Infectious Diseases USMLE Notes
Infectious Diseases USMLE Notes
Infectious Diseases USMLE Notes
Tick-Borne Diseases
- Is a protozoal disease caused by the genus plasmodium,
(which is a RBC parasite) .
- Transmitted by tick bite of infected: anopheles mosquitoes.
Clinical Features
- Hallmark is cyclical fever (which it coincides with RBC lyses by parasites)
Fever patter :
Fever occurs every 48 hours with vivax & ovale.
every 72 hours with malarieae,
Periodicity is NOT seen with falciparum (constant fever)
- The typical episode consists of 3 stages :
1- Cold stage: chills & shivering followed by
2- Hot stage: high grade fever 2-6 hours later
3- Sweating stage: diaphoresis & resolution of the fever.
Contraindicated in Seizures & Psych.
Clinically significant illness
usually occurs in people:
1- Over age 40, pts
2- Without a spleen, or
3- Immunocompromised.
Lyme disease
spotted fever
- The most serious tickborne disease in the US
Organisms enter the host cells via tick bites multiply in the
vascular endotheliumDamage to the vascular endothelium
results in : microhemorrhages, and microinfarcts.
NCC is the most common
parasitic infection of brain
Hydatid cyst is a fluid filled
cyst with an inner germinal
layer and an outer acellular
laminated membrane
Treatment of Neurocysticercosis :
- It is caused by the roundworm trichinella spiralis
Triad :
1- Muscle pain (myositis)
2- Periorbital edema
3- Eosinophilia
after eating raw meat = Trichinella spiralis (trichinosis)
- It is caused by the roundworm Ascaris Lumbricoides
- It is acquired by eating food that contains Embryonated egg
(containing 2nd stage rhabditiform larva)
Notes :
Ascariasis can also present with GIT symptoms + eosinophilia
larva migrans
(creeping eruption)
Notes :
Most common seen in the LE / but the UE can also be involved.
3 phases + Eosinophilia.
Initial phase: in 1st week larvae invade the intestinal wall.
GIT symptoms: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
2nd phase: in 2nd week of infection larval migration :
Local & Systemic hypersensitivity reaction
Nail : splinter hemorrhages,
Eye: conjunctival & retinal hemorrhages/per orbital edema/chemosis.
3rd phase: larvae enter the pts skeletal muscle:
Muscle symptoms: muscle pain, tenderness, swelling, weakness.
Ascariasis often presents as :
1- Lung phase with non productive cough followed by :
2- Asymptomatic intestinal phase
Symptoms result from obstruction caused by the organisms, as:
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