Minstrel With Authority 1 PDF
Minstrel With Authority 1 PDF
Minstrel With Authority 1 PDF
By Don Potter
Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.
Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to have authority on their gift or
ability to play their instrument? Some singers have the same kind of power when they
just open their mouths to sing. This seems to work in sports, the arts, and in general life if
we take time to notice it. I once knew a carpenter who was so at ease with a hammer and
saw that he seemed like he was born that way. We sometimes say of these people, They
have a feel for it, or They have a natural gift. In a strange way when someone does
have a feel for music or any other art they are sometimes referred to as an authority on
the subject. This differs from a know-it-all who merely claims to be an authority on
something. If you want to know about the inner workings of football, ask a professional
player. If you want to know about dance ask someone who has danced a long time etc.
On the other hand, if anyone has just practiced an art form for a long time, they can be
thought of as an authority, but this is different from the ones who are born with a Godgiven gift or ability. These only need to apply themselves and they excel far beyond all
others in the same field. Normally this is the equation for some serious jealousy and even
sabotage to the ones with this blessing in their lives. If this person survives the jealousy
and envy, they can sometimes awaken to realize there may be a greater reason for this
natural ability then just entertainment. All this to say, there are minstrels who are carrying
the ability to move the demonic back and still the mouth of the accuser, but many of them
are either using this gift to entertain, or they are just too afraid to walk in this call. In the
times that are ahead, the need for Spiritual clarity will be important. The minstrel with
authority will be one tool in Gods hands to clear the distractions, move the demonic
influences out of the room, and in general make a way for the prophetic to flow. This all
sounds exciting but before I get into the authority part of this, let me show you what gifts
and abilities mean as they play a role on this.
In English a gift is a present or a contribution. Ability is an aptitude or skill and can be
called a talent. In the Greek, ability means power or force, miraculous power; a power
residing in a thing by virtue of its nature. It is the Greek word dunimus which is the
word describing the power to perform miracles like Jesus. Gift in the Greek is
charisma and it denotes extraordinary power; this is due to the power of divine grace.
Authority means power, right, influence and in the Greek in means power of choice,
the liberty of doing as one pleases; physical and mental power ability or strength. The
fact that all these words mean about the same thing, shows me that in order to walk in
God-given authority you will first be gifted or able to do whatever the Lord has chosen
for that authority to influence. I always thought that the gift of music was innocent and
harmless and most talented people spent their lives trying to get another to recognize that
gift. Of course that recognition never brings an answer as to why God gave it to you.
Fame or riches can sometimes distract you long enough to not care what the gift is for
and keep you headed for destiny malaise. But with all that in mind I never thought this
talent was dangerous to anyone but me. Now I see that it is not only dangerous but able to
push back demons, protect the anointing of God, call people back to their place in the
Lord and open the heavens that the prophetic can flow freely. This explains the refiners
fire and the launderers soup spoken of in Malachi 3:3. This kind of power must be
sanctified unto the Lord. This may all seem too incredible to believe much less envision
what some musicians might do with this kind of power. Nevertheless the Lord is
releasing this influence on some minstrels and my hope is they wont miss this
opportunity to hear the call of the King.
Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all
devils, and to cure diseases. Luke 9:1 (KJV) I feel many have wondered where the
authority and power is that Jesus gave His disciples. Though we have seen a small
measure of power and authority on some who believe, for the most part the majority of
believers dont feel there is power for them to walk in. The early church was afraid to
preach the gifts having power because there were so few manifestations of it. They later
made doctrine to fit this idea. That is too long a subject to get into here but, I believe
when the true minstrels left their place of playing before the Lord and started trying to
make a living with their gifts, a measure of Spiritual clarity was lost and slowly the
power diminished with it. The idea of a costless power and authority is coming to an end.
But there is more to the idea of power and authority then just expecting it to
automatically happen to anyone who gets saved. The part of this Luke scripture that slips
by unnoticed is His disciples. The ones Jesus gave power and authority to were the
ones He called to Himself and then made students for three years. After many trials and
errors and watching the miracles Jesus performed right in front of them, He said, I give
you power and authority over all devils It seems like we want to get saved and in the
next minute start raising the dead. The disciples had a strong relationship with Jesus and
from that relationship He entrusted them with amazing but sacred power and authority.
