Nemecio Pulumbarit SR. Vs CA
Nemecio Pulumbarit SR. Vs CA
Nemecio Pulumbarit SR. Vs CA
i>upreme QCourt
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Associate Justice Presbitero J. Velasco, Jr. recused himself from these cases due to close relation
to a member of the law firm representing a party.
Seventeenth Division through Justice Bienvenido L. Reyes, with Justices Roberto A. Barrios and
Edgardo F. Sundiam, concurring. Rollo, G.R. Nos. 153745-46, pp. 16-28.
Tenth Division through Justice Magdangal M. de Leon, with Justices Romeo A. Brawner and
Mariano C. del Castillo, concurring. Rollo, G.R. No. 166573, pp. 141-159.
Through Honorable Judge Oscar C. 1-lerrera, Jr. Id at 80-127.
Id. at 142.
RTC Records,\:'. I. I, p. 7.
Id. at 1-6.
Id. at I.
Id. at 2.
Id. at 3-4.
Id. at S.
Id. at 19-23.
Id. at 54-60.
declared in default. 14 The trial cou1i granted this motion and allowed Pascual
. evt'd ence ex parte. 15
et a l. to present their
On September 5, 1984, the trial court rendered a default judgment in
favor of Pascual et al. 16 This judgment of default was reversed by the CA on
January 15, 1989 and the case was remanded to the trial co mi for reception
of Pulumbarit's evidence. 17 Prior to the reversal of the trial court's default
judgment, however, Pascual et al. applied for the appointment of a receiver
to take possession of the Memorial Park and all its records and business
transactions during the pendency of the case. 18 This application was denied
by the trial court in an Order dated October 10, 1991.
With the reversal of the earlier judgment of default, the trial court
admitted Pulumbarit's Answer. 20 Therein, Pulumbarit denied ev"er having
offered to manage the Memorial Park for Pascual et al. Presentipg the signed
MOA as evidence, Pulumbarit countered that SJMMPI and its
officers/stockholders sold all of the subscribed capital stock of SJMMPI to
him for P750,000.00 payable in installments. 21 As sole owner, Pulumbarit
claimed he had no obligation to Pascual et al. to render accounting.
During the trial, Pascual et al. presented, among others, Eliodoro
Constantino, a Document Examiner from the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI), to prove that Pulumbarit falsified the MOA, which
caused it to not reflect their true agreement. Constantino examined the
contested MOA and testified that the second page was typed from a
typewriter different from the one used in typing pages one, three and four. 22
On July 15, 2000, the trial court promulgated its questioned
Decision 23 in favor of Pascual et al. The dispositive portion reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, judgment is hereby
rendered as follows:
Declaring null and void the Memorandum of
Agreement dated November 1982 between Lourdes S.
Pascual and Nemencio Pulumbarit, Sr. (marked exhibit "J"
for the plaintiffs and Exhibit "l" for the defendants);
Rescinding the Management Contract
entered into by Nemencio C. Pulumbarit, Sr. with the
plaintiffs for the management of the San Juan Macias
RTC records, Vol. II, pp. 390-396.
RTC records, Vol. I, p. 175.
Id. at 79.
RTC records, V / p . 833-83(1.
Id at 81 J-858.
Id. at 857-858.
Id. at 860-861.
Id. at 867-868.
Id. at 876-880.
Id. at 883-884.
Section 4 . .Judgments not stayed hy appeal. - Judgments in actions for injunction, receivership,
accounting and support, and such other judgments as are now or may hereafter be declared to be
immediately executory, shall be enforceable aller their rendition and shall not be stayed by an appeal
taken therefrom, unless otherwise ordered by the trial court. On appeal therefrom, the appellate court in
its discretion may make an order suspending, modifying, restoring or granting the injunction,
receivership, accounting, or JWard of support. xxx
RTC records, Vol. IV/(>p. 897-910.
