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New possibilities for planning and executing construction projects.

WITOS The Intelligent Telematics System from the

WIRTGEN GROUP for Efficient Fleet, Service and
Process Management

The WIRTGEN GROUP presents a glimpse of the future of road construction at this
year's bauma. The WIRTGEN GROUP Telematics and On-Site Solutions, or WITOS ,
combine for the first time a telematics fleet management solution with a highperformance software system for the purpose of process optimization.

Modular system structure of WITOS

WITOS is a modular software system that supports fleet and service management,
but also enables new approaches to process optimization. This makes it possible for
the first time not only to apply the just-in-time principle to organizing construction
processes, but also to optimize processes such as milling, asphalt paving and
The WITOS "FleetManagement & Services" section encompasses three modules:
"Fleet View", "Fleet Care" and "WITOS SmartServices". Functions range from
monitoring a fleet of machines and managing service and diagnostic processes, to
telematically supported service agreements.

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The "Process Optimization" section has the modules "Milling", "Paving" and
"Compacting" for optimizing these processes. For the first time now, road
construction processes can be planned with down-to-the-minute supply logistics in
accordance with the just-in-time principle, so as to avoid non-productive time.

WITOS FleetManagement & Services

"Fleet Management & Services" offers extensive functions for managing a fleet of
machines, which can help to increase the capacity utilization of technical equipment
and reduce fixed costs. In developing the system, emphasis was placed on an
intuitive user interface and an efficient mode of scheduling. The technical
requirements for using the system include WITOS Ready, a data transmission
package comprising a telematics control unit (TCU), an antenna and a SIM card.
WITOS FleetView
The core module of the fleet management system is WITOS FleetView. All of the
licensed machines in a fleet are listed in the fleet overview. Information includes all
relevant master data and operating data, as well the current location and history.
The fault view shows all data reported by the machines. In addition to error codes,
the system collects other information on the potential cause of faults in order to
initiate targeted corrective measures. During the entire life cycle of a machine, all
incidents are logged in the history view and can be accessed at any time.
The abuse prevention function notifies the user as soon as a machine is not
switched off after a defined time period or is removed from its approved territory.
With FleetView, the user can access information any time, anywhere concerning the
location and condition of the machine fleet. Scheduling and planning processes are
simplified and unnecessary machine transports avoided.

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WITOS FleetCare
FleetCare simplifies the entire maintenance process, significantly reducing the
routine tasks that have to be performed on a day-to-day basis. The detailed fault
reports give the user starting points for proactive maintenance and direct contact to
branch offices of the WIRTGEN GROUP. In addition, the system "reminds" the user
of the next servicing date, so that service appointments can be scheduled on time
and downtimes minimized. The online portal provides access to all maintenance
documentation with just a few mouse clicks.
WITOS SmartServices
WITOS can also be linked to a service agreement. WIRTGEN GROUP service
technicians can then call up a machine's service and maintenance data online, and
in this way complete maintenance work even more efficiently. The response rate is
faster in the event of machine failures and downtimes decrease.

WITOS Process Optimization

The potential for improvement that comes from avoiding faults and non-productive
time amounts to between 60% and 85% depending on the type of job site in asphalt
road construction. To exploit these potentials, lean management methods, such as
just-in-time, were analysed more closely. However, these principles, which have
been in successful use in other industries for several decades, were not entirely
transferable to road construction. By developing WITOS , the WIRTGEN GROUP
starts at the very point where a principle of this kind is intended to take effect: at the
job site.

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WITOS Paving
WITOS Paving uses a telematic system to integrate the entire asphalt paving
process, from planning to control. In the planning phase, the system supports the
transparent organisation of a construction project. A comprehensive planning tool
helps to plan the various projects and accurately schedule the required construction
machinery. WITOS Paving systematically leads the user through the planning
process by requesting paving parameters, such paver operating speed or pave
width, and checking them for consistency.
During construction, the loading of a lorry is monitored at the asphalt mixing plant via
web interface. When a lorry is unloaded at the job site, the paving crew records the
precise unloading time using the terminal device on the paver. Continuous
documentation of the timestamp and real time data transmission ensure a high level
of transparency in the supply chain for both the mixing supervisor and the paving
crew. This function tells them when a specific lorry is expected to arrive at the mixing
plant or job site. Apart from documenting the actual construction work, WITOS
Paving opens up entirely new possibilities: control of all construction workflows in
real time. This ensures continuous paving, increases quality, minimizes nonproductive time and increases laydown rates.
WITOS Compacting.
WITOS Compacting is an optimization tool for the compaction process. The HAMM
Compaction Guide includes a tool for planning the paving and compacting process,
and it offers the option of transferring the results to the rollers. As a result, the
optimum path for efficient and even compaction can be visualized for the roller

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The HCQ Navigator includes a satellite-supported system solution for the continuous
documentation and display of the entire compaction process. All relevant data, such
as asphalt temperature and the number of passes, is documented, displayed to the
roller operator during the compaction process and stored. In addition, an interface to
WITOS Paving establishes a data link between the paving and compaction
parameters. WITOS Compacting supports the roller operator and offers extensive
analyses that help to continuously enhance the quality of the compaction process.
WITOS Milling
WIRTGEN'S experience was incorporated in the development of WITOS Milling to
optimize the milling process. Studies show that improvement potentials exist in
common construction practice which currently remain unexploited. WITOS Milling
will make it possible to further reduce downtime and non-productive time at a job
site, so that the milling process can be even more efficient and economical in the

Summary and advantages of WITOS

In addition to classical fleet management solutions, WITOS offers modules for process
optimization, which for the first time support transparent and continuous material supply
or removal, and a continuous flow of information on relevant process data in roadway
construction. This optimizes the most critical processes in the life cycle of an asphalt
road. Long lorry lines in front of the paver, like those so commonly seen at today's job
sites, will become a thing of the past, as will idle time for construction crews. This not
only increases the quality of a construction project, it also significantly reduces costs
and construction time.

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** End of Press Release **

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Ludwigshafen am Rhein / April 2013

Press contact and product information:

Roland Schug, Anja Sehr
Joseph-Vgele-Str. 1
67075 Ludwigshafen

Please send sample copy to:

Michael Endulat
Goldberger Str. 12
27580 Bremerhaven

+49 (0) 471 / 48 17 444
+49 (0) 621 / 81 05 - 4 69
Internet: www.voegele.info

+49 (0) 621 / 81 05 - 3 92 Telephone:

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Internet: www.prewe.com




Telematics and On-Site Solutions.
The intelligent telematics system
for efficient fleet, service and process


The comprehensive WITOS planning and

analysis tools ensure extensive
transparency and permit a lasting
improvement in quality, optimization of all
sub-processes and a reduction in costs.

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