The same will be today. I feel there is a call going out right now for some (not all)
musicians and praise leaders to come aside to the Lord for a season. The reason is to
develop a relationship with the Lord that will give the minstrel influence in the heavens.
Once that is established, there will be clarity in the Spirit around this minstrel and the
benefit goes mostly to the prophetic and any who listen. In my life, it was facing the wall
until I was able to truly sense His presence. The Lord had to take me out of leading praise
and put me in a quiet place long enough to be able to hear Him and sense what He was
saying. If we all dont take the time to have a relationship with the Lord, there will be no
real authority or any real change in the church. We will just go on as usual and see
nothing of the ministry that is coming. Let me try to give you a little history on this
I found something interesting one day when I was looking up the word prophet in the
Greek. I was trying to find the connection between the prophet and the musician. The
Zodhiates Greek/Hebrew Key study bible shares Strongs definition of prophet: speaker
of oracles, one who was actuated by a divine Spirit. But it goes on to say In the time of
Samuel, there were men who followed him, praising God in song and attempting to call
the people back to God. This really caught my attention. I was aware of the 2 Kings 3:15
scripture that tells of Elisha the prophet, requesting a minstrel to play before he would
prophesy; but I wasnt aware of this part of the definition of the word prophet before. I
always knew that the minstrel could prophesy, but now Im seeing something different
emerge. The music the Lord is releasing to the minstrel who will wait on Him and seek a
relationship with Him, will call people back to God. The attracting ability of music has a
much more important purpose then blessing the musicianits intent is evangelistic.
Elisha called for a minstrel to help him hear the voice of the Lord concerning an
upcoming battle that Israel was about to enter into. The king of Israel was asking Elisha
to seek the Lord for a word about the battle. However, Elisha was angry at the king for
the false prophets who had already influenced him, and this was noted when he answered
the kings request by saying, What do I have to do with thee? Get thee to the prophets of
thy father (2 Kings 3:13) I believe Elisha had more than one reason to call upon a
minstrel in order to prophesy. I think the first reason was to sooth the anger he had for the
king of Israel. The second was to have the heavens open so he could hear the Lord. There
was something in the sound of a skillful musician that stills the mouth of the enemy. This
idea is proven much earlier in scripture when David was called upon to play the harp
before Saul to quiet the tormenting spirits that troubled him. (1 Samuel 16:15-16) Sauls
men somehow knew that if a cunning and skillful musician would play when Saul
was being tormented, he would be free. Sauls men were right, and when David played
Saul experienced peace. My first thought when I read this was, What is a cunning
musician like? So I looked up cunning and found the Hebrew word yada. This means
to know, to perceive, to experience, be skillful, it describes an intimate knowing, and it
actually uses my favorite word to describe musicfeel. In order to become intimate with
music you will have to become intimate with the Creator of that music. In order to go
deep in any art form, you will run into the Architect of all art formsAlmighty God.
Before Saul was made Israels first king, Samuel the prophet had some things he wanted
Saul to experience. After that you will go to Gibeah of God, where there is a Philistine
outpost. As you approach the town, you will meet a group of prophets coming down from
the high place with lyres, tambourines, flutes and harps being played before them, and
they will be prophesying. The Spirit of the LORD will come upon you in power, and you
will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. 1 Sam. 10:5-6
(NAS) These are the musicians that are spoken of in Strongs definition of prophet. These
are the ones who were playing and prophesying for the purpose of calling the people back
to God. Samuel knew that these musician/prophets carried enough authority to be able to
change the spiritual atmosphere so Saul could get his first dose of the prophetic
awareness he would need to be king.
In spite of this life-changing event, Saul later embraced jealousy and fear of David
displacing him after he had gone against the instructions of Samuel the prophet. When he
realized that David was anointed to be king in his place, Saul ordered David to be taken.