Id. at 919-922.
prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order (TRO) and/or a writ
of preliminary injunction. 32 This case was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No.
Proceedings before the Court of Appeals
And alternative prayer to be allowed to file a counter-bond to lift the writ of execution pending
appeal issued by the trial court in accordance with Section 3, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. CA rollo,
CA-G.R. SP No. 61873, pp. 2-25.
CA rollo, CA-G.R. SP No. 61873, pp. 93-94.
Id. at 3 16-3 l 7.
CA rollo, CA-G.R. CV No. 69931, pp. 19-40.
Id. at 278.
Rollo, G.R. Nos. 153745-46, pp. 35-123.
CA rollo, CA-G.R. CV No. 69931, pp. 449-452.
Id. at 494 .
Id. at 579-612.
Id. at 663-664.
Rollo, ~.R. No. 166~73, pp. 9-46. /
Rollo, G.R. No,. 15,745-46, p. 675
A comparison of the Urgent Omnibus Motion filed on 14
September 1993 with the urgent motion to declare failure
of auction sale of the Wack Wack properly filed on 18
August 1994 discloses that the latter motion merely echoed
the allegations found in the former motion. Furthermore,
both motions prayed for the same relict: namely, the
annulment of the auction sale conducted on 7 September
1992. In effect, respondents asked the trial court in the 18
August 1994 motion to resolve an issue which has been
settled by the same court as early as 3 November 1993,
affirmed by the Court of Appeals on 31 January 1994,
and by this Court on 11 .July 1994. Equally disdainful is
the fact that the motion for reconsideration of the 1 l July
1994 ruling was still pending before this Court when
respondents filed the 18 August 1994 motion. The
foregoing actuation demonstrates defiance of the
authority and dignity of this Court and disrespect of the
. 50
. .
a d m1mstratwn
o f.1ust1cc.
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied.)
Id. at 621-622.
Here, the CA in CA-G.R. SP No. 61873 issued the TRO and the writ
of preliminary injunction against the discretionary execution on January 26,
2001 and March 28, 2001, respectively. 51 On April 16, 2001, Pulumbarit
posted the required bond amounting to PS00,000.00. 52 Pascual et al., on the
other hand, filed their motion for execution pending appeal in CA-G.R. CV
No. 69931 on May 11, 2001, nearly four months after the issuance of the
TRO, two months after the writ of injunction and almost a month from
Pulumbarit's posting of the bond.
Said motion is clearly an attempt on Pascual et al. 's part to undermine
the TRO and writ of preliminary injunction earlier issued in CA-G.R. SP No.
61873 in Pulumbarit's favor. (Notably, Pascual et al. do not appear to have
sought the reconsideration of the issuance of said injunctive orders.) Not
unlike Ducat, therefore, Pascual's filing of the motion in CA-G.R. CV No.
69931 demonstrates defiance of~ if not lack of due respect for, the authority
of the CA which earlier issued injunctive writs against the execution by the
trial court of the appealed Decision.
The consolidation of CA-G.R. CV No.
69931 with CA-G.R. SP No. 61873
was proper;
Pulumbarit 's right to due process.
Pulumbarit asserts that the consolidation of CA-G.R. CV No. 69931
with CA-G.R. SP No. 61873 is void ab initio for violating the Revised
Internal Rules of the Court of Appeals (RIRCA):
... we respectfully submit that the consolidation is void ab
initio for flagrant violation of RIRCA on (aa) Raffle of
Cases, (bb) the Procedural Jurisdiction of the Justice to
whom the Appeal Case is Raffled; (cc) Consolidation of
Cases, and what cases can be consolidated, (dd) The Justice
who can consider and act in specific incidents; and (ee)
Processing of Special Civil Actions and Procedural
Jurisdiction of the Justice to whom a Special Civil Action is
raffled ... 53
The RI RCA are rules which govern the internal operations of the CA.
