Students Are Required To Purchase The Book Ap Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation' Please Go To The Web Site
Students Are Required To Purchase The Book Ap Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation' Please Go To The Web Site
Students Are Required To Purchase The Book Ap Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation' Please Go To The Web Site
Tringulo (Wayside)
Abriendo Paso: Gramtica
AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Preparation
Temas AP Spanish Language and Culture
Preparing for the AP Language Test
Other authentic language Listening, Reading and Writing Resources as needed (see list at
end of document)
Number of
Percent of Time
Final Score
Section I: Multiple Choice
Approx. 95
Approx. 40
Part A
30 questions
Communication: Print Texts
Communication: Print and
Audio Texts (combined)
Approx. 55
Part B
35 questions
Communication: Audio
Section II: Free Response
Approx. 85
Interpersonal Writing: Email Rely 1 prompt
15 minutes
Presentational Writing: Persuasive
Approx. 55
1 prompt
20 seconds
Interpersonal Speaking:
5 prompts 12.5%
for each
Presentational Speaking: Cultural
2 minutes to
1 prompt
Students are expected to maintain a neat and organized binder dedicated to this class in which
they include all the below stated categories.
You will also need a flash drive or USB to save all the material needed for the class.
Apuntes: Notes taken during class and handouts
Tarea: Completed homework assignments.
Hojas: Handouts (grammar, etc.)
Lectura: Stories, poems, etc.
Pruebas/exmenes: Graded quizzes, tests, and papers.
Honor Code:
Students need to be sure that they are in compliance with LCHS Honor Code. Any student
caught cheating on any assignment or using an electronic translator will receive a 0 for that
assignment, a phone call home and no retake for that assignment. (Google translator included!)
Classroom Procedures:
Student Behavior:
It is expected that the students will be on task and practice good citizenship. Any infraction that
disrupts the learning environment of the classroom will result in the following:
Teacher Detention
Phone call Home
The undersigned acknowledge that they have read this course syllabus and are
aware of its implications to the students grade.
Students signature: _______________________________________________
Students Print Name: _____________________________________________
Parents signature: ________________________________________________
Parents Print Name: ______________________________________________
You will keep the complete syllabus in your binder, included this signatures
Course Plan:
First Quarter: Nine Weeks
We will dedicate three weeks to each theme. Two contexts will be covered each week.
First theme: Las Familias y las Comunidades:
Contexts covered:
1. Customs and values/Las tradiciones y los valores
2. Education Communities/Las comunidades educativas
3. Family Structure/La estructura de la familia
4. Global Citizenship/La ciudadana global
5. Human Geography/La geografa humana
6. Social Networking/Las redes sociales
Second theme: Las identidades personales y las pblicas:
Contexts covered:
1. Alienation and Assimilation/La enajenacin y la asimilacin
2. Heroes and Historical Figures/Los heroes y los personajes histricos
3. National and Ethnic Identities/La identidad nacional y la identidad tnica
4. Personal Beliefs/Las creencias personales
5. Personal Interests/Los intereses personales
6. Self-Image/La autoestima
Third theme: La Ciencia y la Tecnologa:
Contexts covered:
1. Access to Technology/El acceso a la tecnologa
2. Effects of Technology on Self and Society/Los efectos de la tecnologa en el individuo y
en la sociedad
3. Health Care and Medicine/El cuidado de la salud y la medicina
4. Innovations/Las innovaciones tecnolgicas
5. Natural Phenomena/Los fenmenos naturales
6. Science and Ethics/La ciencia y la tica