Now the very same prophet/musicians who led Saul in his first song of the Spirit would
be used by God to be a protection for His anointed. And Saul sent messengers to take
David: and when they saw the company of the prophets prophesying, and Samuel
standing as appointed over them, the Spirit of God was upon the messengers of Saul, and
they also prophesied. And when it was told Saul, he sent other messengers, and they
prophesied likewise. And Saul sent messengers again the third time, and they prophesied
also. 1 Sam. 19:20-21 (KJV) Saul went himself to this place to take David and he also
prophesied. Scripture says Saul stripped himself, fell on the ground and spoke the word
of God all night. (1 Sam. 19:24) The Spirit of the Lord came on Saul like it did on the
other men sent to take David. Though we read this scripture and dont think anything of
it, imagine a leader of a nation deciding to kill his competition and during the attempt he
strips himself and falls down on the ground prophesying the will of God all day and all
night. And all this just because he got within earshot of some musicians with a prophet
standing there. This is the power that can be released when those who are called to this
are in their place. I want to remind you that these musicians were at this all the time.
They spent all their waking hours playing in the Spirit and prophesying in the Spirit.
Again, its the relationship with God that gives the authority.
Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine
enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Ps 8:2 (KJV) Many know
this scripture especially the Matthew 21:16 version which Jesus quotes. Yea; have ye
never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? (KJV)
Whenever Jesus quotes a scripture and changes it from the original, He is translating it
for us. This means praise equals strength. The reason it is strength is because praise has
been established in them by God from the time they were infants. Anyone who has
carried praise in them from early childhood will always relate to it during trials and
tribulation. This is the same for the minstrel who carries the ability to push back the
demonic. This minstrel has played from early on and carried a natural gifting with an
understanding of music. Still, there will be no real authority without a relationship with
the Lord. David played his harp as a child and spent much of his young life with the
sheep. He would sing to the Lord and play his harp to quiet the sheep. He was well
practiced at quieting the tormenter and when he was selected to play for Saul, they knew
his sound would bring peace. Guided by these early experiences in Davids life, he
established the way praise would be offered in the tabernacle he built. He instructed the
Levites to go into the tabernacle and minister to the Lord continually after he became
king. These musicians had played from the time they were old enough to hold an
instrument. They had to be at least thirty years old before they could be chosen, by
casting lots, to minister. (1Chron.23:3-5 & 1Chron.25:8) Most of them had to have made
their own instruments, and have studied the Torah. The reason for casting lots to find out
who would be in the tabernacle ministering to God, was to be sure the choice was left up
to God. Do we leave it up to God to decide who will minister to Him? This is the
tabernacle that God says He is rebuilding. (Acts15:16 & Amos9:11) This is the tabernacle
where God chooses who will minister to Him. A tabernacle where the veil does not
separate us from access to the presence of God, the mercy of God, the power and
provision of God and all the things we only talk about wanting. One of the most
important things about David and his instruction to the Levites was his ability and
understanding about how to play with authority. His experiences with the Lord, when he
spent long days and months alone with Him and his harp, were only training for his later
life as king of Israel. His relationship and favor with God is what gave him the authority
to drive back demons. This is still the requirement today. We must know the Lord
intimately, know our instrument, know music and stay in a place of humility before the
Lord. From there, the sound you make will be a sweet sound to all who love the Lord and
strike terror in the hearts of His enemies.
In our present time the minstrel is not often thought of as the one to still the mouth of the
avenger. As I have said on other occasions, if the minstrel plays with any other spirit like
selfish-ambition, lust or strife, the opposite affect can happen. Instead of stilling the
mouth of the enemy it will give place for him to come in. I dont want to make too much
of a distinction between the minstrel with authority and the musician who serves in the
church every week. They are both servants of the Lord and if they are obeying a call from
God they are walking in some authority. But there are some who are hiding from this call
to authority and others that are simply caught up in the world trying to make a living.
These are the ones I am praying will awaken and come to the place of brokenness before
the Lord and take their position as minstrels with authority to push back and still the
tormenting mouth of the enemy.