It is not intended to implicate substantial rights. The rules governing case
assignments, for example, do not give rise to a right on the part of a litigant
to have his case heard by any particular division of the court or the Decision
penned by a particular Justice. 57 Barring exceptional circumstances, parties
G.R. No. 178288, August 15, 2012, 678 SCRA 469, 480.
Id. at 479-480.
Sections 6 and 7, Rule 3, 1999 Internal Rules of the Court of Appeals, do not provide for a right of
the parties to have their case be heard by a particular division or be decided by a particular Justice.
They also do not provide for a right of the parties lo be heard on the matter of case assignment and
ralTie. Sections 6 and 7 provide:
Section 6. Raffle of Cases. - Assignment of cases to a particular Justice shall be
done strictly by ratlle, whether it be the first raffle for completion of records or
the second raffle for study and repoti, subject to the following rules:
(a) All appealed cases for completion shall be raffled to individual Justices;
(b) All appealed cases. the records of which have been completed, shall be reraffled for assignment to a Justice for study and report;
(c) Special cases or petitions, including petitions for review under Rules 42 and
43 of the Rules of Court, annulment of judgments under Rule 47, special civil
actions under Rules 65 and 6, special proceedings under Rules 71 and 102 of
said Rules, and all other
itions, shall be ratfled to a Justice for completions,
study and report; and
are not heard on case raffling and similar matters, 58 as in fact internal rules
can generally be modified at any time with the changes becoming
immediately effective.
Granting, for the sake of argument, that there was some oversight in
relation to the observance of the RIRCA procedure, Pulumbarit nevertheless
failed to establish an actionable wrong separate from the alleged breach of
the said internal rules. Contrary to what he would have this Court believe,
we are convinced that there was no denial of Pulumbarit's right to due
process. The record clearly shows that Pulumbarit was given (and, in fact,
availed of) every opportunity to present his case, by way of both pleadings
and oral arguments, and pursue the appropriate reliefs before the CA. As in
fact, the CA issued, in his favor, a TRO on January 26, 2001 59 and a writ of
preliminary injunction on March 28, 2001. 60
(d) When a Justice to whom a case is raffled cannot, for any cause or reason, act
thereon, the case shall be re-rafned. (Sec. 5, Rule 3, RIRCA)
Section 7. Raffle Procedure. --a. The raffle of cases shall be open to the public and conducted daily at I 0:30
a.m., except in special raffle.
b. The raffle of cases shall be conducted by the Raffle Committee composed of
the Justices of a Division chosen for the day which shall choose by Raffle the
Raffle Committee for the following day. The staff of the committee shall be
designated by the Presiding Justice for one year, unless sooner changed.
c. To assure equality in the number and nature of cases assigned to each Justice,
separate listings shall be made of cases falling under the following categories:
(I) appealed civil cases; (2) appealed criminal cases; (3) appealed criminal cases
with detention prisoners; (4) habeas corpus cases; (5) labor cases; (6) agrarian
cases; (7) Civil Service Commission and Ombudsman cases; (8) other petitions;
and (9) cases involving substitution of a ponente, or requiring the temporary
designation of a Justice or Justices to fill a temporary vacancy, or calling for the
creation of a Division of five.
d. All requests for substitution and notices of inhibition shall be attached to
the rollo.
e. No special raffle shall be conducted except on grounds of urgent necessity and
only when authorized in writing by the Presiding Justice or in his absence or
unavailability, by the most senior Justice present. The special raffle shall be
conducted by the Raffle Committee for the day or by any of its members
present; otherwise, the Presiding Justice himself shall conduct the raffle or may
assign another Justice to do so. No special raffle shall be conducted after office
f The Ratne Staff shall furnish the Justices with the results of the raffle not later
than the following working day.
g. Upon retirement or cessation from office of a Justice, his pending cases shall
be re-raffled within three (3) months, unless otherwise directed by the Presiding
Justice, to the other Justices, except in those cases contemplated in Section 3 (e),
Rule 12 hereof~ which shall be re-raffled between the remaining Justices of the
Division who participated therein.
h. Whenever a Justice goes on leave, or three (3) months before he retires, he
shall be exempt from the raffle of cases. (Sec. 6, Rule 3, RIRCA)
CA rollo, CA- .R. SP No. 61873, pp. 93-94.
