotiations are relatively low, as in negotiations over nonbinding principles and/or framework agreements with few demands for
behavioral change. NGO diplomats can enhance their ability to inuence
negotiations with higher political stakes by developing close personal
relationships with state diplomats and/or convincing negotiators that
NGOs are essential partners in achieving the agreements objectives.
Institutional overlap offers opportunities for NGO diplomats to inuence a given negotiation process indirectly by exerting inuence in a
related institutional setting. However, overlap with the World Trade Organization and the international trade regime may constrain the ability
of environmental NGOs to exert inuence while enhancing opportunities
for NGOs representing business/industry interests.