Id. at 316.
Aside from being heard in oral argument, Pulumbarit also filed with
the CA several other pleadings, including (a) a Respectful Reiteration of the
Application for a TRO and or Writ of Preliminary Injunction dated January
15, 2001 ;61 (b) Petitioner's Memorandum in Summation of the Points raised
in the Oral Arguments of February 27, 2001 and in Refutation of the
Arguments of Private Respondents dated March 5, 2001 as his Memorandum
of Authorities. 62 Clearly, there was no denial of his right to due process.
CA-G.R. SP No. 61873 not rendered
moot and academic by the filing of the
motion for execution pending appeal
in CA-G.R. CV No. 69931.
In its questioned Resolution dated May 30, 2002, the CA ruled that,
even assuming the trial court erred in allowing execution pending appeal,
Pascual et al. still had the right to apply for a similar writ before the
appellate court. It was in this sense that the CA ruled that the central issues
raised in CA-G.R. SP No. 61873 have been rendered moot and academic by
the filing of the motion. 63
We disagree.
To reiterate, Pascual et al. 's motion in CA-G.R. CV No. 69931 seeks
the CA's approval to execute the trial court's Decision pending final
disposition of Pulumbarit's appeal. CA-G.R. SP No. 61873, on the other
hand, is an action to determine whether grave abuse of discretion was
committed by the trial court when it allowed execution pending appeal. The
subjects of Pascual et al. 's motion in CA-G.R. CV No. 69931 and
Pulumbarit's petition in CA-G.R. SP No. 61873 concern two different, albeit
closely related, issues. Furthermore, any action on a motion for execution
pending appeal is only provisional in nature. The grant or denial (as the case
may be) of such a motion is always without prejudice to the court's final
disposition of the case and the issues raised therein. In fact, Section 3, Rule
39 of the Rules of Court allows the party against whom the execution of a
decision pending appeal is directed to stay the execution by posting a
supersedeas bond. 64 Section 5 of the same rule also provides that where the
executed judgment is reversed totally or partially, or annulled, on appeal or
otherwise, the trial court may, on motion, issue such orders of restitution or
reparation of damages as equity and justice may warrant under the
' T"cl
orders of restitution or reparation of damages as equity and justice may warrant under the
Diesel Construction Company, Inc. v. .Jo!libee Foods Corporation, G.R. No. 136805, January 28,
2000, 323 SCRA 844.
Id. at 849-8(50.
Id. at 851.
Id. at 860.
In this case, the grant by the CA of Pascual et al. 's motion for
discretionary/extraordinary execution was founded on the following reasons:
(I) to stop Pulumbarit from continuing to receive money from the sale of the
lots and (2) to save the property from distraint and public auction. 71 We find
the foregoing reasons insufficient to justify the execution of the trial court's
Decision pending final resolution of Pulumbarit's appeal.
For one, there is no urgent and pressing need for the immediate
execution of the Decision considering that, as noted by the CA itself,
Pulumbarit had been in possession of the subject Memorial Park for the past
twenty years. 72 Assuming the affirmance of the trial court's Decision in
Pascual et al. 's favor, Pulumbarit would still have to surrender possession of
the Park and account for all of its finances. 73
Secondly, and as in the case of DCCI v. JFC, there are alternative
remedies (i.e. re-application for receivership, loans and redemption, among
others) available to Pascual et al. that may more appropriately address their
concerns arising from the possible distraint and auction of the Memorial
Park. The existence of these remedies, in our view, negates the claim of
urgency necessary to justify execution of the trial court's Decision pending
final resolution of Pulumbarit's appeal.
The finding of fact in the application
for receivership did not constitute res
judicata as to the issue of the true
agreement between Pulumbarit and
Pascual et al.
In its questioned Decision, the CA found that Pascual et al. was bound
by the finding made by the trial court (in relation to their application for
receivership) that the agreement between the parties was one for sale and not
management. Thus:
CA Resolution dated May 30, 2002, CA rollo, CA-G. R. CV No. 69931. pp. 3 11-312.
Meanwhile, it appears from the records that the writs of execution and injunction issued by the
trial couti were partially executed. According to the Sheriffs Reports dated September 25, 2000 and
September 28, 2000, the writs were served on Mr. Mariano Pulumbarit, the person in-charge or the
business or the Memorial Park, at the premises of the memorial park. It also appears that Mr. Mariano
Pulumbarit consequently provided the cash vouchers, daily cash position report, interment order,
collection notice. contract date, price list, green copy of provisional receipt, deed of sale, certificate of
perpetual care, and cash receivables but failed to turn-over all the documents pertaining to the
Memorial Park. Thereafter, the premises were locked and copies of the writs of execution and
injunction were served on Mr. Nemencio Pulumbarit, Sr. at his office. The latter, however, refused to
give the remaining documents.
Pascual el al. admitted in their Private Respondent's Memorandum dated August I0, 200 I that
they already have administration and control of the memorial park. However, we resolve the issue of
whether execution pending appeal of the trial court's decisiot~roper on the basis of the reasons
c;tcd by the Cowt of Appeals ;n ;,, Moy 30, 2002 Rosolut;on.
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied.)
Pascual et al. do not dispute that they entered into an agreement with
Pulumbarit. What they take issue with are the terms and conditions in the
MOA which allegedly do not reflect the terms and conditions actually
agreed upon by the parties. 80 Hence, they prayed, among others, that the
MOA be declared null and void and/or rescinded and without force and
effect and that Pulumbarit be ordered to "render an accounting of his
p. 661.
RTC records, Vol. II, pp. 199-201.
RIC cococds, VoL I, p. 56.f
operation effective from the date of his takeover and to surrender all
documents, papers, deeds and sums of money in accordance therewith." 81
In ruling that the contract between the parties was a sale, the CA
reasoned thus:
As between the verbal agreement for the management
of the memorial park and the Memorandum <d. Agreement
evidencing the intention of the parties to sell the memorial
park, this Court is inclined to give more weight to the
written agreement of the parties which was duly signed
by the incorporators. Although Lourdes Sevilla Pascual,
one of the incorporators, did not sign said Memorandum <d.
Agreement, she freely executed another document to
signify the sale of her shares in the corporation.
The agreement or contract between the parties is the
formal expression of the parties' rights, duties and
obligations. It is the best evidence of the intention of the
parties. Thus, when the terms of an agreement have been
reduced into writing, it is considered as containing all the
terms agreed upon, and there can be, between the parties
and their successors-in-interest, no evidence of such terms
other than the contents of the written agreement. xxx
Although the investigation of the National Bureau of
Investigation (NBI) on the Memorandum of Agreement
yielded a finding that the second page differed in terms of
type size and type design from pages 1, 3 and 4, this does
not nullify the entire agreement, especially because page 3
thereof bore the signatures of the incorporators. The
signatures on page 3 are of utmost significance for it may
be safely concluded that pages 1 and 4 also bear the
approval of the signatories. Notably, page 1 of the
Memorandum of Agreement clearly shows the intention
of the parties to sell the memorial park ...
Assuming arguendo that no evidentiary weight could
be given to the Memorandum of Agreement, the evidence
on record would still show that appellee Dr. Pascual
really intended to sell the memorial park. This is shown
by the letter of authority given to Atty. Soledad Pascual
who was tasked to look for a buyer for the memorial
It is absurd to sustain the trial court's finding that the
agreement was for the management of the memorial park.
Notably, appellant already paid more than P400,000.00,
a substantial amount especially at the time of its
payment, the early 80s. If the agreement was really for
the management of the memorial park, it should have
Id al58.
(Emphasis supplied.)
We affirm the findings of the CA insofar as it ruled that the parties did
not contemplate a management contract with option to buy. We nevertheless
rule that the agreement entered into by the parties was not a contract of sale,
but rather, a contract to sell the shares of SJMMPI. 83
The text of the MOA between the parties shows that their agreement
was a contract to sell SJ MM Pl shares. The pe1iinent portion of page three of
the MOA reads:
While Pascual et al. are technically correct in arguing that they did not
enter into a contract of sale with Pulumbarit, they cannot deny the existence
of the stipulation in page three of the MOA evidencing a contract to sell
and negating their claim of a management contract with option to buy.
Notably, page three bears the signatures of Pulumbarit, Pascual, and the
other SJMMPI stockholders. 85 We further note that Pascual did not dispute
the authenticity of her signature appearing on page three of the MOA.
Neither did she allege during the course of the proceedings that she signed
another document or entered into another written transaction with
Pulumbarit aside from the MOA.
Even though the NBI Questioned Document Report No. I 02-384 86
(Report) stated that page two of the document was typed from a typewriter
different from that used in typing pages one, three and four, the same report
was inconclusive as to the possibility of falsification. The Report does not
contain any categorical statement from the NBI Examiner that the pages
were substituted or that the MOA was spurious or falsified.
Even if we were to assume, for the sake of argument, that page two
was in fact substituted on the ground that its type size and design are
different from the type size and design used in the other three pages of the
MOA, then we can infer that the other three pages (one of which bore the
authenticating signatures of the party) were not substituted, all three having
exactly the same type size and design. We can also further deduce that the
provisions in these un-substituted pages reflect the "true" terms and
conditions agreed upon between the parties.
This is significant as page one, which we have now established to not
have been substituted, clearly sets forth, in the preambular clauses, the
parties' positive intent to enter into a contract to sell:
offered to sell all their rights, interest and participations
with San Juan Macias Memorial Park, Inc., to the extent
indicated above to the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART
and the PARTY OF THE SECOND PART has accepted
the offer of the PARTY OF THE FIRST PART. 87
(Emphasis and underscoring supplied.)
Contrary to Pascual et al. 's claim, there is nothing in the letter to show
an admission, whether express or implied, on Pulumbarit's part that their
agreement was for management of SJMMPI.
Most telling of the real agreement between Pulumbarit and Pascual et
al. was the undisputed fact that the former made payments to the latter, and
not vice versa. As the CA correctly declared, it was indeed absurd for a
person rendering service to pay compensation to his employers. If Pascual et
al. 's version of the agreement is to be believed, they should have been the
ones paying Pulumbarit for managing the Memorial Park and not the other
way around.
During the trial, Acasio testified that as "compensation" for his
services, Pulumbarit (who had by then already paid between P500,000.00 to
P700,000.00 to manage a Park previously put up for sale for Pl,500,000.00)
will be paid for expenses incurred in the course of management and given an
option to buy the Park after two years. 93 These terms simply do not occur in
the ordinary course of business and we are hard-pressed to imagine a
reasonable person agreeing to such a business arrangement. The evidence on
record overwhelmingly shows that the contract between the parties was
indeed a contract to sell the shares of SJMMPI and the Memorial Park.
WHEREFORE, and in view of the foregoing, we resolve to:
Associate Justice
Associate \{ustice
Acting Chairperson
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the cases were assigned to the writer of the opinion of
the Court's Division.
Associate ~ustice
Acting Chairperson, Third Division
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, and the
Division Acting Chairperson's attestation, it is hereby certified that the
conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in consultation before
the cases were assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's Division.